Time signatures
[gsharp.git] / score-pane.lisp
1 (in-package :score-pane)
2 (defparameter *inactive-colour* +black+) ;; +gray50+
3 (defclass score-view (view)
4 ((light-glyphs-ink :initform *inactive-colour* :initarg :light-glyphs-ink :accessor light-glyphs-ink)
5 (%number-of-pages :initform "-" :accessor number-of-pages)
6 (%current-page-number :initform "-" :accessor current-page-number)))
8 (defclass score-pane (esa-pane-mixin application-pane) ())
10 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((pane score-pane) &rest args)
11 (declare (ignore args))
12 (setf (stream-default-view pane) (make-instance 'score-view)))
14 (defparameter *font* nil)
15 (defparameter *fonts* (make-array 100 :initial-element nil))
17 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
18 ;;;
19 ;;; output recording
21 (defclass score-output-record (displayed-output-record)
22 ((parent :initarg :parent :initform nil :accessor output-record-parent)
23 (x :initarg :x1 :initarg :x-position)
24 (y :initarg :y1 :initarg :y-position)
25 (width)
26 (height)
27 (ink :initarg :ink :reader displayed-output-record-ink)))
29 (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((record score-output-record)
30 &key x2 y2 size)
31 (declare (ignore size))
32 (with-slots (x y width height) record
33 (setf width (abs (- x2 x))
34 height (abs (- y2 y)))))
36 (defmethod bounding-rectangle* ((record score-output-record))
37 (with-slots (x y width height) record
38 (values x y (+ x width) (+ y height))))
40 (defmethod output-record-position ((record score-output-record))
41 (with-slots (x y) record
42 (values x y)))
44 (defmethod (setf output-record-position) (new-x new-y (record score-output-record))
45 (with-slots (x y) record
46 (setf x new-x y new-y)))
48 (defmethod output-record-start-cursor-position ((record score-output-record))
49 (values nil nil))
51 (defmethod (setf output-record-start-cursor-position) (x y (record score-output-record))
52 (declare (ignore x y))
53 nil)
55 (defmethod output-record-end-cursor-position ((record score-output-record))
56 (values nil nil))
58 (defmethod (setf output-record-end-cursor-position) (x y (record score-output-record))
59 (declare (ignore x y))
60 nil)
62 (defmethod output-record-hit-detection-rectangle* ((record score-output-record))
63 (bounding-rectangle* record))
65 (defmethod output-record-refined-position-test ((record score-output-record) x y)
66 (declare (ignore x y))
69 ;;; remove this when McCLIM is fixed
70 (defmethod region-intersects-region-p (region (record score-output-record))
71 (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) record
72 (region-intersects-region-p region (make-rectangle* x1 y1 x2 y2))))
74 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; pixmap drawing
76 (climi::def-grecording draw-pixmap (() pixmap pm-x pm-y) ()
77 (climi::with-transformed-position ((medium-transformation medium) pm-x pm-y)
78 (setf (slot-value climi::graphic 'pm-x) pm-x
79 (slot-value climi::graphic 'pm-y) pm-y)
80 (values pm-x pm-y (+ pm-x (pixmap-width pixmap)) (+ pm-y (pixmap-height pixmap)))))
82 (climi::def-graphic-op draw-pixmap (pixmap pm-x pm-y))
84 (defmethod medium-draw-pixmap* ((medium clim:medium) pixmap pm-x pm-y)
85 (copy-from-pixmap pixmap 0 0 (pixmap-width pixmap) (pixmap-height pixmap)
86 medium pm-x pm-y))
88 (climi::defmethod* (setf output-record-position) :around
89 (nx ny (record draw-pixmap-output-record))
90 (climi::with-standard-rectangle* (:x1 x1 :y1 y1)
91 record
92 (with-slots (pm-x pm-y)
93 record
94 (let ((dx (- nx x1))
95 (dy (- ny y1)))
96 (multiple-value-prog1
97 (call-next-method)
98 (incf pm-x dx)
99 (incf pm-y dy))))))
101 (climi::defrecord-predicate draw-pixmap-output-record (pm-x pm-y)
102 (and (climi::if-supplied (pm-x coordinate)
103 (climi::coordinate= (slot-value climi::record 'pm-x) pm-x))
104 (climi::if-supplied (pm-y coordinate)
105 (climi::coordinate= (slot-value climi::record 'pm-y) pm-y))))
107 (defun draw-pixmap* (sheet pixmap x y
108 &rest args
109 &key clipping-region transformation)
110 (declare (ignore clipping-region transformation))
111 (climi::with-medium-options (sheet args)
112 (medium-draw-pixmap* medium pixmap x y)))
114 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
116 ;;; drawing functions
118 ;;; A staff step is half of the distance between two staff lines.
