Removal of stale Fortran kernels
[gromacs.git] / src / gmxlib / nonbonded / nb_kernel_power6 / pwr6kernel114.F
2 C                This source code is part of
4 C                 G   R   O   M   A   C   S
6 C Copyright (c) 1991-2000, University of Groningen, The Netherlands.
7 C Copyright (c) 2001-2009, The GROMACS Development Team
9 C Gromacs is a library for molecular simulation and trajectory analysis,
10 C written by Erik Lindahl, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and others - for
11 C a full list of developers and information, check out
13 C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14 C the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
15 C Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
16 C later version.
17 C As a special exception, you may use this file as part of a free software
18 C library without restriction.  Specifically, if other files instantiate
19 C templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, or you compile
20 C this file and link it with other files to produce an executable, this
21 C file does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered by
22 C the GNU Lesser General Public License.
24 C In plain-speak: do not worry about classes/macros/templates either - only
25 C changes to the library have to be LGPL, not an application linking with it.
27 C To help fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
28 C the papers people have written on it - you can find them on the website!
31 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
32 #  include<config.h>
33 #endif
35 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
36 #  define gmxreal real*8
37 #else
38 #  define gmxreal real*4
39 #endif
44 C Gromacs nonbonded kernel pwr6kernel114
45 C Coulomb interaction:     Normal Coulomb
46 C VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
47 C water optimization:      pairs of TIP4P interactions
48 C Calculate forces:        yes
50       subroutine pwr6kernel114(
51      &                          nri,
52      &                          iinr,
53      &                          jindex,
54      &                          jjnr,
55      &                          shift,
56      &                          shiftvec,
57      &                          fshift,
58      &                          gid,
59      &                          pos,
60      &                          faction,
61      &                          charge,
62      &                          facel,
63      &                          krf,
64      &                          crf,
65      &                          Vc,
66      &                          type,
67      &                          ntype,
68      &                          vdwparam,
69      &                          Vvdw,
70      &                          tabscale,
71      &                          VFtab,
72      &                          invsqrta,
73      &                          dvda,
74      &                          gbtabscale,
75      &                          GBtab,
76      &                          nthreads,
77      &                          count,
78      &                          mtx,
79      &                          outeriter,
80      &                          inneriter,
81      &                          work)
82       implicit      none
83       integer*4     nri,iinr(*),jindex(*),jjnr(*),shift(*)
84       gmxreal       shiftvec(*),fshift(*),pos(*),faction(*)
85       integer*4     gid(*),type(*),ntype
86       gmxreal       charge(*),facel,krf,crf,Vc(*),vdwparam(*)
87       gmxreal       Vvdw(*),tabscale,VFtab(*)
88       gmxreal       invsqrta(*),dvda(*),gbtabscale,GBtab(*)
89       integer*4     nthreads,count,mtx,outeriter,inneriter
90       gmxreal       work(*)
92       integer*4     n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid
93       integer*4     nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner
94       gmxreal       shX,shY,shZ
95       gmxreal       fscal,tx,ty,tz
96       gmxreal       rinvsq
97       gmxreal       qq,vcoul,vctot
98       integer*4     tj
99       gmxreal       rinvsix
100       gmxreal       Vvdw6,Vvdwtot
101       gmxreal       Vvdw12
102       gmxreal       ix1,iy1,iz1,fix1,fiy1,fiz1
103       gmxreal       ix2,iy2,iz2,fix2,fiy2,fiz2
104       gmxreal       ix3,iy3,iz3,fix3,fiy3,fiz3
105       gmxreal       ix4,iy4,iz4,fix4,fiy4,fiz4
106       gmxreal       jx1,jy1,jz1
107       gmxreal       jx2,jy2,jz2,fjx2,fjy2,fjz2
108       gmxreal       jx3,jy3,jz3,fjx3,fjy3,fjz3
109       gmxreal       jx4,jy4,jz4,fjx4,fjy4,fjz4
110       gmxreal       dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11
111       gmxreal       dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22
112       gmxreal       dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23
113       gmxreal       dx24,dy24,dz24,rsq24,rinv24
114       gmxreal       dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32
