Draw current element now actually draws current element and in
[gsharp.git] / play.lisp
1 (in-package :gsharp-play)
3 (defparameter *midi-temp-file* "/tmp/timidity.mid")
4 (defparameter *midi-player* "timidity")
5 (defparameter *midi-player-arguments* '())
7 (defvar *tuning*)
8 (defvar *tempo*)
10 (defun midi-pitch (note)
11 (round (+ (+ 6900 ; a above middle c, 440 Hz
12 (* 1200 (log (/ (master-pitch-freq *tuning*) 440) 2)))
13 (- (note-cents note *tuning*)
14 (note-cents (master-pitch-note *tuning*) *tuning*)))
15 100))
17 (defun cents-adjustment (note)
18 (nth-value 1 (midi-pitch note)))
20 (defun measure-durations (slices)
21 (let ((durations (mapcar (lambda (slice)
22 (mapcar #'duration
23 (bars slice)))
24 slices)))
25 (loop while durations
26 collect (reduce #'max durations :key #'car)
27 do (setf durations (remove nil (mapcar #'cdr durations))))))
29 (defun average (list &key (key #'identity))
30 (let ((sum 0)
31 (count 0))
32 (dolist (elem list)
33 (incf count)
34 (incf sum (funcall key elem)))
35 (/ sum count)))
37 (defun events-from-element (element time channel)
38 (when (typep element 'cluster)
39 (append (list
40 (make-instance 'pitch-bend-message
41 :time time
42 :status (+ #xE0 channel)
43 :value (+ 8192 ;; middle of pitch-bend controller
44 (round
45 (* 4096/100 ;; 4096 points per 100 cents
46 ;; midi can only do per-channel pitch bend,
47 ;; not per-note pitch bend, so as a sad
48 ;; compromise we average the pitch bends
49 ;; of all notes in the cluster
50 (average (notes element)
51 :key #'cents-adjustment))))))
52 (mapcar (lambda (note)
53 (make-instance 'note-on-message
54 :time time
55 :status (+ #x90 channel)
56 :key (midi-pitch note) :velocity 100))
57 (remove-if #'tie-left (notes element)))
58 (mapcar (lambda (note)
59 (make-instance 'note-off-message
60 :time (+ time (* *tempo* (duration element)))
61 :status (+ #x80 channel)
62 :key (midi-pitch note) :velocity 100))
63 (remove-if #'tie-right (notes element))))))
65 (defun events-from-bar (bar time channel)
66 (mapcan (lambda (element)
67 (prog1 (events-from-element element time channel)
68 (incf time (* *tempo* (duration element)))))
69 (elements bar)))
71 (defun track-from-slice (slice channel durations &key (start-time 0))
72 (let ((time start-time))
73 (cons (make-instance 'program-change-message
74 :time time :status (+ #xc0 channel) :program 0)
75 (mapcan (lambda (bar duration)
76 (prog1 (events-from-bar bar time channel)
77 (incf time (* *tempo* duration))))
78 (bars slice) durations))))
80 (define-condition midi-player-failed (gsharp-condition)
81 ((midi-player :initarg :midi-player)
82 (exit-code :initarg :exit-code))
83 (:report
84 (lambda (condition stream)
85 (with-slots (midi-player exit-code) condition
86 (format stream
87 "Midi player ~S returned exit code ~S, indicating that an error occurred."
88 midi-player exit-code)))))
90 (defun play-tracks (tracks)
91 (let ((midifile (make-instance 'midifile
92 :format 1
93 :division 25
94 :tracks tracks)))
95 (write-midi-file midifile *midi-temp-file*)
96 #+cmu
97 (ext:run-program *midi-player*
98 (append *midi-player-arguments*
99 (list *midi-temp-file*)))
100 #+sbcl
101 (let ((process
102 (sb-ext:run-program *midi-player*
103 (append *midi-player-arguments*
104 (list *midi-temp-file*))
105 :search t)))
106 (sb-ext:process-wait process)
107 (when (not (zerop (sb-ext:process-exit-code process)))
108 (error 'midi-player-failed
109 :midi-player *midi-player*
110 :exit-code (sb-ext:process-exit-code process))))
111 #+clisp
112 (ext:run-program *midi-player*
113 :arguments (append *midi-player-arguments*
114 (list *midi-temp-file*)))
115 #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
116 (error "write compatibility layer for RUN-PROGRAM")))
118 (defun play-layer (layer)
119 (let* ((slice (body layer))
120 (durations (measure-durations (list slice)))
121 (*tempo* (tempo (segment layer)))
122 (*tuning* (gsharp-buffer:tuning (segment layer)))
123 (tracks (list (track-from-slice slice 0 durations))))
124 (play-tracks tracks)))
126 (defun segment-tracks (segment &key (start-time 0))
127 (let* ((slices (mapcar #'body (layers segment)))
128 (durations (measure-durations slices))
129 (*tempo* (tempo segment))
130 (*tuning* (gsharp-buffer:tuning segment)))
131 (values (loop
132 for slice in slices
133 for i from 0
134 collect (track-from-slice slice i durations :start-time start-time))
135 (reduce #'+ durations))))
137 (defun play-segment (segment)
138 (play-tracks (segment-tracks segment)))
140 ; TODO: There is a short pause between segments?
141 (defun play-buffer (buffer)
142 (let* ((time 0)
143 (num-tracks (loop :for segment :in (segments buffer)
144 :maximize (length (layers segment))))
145 (tracks (loop :for i :from 0 :below num-tracks :collect nil)))
147 ; Collect snippets from each segment that should go to different tracks
148 (dolist (segment (segments buffer))
149 (let ((*tempo* (tempo segment))
150 (*tuning* (tuning segment)))
151 (multiple-value-bind (track-addendums segment-duration)
152 (segment-tracks segment :start-time time)
153 (format t "~S" segment-duration)
155 (incf time segment-duration)
157 (loop :for track-addendum :in track-addendums
158 :for tracks-tail :on tracks
159 :do (push track-addendum (car tracks-tail))))))
161 ; Concatenate each track's snippets
162 (loop :for tracks-tail :on tracks
163 :do (setf (car tracks-tail)
164 (reduce (lambda (result snippet)
165 (nconc snippet result))
166 (car tracks-tail)
167 :from-end t)))
169 (play-tracks tracks)))