Add images/icon buttons for CLIM
[gsharp.git] / gui.lisp
1 (in-package :gsharp)
3 (defparameter *icon-path*
4 ;; sb-ext:*core-pathname*
5 "/Users/dlewis/lisp/gsharp/Icons/")
6 (defun make-initial-cursor (buffer)
7 (let* ((segment (segmentno buffer 0))
8 (layer (layerno segment 0))
9 (slice (body layer))
10 (bar (barno slice 0)))
11 (make-cursor bar 0)))
13 (defclass gsharp-minibuffer-pane (minibuffer-pane)
15 (:default-initargs
16 :height 20 :max-height 20 :min-height 20))
18 (define-command-table total-melody-table
19 :inherit-from (melody-table global-gsharp-table gsharp))
20 (define-command-table total-rhythmic-melody-table
21 :inherit-from (melody-table rhythmic-table global-gsharp-table gsharp))
22 (define-command-table total-cluster-table
23 :inherit-from (cluster-table melody-table global-gsharp-table gsharp))
24 (define-command-table total-lyrics-table
25 :inherit-from (lyrics-table global-gsharp-table gsharp))
27 (defclass orchestra-view (score-pane:score-view)
28 ((cursor :initarg :cursor :reader cursor)
29 (buffer :initarg :buffer :reader buffer)))
31 ;;; FIXME: we need to sort out Drei's definition of accept methods for
32 ;;; the general VIEW type.
33 ;;;
34 ;;; FIXME: we should name our views so that they can be found by a
35 ;;; string name, rather than the unreadable-object print. There's a
36 ;;; SUBSCRIPTABLE-NAME-MIXIN in ESA-UTILS that is used for this
37 ;;; purpose in the analogous place in Climacs.
38 (define-presentation-method accept
39 ((type orchestra-view) stream (view textual-view)
40 &key (default nil defaultp) (default-type type))
41 (multiple-value-bind (object success string)
42 (complete-input stream
43 (lambda (so-far action)
44 (complete-from-possibilities
45 so-far (views *esa-instance*) '()
46 :action action
47 :name-key #'princ-to-string
48 :value-key #'identity))
49 :partial-completers '(#\Space))
50 (cond
51 (success (values object type))
52 ((and defaultp (= (length string) 0)) (values default default-type))
53 (t (input-not-of-required-type string type)))))
55 ;;; exists for the sole purpose of a :before method that updates the
56 ;;; measures of each modified buffer.
57 (defclass gsharp-pane-mixin () ())
59 (defclass gsharp-pane (score-pane:score-pane gsharp-pane-mixin)
60 ((view :initarg :view :accessor view)))
62 (defvar *info-bg-color* +gray85+)
63 (defvar *info-fg-color* +black+)
65 (defclass gsharp-info-pane (info-pane gsharp-pane-mixin)
67 (:default-initargs
68 :height 20 :max-height 20 :min-height 20
69 :display-function 'display-info
70 :incremental-redisplay t))
72 (defun display-info (frame pane)
73 (declare (ignore frame))
74 (let* ((master-pane (master-pane pane))
75 (view (view master-pane))
76 (buffer (buffer view)))
77 (princ " " pane)
78 (princ (cond ((and (needs-saving buffer)
79 (read-only-p buffer)
80 "%*"))
81 ((needs-saving buffer) "**")
82 ((read-only-p buffer) "%%")
83 (t "--"))
84 pane)
85 (princ " " pane)
86 (with-text-face (pane :bold)
87 (format pane "~25A" (name buffer)))
88 (princ " " pane)
89 (format pane "[~a/~a]"
90 (score-pane:current-page-number view)
91 (score-pane:number-of-pages view))
92 (princ " " pane)
93 (with-text-family (pane :sans-serif)
94 (princ (if (recordingp *application-frame*)
95 "Def"
96 "")
97 pane))))
99 (define-application-frame gsharp (esa-frame-mixin
100 standard-application-frame)
101 ((views :initarg :views :initform '() :accessor views)
102 (input-state :initarg :input-state :accessor input-state))
103 (:default-initargs :input-state (make-input-state))
104 (:menu-bar menubar-command-table :height 25)
105 (:pointer-documentation t)
106 (:panes
107 (score (let* ((win (make-pane 'gsharp-pane
108 :width 400 :height 500
109 :name "score"
110 ;; :incremental-redisplay t
111 :double-buffering t
112 :display-function 'display-score
113 :command-table 'total-melody-table))
114 (info (make-pane 'gsharp-info-pane
115 :master-pane win
116 :background *info-bg-color*
117 :foreground *info-fg-color*)))
118 (setf (windows *application-frame*) (list win))
119 (setf (view win) (car (views *application-frame*)))
120 (vertically ()
121 (scrolling (:width 750 :height 500
122 :min-height 400 :max-height 20000)
123 win)
124 info)))
125 (state (make-pane 'score-pane:score-pane
126 :width 50 :height 200
127 :name "state"
128 :display-function 'display-state))
129 (element (make-pane 'score-pane:score-pane
130 :width 50 :height 300
131 :min-height 100 :max-height 20000
132 :name "element"
133 :display-function 'display-element))
134 (interactor (make-pane 'gsharp-minibuffer-pane :width 900)))
135 (:layouts
136 (default
137 (vertically ()
138 (horizontally ()
139 score
140 (vertically ()
141 (scrolling (:width 80 :height 200) state)
142 (scrolling (:width 80 :height 300
143 :min-height 300 :max-height 20000)
144 element)))
145 interactor)))
146 (:top-level (esa-top-level)))
148 (defmethod buffers ((application-frame gsharp))
149 (let (result)
150 (dolist (window (windows application-frame) (nreverse result))
151 (let ((view (view window)))
152 (when view
153 (pushnew (buffer view) result))))))
155 (defmethod esa-current-buffer ((application-frame gsharp))
156 (buffer (view (car (windows application-frame)))))
158 (defun current-cursor ()
159 (cursor (view (car (windows *application-frame*)))))
161 (defmethod execute-frame-command :around ((frame gsharp) command)
162 (handler-case (call-next-method)
163 (gsharp-condition (condition) (beep) (display-message "~a" condition))))
165 (defmethod display-state ((frame gsharp) pane)
166 (let ((state (input-state *application-frame*)))
167 (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
168 (score-pane:with-staff-size 10
169 (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 100)
170 (let ((xpos 30))
171 (score-pane:draw-notehead pane (notehead state) xpos 4)
172 (when (not (member (notehead state) '(:whole :breve)))
173 (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
174 (eq (stem-direction state) :down))
175 (when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
176 (score-pane:with-notehead-left-offsets (left down)
177 (declare (ignore down))
178 (let ((x (+ xpos left)))
179 (loop repeat (rbeams state)
180 for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
181 (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
182 (loop repeat (lbeams state)
183 for staff-step from -4 by 2 do
184 (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
185 (score-pane:draw-left-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step -4))))
186 (when (or (eq (stem-direction state) :auto)
187 (eq (stem-direction state) :up))
188 (when (eq (notehead state) :filled)
189 (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
190 (declare (ignore up))
191 (let ((x (+ xpos right)))
192 (loop repeat (rbeams state)
193 for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
194 (score-pane:draw-beam pane x staff-step 0 (+ x 10) staff-step 0))
195 (loop repeat (lbeams state)
196 for staff-step downfrom 12 by 2 do
197 (score-pane:draw-beam pane (- x 10) staff-step 0 x staff-step 0)))))
198 (score-pane:draw-right-stem pane xpos (- (score-pane:staff-step 4)) (- (score-pane:staff-step 12)))))
199 (score-pane:with-notehead-right-offsets (right up)
200 (declare (ignore up))
201 (loop repeat (dots state)
202 for dx from (+ right 5) by 5 do
203 (score-pane:draw-dot pane (+ xpos dx) 4)))))))))
205 (defun update-page-numbers (frame)
206 (loop for window in (windows frame)
207 do (let ((page-number 0)
208 (view (view window)))
209 (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
210 (lambda (all-measures)
211 (incf page-number)
212 (when (member-if (lambda (measure) (member (bar (cursor view))
213 (measure-bars measure)
214 :test #'eq))
215 all-measures)
216 (setf (score-pane:current-page-number view) page-number)))
217 (buffer view))
218 (setf (score-pane:number-of-pages view) page-number))))
220 ;;; I tried making this a :before method on redisplay-frame-panes,
221 ;;; but it turns out that McCLIM calls redisplay-frame-pane from
222 ;;; places other than redisplay-frame-panes.