119 ;;; Given a staff-step value, determine the corresponding number of
120 ;;; pixels in the current font. The sign of the value returned is
121 ;;; the same as that of the argument.
122 ;;; But is that reasonable? It seems more logical to have it return
123 ;;; the opposite sign, so that the result from staff-step is always
124 ;;; added to some y coordinate.
125 (defun staff-step (n)
126 (* n (/ (staff-line-distance *font*) 2)))
128 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; notehead
130 (define-presentation-type notehead () :options (name x staff-step))
132 (defun draw-notehead (stream name x staff-step)
133 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font*
134 (ecase name
135 ((:breve :long) :breve-notehead)
136 (:whole :whole-notehead)
137 (:half :half-notehead)
138 (:filled :filled-notehead))
139 x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
141 (define-presentation-method present
142 (object (type notehead) stream (view score-view) &key)
143 (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'notehead)
144 (draw-notehead stream name x staff-step)))
146 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; accidental
148 (defun draw-accidental (stream name x staff-step)
149 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font* name x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
151 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; clef
153 (defun draw-clef (stream name x staff-step)
154 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font*
155 (ecase name
156 ;; FIXME: while using the same glyph for :TREBLE
157 ;; and :TREBLE8 is fine from a musical point of
158 ;; view, some differentiation (by putting an
159 ;; italic 8 underneath, for instance) would be
160 ;; good.
161 ((:treble :treble8) :g-clef)
162 (:bass :f-clef)
163 (:c :c-clef))
164 x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
166 (define-presentation-type clef () :options (name x staff-step))
168 (define-presentation-method present
169 (object (type clef) stream (view score-view) &key)
170 (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'clef)
171 (draw-clef stream name x staff-step)))
173 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; time signature
175 (defun draw-time-signature-component (stream component x)
176 (flet ((component-name (c)
177 (ecase c
178 (1 :time-signature-1)
179 (2 :time-signature-2)
180 (3 :time-signature-3)
181 (4 :time-signature-4)
182 (5 :time-signature-5)
183 (6 :time-signature-6)
184 (7 :time-signature-7)
185 (8 :time-signature-8))))
186 (etypecase component
187 ((integer 1 8)
188 (let* ((design (sdl::ensure-design *font* (component-name component))))
189 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font* design x (staff-step -2))
190 (bounding-rectangle-width design)))
191 ((cons (integer 1 8) (integer 1 8))
192 (destructuring-bind (num . den) component
193 (let* ((num-name (component-name num))
194 (den-name (component-name den))
195 (ndesign (sdl::ensure-design *font* num-name))
196 (ddesign (sdl::ensure-design *font* den-name)))
197 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font* num-name x (staff-step -4))
198 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font* den-name x (staff-step 0))
199 (max (bounding-rectangle-width ndesign)
200 (bounding-rectangle-width ddesign))))))))
202 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; rest
204 (defun draw-rest (stream duration x staff-step)
205 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font*
206 (ecase duration
207 (4 :long-rest)
208 (2 :breve-rest)
209 (1 :whole-rest)
