Time signatures
[gsharp.git] / clim-utils.lisp
1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
2 ;;
3 ;;; New button types
5 (in-package :clim-internals)
7 ;; These are specialised PUSH-BUTTON implementations. PUSH-BUTTON
8 ;; deals with behaviour and with drawing and animating the button. In
9 ;; the CLIM specs, it also has a label string which it prints. The
10 ;; label is used at two points: space calculation and drawing.
12 ;; Spacing -- COMPOSE-SPACE: slightly worrying because I don't really
13 ;; understand how layout works, but seems generally ok
15 ;; Drawing is handled by two functions -- DRAW-LABEL*, which is a
16 ;; generic function, specialised here easily enouth, and
17 ;; DRAW-ENGRAVED-LABEL*, which handles pressed buttons by calling
18 ;; DRAW-LABEL* twice, with different settings positions and inks. This
19 ;; isn't a generic, so I can't do anything about it. Since my
20 ;; DRAW-LABEL* ignores ink, the 3d effect is lost.
23 ;; Push button that shows an icon *instead* of text. Perhaps this
24 ;; should be optionally with text. The icon must be in XPM format, but
25 ;; not for any readily apparent reason (more readers are in /Extensions)
26 (defclass icon-push-button (push-button)
27 ((icon-path :initarg :icon-path :accessor icon-path)
28 (icon :initarg :icon :initform nil)))
29 (defgeneric icon (button))
30 (defmethod icon ((button icon-push-button))
31 ;; Once an icon file has been imported once, just return the
32 ;; object. Perhaps it'd be better to do this when the object is
33 ;; initialised.
34 (unless (and (slot-boundp button 'icon)
35 (slot-value button 'icon))
36 (when (probe-file (icon-path button))
37 (setf (slot-value button 'icon)
38 (make-pattern-from-bitmap-file
39 (icon-path button)
40 :format :xpm :port nil))))
41 (slot-value button 'icon))
42 (defclass icon-push-button-pane (icon-push-button push-button-pane)
43 ())
44 (define-abstract-pane-mapping 'icon-push-button 'icon-push-button-pane)
45 (defmethod compose-space ((gadget icon-push-button-pane) &key width height)
46 ;; FIXME: I don't really know what these values should be
47 (let* ((pw (pattern-width (icon gadget)))
48 (ph (pattern-height (icon gadget)))
49 (w (+ pw
50 (* 2 (+ *3d-border-thickness*
51 (or (pane-x-spacing gadget)
52 0)))))
53 (h (+ ph (* 2 (+ *3d-border-thickness*
54 (or (pane-y-spacing gadget)
55 0))))))
56 (make-space-requirement
57 :width (or width w)
58 :min-width w
59 :height (or height h)
60 :min-height h)))
61 (defmethod draw-label* ((pane icon-push-button) x1 y1 x2 y2
62 &key ink)
63 (declare (ignore ink))
64 (draw-pattern* pane (icon pane) x1 y1))
67 ;; A push button whose image is created using DRAWING-FUNCTION (which
68 ;; takes (STREAM X Y). I'm presetting width and height, because I
69 ;; don't understand CLIM layout functionality. Alternatives include
70 ;; storing a funcall to use in COMPOSE-SPACE or just making the
71 ;; drawing function work with whatever size it's given. I'm also
72 ;; making it a full CLIM-STREAM-PANE, because it works. Is it
73 ;; necessary?
75 (defclass drawn-push-button (push-button)
76 ((drawing-function :initarg :drawing-function :accessor button-drawing-function)
77 (drawing-width :initarg :drawing-width :accessor drawing-width)
78 (height :initarg :drawing-height :accessor drawing-height)))
79 (defclass drawn-push-button-pane (drawn-push-button push-button-pane clim-stream-pane)
80 ())
81 (define-abstract-pane-mapping 'drawn-push-button 'drawn-push-button-pane)
82 (defmethod compose-space ((gadget drawn-push-button-pane) &key width height)
83 (let* ((dw (drawing-width gadget))
84 (dh (drawing-height gadget))
85 (w (+ dw (* 2 (+ *3d-border-thickness*
86 (or (pane-x-spacing gadget)
87 0)))))
88 (h (+ dh (* 2 (+ *3d-border-thickness*
89 (or (pane-y-spacing gadget)
90 0))))))
91 (make-space-requirement
92 :width (or width w)
93 :min-width w
94 :height (or height h)
95 :min-height h)))
96 (defmethod draw-label* ((pane drawn-push-button) x1 y1 x2 y2
97 &key ink)
98 (declare (ignore ink))
99 (funcall (button-drawing-function pane) pane x1 y1))
101 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
102 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
104 ;;; File dialogue stuff
106 ;; Dialogue box for file browing operations. Takes an object and puts
107 ;; the resulting pathname into it (for now, this means we can only
108 ;; handle single files). User can optionally provide acceptable file
109 ;; extensions, which will disallow clicking on other files (the user
110 ;; can override this by ctrl-clicking).