223 (defmethod redisplay-frame-pane :before ((frame gsharp) (pane gsharp-pane-mixin) &key force-p)
224 (declare (ignore pane force-p))
225 (mapc #'recompute-measures (buffers frame))
226 (update-page-numbers frame))
228 (defmethod display-score ((frame gsharp) pane)
229 (let* ((buffer (buffer (view pane)))
230 (zoom (gsharp-buffer::zoom-level buffer)))
231 (with-drawing-options (pane :transformation (make-scaling-transformation zoom zoom))
232 (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
233 (draw-buffer pane buffer (current-cursor)
234 (left-margin buffer) 100)
235 (draw-the-cursor pane (current-cursor) (cursor-element (current-cursor))
236 (last-note (input-state *application-frame*)))
237 (multiple-value-bind (minx miny maxx maxy)
238 (bounding-rectangle* (stream-output-history pane))
239 (declare (ignore minx maxx))
240 (change-space-requirements pane :height (+ maxy miny)))))))
242 (defmethod window-clear ((pane score-pane:score-pane))
243 (let ((output-history (stream-output-history pane)))
244 (with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) output-history
245 (medium-clear-area (sheet-medium pane) left top right bottom))
246 (clear-output-record output-history))
247 (window-erase-viewport pane))
249 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
251 ;;; Element pane
253 (defmethod note-position ((note note))
254 (let ((clef (clef (staff note))))
255 (- (pitch note)
256 (bottom-line clef))))
258 (defmethod display-element ((frame gsharp) pane)
259 (when (handler-case (cur-element)
260 (gsharp-condition () nil))
261 (draw-current-element pane (cur-element))))
263 (defgeneric draw-current-element (pane element)
264 (:method (pane element) nil))
265 (defmethod draw-current-element (pane (cluster cluster))
266 (score-pane:with-score-pane pane
267 (score-pane:with-staff-size 10
268 (score-pane:with-vertical-score-position (pane 10)
269 (let* ((xpos 30)
270 (notehead (notehead cluster))
271 (rbeams (rbeams cluster))
272 (lbeams (lbeams cluster))
273 (dots (dots cluster))
274 (notes (notes cluster))
275 (stem-direction (stem-direction cluster)))
276 (declare (ignore stem-direction notehead lbeams rbeams dots))
277 (loop for note in notes do
278 (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (- 120 (* 15 (note-position note))) 7 0 0 7)
279 (score-pane:draw-accidental pane (accidentals note)
280 (- xpos (if (oddp (note-position note)) 15 25))
281 (- (* 3 (note-position note)) 24)))
282 (when notes
283 (draw-ellipse* pane xpos (- 120 (* 15 (note-position (cur-note))))
284 7 0 0 7 :ink +red+))
285 (loop for s from 0 by 30
286 repeat 5 do
287 (draw-line* pane (- xpos 25) s (+ xpos 25) s))
289 (clim::draw-text* pane (format nil "x-offset: ~A"
290 (gsharp-buffer::xoffset cluster))
291 5 140))))))
292 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
294 ;;; messages to the user
296 ;;; FIXME: do this better
297 (defun message (format-string &rest format-args)
298 (apply #'format *error-output* format-string format-args))
300 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
302 ;;; menu bar
304 (make-command-table
305 'menubar-command-table
306 :errorp nil
307 :menu '(("File" :menu esa-io-menu-table)
308 ("Macros" :menu keyboard-macro-menu-table)
309 ("Buffer" :menu buffer-command-table)
310 ("Stuff" :menu segment-command-table)
311 ("Segment" :menu segment-command-table)
312 ("Layer" :menu layer-command-table)
313 ("Slice" :menu slice-command-table)
314 ("Measure" :menu measure-command-table)
315 ("Modes" :menu modes-command-table)
316 ("Staves" :menu staves-command-table)
317 ("Play" :menu play-command-table)
318 ("Help" :menu help-menu-table)))
320 (define-gsharp-command (com-new-buffer :name t) ()
321 (let* ((buffer (make-instance 'buffer))
322 (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
323 (staff (car (staves buffer)))
324 (input-state (make-input-state))
325 (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view
326 :buffer buffer
327 :cursor cursor)))
328 (push view (views *application-frame*))
329 (setf (view (car (windows *application-frame*))) view)
330 (setf (input-state *application-frame*) input-state
331 (staves (car (layers (car (segments buffer))))) (list staff))))
333 (defmethod frame-find-file :around ((application-frame gsharp) filepath)
334 (declare (ignore filepath))
335 (let* ((buffer (call-next-method))
336 (input-state (make-input-state))
337 (cursor (make-initial-cursor buffer))
338 (view (make-instance 'orchestra-view
339 :buffer buffer
340 :cursor cursor)))
341 (push view (views *application-frame*))
342 (setf (view (car (windows *application-frame*))) view
343 (input-state *application-frame*) input-state
344 (filepath buffer) filepath)
345 (select-layer cursor (car (layers (segment (current-cursor)))))))
347 (define-gsharp-command (com-quit :name t) ()
348 (frame-exit *application-frame*))
350 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
352 ;;; buffer menu
354 (make-command-table
355 'buffer-command-table
356 :errorp nil
357 :menu '(("Play" :command com-play-buffer)
358 ("Delete Current" :command com-delete-buffer)))
360 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
362 ;;; segment menu
364 (make-command-table
365 'segment-command-table
366 :errorp nil
367 :menu '(("Forward" :command com-forward-segment)
368 ("Backward" :command com-backward-segment)
369 ("Delete Current" :command com-delete-segment)
370 ("Insert After Current" :command com-insert-segment-after)
371 ("Insert Before Current" :command com-insert-segment-before)))
373 (define-gsharp-command (com-forward-segment :name t) ()
374 (forward-segment (current-cursor)))
376 (define-gsharp-command (com-backward-segment :name t) ()
377 (backward-segment (current-cursor)))
379 (define-gsharp-command (com-delete-segment :name t) ()
380 (delete-segment (current-cursor)))
382 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-segment-before :name t) ()
383 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
384 (insert-segment-before (make-instance 'segment :staff (car (staves (current-buffer))))
385 cursor)
386 (backward-segment cursor)))
388 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-segment-after :name t) ()
389 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
390 (insert-segment-after (make-instance 'segment :staff (car (staves (current-buffer))))
391 cursor)
392 (forward-segment cursor)))
394 (define-gsharp-command (com-set-segment-tempo :name t) ((tempo 'integer :prompt "Tempo"))
395 (let ((segment (segment (current-cursor))))
396 (setf (tempo segment) tempo)))
398 (define-gsharp-command (com-set-segment-tuning-regular-temperament :name t)
399 ((octave-cents 'cl:number :prompt "Octave size in cents")
400 (fifth-cents 'cl:number :prompt "Fifth size in cents")
401 (quartertone-cents 'cl:number :prompt "Quartertone size in cents"))
402 ;; TODO: prompt for sizes of various microtonal accidentals
403 (let ((segment (segment (current-cursor))))
