COM-JUMP-TO-HERE and click to move cursor interface
[gsharp.git] / Doc / plans.tex
1 \chapter{Plans for the future}
3 \section{Minor issues}
5 There are tons of minor issues to fix. Here is a partial list.
7 \subsection{Notation issues}
9 \begin{itemize}
10 \item Elements now have an additional property that lets the user
11 position them horizontally with an offset relative to their normal
12 aligned position, so that notes with an interval of a second form
13 different layers do not overlap physically. But we also have to
14 introduce a set of primitives to alter this offset, and perhaps some
15 visual indications that show the offset. Perhaps we should show a
16 thin yellow line where the alignment is whenever there is a nonzero
17 offset. I am suggesting yellow, because it would not destroy the
18 overall visual impression of the score.
19 \item The cursor is currently drawn by the drawing routine for the
20 layer, but that routine is not supposed to know where the cursor
21 is. We need to separate out cursor drawing from layer drawing.
22 \end{itemize}
24 \subsection{Implementation details}
26 \begin{itemize}
27 \item Playing as MIDI should create a temporary file with a unique
28 name in \texttt{/tmp} as opposed a file in the current directory
29 with a name that can clash with others.
30 \end{itemize}
32 \section{Major issues}
34 \subsection{Implementation details}
36 \begin{itemize}
37 \item Different information might need to be attached conceptually to
38 barlines, in particular: fermata, repeat bars, etc. It would be
39 natural to physically attach this information to the bar, indicating
40 properties of the barline at the end of the bar, but there is a
41 conceptual problem with this, since some of this information is not
42 unique to the layer, but sometimes global to all layers that are
43 traversed by the resulting barline and sometimes even (repeat bars?)
44 to the entire score. One could imagine a separate structure for the
45 segment, indicating positions of repeat bars and such. It would
46 have the additional advantage that if a barline is deleted in a
47 layer which has a repeat bar further on, the visual effect would be
48 nicer. Operating on this new structure should be possible from any
49 layer.
50 \item The fermata symbol is sometimes centered on a beam (tremolo).
51 We currently have no way of attaching any information to a beam,
52 \end{itemize}
54 \section{Minor projects}
56 \subsection{Default staff line for rests}
58 When using several voices (usually two) on one staff line, one would
59 like for rests to be placed on (say) the upper staff line for the
60 upper voice and (say) the lower staff line for the lower voice rather
61 than, as now, having all rests inserted by default on the middle staff
62 line. It would be nice if a layer had a default staff line for rests
63 so that changing the layer automatically changes the default staff
64 line for rests.
66 \subsection{Default stem direction for a layer}
68 When using several voices on a staff line, one somtimes wants the
69 stems of the upper voice to be up and the ones of the lower voice to
70 be down. It would be nice for a layer to have a default stem
71 direction so that changing the voice would automatically change the
72 stem direction.
74 Here is a possible specification of such a feature:
76 A new element is still created according to the stem direction of the
77 input state without taking into account the stem direction of the
78 layer. When a layer is displayed, the following final stem direction
79 is computed:
81 \begin{itemize}
82 \item if the stem direction of the element is not \emph{auto} then
83 that stem direction is used;
84 \item if the stem direction of the element is \emph{auto}, but the
85 default stem direction of the layer is not \emph{auto}, then the
86 default stem direction of the layer is used;
87 \item otherwise, the stem direction is computed from the position of
88 the notes of the element.
89 \end{itemize}
91 \subsection{Other minor projects}
93 \begin{itemize}
94 \item multi-buffer, multi-frame
95 \item display additional information around current element (beaming
96 information, stem information (auto or not)), etc
97 \end{itemize}
99 \section{Major projects}
101 \subsection{Improved spacing algorithm}
103 There are two aspects of the spacing algorithm:
105 \begin{enumerate}
106 \item Determining how to divide a sequence of measures into pages and
107 lines based on the amount of space each measure will require on a
108 given line,
109 \item Rendering the page(s) actually visible by the user at any given
110 time.
111 \end{enumerate}
113 We can spend relatively much time on rendering since it is supposedly
114 only done for a small fraction of the entire score and relatively
115 little time on dividing sequences of measures into pages and lines.
116 Also, we can accept a rough estimate of the space that a measure needs
117 for the purpose of dividing into pages and lines, whereas the
118 rendering phase needs to be very precise so as to avoid overlapping
119 characters.
121 For rendering, we can assume that we have a bunch of \emph{lines},
122 each one being a \emph{sequence of measures}. For this phase, one
123 idea would be to compute an \emph{elasticity function} for each
124 measure indicating how willing it is to stretch or compress given that
125 a certain force is applied to it. In fact it would indicate the width
126 as a function of force applied. Such a function would be piecewise
127 linear with rational coordinates to avoid rounding errors. The
128 elasticity function of a line would be the sum of the elasticity
129 functions of the measures of the line, again a piecewise linear
130 function. The combined function would then be solved for the line
131 length which gives a force to be applied to each measure (elementary
132 mechanics give that each measure in the sequence would have the same
133 force applied to it). To render each measure, that force would be
134 applied to it.