112 ;; This really ought to go somewhere in CLIM, but it uses code from
113 ;; CLIM-LISTENER, so would probably need a package that doesn't exist
114 ;; or for some of the listener functionality to be moved somewhere
115 ;; useful.
117 (in-package :gsharp)
119 (defparameter *file-text-style*
120 (make-text-style :sans-serif :roman :small))
121 ;; Transport for holding pathname info between application frame and
122 ;; caller
123 (defstruct filespec (pathname))
124 ;; FIXME: way to pass initargs to application gadget
125 (defparameter *init-info* "")
127 (define-command-table path-input)
128 ;; (defclass file-browser-pane (esa-pane-mixin application-pane) ())
129 (define-gesture-name :adjust :pointer-button (:left :control))
130 (define-gesture-name :hidden :keyboard (#\h :control))
132 (defun read-text-path (gadget)
133 (let ((new-path (pathname (gadget-value gadget))))
134 (if (clim-listener::directoryp new-path)
135 (setf (current-path *application-frame*)
136 new-path)
137 (setf (current-path *application-frame*)
138 (make-pathname :directory (pathname-directory new-path))))
139 (redraw-file-browser-windows *application-frame*)))
141 (define-application-frame file-browser (standard-application-frame)
142 ((current-path :initarg :path :accessor current-path)
143 (extensions :initarg :extensions :accessor extensions :initform nil)
144 (show-hidden :initarg :hidden :accessor show-hidden :initform nil)
145 (sort-predicate :initarg :sort :accessor sort-predicate :initform
146 #'directory-alpha-sort)
147 (final-file :initarg :file :accessor final-file
148 :initform (make-filespec :pathname "")))
149 (:menu-bar nil)
150 (:panes
151 (path-input :text-field :text-style *file-text-style*
152 :command-table 'file-browser
153 :value (get-gadget-value :path-input)
154 :activate-callback #'read-text-path)
155 (browser (make-pane 'application-pane
156 :width 800
157 :height 300
158 :text-style *file-text-style*
159 :command-table 'file-browser
160 :display-function 'display-folder))
161 (ok-button
162 :push-button :label "Ok"
163 :activate-callback
164 #'(lambda (gadget)
165 (declare (ignore gadget))
166 (setf (filespec-pathname (final-file *application-frame*))
167 (pathname
168 (gadget-value (find-pane-named *application-frame*
169 'path-input))))
170 (frame-exit *application-frame*)))
171 (cancel-button
172 :push-button :label "Cancel"
173 :activate-callback
174 #'(lambda (gadget)
175 (declare (ignore gadget))
176 (setf (filespec-pathname (final-file *application-frame*)) "")
177 (frame-exit *application-frame*))))
178 (:layouts
179 (default
180 (vertically ()
181 path-input
182 (scrolling () browser)
183 (horizontally () ok-button cancel-button +fill+)))))
185 (defun redraw-file-browser-windows (frame)
186 (redisplay-frame-pane frame
187 (find-pane-named frame 'browser)
188 :force-p t)
189 (redisplay-frame-pane frame
190 (find-pane-named frame 'path-input)
191 :force-p t))
193 (defmethod display-folder (frame pane)
194 (let* ((main-path (current-path frame))
195 (path (if (clim-listener::directoryp main-path)
196 (clim-listener::show-directory-pathnames main-path)
197 (clim-listener::show-directory-pathnames (directory-name main-path)))))
198 (browser-show-directory
199 pane
200 ;; (clim-listener::show-directory-pathnames (current-path frame))
201 path
202 :show-hidden (show-hidden frame)
203 :sort-predicate (sort-predicate frame))))
205 (defun dir-parent (path)
206 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :back))
207 path))
209 (defun parent-dir (path)
210 (let ((dirs (pathname-directory path)))
211 (make-pathname :directory (subseq dirs 0 (1- (length dirs))))))
213 (defun hiddenp (path)
214 (char= (elt (if (clim-listener::directoryp path)
215 (directory-name path)
216 (pathname-name path))
218 #\.))
