Optimized the bonded thread force reduction
[gromacs/AngularHB.git] / docs / manual / topology.tex
2 % This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package.
4 % Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015, by the GROMACS development team, led by
5 % Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl,
6 % and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the
7 % top-level source directory and at http://www.gromacs.org.
9 % GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
11 % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
12 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 % GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 % Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 % License along with GROMACS; if not, see
21 % http://www.gnu.org/licenses, or write to the Free Software Foundation,
22 % Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
24 % If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please
25 % consider that scientific software is very special. Version
26 % control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to
27 % consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
28 % derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
29 % in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
30 % official version at http://www.gromacs.org.
32 % To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
33 % the research papers on the package. Check out http://www.gromacs.org.
35 \chapter{Topologies}
36 \label{ch:top}
37 \section{Introduction}
38 {\gromacs} must know on which atoms and combinations of atoms the
39 various contributions to the potential functions (see
40 \chref{ff}) must act. It must
41 also know what \normindex{parameter}s must be applied to the various
42 functions. All this is described in the {\em \normindex{topology}} file
43 {\tt *.top}, which lists the {\em constant attributes} of each atom.
44 There are many more atom types than elements, but only atom types
45 present in biological systems are parameterized in the force field,
46 plus some metals, ions and silicon. The bonded and special
47 interactions are determined by fixed lists that are included in the
48 topology file. Certain non-bonded interactions must be excluded (first
49 and second neighbors), as these are already treated in bonded
50 interactions. In addition, there are {\em dynamic attributes} of
51 atoms - their positions, velocities and forces. These do not
52 strictly belong to the molecular topology, and are stored in the
53 coordinate file {\tt *.gro} (positions and velocities), or trajectory
54 file {\tt *.trr} (positions, velocities, forces).
56 This chapter describes the setup of the topology file, the
57 {\tt *.top} file and the database files: what the parameters
58 stand for and how/where to change them if needed.
59 First, all file formats are explained.
60 Section \ssecref{fffiles} describes the organization of
61 the files in each force field.
63 {\bf Note:} if you construct your own topologies, we encourage you
64 to upload them to our topology archive at {\wwwpage}! Just imagine
65 how thankful you'd have been if your topology had been available
66 there before you started. The same goes for new force fields or
67 modified versions of the standard force fields - contribute them
68 to the force field archive!
70 \section{Particle type}
71 \label{sec:parttype}
73 In {\gromacs}, there are three types of \normindex{particle}s, see
74 \tabref{ptype}. Only regular atoms and virtual interaction sites are used
75 in {\gromacs}; shells are necessary for
76 polarizable models like the Shell-Water models~\cite{Maaren2001a}.
78 \begin{table}
79 \centerline{
80 \begin{tabular}{|l|c|}
81 \dline
82 Particle & Symbol \\
83 \hline
84 \seeindex{atom}{particle}s & A \\
85 \seeindex{shell}{particle}s & S \\
86 \normindex{virtual interaction sites} & V (or D) \\
87 \dline
88 \end{tabular}
90 \caption{Particle types in {\gromacs}}
91 \label{tab:ptype}
92 \end{table}
94 \subsection{Atom types}
95 \label{subsec:atomtype}
97 Each force field defines a set of \swapindex{atom}{type}s,
98 which have a characteristic name or number, and mass (in
99 a.m.u.). These listings are found in the {\tt atomtypes.atp}
100 file (.atp = {\bf a}tom {\bf t}ype {\bf p}arameter file).
101 Therefore, it is in this file that you can begin to change
102 and/or add an atom type. A sample from the {\tt gromos43a1.ff}
103 force field is listed below.
105 {\small
106 \begin{verbatim}
107 O 15.99940 ; carbonyl oxygen (C=O)
108 OM 15.99940 ; carboxyl oxygen (CO-)
109 OA 15.99940 ; hydroxyl, sugar or ester oxygen
110 OW 15.99940 ; water oxygen
111 N 14.00670 ; peptide nitrogen (N or NH)
112 NT 14.00670 ; terminal nitrogen (NH2)
113 NL 14.00670 ; terminal nitrogen (NH3)
114 NR 14.00670 ; aromatic nitrogen
115 NZ 14.00670 ; Arg NH (NH2)
116 NE 14.00670 ; Arg NE (NH)
117 C 12.01100 ; bare carbon
118 CH1 13.01900 ; aliphatic or sugar CH-group
119 CH2 14.02700 ; aliphatic or sugar CH2-group
120 CH3 15.03500 ; aliphatic CH3-group
121 \end{verbatim}}
123 {\bf Note:} {\gromacs} makes use of the atom types as a name, {\em
124 not} as a number (as {\eg} in {\gromos}).
126 %Atomic detail is used except for hydrogen atoms bound to (aliphatic)
127 %carbon atoms, which are treated as {\em \swapindex{united}{atom}s}. No
128 %special \normindex{hydrogen-bond} term is included. {\bf Note} that other force field
129 %like OPLS/AA, CHARMM, and AMBER use all atoms.
131 %\subsection{Nucleus}
132 %{\em Necessary for \normindex{polarisability}, not implemented yet.}
134 %\subsection{Shell}
135 %{\em Necessary for polarisability, not implemented yet.}
137 %\subsection{Bond shell}
138 %{\em Necessary for polarisability, not implemented yet.}
140 \subsection{Virtual sites}
141 \label{sec:vsitetop}
142 Some force fields use \normindex{virtual interaction sites}
143 (interaction sites that are constructed from other particle positions)
144 on which certain interactions are located
145 ({\eg} on benzene rings, to reproduce the correct
146 \normindex{quadrupole}). This is described in~\secref{virtual_sites}.
148 To make virtual sites in your system, you should include a section
149 {\tt [~virtual_sites?~]} (for backward compatibility the old name
150 {\tt [~dummies?~]} can also be used) in your topology file,
151 where the `{\tt ?}' stands
152 for the number constructing particles for the virtual site. This will be
153 `{\tt 2}' for type 2, `{\tt 3}' for types 3, 3fd, 3fad and 3out and
154 `{\tt 4}' for type 4fdn. The last of these replace an older 4fd type (with the `type' value 1)
155 that could occasionally be unstable; while it is still supported internally
156 in the code, the old 4fd type should not be used in new input files.
157 The different types are explained
158 in~\secref{virtual_sites}.
160 Parameters for type 2 should look like this:
161 {\small
162 \begin{verbatim}
163 [ virtual_sites2 ]
164 ; Site from funct a
165 5 1 2 1 0.7439756
166 \end{verbatim}}
168 for type 3 like this:
169 {\small
170 \begin{verbatim}
171 [ virtual_sites3 ]
172 ; Site from funct a b
173 5 1 2 3 1 0.7439756 0.128012
174 \end{verbatim}}
176 for type 3fd like this:
177 {\small
178 \begin{verbatim}
179 [ virtual_sites3 ]
180 ; Site from funct a d
181 5 1 2 3 2 0.5 -0.105
182 \end{verbatim}}
184 for type 3fad like this:
185 {\small
186 \begin{verbatim}
187 [ virtual_sites3 ]
188 ; Site from funct theta d
189 5 1 2 3 3 120 0.5
190 \end{verbatim}}
192 for type 3out like this:
193 {\small
194 \begin{verbatim}
195 [ virtual_sites3 ]
196 ; Site from funct a b c
197 5 1 2 3 4 -0.4 -0.4 6.9281
198 \end{verbatim}}
200 for type 4fdn like this:
201 {\small
202 \begin{verbatim}
203 [ virtual_sites4 ]
204 ; Site from funct a b c
205 5 1 2 3 4 2 1.0 0.9 0.105
206 \end{verbatim}}
208 This will result in the construction of a virtual site, number 5
209 (first column `{\tt Site}'), based on the positions of the atoms
210 whose indices are 1 and 2 or 1, 2 and 3 or 1, 2, 3 and 4 (next two,
211 three or four columns `{\tt from}') following the rules determined by the function number
212 (next column `{\tt funct}') with the parameters specified (last one,
213 two or three columns `{\tt a b} . .'). Obviously, the atom numbers
214 (including virtual site number) depend
215 on the molecule. It may be instructive to study the topologies for
216 TIP4P or TIP5P water models that are included with the {\gromacs} distribution.
218 {\bf Note} that if any constant bonded interactions are defined between
219 virtual sites and/or normal atoms, they will be removed by {\tt grompp}
220 (unless the option {tt -normvsbds} is used).
221 This removal of bonded interactions is done after generating exclusions,
222 as the generation of exclusions is based on ``chemically'' bonded interactions.
224 Virtual sites can be constructed in a more generic way using basic geometric
225 parameters. The directive that can be used is {\tt [ virtual_sitesn ]}. Required
226 parameters are listed in~\tabref{topfile2}. An example entry for defining a virtual
227 site at the center of geometry of a given set of atoms might be:
229 {\small
230 \begin{verbatim}
231 [ virtual_sitesn ]
232 ; Site funct from
233 5 1 1 2 3 4
234 \end{verbatim}}
236 \section{Parameter files}
238 \label{sec:paramfiles}
240 \subsection{Atoms}
241 The {\em static} properties (see \tabref{statprop} assigned to the
242 atom types are assigned based on data in several places.
243 The mass is listed in {\tt atomtypes.atp}
244 (see~\ssecref{atomtype}), whereas the charge is listed in {\tt *.rtp}
245 (.rtp = {\bf r}esidue {\bf t}opology {\bf p}arameter file,
246 see~\ssecref{rtp}). This implies that the charges are only defined in
247 the \normindex{building block}s of amino acids, nucleic acids or
248 otherwise, as defined by the user. When generating a topology
249 ({\tt *.top}) using the {\tt \normindex{pdb2gmx}} program, the
250 information from these files is combined.
252 \begin{table}
253 \centerline{
254 \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
255 \dline
256 Property & Symbol & Unit \\
257 \hline
258 Type & - & - \\
259 Mass & m & a.m.u. \\
260 Charge & q & electron \\
261 epsilon & $\epsilon$ & kJ/mol \\
262 sigma & $\sigma$ & nm \\
263 \dline
264 \end{tabular}
266 \caption{Static atom type properties in {\gromacs}}
267 \label{tab:statprop}
268 \end{table}
270 %The following {\em dynamic} quantities are associated with an atom
271 %\begin{itemize}
272 %\item Position {\bf x}
273 %\item Velocity {\bf v}
274 %\end{itemize}
275 %These quantities are listed in the coordinate file, {\tt *.gro}
276 %(see section~\ssecref{grofile}).
278 \subsection{Non-bonded parameters}
279 \label{subsec:nbpar}
280 The \swapindex{non-bonded}{parameter}s consist of the van der Waals
281 parameters V ({\tt c6} or $\sigma$, depending on the combination rule) and W
282 ({\tt c12} or $\epsilon$), as listed in the file {\tt ffnonbonded.itp}, where
283 {\tt ptype} is the particle type (see \tabref{ptype}). As with the bonded parameters, entries in {\tt [~*type~]} directives
284 are applied to their counterparts in the topology file. Missing parameters
285 generate warnings, except as noted below in section~\ssecref{pairinteractions}.
287 {\small
288 \begin{verbatim}
289 [ atomtypes ]
290 ;name at.num mass charge ptype V(c6) W(c12)
291 O 8 15.99940 0.000 A 0.22617E-02 0.74158E-06
292 OM 8 15.99940 0.000 A 0.22617E-02 0.74158E-06
293 .....
295 [ nonbond_params ]
296 ; i j func V(c6) W(c12)
297 O O 1 0.22617E-02 0.74158E-06
298 O OA 1 0.22617E-02 0.13807E-05
299 .....
300 \end{verbatim}}
302 {\bf Note} that most of the included force fields also include the {\tt at.num.} column,
303 but this same information is implied in the OPLS-AA {\tt bond_type} column.
304 The interpretation of the parameters V and W depends on the combination rule
305 that was chosen in the {\tt [~defaults~]} section of the topology file
306 (see~\ssecref{topfile}):
307 \begin{eqnarray}
308 \mbox{for combination rule 1}: & &
309 \begin{array}{llllll}
310 \mbox{V}_{ii} & = & C^{(6)}_{i} & = & 4\,\epsilon_i\sigma_i^{6} &
311 \mbox{[ kJ mol$^{-1}$ nm$^{6}$ ]}\\
312 \mbox{W}_{ii} & = & C^{(12)}_{i} & = & 4\,\epsilon_i\sigma_i^{12} &
313 \mbox{[ kJ mol$^{-1}$ nm$^{12}$ ]}\\
314 \end{array}
316 \mbox{for combination rules 2 and 3}: & &
317 \begin{array}{llll}
318 \mbox{V}_{ii} & = & \sigma_i & \mbox{[ nm ]} \\
319 \mbox{W}_{ii} & = & \epsilon_i & \mbox{[ kJ mol$^{-1}$ ]}
320 \end{array}
321 \end{eqnarray}
322 Some or all combinations for different atom types can be given in the
323 {\tt [~nonbond_params~]} section, again with parameters V and W as defined
324 above. Any combination that is not given will be computed from the parameters
325 for the corresponding atom types, according to the \normindex{combination rule}:
326 \begin{eqnarray}
327 \mbox{for combination rules 1 and 3}: & &
328 \begin{array}{lll}
329 C^{(6)}_{ij} & = & \left(C^{(6)}_i\,C^{(6)}_j\right)^{\frac{1}{2}} \\
330 C^{(12)}_{ij} & = & \left(C^{(12)}_i\,C^{(12)}_j\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}
331 \end{array}
333 \mbox{for combination rule 2}: & &
334 \begin{array}{lll}
335 \sigma_{ij} & = & \frac{1}{2}(\sigma_i+\sigma_j) \\
336 \epsilon_{ij} & = & \sqrt{\epsilon_i\,\epsilon_j}
337 \end{array}
338 \end{eqnarray}
339 When $\sigma$ and $\epsilon$ need to be supplied (rules 2 and 3),
340 it would seem it is impossible to have a non-zero $C^{12}$ combined
341 with a zero $C^6$ parameter. However, providing a negative $\sigma$
342 will do exactly that, such that $C^6$ is set to zero and $C^{12}$ is
343 calculated normally. This situation represents a special case in reading
344 the value of $\sigma$, and nothing more.