210 (1/2 :half-rest)
211 (1/4 :quarter-rest)
212 (1/8 :8th-rest)
213 (1/16 :16th-rest)
214 (1/32 :32nd-rest)
215 (1/64 :64th-rest)
216 ;; FIXME 128th
218 x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
220 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flags down
222 (defun draw-flags-down (stream nb x staff-step)
223 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font*
224 (ecase nb
225 (1 :flags-down-1)
226 (2 :flags-down-2)
227 (3 :flags-down-3)
228 (4 :flags-down-4)
229 (5 :flags-down-5))
230 x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
232 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; flags up
234 (defun draw-flags-up (stream nb x staff-step)
235 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font*
236 (ecase nb
237 (1 :flags-up-1)
238 (2 :flags-up-2)
239 (3 :flags-up-3)
240 (4 :flags-up-4)
241 (5 :flags-up-5))
242 x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
244 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; dot
246 (defun draw-dot (stream x staff-step)
247 (sdl::draw-shape stream *font* :dot x (staff-step (- staff-step))))
249 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; staff line
251 (defun draw-staff-line (pane x1 staff-step x2)
252 (multiple-value-bind (down up) (staff-line-offsets *font*)
253 (let ((y1 (+ (- (staff-step staff-step)) up))
254 (y2 (+ (- (staff-step staff-step)) down)))
255 (draw-rectangle* pane x1 y1 x2 y2))))
257 (defclass staff-output-record (output-record)
258 ((parent :initarg :parent :initform nil :accessor output-record-parent)
259 (x :initarg :x1 :initarg :x-position)
260 (y :initarg :y1 :initarg :y-position)
261 (width :initarg :width)
262 (height :initarg height)
263 (staff-lines :initform '() :reader output-record-children)))
265 (defmethod bounding-rectangle* ((record staff-output-record))
266 (with-slots (x y width height) record
267 (values x y (+ x width) (+ y height))))
269 (defmethod output-record-position ((record staff-output-record))
270 (with-slots (x y) record
271 (values x y)))
273 (defmethod (setf output-record-position) (new-x new-y (record staff-output-record))
274 (with-slots (x y staff-lines) record
275 (setf x new-x y new-y)
276 (loop for staff-line in staff-lines
277 do (multiple-value-bind (xx yy) (output-record-position staff-line)
278 (setf (output-record-position staff-line)
279 (values (+ xx (- new-x x))
280 (+ yy (- new-y y))))))))
282 (defmethod output-record-start-cursor-position ((record staff-output-record))
283 (values nil nil))
285 (defmethod (setf output-record-start-cursor-position) (x y (record staff-output-record))
286 (declare (ignore x y))
287 nil)
289 (defmethod output-record-end-cursor-position ((record staff-output-record))
290 (values nil nil))
292 (defmethod (setf output-record-end-cursor-position) (x y (record staff-output-record))
293 (declare (ignore x y))
294 nil)
296 (defmethod output-record-hit-detection-rectangle* ((record staff-output-record))
297 (bounding-rectangle* record))
299 (defmethod output-record-refined-position-test ((record staff-output-record) x y)
300 (declare (ignore x y))
303 ;;; remove this when McCLIM is fixed
304 (defmethod region-intersects-region-p (region (record staff-output-record))
305 (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) record
306 (region-intersects-region-p region (make-rectangle* x1 y1 x2 y2))))
308 (defmethod add-output-record (child (record staff-output-record))
309 (push child (slot-value record 'children)))
311 (defmethod delete-output-record (child (record staff-output-record) &optional (errorp t))
312 (with-slots (staff-lines) record