219 (defun directory-name (path)
220 (car (last (pathname-directory path))))
222 (defun directory-alpha-sort (p1 p2)
223 (let ((d1 (clim-listener::directoryp p1))
224 (d2 (clim-listener::directoryp p2)))
225 (if d1
226 (if d2
227 (string-lessp (directory-name p1) (directory-name p2))
229 (if d2
231 (or (string-lessp (pathname-name p1) (pathname-name p2))
232 (and (string-equal (pathname-name p1) (pathname-name p2))
233 (string-lessp (pathname-type p1) (pathname-type p2))))))))
235 (defun browser-show-directory (pane path
236 &key (show-hidden nil)
237 (sort-predicate #'directory-alpha-sort))
238 (let* ((dir (coerce (directory path) 'simple-vector))
239 (parent (parent-dir path)))
240 (unless show-hidden
241 (setf dir (sort (remove-if #'hiddenp dir) sort-predicate)))
242 (formatting-table (pane)
243 (dotimes (i (ceiling (/ (length dir) 3)))
244 (formatting-row (pane)
245 (dotimes (j 3)
246 (unless (> (+ (* 3 i) j) (length dir))
247 (formatting-cell (pane)
248 (if (= i 0 j)
249 ;; fixme: root dir
250 (with-output-as-presentation
251 (pane parent 'clim:pathname :single-box t)
252 (clim-listener::draw-icon
253 pane
254 (clim-listener::standard-icon "up-folder.xpm")
255 :extra-spacing 3)
256 (princ "Parent directory" pane))
257 (with-drawing-options
258 (pane :ink
259 (if (or (clim-listener::directoryp (aref dir (+ (* 3 i) j -1)))
260 (file-filter (aref dir (+ (* 3 i) j -1))
261 *application-frame*))
262 +black+
263 +gray+))
264 (clim-listener::pretty-pretty-pathname
265 (aref dir (+ (* 3 i) j -1)) pane path)))))))))))
267 (define-file-browser-command (com-change-to-directory :name t :menu t)
268 ((pathname 'clim:pathname :prompt "pathname"))
269 (change-to-directory pathname *application-frame*))
271 (defun change-to-directory (pathname frame)
272 (setf (current-path frame) pathname
273 (gadget-value (find-pane-named frame 'path-input))
274 (princ-to-string pathname))
275 (redraw-file-browser-windows frame))
277 (defun file-filter (path frame)
278 (when (pathname-type path)
279 (if (extensions frame)
280 (member (pathname-type path) (extensions frame)
281 :test #'string-equal)
282 t)))
283 (define-file-browser-command (com-toggle-hidden :name t :menu t
284 :keystroke :hidden)
286 (setf (show-hidden *application-frame*) (not (show-hidden *application-frame*)))
287 (redraw-file-browser-windows *application-frame*))
289 (define-presentation-to-command-translator select-file
290 (clim-listener::pathname com-select-file file-browser
291 :documentation "select file"
292 :tester ((object)
293 (file-filter object *application-frame*)))
294 (object)
295 (list object))
297 (define-presentation-to-command-translator force-select-file
298 (clim-listener::pathname com-select-file file-browser
299 :gesture :adjust
300 :documentation "select file"
301 :tester ((object)
302 (not (clim-listener::directoryp object))))
303 (object)
304 (list object))
306 (define-file-browser-command (com-select-file :name t :menu t)
307 ((pathname 'clim:pathname :prompt "pathname"))
308 (let ((path (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'path-input)))
309 (if (string= (gadget-value path) (princ-to-string pathname))
310 (progn (setf (filespec-pathname (final-file *application-frame*)) pathname)
311 (frame-exit *application-frame*))
312 (progn (setf (gadget-value path) (princ-to-string pathname))
313 (redraw-file-browser-windows *application-frame*)))))
315 (define-file-browser-command (com-load-file :name t :menu t)
316 ((pathname 'clim:pathname :prompt "pathname"))
317 (if (equal (filespec-pathname (final-file *application-frame*)) pathname)
318 (frame-exit *application-frame*)
319 (progn
320 (setf (filespec-pathname (final-file *application-frame*)) pathname
321 (gadget-value (find-pane-named *application-frame* 'path-input))
322 (princ-to-string pathname))
323 (redraw-file-browser-windows *application-frame*))))
325 (define-presentation-to-command-translator change-to-directory
326 (clim-listener::pathname com-change-to-directory file-browser
327 :documentation "change-to-directory"
328 :tester ((object) (clim-listener::directoryp object)))
329 (object)
330 (list object))
332 (defparameter *gadget-init-hash* (make-hash-table))
333 (defun get-gadget-value (keyword)
334 (gethash keyword *gadget-init-hash*))
335 (defun set-gadget-defaults (gadget-pairs)
336 (setf *gadget-init-hash* (make-hash-table))
337 (do* ((gadget-pairs gadget-pairs (cddr gadget-pairs))
338 (key (first gadget-pairs) (first gadget-pairs))
339 (val (second gadget-pairs) (second gadget-pairs)))
340 ((null gadget-pairs))
341 (setf (gethash key *gadget-init-hash*) val)))
342 (defun make-application-frame-with-gadgets (type &key gadget-vars frame-vars)
343 (set-gadget-defaults gadget-vars)
344 (apply #'make-application-frame type frame-vars))
346 (defun gui-get-pathname (&key initial-path extensions)
347 ;; clunky way of getting default values into gadgets
348 (unless initial-path
349 (setf initial-path (directory-of-current-buffer)))
350 (let* ((filespec (make-filespec :pathname ""))
351 (frame (make-application-frame-with-gadgets
352 'file-browser
353 :gadget-vars (list :path-input (princ-to-string initial-path))
354 :frame-vars (list :width 600 :path initial-path
355 :file filespec
356 :extensions extensions))))
357 (run-frame-top-level frame)
358 (filespec-pathname filespec)))