COM-JUMP-TO-HERE and click to move cursor interface
[gsharp.git] / Mxml / mxml.lisp
1 (in-package :gsharp-mxml)
3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
4 ;; Utility functions, macros
5 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
7 (defmacro test-make-xml (obj id)
8 `(cxml:with-xml-output (cxml:make-rod-sink :indentation 2 :canonical nil)
9 (make-xml ,obj ,id)))
10 (defun write-buffer-to-xml-file (buffer filename)
11 (with-open-file (s filename :direction :output)
12 (write-string (write-mxml buffer) s)))
14 (defun pcdata (thing)
15 (let ((content (dom:first-child thing)))
16 ;; Could be empty
17 (if content
18 (string-trim '(#\Space #\Tab #\Newline)
19 (dom:node-value content))
20 "")))
21 (defun named-pcdata (node tag-name)
22 (if (has-element-type node tag-name)
23 (pcdata (elt (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name node tag-name) 0))
24 nil))
25 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
26 (defun expander-for-stringcase (keyform cases exhaustivep)
27 (let ((nkey (gensym "KEY")))
28 (flet ((expand-case (case)
29 (destructuring-bind (keys &rest forms) case
30 (cond
31 ((member keys '(t otherwise))
32 (when exhaustivep
33 (warn "~S found in ~S" keys 'estringcase))
34 `(t ,@forms))
35 ((stringp keys)
36 `((string= ,keys ,nkey) ,@forms))
37 ((and (consp keys) (every #'stringp keys))
38 `((or ,@(loop for k in keys collect `(string= ,k ,nkey)))
39 ,@forms))
41 (warn "Unrecognized keys: ~S" keys))))))
42 `(let ((,nkey ,keyform))
43 (cond
44 ,@(loop for case in cases collect (expand-case case))
45 ,@(when exhaustivep
46 `((t (error "~S failed to match any key in ~S"
47 ,nkey 'estringcase))))))))))
49 (defmacro stringcase (keyform &body cases)
50 (expander-for-stringcase keyform cases nil))
51 (defmacro estringcase (keyform &body cases)
52 (expander-for-stringcase keyform cases t))
54 (defun has-element-type (node type-name)
55 (> (length (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name node type-name)) 0))
57 (defmacro for-named-elements ((name varname node) &body body)
58 (let ((elements (gensym)))
59 `(let ((,elements (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name ,node ,name)))
60 (sequence:dosequence (,varname ,elements)
61 ,@body))))
62 (defmacro for-children ((varname node) &body body)
63 (let ((children (gensym)))
64 `(let ((,children (dom:child-nodes ,node)))
65 (sequence:dosequence (,varname ,children)
66 ,@body))))
68 (defun map-all-lists-maximally (fn id-base &rest all-lists)
69 (loop with lists = (copy-list all-lists)
70 for i from id-base
71 until (every #'null lists)
72 collecting (apply fn i (mapcar #'car lists))
73 do (map-into lists #'cdr lists)))
75 (defun split-if (predicate list)
76 (loop for x in list
77 if (funcall predicate x)
78 collect x into a
79 else
80 collect x into b
81 end
82 finally (return (values a b))))
84 (defun find-if-nthcdr (predicate n sequence)
85 "Finds the nth element that satisfies the predicate, and returns the
86 cdr with that element as the head"
87 (let ((i 0))
88 (do ((e sequence (cdr sequence)))
89 ((= i n) e)
90 (when (funcall predicate (car e))
91 (incf i)))))
93 ;; perhaps these should go in utilities.lisp
94 (defun unicode-to-string (unicode)
95 (map 'string #'gsharp-utilities:unicode-to-char unicode))
96 (defun string-to-unicode (string)
97 (map 'vector #'gsharp-utilities:char-to-unicode string))
100 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
101 ;; Notes on mapping
103 ;; gsh maps to mxml pretty well:
104 ;; staff == staff
105 ;; voice == layer
106 ;; cluster == chord
108 ;; Gsharp allows staffs to be in more than one layer, which isn't
109 ;; explicit in mxml but is there: a note has to be in one staff, but
110 ;; the notes in a chord can be in different ones while in the same
111 ;; voice.
113 ;; the mapping seems to break down in that while mxml allows notes in
114 ;; the same chord to be in different voices (though i'm not sure what
115 ;; that would mean), a cluster in gsharp belongs to one layer. this
116 ;; isn't a problem though, because the mapping of chord to cluster is
117 ;; not really one-to-one.
118 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
120 ;;;;;;;;;;;;
121 ;; Import
122 ;;;;;;;;;;;;
124 (defun parse-mxml-note-duration (note-element)
125 "Given a MusicXML note element, return the appropriate Gsharp
126 notehead, dots and beams values."
127 ;; valid types: 256th, 128th, 64th, 32nd, 16th,
128 ;; eighth, quarter, half, whole, breve, and long
129 (let ((notehead
130 (if (has-element-type note-element "type")
131 (estringcase (named-pcdata note-element "type")
132 (("256th" "128th" "64th" "32nd" "16th" "eighth" "quarter")
133 :filled)
134 ("half" :half)
135 ("whole" :whole)
136 ;; KLUDGE: "full" here (and for beams) I think is a
137 ;; feature of catering for Nightingale's MusicXML
138 ;; export, which is wrong in this respect.
139 (("breve" "full") :breve)
140 ("long" :long))
141 :filled))
142 (beams
143 (if (has-element-type note-element "type")
144 (estringcase (named-pcdata note-element "type")
145 ("256th" 6)
146 ("128th" 5)
147 ("64th" 4)
148 ("32nd" 3)
149 ("16th" 2)
150 ("eighth" 1)
151 (("quarter" "half" "whole" "breve" "full" "long") 0))
153 (dots (length (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name note-element "dot")))
154 (stem (if (has-element-type note-element "stem")
155 (cond
156 ((string= (named-pcdata note-element "stem") "up") :up)
157 ((string= (named-pcdata note-element "stem") "down"):down)
158 (t :auto))
159 :auto)))
160 (values notehead beams dots stem)))
162 (defparameter *step-to-basenote* '((#\C . 0)
163 (#\D . 1)
164 (#\E . 2)
165 (#\F . 3)
166 (#\G . 4)
167 (#\A . 5)
168 (#\B . 6)))
170 (defun xmlnote-to-gsh (step octave)
171 ;; C4 is middle C is 28
172 (let ((basenum (cdr (assoc (char-upcase (character step)) *step-to-basenote*))))
173 (+ basenum (* 7 octave))))
175 (defun parse-mxml-accidental (note)
176 ;; I (presumably Brian Gruber -- CSR) wrote it fairly early on and
177 ;; it doesn't use things like has-element which it should.