136 The problem with dividing a sequence of measures into lines and pages
137 is that the elasticity function depends on the context. Specifically,
138 the \emph{natural width} (the width that the measure would take when
139 given a force of 0) depends on the smallest distance between two
140 adjacent time lines \emph{of all of the time lines in all of the
141 measures on a line}. This gets messy, since currently, we depend on
142 the cost function of a line to be combined in constant time, i.e., the
143 cost function of a line with a new measure added to the beginning or
144 to the end of it is possible to compute in constant time from the cost
145 function of the existing line and that of the new measure. Either I
146 am being to conservative here, and we can afford to spend more time
147 computing the cost function of a line, or else, we need to find an
148 approximation of the elasticity function that will combine in constant
149 time. This is hard to know until we have tested {\gs} on large
150 scores, and until we have implemented the page-breaking algorithm (as
151 opposed to the line-breaking algorithm that we now have). An example
152 of an approximation of the elasticity function would be to use the
153 current estimate with an additional value called \emph{additional
154 constant space}. The cost combination function would add the constant
155 spaces required by each measure as long as newly added measures have
156 the same smallest time-line distance (min-dist). As soon as a measure
157 with smaller min-dist is added to the line, the additional constant
158 space of the existing line is set to 0. The assumption is that the
159 existing line is going to have to expand as a result of the smaller
160 min-dist which will eliminate the need for the additional constant
161 space. Adding a measure with a larger min-dist than that of the
162 existing line would simply ignore the additional constant space of
163 that measure. Again, the assumption is that the new measure will have
164 to expand so that the additional space will not be needed.
166 The additional constant spaced of a measure would be computed as if it
167 would be inserted into a line having the same min-dist as the measure
168 itself. Such space would include space for lyrics, accidentals of
169 complicated clusters, etc.
171 \subsection{Layout by page}
173 We need to have a more sophisticated layout algorithm that divides the
174 score into pages rather than just lines. One interesting idea seems
175 to be to use the {\obseq} library in a nested kind of way, where an
176 invocation of the cost combination method on the global level would
177 provoke another call to the \texttt{solve} function on the page
178 level. This would be really cute, actually, and it would show the
179 power of the approach of the {\obseq} library.
181 Here is how it would be done. First it requires a minor modification
182 to the {\obseq} library. Instead of the elements \emph{inheriting}
183 from \texttt{obseq-elem}, they need to be separate so that an element
184 can be contained in more than one \texttt{obseq}. This modification
185 has some consequences: the operations to compute the next and previous
186 element need to take an \texttt{obseq} argument to dispatch on. The
187 operations \texttt{last-undamaged-element} and
188 \texttt{first-undamaged-element} must be modified and renamed to (say)
189 \texttt{tail-valid-elements} and \texttt{head-valid-elements} and take
190 a number instead of an element, since the \texttt{obseq} itself does
191 not have a mapping from its internal elements to the client element.
192 This requires the client to know how many elements there are, which is
193 a minor inconvenience (but still an inconvenience). Then the seq-cost
194 on the global level will be an obseq on the page level, and a call to
195 combine a seq-cost and an element on the global level would trigger a
196 call to solve on the page level.
198 We also need to have different cost combination strategies, for
199 instance:
201 \begin{itemize}
202 \item Paper roll with last line not right justified. This involves
203 assigning a low cost to the last line even when it has to be highly
204 stretched in order to fill the line.
205 \item Paper roll with last line right justified. This is all we have
206 right now.
207 \item Pages with last page not filled and last line on last page not
208 filled.
209 \item Pages with last page filled normally.
210 \item Pages with a fixed number of filled pages.
211 \item Pages with an arbitrary number of pages, but the number must be
212 of the form $n = ax + b$.
213 \end{itemize}
215 \subsection{Other major projects}
217 \begin{itemize}
218 \item presentations everywhere (noteheads, clusters, beam groups).
219 Currently, McCLIM is a bit to slow for this.
220 \item context menus on notes, etc
221 \item allow mouse-based input of new notes by making staff steps
222 around cursor into presentations. Move pointer to horizontal
223 location of cursor after interaction.
224 \item allow mouse-based addition and deletion of notes in existing
225 clusters by making staff steps around cluster into presentations
226 \item make sure user can use either keyboard or mouse without changing
227 too often
228 \item add new views of score, especially to manipulate staves,
229 brackets, braces, instruments, etc.
230 \item perhaps hide interactor by default and use something like M-x to
231 make it visible.
232 \item use output recording (hierarchical records) to reorganize pixmaps
233 and to substitute combined pixmaps.
234 \end{itemize}
236 \section{McCLIM issues and projects}
238 \begin{itemize}
239 \item add better system for Emacs-style commands and key
240 bindings
241 \item fix problem of input focus being retained (also a
242 problem for Goatee)
243 \item make sure gestures work as announced
244 \item perhaps make it possible to use something like M-x to change
245 input focus
246 \item make setf of frame-layout work
247 \item multiple top-level frames (as in Franz CLIM).
248 \item remove compilation warnings in McCLIM
249 \item remove dead code
250 \item remove reasons for remarks such as XXX:, FIXME, etc, or at least
251 put a name in their place
252 \end{itemize}