COM-JUMP-TO-HERE and click to move cursor interface
[gsharp.git] / Doc / commands.tex
1 \chapter{Summary of commands}
3 \section{Altering the input state}
5 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
6 \hline
7 Key & Command name & Description\\
8 \hline
9 \kbd{L} & Lower & Move the insertion point one octave down\\
10 \kbd{H} & Higher & Move the insertion point one octave up\\
11 \kbd{i.} & More Dots & Add another dot\\
12 \kbd{ix.} & Fewer Dots & Remove a dot\\
13 \kbd{i]} & More Rbeams & Add another beam to the right\\
14 \kbd{ix]} & Fewer Rbeams & Remove a beam to the right\\
15 \kbd{i[} & More Lbeams & Add another beam to the left\\
16 \kbd{ix[} & Fewer Lbeams & Remove a beam to the left\\
17 \kbd{ih} & Rotate Notehead & Change the notehead \\
18 \kbd{is} & Rotate Stem Direction & Change the stem direction \\
19 \hline
20 \end{tabular}
22 \section{Moving the cursor}
24 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
25 \hline
26 Key & Command name & Description\\
27 \hline
28 \kbd{Control-f} & Forward element & Move the cursor forward one element\\
29 \kbd{Control-b} & Backward element & Move the cursor backward one element\\
30 \hline
31 \end{tabular}
33 \section{Inserting and adding notes, rests and elements}
35 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
36 \hline
37 Key & Command name & Description\\
38 \hline
39 \kbd{c} & Insert Note C & Insert a new cluster having a\\
40 & & single note C in it\\
41 \kbd{d} & Insert Note D & Insert a new cluster having a\\
42 & & single note D in it\\
43 \kbd{e} & Insert Note E & Insert a new cluster having a\\
44 & & single note E in it\\
45 \kbd{f} & Insert Note F & Insert a new cluster having a\\
46 & & single note F in it\\
47 \kbd{g} & Insert Note G & Insert a new cluster having a\\
48 & & single note G in it\\
49 \kbd{a} & Insert Note A & Insert a new cluster having a\\
50 & & single note A in it\\
51 \kbd{b} & Insert Note B & Insert a new cluster having a\\
52 & & single note B in it\\
53 \kbd{,} & Insert Rest & Insert a new rest element\\
54 \kbd{|} & Insert Barline & Insert a barline\\
55 \kbd{SPC} & Insert Empty Cluster & Insert a new cluster with no notes\\
56 \kbd{C} & Add Note C & Add the note C to the current cluster\\
57 \kbd{D} & Add Note D & Add the note D to the current cluster\\
58 \kbd{E} & Add Note E & Add the note E to the current cluster\\
59 \kbd{F} & Add Note F & Add the note F to the current cluster\\
60 \kbd{G} & Add Note G & Add the note G to the current cluster\\
61 \kbd{A} & Add Note A & Add the note A to the current cluster\\
62 \kbd{B} & Add Note B & Add the note B to the current cluster\\
63 \hline
64 \end{tabular}
66 \section{Deleting and erasing elements}
68 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
69 \hline
70 Key & Command name & Description\\
71 \kbd{Control-d} & Delete Element & Remove the element to the right\\
72 & & of the cursor\\
73 \kbd{Control-h} & Erase Element & Remove the element to the left\\
74 & & of the cursor\\
75 \hline
76 \end{tabular}
79 \section{Operations on the current element}
81 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
82 \hline
83 Key & Command name & Description\\
84 \hline
85 \kbd{Meta-h} & Rotate Notehead & Modify the notehead\\
86 & & (whole -- half -- filled --)\\
87 \kbd{Meta-s} & Rotate Stem Direction & Modify the stem direction\\
88 & & (up -- down -- auto --)\\
89 \kbd{.} & More Dots & Add another dot\\
90 \kbd{x.} & Fewer Dots & Remove a dot\\
91 \kbd{]} & More Rbeams & Add another beam to the right\\
92 \kbd{x]} & Fewer Rbeams & Remove a beam to the right\\
93 \kbd{[} & More Lbeams & Add another beam to the left\\