404 (setf (tuning segment) (make-instance 'regular-temperament
405 :octave-cents octave-cents
406 :fifth-cents fifth-cents
407 :quartertone-cents quartertone-cents))))
409 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
411 ;;; layer menu
413 (make-command-table
414 'layer-command-table
415 :errorp nil
416 :menu '(("Select" :command com-select-layer)
417 ("Rename" :command com-rename-layer)
418 ("New" :command com-add-layer)
419 ("Delete" :command com-delete-layer)))
421 (define-condition layer-name-not-unique (gsharp-condition) ()
422 (:report
423 (lambda (condition stream)
424 (declare (ignore condition))
425 (format stream "Layer name already exists"))))
427 (defun acquire-unique-layer-name (prompt)
428 (let ((name (accept 'string :prompt prompt)))
429 (assert (not (member name (layers (segment (current-cursor)))
430 :test #'string= :key #'name))
431 () `layer-name-not-unique)
432 name))
434 (define-condition no-such-layer (gsharp-condition) ()
435 (:report
436 (lambda (condition stream)
437 (declare (ignore condition))
438 (format stream "No such layer"))))
440 (define-presentation-method accept
441 ((type layer) stream (view textual-view) &key)
442 (multiple-value-bind (layer success string)
443 (handler-case (complete-input stream
444 (lambda (so-far mode)
445 (complete-from-possibilities
446 so-far
447 (layers (segment (current-cursor)))
449 :action mode
450 :predicate (constantly t)
451 :name-key #'name
452 :value-key #'identity)))
453 (simple-parse-error () (error 'no-such-layer)))
454 (declare (ignore string))
455 (if success layer (error 'no-such-layer))))
457 (defgeneric find-applicable-gsharp-command-table (layer element))
459 (defmethod find-applicable-gsharp-command-table ((layer melody-layer) element)
460 (declare (ignore element))
461 (find-command-table 'total-melody-table))
463 (defmethod find-applicable-gsharp-command-table ((layer melody-layer) (element rhythmic-element))
464 (find-command-table 'total-rhythmic-melody-table))
466 (defmethod find-applicable-gsharp-command-table ((layer melody-layer) (element cluster))
467 (find-command-table 'total-cluster-table))
469 (defmethod find-applicable-gsharp-command-table ((layer lyrics-layer) element)
470 (declare (ignore element))
471 (find-command-table 'total-lyrics-table))
473 (defmethod find-applicable-command-table ((frame gsharp))
474 (let* ((cursor (current-cursor))
475 (layer (layer cursor))
476 (element (if (beginning-of-bar-p cursor) nil (current-element cursor))))
477 (find-applicable-gsharp-command-table layer element)))
479 (define-gsharp-command (com-select-layer :name t) ()
480 (let ((selected-layer (accept 'layer :prompt "Select layer")))
481 (select-layer (current-cursor) selected-layer)))
483 (define-gsharp-command (com-rename-layer :name t) ()
484 (setf (name (accept 'layer :prompt "Rename layer"))
485 (acquire-unique-layer-name "New name of layer")))
487 (define-gsharp-command (com-add-layer :name t) ()
488 (let* ((name (acquire-unique-layer-name "Name of new layer"))
489 (staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Initial staff of new layer"))
490 (new-layer (make-layer (list staff) :name name)))
491 (add-layer new-layer (segment (current-cursor)))
492 (select-layer (current-cursor) new-layer)))
494 (define-gsharp-command (com-delete-layer :name t) ()
495 (delete-layer (current-cursor)))
497 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
499 ;;; slice menu
501 (make-command-table
502 'slice-command-table
503 :errorp nil
504 :menu '(("Head" :command com-head-slice)
505 ("Body" :command com-body-slice)
506 ("Tail" :command com-tail-slisce)))
508 (define-gsharp-command (com-head-slice :name t) ()
509 (head-slice (current-cursor)))
511 (define-gsharp-command (com-body-slice :name t) ()
512 (body-slice (current-cursor)))
514 (define-gsharp-command (com-tail-slice :name t) ()
515 (tail-slice (current-cursor)))
517 (define-gsharp-command (com-forward-slice :name t) ()
518 (forward-slice (current-cursor)))
520 (define-gsharp-command (com-backward-slice :name t) ()
521 (backward-slice (current-cursor)))
523 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
525 ;;; bar menu
527 (make-command-table
528 'measure-command-table
529 :errorp nil
530 :menu '(("Forward" :command (com-forward-measure 1))
531 ("Backward" :command (com-backward-measure 1))))
533 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
535 ;;; modes menu
537 (make-command-table
538 'modes-command-table
539 :errorp nil
540 :menu '(("Fundamental" :command com-fundamental)))
542 (define-gsharp-command (com-fundamental :name t) ()
543 nil)
545 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
547 ;;; staves menu
549 (make-command-table
550 'staves-command-table
551 :errorp nil
552 :menu '(("Rotate" :command com-rotate-staves)))
554 (define-gsharp-command (com-rotate-staves :name t) ()
555 (let ((layer (layer (current-cursor))))
556 (setf (staves layer)
557 (append (cdr (staves layer)) (list (car (staves layer)))))))
559 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
561 ;;; play menu
563 (make-command-table
564 'play-command-table
565 :errorp nil
566 :menu '(("Buffer" :command com-play-buffer)
567 ("Segment" :command com-play-segment)
568 ("Layer" :command com-play-layer)))
570 (define-gsharp-command (com-play-buffer :name t) ()
571 (play-buffer (buffer (current-cursor))))
573 (define-gsharp-command (com-play-segment :name t) ()
574 (play-segment (segment (current-cursor))))
576 (define-gsharp-command (com-play-layer :name t) ()
577 (play-layer (layer (current-cursor))))
579 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
581 ;;; main entry points
583 (defun gsharp (&rest args &key new-process process-name width height)
584 "Start a Gsharp session with a fresh empty buffer"
585 (declare (ignore new-process process-name width height))
586 (apply #'gsharp-common '(com-new-buffer) args))
588 (defun edit-file (filename &rest args
589 &key new-process process-name width height)
590 "Start a Gsharp session editing a given file"
591 (declare (ignore new-process process-name width height))
592 (apply #'gsharp-common `(esa-io::com-find-file ,filename) args))
594 (defun gsharp-common (command &key new-process (process-name "Gsharp") width height)
595 (let* ((frame (make-application-frame 'gsharp :width width :height height))
596 (*application-frame* frame)
597 (*esa-instance* frame))
598 (adopt-frame (find-frame-manager) *application-frame*)
599 (execute-frame-command *application-frame* command)
600 (flet ((run () (run-frame-top-level frame)))
601 (if new-process
602 (clim-sys:make-process #'run :name process-name)
603 (run)))))
605 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
607 ;;; development and debugging aids
609 ;;; FIXME: you might expect that this was in an ESA component, but in
610 ;;; fact it's not. Maybe it should be?
611 (define-gsharp-command (com-eval-expression :name t)
612 ((expression 'expression :prompt "Eval"))
613 "Prompt for and evaluate a lisp expression.
