File dialog box (new dependency on CLIM-LISTENER)
[gsharp.git] / fontview.lisp
1 (in-package :common-lisp-user)
3 (defpackage :fontview
4 (:use :clim :clim-extensions :clim-lisp :sdl))
6 (in-package :fontview)
8 (define-application-frame fontview ()
9 ((font :initform (make-instance 'sdl::font :staff-line-distance 6))
10 (shape :initarg :shape :initform :g-clef)
11 (grid :initform t)
12 (staff :initform t)
13 (staff-offset :initform 0)
14 (view :initform :antialiased)
15 (zoom :initform 1)
16 (hoffset :initform 300)
17 (voffset :initform 300))
18 (:pointer-documentation t)
19 (:panes
20 (fontview :application :width 800 :height 600 :display-function 'display-entry)
21 (interactor :interactor :width 800 :height 100))
22 (:layouts
23 (default
24 (vertically () fontview interactor))))
26 (defun display-antialiased-view (frame pane)
27 (with-slots (font shape staff staff-offset hoffset voffset) frame
28 (with-translation (pane hoffset voffset)
29 (sdl::draw-shape pane font shape 0 0)
30 (when staff
31 (with-slots ((slt sdl::staff-line-thickness)
32 (sld sdl::staff-line-distance)
33 (yoff sdl::yoffset))
34 font
35 (let ((up (round (+ (* 0.5 slt) yoff)))
36 (down (round (- (* 0.5 slt) yoff))))
37 (loop repeat 5
38 for y from (* (+ -2 (* 1/2 staff-offset)) sld) by sld
39 do (draw-rectangle* pane
40 (* -10 sld) (- y up)
41 (* 10 sld) (+ y down)))))))))
43 (defun display-pixel-view (frame pane)
44 (with-slots (font shape grid zoom hoffset voffset) frame
45 (with-translation (pane hoffset voffset)
46 (let ((design (sdl::ensure-design font shape)))
47 (multiple-value-bind (min-x min-y max-x max-y) (bounding-rectangle* design)
48 (setf min-x (* 4 (floor min-x))
49 min-y (* 4 (floor min-y))
50 max-x (* 4 (ceiling max-x))
51 max-y (* 4 (ceiling max-y)))
52 (let ((array (climi::render-to-array design)))
53 (loop for y from min-y below max-y
54 for y-index from 0
55 do (loop with x0 = nil
56 for x from min-x below max-x
57 for x-index from 0
58 do (if (zerop (aref array y-index x-index))
59 (when (null x0)
60 (setf x0 x))
61 (unless (null x0)
62 (draw-rectangle* pane (* x0 zoom) (* y zoom) (* x zoom) (* (1+ y) zoom))
63 (setf x0 nil)))
64 finally (unless (null x0)
65 (draw-rectangle* pane (* x0 zoom) (* y zoom) (* x zoom) (* (1+ y) zoom)))))
66 (when grid
67 (loop for y downfrom 0 above -300 by (* 4 zoom)
68 do (draw-rectangle* pane -300 y 300 (1+ y) :ink +blue+))
69 (loop for y from 0 below 300 by (* 4 zoom)
70 do (draw-rectangle* pane -300 y 300 (1+ y) :ink +blue+))
71 (loop for x downfrom 0 above -300 by (* 4 zoom)
72 do (draw-rectangle* pane x -300 (1+ x) 300 :ink +blue+))
73 (loop for x from 0 below 300 by (* 4 zoom)
74 do (draw-rectangle* pane x -300 (1+ x) 300 :ink +blue+))
75 ;; draw the bounding rectangle
76 (draw-rectangle* pane
77 (* zoom min-x) (* zoom min-y)
78 (* zoom max-x) (1+ (* zoom min-y))
79 :ink +red+)
80 (draw-rectangle* pane
81 (* zoom min-x) (* zoom max-y)
82 (* zoom max-x) (1+ (* zoom max-y))
83 :ink +red+)
84 (draw-rectangle* pane
85 (* zoom min-x) (* zoom min-y)
86 (1+ (* zoom min-x)) (* zoom max-y)
87 :ink +red+)
88 (draw-rectangle* pane
89 (* zoom max-x) (* zoom min-y)
90 (1+ (* zoom max-x)) (* zoom max-y)
91 :ink +red+)
92 ;; draw the reference point
93 (draw-rectangle* pane -300 0 300 1 :ink +red+)
94 (draw-rectangle* pane 0 -300 1 300 :ink +red+))))))))
96 (defun display-entry (frame pane)
97 (with-slots (view) frame
98 (if (eq view :antialiased)
99 (display-antialiased-view frame pane)
100 (display-pixel-view frame pane))))
102 (defun fontview (&optional (shape :g-clef))
103 (let ((frame (make-application-frame 'fontview :shape shape)))
104 (run-frame-top-level frame)))
106 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
108 ;;; Commands
110 (define-fontview-command (com-quit :name t) ()
111 (frame-exit *application-frame*))
113 (define-fontview-command (com-show :name t) ((symbol 'symbol))
114 (with-slots (shape) *application-frame*
115 (setf shape symbol)))
117 (define-fontview-command (com-zoom-in :name t :keystroke (#\i :control)) ()
118 (with-slots (zoom) *application-frame*
119 (when (< zoom 10) (incf zoom))))
121 (define-fontview-command (com-zoom-out :name t :keystroke (#\i :control)) ()
122 (with-slots (zoom) *application-frame*
123 (when (> zoom 1) (decf zoom))))
125 (define-fontview-command (com-zoom-to :name t) ((i 'integer))
126 (with-slots (zoom) *application-frame*
127 (setf zoom (min (max i 1) 10))))
129 (define-fontview-command (com-size :name t) ((i 'integer))
130 (with-slots (font) *application-frame*
131 (when (oddp i) (incf i))
132 (setf font (make-instance 'sdl::font :staff-line-distance (min (max i 6) 20)))))
134 (define-fontview-command (com-grid-on :name t) ()
135 (with-slots (grid) *application-frame*
136 (setf grid t)))
138 (define-fontview-command (com-grid-off :name t) ()
139 (with-slots (grid) *application-frame*
140 (setf grid nil)))
142 (define-fontview-command (com-staff-on :name t) ()
143 (with-slots (staff) *application-frame*
144 (setf staff t)))
146 (define-fontview-command (com-staff-off :name t) ()
147 (with-slots (staff) *application-frame*
148 (setf staff nil)))
150 (define-fontview-command (com-staff-up :name t) ()
151 (with-slots (staff-offset) *application-frame*
152 (when (> staff-offset -4)
153 (decf staff-offset))))
155 (define-fontview-command (com-staff-down :name t) ()
156 (with-slots (staff-offset) *application-frame*
157 (when (< staff-offset 4)
158 (incf staff-offset))))
160 (define-fontview-command (com-staff-middle :name t) ()
161 (with-slots (staff-offset) *application-frame*
162 (setf staff-offset 0)))
164 (define-fontview-command (com-pixel-view :name t) ()
165 (with-slots (view) *application-frame*
166 (setf view :pixel)))
168 (define-fontview-command (com-antialiased-view :name t) ()
169 (with-slots (view) *application-frame*
170 (setf view :antialiased)))