313 (when (and errorp (not (member child staff-lines :test #'eq)))
314 (error "not a child"))
315 (setf staff-lines (delete child staff-lines :test #'eq))))
317 (defmethod clear-output-record ((record staff-output-record))
318 (setf (slot-value record 'staff-lines) '()))
320 (defmethod output-record-count ((record staff-output-record))
321 (length (slot-value record 'staff-lines)))
323 (defmethod replay-output-record ((record staff-output-record) stream
324 &optional (region +everywhere+)
325 (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0))
326 (loop for staff-line in (slot-value record 'staff-lines)
327 do (replay-output-record staff-line stream region x-offset y-offset)))
329 (define-presentation-type staff () :options (x1 x2))
331 (define-presentation-type fiveline-staff () :inherit-from 'staff :options (x1 x2))
333 (defun draw-fiveline-staff (pane x1 x2)
334 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (bar-line-offsets *font*)
335 (loop for staff-step from 0 by 2
336 repeat 5
337 do (draw-staff-line pane (+ x1 left) staff-step (+ x2 right)))))
339 (define-presentation-method present
340 (object (type fiveline-staff) stream (view score-view) &key)
341 (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'fiveline-staff)
342 (draw-fiveline-staff stream x1 x2)))
344 (define-presentation-type lyrics-staff () :inherit-from 'staff :options (x1 x2))
346 (defun draw-lyrics-staff (pane x1 x2)
347 (declare (ignore x2))
348 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (bar-line-offsets *font*)
349 (declare (ignore right))
350 (draw-text* pane "--" (+ x1 left) 0)))
352 (define-presentation-method present
353 (object (type lyrics-staff) stream (view score-view) &key)
354 (with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'lyrics-staff)
355 (draw-lyrics-staff stream x1 x2)))
357 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; stem
359 (defun draw-stem (pane x y1 y2)
360 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (stem-offsets *font*)
361 (let ((x1 (+ x left))
362 (x2 (+ x right)))
363 (draw-rectangle* pane x1 y1 x2 y2))))
365 (defun draw-right-stem (pane x y1 y2)
366 (multiple-value-bind (dx dy) (notehead-right-offsets *font*)
367 (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) (- y1 dy) y2)))
369 (defun draw-left-stem (pane x y1 y2)
370 (multiple-value-bind (dx dy) (notehead-left-offsets *font*)
371 (draw-stem pane (+ x dx) (- y1 dy) y2)))
373 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ledger line
375 (defun draw-ledger-line (pane x staff-step)
376 (multiple-value-bind (down up) (ledger-line-y-offsets *font*)
377 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (ledger-line-x-offsets *font*)
378 (let ((x1 (+ x left))
379 (y1 (- (+ (staff-step staff-step) down)))
380 (x2 (+ x right))
381 (y2 (- (+ (staff-step staff-step) up))))
382 (draw-rectangle* pane x1 y1 x2 y2)))))
385 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; bar line
387 (defun draw-bar-line (pane x y1 y2)
388 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (bar-line-offsets *font*)
389 (let ((x1 (+ x left))
390 (x2 (+ x right)))
391 ;; see comment in ROUND-COORDINATE in McCLIM's CLX backend
392 (draw-rectangle* pane (floor (+ x1 0.5)) y1 (floor (+ x2 0.5)) y2))))
394 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
396 ;;; beam drawing
398 (defclass beam-output-record (score-output-record)
399 ((light-glyph-p :initarg :light-glyph-p)
400 (clipping-region :initarg :clipping-region)
401 (thickness :initarg :thickness)))
403 ;;; draw a horizontal beam around the vertical reference
404 ;;; point y.