614 Prints the results in the minibuffer."
615 (let* ((*package* (find-package :gsharp))
616 (values (multiple-value-list
617 (handler-case (eval expression)
618 (error (condition)
619 (beep)
620 (display-message "~a" condition)
621 (return-from com-eval-expression nil)))))
622 (result (format nil "~:[; No values~;~:*~{~S~^,~}~]" values)))
623 (display-message result)))
625 (define-gsharp-command (com-raster+ :name t) ()
626 (let ((score-pane (get-main-score-pane)))
627 (incf (gsharp-buffer::rastral-size (buffer (current-cursor))))
628 (redisplay-frame-pane *application-frame* score-pane :force-p t)))
629 (define-gsharp-command (com-raster- :name t) ()
630 (let ((score-pane (get-main-score-pane)))
631 (unless (<= (gsharp-buffer::rastral-size (buffer (current-cursor))) 6)
632 (decf (gsharp-buffer::rastral-size (buffer (current-cursor))))
633 (redisplay-frame-pane *application-frame* score-pane :force-p t))))
635 (defun get-main-score-pane ()
636 (find "score"
637 (frame-current-panes *application-frame*)
638 :key #'pane-name
639 :test #'string=))
641 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
643 ;;; note insertion commands
645 (defun insert-cluster ()
646 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
647 (cursor (current-cursor))
648 (cluster (make-cluster
649 :notehead (notehead state)
650 :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
651 :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
652 :dots (dots state)
653 :stem-direction (stem-direction state))))
654 (insert-element cluster cursor)
655 (forward-element cursor)
656 cluster))
658 (defparameter *current-cluster* nil)
659 (defparameter *current-note* nil)
661 (defun insert-note (pitch cluster accidentals)
662 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
663 (staff (car (staves (layer (slice (bar cluster))))))
664 (note (make-note pitch staff
665 :head (notehead state)
666 :accidentals accidentals
667 :dots (dots state))))
668 (setf *current-cluster* cluster
669 *current-note* note)
670 (add-note cluster note)))
672 (defun compute-and-adjust-note (pitch)
673 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
674 (old-pitch (mod (last-note state) 7))
675 (diff (- pitch old-pitch)))
676 (incf (last-note state)
677 (cond ((> diff 3) (- diff 7))
678 ((< diff -3) (+ diff 7))
679 (t diff)))))
681 (defun insert-numbered-note-new-cluster (pitch)
682 (let* ((new-pitch (compute-and-adjust-note pitch))
683 (accidentals (aref (alterations (keysig (current-cursor))) (mod new-pitch 7))))
684 (insert-note new-pitch (insert-cluster) accidentals)))
686 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-a :keystroke #\a) ()
687 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 5))
689 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-b :keystroke #\b) ()
690 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 6))
692 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-c :keystroke #\c) ()
693 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 0))
695 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-d :keystroke #\d) ()
696 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 1))
698 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-e :keystroke #\e) ()
699 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 2))
701 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-f :keystroke #\f) ()
702 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 3))
704 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-note-g :keystroke #\g) ()
705 (insert-numbered-note-new-cluster 4))
707 (define-gsharp-command com-insert-rest ()
708 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
709 (cursor (current-cursor))
710 (rest (make-rest (car (staves (layer (current-cursor))))
711 :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
712 :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
713 :dots (dots state)
714 :notehead (notehead state))))
715 (insert-element rest cursor)
716 (forward-element cursor)
717 rest))
719 (define-gsharp-command com-insert-empty-cluster ()
720 (insert-cluster))
722 (defun cur-elementp ()
723 (handler-case
724 (cur-element)
725 (not-on-an-element () nil)))
726 (defun cur-clusterp ()
727 (handler-case
728 (cur-cluster)
729 (not-on-a-cluster () nil)))
730 (defun cur-notep ()
731 (handler-case
732 (cur-note)
733 (not-on-a-cluster () nil)
734 (not-on-an-element () nil)))
736 (defun cur-cluster ()
737 (current-cluster (current-cursor)))
739 (defun cur-element ()
740 (current-element (current-cursor)))
742 (defun cur-note ()
743 (let ((cluster (cur-cluster)))
744 (if (eq *current-cluster* cluster) ; it has not moved since last time
745 (or (car (member *current-note* (notes cluster) :test #'eq))
746 (setf *current-note* (car (notes cluster))))
747 (setf *current-cluster* cluster
748 *current-note* (car (notes cluster))))))
750 (define-gsharp-command com-current-increment ()
751 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
752 (notes (notes cluster))
753 (rest (member (cur-note) notes :test #'eq)))
754 (unless (null (cdr rest))
755 (setf *current-note* (cadr rest)))))
757 (define-gsharp-command com-current-decrement ()
758 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
759 (notes (notes cluster))
760 (pos (position (cur-note) notes :test #'eq)))
761 (unless (zerop pos)
762 (setf *current-note* (nth (1- pos) notes)))))
764 (defun insert-numbered-note-current-cluster (pitch)
765 (let* ((new-pitch (compute-and-adjust-note pitch))
766 (accidentals (aref (alterations (keysig (current-cursor))) (mod new-pitch 7))))
767 (insert-note new-pitch (cur-cluster) accidentals)))
769 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-a ()
770 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 5))
772 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-b ()
773 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 6))
775 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-c ()
776 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 0))
778 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-d ()
779 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 1))
781 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-e ()
782 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 2))
784 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-f ()
785 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 3))
787 (define-gsharp-command com-add-note-g ()
788 (insert-numbered-note-current-cluster 4))
790 (macrolet ((define-duration-altering-command (name &body body)
791 `(define-gsharp-command ,name ()
792 (let ((element (cur-element)))
793 ,@body
794 (gsharp-buffer::maybe-update-key-signatures
795 (bar (current-cursor)))))))
796 (define-duration-altering-command com-more-dots ()
797 (setf (dots element) (min (1+ (dots element)) 3)))
798 (define-duration-altering-command com-fewer-dots ()
799 (setf (dots element) (max (1- (dots element)) 0)))
800 (define-duration-altering-command com-more-rbeams ()
801 (setf (rbeams element) (min (1+ (rbeams element)) 3)))
802 (define-duration-altering-command com-fewer-lbeams ()
803 (setf (lbeams element) (max (1- (lbeams element)) 0)))
804 (define-duration-altering-command com-more-lbeams ()
805 (setf (lbeams element) (min (1+ (lbeams element)) 3)))
806 (define-duration-altering-command com-fewer-rbeams ()
807 (setf (rbeams element) (max (1- (rbeams element)) 0)))
808 (define-duration-altering-command com-rotate-notehead ()
809 (setf (notehead element)
810 (ecase (notehead element)
811 (:breve :long)
812 (:whole :breve)
813 (:half :whole)
814 (:filled :half)
815 (:long :filled)))))
817 (define-gsharp-command com-rotate-stem-direction ()
818 (setf (stem-direction (cur-cluster))
819 (ecase (stem-direction (cur-cluster))
820 (:auto :up)
821 (:up :down)
822 (:down :auto))))
824 (define-gsharp-command com-toggle-staccato ()
825 (let ((cluster (cur-cluster)))
826 (if (member :staccato (annotations cluster))
827 (setf (annotations cluster) (remove :staccato (annotations cluster)))
828 (push :staccato (annotations cluster)))))
830 (define-gsharp-command com-toggle-tenuto ()
831 (let ((cluster (cur-cluster)))
832 (if (member :tenuto (annotations cluster))
833 (setf (annotations cluster) (remove :tenuto (annotations cluster)))
834 (push :tenuto (annotations cluster)))))
836 (define-gsharp-command com-down ()
837 (let ((element (cur-element)))
838 (if (typep element 'cluster)
839 (let* ((note (cur-note))
840 (new-note (make-note (1- (pitch note)) (staff note)
841 :head (head note)
842 :accidentals (accidentals note)
843 :dots (dots note))))
844 (remove-note note)
845 (add-note element new-note)
846 (setf *current-note* new-note))
847 (let ((rbeams (rbeams element))
848 (lbeams (lbeams element))
849 (dots (dots element))
850 (notehead (notehead element))