346 There is only one set of \normindex{combination rule}s
347 for Buckingham potentials:
348 \beq
349 \begin{array}{rcl}
350 A_{ij} &=& \left(A_{ii} \, A_{jj}\right)^{1/2} \\
351 B_{ij} &=& 2 / \left(\frac{1}{B_{ii}} + \frac{1}{B_{jj}}\right) \\
352 C_{ij} &=& \left(C_{ii} \, C_{jj}\right)^{1/2}
353 \end{array}
354 \eeq
356 \subsection{Bonded parameters}
357 \label{subsec:bondparam}
358 The \swapindex{bonded}{parameter}s ({\ie} bonds, bond angles, improper and proper
359 dihedrals) are listed in {\tt ffbonded.itp}.~
360 % The term {\tt func} is 1 for
361 % harmonic and 2 for \gromosv{96} bond and angle potentials.
362 % For the dihedral, this is explained after this listing.
363 The entries in this database describe, respectively, the atom types
364 in the interactions, the type of the interaction, and the parameters
365 associated with that interaction. These parameters are then read
366 by {\tt \normindex{grompp}} when processing a topology and applied
367 to the relevant bonded parameters, {\ie} {\tt bondtypes} are applied to
368 entries in the {\tt [~bonds~]} directive, etc. Any bonded parameter that is
369 missing from the relevant {\tt [~*type~]} directive generates a fatal error.
370 The types of interactions are listed in \tabref{topfile2}.
371 Example excerpts from such files follow:
373 {\small
374 \begin{verbatim}
375 [ bondtypes ]
376 ; i j func b0 kb
377 C O 1 0.12300 502080.
378 C OM 1 0.12500 418400.
379 ......
381 [ angletypes ]
382 ; i j k func th0 cth
383 HO OA C 1 109.500 397.480
384 HO OA CH1 1 109.500 397.480
385 ......
387 [ dihedraltypes ]
388 ; i l func q0 cq
389 NR5* NR5 2 0.000 167.360
390 NR5* NR5* 2 0.000 167.360
391 ......
393 [ dihedraltypes ]
394 ; j k func phi0 cp mult
395 C OA 1 180.000 16.736 2
396 C N 1 180.000 33.472 2
397 ......
399 [ dihedraltypes ]
401 ; Ryckaert-Bellemans Dihedrals
403 ; aj ak funct
404 CP2 CP2 3 9.2789 12.156 -13.120 -3.0597 26.240 -31.495
405 \end{verbatim}}
407 In the {\tt ffbonded.itp} file, you can add bonded parameters. If you
408 want to include parameters for new atom types, make sure you define
409 them in {\tt atomtypes.atp} as well.
412 \section{Molecule definition\index{molecule definition}}
414 \subsection{Moleculetype entries}
415 An organizational structure that usually corresponds to molecules is
416 the {\tt [ moleculetype ]} entry. This entry serves two main purposes. One is
417 to give structure to the topology file(s), usually corresponding to real
418 molecules. This makes the topology easier to read and writing it less labor
419 intensive. A second purpose is computational efficiency. The system definition
420 that is kept in memory is proportional in size of the {\tt moleculetype}
421 definitions. If a molecule is present in 100000 copies, this saves a factor
422 of 100000 in memory, which means the system usually fits in cache, which
423 can improve performance tremendously. Interactions that correspond to chemical
424 bonds, that generate exclusions, can only be defined between atoms within
425 a {\tt moleculetype}. It is allowed to have multiple molecules which are
426 not covalently bonded in one {\tt moleculetype} definition. Molecules can
427 be made infinitely long by connecting to themselves over periodic boundaries.
428 When such periodic molecules are present, an option in the {\tt mdp} file
429 needs to be set to tell {\gromacs} not to attempt to make molecules
430 that are broken over periodic boundaries whole again.
432 \subsection{Intermolecular interactions\index{intermolecular interaction}}
433 In some cases, one would like atoms in different molecules to also interact
434 with other interactions than the usual non-bonded interactions. This is often
435 the case in binding studies. When the molecules are covalently bound, e.g.
436 a ligand binding covalently to a protein, they are effectively one molecule
437 and they should be defined in one {\tt [ moleculetype ]} entry. Note that
438 {\tt pdb2gmx} has an option to put two or more molecules in one
439 {\tt [ moleculetype ]} entry. When molecules are not covalently bound,
440 it is much more convenient to use separate {\tt moleculetype} definitions
441 and specify the intermolecular interactions in the
442 {\tt [ intermolecular\_interactions] } section. In this section, which is
443 placed at the end of the topology (see \tabref{topfile1}), normal bonded
444 interactions can be specified using global atom indices. The only restrictions
445 are that no interactions can be used that generates exclusions and no
446 constraints can be used.
448 \subsection{Intramolecular pair interactions\index{intramolecular pair interaction}}
449 \label{subsec:pairinteractions}
450 Extra Lennard-Jones and electrostatic interactions between pairs
451 of atoms in a molecule can be added in the {\tt [~pairs~]} section of
452 a molecule definition. The parameters for these interactions can
453 be set independently from the non-bonded interaction parameters.
454 In the {\gromos} force fields, pairs are only used
455 to modify the \normindex{1-4 interaction}s (interactions of atoms
456 separated by three bonds). In these force fields the 1-4 interactions
457 are excluded from the non-bonded interactions (see \secref{excl}).
459 {\small
460 \begin{verbatim}
462 [ pairtypes ]
463 ; i j func cs6 cs12 ; THESE ARE 1-4 INTERACTIONS
464 O O 1 0.22617E-02 0.74158E-06
465 O OM 1 0.22617E-02 0.74158E-06
466 .....
467 \end{verbatim}}
469 The pair interaction parameters for the atom types
470 in {\tt ffnonbonded.itp} are listed in the {\tt [~pairtypes~]} section.
471 The {\gromos} force fields list all these interaction parameters
472 explicitly, but this section might be empty for force fields like
473 OPLS that calculate the \normindex{1-4 interaction}s by uniformly scaling the parameters.
474 Pair parameters that are not present in the {\tt [~pairtypes~]} section
475 are only generated when {\tt gen-pairs} is set to ``yes'' in the {\tt [~defaults~]}
476 directive of {\tt forcefield.itp} (see \ssecref{topfile}).
477 When {\tt gen-pairs} is set to ``no,'' {\tt \normindex{grompp}}
478 will give a warning for each pair type for which no parameters are given.
480 The normal pair interactions, intended for \normindex{1-4 interaction}s,
481 have function type 1. Function type 2 and the {\tt [~pairs_nb~]} are intended
482 for free-energy simulations. When determining hydration
483 free energies, the solute needs to be decoupled from the solvent.
484 This can be done by adding a B-state topology (see \secref{fecalc})
485 that uses zero for all solute non-bonded parameters, {\ie} charges and LJ parameters.
486 However, the free energy difference between the A and
487 B states is not the total hydration free energy. One has to
488 add the free energy for reintroducing the internal Coulomb and
489 LJ interactions in the solute when in vacuum. This second step can be combined with
490 the first step when the Coulomb and LJ interactions within
491 the solute are not modified. For this purpose, there is a pairs
492 function type 2, which is identical to function type 1, except
493 that the B-state parameters are always identical to the A-state
494 parameters. For searching the parameters in the {\tt [~pairtypes~]} section,
495 no distinction is made between function type 1 and 2.
496 The pairs section {\tt [~pairs_nb~]} is intended to replace the non-bonded interaction.
497 It uses the unscaled charges and the non-bonded LJ parameters;
498 it also only uses the A-state parameters. {\bf Note} that
499 one should add exclusions for all atom pairs listed in {\tt [~pairs_nb~]},
500 otherwise such pairs will also end up in the normal neighbor lists.
502 Alternatively, this same behavior can be achieved without ever
503 touching the topology, by using the {\tt couple-moltype}, {\tt
504 couple-lambda0}, {\tt couple-lambda1}, and {\tt couple-intramol}
505 keywords. See sections \secref{fecalc} and \secref{dgimplement} for
506 more information.
508 All three pair types always use plain Coulomb interactions,
509 even when Reaction-field, PME, Ewald or shifted Coulomb interactions
510 are selected for the non-bonded interactions.
511 Energies for types 1 and 2 are written to the energy and log file
512 in separate ``LJ-14'' and ``Coulomb-14'' entries per energy group pair.
513 Energies for {\tt [~pairs_nb~]} are added to the ``LJ-(SR)'' and ``Coulomb-(SR)'' terms.
516 \subsection{Exclusions}
517 \label{sec:excl}
518 The \normindex{exclusions} for non-bonded interactions are generated by {\tt
519 grompp} for neighboring atoms up to a certain number of bonds away, as
520 defined in the {\tt [~moleculetype~]} section in the topology file
521 (see \ssecref{topfile}). Particles are considered bonded when they are
522 connected by ``chemical'' bonds ({\tt [~bonds~]} types 1 to 5, 7 or 8)
523 or constraints ({\tt [~constraints~]} type 1).
524 Type 5 {\tt [~bonds~]} can be used to create a \normindex{connection}
525 between two atoms without creating an interaction.
526 There is a \normindex{harmonic interaction}
527 ({\tt [~bonds~]} type 6) that does not connect the atoms by a chemical bond.
528 There is also a second constraint type ({\tt [~constraints~]} type 2)
529 that fixes the distance, but does not connect
530 the atoms by a chemical bond.
531 For a complete list of all these interactions, see \tabref{topfile2}.
533 Extra exclusions within a molecule can be added manually
534 in a {\tt [~exclusions~]} section. Each line should start with one
535 atom index, followed by one or more atom indices. All non-bonded
536 interactions between the first atom and the other atoms will be excluded.
538 When all non-bonded interactions within or between groups of atoms need
539 to be excluded, is it more convenient and much more efficient to use
540 energy monitor group exclusions (see \secref{groupconcept}).
543 \section{Implicit solvation parameters\index{implicit solvation parameters}}
544 Starting with {\gromacs} 4.5, implicit solvent is supported. A section in the
545 topology has been introduced to list those parameters:
547 {\small
548 \begin{verbatim}
549 [ implicit_genborn_params ]
550 ; Atomtype sar st pi gbr hct
551 NH1 0.155 1 1.028 0.17063 0.79 ; N
552 N 0.155 1 1 0.155 0.79 ; Proline backbone N
553 H 0.1 1 1 0.115 0.85 ; H
554 CT1 0.180 1 1.276 0.190 0.72 ; C
555 \end{verbatim}}
557 In this example the atom type is listed first, followed by five
558 numbers, and a comment (following a semicolon).
560 Values in columns 1-3 are not currently used. They pertain to more
561 elaborate surface area algorithms, the one from Qiu {\em et al.}~\cite{Still97} in
562 particular. Column 4 contains the atomic van der Waals radii, which are used
563 in computing the Born radii. The dielectric offset is specified in
564 the {\tt *.mdp} file, and gets subtracted from the input van der Waals radii for the different
565 Born radii methods, as described by Onufriev {\em et al.}~\cite{Case04}. Column 5 is the
566 scale factor for the HCT and OBC models. The values are taken from the Tinker implementation of
567 the HCT pairwise scaling method~\cite{Truhlar96}. This method has been modified such that the
568 scaling factors have been adjusted to minimize differences between analytical surface areas and
569 GB using the HCT algorithm. The scaling is further modified in that it is not applied pairwise
570 as proposed by Hawkins {\em et al.}~\cite{Truhlar96}, but on a per-atom (rather than a per-pair)
571 basis.
574 \section{Constraint algorithms\index{constraint algorithms}}
575 \label{sec:constraints}
576 Constraints are defined in the {\tt [~constraints~]} section.
577 The format is two atom numbers followed by the function type,
578 which can be 1 or 2, and the constraint distance.
579 The only difference between the two types is that type 1 is used
580 for generating exclusions and type 2 is not (see \secref{excl}).
581 The distances are constrained using the LINCS or the SHAKE algorithm,
582 which can be selected in the {\tt *.mdp} file.
583 Both types of constraints can be perturbed in free-energy calculations
584 by adding a second constraint distance (see \ssecref{constraintforce}).
585 Several types of bonds and angles (see \tabref{topfile2}) can
586 be converted automatically to constraints by {\tt grompp}.
