Accept mbox sources by using the mbox: prefix in bin/gruta.
[gruta.git] /
1 package Gruta;
3 use strict;
4 use warnings;
6 use locale;
8 use Gruta::Data;
10 $Gruta::VERSION = '2.0.0-rc3';
12 sub sources { return @{$_[0]->{sources}}; }
13 sub template { return $_[0]->{template}; }
14 sub cgi { return $_[0]->{cgi}; }
16 sub version { return $Gruta::VERSION; }
18 sub log {
19 my $self = shift;
20 my $msg = shift;
22 print STDERR $self->{id}, ' ', scalar(localtime), ': ', $msg, "\n";
26 sub _call {
27 my $self = shift;
28 my $method = shift;
29 my $short = shift;
31 my @r = ();
33 foreach my $s ($self->sources()) {
34 if (my $m = $s->can($method)) {
35 my @pr = $m->($s, @_);
37 if (@pr && $pr[0]) {
38 @r = (@r, @pr);
40 last if $short;
45 return wantarray ? @r : $r[0];
48 sub topic { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('topic', 1, @_); }
49 sub topics { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('topics', 0); }
51 sub user { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('user', 1, @_); }
52 sub users { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('users', 0); }
54 sub story {
55 my $self = shift;
56 my $topic_id = shift;
57 my $id = shift;
59 if (! $topic_id || ! $id) {
60 return undef;
63 my $story = undef;
64 my $ck = $topic_id . '/' . $id;
66 if ($story = $self->{story_cache}->{$ck}) {
67 return $story;
70 if (not $story = $self->_call('story', 1, $topic_id, $id)) {
71 return undef;
74 my $format = $story->get('format') || 'grutatxt';
76 if (my $rndr = $self->{renderers_h}->{$format}) {
77 $rndr->story($story);
80 return $self->{story_cache}->{$ck} = $story;
84 sub stories { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('stories', 0, @_); }
86 sub stories_by_date {
87 my $self = shift;
88 my $topics = shift;
89 my %opts = @_;
91 my @r = sort { $b->[2] cmp $a->[2] } $self->_call('stories_by_date', 0, $topics, %opts);
93 if ($opts{num} && scalar(@r) > $opts{num}) {
94 @r = @r[0 .. $opts{num} - 1];
97 return @r;
100 sub search_stories {
101 my $self = shift;
102 my $topic_id = shift;
104 my @l = $self->_call('search_stories', 1, $topic_id, @_);
106 return sort { $self->story($topic_id, $a)->get('title') cmp
107 $self->story($topic_id, $b)->get('title') } @l;
110 sub stories_top_ten {
111 my $self = shift;
113 my @l = $self->_call('stories_top_ten', 0, @_);
115 return sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] } @l;
118 sub stories_by_tag {
119 my $self = shift;
121 my @l = $self->_call('stories_by_tag', 0, @_);
123 return sort { $self->story($a->[0], $a->[1])->get('title') cmp
124 $self->story($b->[0], $b->[1])->get('title') } @l;
127 sub tags {
128 my $self = shift;
130 my @l = $self->_call('tags', 0, @_);
132 return sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @l;
135 sub insert_topic { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('insert_topic', 1, @_); }
136 sub insert_user { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('insert_user', 1, @_); }
137 sub insert_story { my $self = shift; return $self->_call('insert_story', 1, @_); }
140 sub auth {
141 my $self = shift;
143 if (@_) { $self->{auth} = shift; } # Gruta::Data::User
145 return $self->{auth};
149 sub auth_from_sid {
150 my $self = shift;
151 my $sid = shift;
153 my $u = undef;
155 if ($sid) {
156 $self->_call('purge_old_sessions', 0);
158 if (my $session = $self->_call('session', 1, $sid)) {
159 $u = $session->source->user( $session->get('user_id') );
160 $u->set('sid', $sid);
161 $self->auth($u);
165 return $u;
169 sub login {
170 my $self = shift;
171 my $user_id = shift;
172 my $passwd = shift;
174 my $sid = undef;
176 if (my $u = $self->user( $user_id )) {
178 # account expired? go!
