A freeze group can now be allowed to move rigidly in some dimension by using "freezed...
[gromacs/rigid-bodies.git] / src / tools / gmx_helix.c
1 /*
2 *
3 * This source code is part of
4 *
5 * G R O M A C S
6 *
7 * GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
8 *
9 * VERSION 3.2.0
10 * Written by David van der Spoel, Erik Lindahl, Berk Hess, and others.
11 * Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
12 * Copyright (c) 2001-2004, The GROMACS development team,
13 * check out http://www.gromacs.org for more information.
15 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
16 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
17 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
18 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
20 * If you want to redistribute modifications, please consider that
21 * scientific software is very special. Version control is crucial -
22 * bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to consider code for
23 * inclusion in the official distribution, but derived work must not
24 * be called official GROMACS. Details are found in the README & COPYING
25 * files - if they are missing, get the official version at www.gromacs.org.
27 * To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
28 * the papers on the package - you can find them in the top README file.
30 * For more info, check our website at http://www.gromacs.org
32 * And Hey:
33 * Green Red Orange Magenta Azure Cyan Skyblue
35 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
36 #include <config.h>
37 #endif
39 #include <math.h>
41 #include "confio.h"
42 #include "copyrite.h"
43 #include "gmx_fatal.h"
44 #include "fitahx.h"
45 #include "futil.h"
46 #include "gstat.h"
47 #include "wgms.h"
48 #include "hxprops.h"
49 #include "macros.h"
50 #include "maths.h"
51 #include "pbc.h"
52 #include "tpxio.h"
53 #include "physics.h"
54 #include "index.h"
55 #include "smalloc.h"
56 #include "statutil.h"
57 #include "string.h"
58 #include "sysstuff.h"
59 #include "txtdump.h"
60 #include "typedefs.h"
61 #include "vec.h"
62 #include "xvgr.h"
63 #include "gmx_ana.h"
66 void dump_ahx(int nres,
67 t_bb bb[],rvec x[],matrix box,int teller)
69 FILE *fp;
70 char buf[256];
71 int i;
73 sprintf(buf,"dump%d.gro",teller);
74 fp=ffopen(buf,"w");
75 fprintf(fp,"Dumping fitted helix frame %d\n",teller);
76 fprintf(fp,"%5d\n",nres*5);
77 for(i=0; (i<nres); i++) {
78 #define PR(AA) fprintf(fp,"%5d%5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f\n",i+1,"GLY",#AA,bb[i].AA,x[bb[i].AA][XX],x[bb[i].AA][YY],x[bb[i].AA][ZZ]); fflush(fp)
79 if (bb[i].bHelix) {
80 PR(N);
81 PR(H);
82 PR(CA);
83 PR(C);
84 PR(O);
87 for(i=0; (i<DIM); i++)
88 fprintf(fp,"%10.5f",box[i][i]);
89 fprintf(fp,"\n");
90 ffclose(fp);
93 void dump_otrj(FILE *otrj,int natoms,atom_id all_index[],rvec x[],
94 real fac,rvec xav[])
96 static FILE *fp=NULL;
97 static real fac0=1.0;
99 int i,ai,m;
100 real xa,xm;
102 if (fp==NULL) {
103 fp=ffopen("WEDGAMMA10.DAT","w");
104 fac0=fac;
106 fac/=fac0;
108 fprintf(fp,"%10g\n",fac);
110 for(i=0; (i<natoms); i++) {
111 ai=all_index[i];
112 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++) {
113 xa = xav[ai][m];
114 xm = x[ai][m]*fac;
115 xav[ai][m] = xa+xm;
116 x[ai][m] = xm;