851 (staff-pos (staff-pos element))
852 (staff (staff element))
853 (cursor (current-cursor)))
854 (backward-element cursor)
855 (delete-element cursor)
856 (insert-element (make-rest staff
857 :staff-pos (- staff-pos 2)
858 :notehead notehead :dots dots
859 :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams)
860 cursor)
861 (forward-element cursor)))))
863 (define-gsharp-command com-up ()
864 (let ((element (cur-element)))
865 (if (typep element 'cluster)
866 (let* ((note (cur-note))
867 (new-note (make-note (1+ (pitch note)) (staff note)
868 :head (head note)
869 :accidentals (accidentals note)
870 :dots (dots note))))
871 (remove-note note)
872 (add-note element new-note)
873 (setf *current-note* new-note))
874 (let ((rbeams (rbeams element))
875 (lbeams (lbeams element))
876 (dots (dots element))
877 (notehead (notehead element))
878 (staff-pos (staff-pos element))
879 (staff (staff element))
880 (cursor (current-cursor)))
881 (backward-element cursor)
882 (delete-element cursor)
883 (insert-element (make-rest staff
884 :staff-pos (+ staff-pos 2)
885 :notehead notehead :dots dots
886 :rbeams rbeams :lbeams lbeams)
887 cursor)
888 (forward-element cursor)))))
890 (define-gsharp-command com-octave-down ()
891 (let ((element (cur-element)))
892 (let* ((note (cur-note))
893 (new-note (make-note (- (pitch note) 7) (staff note)
894 :head (head note)
895 :accidentals (accidentals note)
896 :dots (dots note))))
897 (remove-note note)
898 (add-note element new-note)
899 (setf *current-note* new-note))))
901 (define-gsharp-command com-octave-up ()
902 (let ((element (cur-element)))
903 (let* ((note (cur-note))
904 (new-note (make-note (+ (pitch note) 7) (staff note)
905 :head (head note)
906 :accidentals (accidentals note)
907 :dots (dots note))))
908 (remove-note note)
909 (add-note element new-note)
910 (setf *current-note* new-note))))
912 (defmacro define-microtonal-accidentals (&rest microaccidentals)
913 `(progn
914 (setf (symbol-plist 'microsharpen)
915 ',(loop for (a b) on microaccidentals
916 if b collect a and collect b
917 else collect a and collect a))
918 (setf (symbol-plist 'microflatten)
919 ',(loop for (a b) on (reverse microaccidentals)
920 if b collect a and collect b
921 else collect a and collect a))
922 (deftype accidental () '(member ,@microaccidentals))
923 (defun microsharpen (accidental)
924 (or (getf (symbol-plist 'microsharpen) accidental)
925 (error 'type-error :datum accidental :expected-type 'microaccidental)))
926 (defun microflatten (accidental)
927 (or (getf (symbol-plist 'microflatten) accidental)
928 (error 'type-error :datum accidental :expected-type 'microaccidental)))))
930 (defmacro define-accidentals (&rest accidentals)
931 `(progn
932 (deftype accidental () '(member ,@accidentals))
933 (defun sharpen (accidental)
934 (do ((a (microsharpen accidental) (microsharpen a))
935 (olda accidental a))
936 ((or (eq a olda) (member a ',accidentals)) a)))
937 (defun flatten (accidental)
938 (do ((a (microflatten accidental) (microflatten a))
939 (olda accidental a))
940 ((or (eq a olda) (member a ',accidentals)) a)))))
942 (define-microtonal-accidentals :double-flat :sesquiflat :flat :semiflat
943 :natural
944 :semisharp :sharp :sesquisharp :double-sharp)
946 (define-accidentals :double-flat :flat :natural :sharp :double-sharp)
948 (define-gsharp-command com-sharper ()
949 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
950 (note (cur-note))
951 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
952 :head (head note)
953 :accidentals (sharpen (accidentals note))
954 :dots (dots note))))
955 (remove-note note)
956 (add-note cluster new-note)
957 (setf *current-note* new-note)))
959 (define-gsharp-command com-microsharper ()
960 ;; FIXME: what are CUR-CLUSTER and CUR-NOTE and how do they relate
961 ;; to CURRENT-CLUSTER &c?
962 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
963 (note (cur-note))
964 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
965 :head (head note)
966 :accidentals (microsharpen (accidentals note))
967 :dots (dots note))))
968 (remove-note note)
969 (add-note cluster new-note)
970 (setf *current-note* new-note)))
972 (define-gsharp-command com-flatter ()
973 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
974 (note (cur-note))
975 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
976 :head (head note)
977 :accidentals (flatten (accidentals note))
978 :dots (dots note))))
979 (remove-note note)
980 (add-note cluster new-note)
981 (setf *current-note* new-note)))
983 (define-gsharp-command com-microflatter ()
984 (let* ((cluster (cur-cluster))
985 (note (cur-note))
986 (new-note (make-note (pitch note) (staff note)
987 :head (head note)
988 :accidentals (microflatten (accidentals note))
989 :dots (dots note))))
990 (remove-note note)
991 (add-note cluster new-note)
992 (setf *current-note* new-note)))
994 (define-gsharp-command com-remove-current-note ()
995 (let ((cluster (cur-cluster))
996 (note (cur-note)))
997 (when note
998 (remove-note note)
999 ;; try to set current-note to the highest note lower than the
1000 ;; removed note. If that fails, to the lowest note higher than
1001 ;; it.
1002 (setf *current-note* (or (cluster-lower-bound cluster note)
1003 (cluster-upper-bound cluster note)))
1004 (unless *current-note*
1005 (com-erase-element 1)))))
1007 (defun insert-keysig ()
1008 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
1009 (cursor (current-cursor))
1010 (staff (car (staves (layer cursor))))
1011 (keysig (if (keysig cursor)
1012 (make-key-signature
1013 staff :alterations (copy-seq (alterations (keysig cursor))))
1014 (make-key-signature staff))))
1015 ;; FIXME: should only invalidate elements temporally after the
1016 ;; cursor.
1017 (gsharp-measure::invalidate-everything-using-staff (current-buffer) staff)
1018 (insert-element keysig cursor)
1019 (forward-element cursor)
1020 keysig))
1022 (define-gsharp-command com-insert-keysig ()
1023 (insert-keysig))
1025 (defun insert-timesig (numerator denominator)
1026 (let* ((cursor (current-cursor))
1027 (staff (car (staves (layer cursor))))
1028 (timesig (make-instance 'time-signature
1029 :staff staff
1030 :components
1031 (list (if denominator
1032 (cons numerator denominator)
1033 numerator)))))
1034 (insert-element timesig cursor)
1035 (forward-element cursor)
1036 timesig))
1038 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-timesig :name t)
1039 ((numerator '(integer 1 8) :prompt "Numerator")
1040 (denominator '(integer 1 8) :prompt "Denominator"))
1041 (insert-timesig numerator denominator))
1043 (defmethod remove-element :before ((element staffwise-element) (bar bar))
1044 (let ((staff (staff element)))
1045 (setf (staffwise-elements staff)
1046 (remove element (staffwise-elements staff)))
1047 (gsharp-measure::invalidate-everything-using-staff (current-buffer) staff)))
1049 ;;; FIXME: this isn't quite right (argh) for the case of two
1050 ;;; temporally coincident zero-duration elements on the same staff in
1051 ;;; different layers: essentially all bets are off.
1052 (defun starts-before-p (thing bar element-or-nil)
1053 ;; does THING start before the temporal position denoted by BAR and
1055 (assert (or (null element-or-nil) (eq (bar element-or-nil) bar)))
1056 (when (null (bar thing))
1057 ;; THING is probably the key signature at the start of the piece,
1058 ;; in which case it is definitely before whatever else happens.
1059 (assert (typep thing 'key-signature))
1060 (return-from starts-before-p t))
1061 (let ((barno (number bar)))
1062 (cond
1063 ((> (number (bar thing)) barno) nil)
1064 ((< (number (bar thing)) barno) t)
1065 (t (let ((thing-start-time (loop for e in (elements (bar thing))
1066 if (eq e element-or-nil)
1067 do (return-from starts-before-p nil)
1068 until (eq e thing) sum (duration e)))
1069 (element-start-time
1070 ;; this is actually the right answer for
1071 ;; ELEMENT-OR-NIL = NIL, which means "end of bar"
1072 (loop for e in (elements bar)
1073 if (eq e thing) do (return-from starts-before-p t)
1074 until (eq e element-or-nil) sum (duration e))))
1075 (or (> element-start-time thing-start-time)
1076 (and (= element-start-time thing-start-time)
1077 (or (null element-or-nil)
1078 (> (duration element-or-nil) 0)))))))))
1080 (defun %keysig (staff key-signatures bar element-or-nil)
1081 (or (and key-signatures
1082 (find-if (lambda (x) (starts-before-p x bar element-or-nil))
1083 key-signatures :from-end t))
1084 (keysig staff)))
1086 (defmethod keysig ((cursor gsharp-cursor))
1087 ;; FIXME: not just a cursor but _the_ cursor (i.e. in a given staff)
1088 ;; otherwise the operation for getting the staff [(CAR (STAVES
1089 ;; (LAYER CURSOR)))] need not return the staff that we're interested
1090 ;; in.