405 (defun draw-horizontal-beam (medium x1 y x2)
406 (multiple-value-bind (down up) (beam-offsets *font*)
407 (draw-rectangle* medium x1 (+ y up) x2 (+ y down))))
410 (defclass downward-beam-output-record (beam-output-record)
413 (defmethod medium-draw-downward-beam* (medium x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness)
414 (let ((inverse-slope (abs (/ (- x2 x1) (- y2 y1)))))
415 (loop for y from y1 below y2
416 for x from x1 by inverse-slope do
417 (let ((upper (sdl::ensure-beam-segment-design :down :upper (- (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (round x))))
418 (upper-tr (make-translation-transformation (round x) y))
419 (lower (sdl::ensure-beam-segment-design :down :lower (- (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (round x))))
420 (lower-tr (make-translation-transformation (round x) (+ y thickness))))
421 (climi::medium-draw-bezier-design* medium (transform-region upper-tr upper))
422 (climi::medium-draw-bezier-design* medium (transform-region lower-tr lower))
423 (medium-draw-rectangle* medium (round x) (1+ y) (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (+ y thickness) t)))))
425 (defmethod medium-draw-downward-beam*
426 ((medium clim-postscript::postscript-medium) x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness)
427 (draw-polygon* (medium-sheet medium) `(,x1 ,y1 ,x1 ,(+ y1 thickness) ,x2 ,(+ y2 thickness) ,x2 ,y2) :closed t :filled t))
429 (defmethod medium-draw-upward-beam* (medium x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness)
430 (let ((inverse-slope (abs (/ (- x2 x1) (- y2 y1)))))
431 (loop for y from y1 above y2
432 for x from x1 by inverse-slope do
433 (let ((upper (sdl::ensure-beam-segment-design :up :upper (- (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (round x))))
434 (upper-tr (make-translation-transformation (round x) y))
435 (lower (sdl::ensure-beam-segment-design :up :lower (- (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (round x))))
436 (lower-tr (make-translation-transformation (round x) (+ y thickness -1))))
437 (climi::medium-draw-bezier-design* medium (transform-region upper-tr upper))
438 (climi::medium-draw-bezier-design* medium (transform-region lower-tr lower))
439 (medium-draw-rectangle* medium (round x) y (round (+ x inverse-slope)) (1- (+ y thickness)) t)))))
441 (defmethod medium-draw-upward-beam*
442 ((medium clim-postscript::postscript-medium) x1 y1 x2 y2 thickness)
443 (draw-polygon* (medium-sheet medium) `(,x1 ,y1 ,x1 ,(+ y1 thickness) ,x2 ,(+ y2 thickness) ,x2 ,y2) :closed t :filled t))
445 (defmethod replay-output-record ((record downward-beam-output-record) stream
446 &optional (region +everywhere+)
447 (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0))
448 (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset region))
449 (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) record
450 (with-slots (thickness ink clipping-region) record
451 (let ((medium (sheet-medium stream)))
452 (with-drawing-options
453 (medium :ink ink :clipping-region clipping-region)
454 (medium-draw-downward-beam* medium x1 y1 x2 (- y2 thickness) thickness))))))
456 (defclass upward-beam-output-record (beam-output-record)
459 (defmethod replay-output-record ((record upward-beam-output-record) stream
460 &optional (region +everywhere+)
461 (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0))
462 (declare (ignore x-offset y-offset region))
463 (with-bounding-rectangle* (x1 y1 x2 y2) record
464 (with-slots (thickness ink clipping-region) record
465 (let ((medium (sheet-medium stream)))
466 (with-drawing-options
467 (medium :ink ink :clipping-region clipping-region)
468 (medium-draw-upward-beam* medium x1 (- y2 thickness) x2 y1 thickness))))))
470 (defun transform-beam-attributes (transformation x1 y1 x2 y2 down up thickness)
471 (multiple-value-bind (xx1 yy1)
472 (transform-position transformation x1 y1)
473 (multiple-value-bind (xx2 yy2)
474 (transform-position transformation x2 y2)
475 (multiple-value-bind (xd yd)
476 (transform-distance transformation 0 down)
477 (declare (ignore xd))
478 (multiple-value-bind (xu yu)
479 (transform-distance transformation 0 up)
480 (declare (ignore xu))
481 (multiple-value-bind (xt yt)
482 (transform-distance transformation 0 thickness)
483 (declare (ignore xt))
484 (values xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2 yd yu yt)))))))
486 ;;; draw a sloped beam. The vertical reference points
487 ;;; of the two end points are indicated by y1 and y2.
