added DTW to app
[gsk.git] / GestureDetectionApp / GestureSensitiveControl / gen / at / mus / GestureSensitiveControl /
3 * This class was automatically generated by the
4 * aapt tool from the resource data it found. It
5 * should not be modified by hand.
6 */
8 package at.mus.GestureSensitiveControl;
10 public final class R {
11 public static final class attr {
13 public static final class drawable {
14 public static final int icon=0x7f020000;
16 public static final class id {
17 public static final int btnCloseApp=0x7f050003;
18 public static final int btnConnect=0x7f050005;
19 public static final int btnEndGesture=0x7f050009;
20 public static final int btnFindServer=0x7f050002;
21 public static final int btnSendDevMessag1=0x7f050006;
22 public static final int btnSendDevMessag2=0x7f050007;
23 public static final int btnStartGesture=0x7f050008;
24 public static final int lbAcceleration=0x7f05000a;
25 public static final int lbGyroscope=0x7f05000c;
26 public static final int lbInformation=0x7f050000;
27 public static final int lbLine=0x7f050001;
28 public static final int lbOrientation=0x7f05000b;
29 public static final int txtServerIp=0x7f050004;
31 public static final class layout {
32 public static final int main=0x7f030000;
34 public static final class string {
35 public static final int app_name=0x7f040001;
36 public static final int hello=0x7f040000;