178 (let ((alters (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name note "alter")))
179 (if (= 0 (length alters))
180 :natural
181 (let ((alter (pcdata (elt alters 0))))
182 (stringcase alter
183 ("1" :sharp)
184 ("0" :natural)
185 ("-1" :flat)
186 ("2" :double-sharp)
187 ("1.5" :sesquisharp)
188 ("0.5" :semisharp)
189 ("-0.5" :semiflat)
190 ("-1.5" :sesquiflat)
191 ("-2" :double-flat)
192 (t :natural))))))
194 (defun parse-mxml-note-staff-number (note)
195 (if (has-element-type note "staff")
196 (1- (parse-integer
197 (named-pcdata note "staff")))
200 (defun parse-mxml-note-staff (note staves)
201 "Given an xml note element and a list of all the staff objects, return
202 the staff object the note is supposed to be assigned to. If none is
203 specified, returns the first (hopefully default) staff."
204 (let ((melody-staves
205 (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (not (typep s 'fiveline-staff))) staves)))
206 (elt melody-staves (parse-mxml-note-staff-number note))))
208 (defvar *parsing-in-cluster*)
210 (defun parse-mxml-pitched-note (note staves)
211 (let* ((staff (parse-mxml-note-staff note staves))
212 (step (named-pcdata note "step"))
213 (octave (parse-integer (named-pcdata note "octave")))
214 (pitch (xmlnote-to-gsh step octave))
215 (accidentals (parse-mxml-accidental note))
216 (tie-left nil)
217 (tie-right nil))
218 (for-named-elements ("tied" tie note)
219 (estringcase (dom:get-attribute tie "type")
220 ("start" (setf tie-right t))
221 ("stop" (setf tie-left t))))
222 (for-named-elements ("staccato" stacc note)
223 (declare (ignore stacc))
224 (pushnew :staccato (annotations *parsing-in-cluster*)))
225 (for-named-elements ("tenuto" ten note)
226 (declare (ignore ten))
227 (pushnew :tenuto (annotations *parsing-in-cluster*)))
228 (make-instance 'note :pitch pitch :staff staff :accidentals accidentals
229 :tie-left tie-left :tie-right tie-right)))
231 (defvar *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)
232 (defvar *mxml-divisions*)
233 (defun parse-mxml-note (xnote bars staves lyrics-layer-hash)
234 ;; TODO: There is nothing in MusicXML that stops you from having
235 ;; multiple notes in a chord that have different durations, types,
236 ;; and dots, something which Gsharp does not support in any way.
237 ;; However, this is not something often run into: if 2 notes struck
238 ;; simultaneously have different rhythmic properties, they are
239 ;; almost always to be notated in separate voices. Supporting the
240 ;; rare case here is quite complicated, as it requires the
241 ;; spontaneous creation of another layer to accommodate it, so for
242 ;; now, this code will assume that all notes in a chord have the
243 ;; same type and dots as the first one mentioned in the MusicXML
244 ;; file. Suggested revision: throw a condition asking the user if
245 ;; they want to omit the note or make it the same duration as the
246 ;; others.
248 ;; Also, this breaks if you have a rest in a chord, which you can
249 ;; have in MusicXML, but I'm not really sure what that would be.
250 (let ((bar (elt bars (if (has-element-type xnote "voice")
251 (1- (parse-integer (named-pcdata xnote "voice")))
252 0)))
253 (advance 0))
254 (multiple-value-bind (notehead beams dots)
255 (parse-mxml-note-duration xnote)
257 (when (has-element-type xnote "lyric")
258 (let* ((xlyric (elt (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name xnote "lyric") 0))
259 (lyrics-staff
260 (cadr (find-if-nthcdr #'(lambda (s) (not (typep s 'lyrics-staff)))
261 (parse-mxml-note-staff-number xnote)
262 staves)))
263 (lyrics-layer (gethash lyrics-staff lyrics-layer-hash))
264 (lyrics-bar (car (last (bars (body lyrics-layer)))))
265 (lyrics-element (make-lyrics-element lyrics-staff
266 :notehead notehead
267 :lbeams beams
268 :rbeams beams
269 :dots dots)))
270 ;; TODO there can be multiple lyrics on a given xml-note,
271 ;; presumably for verses or something. Right now this just
272 ;; ignores all but the first one, but this should be addressed.
273 (loop for c across (string-to-unicode (named-pcdata xlyric "text"))
274 do (append-char lyrics-element c))
275 (add-element-at-duration lyrics-element
276 lyrics-bar
277 *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)))
279 (when (has-element-type xnote "rest")
280 (let ((new-rest (make-rest (parse-mxml-note-staff xnote staves)
281 :notehead notehead
282 :lbeams beams
283 :rbeams beams
284 :dots dots)))
285 (add-element-at-duration new-rest
287 *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)
288 (setf advance (duration new-rest))))
290 (when (has-element-type xnote "pitch")
291 (progn
292 (unless (has-element-type xnote "chord")
293 (multiple-value-bind (notehead beams dots stem)
294 (parse-mxml-note-duration xnote)
295 (setf *parsing-in-cluster* (make-cluster :notehead notehead
296 :lbeams beams
297 :rbeams beams
298 :dots dots
299 :stem-direction stem)))
301 (add-element-at-duration *parsing-in-cluster* bar *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)
302 (setf advance (duration *parsing-in-cluster*)))
303 (add-note *parsing-in-cluster* (parse-mxml-pitched-note xnote staves))))
305 (incf *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position* advance))))
307 (defun add-element-at-duration (element bar duration-position)
308 ;; go through the bar, adding up the 'duration' value of each element.