488 (defun draw-sloped-beam (medium x1 y1 x2 y2)
489 (multiple-value-bind (down up) (beam-offsets *font*)
490 (let ((transformation (medium-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
491 (thickness (- down up)))
492 (cond ((< y1 y2)
493 (when (stream-recording-p (medium-sheet medium))
494 (multiple-value-bind (xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2 yd yu yt)
495 (transform-beam-attributes transformation x1 y1 x2 y2
496 down up thickness)
497 (stream-add-output-record
498 (medium-sheet medium)
499 (make-instance 'downward-beam-output-record
500 :x1 xx1 :y1 (+ yy1 yu) :x2 xx2 :y2 (+ yy2 yd)
501 :thickness yt :ink (medium-ink medium)
502 :clipping-region (transform-region transformation (medium-clipping-region medium))))))
503 (when (stream-drawing-p (medium-sheet medium))
504 (medium-draw-downward-beam* medium x1 (+ y1 up) x2 (+ y2 up) thickness)))
506 (when (stream-recording-p (medium-sheet medium))
507 (multiple-value-bind (xx1 yy1 xx2 yy2 yd yu yt)
508 (transform-beam-attributes transformation x1 y1 x2 y2
509 down up thickness)
510 (stream-add-output-record
511 (medium-sheet medium)
512 (make-instance 'upward-beam-output-record
513 :x1 xx1 :y1 (+ yy2 yu) :x2 xx2 :y2 (+ yy1 yd)
514 :thickness yt :ink (medium-ink medium)
515 :clipping-region (transform-region transformation (medium-clipping-region medium))))))
516 (when (stream-drawing-p (medium-sheet medium))
517 (medium-draw-upward-beam* medium x1 (+ y1 up) x2 (+ y2 up) thickness)))))))
519 ;;; an offset of -1 means hang, 0 means straddle and 1 means sit
520 (defun draw-beam (pane x1 staff-step-1 offset1 x2 staff-step-2 offset2)
521 (if (> x1 x2)
522 (draw-beam pane x2 staff-step-2 offset2 x1 staff-step-1 offset1)
523 (multiple-value-bind (left right) (stem-offsets *font*)
524 (let* ((xx1 (+ x1 left))
525 (xx2 (+ x2 right))
526 (offset (beam-hang-sit-offset *font*))
527 (y1 (- (+ (staff-step staff-step-1) (* offset1 offset))))
528 (y2 (- (+ (staff-step staff-step-2) (* offset2 offset))))
529 (medium (sheet-medium pane)))
530 (if (= y1 y2)
531 (draw-horizontal-beam pane xx1 y1 xx2)
532 (draw-sloped-beam medium xx1 y1 xx2 y2))))))
534 (defun draw-tie-up (pane x1 x2 staff-step)
535 (let ((dist (/ (- x2 x1) (staff-step 4/3))))
536 (if (> dist 19)
537 (let ((xx1 (round (+ x1 (staff-step 10))))
538 (xx2 (round (- x2 (staff-step 10))))
539 (y1 (- (round (staff-step (+ staff-step 11/3)))))
540 (thickness (round (staff-step 2/3))))
541 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* :large-tie-up-left xx1 (staff-step (- staff-step)))
542 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* :large-tie-up-right xx2 (staff-step (- staff-step)))
543 (draw-rectangle* pane xx1 y1 xx2 (+ y1 thickness)))
544 (let ((glyph-name (cond ((> dist 18) :large-tie-10-up)
545 ((> dist 17) :large-tie-9-up)
546 ((> dist 16) :large-tie-8-up)
547 ((> dist 15) :large-tie-7-up)
548 ((> dist 14) :large-tie-6-up)
549 ((> dist 13) :large-tie-5-up)
550 ((> dist 12) :large-tie-4-up)