1091 (assert (eq cursor (current-cursor)))
1092 (let* ((staff (car (staves (layer cursor))))
1093 (key-signatures (key-signatures staff))
1094 (bar (bar cursor))
1095 (element-or-nil (cursor-element cursor)))
1096 (%keysig staff key-signatures bar element-or-nil)))
1098 (defmethod keysig ((note note))
1099 (let* ((staff (staff note))
1100 (key-signatures (key-signatures staff))
1101 (bar (bar (cluster note)))
1102 (element-or-nil (cluster note)))
1103 (%keysig staff key-signatures bar element-or-nil)))
1105 (defmethod keysig ((cluster cluster))
1106 (error "Called ~S (a staff-scope operation) on an element with no ~
1107 associated staff: ~S"
1108 'keysig cluster))
1110 (defmethod keysig ((element element))
1111 (let* ((staff (staff element))
1112 (key-signatures (key-signatures staff))
1113 (bar (bar element)))
1114 (%keysig staff key-signatures bar element)))
1116 (define-gsharp-command com-tie-note-left ()
1117 (let ((note (cur-note)))
1118 (when note
1119 (setf (tie-left note) t))))
1121 (define-gsharp-command com-untie-note-left ()
1122 (let ((note (cur-note)))
1123 (when note
1124 (setf (tie-left note) nil))))
1126 (define-gsharp-command com-tie-note-right ()
1127 (let ((note (cur-note)))
1128 (when note
1129 (setf (tie-right note) t))))
1131 (define-gsharp-command com-untie-note-right ()
1132 (let ((note (cur-note)))
1133 (when note
1134 (setf (tie-right note) nil))))
1136 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1138 ;;; motion by element
1140 (define-gsharp-command com-forward-element
1141 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Elements" :default 1))
1142 "Move forward by element."
1143 (loop repeat count
1144 do (forward-element (current-cursor))))
1146 (define-gsharp-command com-backward-element
1147 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Elements" :default 1))
1148 "Move backward by element."
1149 (loop repeat count
1150 do (backward-element (current-cursor))))
1152 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1154 ;;; motion by measure
1156 (define-gsharp-command com-forward-measure
1157 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Measures" :default 1))
1158 "Move forward by measure."
1159 (loop repeat count do (forward-bar (current-cursor))))
1161 (define-gsharp-command com-backward-measure
1162 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Measures" :default 1))
1163 "Move backward by measure."
1164 (loop repeat count do (backward-bar (current-cursor))))
1166 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1168 ;;; motion by entire score
1170 (define-gsharp-command com-end-of-score ()
1171 (loop until (last-segment-p (current-cursor))
1172 do (forward-segment (current-cursor)))
1173 (loop until (last-bar-p (current-cursor))
1174 do (forward-bar (current-cursor)))
1175 (loop until (end-of-bar-p (current-cursor))
1176 do (forward-element (current-cursor))))
1178 (define-gsharp-command com-beginning-of-score ()
1179 (loop until (first-segment-p (current-cursor))
1180 do (backward-segment (current-cursor)))
1181 (loop until (first-bar-p (current-cursor))
1182 do (backward-bar (current-cursor)))
1183 (loop until (beginning-of-bar-p (current-cursor))
1184 do (backward-element (current-cursor))))
1186 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1188 ;;; motion by layout (page or line)
1190 ;;; support routines, needed because we're not cacheing the page
1191 ;;; breaks (other than in the buffer Obseq) nor the linebreaks (at
1192 ;;; all)
1193 (defun position-containing-current-bar (sequence)
1194 (let ((bar (bar (current-cursor))))
1195 (position-if (lambda (measure) (member bar (measure-bars measure)))
1196 sequence)))
1197 (defun get-page-lines (buffer page-measures)
1198 (score-pane:with-staff-size (gsharp-buffer::rastral-size buffer)
1199 (let* (;; all this untimely ripp'd from DRAW-BUFFER in
1200 ;; drawing.lisp. Needs to be kept in sync, otherwise the
1201 ;; layout for motion will be different from the layout on
1202 ;; the screen...
1203 (staves (staves buffer))
1204 (timesig-offset (gsharp-drawing::compute-timesig-offset staves page-measures))
1205 (method (let ((old-method (buffer-cost-method buffer)))
1206 (make-measure-cost-method (min-width old-method)
1207 (spacing-style old-method)
1208 (- (line-width old-method) timesig-offset)
1209 (lines-per-page old-method))))
1210 (systems-per-page (gsharp-measure::systems-per-page buffer)))
1211 (gsharp-drawing::layout-page page-measures systems-per-page method))))
1213 ;;; FIXME: these routines should implement numeric-argument handling
1214 (define-gsharp-command (com-forward-page :name t)
1216 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
1217 (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
1218 (lambda (page-measures)
1219 (let ((position (position-containing-current-bar page-measures)))
1220 (when position
1221 (loop repeat (- (length page-measures) position)
1222 if (last-bar-p cursor)
1223 do (go-to-end-of-bar cursor) (return-from com-forward-page)
1224 else do (forward-bar cursor)
1225 finally (return-from com-forward-page)))))
1226 (current-buffer))))
1227 (define-gsharp-command (com-backward-page :name t)
1229 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
1230 (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
1231 (let ((last 0))
1232 (lambda (page-measures)
1233 (let ((position (position-containing-current-bar page-measures)))
1234 (when position
1235 (loop repeat (+ position last)
1236 do (backward-bar cursor)
1237 finally (progn
1238 (go-to-beginning-of-bar cursor)
1239 (return-from com-backward-page)))))
1240 (setf last (length page-measures))))
1241 (current-buffer))))
1243 (define-gsharp-command (com-end-of-line :name t)
1245 (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
1246 (cursor (current-cursor)))
1247 (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
1248 (lambda (page-measures)
1249 (when (position-containing-current-bar page-measures)
1250 (let ((lines (get-page-lines buffer page-measures)))
1251 (dolist (line lines)
1252 (let ((position (position-containing-current-bar line)))
1253 (when position
1254 (loop repeat (- (length line) position 1)
1255 do (forward-bar cursor)
1256 finally (progn
1257 (go-to-end-of-bar cursor)
1258 (return-from com-end-of-line)))))))))
1259 buffer)))
1260 (define-gsharp-command (com-beginning-of-line :name t)
1262 (let ((buffer (current-buffer))
1263 (cursor (current-cursor)))
1264 (gsharp-measure::new-map-over-obseq-subsequences
1265 (lambda (page-measures)
1266 (when (position-containing-current-bar page-measures)
1267 (let ((lines (get-page-lines buffer page-measures)))
1268 (dolist (line lines)
1269 (let ((position (position-containing-current-bar line)))
1270 (when position
1271 (loop repeat position
1272 do (backward-bar cursor)
1273 finally (progn
1274 (go-to-beginning-of-bar cursor)
1275 (return-from com-beginning-of-line)))))))))
1276 buffer)))
1278 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1280 ;;; selecting layers based on layout (next/previous staff)
1282 ;;; FIXME: numeric argument handling again
1283 (define-gsharp-command (com-previous-staff :name t)
1285 (let ((staff (car (staves (layer (current-cursor))))))
1286 (loop for (prev curr) on (staves (current-buffer))
1287 if (eq curr staff)
1288 do (let ((layers (layers (segment (current-cursor)))))
1289 (dolist (layer layers)
1290 (when (member prev (staves layer))
1291 (select-layer (current-cursor) layer)
1292 (do ()
1293 ((eq prev (car (staves layer))))
1294 (com-rotate-staves))
1295 (return-from com-previous-staff)))))))
1296 (define-gsharp-command (com-next-staff :name t)
1298 (let ((staff (car (staves (layer (current-cursor))))))
1299 (loop for (curr next) on (staves (current-buffer))
1300 if (eq curr staff)
1301 do (let ((layers (layers (segment (current-cursor)))))
1302 (dolist (layer layers)
1303 (when (member next (staves layer))
1304 (select-layer (current-cursor) layer)
1305 (do ()
1306 ((eq next (car (staves layer))))
1307 (com-rotate-staves))
1308 (return-from com-next-staff)))))))
1310 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1312 ;;; delete commands
1314 (defun go-to-beginning-of-bar (cursor)
1315 (loop until (beginning-of-bar-p cursor)
1316 do (backward-element cursor)))
1318 (defun go-to-end-of-bar (cursor)
1319 (loop until (end-of-bar-p cursor)
1320 do (forward-element cursor)))
1322 ;;; assume cursor is at the end of the bar
1323 (defun fuse-bar-with-next (cursor)
1324 (go-to-beginning-of-bar cursor)
1325 (let ((elements '()))
1326 (loop until (end-of-bar-p cursor) do
1327 (push (cursor-element cursor) elements)
1328 (delete-element cursor))
1329 (delete-bar cursor)
1330 (loop for element in (nreverse elements) do
1331 (insert-element element cursor)
1332 (forward-element cursor))))
1334 (define-gsharp-command com-delete-element
1335 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Elements" :default 1))
1336 "Delete element forwards."