309 ;; if the total is less than the desired duration-position,
310 ;; add an empty cluster of the appropriate length, and then add the new element.
311 ;; when the sum is greater than the duration where the element should be placed, look at what the last element was
312 ;; if it's not an empty element
313 ;; throw some kind of error
314 ;; else
315 ;; concatenate empty elements together
316 ;; if there's not enough room, (this is a fairly complicated calculation), error
317 ;; else split up the empty cluster and insert the new element
318 (loop for ecdr = (elements bar) then (cdr ecdr)
319 for e = (car ecdr)
320 for position from 0
321 until (null ecdr)
322 for edur = (duration e)
323 summing edur into total-duration
324 until (> total-duration duration-position)
325 finally
326 (if (<= total-duration duration-position) ;;(this is going at the end of the bar)
327 (progn
328 (dolist (empty-cluster
329 (generate-empty-clusters (- duration-position total-duration)))
330 (add-element empty-cluster bar position)
331 (incf position))
332 (add-element element bar position))
333 (if (is-empty e)
334 (let ((empty-duration
335 (loop for ee in ecdr
336 until (not (is-empty ee))
337 summing (duration ee))))
338 ;; make sure there is enough empty space
339 (if (> (duration element) empty-duration)
340 (error "There is not enough empty space to put this element")
341 (progn
342 ;; remove all the empty space
343 (loop for ee in ecdr
344 until (not (is-empty ee))
345 do (remove-element ee bar))
347 ;; add back the needed empty preceding space
348 (dolist (empty-cluster
349 (generate-empty-clusters (- duration-position (- total-duration edur))))
350 (add-element empty-cluster bar position)
351 (incf position))
353 ;; add the element
354 (add-element element bar position)
355 (incf position)
357 ;; add the trailing empty space
358 (dolist (empty-cluster
359 (generate-empty-clusters
360 (- empty-duration (- duration-position (- total-duration edur)) (duration element))))
361 (add-element empty-cluster bar position)
362 (incf position)))))
363 ;; FIXME: this restart isn't actually good enough; it
364 ;; is legitimate to have a new element at the same
365 ;; offset from the start of the bar as a previous
366 ;; element, as long as that previous element had zero
367 ;; duration (e.g. key signature)
368 (restart-case
369 (error "There is already a non-empty element here")
370 (add-anyway ()
371 (add-element element bar position)
372 (incf position)))))))
374 (defgeneric is-empty (element))
375 (defmethod is-empty ((element cons))
377 (defmethod is-empty ((element element))
378 nil)
379 (defmethod is-empty ((lyrics-element lyrics-element))
380 (= 0 (length (text lyrics-element))))
381 (defmethod is-empty ((cluster cluster))
382 (null (notes cluster)))
385 (defun generate-empty-clusters (duration)
386 (let ((whole-divisions 1)
387 (half-divisions 1/2)
388 (quarter-divisions 1/4))
389 (nconc
390 (loop until (> whole-divisions duration)
391 do (decf duration whole-divisions)
392 collect (make-cluster :notehead :whole))
393 (loop until (> half-divisions duration)
394 do (decf duration half-divisions)
395 collect (make-cluster :notehead :half))
396 (loop until (> quarter-divisions duration)
397 do (decf duration quarter-divisions)
398 collect (make-cluster :notehead :filled))
399 (loop for beams from 1
400 for divisions = (/ quarter-divisions 2) then (/ divisions 2)
401 nconc
402 (loop until (> divisions duration)
403 do (decf duration divisions)
404 collect (make-cluster :notehead :filled :lbeams beams :rbeams beams))
405 until (= duration 0)))))
407 (defun parse-mxml-clef (clef)
408 "Takes dom element for clef and returns a clef object"
409 (let ((name (stringcase (named-pcdata clef "sign")
410 ("G" (if (string= (named-pcdata clef "clef-octave-change")
411 "-1")
412 :treble8
413 :treble))
414 ("F" :bass)
415 ("C" :c)
416 ("percussion" :percussion)
417 ;; "TAB" and "none" are the other, unsupported choices,
418 ;; along with other octave shifts.
419 (t :c)))
420 (lineno (if (has-element-type clef "line")
421 (* 2 (1- (parse-integer (named-pcdata clef "line"))))
422 nil))
423 (staff-number (if (dom:has-attribute clef "number")
424 (1- (parse-integer (dom:get-attribute clef "number")))
425 0)))
426 (values (make-clef name :lineno lineno) staff-number)))
428 (defun parse-mxml-key (key staves)
429 "Takes a dom element 'key' and returns a key-signature object"
431 (let ((alterations (fill (make-array 7) :natural))
432 (fifths-element (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name key "fifths"))
434 (staff (nth (if (dom:has-attribute key "number")
435 (1- (parse-integer (dom:get-attribute key "number")))
436 ;; TODO: this next line is wrong... it's
437 ;; supposed to apply to all staves if the
438 ;; staff isn't specified
440 (remove-if #'(lambda (s) (typep s 'lyrics-staff)) staves))))
441 (if (eql 1 (length fifths-element))
442 (let ((fifths (parse-integer (pcdata (elt fifths-element 0))))
443 (order-of-sharps #(3 0 4 1 5 2 6))
444 (order-of-flats #(6 2 5 1 4 0 3))
445 (key-signature (gsharp-buffer::make-key-signature staff)))
446 ;; deal with the basic fifths
447 (if (< fifths 0)
448 ;; well, this would have been a nice way to do it, but
449 ;; it doesn't work:
450 ;; (more-flats key-signature (abs fifths))
451 ;; (more-sharps key-signature fifths))
453 (dotimes (index (abs fifths))
454 (setf (elt alterations (elt order-of-flats index)) :flat))
455 (dotimes (index fifths)
456 (setf (elt alterations (elt order-of-sharps index)) :sharp)))
457 key-signature)
459 ;; Deal with weird key signatures
460 ;; The DTD specifies that it goes step, alter, step, alter. If
461 ;; it doesn't, the parser should have barfed when the file was
462 ;; loaded, so I'm not checking it here.