551 ((> dist 11) :large-tie-3-up)
552 ((> dist 10) :large-tie-2-up)
553 ((> dist 9) :large-tie-1-up)
554 ((> dist 8) :small-tie-8-up)
555 ((> dist 7) :small-tie-7-up)
556 ((> dist 6) :small-tie-6-up)
557 ((> dist 5) :small-tie-5-up)
558 ((> dist 4) :small-tie-4-up)
559 ((> dist 3) :small-tie-3-up)
560 ((> dist 2) :small-tie-2-up)
561 (t :small-tie-1-up))))
562 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* glyph-name
563 (round (* 0.5 (+ x1 x2))) (staff-step (- staff-step)))))))
565 (defun draw-tie-down (pane x1 x2 staff-step)
566 (let ((dist (/ (- x2 x1) (staff-step 4/3))))
567 (if (> dist 19)
568 (let ((xx1 (round (+ x1 (staff-step 10))))
569 (xx2 (round (- x2 (staff-step 10))))
570 (y1 (- (round (staff-step (- staff-step 8/3)))))
571 (thickness (round (staff-step 2/3))))
572 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* :large-tie-down-left xx1 (staff-step (- staff-step)))
573 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* :large-tie-down-right xx2 (staff-step (- staff-step)))
574 (draw-rectangle* pane xx1 y1 xx2 (+ y1 thickness)))
575 (let ((glyph-name (cond ((> dist 18) :large-tie-10-down)
576 ((> dist 17) :large-tie-9-down)
577 ((> dist 16) :large-tie-8-down)
578 ((> dist 15) :large-tie-7-down)
579 ((> dist 14) :large-tie-6-down)
580 ((> dist 13) :large-tie-5-down)
581 ((> dist 12) :large-tie-4-down)
582 ((> dist 11) :large-tie-3-down)
583 ((> dist 10) :large-tie-2-down)
584 ((> dist 9) :large-tie-1-down)
585 ((> dist 8) :small-tie-8-down)
586 ((> dist 7) :small-tie-7-down)
587 ((> dist 6) :small-tie-6-down)
588 ((> dist 5) :small-tie-5-down)
589 ((> dist 4) :small-tie-4-down)
590 ((> dist 3) :small-tie-3-down)
591 ((> dist 2) :small-tie-2-down)
592 (t :small-tie-1-down))))
593 (sdl::draw-shape pane *font* glyph-name
594 (round (* 0.5 (+ x1 x2))) (staff-step (- staff-step)))))))
596 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
598 ;;; convenience macros
600 (defmacro with-notehead-right-offsets ((right up) &body body)
601 `(multiple-value-bind (,right ,up) (notehead-right-offsets *font*)
602 ,@body))
604 (defmacro with-notehead-left-offsets ((left down) &body body)
605 `(multiple-value-bind (,left ,down) (notehead-left-offsets *font*)
606 ,@body))
608 (defmacro with-suspended-note-offset (offset &body body)
609 `(let ((,offset (suspended-note-offset *font*)))
610 ,@body))
612 (defmacro with-score-pane (pane &body body)
613 `(progn
614 (clear-output-record (stream-output-history ,pane))
615 ,@body))
617 (defmacro with-vertical-score-position ((pane yref) &body body)
618 `(with-translation (,pane 0 ,yref)
619 ,@body))
621 (defmacro with-staff-size (size &body body)
622 (let ((size-var (gensym)))
623 `(let ((,size-var ,size))
624 (unless (aref *fonts* ,size-var)
625 (setf (aref *fonts* ,size-var)
626 (make-font ,size-var)))
627 (let ((*font* (aref *fonts* ,size-var)))
628 ,@body))))
630 (defmacro with-light-glyphs (pane &body body)
631 `(with-drawing-options (,pane :ink (light-glyphs-ink (stream-default-view ,pane)))
632 ,@body))