1337 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
1338 (loop repeat count
1339 do (progn
1340 ;; this will signal a condition if in last bar and
1341 ;; interrupt the execution of the command
1342 (forward-element cursor)
1343 (backward-element cursor)
1344 (if (end-of-bar-p cursor)
1345 (fuse-bar-with-next cursor)
1346 (delete-element cursor))))))
1348 (define-gsharp-command com-erase-element
1349 ((count 'integer :prompt "Number of Elements" :default 1))
1350 "Delete element backwards."
1351 (let ((cursor (current-cursor)))
1352 (loop repeat count
1353 do (progn
1354 (backward-element cursor)
1355 (if (end-of-bar-p cursor)
1356 (fuse-bar-with-next cursor)
1357 (delete-element cursor))))))
1359 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1361 ;;; Input State Settings
1363 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-more-dots ()
1364 (setf (dots (input-state *application-frame*))
1365 (min (1+ (dots (input-state *application-frame*))) 3)))
1367 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-fewer-dots ()
1368 (setf (dots (input-state *application-frame*))
1369 (max (1- (dots (input-state *application-frame*))) 0)))
1371 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-more-rbeams ()
1372 (setf (rbeams (input-state *application-frame*))
1373 (min (1+ (rbeams (input-state *application-frame*))) 3)))
1375 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-fewer-lbeams ()
1376 (setf (lbeams (input-state *application-frame*))
1377 (max (1- (lbeams (input-state *application-frame*))) 0)))
1379 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-more-lbeams ()
1380 (setf (lbeams (input-state *application-frame*))
1381 (min (1+ (lbeams (input-state *application-frame*))) 3)))
1383 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-fewer-rbeams ()
1384 (setf (rbeams (input-state *application-frame*))
1385 (max (1- (rbeams (input-state *application-frame*))) 0)))
1387 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-rotate-notehead ()
1388 (setf (notehead (input-state *application-frame*))
1389 (ecase (notehead (input-state *application-frame*))
1390 (:breve :long)
1391 (:whole :breve)
1392 (:half :whole)
1393 (:filled :half)
1394 (:long :filled))))
1396 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-rotate-notehead-downwards ()
1397 (setf (notehead (input-state *application-frame*))
1398 (ecase (notehead (input-state *application-frame*))
1399 (:long :breve)
1400 (:breve :whole)
1401 (:whole :half)
1402 (:half :filled)
1403 (:filled :long))))
1405 (define-gsharp-command com-istate-rotate-stem-direction ()
1406 (setf (stem-direction (input-state *application-frame*))
1407 (ecase (stem-direction (input-state *application-frame*))
1408 (:auto :up)
1409 (:up :down)
1410 (:down :auto))))
1412 (define-gsharp-command (com-set-clef :name t) ()
1413 (let ((staff (accept 'score-pane:fiveline-staff :prompt "Set clef of staff"))
1414 (type (accept 'clef-type :prompt "Type of clef"))
1415 (line (accept 'integer :prompt "Line of clef")))
1416 (setf (clef staff) (make-clef type :lineno line))))
1418 (define-gsharp-command com-higher ()
1419 (incf (last-note (input-state *application-frame*)) 7))
1421 (define-gsharp-command com-lower ()
1422 (decf (last-note (input-state *application-frame*)) 7))
1424 (define-gsharp-command com-insert-barline ()
1425 (let ((cursor (current-cursor))
1426 (elements '()))
1427 (loop until (end-of-bar-p cursor)
1428 do (push (cursor-element cursor) elements)
1429 do (delete-element cursor))
1430 (insert-bar-after (make-instance (class-of (bar cursor))) cursor)
1431 (forward-bar cursor)
1432 (loop for element in elements
1433 do (insert-element element cursor))))
1435 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1437 ;;; Adding, deleting, and modifying staves
1439 (define-condition no-such-staff (gsharp-condition) ()
1440 (:report
1441 (lambda (condition stream)
1442 (declare (ignore condition))
1443 (format stream "No such staff"))))
1445 (define-presentation-method accept
1446 ((type score-pane:staff) stream (view textual-view) &key)
1447 (multiple-value-bind (staff success string)
1448 (handler-case (complete-input stream
1449 (lambda (so-far mode)
1450 (complete-from-possibilities
1451 so-far
1452 (staves (current-buffer))
1454 :action mode
1455 :predicate (constantly t)
1456 :name-key #'name
1457 :value-key #'identity)))
1458 (simple-parse-error () (error 'no-such-staff)))
1459 (declare (ignore string))
1460 (if success staff (error 'no-such-staff))))
1462 (define-presentation-method accept
1463 ((type score-pane:fiveline-staff) stream (view textual-view) &key)
1464 (multiple-value-bind (staff success string)
1465 (handler-case (complete-input stream
1466 (lambda (so-far mode)
1467 (complete-from-possibilities
1468 so-far
1469 (staves (current-buffer))
1471 :action mode
1472 :predicate (lambda (obj) (typep obj 'fiveline-staff))
1473 :name-key #'name
1474 :value-key #'identity)))
1475 (simple-parse-error () (error 'no-such-staff)))
1476 (declare (ignore string))
1477 (if success staff (error 'no-such-staff))))
1479 (defun symbol-name-lowcase (symbol)
1480 (string-downcase (symbol-name symbol)))
1482 (define-presentation-type staff-type ())
1484 (define-condition no-such-staff-type (gsharp-condition) ()
1485 (:report
1486 (lambda (condition stream)
1487 (declare (ignore condition))
1488 (format stream "No such staff type"))))
1490 (define-presentation-method accept
1491 ((type staff-type) stream (view textual-view) &key)
1492 (multiple-value-bind (type success string)
1493 (handler-case (complete-input stream
1494 (lambda (so-far mode)
1495 (complete-from-possibilities
1496 so-far
1497 '(:fiveline :lyrics)
1499 :action mode
1500 :predicate (constantly t)
1501 :name-key #'symbol-name-lowcase
1502 :value-key #'identity)))
1503 (simple-completion-error () (error 'no-such-staff-type)))
1504 (declare (ignore string))
1505 (if success type (error 'no-such-staff-type))))
1507 (define-presentation-type clef-type ())
1509 (define-presentation-method accept
1510 ((type clef-type) stream (view textual-view) &key)
1511 (multiple-value-bind (type success string)
1512 (handler-case (complete-input stream
1513 (lambda (so-far mode)
1514 (complete-from-possibilities
1515 so-far
1516 '(:treble :treble8 :bass :c :percussion)
1518 :action mode
1519 :predicate (constantly t)
1520 :name-key #'symbol-name-lowcase
1521 :value-key #'identity)))
1522 (simple-completion-error () (error 'no-such-staff-type)))
1523 (declare (ignore string))
1524 (if success
1525 type
1526 (error "no such staff type"))))
1528 (define-condition staff-name-not-unique (gsharp-condition) ()
1529 (:report
1530 (lambda (condition stream)