463 (let ((steps (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name key "key-step"))
464 (alters (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name key "key-alter")))
465 (loop for step across steps
466 for alter across (map 'vector #'pcdata alters)
468 (let ((index
469 (cdr (assoc
470 (char-upcase (character (pcdata step)))
471 *step-to-basenote*))))
472 (setf (elt alterations index)
473 (stringcase alter
474 ("1" :sharp)
475 ("0" :natural)
476 ("-1" :flat)
477 ("2" :double-sharp)
478 ("-2" :double-flat)
479 (t :natural)))))))
480 (gsharp-buffer::make-key-signature staff :alterations alterations)))
482 (defun xmlstaff-has-lyrics (part staff-number)
483 "Given a MusicXML part and a staff number, determine if any of the
484 note elements in that staff have associated lyrics."
485 (for-named-elements ("note" note part)
486 (let ((staff (if (has-element-type note "staff")
487 (parse-integer (named-pcdata note "staff"))
488 1)))
489 (when (eql staff staff-number)
490 (when (has-element-type note "lyric")
491 (return-from xmlstaff-has-lyrics t)))))
492 nil)
494 (defun copy-keysignature (ks)
495 (gsharp-buffer::make-key-signature
496 (staff ks) :alterations (copy-seq (alterations ks))))
497 (defun copy-clef (clef)
498 (make-clef (name clef) :lineno (lineno clef)))
500 (defun gduration-from-xduration (xduration)
501 (/ xduration (* 4 *mxml-divisions*)))
503 (defun parse-mxml-part (part part-name)
504 (let ((staves nil)
505 (layers nil)
506 (lyrics-layer-hash (make-hash-table)))
507 ;; Create all of the staves, along with their initial
508 ;; keysignatures and clefs.
509 ;; TODO change this to do look in the current part, not the
510 ;; current doc
512 ;; handling lyric staves: for every new stave i make, look to see
513 ;; if any of the note elements assigned to this staff have a
514 ;; lyrics element. if such a beast exists, create a new lyric
515 ;; staff and a new layer, which should come immediately after the
516 ;; melody staff in question in the staves list.
518 (let* ((number-of-staves
519 (max 1
520 (loop for x across
521 (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name part "staves")
522 maximizing (parse-integer (pcdata x)))))
523 (clefs (make-array number-of-staves))
524 (measures (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name part "measure"))
525 (attributes))
526 ;; The attributes don't appear to need to be the first things in
527 ;; a bar (see the Dichterliebe example on recordare
528 ;; website---it's a v2.0 example, but I can't see where what it
529 ;; does would be illegal in v1). I don't know what can precede
530 ;; it in the wild, but the dtd is very permissive. This approach
531 ;; allows the element to occur anywhere---not even limiting it
532 ;; to the first bar. This may be stupid, but I can't tell.
533 (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
534 ((= i (length measures)))
535 (do ((thing (dom:first-child (elt measures i))
536 (dom:next-sibling thing)))
537 ((not thing))
538 (when (string= (dom:tag-name thing) "attributes")
539 (setf attributes thing)
540 (return)))
541 (when attributes
542 (return)))
543 (when attributes
545 ;; clefs need to be made before i make the staves, keysigs
546 ;; after. don't ask.
547 ;; clefs
548 (for-named-elements ("clef" clef attributes)
549 (multiple-value-bind (new-clef staff-number)
550 (parse-mxml-clef clef)
551 (setf (elt clefs staff-number) new-clef)))
552 ;; every fiveline staff must have a clef, even if the xml file did not specify one
553 (loop for clef across clefs
554 for i from 0
555 do (when (eql 0 clef)
556 (setf (elt clefs i) (make-clef :treble))))
557 ;; staves
558 ;; remember that the order of the staves matters, and the
559 ;; order that they are put in here is the order they will be
560 ;; in when added to the buffer.
561 (setf staves
562 (loop for i below number-of-staves
563 for melody-staff = (make-fiveline-staff :name (if (= number-of-staves 1)
564 part-name
565 (format nil "~A staff ~D" part-name (1+ i)))
566 :clef (elt clefs i))
567 for lyric-staff = (if (xmlstaff-has-lyrics part (1+ i))
568 (list (make-lyrics-staff :name (if (= number-of-staves 1)
569 part-name
570 (format nil "~A lyricstaff ~D" part-name (1+ i)))))
571 nil)
572 nconc (cons melody-staff lyric-staff)))
573 ;; keysignatures
574 (for-named-elements ("key" key attributes)
575 (let ((keysig (parse-mxml-key key staves)))
576 (setf (keysig (staff keysig)) keysig)))))
578 ;; make the layers
579 (multiple-value-bind (lyrics-staves fiveline-staves)
580 (split-if #'(lambda (s) (typep s 'lyrics-staff)) staves)
581 ;; first figure out which staves go in each layer
582 (let ((staves-for-layers (make-array
583 (max 1
584 (loop for x across
585 (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name part "voice")
586 maximizing (parse-integer (pcdata x))))
587 :initial-element nil)))
588 (for-named-elements ("note" note part)
589 (let ((staff-number (if (has-element-type note "staff")
590 (1- (parse-integer (named-pcdata note "staff")))
592 (voice-number (if (has-element-type note "voice")
593 (1- (parse-integer (named-pcdata note "voice")))
594 0)))
595 (pushnew (nth staff-number fiveline-staves) (elt staves-for-layers voice-number))))
596 (setf layers (nconc
597 (loop for staves across staves-for-layers
598 for i from 1
599 collect (make-layer staves
600 :body (make-slice :bars nil)
601 :name (if (= (length staves-for-layers) 1)
602 part-name
603 (format nil "~A layer ~D" part-name i))))
604 (loop for lyrics-staff in lyrics-staves
605 for i from 1
606 for new-layer = (make-layer (list lyrics-staff)
607 :body (make-slice :bars nil)
608 :name (if (= (length staves-for-layers) 1)
609 part-name
610 (format nil "~A lyrics-layer ~D" part-name i)))
611 do (setf (gethash lyrics-staff lyrics-layer-hash) new-layer)
612 collecting new-layer)))))
614 ;; return the layers and the staves