115       gmxreal       dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33
116       gmxreal       dx34,dy34,dz34,rsq34,rinv34
117       gmxreal       dx42,dy42,dz42,rsq42,rinv42
118       gmxreal       dx43,dy43,dz43,rsq43,rinv43
119       gmxreal       dx44,dy44,dz44,rsq44,rinv44
120       gmxreal       qH,qM,qqMM,qqMH,qqHH
121       gmxreal       c6,c12
124 C    Initialize water data
125       ii               = iinr(1)+1       
126       qH               = charge(ii+1)    
127       qM               = charge(ii+3)    
128       qqMM             = facel*qM*qM     
129       qqMH             = facel*qM*qH     
130       qqHH             = facel*qH*qH     
131       tj               = 2*(ntype+1)*type(ii)+1
132       c6               = vdwparam(tj)    
133       c12              = vdwparam(tj+1)  
136 C    Reset outer and inner iteration counters
137       nouter           = 0               
138       ninner           = 0               
140 C    Loop over thread workunits
141    10 call pwr6kernelsync(mtx,count,nri,nthreads,nn0,nn1)
142         if( nn1=nri
144 C      Start outer loop over neighborlists
146         do n=nn0+1,nn1
148 C        Load shift vector for this list
149           is3              = 3*shift(n)+1    
150           shX              = shiftvec(is3)   
151           shY              = shiftvec(is3+1) 
152           shZ              = shiftvec(is3+2) 
154 C        Load limits for loop over neighbors
155           nj0              = jindex(n)+1     
156           nj1              = jindex(n+1)     
158 C        Get outer coordinate index
159           ii               = iinr(n)+1       
160           ii3              = 3*ii-2          
162 C        Load i atom data, add shift vector
163           ix1              = shX + pos(ii3+0)
164           iy1              = shY + pos(ii3+1)
165           iz1              = shZ + pos(ii3+2)
166           ix2              = shX + pos(ii3+3)
167           iy2              = shY + pos(ii3+4)
168           iz2              = shZ + pos(ii3+5)
169           ix3              = shX + pos(ii3+6)
170           iy3              = shY + pos(ii3+7)
171           iz3              = shZ + pos(ii3+8)
172           ix4              = shX + pos(ii3+9)
173           iy4              = shY + pos(ii3+10)
174           iz4              = shZ + pos(ii3+11)
176 C        Zero the potential energy for this list
177           vctot            = 0               
178           Vvdwtot          = 0               
180 C        Clear i atom forces
181           fix1             = 0               
182           fiy1             = 0               
183           fiz1             = 0               
184           fix2             = 0               
185           fiy2             = 0               
186           fiz2             = 0               
187           fix3             = 0               
188           fiy3             = 0               
189           fiz3             = 0               
190           fix4             = 0               
191           fiy4             = 0               
192           fiz4             = 0               
194           do k=nj0,nj1
196 C          Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index
197             jnr              = jjnr(k)+1       
198             j3               = 3*jnr-2         
200 C          load j atom coordinates
201             jx1              = pos(j3+0)       
202             jy1              = pos(j3+1)       
203             jz1              = pos(j3+2)       
204             jx2              = pos(j3+3)       
205             jy2              = pos(j3+4)       
206             jz2              = pos(j3+5)       
207             jx3              = pos(j3+6)       
208             jy3              = pos(j3+7)       
209             jz3              = pos(j3+8)       
210             jx4              = pos(j3+9)       
211             jy4              = pos(j3+10)      
212             jz4              = pos(j3+11)      
214 C          Calculate distance
215             dx11             = ix1 - jx1       
216             dy11             = iy1 - jy1       
217             dz11             = iz1 - jz1       
218             rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11
219             dx22             = ix2 - jx2       
220             dy22             = iy2 - jy2       
221             dz22             = iz2 - jz2       
222             rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22
223             dx23             = ix2 - jx3       
224             dy23             = iy2 - jy3       
225             dz23             = iz2 - jz3       
226             rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23
227             dx24             = ix2 - jx4       
228             dy24             = iy2 - jy4       
229             dz24             = iz2 - jz4       
230             rsq24            = dx24*dx24+dy24*dy24+dz24*dz24
231             dx32             = ix3 - jx2       