587 There are several options for this in the {\tt *.mdp} file.
589 We have also implemented the \normindex{SETTLE} algorithm~\cite{Miyamoto92},
590 which is an analytical solution of SHAKE, specifically for water.
591 SETTLE can be selected in the topology file. See, for instance, the
592 SPC molecule definition:
594 {\small
595 \begin{verbatim}
596 [ moleculetype ]
597 ; molname nrexcl
598 SOL 1
600 [ atoms ]
601 ; nr at type res nr ren nm at nm cg nr charge
602 1 OW 1 SOL OW1 1 -0.82
603 2 HW 1 SOL HW2 1 0.41
604 3 HW 1 SOL HW3 1 0.41
606 [ settles ]
607 ; OW funct doh dhh
608 1 1 0.1 0.16333
610 [ exclusions ]
611 1 2 3
612 2 1 3
613 3 1 2
614 \end{verbatim}}
616 The {\tt [~settles~]} directive defines the first atom of the water molecule.
617 The settle funct is always 1, and the distance between O-H and H-H distances
618 must be given. {\bf Note} that the algorithm can also be used
619 for TIP3P and TIP4P~\cite{Jorgensen83}.
620 TIP3P just has another geometry. TIP4P has a virtual site, but since
621 that is generated it does not need to be shaken (nor stirred).
623 \section{\normindex{pdb2gmx} input files}
624 \label{sec:pdb2gmxfiles}
625 The {\gromacs} program {\tt pdb2gmx} generates a topology for
626 the input coordinate file. Several formats are supported for
627 that coordinate file, but {\tt *.pdb} is the most commonly-used format
628 (hence the name {\tt pdb2gmx}).
629 {\tt pdb2gmx} searches for force fields in sub-directories of the {\gromacs} {\tt share/top}
630 directory and your working directory. Force fields are recognized from
631 the file {\tt forcefield.itp} in a directory with the extension {\tt .ff}.
632 The file {\tt forcefield.doc} may be present, and if so, its first line
633 will be used by {\tt pdb2gmx} to present a short description to the
634 user to help in choosing a force field. Otherwise, the user can
635 choose a force field with the {\tt -ff xxx} command-line argument
636 to {\tt pdb2gmx}, which indicates that a force field in a
637 {\tt xxx.ff} directory is desired. {\tt pdb2gmx} will search first in the
638 working directory, then in the {\gromacs} {\tt share/top} directory, and
639 use the first matching {\tt xxx.ff} directory found.
641 Two general files are read by {\tt pdb2gmx}: an atom type file
642 (extension {\tt .atp}, see~\ssecref{atomtype}) from the force-field directory,
643 and a file called {\tt residuetypes.dat} from either the working directory, or
644 the {\gromacs} {\tt share/top} directory. {\tt residuetypes.dat}
645 determines which residue names are considered protein, DNA, RNA,
646 water, and ions.
648 {\tt pdb2gmx} can read one or multiple databases with topological information
649 for different types of molecules. A set of files belonging to one database
650 should have the same basename, preferably telling something about the type
651 of molecules ({\eg} aminoacids, rna, dna). The possible files are:
652 \begin{itemize}
653 \item {\tt <basename>.rtp}
654 \item {\tt <basename>.r2b} (optional)
655 \item {\tt <basename>.arn} (optional)
656 \item {\tt <basename>.hdb} (optional)
657 \item {\tt <basename>.n.tdb} (optional)
658 \item {\tt <basename>.c.tdb} (optional)
659 \end{itemize}
660 Only the {\tt .rtp} file, which contains the topologies of the building
661 blocks, is mandatory. Information from other files will only be used
662 for building blocks that come from an {\tt .rtp} file with the same base name.
663 The user can add building blocks to a force field by having additional
664 files with the same base name in their working directory. By default, only
665 extra building blocks can be defined, but calling {\tt pdb2gmx} with
666 the {\tt -rtpo} option will allow building blocks in a local file
667 to replace the default ones in the force field.
670 \subsection{Residue database}
671 \label{subsec:rtp}
672 The files holding the residue databases have the extension {\tt .rtp}.
673 Originally this file contained building blocks (amino acids) for proteins,
674 and is the {\gromacs} interpretation of the {\tt rt37c4.dat} file of {\gromos}.
675 So the residue database file contains information (bonds, charges, charge groups,
676 and improper dihedrals) for a frequently-used building block. It is
677 better {\em not} to change this file because it is standard input for
678 {\tt pdb2gmx}, but if changes are needed make them in the
679 {\tt *.top} file (see~\ssecref{topfile}), or in a {\tt .rtp} file
680 in the working directory as explained in \secref{pdb2gmxfiles}.
681 Defining topologies of new small molecules is probably easier
682 by writing an include topology file {\tt *.itp} directly.
683 This will be discussed in section~\ssecref{molitp}.
684 When adding a new protein residue to the database, don't forget to
685 add the residue name to the {\tt \normindex{residuetypes.dat}} file,
686 so that {\tt grompp}, {\tt make_ndx} and analysis tools can recognize
687 the residue as a protein residue (see \ssecref{defaultgroups}).
689 The {\tt .rtp} files are only used by {\tt pdb2gmx}.
690 As mentioned before, the only extra information this
691 program needs from the {\tt .rtp} database is bonds, charges of atoms,
692 charge groups, and improper dihedrals, because the rest is read from
693 the coordinate input file.
694 Some proteins contain residues that are not standard, but are
695 listed in the coordinate file. You have to construct a building block
696 for this ``strange'' residue, otherwise you will not obtain a
697 {\tt *.top} file. This also holds for molecules in the
698 coordinate file such as ligands, polyatomic ions, crystallization co-solvents, etc.
699 The residue database is constructed in the following way:
701 {\small
702 \begin{verbatim}
703 [ bondedtypes ] ; mandatory
704 ; bonds angles dihedrals impropers
705 1 1 1 2 ; mandatory
707 [ GLY ] ; mandatory
709 [ atoms ] ; mandatory
710 ; name type charge chargegroup
711 N N -0.280 0
712 H H 0.280 0
713 CA CH2 0.000 1
714 C C 0.380 2
715 O O -0.380 2
717 [ bonds ] ; optional
718 ;atom1 atom2 b0 kb
720 N CA
721 CA C
723 -C N
725 [ exclusions ] ; optional
726 ;atom1 atom2
728 [ angles ] ; optional
729 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 th0 cth
731 [ dihedrals ] ; optional
732 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 atom4 phi0 cp mult
734 [ impropers ] ; optional
735 ;atom1 atom2 atom3 atom4 q0 cq
736 N -C CA H
737 -C -CA N -O
739 [ ZN ]
741 [ atoms ]
742 ZN ZN 2.000 0
743 \end{verbatim}}
745 The file is free format; the only restriction is that there can be at
746 most one entry on a line. The first field in the file is the
747 {\tt [~bondedtypes~]} field, which is followed by four numbers,
748 indicating the interaction type for bonds, angles, dihedrals, and
749 improper dihedrals. The file contains residue entries, which consist
750 of atoms and (optionally) bonds, angles, dihedrals, and impropers. The
751 charge group codes denote the charge group numbers. Atoms in the same
752 charge group should always be ordered consecutively. When using the
753 hydrogen database with {\tt pdb2gmx} for adding missing hydrogens
754 (see~\ssecref{hdb}), the atom names defined in the {\tt .rtp} entry
755 should correspond exactly to the naming convention used in the
756 hydrogen database. The atom names in the bonded interaction can be
757 preceded by a minus or a plus, indicating that the atom is in the
758 preceding or following residue respectively. Explicit parameters added
759 to bonds, angles, dihedrals, and impropers override
760 the standard parameters in the {\tt .itp} files. This should only be
761 used in special cases. Instead of parameters, a string can be added
762 for each bonded interaction. This is used in \gromosv{96} {\tt .rtp}
763 files. These strings are copied to the topology file and can be
764 replaced by force-field parameters by the C-preprocessor in {\tt grompp}
765 using {\tt \#define} statements.
767 {\tt pdb2gmx} automatically generates all angles. This means that for
768 most force fields the {\tt [~angles~]} field is only useful for overriding
769 {\tt .itp} parameters. For the \gromosv{96} force field the interaction
770 number of all angles needs to be specified.
772 {\tt pdb2gmx} automatically generates one proper dihedral for every rotatable
773 bond, preferably on heavy atoms. When the {\tt [~dihedrals~]} field is used,
774 no other dihedrals will be generated for the bonds corresponding to the
775 specified dihedrals. It is possible to put more than one dihedral
776 function on a rotatable bond. In the case of CHARMM27 FF {\tt pdb2gmx}
777 can add correction maps to the dihedrals using the default {\tt -cmap} option.
778 Please refer to \ssecref{charmmff} for more information.
780 {\tt pdb2gmx} sets the number of exclusions to 3, which
781 means that interactions between atoms connected by at most 3 bonds are
782 excluded. Pair interactions are generated for all pairs of atoms that are
783 separated by 3 bonds (except pairs of hydrogens).
784 When more interactions need to be excluded, or some pair interactions should
785 not be generated, an {\tt [~exclusions~]} field can be added, followed by
786 pairs of atom names on separate lines. All non-bonded and pair interactions
787 between these atoms will be excluded.
789 \subsection{Residue to building block database}
790 Each force field has its own naming convention for residues.
791 Most residues have consistent naming, but some, especially those
792 with different protonation states, can have many different names.
793 The {\tt .r2b} files are used to convert standard residue names to
794 the force-field build block names. If no {\tt .r2b} is present
795 in the force-field directory or a residue is not listed, the building
796 block name is assumed to be identical to the residue name.
797 The {\tt .r2b} can contain 2 or 5 columns. The 2-column format
798 has the residue name in the first column and the building block name
799 in the second. The 5-column format has 3 additional columns with
800 the building block for the residue occurring in the N-terminus, C-terminus
801 and both termini at the same time (single residue molecule).
802 This is useful for, for instance, the AMBER force fields.
803 If one or more of the terminal versions are not present, a dash should be entered
804 in the corresponding column.
806 There is a {\gromacs} naming convention for residues which is only
807 apparent (except for the {\tt pdb2gmx} code) through the {\tt .r2b} file
808 and {\tt specbond.dat} files.
809 This convention is only of importance when you are adding residue types
810 to an {\tt .rtp} file. The convention is listed in \tabref{r2b}.
811 For special bonds with, for instance, a heme group, the {\gromacs} naming
812 convention is introduced through {\tt specbond.dat} (see~\ssecref{specbond}), which can
813 subsequently be translated by the {\tt .r2b} file, if required.
815 \begin{table}
816 \centerline{
817 \begin{tabular}{|ll|}
818 \dline
819 ARG & protonated arginine \\
820 ARGN & neutral arginine \\
821 ASP & negatively charged aspartic acid \\
822 ASPH & neutral aspartic acid \\
823 CYS & neutral cysteine \\
824 CYS2 & cysteine with sulfur bound to another cysteine or a heme \\
825 GLU & negatively charged glutamic acid \\
826 GLUH & neutral glutamic acid \\
827 HISD & neutral histidine with N$_\delta$ protonated \\
828 HISE & neutral histidine with N$_\epsilon$ protonated \\
829 HISH & positive histidine with both N$_\delta$ and N$_\epsilon$ protonated \\
830 HIS1 & histidine bound to a heme \\
831 LYSN & neutral lysine \\
832 LYS & protonated lysine \\
833 HEME & heme \\
834 \dline
835 \end{tabular}
837 \caption{Internal {\gromacs} residue naming convention.}
838 \label{tab:r2b}
839 \end{table}
841 \subsection{Atom renaming database}
842 Force fields often use atom names that do not follow IUPAC or PDB convention.
843 The {\tt .arn} database is used to translate the atom names in the coordinate
844 file to the force-field names. Atoms that are not listed keep their names.
845 The file has three columns: the building block name,
846 the old atom name, and the new atom name, respectively. The residue name
847 supports question-mark wildcards that match a single character.
849 An additional general atom renaming file called {\tt xlateat.dat} is present
850 in the {\tt share/top} directory, which translates common non-standard
851 atom names in the coordinate file to IUPAC/PDB convention. Thus, when writing
852 force-field files, you can assume standard atom names and no further
853 atom name translation is required, except for translating from standard atom names
854 to the force-field ones.
856 \subsection{Hydrogen database}
857 \label{subsec:hdb}
858 The \swapindex{hydrogen}{database} is stored in {\tt .hdb} files. It
859 contains information for the {\tt pdb2gmx} program on how to connect
860 hydrogen atoms to existing atoms. In versions of the database before
861 {\gromacs} 3.3, hydrogen atoms were named after the atom they are
862 connected to: the first letter of the atom name was replaced by an
863 `H.' In the versions from 3.3 onwards, the H atom has to be listed explicitly,
864 because the old behavior was protein-specific and hence could not
865 be generalized to other molecules.