615 (values layers
616 staves
617 lyrics-layer-hash)))
619 (defun parse-make-segment (part layers staves lyrics-layer-hash)
620 ;;look at each element
621 (loop for measure across (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name part "measure")
622 for measure-position from 0
624 (let ((bars (loop for layer in layers
625 for new-bar = (if (typep layer 'melody-layer)
626 (make-melody-bar)
627 (make-lyrics-bar))
628 do (add-bar new-bar (body layer) measure-position)
629 collect new-bar))
630 (*parsing-duration-gmeasure-position* 0)
631 (*parsing-in-cluster* nil))
633 (for-children (child measure)
634 (let ((element-type (dom:tag-name child)))
635 (stringcase element-type
636 ("note"
637 (parse-mxml-note child bars staves lyrics-layer-hash))
639 ("attributes"
640 ;; Divisions:
641 (when (has-element-type child "divisions")
642 (setf *mxml-divisions* (parse-integer (named-pcdata child "divisions"))))
644 ;; Keysigs:
646 ;; if we haven't written anything yet, this
647 ;; keysignature got added to the staff itself
648 (unless (= 0 measure-position *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)
649 (when (has-element-type child "key")
650 (let ((new-keysignature (parse-mxml-key
651 (elt (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name child "key") 0)
652 staves)))
653 (loop for bar in bars
654 do (when (find (staff new-keysignature) (staves (layer (slice bar))))
655 (add-element-at-duration
656 (copy-keysignature new-keysignature)
657 bar *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)))))
658 (when (has-element-type child "clef")
659 ;; spacer till this is available in gsharp
660 #+nil (multiple-value-bind (new-clef staff-number)
661 (parse-mxml-clef (elt (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name child "clef") 0))
662 (loop for bar in bars
663 do (when (find (nth staff-number staves) (staves (layer (slice bar))))
664 (add-element-at-duration
665 (copy-clef new-clef) bar
666 *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*)))))))
668 ("backup" (setf *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*
669 (max (- *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*
670 (gduration-from-xduration
671 (parse-integer (named-pcdata child "duration"))))
672 0)))
673 ("forward" (incf *parsing-duration-gmeasure-position*
674 (gduration-from-xduration
675 (parse-integer (named-pcdata child "duration")))))))))))
677 (defun parse-mxml (document)
678 (let ((layerss nil)
679 (lyrics-layer-hashes nil)
680 (stavess nil)
681 (parts (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name document "part"))
682 (parts-alist nil))
683 (sequence:dosequence (part (dom:child-nodes
684 (aref (dom:get-elements-by-tag-name document "part-list")
685 0)))
686 (setf parts-alist
687 (if (has-element-type part "part-name")
688 (acons (dom:get-attribute part "id")
689 (named-pcdata part "part-name")
690 parts-alist)
691 (acons (dom:get-attribute part "id")
692 (dom:get-attribute part "id")
693 parts-alist))))
694 (sequence:dosequence (part parts)
695 (multiple-value-bind (layers staves lyrics-layer-hash)
696 (parse-mxml-part part (cdr (assoc (dom:get-attribute part "id")
697 parts-alist :test #'string=)))
698 (setf layerss
699 (append layerss (list layers)))
700 (setf lyrics-layer-hashes
701 (append lyrics-layer-hashes (list lyrics-layer-hash)))
702 (setf stavess (append stavess (list staves)))))
704 ;; And finally make the buffer and start parsing notes.
705 ;; Previous operations result in staves and layers in opposite
706 ;; orders (don't know why) - hence the reverse for segment layers
707 (let* ((segment (make-instance 'segment
708 :layers (reverse (apply #'concatenate 'list layerss))))
709 (buffer (make-instance 'buffer
710 :segments (list segment)
711 :staves (apply #'concatenate 'list stavess))))
712 (loop for part across parts
713 for lyrics-layer-hash in lyrics-layer-hashes
714 for layers in layerss
715 for staves in stavess
716 with *mxml-divisions* = nil
717 do (parse-make-segment part layers staves lyrics-layer-hash))
718 buffer)))
720 (defvar *mxml-dtds-dir*
721 (merge-pathnames "mxml-dtds/"
722 (make-pathname
723 :directory (pathname-directory
724 (load-time-value *load-pathname*)))))
725 (defun musicxml-document (pathname)
726 (flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
727 (declare (ignore pubid))
728 (when (equal (puri:uri-host sysid) "")
729 (open (merge-pathnames
730 (get-dtd-path (puri:uri-parsed-path sysid))
731 *mxml-dtds-dir*)
732 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))
733 (cxml:parse-file pathname (cxml:make-whitespace-normalizer
734 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))
735 :entity-resolver #'resolver :validate t)))
736 (defun get-dtd-path (uri-path)
737 (let* ((parsed-path uri-path)
738 (parent-dir (nth (- (list-length parsed-path) 2)
739 parsed-path))
740 (filename (car (last parsed-path))))
741 (cond
742 ((member parent-dir '("1.0" "1.1" "2.0") :test #'string=)
743 (format nil "~D/~D" parent-dir filename))
744 (t (format nil "2.0/~D" filename)))))
748 (defun musicxml-document-from-string (string)
749 (flet ((resolver (pubid sysid)
750 (declare (ignore pubid))
751 (when (equal (puri:uri-host sysid) "")
752 (open (merge-pathnames
753 (file-namestring (puri:uri-path sysid))
754 *mxml-dtds-dir*)
755 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))
756 (cxml:parse-rod string (cxml:make-whitespace-normalizer
757 (cxml-dom:make-dom-builder))
758 :entity-resolver #'resolver :validate t)))
760 ;;;;;;;;;;;
761 ;; Export
762 ;;;;;;;;;;;
763 (defvar *staff-hash*)
765 (defun guess-parts (layers)
766 ;; Looks for the way of dividing layers into as many mxml-parts as
767 ;; possible without ending up with a single staff in two
768 ;; parts. Returns two parallel lists - one of lists of layers, the
769 ;; other of staves.