232             dy32             = iy3 - jy2       
233             dz32             = iz3 - jz2       
234             rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32
235             dx33             = ix3 - jx3       
236             dy33             = iy3 - jy3       
237             dz33             = iz3 - jz3       
238             rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33
239             dx34             = ix3 - jx4       
240             dy34             = iy3 - jy4       
241             dz34             = iz3 - jz4       
242             rsq34            = dx34*dx34+dy34*dy34+dz34*dz34
243             dx42             = ix4 - jx2       
244             dy42             = iy4 - jy2       
245             dz42             = iz4 - jz2       
246             rsq42            = dx42*dx42+dy42*dy42+dz42*dz42
247             dx43             = ix4 - jx3       
248             dy43             = iy4 - jy3       
249             dz43             = iz4 - jz3       
250             rsq43            = dx43*dx43+dy43*dy43+dz43*dz43
251             dx44             = ix4 - jx4       
252             dy44             = iy4 - jy4       
253             dz44             = iz4 - jz4       
254             rsq44            = dx44*dx44+dy44*dy44+dz44*dz44
256 C          Calculate 1/r and 1/r2
257             rinvsq           = 1.0/rsq11       
259 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
260 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
261             rinv22           = frsqrtes(rsq22) 
262 #else
263             rinv22           = frsqrte(dble(rsq22)) 
264 #endif
265             rinv22           = (0.5*rinv22*(3.0-((rsq22*rinv22)
266      &  *rinv22)))
267 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
268             rinv22           = (0.5*rinv22*(3.0-((rsq22*rinv22)
269      &  *rinv22)))
270 #endif
272 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
273 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
274             rinv23           = frsqrtes(rsq23) 
275 #else
276             rinv23           = frsqrte(dble(rsq23)) 
277 #endif
278             rinv23           = (0.5*rinv23*(3.0-((rsq23*rinv23)
279      &  *rinv23)))
280 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
281             rinv23           = (0.5*rinv23*(3.0-((rsq23*rinv23)
282      &  *rinv23)))
283 #endif
285 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
286 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
287             rinv24           = frsqrtes(rsq24) 
288 #else
289             rinv24           = frsqrte(dble(rsq24)) 
290 #endif
291             rinv24           = (0.5*rinv24*(3.0-((rsq24*rinv24)
292      &  *rinv24)))
293 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
294             rinv24           = (0.5*rinv24*(3.0-((rsq24*rinv24)
295      &  *rinv24)))
296 #endif
298 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
299 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
300             rinv32           = frsqrtes(rsq32) 
301 #else
302             rinv32           = frsqrte(dble(rsq32)) 
303 #endif
304             rinv32           = (0.5*rinv32*(3.0-((rsq32*rinv32)
305      &  *rinv32)))
306 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
307             rinv32           = (0.5*rinv32*(3.0-((rsq32*rinv32)
308      &  *rinv32)))
309 #endif
311 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
312 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
313             rinv33           = frsqrtes(rsq33) 
314 #else
315             rinv33           = frsqrte(dble(rsq33)) 
316 #endif
317             rinv33           = (0.5*rinv33*(3.0-((rsq33*rinv33)
318      &  *rinv33)))
319 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
320             rinv33           = (0.5*rinv33*(3.0-((rsq33*rinv33)
321      &  *rinv33)))
322 #endif
324 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
325 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
326             rinv34           = frsqrtes(rsq34) 
327 #else
328             rinv34           = frsqrte(dble(rsq34)) 
329 #endif
330             rinv34           = (0.5*rinv34*(3.0-((rsq34*rinv34)
331      &  *rinv34)))
332 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
333             rinv34           = (0.5*rinv34*(3.0-((rsq34*rinv34)
334      &  *rinv34)))
335 #endif
337 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
338 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
339             rinv42           = frsqrtes(rsq42) 
340 #else
341             rinv42           = frsqrte(dble(rsq42)) 
342 #endif
343             rinv42           = (0.5*rinv42*(3.0-((rsq42*rinv42)
344      &  *rinv42)))
345 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
346             rinv42           = (0.5*rinv42*(3.0-((rsq42*rinv42)
347      &  *rinv42)))
348 #endif
350 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
351 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