866 If more than one hydrogen atom is connected to the same atom, a
867 number will be added to the end of the hydrogen atom name. For
868 example, adding two hydrogen atoms to \texttt{ND2} (in asparagine), the
869 hydrogen atoms will be named \texttt{HD21} and \texttt{HD22}. This is
870 important since atom naming in the \texttt{.rtp} file (see~\ssecref{rtp})
871 must be the same. The format of the hydrogen database is as follows:
873 {\small
874 \begin{verbatim}
875 ; res # additions
876 # H add type H i j k
877 ALA 1
878 1 1 H N -C CA
879 ARG 4
880 1 2 H N CA C
881 1 1 HE NE CD CZ
882 2 3 HH1 NH1 CZ NE
883 2 3 HH2 NH2 CZ NE
884 \end{verbatim}}
886 On the first line we see the residue name (ALA or ARG) and the number
887 of kinds of hydrogen atoms that may be added to this residue by the
888 hydrogen database. After that follows one line for each addition, on which
889 we see:
890 \begin{itemize}
891 \item The number of H atoms added
892 \item The method for adding H atoms, which can be any of:
893 \begin{enumerate}
894 \item[1]{\em one planar hydrogen, {\eg} rings or peptide bond}\\
895 One hydrogen atom (n) is generated, lying in the plane of atoms
896 (i,j,k) on the plane bisecting angle (j-i-k) at a distance of 0.1 nm
897 from atom i, such that the angles (n-i-j) and (n-i-k) are $>$ 90$^{\rm o}$.
899 \item[2]{\em one single hydrogen, {\eg} hydroxyl}\\
900 One hydrogen atom (n) is generated at a distance of 0.1 nm from atom
901 i, such that angle (n-i-j)=109.5 degrees and dihedral (n-i-j-k)=trans.
903 \item[3]{\em two planar hydrogens, {\eg} ethylene -C=CH{$_2$}, or amide -C(=O)NH{$_2$}}\\
904 Two hydrogens (n1,n2) are generated at a distance of 0.1 nm from atom
905 i, such that angle (n1-i-j)=(n2-i-j)=120 degrees and dihedral
906 (n1-i-j-k)=cis and (n2-i-j-k)=trans, such that names are according to
907 IUPAC standards~\cite{iupac70}.
909 \item[4]{\em two or three tetrahedral hydrogens, {\eg} -CH{$_3$}}\\
910 Three (n1,n2,n3) or two (n1,n2) hydrogens are generated at a distance
911 of 0.1 nm from atom i, such that angle
912 (n1-i-j)=(n2-i-j)=(n3-i-j)=109.47$^{\rm o}$, dihedral (n1-i-j-k)=trans,
913 (n2-i-j-k)=trans+120 and (n3-i-j-k)=trans+240$^{\rm o}$.
915 \item[5]{\em one tetrahedral hydrogen, {\eg} C{$_3$}CH}\\
916 One hydrogen atom (n$^\prime$) is generated at a distance of 0.1 nm from atom
917 i in tetrahedral conformation such that angle
918 (n$^\prime$-i-j)=(n$^\prime$-i-k)=(n$^\prime$-i-l)=109.47$^{\rm o}$.
920 \item[6]{\em two tetrahedral hydrogens, {\eg} C-CH{$_2$}-C}\\
921 Two hydrogen atoms (n1,n2) are generated at a distance of 0.1 nm from
922 atom i in tetrahedral conformation on the plane bisecting angle j-i-k
923 with angle (n1-i-n2)=(n1-i-j)=(n1-i-k)=109.47$^{\rm o}$.
925 \item[7]{\em two water hydrogens}\\
926 Two hydrogens are generated around atom i according to
927 SPC~\cite{Berendsen81} water geometry. The symmetry axis will
928 alternate between three coordinate axes in both directions.
930 \item[10]{\em three water ``hydrogens''}\\
931 Two hydrogens are generated around atom i according to
932 SPC~\cite{Berendsen81} water geometry. The symmetry axis will
933 alternate between three coordinate axes in both directions. In addition,
934 an extra particle is generated on the position of the oxygen with
935 the first letter of the name replaced by `M'. This is for
936 use with four-atom water models such as TIP4P~\cite{Jorgensen83}.
938 \item[11]{\em four water ``hydrogens''}\\
939 Same as above, except that two additional
940 particles are generated on the position of the oxygen, with names
941 `LP1' and `LP2.' This is for
942 use with five-atom water models such as TIP5P~\cite{Mahoney2000a}.
943 \end{enumerate}
945 \item
946 The name of the new H atom (or its prefix, {\eg} {\tt HD2} for
947 the asparagine example given earlier).
949 \item
950 Three or four control atoms (i,j,k,l), where the first always is the
951 atom to which the H atoms are connected. The other two or three depend
952 on the code selected. For water, there is only one control atom.
953 \end{itemize}
955 Some more exotic cases can be approximately constructed from the above tools,
956 and with suitable use of energy minimization are good enough for beginning
957 MD simulations. For example secondary amine hydrogen, nitrenyl hydrogen
958 (C\nolinebreak[4]=\nolinebreak[4]NH) and even ethynyl hydrogen could be
959 approximately constructed using method 2 above for hydroxyl hydrogen.
961 \subsection{Termini database}
962 \label{subsec:tdb}
963 The \swapindex{termini}{database}s are stored in {\tt aminoacids.n.tdb} and
964 {\tt aminoacids.c.tdb} for the N- and C-termini respectively. They contain
965 information for the {\tt pdb2gmx} program on how to connect new atoms
966 to existing ones, which atoms should be removed or changed, and which
967 bonded interactions should be added. Their format is as follows
968 (from {\tt gromos43a1.ff/aminoacids.c.tdb}):
970 {\small
971 \begin{verbatim}
972 [ None ]
974 [ COO- ]
975 [ replace ]
976 C C C 12.011 0.27
977 O O1 OM 15.9994 -0.635
978 OXT O2 OM 15.9994 -0.635
979 [ add ]
980 2 8 O C CA N
981 OM 15.9994 -0.635
982 [ bonds ]
983 C O1 gb_5
984 C O2 gb_5
985 [ angles ]
986 O1 C O2 ga_37
987 CA C O1 ga_21
988 CA C O2 ga_21
989 [ dihedrals ]
990 N CA C O2 gd_20
991 [ impropers ]
992 C CA O2 O1 gi_1
993 \end{verbatim}}
995 The file is organized in blocks, each with a header specifying the
996 name of the block. These blocks correspond to different types of
997 termini that can be added to a molecule. In this example {\tt [~COO-~]}
998 is the first block, corresponding to changing the terminal carbon
999 atom into a deprotonated carboxyl group. {\tt [~None~]} is the
1000 second terminus type, corresponding to a terminus that leaves
1001 the molecule as it is. Block names cannot be any of the following:
1002 {\tt replace}, {\tt add}, {\tt delete}, {\tt bonds}, {\tt angles},
1003 {\tt dihedrals}, {\tt impropers}. Doing so would interfere with
1004 the parameters of the block, and would probably also be very confusing
1005 to human readers.
1007 For each block the following options are present:
1008 \begin{itemize}
1009 \item {\tt [~replace~]} \\
1010 Replace an existing atom by one with a different atom type, atom name,
1011 charge, and/or mass. This entry can be used to replace an atom that is
1012 present both in the input coordinates and in the {\tt .rtp} database,
1013 but also to only rename an atom in the input coordinates such that
1014 it matches the name in the force field. In the latter case, there
1015 should also be a corresponding {\tt [~add~]} section present that
1016 gives instructions to add the same atom, such that the position in the sequence
1017 and the bonding is known. Such an atom can be present in the input
1018 coordinates and kept, or not present and constructed by {\tt pdb2gmx}.
1019 For each atom to be replaced on line should be
1020 entered with the following fields:
1021 \begin{itemize}
1022 \item name of the atom to be replaced
1023 \item new atom name (optional)
1024 \item new atom type
1025 \item new mass
1026 \item new charge
1027 \end{itemize}
1028 \item {\tt [~add~]} \\
1029 Add new atoms. For each (group of) added atom(s), a two-line entry is
1030 necessary. The first line contains the same fields as an entry in the
1031 hydrogen database (name of the new atom,
1032 number of atoms, type of addition, control atoms,
1033 see~\ssecref{hdb}), but the possible types of addition are extended
1034 by two more, specifically for C-terminal additions:
1035 \begin{enumerate}
1036 \item[8]{\em two carboxyl oxygens, -COO{$^-$}}\\
1037 Two oxygens (n1,n2) are generated according to rule 3, at a distance
1038 of 0.136 nm from atom i and an angle (n1-i-j)=(n2-i-j)=117 degrees
1039 \item[9]{\em carboxyl oxygens and hydrogen, -COOH}\\
1040 Two oxygens (n1,n2) are generated according to rule 3, at distances of
1041 0.123 nm and 0.125 nm from atom i for n1 and n2, respectively, and angles
1042 (n1-i-j)=121 and (n2-i-j)=115 degrees. One hydrogen (n$^\prime$) is generated
1043 around n2 according to rule 2, where n-i-j and n-i-j-k should be read
1044 as n$^\prime$-n2-i and n$^\prime$-n2-i-j, respectively.
1045 \end{enumerate}
1046 After this line, another line follows that specifies the details of
1047 the added atom(s), in the same way as for replacing atoms, {\ie}:
1048 \begin{itemize}
1049 \item atom type
1050 \item mass
1051 \item charge
1052 \item charge group (optional)
1053 \end{itemize}
1054 Like in the hydrogen database (see~\ssecref{rtp}), when more than
1055 one atom is connected to an existing one, a number will be appended to
1056 the end of the atom name. {\bf Note} that, like in the hydrogen database, the
1057 atom name is now on the same line as the control atoms, whereas it was
1058 at the beginning of the second line prior to {\gromacs} version 3.3.
1059 When the charge group field is left out, the added atom will have
1060 the same charge group number as the atom that it is bonded to.
1061 \item {\tt [~delete~]}\\
1062 Delete existing atoms. One atom name per line.
1063 \item {\tt [~bonds~]}, {\tt [~angles~]}, {\tt [~dihedrals~]} and {\tt [~impropers~]}\\
1064 Add additional bonded parameters. The format is identical to that used
1065 in the {\tt *.rtp} file, see~\ssecref{rtp}.
1066 \end{itemize}
1068 \subsection{Virtual site database}
1069 Since we cannot rely on the positions of hydrogens in input files, we need a special
1070 input file to decide the geometries and parameters with which to add virtual site
1071 hydrogens. For more complex virtual site constructs ({\eg} when entire aromatic side chains
1072 are made rigid) we also need information about the equilibrium bond lengths and angles
1073 for all atoms in the side chain. This information is specified in the {\tt .vsd} file for each force
1074 field. Just as for the termini, there is one such file for each class of residues in
1075 the {\tt .rtp} file.
1077 The virtual site database is not really a very simple list of information. The first couple of sections
1078 specify which mass centers (typically called MCH$_3$/MNH$_3$) to use for CH$_3$, NH$_3$,
1079 and NH$_2$ groups. Depending on the
1080 equilibrium bond lengths and angles between the hydrogens and heavy atoms we need to apply
1081 slightly different constraint distances between these mass centers. {\bf Note} that we do {\em not} have to
1082 specify the actual parameters (that is automatic), just the type of mass center to use. To accomplish this,
1083 there are three sections names \verb+[ CH3 ]+, \verb+[ NH3 ]+, and \verb+[ NH2 ]+. For each of these we
1084 expect three columns. The first column is the atom type bound to the 2/3 hydrogens, the second column
1085 is the next heavy atom type which this is bound, and the third column the type of mass center to use.
1086 As a special case, in the \verb+[ NH2 ]+ section it is also possible to specify \verb+planar+ in the second
1087 column, which will use a different construction without mass center. There are currently different opinions
1088 in some force fields whether an NH$_2$ group should be planar or not, but we try hard to stick to the
1089 default equilibrium parameters of the force field.
1091 The second part of the virtual site database contains explicit equilibrium bond lengths and angles
1092 for pairs/triplets of atoms in aromatic side chains. These entries are currently read by specific routines
1093 in the virtual site generation code, so if you would like to extend it {\eg} to nucleic acids you would also
1094 need to write new code there. These sections are named after the short amino acid names
1095 (\verb+[ PHE ]+, \verb+[ TYR ]+, \verb+[ TRP ]+, \verb+[ HID ]+, \verb+[ HIE ]+, \verb+[ HIP ]+), and simply
1096 contain 2 or 3 columns with atom names, followed by a number specifying the bond length (in nm) or angle
1097 (in degrees). {\bf Note} that these are approximations of the equilibrated geometry for the entire molecule,
1098 which might not be identical to the equilibrium value for a single bond/angle if the molecule is strained.
1100 \subsection{Special bonds}
1101 \label{subsec:specbond}
1102 The primary mechanism used by {\tt \normindex{pdb2gmx}} to generate
1103 inter-residue bonds relies on head-to-tail linking of backbone atoms
1104 in different residues to build a macromolecule. In some cases ({\eg}
1105 \normindex{disulfide bonds}, a \normindex{heme group},
1106 \normindex{branched polymers}), it is necessary to create
1107 inter-residue bonds that do not lie on the backbone. The file {\tt
1108 \normindex{specbond.dat}} takes care of this function. It is
1109 necessary that the residues belong to the same {\tt [~moleculetype~]}.
1110 The {\tt -merge} and {\tt -chainsep} functions of {\tt pdb2gmx} can be
1111 useful when managing special inter-residue bonds between different
1112 chains.