770 (let ((parts))
771 (dolist (layer layers (values (mapcar #'second parts)
772 (mapcar #'first parts)))
773 (dolist (part parts (setf parts (cons (list (staves layer)
774 (list layer))
775 parts)))
776 (when (not (every #'(lambda (x) (not (member x (first part))))
777 (staves layer)))
778 (setf (first part) (union (staves layer)
779 (first part))
780 (second part) (cons layer (second part)))
781 (return))))))
783 (defun ordered-parts (segment buffer)
784 ;; sort parts that can have multiple layers and staves. Sort by
785 ;; stave order and then by layers order.
786 (multiple-value-bind (part-layers part-staves)
787 (guess-parts (layers segment))
788 (let* ((s-positions (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
789 (loop for stave in x
790 minimize (position stave (staves buffer))))
791 part-staves))
792 (l-positions (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
793 (loop for layer in x
794 minimize (position layer (layers segment))))
795 part-layers))
796 (parts (mapcar #'list part-layers s-positions l-positions)))
797 (mapcar #'car
798 (sort parts #'(lambda (x y) (or (< (second x) (second y))
799 (and (= (second x) (second y))
800 (< (third x) (third y))))))))))
802 (defun write-mxml (buffer)
803 ;; Create mxml for buffer. Previously took part = segment, now takes
804 ;; part = layer.
805 (let ((sink (cxml:make-rod-sink :indentation 2 :canonical nil))
806 (ordered-parts))
807 (cxml:with-xml-output sink
808 (sax:start-dtd sink
809 "score-partwise"
810 "-//Recordare//DTD MusicXML 1.1 Partwise//EN"
811 "")
812 (sax:end-dtd sink)
813 (cxml:with-element "score-partwise"
814 (cxml:attribute "version" "1.1")
815 (loop for segment in (segments buffer)
816 with measure-number = 1
818 (setf ordered-parts (ordered-parts segment buffer))
819 (make-xml-partlist ordered-parts)
820 (make-xml-segment segment measure-number ordered-parts)
821 (setf measure-number
822 (+ measure-number
823 (loop for layer in (layers segment)
824 maximizing (length (bars (body layer)))))))))))
826 (defun make-xml-partlist (part-list)
827 ;; Generates the part-list element based on sublists of layers. Part ID's are
828 ;; numbered P1, P2, etc., part names are taken from the layer names.
829 (cxml:with-element "part-list"
830 (do ((part-list part-list (cdr part-list))
831 (i 1 (1+ i)))
832 ((null part-list))
833 (cxml:with-element "score-part"
834 (cxml:attribute "id" (format nil "P~D" i))
835 (cxml:with-element "part-name"
836 (cxml:text (name-for-part (car part-list))))))))
838 (defun name-for-part (layers)
839 (apply #'concatenate 'string (name (car layers))
840 (loop for layer in (cdr layers)
841 collect (format nil ", ~A" (name layer)))))
843 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
844 ;; Dealing with durations
845 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
846 (defun extract-all-elements (segment)
847 (loop for layer in (layers segment)
848 append (loop for bar in (bars (body layer))
849 appending (elements bar))))
851 (defun calculate-required-divisions (element)
852 "Determines what fraction of a quarter note is required to represent
853 the duration of this note. For example, passing a quarter-note will
854 return 1. Passing a double-dotted half-note will return 2. Passing a
855 dotted 16th note will return 8."
856 (when (not (typep element 'rhythmic-element))
857 (return-from calculate-required-divisions 1))
858 ;; so gsharp allows you to have half- and whole- notes w/
859 ;; flags/beams. i'm just gonna pretend that said flags/beams make
860 ;; any note half of it's normal value.
861 (let ((base-value
862 (ecase (notehead element)
863 (:filled 1)
864 (:whole 1/4)
865 (:half 1/2)
866 (:breve 1/8)
867 (:long 1/16)))
868 (dots (dots element))
869 (beams (max (rbeams element) (lbeams element))))
870 (ceiling (* base-value (expt 2 (+ beams dots))))))
872 (defun calculate-duration (element)
873 ;; If not all of these calculations result in integers, then
874 ;; calculate-required-divisions did not work properly.
875 (let ((base-value
876 (ecase (notehead element)
877 (:filled 1)
878 (:long 16)
879 (:breve 8)
880 (:whole 4)
881 (:half 2)))
882 (dots (dots element))
883 (beams (max (rbeams element) (lbeams element))))
884 (let ((b (* *mxml-divisions* base-value (expt 2 (* -1 beams)))))
885 (loop for i upto dots
886 summing (* b (expt 2 (* -1 i)))))))
888 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
889 ;; Back to exporting
890 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
892 (defun make-xml-segment (segment first-bar-number ordered-parts)
894 ;; Evaluate the appropriate mxml divisions.
895 ;; i think the beginning of a segment is a good place to do this. i
896 ;; have no real reason for doing it at this level, it just seems
897 ;; right.