352             rinv43           = frsqrtes(rsq43) 
353 #else
354             rinv43           = frsqrte(dble(rsq43)) 
355 #endif
356             rinv43           = (0.5*rinv43*(3.0-((rsq43*rinv43)
357      &  *rinv43)))
358 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
359             rinv43           = (0.5*rinv43*(3.0-((rsq43*rinv43)
360      &  *rinv43)))
361 #endif
363 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
364 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
365             rinv44           = frsqrtes(rsq44) 
366 #else
367             rinv44           = frsqrte(dble(rsq44)) 
368 #endif
369             rinv44           = (0.5*rinv44*(3.0-((rsq44*rinv44)
370      &  *rinv44)))
371 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
372             rinv44           = (0.5*rinv44*(3.0-((rsq44*rinv44)
373      &  *rinv44)))
374 #endif
376 C          Load parameters for j atom
378 C          Lennard-Jones interaction
379             rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq
380             Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix      
381             Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix
382             Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6
383             fscal            = (12.0*Vvdw12-6.0*Vvdw6)*rinvsq
385 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
386             tx               = fscal*dx11      
387             ty               = fscal*dy11      
388             tz               = fscal*dz11      
390 C          Increment i atom force
391             fix1             = fix1 + tx       
392             fiy1             = fiy1 + ty       
393             fiz1             = fiz1 + tz       
395 C          Decrement j atom force
396             faction(j3+0)    = faction(j3+0) - tx
397             faction(j3+1)    = faction(j3+1) - ty
398             faction(j3+2)    = faction(j3+2) - tz
400 C          Load parameters for j atom
401             qq               = qqHH            
402             rinvsq           = rinv22*rinv22   
404 C          Coulomb interaction
405             vcoul            = qq*rinv22       
406             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
407             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
409 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
410             tx               = fscal*dx22      
411             ty               = fscal*dy22      
412             tz               = fscal*dz22      
414 C          Increment i atom force
415             fix2             = fix2 + tx       
416             fiy2             = fiy2 + ty       
417             fiz2             = fiz2 + tz       
419 C          Decrement j atom force
420             fjx2             = faction(j3+3) - tx
421             fjy2             = faction(j3+4) - ty
422             fjz2             = faction(j3+5) - tz
424 C          Load parameters for j atom
425             qq               = qqHH            
426             rinvsq           = rinv23*rinv23   
428 C          Coulomb interaction
429             vcoul            = qq*rinv23       
430             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
431             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
433 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
434             tx               = fscal*dx23      
435             ty               = fscal*dy23      
436             tz               = fscal*dz23      
438 C          Increment i atom force
439             fix2             = fix2 + tx       
440             fiy2             = fiy2 + ty       
441             fiz2             = fiz2 + tz       
443 C          Decrement j atom force
444             fjx3             = faction(j3+6) - tx
445             fjy3             = faction(j3+7) - ty
446             fjz3             = faction(j3+8) - tz
448 C          Load parameters for j atom
449             qq               = qqMH            
450             rinvsq           = rinv24*rinv24   
452 C          Coulomb interaction
453             vcoul            = qq*rinv24       
454             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
455             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
457 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
458             tx               = fscal*dx24      
459             ty               = fscal*dy24      
460             tz               = fscal*dz24      
462 C          Increment i atom force
463             fix2             = fix2 + tx       
464             fiy2             = fiy2 + ty       
465             fiz2             = fiz2 + tz       
467 C          Decrement j atom force
468             fjx4             = faction(j3+9) - tx
469             fjy4             = faction(j3+10) - ty
470             fjz4             = faction(j3+11) - tz
472 C          Load parameters for j atom
473             qq               = qqHH            