179 if (my $xdate = $u->get('xdate')) {
180 if (Gruta::Data::today() > $xdate) {
181 return undef;
185 my $p = $u->get('password');
187 if (crypt($passwd, $p) eq $p) {
188 # create new sid
189 $sid = time() . $$;
191 my $session = Gruta::Data::Session->new(
192 id => $sid,
193 time => time(),
194 user_id => $user_id
197 $u->source->insert_session( $session );
199 $u->set('sid', $sid);
200 $self->auth($u);
204 return $sid;
208 sub logout {
209 my $self = shift;
211 if (my $auth = $self->auth()) {
212 if( my $sid = $auth->get('sid')) {
213 if (my $session = $auth->source->session( $sid )) {
214 $session->delete() if $session->can('delete');
219 $self->auth( undef );
220 return $self;
224 sub base_url { $_[0]->{base_url} || '' };
226 sub _topic_special_uri {
227 my $self = shift;
228 my $topic_id = shift;
230 my $ret = undef;
232 if (my $t = $self->topic($topic_id)) {
233 $ret = sprintf('<a href="%s?t=TOPIC;topic=%s">%s</a>',
234 $self->base_url(), $topic_id, $t->get('name')
237 else {
238 $ret = "Bad topic $topic_id";
241 return $ret;
245 sub _story_special_uri {
246 my $self = shift;
247 my $topic_id = shift;
248 my $story_id = shift;
250 my $ret = undef;
252 if (my $s = $self->story($topic_id, $story_id)) {
253 $ret = sprintf('<a href="%s?t=STORY;topic=%s;id=%s">%s</a>',
254 $self->base_url(), $topic_id, $story_id, $s->get('title')
257 else {
258 $ret = "Bad story '$topic_id/$story_id'";
261 return $ret;
265 sub _img_special_uri {
266 my $self = shift;
267 my $src = shift;
268 my $class = shift;
270 my $r = sprintf('<img src = "%simg/%s" />',
271 $self->base_url(), $src
274 if ($class) {
275 $r = "<span class = '$class'>" . $r . '</span>';
278 return $r;
281 sub special_uris {
282 my $self = shift;
283 my $string = shift;
285 $string =~ s!topic://([\w\d_]+)!$self->_topic_special_uri($1)!ge;
286 $string =~ s!story://([\w\d_]+)/([\w\d_]+)!$self->_story_special_uri($1,$2)!ge;
287 $string =~ s!img://([\w\d_\.-]+)/?([\w\d_]*)!$self->_img_special_uri($1,$2)!ge;
289 return $string;
293 sub transfer_to_source {
294 my $self = shift;
295 my $dst = shift;
297 foreach my $id ($self->users()) {
298 my $u = $self->user($id);
299 $dst->insert_user($u);
302 foreach my $topic_id (sort $self->topics()) {
303 my $t = $self->topic($topic_id);
305 my $nti = $topic_id;
307 # is it an archive?
308 if ($nti =~ /-arch$/) {
309 # don't insert topic, just rename
310 $nti =~ s/-arch$//;
312 else {
313 $dst->insert_topic($t);
316 foreach my $id ($self->stories($topic_id)) {
318 # get story and its tags
319 my $s = $self->story($topic_id, $id);
320 my @tags = $s->tags();
322 # set new topic
323 $s->set('topic_id', $nti);
325 my $ns = $dst->insert_story($s);
327 if (@tags) {
328 $ns->tags(@tags);
333 return $self;
337 sub flush_story_cache {
338 my $self = shift;
340 $self->{story_cache} = {};
344 sub new {
345 my $class = shift;
347 my $g = bless( { @_ } , $class);
349 $g->{id} ||= 'Gruta';
350 $g->{story_cache} = {};
351 $g->{renderers_h} = {};
353 if (ref($g->{sources}) ne 'ARRAY') {
354 $g->{sources} = [ $g->{sources} ];
357 if ($g->{renderers}) {
358 if (ref($g->{renderers}) ne 'ARRAY') {
359 $g->{renderers} = [ $g->{renderers} ];
362 foreach my $r (@{$g->{renderers}}) {
363 $g->{renderers_h}->{$r->{renderer_id}} = $r;
367 if ($g->{template}) {
368 $g->template->data($g);
371 if ($g->{cgi}) {
372 $g->cgi->data($g);
375 my @u;
377 if (not @u = $g->users()) {
378 my $u = Gruta::Data::User->new(
379 id => 'admin',
380 is_admin => 1,
381 can_upload => 1,
382 username => 'Admin',
383 email => 'webmaster@localhost'
386 $u->password('admin');
387 $g->insert_user($u);
390 return $g;
393 sub run {
394 my $self = shift;
396 if ($self->{cgi}) {
397 $self->cgi->run();