898 (let ((*mxml-divisions*
899 (loop for element in (extract-all-elements segment)
900 maximizing (calculate-required-divisions element))))
901 (do* ((parts ordered-parts (cdr parts))
902 (part (car parts) (car parts))
903 (i 1 (1+ i)))
904 ((null parts))
905 (let ((*staff-hash*
906 (make-staff-hash (remove-duplicates
907 (apply #'concatenate 'list
908 (mapcar #'staves part))))))
909 (cxml:with-element "part"
910 (cxml:attribute "id" (format nil "P~D" i))
911 (do ((part-bars (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (bars (body x)))
912 part)
913 (mapcar #'cdr part-bars))
914 (bar-no first-bar-number (1+ bar-no)))
915 ((null (car part-bars)))
916 (apply #'make-xml-bars bar-no part (mapcar #'car part-bars))))))))
918 ;;(defun make-xml-layer (layer)
919 ;; (let ((body (body layer)))
920 ;; (loop for bar in (bars body)
921 ;; for measurenum from 1
922 ;; do (make-xml-bar bar measurenum))))
924 (defun make-staff-hash (staves)
925 (let ((new-staff-hash (make-hash-table :size (length staves))))
926 (loop for staff in staves
927 and i from 1
929 (multiple-value-bind (v p) (gethash staff new-staff-hash)
930 (declare (ignore v))
931 (unless p
932 (setf (gethash staff new-staff-hash) i))))
933 new-staff-hash))
935 (defun make-xml-bars (id layers &rest bars)
936 (cxml:with-element "measure"
937 (cxml:attribute "number" (write-to-string id))
939 ;; There are some things that can change mid-measure, mid-segment,
940 ;; whatever, in mxml that can't change in gsharp (number of
941 ;; staves, clef). Other things don't really have any meaning in
942 ;; gsharp and so can't change: notably "divisions" and
943 ;; "beats". These things will get written in the first measure of
944 ;; the layer. Keysignatures CAN change in gsharp, but each staff
945 ;; also has a keysignature assigned to it, so that will also go
946 ;; into the first measure.
948 ;; This is sort of an abuse of the measure number, since it is
949 ;; really intended for printed measure numbers that would get
950 ;; printed on a score, and are intended to be arbitrary rather
951 ;; than purely sequential, starting with 1. But since gsharp
952 ;; doesn't really have measure numbers of this sort, the numbers
953 ;; resulting from an export operation will always be sequential
954 ;; and start from one.
955 (if (eql 1 id)
956 (cxml:with-element "attributes"
957 (cxml:with-element "divisions"
958 (cxml:text (write-to-string *mxml-divisions*)))
960 (let* ((staves (reduce #'union (mapcar #'staves layers)))
961 (melody-staves
962 (remove-if
963 #'(lambda (staff) (typep staff 'lyrics-staff)) staves))
964 (staves-length (length staves)))
966 ;; what i would consider a bug in musicxml 1.1: only one
967 ;; key allowed per attribute element, despite the fact
968 ;; that you can specify which staff the key goes on. This
969 ;; is fixed in MusicXML 2.0.
970 ;; TODO: put a bunch more attribute elements after this
971 ;; one if the other staves have different key signatures.
972 ;; N.B. These comments are largely based on the
973 ;; parts/segments/layers issue. Should be a very rare issue
974 ;; with the new code.
975 (let ((staff (car melody-staves)))
976 (cxml:with-element "key"
977 (alterations-to-fifths
978 (alterations (keysig staff)))))
980 (when (> staves-length 1)
981 (cxml:with-element "staves"
982 (cxml:text (write-to-string staves-length))))
983 (loop for staff in melody-staves
984 for clef = (clef staff)
985 ;; possibilities for MusicXML:
986 ;; G, F, C, percussion, TAB, and none
987 for clef-sign = (case (name clef)
988 (:treble "G")
989 (:treble8 "G")
990 (:bass "F")
991 (:c "C")
992 (:percussion "percussion"))
993 for clef-line = (1+ (/ (lineno clef) 2))
994 for staff-num = (gethash staff *staff-hash*)
996 (cxml:with-element "clef"
997 (when (> staves-length 1)
998 (cxml:attribute "number" (write-to-string staff-num)))
999 (cxml:with-element "sign"
1000 (cxml:text clef-sign))
1001 (cxml:with-element "line"
1002 (cxml:text (write-to-string clef-line)))
1003 (when (eq (name clef) :treble8)
1004 (cxml:with-element "clef-octave-change"
1005 (cxml:text "-1"))))))))
1007 ;; process each bar, backing up only if there's a "next" bar
1008 (loop for voice from 1
1009 and bar in bars
1010 do (unless (null bar)
1011 (make-xml-bar bar (unless (= voice 1) voice))
1012 (unless (= voice (length bars))
1013 ;; TODO: if spaces are the first thing in the next bar,
1014 ;; don't output backwards followed by a forwards.
1015 (cxml:with-element "backup"
1016 (cxml:with-element "duration"
1017 (cxml:text (write-to-string (bar-duration bar))))))))))
1019 (defun bar-duration (bar)
1020 (loop for element in (elements bar)
1021 when (typep element 'rhythmic-element)
1022 sum (calculate-duration element)))
1024 (defun make-xml-bar (bar voice)
1025 ;; and now do whatever elements are in there
1026 (loop for element in (elements bar)
1027 do (make-xml-element element voice)))
1029 (defgeneric make-xml-element (gharp-element voice))
1031 (defun rhythmic-element-type (element)
1032 (ecase (notehead element)
1033 (:long "long")
1034 (:breve "breve")
1035 (:whole "whole")
1036 (:half "half")
1037 (:filled
1038 (ecase (max (rbeams element) (lbeams element))
1039 (0 "quarter")
1040 (1 "eighth")
1041 (2 "16th")
1042 (3 "32nd")
1043 (4 "64th")
1044 (5 "128th")
1045 (6 "256th")))))
1047 (defmethod make-xml-element ((rest rest) voice)
1048 (let ((duration (calculate-duration rest))
1049 (type (rhythmic-element-type rest))
1050 (dots (dots rest)))
1051 (cxml:with-element "note"
1052 (cxml:with-element "rest")
1053 (cxml:with-element "duration" (cxml:text (write-to-string duration)))
1054 (unless (null voice)
1055 (cxml:with-element "voice" (cxml:text (write-to-string voice))))
1056 (cxml:with-element "type" (cxml:text type))
1057 (loop repeat dots
1058 do (cxml:with-element "dot"))
1059 (when (> (hash-table-count *staff-hash*) 1)
1060 (cxml:with-element "staff"
1061 (cxml:text (write-to-string (gethash (staff rest) *staff-hash*))))))))
1063 (defmethod make-xml-element ((cluster cluster) voice)
1064 ;; this maybe should get called earlier. or later. i don't know.