1114 The first line of {\tt specbond.dat} indicates the number of entries that are in the file. If you
1115 add a new entry, be sure to increment this number. The remaining lines in the file provide the
1116 specifications for creating bonds. The format of the lines is as follows:
1118 {\tt resA atomA nbondsA resB atomB nbondsB length newresA newresB }
1120 The columns indicate:
1121 \begin{enumerate}
1122 \item {\tt resA} The name of residue A that participates in the bond.
1123 \item {\tt atomA} The name of the atom in residue A that forms the bond.
1124 \item {\tt nbondsA} The total number of bonds {\tt atomA} can form.
1125 \item {\tt resB} The name of residue B that participates in the bond.
1126 \item {\tt atomB} The name of the atom in residue B that forms the bond.
1127 \item {\tt nbondsB} The total number of bonds {\tt atomB} can form.
1128 \item {\tt length} The reference length for the bond. If {\tt atomA} and {\tt atomB} are not within
1129 {\tt length} $\pm$ 10\% in the coordinate file supplied to {\tt pdb2gmx}, no bond will be formed.
1130 \item {\tt newresA} The new name of residue A, if necessary. Some force fields use {\eg} CYS2 for
1131 a cysteine in a disulfide or heme linkage.
1132 \item {\tt newresB} The new name of residue B, likewise.
1133 \end{enumerate}
1136 \section{File formats}
1137 \subsection{Topology file\swapindexquiet{topology}{file}}
1138 \label{subsec:topfile}
1139 The topology file is built following the {\gromacs} specification for a
1140 molecular topology. A {\tt *.top} file can be generated by
1141 {\tt pdb2gmx}.
1142 All possible entries in the topology file are listed in
1143 Tables \ref{tab:topfile1} and \ref{tab:topfile2}.
1144 Also tabulated are: all the units
1145 of the parameters, which interactions can be perturbed for free energy
1146 calculations, which bonded interactions are used by {\tt grompp}
1147 for generating exclusions, and which bonded interactions can be converted
1148 to constraints by {\tt grompp}.
1150 %\renewcommand\floatpagefraction{.2}
1152 \newcommand{\tts}{\tt \small}
1154 % move these figures so they end up on facing pages
1155 % (first figure on even page)
1156 \newcommand{\kJmol}{kJ~mol$^{-1}$}
1157 \newcommand{\kJmolnm}[1]{\kJmol~nm$^{#1}$}
1158 \newcommand{\kJmolrad}[1]{\kJmol~rad$^{#1}$}
1159 \newcommand{\kJmoldeg}[1]{\kJmol~deg$^{#1}$}
1161 \begin{table}[p]
1162 \centering{
1163 \begin{tabular}{|l|llllc|}
1164 \multicolumn{6}{c}{\bf \large Parameters} \\
1165 \dline
1166 interaction & directive & \# & f. & parameters & F. E. \\
1167 type & & at. & tp & & \\
1168 \dline
1169 {\em mandatory} & {\tts defaults} & & & non-bonded function type; & \\
1170 & & & & combination rule$^{(cr)}$; &\\
1171 & & & & generate pairs (no/yes); & \\
1172 & & & & fudge LJ (); fudge QQ () & \\
1173 \hline
1174 {\em mandatory} & {\tts atomtypes} & & & atom type; m (u); q (e); particle type; & \\
1175 & & & & V$^{(cr)}$; W$^{(cr)}$ & \\
1176 %\hline
1177 & {\tts bondtypes} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{(see \tabref{topfile2}, directive {\tts bonds})} & \\
1178 & {\tts pairtypes} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{(see \tabref{topfile2}, directive {\tts pairs})} & \\
1179 & {\tts angletypes} & \multicolumn{3}{l}{(see \tabref{topfile2}, directive {\tts angles})} & \\
1180 & {\tts dihedraltypes}$^{(*)}$ & \multicolumn{3}{l}{(see \tabref{topfile2}, directive {\tts dihedrals})}& \\
1181 & {\tts constrainttypes}& \multicolumn{3}{l}{(see \tabref{topfile2}, directive {\tts constraints})} & \\
1182 LJ & {\tts nonbond_params} & 2 & 1 & $V^{(cr)}$; $W^{(cr)}$ & \\
1183 Buckingham & {\tts nonbond_params} & 2 & 2 & $a$ (\kJmol); $b$ (nm$^{-1})$; & \\
1184 & & & & $c_6$ (\kJmolnm{6}) & \\
1185 \dline
1186 \multicolumn{6}{c}{~} \\
1187 \multicolumn{6}{c}{\bf \large Molecule definition(s)} \\
1188 \dline
1189 {\em mandatory} & {\tts moleculetype} & & & molecule name; $n_{ex}^{(nrexcl)}$ & \\
1190 \hline
1191 {\em mandatory} & {\tts atoms} & 1 & & atom type; residue number; & type \\
1192 & & & & residue name; atom name; & \\
1193 & & & & charge group number; $q$ (e); $m$ (u) & $q,m$ \\
1194 \hline
1195 \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{} \\
1196 \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{intra-molecular interaction and geometry definitions as described
1197 in \tabref{topfile2}} \\
1198 \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{} \\
1199 \dline
1200 \multicolumn{6}{c}{~} \\
1201 \multicolumn{6}{c}{\bf \large System} \\
1202 \dline
1203 {\em mandatory} & {\tts system} & & & system name & \\
1204 \hline
1205 {\em mandatory} & {\tts molecules} & & & \multicolumn{2}{l|}{molecule name; number of molecules} \\
1206 \dline
1207 \multicolumn{6}{c}{~} \\
1208 \multicolumn{6}{c}{\bf \large Inter-molecular interactions} \\
1209 \dline
1210 {\em optional} & \multicolumn{4}{l}{\tts intermolecular_interactions} & \\
1211 \hline
1212 \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{one or more bonded interactions as described in \tabref{topfile2}, with two or more atoms,} \\
1213 \multicolumn{6}{|c|}{no interactions that generate exclusions, no constraints, use global atom numbers} \\
1214 \dline
1215 \multicolumn{6}{c}{~} \\
1216 \multicolumn{6}{l}{`\# at' is the required number of atom type indices for this directive} \\
1217 \multicolumn{6}{l}{`f. tp' is the value used to select this function type} \\
1218 \multicolumn{6}{l}{`F. E.' indicates which of the parameters can be interpolated in free energy calculations} \\
1219 \multicolumn{6}{l}{~$^{(cr)}$ the combination rule determines the type of LJ parameters, see~\ssecref{nbpar}}\\
1220 \multicolumn{6}{l}{~$^{(*)}$ for {\tts dihedraltypes} one can specify 4 atoms or the inner (outer for improper) 2 atoms}\\
1221 \multicolumn{6}{l}{~$^{(nrexcl)}$ exclude neighbors $n_{ex}$ bonds away for non-bonded interactions}\\
1222 \multicolumn{6}{l}{For free energy calculations, type, $q$ and $m$ or no parameters should be added}\\
1223 \multicolumn{6}{l}{for topology `B' ($\lambda = 1$) on the same line, after the normal parameters.}
1224 \end{tabular}
1226 \caption{The topology ({\tts *.top}) file.}
1227 \label{tab:topfile1}
1228 \end{table}
1230 \newcommand{\fnm}[1]{\footnotemark[#1]}
1231 \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
1232 %\renewcommand{\tts}{\tt \small}
1233 \newcommand{\ttss}{\tt \scriptsize}
1235 \begin{landscape}
1236 \begin{longtable}{|p{1.8in}|lcc>{\raggedright}p{2.5in}cc|}
1237 \caption{Details of {\tt [~moleculetype~]} directives}\\
1238 \dline
1239 Name of interaction & Topology file directive & num. & func. & Order of parameters and their units & use in & Cross- \\
1240 & & atoms\fnm{1} & type\fnm{2} & & F.E.?\fnm{3} & references \\
1241 \dline
1242 \endhead
1243 \dline
1244 \endfoot
1245 % The footnotetext fields only work inside the body, and not from a
1246 % column with ``p'' formatting'!
1247 bond & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4},\fnm{5} & 2 & 1 & $b_0$ (nm); $k_b$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & all & \ssecref{harmonicbond}
1248 \label{tab:topfile2} \footnotetext[1]{The required number of atom indices for this directive}\footnotetext[2]{The index to use to select this function type}\footnotetext[3]{Indicates which of the parameters can be interpolated in free energy calculations}\footnotetext[4]{This interaction type will be used by {{\tts grompp}} for generating exclusions}\footnotetext[5]{This interaction type can be converted to constraints by {{\tts grompp}}}\footnotetext[7]{The combination rule determines the type of LJ parameters, see~\ssecref{nbpar}}\footnotetext[6]{No connection, and so no exclusions, are generated for this interaction}
1250 G96 bond & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4},\fnm{5} & 2 & 2 & $b_0$ (nm); $k_b$ (\kJmolnm{-4}) & all & \ssecref{G96bond} \\
1251 Morse & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4},\fnm{5} & 2 & 3 & $b_0$ (nm); $D$ (\kJmol); $\beta$ (nm$^{-1}$) & all & \ssecref{Morsebond} \\
1252 cubic bond & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4},\fnm{5} & 2 & 4 & $b_0$ (nm); $C_{i=2,3}$ (\kJmolnm{-i}) & & \ssecref{cubicbond} \\
1253 connection & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4} & 2 & 5 & & & \tsecref{excl} \\
1254 harmonic potential & {\tts bonds} & 2 & 6 & $b_0$ (nm); $k_b$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & all & \ssecref{harmonicbond},\tsecref{excl} \\
1255 FENE bond & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4} & 2 & 7 & $b_m$ (nm); $k_b$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & & \ssecref{FENEbond} \\
1256 tabulated bond & {\tts bonds}\fnm{4} & 2 & 8 & table number ($\geq 0$); $k$ (\kJmol) & $k$ & \ssecref{tabulatedinteraction} \\
1257 tabulated bond\fnm{6} & {\tts bonds} & 2 & 9 & table number ($\geq 0$); $k$ (\kJmol) & $k$ & \ssecref{tabulatedinteraction},\tsecref{excl} \\
1258 restraint potential & {\tts bonds} & 2 & 10 & low, up$_1$, up$_2$ (nm); $k_{dr}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & all & \ssecref{harmonicrestraint} \\
1259 extra LJ or Coulomb & {\tts pairs} & 2 & 1 & $V$\fnm{7}; $W$\fnm{7} & all & \ssecref{pairinteractions} \\
1260 extra LJ or Coulomb & {\tts pairs} & 2 & 2 & fudge QQ (); $q_i$, $q_j$ (e), $V$\fnm{7}; $W$\fnm{7} & & \ssecref{pairinteractions} \\
1261 extra LJ or Coulomb & {\tts pairs_nb} & 2 & 1 & $q_i$, $q_j$ (e); $V$\fnm{7}; $W$\fnm{7} & & \ssecref{pairinteractions} \\
1262 angle & {\tts angles}\fnm{5} & 3 & 1 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_\theta$ (\kJmolrad{-2}) & all & \ssecref{harmonicangle} \\
1263 G96 angle & {\tts angles}\fnm{5} & 3 & 2 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_\theta$ (\kJmol) & all & \ssecref{G96angle} \\
1264 cross bond-bond & {\tts angles} & 3 & 3 & $r_{1e}$, $r_{2e}$ (nm); $k_{rr'}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & & \ssecref{bondbondcross} \\
1265 cross bond-angle & {\tts angles} & 3 & 4 & $r_{1e}$, $r_{2e}$ $r_{3e}$ (nm); $k_{r\theta}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & & \ssecref{bondanglecross} \\
1266 Urey-Bradley & {\tts angles}\fnm{5} & 3 & 5 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_\theta$ (\kJmolrad{-2}); $r_{13}$ (nm); $k_{UB}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & all & \ssecref{Urey-Bradley} \\
1267 quartic angle & {\tts angles}\fnm{5} & 3 & 6 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $C_{i=0,1,2,3,4}$ (\kJmolrad{-i}) & & \ssecref{quarticangle} \\
1268 tabulated angle & {\tts angles} & 3 & 8 & table number ($\geq 0$); $k$ (\kJmol) & $k$ & \ssecref{tabulatedinteraction} \\
1269 restricted bending potential & {\tts angles} & 3 & 10 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_\theta$ (\kJmol) & & \ssecref{ReB} \\
1270 proper dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 1 & $\phi_s$ (deg); $k_\phi$ (\kJmol); multiplicity & $\phi,k$ & \ssecref{properdihedral} \\
1271 improper dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 2 & $\xi_0$ (deg); $k_\xi$ (\kJmolrad{-2}) & all & \ssecref{harmonicimproperdihedral} \\
1272 Ryckaert-Bellemans dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 3 & $C_0$, $C_1$, $C_2$, $C_3$, $C_4$, $C_5$ (\kJmol) & all & \ssecref{RBdihedral} \\
1273 periodic improper dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 4 & $\phi_s$ (deg); $k_\phi$ (\kJmol); multiplicity & $\phi,k$ & \ssecref{periodicimproperdihedral} \\
1274 Fourier dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 5 & $C_1$, $C_2$, $C_3$, $C_4$ (\kJmol) & all & \ssecref{Fourierdihedral} \\
1275 tabulated dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 8 & table number ($\geq 0$); $k$ (\kJmol) & $k$ & \ssecref{tabulatedinteraction} \\
1276 proper dihedral (multiple) & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 9 & $\phi_s$ (deg); $k_\phi$ (\kJmol); multiplicity & $\phi,k$ & \ssecref{properdihedral} \\