1531 (declare (ignore condition))
1532 (format stream "Staff name already exists"))))
1534 (defun acquire-unique-staff-name (prompt)
1535 (let ((name (accept 'string :prompt prompt)))
1536 (assert (not (member name (staves (current-buffer)) :test #'string= :key #'name))
1537 () `staff-name-not-unique)
1538 name))
1540 (defun acquire-new-staff ()
1541 (let ((name (acquire-unique-staff-name "Name of new staff")))
1542 (ecase (accept 'staff-type :prompt "Type")
1543 (:fiveline (let* ((clef-name (accept 'clef-type :prompt "Clef type of new staff"))
1544 (line (accept 'integer :prompt "Line of clef"))
1545 (clef (make-clef clef-name :lineno line)))
1546 (make-fiveline-staff :name name :clef clef)))
1547 (:lyrics (make-lyrics-staff :name name)))))
1549 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-staff-above :name t) ()
1550 (add-staff-before-staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Insert staff above staff")
1551 (acquire-new-staff)
1552 (current-buffer)))
1554 (define-gsharp-command (com-insert-staff-below :name t) ()
1555 (add-staff-after-staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Insert staff below staff")
1556 (acquire-new-staff)
1557 (current-buffer)))
1559 (define-gsharp-command (com-delete-staff :name t) ()
1560 (remove-staff-from-buffer (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Staff")
1561 (current-buffer)))
1563 (define-gsharp-command (com-rename-staff :name t) ()
1564 (let* ((staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Rename staff"))
1565 (name (acquire-unique-staff-name "New name of staff"))
1566 (buffer (current-buffer)))
1567 (rename-staff name staff buffer)))
1569 (define-gsharp-command (com-add-staff-to-layer :name t) ()
1570 (let ((staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Add staff to layer"))
1571 (layer (layer (current-cursor))))
1572 (add-staff-to-layer staff layer)))
1574 ;;; FIXME restrict to staves that are actually in the layer.
1575 (define-gsharp-command (com-delete-staff-from-layer :name t) ()
1576 (let ((staff (accept 'score-pane:staff :prompt "Delete staff from layer"))
1577 (layer (layer (current-cursor))))
1578 (remove-staff-from-layer staff layer)))
1580 (define-gsharp-command com-more-sharps ()
1581 (more-sharps (keysig (current-cursor))))
1583 (define-gsharp-command com-more-flats ()
1584 (more-flats (keysig (current-cursor))))
1586 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1588 ;;; Lyrics
1590 (defun insert-lyrics-element ()
1591 (let* ((state (input-state *application-frame*))
1592 (cursor (current-cursor))
1593 (element (make-lyrics-element (car (staves (layer (current-cursor))))
1594 :rbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (rbeams state) 0)
1595 :lbeams (if (eq (notehead state) :filled) (lbeams state) 0)
1596 :dots (dots state)
1597 :notehead (notehead state))))
1598 (insert-element element cursor)
1599 (forward-element cursor)
1600 element))
1602 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1604 ;;; I/O
1606 (defmethod frame-make-buffer-from-stream ((frame gsharp) stream)
1607 (read-buffer-from-stream stream))
1609 (defmethod frame-make-new-buffer ((frame gsharp) &key &allow-other-keys)
1610 (make-instance 'buffer))
1613 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1615 ;;; Buffer / View handling
1617 ;;; FIXME: these utility functions should live elsewhere.
1618 (defun current-view ()
1619 (view (current-window)))
1621 (defun not-current-view ()
1622 (find (current-view) (views *application-frame*) :test (complement #'eq)))
1624 (defun not-current-view-or-first ()
1625 (or (not-current-view) (car (views *application-frame*))))
1627 (defun next-or-new-buffer-view ()
1628 (or (not-current-view)
1629 (progn (com-new-buffer)
1630 (car (views *application-frame*)))))
1632 (define-gsharp-command (com-switch-to-view :name t)
1633 ((view 'orchestra-view :default (not-current-view-or-first)))
1634 (setf (view (current-window)) view))
1636 (define-gsharp-command (com-kill-view :name t)
1637 ((view 'orchestra-view :default (current-view)))
1638 (let ((views (views *application-frame*)))
1639 (setf (views *application-frame*) (remove view views))
1640 (when (eq view (current-view))
1641 (let ((next-view (next-or-new-buffer-view)))
1642 (setf (view (current-window)) next-view)))))
1644 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1646 ;;; Printing
1648 (defun print-buffer-filename ()
1649 (let* ((buffer (current-buffer))
1650 (filepath (filepath buffer))
1651 (name (name buffer))
1652 (defaults (or filepath (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name name)
1653 (user-homedir-pathname)))))
1654 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :type "ps") defaults)))
1656 (defparameter *scale* 0.8)
1657 (defparameter *top-margin* 100)
1659 (define-gsharp-command (com-print-buffer-to-file :name t)
1660 ((filepath 'pathname
1661 :prompt "Print To: " :prompt-mode :raw
1662 :default (print-buffer-filename) :default-type 'pathname
1663 :insert-default t))
1664 (with-open-file (ps filepath :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
1665 (let* ((type (pathname-type filepath))
1666 (epsp (string-equal type "EPS")))
1667 (with-output-to-postscript-stream (s ps :device-type (when epsp :eps))
1668 (setf (stream-default-view s)
1669 ;; FIXME: should probably get the class of the view from
1670 ;; the current buffer or window or something.
1671 (make-instance 'orchestra-view :light-glyphs-ink +black+
1672 :buffer (current-buffer)
1673 :cursor (current-cursor)))
1674 (setf (medium-transformation s)
1675 ;; FIXME: not a very flexible or intelligent scaling system
1676 (compose-scaling-with-transformation
1677 (medium-transformation s) *scale* *scale*))
1678 (print-buffer s (current-buffer) (current-cursor)
1679 (left-margin (current-buffer)) *top-margin*)))))
1681 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1683 ;; File dialogue box
1686 (define-gsharp-command (com-load-score-file :name "Load file" :menu t)
1688 (let ((file (gui-get-pathname :extensions '("gsh" "mxml" "xml"))))
1689 (when (pathnamep file)
1690 (com-find-file file))))
1692 (define-gsharp-command (com-save-score-file-as :name "Save file as" :menu t)
1694 (com-write-buffer (gui-get-pathname :extensions '("gsh" "mxml" "xml"))))
1696 (define-gsharp-command (com-zoom-in :name t :menu t)
1698 (unless (<= (gsharp-buffer::zoom-level (buffer (current-cursor))) 64)
1699 (incf (gsharp-buffer::zoom-level (buffer (current-cursor))) 1/4)))
1700 (define-gsharp-command (com-zoom-out :name t :menu t)
1702 (unless (<= (gsharp-buffer::zoom-level (buffer (current-cursor))) 1/4)
1703 (decf (gsharp-buffer::zoom-level (buffer (current-cursor))) 1/4)))