1065 (gsharp-measure::compute-final-accidentals (notes cluster))
1066 (let ((duration (calculate-duration cluster)))
1067 (loop for note in (notes cluster)
1068 for x from 0
1069 do (make-xml-note note (> x 0) duration voice cluster))
1070 (when (null (notes cluster))
1071 ;; it's an empty cluster, a "space"
1072 (cxml:with-element "forward"
1073 (cxml:text (write-to-string duration))))))
1075 (defmethod make-xml-element ((lyric lyrics-element) voice)
1076 (let ((duration (calculate-duration lyric))
1077 (syllabic "single")
1078 (text (unicode-to-string (text lyric))))
1079 (cxml:with-element "note"
1080 (cxml:with-element "unpitched")
1081 (cxml:with-element "duration" (cxml:text (write-to-string duration)))
1082 (unless (null voice)
1083 (cxml:with-element "voice" (cxml:text (write-to-string voice))))
1084 ;; TODO: make this use the first melody staff above the lyrics staff
1085 (when (> (hash-table-count *staff-hash*) 1)
1086 (cxml:with-element "staff"
1087 (cxml:text (write-to-string (gethash (staff lyric) *staff-hash*)))))
1088 (cxml:with-element "lyric"
1089 (cxml:with-element "syllabic" (cxml:text syllabic))
1090 (cxml:with-element "text" (cxml:text text))))))
1093 (defmethod make-xml-element ((key-signature key-signature) voice)
1094 ;; TODO: right now this only does "normal" keysignatures, which is
1095 ;; fine because that's the only kind a user can create in gsharp.
1096 ;; also, i'm not sure how to deal w/ canceling.
1097 (declare (ignore voice))
1098 (cxml:with-element "attributes"
1099 (cxml:with-element "key"
1100 (alterations-to-fifths (alterations key-signature)))))
1102 (defun alterations-to-fifths (alterations)
1103 (cxml:with-element "fifths"
1104 (let ((fifths 0))
1105 ;; the magic list on the next line is the order of fifths,
1106 ;; where C is 0, D is 1, etc.
1107 (dolist (index '(3 0 4 1 5 2 6))
1108 (let ((fifth (elt alterations index)))
1109 (case fifth
1110 (:sharp (incf fifths))
1111 (:flat (decf fifths)))))
1112 (cxml:text (write-to-string fifths)))))
1114 (defun gshnote-to-xml (pitch)
1115 (let ((step (mod pitch 7)))
1116 (list (car (rassoc step *step-to-basenote*)) (/ (- pitch step) 7))))
1118 (defun note-accidental (note)
1119 (ecase (final-accidental note)
1120 ((nil))
1121 (:sharp "sharp")
1122 (:natural "natural")
1123 (:flat "flat")
1124 (:double-sharp "double-sharp")
1125 (:sesquisharp "three-quarters-sharp")
1126 (:semisharp "quarter-sharp")
1127 (:semiflat "quarter-flat")
1128 (:sesquiflat "three-quarters-flat")
1129 (:double-flat "flat-flat")))
1131 (defun note-alter (note)
1132 (ecase (accidentals note)
1133 (:sharp "1")
1134 (:natural nil)
1135 (:flat "-1")
1136 (:double-sharp "2")
1137 (:sesquisharp "1.5")
1138 (:semisharp "0.5")
1139 (:semiflat "-0.5")
1140 (:sesquiflat "-1.5")
1141 (:double-flat "-2")))
1143 (defun note-notations-p (note cluster)
1144 (or (tie-left note)
1145 (tie-right note)
1146 (note-articulations-p note cluster)))
1148 (defun note-articulations-p (note cluster)
1149 (let ((annotations (annotations cluster)))
1150 (or (member :staccato annotations)
1151 (member :tenuto annotations))))
1153 (defun make-xml-note (note in-chord duration voice cluster)
1154 (let ((type (rhythmic-element-type cluster))
1155 (dots (dots cluster))
1156 (pitch (gshnote-to-xml (pitch note)))
1157 (accidental (note-accidental note))
1158 (alter (note-alter note)))
1159 (cxml:with-element "note"
1160 (when in-chord
1161 (cxml:with-element "chord"))
1162 (cxml:with-element "pitch"
1163 (cxml:with-element "step" (cxml:text (car pitch)))
1164 (when alter
1165 (cxml:with-element "alter" (cxml:text alter)))
1166 (cxml:with-element "octave" (cxml:text (write-to-string (cadr pitch)))))
1167 (cxml:with-element "duration" (cxml:text (write-to-string duration)))
1168 (unless (null voice)
1169 (cxml:with-element "voice" (cxml:text (write-to-string voice))))
1170 (cxml:with-element "type" (cxml:text type))
1171 (loop repeat dots
1172 do (cxml:with-element "dot"))
1173 (when accidental
1174 (cxml:with-element "accidental" (cxml:text accidental)))
1175 (unless (eq (final-stem-direction (cluster note)) :auto)
1176 (cxml:with-element "stem"
1177 (cxml:text (string-downcase
1178 (string (final-stem-direction (cluster note)))))))
1179 (when (> (hash-table-count *staff-hash*) 1)
1180 (cxml:with-element "staff"
1181 (cxml:text (write-to-string (gethash (staff note) *staff-hash*)))))
1182 (when (note-notations-p note cluster)
1183 (cxml:with-element "notations"
1184 (when (tie-left note)
1185 (cxml:with-element "tied" (cxml:attribute "type" "stop")))
1186 (when (tie-right note)
1187 (cxml:with-element "tied" (cxml:attribute "type" "start")))
1188 (when (note-articulations-p note cluster)
1189 (cxml:with-element "articulations"
1190 (when (member :staccato (annotations cluster))
1191 (cxml:with-element "staccato"))
1192 (when (member :tenuto (annotations cluster))
1193 (cxml:with-element "tenuto")))))))))