119 write_gms_ndx(otrj,natoms,all_index,x,NULL);
122 int gmx_helix(int argc,char *argv[])
124 const char *desc[] = {
125 "[TT]g_helix[tt] computes all kinds of helix properties. First, the peptide",
126 "is checked to find the longest helical part, as determined by",
127 "hydrogen bonds and [GRK]phi[grk]/[GRK]psi[grk] angles.",
128 "That bit is fitted",
129 "to an ideal helix around the [IT]z[it]-axis and centered around the origin.",
130 "Then the following properties are computed:[PAR]",
131 "[BB]1.[bb] Helix radius (file [TT]radius.xvg[tt]). This is merely the",
132 "RMS deviation in two dimensions for all C[GRK]alpha[grk] atoms.",
133 "it is calced as sqrt((SUM i(x^2(i)+y^2(i)))/N), where N is the number",
134 "of backbone atoms. For an ideal helix the radius is 0.23 nm[BR]",
135 "[BB]2.[bb] Twist (file [TT]twist.xvg[tt]). The average helical angle per",
136 "residue is calculated. For an [GRK]alpha[grk]-helix it is 100 degrees,",
137 "for 3-10 helices it will be smaller, and ",
138 "for 5-helices it will be larger.[BR]",
139 "[BB]3.[bb] Rise per residue (file [TT]rise.xvg[tt]). The helical rise per",
140 "residue is plotted as the difference in [IT]z[it]-coordinate between C[GRK]alpha[grk]",
141 "atoms. For an ideal helix, this is 0.15 nm[BR]",
142 "[BB]4.[bb] Total helix length (file [TT]len-ahx.xvg[tt]). The total length",
143 "of the",
144 "helix in nm. This is simply the average rise (see above) times the",
145 "number of helical residues (see below).[BR]",
146 "[BB]5.[bb] Number of helical residues (file [TT]n-ahx.xvg[tt]). The title says",
147 "it all.[BR]",
148 "[BB]6.[bb] Helix dipole, backbone only (file [TT]dip-ahx.xvg[tt]).[BR]",
149 "[BB]7.[bb] RMS deviation from ideal helix, calculated for the C[GRK]alpha[grk]",
150 "atoms only (file [TT]rms-ahx.xvg[tt]).[BR]",
151 "[BB]8.[bb] Average C[GRK]alpha[grk] - C[GRK]alpha[grk] dihedral angle (file [TT]phi-ahx.xvg[tt]).[BR]",
152 "[BB]9.[bb] Average [GRK]phi[grk] and [GRK]psi[grk] angles (file [TT]phipsi.xvg[tt]).[BR]",
153 "[BB]10.[bb] Ellipticity at 222 nm according to Hirst and Brooks.",
154 "[PAR]"
156 static const char *ppp[efhNR+2] = {
157 NULL, "RAD", "TWIST", "RISE", "LEN", "NHX", "DIP", "RMS", "CPHI",
158 "RMSA", "PHI", "PSI", "HB3", "HB4", "HB5", "CD222", NULL
160 static gmx_bool bCheck=FALSE,bFit=TRUE,bDBG=FALSE,bEV=FALSE;
161 static int rStart=0,rEnd=0,r0=1;
162 t_pargs pa [] = {
163 { "-r0", FALSE, etINT, {&r0},
164 "The first residue number in the sequence" },
165 { "-q", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bCheck},
166 "Check at every step which part of the sequence is helical" },
167 { "-F", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bFit},
168 "Toggle fit to a perfect helix" },
169 { "-db", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bDBG},
170 "Print debug info" },
171 { "-prop", FALSE, etENUM, {ppp},
172 "Select property to weight eigenvectors with. WARNING experimental stuff" },
173 { "-ev", FALSE, etBOOL,{&bEV},
174 "Write a new 'trajectory' file for ED" },
175 { "-ahxstart", FALSE, etINT, {&rStart},
176 "First residue in helix" },
177 { "-ahxend", FALSE, etINT, {&rEnd},
178 "Last residue in helix" }
181 typedef struct {
182 FILE *fp,*fp2;
183 gmx_bool bfp2;
184 const char *filenm;
185 const char *title;