1277 restricted dihedral & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 10 & $\phi_0$ (deg); $k_\phi$ (\kJmol) & & \ssecref{ReT} \\
1278 combined bending-torsion potential & {\tts dihedrals} & 4 & 11 & $a_0$, $a_1$, $a_2$, $a_3$, $a_4$ (\kJmol) & & \ssecref{CBT} \\
1279 exclusions & {\tts exclusions} & 1 & & one or more atom indices & & \tsecref{excl} \\
1280 constraint & {\tts constraints}\fnm{4} & 2 & 1 & $b_0$ (nm) & all & \sssecref{constraints},\tsecref{constraints} \\
1281 constraint\fnm{6} & {\tts constraints} & 2 & 2 & $b_0$ (nm) & all & \sssecref{constraints},\tsecref{constraints},\tsecref{excl} \\
1282 SETTLE & {\tts settles} & 1 & 1 & $d_{\mbox{\sc oh}}$, $d_{\mbox{\sc hh}}$ (nm) & & \ssecref{SETTLE},\tsecref{constraints} \\
1283 2-body virtual site & {\tts virtual_sites2} & 3 & 1 & $a$ () & & \ssecref{vsite2} \\
1284 3-body virtual site & {\tts virtual_sites3} & 4 & 1 & $a$, $b$ () & & \ssecref{vsite3} \\
1285 3-body virtual site (fd) & {\tts virtual_sites3} & 4 & 2 & $a$ (); $d$ (nm) & & \ssecref{vsite3fd} \\
1286 3-body virtual site (fad) & {\tts virtual_sites3} & 4 & 3 & $\theta$ (deg); $d$ (nm) & & \ssecref{vsite3fad} \\
1287 3-body virtual site (out) & {\tts virtual_sites3} & 4 & 4 & $a$, $b$ (); $c$ (nm$^{-1}$) & & \ssecref{vsite3out} \\
1288 4-body virtual site (fdn) & {\tts virtual_sites4} & 5 & 2 & $a$, $b$ (); $c$ (nm) & & \ssecref{vsite4fdn} \\
1289 N-body virtual site (COG) & {\tts virtual_sitesn} & 1 & 1 & one or more constructing atom indices & & \ssecref{vsiteN} \\
1290 N-body virtual site (COM) & {\tts virtual_sitesn} & 1 & 2 & one or more constructing atom indices & & \ssecref{vsiteN} \\
1291 N-body virtual site (COW) & {\tts virtual_sitesn} & 1 & 3 & one or more pairs consisting of constructing atom index and weight & & \ssecref{vsiteN} \\
1292 position restraint & {\ttss position_restraints} & 1 & 1 & $k_{x}$, $k_{y}$, $k_{z}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & all & \ssecref{positionrestraint} \\
1293 flat-bottomed position restraint & {\ttss position_restraints} & 1 & 2 & $g$, $r$ (nm), $k$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & & \ssecref{fbpositionrestraint} \\
1294 %restraint potential & {\tts bonds} & 2 & 10 & low, up$_1$, up$_2$ (nm); $k_{dr}$ (\kJmolnm{-2}) & & \ssecref{} \\
1295 distance restraint & {\ttss distance_restraints} & 2 & 1 & type; label; low, up$_1$, up$_2$ (nm); weight () & & \ssecref{distancerestraint} \\
1296 dihedral restraint & {\ttss dihedral_restraints} & 4 & 1 & $\phi_0$ (deg); $\Delta\phi$ (deg); & all & \ssecref{dihedralrestraint} \\
1297 orientation restraint & {\ttss orientation_restraints} & 2 & 1 & exp.; label; $\alpha$; $c$ (U nm$^\alpha$); obs. (U); weight (U$^{-1}$) & & \ssecref{orientationrestraint} \\
1298 angle restraint & {\ttss angle_restraints} & 4 & 1 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_c$ (\kJmol); multiplicity & $\theta,k$ & \ssecref{anglerestraint} \\
1299 angle restraint (z) & {\ttss angle_restraints_z} & 2 & 1 & $\theta_0$ (deg); $k_c$ (\kJmol); multiplicity & $\theta,k$ & \ssecref{anglerestraint} \\
1300 \end{longtable}
1301 \end{landscape}
1303 \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\arabic{footnote}}
1305 %\renewcommand\floatpagefraction{.5}
1308 Description of the file layout:
1309 \begin{itemize}
1310 \item Semicolon (;) and newline characters surround comments
1311 \item On a line ending with $\backslash$ the newline character is ignored.
1312 \item Directives are surrounded by {\tt [} and {\tt ]}
1313 \item The topology hierarchy (which must be followed) consists of three levels:
1314 \begin{itemize}
1315 \item the parameter level, which defines certain force-field specifications
1316 (see~\tabref{topfile1})
1317 \item the molecule level, which should contain one or more molecule
1318 definitions (see~\tabref{topfile2})
1319 \item the system level, containing only system-specific information
1320 ({\tt [~system~]} and {\tt [~molecules~]})
1321 \end{itemize}
1322 \item Items should be separated by spaces or tabs, not commas
1323 \item Atoms in molecules should be numbered consecutively starting at 1
1324 \item Atoms in the same charge group must be listed consecutively
1325 \item The file is parsed only once, which implies that no forward
1326 references can be treated: items must be defined before they
1327 can be used
1328 \item Exclusions can be generated from the bonds or
1329 overridden manually
1330 \item The bonded force types can be generated from the atom types or
1331 overridden per bond
1332 \item It is possible to apply multiple bonded interactions of the same type
1333 on the same atoms
1334 \item Descriptive comment lines and empty lines are highly recommended
1335 \item Starting with {\gromacs} version 3.1.3, all directives at the
1336 parameter level can be used multiple times and there are no
1337 restrictions on the order, except that an atom type needs to be
1338 defined before it can be used in other parameter definitions
1339 \item If parameters for a certain interaction are defined multiple times
1340 for the same combination of atom types the last definition is used;
1341 starting with {\gromacs} version 3.1.3 {\tt grompp} generates a
1342 warning for parameter redefinitions with different values
1343 \item Using one of the {\tt [~atoms~]}, {\tt [~bonds~]},
1344 {\tt [~pairs~]}, {\tt [~angles~]}, etc. without having used
1345 {\tt [~moleculetype~]}
1346 before is meaningless and generates a warning
1347 \item Using {\tt [~molecules~]} without having used
1348 {\tt [~system~]} before is meaningless and generates a warning.
1349 \item After {\tt [~system~]} the only allowed directive is {\tt [~molecules~]}
1350 \item Using an unknown string in {\tt [ ]} causes all the data until
1351 the next directive to be ignored and generates a warning
1352 \end{itemize}
1354 Here is an example of a topology file, {\tt urea.top}:
1356 {\small
1357 \begin{verbatim}
1359 ; Example topology file
1361 ; The force-field files to be included
1362 #include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp"
1364 [ moleculetype ]
1365 ; name nrexcl
1366 Urea 3
1368 [ atoms ]
1369 1 C 1 URE C 1 0.880229 12.01000 ; amber C type
1370 2 O 1 URE O 2 -0.613359 16.00000 ; amber O type
1371 3 N 1 URE N1 3 -0.923545 14.01000 ; amber N type
1372 4 H 1 URE H11 4 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type
1373 5 H 1 URE H12 5 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type
1374 6 N 1 URE N2 6 -0.923545 14.01000 ; amber N type
1375 7 H 1 URE H21 7 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type
1376 8 H 1 URE H22 8 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type
1378 [ bonds ]
1380 1 3
1387 [ dihedrals ]
1388 ; ai aj ak al funct definition
1389 2 1 3 4 9
1390 2 1 3 5 9
1391 2 1 6 7 9
1392 2 1 6 8 9
1393 3 1 6 7 9
1394 3 1 6 8 9
1395 6 1 3 4 9
1396 6 1 3 5 9
1398 [ dihedrals ]
1399 3 6 1 2 4
1400 1 4 3 5 4
1401 1 7 6 8 4
1403 [ position_restraints ]
1404 ; you wouldn't normally use this for a molecule like Urea,
1405 ; but we include it here for didactic purposes
1406 ; ai funct fc
1407 1 1 1000 1000 1000 ; Restrain to a point
1408 2 1 1000 0 1000 ; Restrain to a line (Y-axis)
1409 3 1 1000 0 0 ; Restrain to a plane (Y-Z-plane)
1411 [ dihedral_restraints ]
1412 ; ai aj ak al type label phi dphi kfac power
1413 3 6 1 2 1 1 180 0 1 2
1414 1 4 3 5 1 1 180 0 1 2
1416 ; Include TIP3P water topology
1417 #include "amber99/tip3p.itp"
1419 [ system ]
1420 Urea in Water
1422 [ molecules ]
1423 ;molecule name nr.
1424 Urea 1
1425 SOL 1000
1426 \end{verbatim}}
1428 Here follows the explanatory text.
1430 {\bf {\tt \#include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp"} :} this includes the
1431 information for the force field you are using, including
1432 bonded and non-bonded parameters. This example uses the AMBER99 force
1433 field, but your simulation may use a different force field.
1434 {\tt grompp} will automatically go and find this file and copy-and-paste
1435 its content. That content can be seen in
1436 \linebreak {\tt share/top/amber99.ff/forcefield.itp}, and it is
1438 {\small
1439 \begin{verbatim}
1440 #define _FF_AMBER
1441 #define _FF_AMBER99
1443 [ defaults ]
1444 ; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1445 1 2 yes 0.5 0.8333
1447 #include "ffnonbonded.itp"
1448 #include "ffbonded.itp"
1449 #include "gbsa.itp"
1450 \end{verbatim}}
1452 The two {\tt \#define} statements set up the conditions so that
1453 future parts of the topology can know that the AMBER 99 force
1454 field is in use.
1456 {\bf {\tt [~defaults~]} :}
1457 \begin{itemize}
1458 \item {\tt nbfunc} is the non-bonded function type. Use 1 (Lennard-Jones) or 2 (Buckingham)
1459 \item {\tt comb-rule} is the number of the \normindex{combination rule} (see \ssecref{nbpar}).
1460 \item {\tt gen-pairs} is for pair generation. The default is `no', {\ie}
1461 get 1-4 parameters from the pairtypes list. When parameters
1462 are not present in the list, stop with a fatal error.
1463 Setting `yes' generates 1-4 parameters that are not present in the pair list
1464 from normal Lennard-Jones parameters using {\tt fudgeLJ}
1465 \item {\tt fudgeLJ} is the factor by which to multiply Lennard-Jones 1-4 interactions, default 1
1466 \item {\tt fudgeQQ} is the factor by which to multiply electrostatic 1-4 interactions, default 1
1467 \item $N$ is the power for the repulsion term in a 6-$N$ potential (with
1468 nonbonded-type Lennard-Jones only), starting with {\gromacs} version 4.5,
1469 {\tt mdrun} also reads and applies $N$, for values not equal to 12 tabulated
1470 interaction functions are used
1471 (in older version you would have to use user tabulated interactions).
1472 \end{itemize}
1473 {\bf Note} that {\tt gen-pairs}, {\tt fudgeLJ}, {\tt fudgeQQ}, and $N$ are optional.
1474 {\tt fudgeLJ} is only used when generate pairs is set to `yes', and
1475 {\tt fudgeQQ} is always used. However, if you
1476 want to specify $N$ you need to give a value for the other parameters as well.
1478 Then some other {\tt \#include} statements add in the large amount of data needed
1479 to describe the rest of the force field. We will skip these and return to {\tt urea.top}.
1480 There we will see
1482 % move these figures so they end up on facing pages
1483 % (first figure on even page)
1484 %\input{topolfig}
1486 {\bf {\tt [~moleculetype~]} :} defines the name of your molecule in
1487 this {\tt *.top} and nrexcl = 3 stands for excluding non-bonded
1488 interactions between atoms that are no further than 3 bonds away.
1490 {\bf {\tt [~atoms~]} :} defines the molecule, where {\tt nr} and
1491 {\tt type} are fixed, the rest is user defined. So {\tt atom} can be named
1492 as you like, {\tt cgnr} made larger or smaller (if possible, the total
1493 charge of a charge group should be zero), and charges can be changed
1494 here too.
1496 {\bf {\tt [~bonds~]} :} no comment.
1498 {\bf {\tt [~pairs~]} :} LJ and Coulomb 1-4 interactions
1500 {\bf {\tt [~angles~]} :} no comment
1502 {\bf {\tt [~dihedrals~]} :} in this case there are 9 proper dihedrals
1503 (funct = 1), 3 improper (funct = 4) and no Ryckaert-Bellemans type
1504 dihedrals. If you want to include Ryckaert-Bellemans type dihedrals
1505 in a topology, do the following (in case of {\eg} decane):
1506 \begin{verbatim}
1507 [ dihedrals ]
1508 ; ai aj ak al funct c0 c1 c2
1509 1 2 3 4 3
1510 2 3 4 5 3
1511 \end{verbatim}
1512 In the original implementation of the potential for
1513 alkanes~\cite{Ryckaert78} no 1-4 interactions were used, which means
1514 that in order to implement that particular force field you need to remove the 1-4
1515 interactions from the {\tt [~pairs~]} section of your topology. In
1516 most modern force fields, like OPLS/AA or Amber the rules are
1517 different, and the Ryckaert-Bellemans potential is used as a cosine
1518 series in combination with 1-4 interactions.