94 \kbd{x[} & Fewer Lbeams & Remove a beam to the left\\
95 \kbd{Meta-u} & Up & Move rest to a higher staff line\\
96 \kbd{Meta-d} & Down & Move rest to a lower staff line\\
97 \hline
98 \end{tabular}
100 \section{Operations on the current note}
102 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
103 \hline
104 Key & Command name & Description\\
105 \hline
106 \kbd{p} & Current Increment & Change the current note\\
107 \kbd{n} & Current Decrement & Change the current note\\
108 \kbd{\#} & Sharper & Make the note sharper \\
109 \kbd{@} & Flatter & Make the note flatter \\
110 \kbd{Meta-u} & Up & Increase pitch of note\\
111 \kbd{Meta-d} & Down & Decrease pitch of note\\
112 \hline
113 \end{tabular}
115 \section{Operations on layers}
117 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
118 \hline
119 Key & Command name & Description\\
120 \hline
121 & Select Layer & Prompts for a new current lsyer\\
122 & Rename Layer & Prompts for a layer and a new name\\
123 & Add Layer & Prompts for a name and an initial\\
124 & & staff for the new layer. The type\\
125 & & of the new layer is determined by\\
126 & & the type of the initial staff.\\
127 & Delete Layer & Prompts for a layer to delete\\
128 & Rotate Staves & If they layer is displayed on \\
129 & & multiple staves, rotate them so\\
130 & & that a different one becomes the\\
131 & & current one.\\
132 \hline
133 \end{tabular}
135 \section{Operations on staves}
137 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
138 \hline
139 Key & Command name & Description\\
140 \hline
141 & Insert Staff After & Add a new staff after an existing one\\
142 & & (prompts for the existing staff, \\
143 & & for the name and the type of the new staff, \\
144 & & and a clef and a line for the clef\\
145 & & if type is \texttt{fiveline})\\
146 & Insert Staff Before & Add a new before after an existing one\\
147 & & (prompts for the existing staff, \\
148 & & for the name and the type of the new staff, \\
149 & & and a clef and a line for the clef\\
150 & & if type is \texttt{fiveline})\\
151 & Delete Staff & Delete a staff (promts for staff to delete)\\
152 & Rename Staff & Rename current staff (prompts for a new name)\\
153 & Set clef & Set the clef of the current staff\\
154 & & (promts for name of clef and line number)\\
155 \kbd{Meta-\#} & More Sharps & removes a flat or adds a sharp to the key signature\\
156 \kbd{Meta-@} & More Flats & removes a sharp or adds a flat to the key signature\\
157 \hline
158 \end{tabular}
160 \section{Playing as MIDI}
162 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
163 \hline
164 Key & Command name & Description\\
165 \hline
166 & Play Segment & Play the current segment\\
167 & Play Layer & Play the current layer\\
168 \hline
169 \end{tabular}
171 \section{File operations and quitting}
173 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
174 \hline
175 Key & Command name & Description\\
176 \hline
177 & Quit & Quit {\gs}\\
178 & Load File & Load a {\gs} file into a new buffer\\
179 & & (prompts for the name of a file\\
180 & Save Buffer As & Save the buffer into a file\\
181 & & (prompts for the name of a file\\
182 & New Buffer & Create a new buffer \\
183 & & (currently wipes the current buffer)\\
184 \hline
185 \end{tabular}
187 \section{Keyboard macros}
189 \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|}
190 \hline
191 Key & Command name & Description\\
192 \hline
193 C-x ( & Start Keyboard Macro & Start recording keystrokes \\
194 & & for later execution \\
195 C-x ) & End Keyboard Macro & Stop recording keystrokes \\
196 C-x e & Call Last Keyboard Macro & Execute recorded keystrokes \\
197 \hline
198 \end{tabular}