186 const char *xaxis;
187 const char *yaxis;
188 real val;
189 } t_xvgrfile;
191 t_xvgrfile xf[efhNR] = {
192 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "radius", "Helix radius", NULL, "r (nm)" , 0.0 },
193 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "twist", "Twist per residue", NULL, "Angle (deg)", 0.0 },
194 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "rise", "Rise per residue", NULL, "Rise (nm)", 0.0 },
195 { NULL, NULL, FALSE, "len-ahx", "Length of the Helix", NULL, "Length (nm)", 0.0 },
196 { NULL, NULL, FALSE, "dip-ahx", "Helix Backbone Dipole", NULL, "rq (nm e)", 0.0 },
197 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "rms-ahx", "RMS Deviation from Ideal Helix", NULL, "RMS (nm)", 0.0 },
198 { NULL, NULL, FALSE, "rmsa-ahx","Average RMSD per Residue", "Residue", "RMS (nm)", 0.0 },
199 { NULL, NULL,FALSE, "cd222", "Ellipticity at 222 nm", NULL, "nm", 0.0 },
200 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "pprms", "RMS Distance from \\8a\\4-helix", NULL, "deg" , 0.0 },
201 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "caphi", "Average Ca-Ca Dihedral", NULL, "\\8F\\4(deg)", 0.0 },
202 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "phi", "Average \\8F\\4 angles", NULL, "deg" , 0.0 },
203 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "psi", "Average \\8Y\\4 angles", NULL, "deg" , 0.0 },
204 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "hb3", "Average n-n+3 hbond length", NULL, "nm" , 0.0 },
205 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "hb4", "Average n-n+4 hbond length", NULL, "nm" , 0.0 },
206 { NULL, NULL, TRUE, "hb5", "Average n-n+5 hbond length", NULL, "nm" , 0.0 },
207 { NULL, NULL,FALSE, "JCaHa", "J-Coupling Values", "Residue", "Hz" , 0.0 },
208 { NULL, NULL,FALSE, "helicity","Helicity per Residue", "Residue", "% of time" , 0.0 }
211 output_env_t oenv;
212 FILE *otrj;
213 char buf[54],prop[256];
214 t_trxstatus *status;
215 int natoms,nre,nres;
216 t_bb *bb;
217 int i,j,ai,m,nall,nbb,nca,teller,nSel=0;
218 atom_id *bbindex,*caindex,*allindex;
219 t_topology *top;
220 int ePBC;
221 rvec *x,*xref,*xav;
222 real t;
223 real rms,fac;
224 matrix box;
225 gmx_rmpbc_t gpbc=NULL;
226 gmx_bool bRange;
227 t_filenm fnm[] = {
228 { efTPX, NULL, NULL, ffREAD },
229 { efNDX, NULL, NULL, ffREAD },
230 { efTRX, "-f", NULL, ffREAD },
231 { efG87, "-to", NULL, ffOPTWR },
232 { efSTO, "-cz", "zconf",ffWRITE },
233 { efSTO, "-co", "waver",ffWRITE }
235 #define NFILE asize(fnm)
237 CopyRight(stderr,argv[0]);
238 parse_common_args(&argc,argv,PCA_CAN_VIEW | PCA_CAN_TIME | PCA_BE_NICE,
239 NFILE,fnm,asize(pa),pa,asize(desc),desc,0,NULL,&oenv);
241 bRange=(opt2parg_bSet("-ahxstart",asize(pa),pa) &&
242 opt2parg_bSet("-ahxend",asize(pa),pa));
244 top=read_top(ftp2fn(efTPX,NFILE,fnm),&ePBC);
246 natoms=read_first_x(oenv,&status,opt2fn("-f",NFILE,fnm),&t,&x,box);
248 if (opt2bSet("-to",NFILE,fnm)) {
249 otrj=opt2FILE("-to",NFILE,fnm,"w");
250 strcpy(prop,ppp[0]);
251 fprintf(otrj,"%s Weighted Trajectory: %d atoms, NO box\n",prop,natoms);
253 else
254 otrj=NULL;
256 if (natoms != top->atoms.nr)
257 gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Sorry can only run when the number of atoms in the run input file (%d) is equal to the number in the trajectory (%d)",