1520 {\bf {\tt [~position_restraints~]} :} harmonically restrain the selected particles
1521 to reference positions (\ssecref{positionrestraint}).
1522 The reference positions are read from a
1523 separate coordinate file by {\tt \normindex{grompp}}.
1526 {\bf {\tt [~dihedral_restraints~]} :} restrain selected dihedrals to a reference value.
1527 The implementation of dihedral restraints is described in section \ssecref{dihedralrestraint} of the manual.
1528 The parameters specified in the [dihedral_restraints] directive are as follows:
1529 \begin{itemize}
1530 \item {\tt type} has only one possible value which is 1
1531 \item {\tt label} is unused and has been removed from the code.
1532 \item {\tt phi} is the value of $\phi_0$ in \eqnref{dphi} and \eqnref{dihre} of the manual.
1533 \item {\tt dphi} is the value of $\Delta\phi$ in \eqnref{dihre} of the manual.
1534 \item {\tt kfac} is analogous to {\tt fac} in the implementation of distance restraints. It is the factor by which the force constant is multiplied. By doing so, different restraints can be maintained with different force constants.
1535 \item {\tt power} is unused and has been removed from the code.
1536 \end{itemize}
1538 {\bf {\tt \#include "tip3p.itp"} :} includes a topology file that was already
1539 constructed (see section~\ssecref{molitp}).
1541 {\bf {\tt [~system~]} :} title of your system, user-defined
1543 {\bf {\tt [~molecules~]} :} this defines the total number of (sub)molecules
1544 in your system that are defined in this {\tt *.top}. In this
1545 example file, it stands for 1 urea molecule dissolved in 1000 water
1546 molecules. The molecule type SOL is defined in the {\tt tip3p.itp} file.
1547 Each name here must correspond to a name given with {\tt [~moleculetype~]}
1548 earlier in the topology. The order of the blocks of molecule types and
1549 the numbers of such molecules must match the coordinate file that
1550 accompanies the topology when supplied to {\tt \normindex{grompp}}.
1551 The blocks of molecules do not need to be contiguous, but some
1552 tools (e.g. {\tt \normindex{genion}}) may act only on the first or
1553 last such block of a particular molecule type. Also, these blocks
1554 have nothing to do with the definition of \normindex{groups}
1555 (see \secref{groupconcept} and \secref{usinggroups}).
1557 \subsection{Molecule.itp file}
1558 \label{subsec:molitp}
1559 If you construct a topology file you will use frequently (like the water
1560 molecule, {\tt tip3p.itp}, which is already constructed for you) it is
1561 good to make a {\tt molecule.itp} file. This only lists the
1562 information of one particular molecule and allows you to re-use the
1563 {\tt [ moleculetype ]} in multiple systems without re-invoking
1564 {\tt pdb2gmx} or manually copying and pasting. An example
1565 {\tt urea.itp} follows:
1567 {\small
1568 \begin{verbatim}
1569 [ moleculetype ]
1570 ; molname nrexcl
1571 URE 3
1573 [ atoms ]
1574 1 C 1 URE C 1 0.880229 12.01000 ; amber C type
1576 8 H 1 URE H22 8 0.395055 1.00800 ; amber H type
1578 [ bonds ]
1582 [ dihedrals ]
1583 ; ai aj ak al funct definition
1584 2 1 3 4 9
1586 6 1 3 5 9
1587 [ dihedrals ]
1588 3 6 1 2 4
1589 1 4 3 5 4
1590 1 7 6 8 4
1591 \end{verbatim}}
1593 Using {\tt *.itp} files results in a very short {\tt *.top} file:
1595 {\small
1596 \begin{verbatim}
1598 ; Example topology file
1600 ; The force field files to be included
1601 #include "amber99.ff/forcefield.itp"
1603 #include "urea.itp"
1605 ; Include TIP3P water topology
1606 #include "amber99/tip3p.itp"
1608 [ system ]
1609 Urea in Water
1611 [ molecules ]
1612 ;molecule name nr.
1613 Urea 1
1614 SOL 1000
1615 \end{verbatim}}
1617 \subsection{Ifdef statements}
1618 \label{subsec:ifdef}
1619 A very powerful feature in {\gromacs} is the use of {\tt \#ifdef}
1620 statements in your {\tt *.top} file. By making use of this statement,
1621 and associated {\tt \#define} statements like were seen in
1622 \linebreak {\tt amber99.ff/forcefield.itp} earlier,
1623 different parameters for one molecule can be used in the same
1624 {\tt *.top} file. An example is given for TFE, where there is an option to
1625 use different charges on the atoms: charges derived by De Loof
1626 {\etal}~\cite{Loof92} or by Van Buuren and
1627 Berendsen~\cite{Buuren93a}. In fact, you can use much of the functionality of the
1628 C preprocessor, {\tt cpp}, because {\tt grompp} contains similar pre-processing
1629 functions to scan the file. The
1630 way to make use of the {\tt \#ifdef} option is as follows:
1631 \begin{itemize}
1632 \item either use the option {\tt define = -DDeLoof} in the
1633 {\tt *.mdp} file (containing {\tt grompp} input
1634 parameters), or use the line {\tt \#define DeLoof}
1635 early in your {\tt *.top} or {\tt *.itp} file; and
1636 \item put the {\tt \#ifdef} statements in your {\tt *.top}, as
1637 shown below:
1638 \end{itemize}
1640 {\small
1641 \begin{verbatim}
1646 [ atoms ]
1647 ; nr type resnr residu atom cgnr charge mass
1648 #ifdef DeLoof
1649 ; Use Charges from DeLoof
1650 1 C 1 TFE C 1 0.74
1651 2 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25
1652 3 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25
1653 4 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.25
1654 5 CH2 1 TFE CH2 1 0.25
1655 6 OA 1 TFE OA 1 -0.65
1656 7 HO 1 TFE HO 1 0.41
1657 #else
1658 ; Use Charges from VanBuuren
1659 1 C 1 TFE C 1 0.59
1660 2 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2
1661 3 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2
1662 4 F 1 TFE F 1 -0.2
1663 5 CH2 1 TFE CH2 1 0.26
1664 6 OA 1 TFE OA 1 -0.55
1665 7 HO 1 TFE HO 1 0.3
1666 #endif
1668 [ bonds ]
1669 ; ai aj funct c0 c1
1670 6 7 1 1.000000e-01 3.138000e+05
1671 1 2 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05
1672 1 3 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05
1673 1 4 1 1.360000e-01 4.184000e+05
1674 1 5 1 1.530000e-01 3.347000e+05
1675 5 6 1 1.430000e-01 3.347000e+05
1677 \end{verbatim}}
1679 This mechanism is used by {\tt pdb2gmx} to implement optional position
1680 restraints (\ssecref{positionrestraint}) by {\tt \#include}-ing an {\tt .itp} file whose contents
1681 will be meaningful only if a particular {\tt \#define} is set (and spelled
1682 correctly!)
1684 \subsection{Topologies for free energy calculations}
1685 \index{free energy topologies}
1686 Free energy differences between two systems, A and B, can be calculated as
1687 described in \secref{fecalc}.
1688 Systems A and B are described by topologies
1689 consisting of the same number of molecules with the same number of
1690 atoms. Masses and non-bonded interactions can be perturbed by adding B
1691 parameters under the {\tt [~atoms~]} directive. Bonded interactions can be
1692 perturbed by adding B parameters to the bonded types or the bonded
1693 interactions. The parameters that can be perturbed are listed in
1694 Tables \ref{tab:topfile1} and \ref{tab:topfile2}.
1695 The $\lambda$-dependence of the interactions is described
1696 in section \secref{feia}.
1697 The bonded parameters that are used (on the line of the bonded
1698 interaction definition, or the ones looked up on atom types
1699 in the bonded type lists) is explained in \tabref{topfe}.
1700 In most cases, things should work intuitively.
1701 When the A and B atom types in a bonded interaction
1702 are not all identical and parameters are not present for the B-state,
1703 either on the line or in the bonded types,
1704 {\tt grompp} uses the A-state parameters and issues a warning.
1705 For free energy calculations, all or no parameters for topology B
1706 ($\lambda = 1$) should be added on the same line, after the normal
1707 parameters, in the same order as the normal parameters.
1708 From {\gromacs} 4.6 onward, if $\lambda$ is treated as a vector, then
1709 the {\tt bonded-lambdas} component controls all bonded terms that are
1710 not explicitly labeled as restraints. Restrain terms are controlled
1711 by the {\tt restraint-lambdas} component.
1713 \begin{table}
1714 \centerline{
1715 \begin{tabular}{|c|cc|cc|cc|c|}
1716 \dline
1717 B-state atom types & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{parameters} & \multicolumn{4}{c|}{parameters in bonded types} & \\
1718 all identical to & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{on line} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{A atom types} & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{B atom types} & message \\
1719 A-state atom types & A & B & A & B & A & B & \\
1720 \dline
1721 & +AB & $-$ & x & x & & & \\
1722 & +A & +B & x & x & & & \\
1723 yes & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & & & error \\
1724 & $-$ & $-$ & +AB & $-$ & & & \\
1725 & $-$ & $-$ & +A & +B & & & \\
1726 \hline
1727 & +AB & $-$ & x & x & x & x & warning \\
1728 & +A & +B & x & x & x & x & \\
1729 & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & x & x & error \\
1730 no & $-$ & $-$ & +AB & $-$ & $-$ & $-$ & warning \\
1731 & $-$ & $-$ & +A & +B & $-$ & $-$ & warning \\
1732 & $-$ & $-$ & +A & x & +B & $-$ & \\
1733 & $-$ & $-$ & +A & x & + & +B & \\
1734 \dline
1735 \end{tabular}
1737 \caption{The bonded parameters that are used for free energy topologies,
1738 on the line of the bonded interaction definition or looked up
1739 in the bond types section based on atom types. A and B indicate the
1740 parameters used for state A and B respectively, + and $-$ indicate
1741 the (non-)presence of parameters in the topology, x indicates that
1742 the presence has no influence.}
1743 \label{tab:topfe}
1744 \end{table}
1746 Below is an example of a topology which changes from 200 propanols to
1747 200 pentanes using the \gromosv{96} force field.\\
1749 {\small
1750 \begin{verbatim}
1752 ; Include force field parameters
1753 #include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp"
1755 [ moleculetype ]
1756 ; Name nrexcl
1757 PropPent 3
1759 [ atoms ]
1760 ; nr type resnr residue atom cgnr charge mass typeB chargeB massB
1761 1 H 1 PROP PH 1 0.398 1.008 CH3 0.0 15.035
1762 2 OA 1 PROP PO 1 -0.548 15.9994 CH2 0.0 14.027
1763 3 CH2 1 PROP PC1 1 0.150 14.027 CH2 0.0 14.027
1764 4 CH2 1 PROP PC2 2 0.000 14.027
1765 5 CH3 1 PROP PC3 2 0.000 15.035
1767 [ bonds ]
1768 ; ai aj funct par_A par_B
1769 1 2 2 gb_1 gb_26
1770 2 3 2 gb_17 gb_26
1771 3 4 2 gb_26 gb_26
1772 4 5 2 gb_26
1774 [ pairs ]
1775 ; ai aj funct
1776 1 4 1
1777 2 5 1
1779 [ angles ]
1780 ; ai aj ak funct par_A par_B
1781 1 2 3 2 ga_11 ga_14
1782 2 3 4 2 ga_14 ga_14
1783 3 4 5 2 ga_14 ga_14
1785 [ dihedrals ]
1786 ; ai aj ak al funct par_A par_B
1787 1 2 3 4 1 gd_12 gd_17
1788 2 3 4 5 1 gd_17 gd_17
1790 [ system ]
1791 ; Name
1792 Propanol to Pentane
1794 [ molecules ]
1795 ; Compound #mols
1796 PropPent 200
1797 \end{verbatim}}
1799 Atoms that are not perturbed, {\tt PC2} and {\tt PC3}, do not need B-state parameter
1800 specifications, since the B parameters will be copied from the A parameters.
1801 Bonded interactions between atoms that are not perturbed do not need B
1802 parameter specifications, as is the case for the last bond in the example topology.
1803 Topologies using the OPLS/AA force field need no bonded parameters at all,
1804 since both the A and B parameters are determined by the atom types.
1805 Non-bonded interactions involving one or two perturbed atoms use the
1806 free-energy perturbation functional forms.
1807 Non-bonded interactions between two non-perturbed atoms use the normal
1808 functional forms.
1809 This means that when, for instance, only the charge of a particle is
1810 perturbed, its Lennard-Jones interactions will also be affected when
1811 lambda is not equal to zero or one.
1813 {\bf Note} that this topology uses the \gromosv{96} force field, in which the bonded
1814 interactions are not determined by the atom types. The bonded interaction
1815 strings are converted by the C-preprocessor. The force-field parameter
1816 files contain lines like:
1818 {\small
1819 \begin{verbatim}
1820 #define gb_26 0.1530 7.1500e+06
1822 #define gd_17 0.000 5.86 3
1823 \end{verbatim}}
1825 \subsection{Constraint forces\index{constraint force}}
1826 \label{subsec:constraintforce}
1827 The constraint force between two atoms in one molecule can be calculated
1828 with the free energy perturbation code by adding a constraint between the
1829 two atoms, with a different length in the A and B topology. When the B length
1830 is 1 nm longer than the A length and lambda is kept constant at zero,
1831 the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to lambda is the constraint
1832 force. For constraints between molecules, the pull code can be used,
1833 see \secref{pull}.