258 top->atoms.nr,natoms);
260 bb=mkbbind(ftp2fn(efNDX,NFILE,fnm),&nres,&nbb,r0,&nall,&allindex,
261 top->atoms.atomname,top->atoms.atom,top->atoms.resinfo);
262 snew(bbindex,natoms);
263 snew(caindex,nres);
265 fprintf(stderr,"nall=%d\n",nall);
267 /* Open output files, default x-axis is time */
268 for(i=0; (i<efhNR); i++) {
269 sprintf(buf,"%s.xvg",xf[i].filenm);
270 remove(buf);
271 xf[i].fp=xvgropen(buf,xf[i].title,
272 xf[i].xaxis ? xf[i].xaxis : "Time (ps)",
273 xf[i].yaxis,oenv);
274 if (xf[i].bfp2) {
275 sprintf(buf,"%s.out",xf[i].filenm);
276 remove(buf);
277 xf[i].fp2=ffopen(buf,"w");
281 /* Read reference frame from tpx file to compute helix length */
282 snew(xref,top->atoms.nr);
283 read_tpx(ftp2fn(efTPX,NFILE,fnm),
284 NULL,NULL,&natoms,xref,NULL,NULL,NULL);
285 calc_hxprops(nres,bb,xref,box);
286 do_start_end(nres,bb,xref,&nbb,bbindex,&nca,caindex,bRange,rStart,rEnd);
287 sfree(xref);
288 if (bDBG) {
289 fprintf(stderr,"nca=%d, nbb=%d\n",nca,nbb);
290 pr_bb(stdout,nres,bb);
293 gpbc = gmx_rmpbc_init(&top->idef,ePBC,natoms,box);
295 snew(xav,natoms);
296 teller=0;
297 do {
298 if ((teller++ % 10) == 0)
299 fprintf(stderr,"\rt=%.2f",t);
300 gmx_rmpbc(gpbc,natoms,box,x);
303 calc_hxprops(nres,bb,x,box);
304 if (bCheck)
305 do_start_end(nres,bb,x,&nbb,bbindex,&nca,caindex,FALSE,0,0);
307 if (nca >= 5) {
308 rms=fit_ahx(nres,bb,natoms,nall,allindex,x,nca,caindex,box,bFit);
310 if (teller == 1) {
311 write_sto_conf(opt2fn("-cz",NFILE,fnm),"Helix fitted to Z-Axis",
312 &(top->atoms),x,NULL,ePBC,box);
315 xf[efhRAD].val = radius(xf[efhRAD].fp2,nca,caindex,x);
316 xf[efhTWIST].val = twist(xf[efhTWIST].fp2,nca,caindex,x);
317 xf[efhRISE].val = rise(nca,caindex,x);
318 xf[efhLEN].val = ahx_len(nca,caindex,x,box);
319 xf[efhCD222].val = ellipticity(nres,bb);
320 xf[efhDIP].val = dip(nbb,bbindex,x,top->atoms.atom);
321 xf[efhRMS].val = rms;
322 xf[efhCPHI].val = ca_phi(nca,caindex,x,box);
323 xf[efhPPRMS].val = pprms(xf[efhPPRMS].fp2,nres,bb);
325 for(j=0; (j<=efhCPHI); j++)
326 fprintf(xf[j].fp, "%10g %10g\n",t,xf[j].val);
328 av_phipsi(xf[efhPHI].fp,xf[efhPSI].fp,xf[efhPHI].fp2,xf[efhPSI].fp2,
329 t,nres,bb);
330 av_hblen(xf[efhHB3].fp,xf[efhHB3].fp2,
331 xf[efhHB4].fp,xf[efhHB4].fp2,
332 xf[efhHB5].fp,xf[efhHB5].fp2,
333 t,nres,bb);
335 if (otrj)
336 dump_otrj(otrj,nall,allindex,x,xf[nSel].val,xav);
338 } while (read_next_x(oenv,status,&t,natoms,x,box));
339 fprintf(stderr,"\n");
341 gmx_rmpbc_done(gpbc);
343 close_trj(status);
345 if (otrj) {
346 ffclose(otrj);
347 fac=1.0/teller;
348 for(i=0; (i<nall); i++) {
349 ai=allindex[i];
350 for(m=0; (m<DIM); m++)
351 xav[ai][m]*=fac;
353 write_sto_conf_indexed(opt2fn("-co",NFILE,fnm),
354 "Weighted and Averaged conformation",
355 &(top->atoms),xav,NULL,ePBC,box,nall,allindex);
358 for(i=0; (i<nres); i++) {
359 if (bb[i].nrms > 0) {
360 fprintf(xf[efhRMSA].fp,"%10d %10g\n",r0+i,bb[i].rmsa/bb[i].nrms);
362 fprintf(xf[efhAHX].fp,"%10d %10g\n",r0+i,(bb[i].nhx*100.0)/(real )teller);
363 fprintf(xf[efhJCA].fp,"%10d %10g\n",
364 r0+i,140.3+(bb[i].jcaha/(double)teller));
367 for(i=0; (i<efhNR); i++) {
368 ffclose(xf[i].fp);
369 if (xf[i].bfp2)
370 ffclose(xf[i].fp2);
371 do_view(oenv,xf[i].filenm,"-nxy");
374 thanx(stderr);
376 return 0;