1834 Below is an example for calculating the constraint force at 0.7 nm
1835 between two methanes in water, by combining the two methanes into one ``molecule.''
1836 {\bf Note} that the definition of a ``molecule'' in {\gromacs} does not necessarily
1837 correspond to the chemical definition of a molecule. In {\gromacs}, a ``molecule''
1838 can be defined as any group of atoms that one wishes to consider simultaneously.
1839 The added constraint is of function type 2, which means that it is not
1840 used for generating exclusions (see~\secref{excl}).
1841 Note that the constraint free energy term is included in the derivative term, and is
1842 specifically included in the {\tt bonded-lambdas} component. However, the free
1843 energy for changing constraints is {\em not} included in the potential energy
1844 differences used for BAR and MBAR, as this requires reevaluating the energy at
1845 each of the constraint components. This functionality is planned for later versions.\\
1847 {\small
1848 \begin{verbatim}
1849 ; Include force-field parameters
1850 #include "gromos43a1.ff/forcefield.itp"
1852 [ moleculetype ]
1853 ; Name nrexcl
1854 Methanes 1
1856 [ atoms ]
1857 ; nr type resnr residu atom cgnr charge mass
1858 1 CH4 1 CH4 C1 1 0 16.043
1859 2 CH4 1 CH4 C2 2 0 16.043
1860 [ constraints ]
1861 ; ai aj funct length_A length_B
1862 1 2 2 0.7 1.7
1864 #include "gromos43a1.ff/spc.itp"
1866 [ system ]
1867 ; Name
1868 Methanes in Water
1870 [ molecules ]
1871 ; Compound #mols
1872 Methanes 1
1873 SOL 2002
1874 \end{verbatim}}
1876 \subsection{Coordinate file}
1877 \label{subsec:grofile}
1878 Files with the {\tt .gro} file extension contain a molecular structure in
1879 \gromosv{87} format. A sample piece is included below:
1881 {\small
1882 \begin{verbatim}
1883 MD of 2 waters, reformat step, PA aug-91
1885 1WATER OW1 1 0.126 1.624 1.679 0.1227 -0.0580 0.0434
1886 1WATER HW2 2 0.190 1.661 1.747 0.8085 0.3191 -0.7791
1887 1WATER HW3 3 0.177 1.568 1.613 -0.9045 -2.6469 1.3180
1888 2WATER OW1 4 1.275 0.053 0.622 0.2519 0.3140 -0.1734
1889 2WATER HW2 5 1.337 0.002 0.680 -1.0641 -1.1349 0.0257
1890 2WATER HW3 6 1.326 0.120 0.568 1.9427 -0.8216 -0.0244
1891 1.82060 1.82060 1.82060
1892 \end{verbatim}}
1894 This format is fixed, {\ie} all columns are in a fixed position. If you
1895 want to read such a file in your own program without using the
1896 {\gromacs} libraries you can use the following formats:
1898 {\bf C-format:} {\tt "\%5i\%5s\%5s\%5i\%8.3f\%8.3f\%8.3f\%8.4f\%8.4f\%8.4f"}
1900 Or to be more precise, with title {\em etc.} it looks like this:
1902 \begin{verbatim}
1903 "%s\n", Title
1904 "%5d\n", natoms
1905 for (i=0; (i<natoms); i++) {
1906 "%5d%-5s%5s%5d%8.3f%8.3f%8.3f%8.4f%8.4f%8.4f\n",
1907 residuenr,residuename,atomname,atomnr,x,y,z,vx,vy,vz
1909 "%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f%10.5f\n",
1910 box[X][X],box[Y][Y],box[Z][Z],
1911 box[X][Y],box[X][Z],box[Y][X],box[Y][Z],box[Z][X],box[Z][Y]
1912 \end{verbatim}
1914 {\bf Fortran format:} {\tt (i5,2a5,i5,3f8.3,3f8.4)}
1916 So {\tt confin.gro} is the {\gromacs} coordinate file and is almost
1917 the same as the \gromosv{87} file (for {\gromos} users: when used with
1918 {\tt ntx=7}). The only difference is the box for which {\gromacs} uses a
1919 tensor, not a vector.
1923 \section{Force field organization \index{force field organization}}
1924 \label{sec:fforganization}
1926 \subsection{Force-field files}
1927 \label{subsec:fffiles}
1928 Many force fields are available by default.
1929 Force fields are detected by the presence of {\tt <name>.ff} directories
1930 in the {\tt \$GMXLIB/share/gromacs/top} sub-directory and/or the working directory.
1931 The information regarding the location of the force field files is printed
1932 by {\tt pdb2gmx} so you can easily keep track of which version of a force field
1933 is being called, in case you have made modifications in one location or another.
1934 The force fields included with {\gromacs} are:
1936 {\small
1937 \begin{itemize}
1938 \item AMBER03 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Duan et al., J. Comp. Chem. 24, 1999-2012, 2003)
1939 \item AMBER94 force field (Cornell et al., JACS 117, 5179-5197, 1995)
1940 \item AMBER96 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Kollman et al., Acc. Chem. Res. 29, 461-469, 1996)
1941 \item AMBER99 protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Wang et al., J. Comp. Chem. 21, 1049-1074, 2000)
1942 \item AMBER99SB protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Hornak et al., Proteins 65, 712-725, 2006)
1943 \item AMBER99SB-ILDN protein, nucleic AMBER94 (Lindorff-Larsen et al., Proteins 78, 1950-58, 2010)
1944 \item AMBERGS force field (Garcia \& Sanbonmatsu, PNAS 99, 2782-2787, 2002)
1945 \item CHARMM27 all-atom force field (CHARM22 plus CMAP for proteins)
1946 \item GROMOS96 43a1 force field
1947 \item GROMOS96 43a2 force field (improved alkane dihedrals)
1948 \item GROMOS96 45a3 force field (Schuler JCC 2001 22 1205)
1949 \item GROMOS96 53a5 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)
1950 \item GROMOS96 53a6 force field (JCC 2004 vol 25 pag 1656)
1951 \item GROMOS96 54a7 force field (Eur. Biophys. J. (2011), 40,, 843-856, DOI: 10.1007/s00249-011-0700-9)
1952 \item OPLS-AA/L all-atom force field (2001 aminoacid dihedrals)
1953 \end{itemize}}
1955 A force field is included at the beginning of a topology file with an
1956 {\tt \#include} statement followed by {\tt <name>.ff/forcefield.itp}.
1957 This statement includes the force-field file,
1958 which, in turn, may include other force-field files. All the force fields
1959 are organized in the same way. An example of the
1960 {\tt amber99.ff/forcefield.itp} was shown in \ssecref{topfile}.
1962 For each force field, there several files which are only used by {\tt pdb2gmx}.
1963 These are: residue databases ({\tt .rtp}, see~\ssecref{rtp})
1964 the hydrogen database ({\tt .hdb}, see~\ssecref{hdb}), two termini databases
1965 ({\tt .n.tdb} and {\tt .c.tdb}, see~\ssecref{tdb}) and
1966 the atom type database ({\tt .atp}, see~\ssecref{atomtype}), which contains only the masses. Other optional
1967 files are described in~\secref{pdb2gmxfiles}.
1970 \subsection{Changing force-field parameters\index{force field}}
1971 If one wants to change the parameters of few bonded interactions in
1972 a molecule, this is most easily accomplished by typing the parameters
1973 behind the definition of the bonded interaction directly in the {\tt *.top} file
1974 under the {\tt [~moleculetype~]} section (see \ssecref{topfile} for the format
1975 and units).
1976 If one wants to change the parameters for all instances of a certain
1977 interaction one can change them in the force-field file or add a
1978 new {\tt [~???types~]} section after including the force field.
1979 When parameters for a certain interaction are defined multiple times,
1980 the last definition is used. As of {\gromacs} version 3.1.3, a warning is
1981 generated when parameters are redefined with a different value.
1982 Changing the Lennard-Jones parameters of an atom type is not
1983 recommended, because in the {\gromos} force fields
1984 the Lennard-Jones parameters for several combinations of atom types
1985 are not generated according to the standard combination rules.
1986 Such combinations (and possibly others that do follow the
1987 combination rules) are defined in the {\tt [~nonbond_params~]}
1988 section, and changing the Lennard-Jones parameters of an atom type
1989 has no effect on these combinations.
1991 \subsection{Adding atom types\swapindexquiet{adding}{atom types}}
1992 As of {\gromacs} version 3.1.3, atom types can be added in an extra
1993 {\tt [~atomtypes~]} section after the the inclusion of the normal
1994 force field. After the definition of the new atom type(s), additional
1995 non-bonded and pair parameters can be defined.
1996 In pre-3.1.3 versions of {\gromacs}, the new atom types needed to be
1997 added in the {\tt [~atomtypes~]} section of the force-field files,
1998 because all non-bonded parameters above the last {\tt [~atomtypes~]}
1999 section would be overwritten using the standard combination rules.
2001 % LocalWords: parameterized fffiles ptype polarizable gromacs atp ype arameter
2002 % LocalWords: lll carboxyl OA hydroxyl NL porphyrin OPLS CP HCR OWT fd funct
2003 % LocalWords: grompp statprop atomtype rtp esidue opology pdb gmx kJ mol gro
2004 % LocalWords: grofile dihedrals bon itp func kb th cth cq cp mult Ryckaert aj
2005 % LocalWords: Bellemans ak alkanes alkane llrllrllr LJ der nb topfile llllll
2006 % LocalWords: llll nonbond params ij pairtypes fecalc moleculetype indices mdp
2007 % LocalWords: constraintforce SPC molname nrexcl nr ren HW doh dhh aminoacids
2008 % LocalWords: dat basename rna dna arn hdb sn rtpo gmxfiles molitp ndx ARG CYS
2009 % LocalWords: defaultgroups impropers chargegroup bondedtypes hydrogens ARGN
2010 % LocalWords: preprocessor protonation specbond protonated arginine aspartic
2011 % LocalWords: ASPH GLU glutamic GLUH HISD histidine HISE HISH LYSN LYS IUPAC
2012 % LocalWords: wildcards xlateat asparagine HD HH cis deprotonated oxygens COOH
2013 % LocalWords: llllc tp cr QQ atomtypes bondtypes angletypes dihedraltypes FENE
2014 % LocalWords: constrainttypes intra nbpar morse dr Coul rr UB dih constr hh ai
2015 % LocalWords: vsite sitesn construc restr ffgmx resnr residu cgnr al fc spc gb
2016 % LocalWords: FudgeLJ FudgeQQ nonbonded mdrun decane posre Ifdef ifdef TFE cpp
2017 % LocalWords: Loof Buuren Berendsen DDeloof DeLoof VanBuuren endif feia topfe
2018 % LocalWords: propanols pentanes ffG PropPent typeB chargeB massB ga gd mols
2019 % LocalWords: Propanol Pentane methanes aug natoms residuenr residuename vx vy
2020 % LocalWords: atomname atomnr vz Fortran confin ntx GROMOS nbfunc GROningen ff
2021 % LocalWords: fudgeLJ fudgeQQ ffgmxnb ffgmxbon tdb ffbonded ffnonbonded nonbond
2022 % LocalWords: MAchine BIOSON Groningen Spoel Drunen Comp Phys Comm trr AA fdn
2023 % LocalWords: aliphatic CHARMM polarisability quadrupole tt normvsbds Waals jj
2024 % LocalWords: pairinteractions num Buckingham rcl trans Intramolecular Lennard
2025 % LocalWords: excl gen solute unscaled moltype intramol dgimplement Qiu HCT rt
2026 % LocalWords: Onufriev OBC LINCS doc xxx residuetypes polyatomic co rotatable
2027 % LocalWords: heme cysteine lysine CH NH LP amine nitrenyl ethynyl vsd MCH MNH
2028 % LocalWords: chainsep resA atomA nbondsA resB atomB nbondsB newresA newresB
2029 % LocalWords: rad deg lcc cc nm intramolecular forcefield PME Ewald
2030 % LocalWords: solvation et groupconcept PHE TYR TRP equilibrated pre
2031 % LocalWords: macromolecule disulfide harmonicbond Morsebond vsiteN
2032 % LocalWords: cubicbond FENEbond tabulatedinteraction harmonicangle
2033 % LocalWords: harmonicrestraint bondbondcross bondanglecross genion
2034 % LocalWords: quarticangle properdihedral harmonicimproperdihedral
2035 % LocalWords: RBdihedral periodicimproperdihedral Fourierdihedral
2036 % LocalWords: positionrestraint distancerestraint dihedralrestraint
2037 % LocalWords: orientationrestraint anglerestraint usinggroups ing
2038 % LocalWords: DDeLoof MBAR Duan JACS Kollman Acc Hornak ILDN AMBERGS
2039 % LocalWords: Lindorff Sanbonmatsu PNAS CMAP Schuler JCC pag
2040 % LocalWords: aminoacid