474             rinvsq           = rinv32*rinv32   
476 C          Coulomb interaction
477             vcoul            = qq*rinv32       
478             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
479             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
481 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
482             tx               = fscal*dx32      
483             ty               = fscal*dy32      
484             tz               = fscal*dz32      
486 C          Increment i atom force
487             fix3             = fix3 + tx       
488             fiy3             = fiy3 + ty       
489             fiz3             = fiz3 + tz       
491 C          Decrement j atom force
492             fjx2             = fjx2 - tx       
493             fjy2             = fjy2 - ty       
494             fjz2             = fjz2 - tz       
496 C          Load parameters for j atom
497             qq               = qqHH            
498             rinvsq           = rinv33*rinv33   
500 C          Coulomb interaction
501             vcoul            = qq*rinv33       
502             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
503             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
505 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
506             tx               = fscal*dx33      
507             ty               = fscal*dy33      
508             tz               = fscal*dz33      
510 C          Increment i atom force
511             fix3             = fix3 + tx       
512             fiy3             = fiy3 + ty       
513             fiz3             = fiz3 + tz       
515 C          Decrement j atom force
516             fjx3             = fjx3 - tx       
517             fjy3             = fjy3 - ty       
518             fjz3             = fjz3 - tz       
520 C          Load parameters for j atom
521             qq               = qqMH            
522             rinvsq           = rinv34*rinv34   
524 C          Coulomb interaction
525             vcoul            = qq*rinv34       
526             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
527             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
529 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
530             tx               = fscal*dx34      
531             ty               = fscal*dy34      
532             tz               = fscal*dz34      
534 C          Increment i atom force
535             fix3             = fix3 + tx       
536             fiy3             = fiy3 + ty       
537             fiz3             = fiz3 + tz       
539 C          Decrement j atom force
540             fjx4             = fjx4 - tx       
541             fjy4             = fjy4 - ty       
542             fjz4             = fjz4 - tz       
544 C          Load parameters for j atom
545             qq               = qqMH            
546             rinvsq           = rinv42*rinv42   
548 C          Coulomb interaction
549             vcoul            = qq*rinv42       
550             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
551             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
553 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
554             tx               = fscal*dx42      
555             ty               = fscal*dy42      
556             tz               = fscal*dz42      
558 C          Increment i atom force
559             fix4             = fix4 + tx       
560             fiy4             = fiy4 + ty       
561             fiz4             = fiz4 + tz       
563 C          Decrement j atom force
564             faction(j3+3)    = fjx2 - tx       
565             faction(j3+4)    = fjy2 - ty       
566             faction(j3+5)    = fjz2 - tz       
568 C          Load parameters for j atom
569             qq               = qqMH            
570             rinvsq           = rinv43*rinv43   
572 C          Coulomb interaction
573             vcoul            = qq*rinv43       
574             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
575             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
577 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
578             tx               = fscal*dx43      
579             ty               = fscal*dy43      
580             tz               = fscal*dz43      
582 C          Increment i atom force
583             fix4             = fix4 + tx       
584             fiy4             = fiy4 + ty       
585             fiz4             = fiz4 + tz       
587 C          Decrement j atom force
588             faction(j3+6)    = fjx3 - tx       
589             faction(j3+7)    = fjy3 - ty       
590             faction(j3+8)    = fjz3 - tz       
592 C          Load parameters for j atom
593             qq               = qqMM            
594             rinvsq           = rinv44*rinv44   
596 C          Coulomb interaction
597             vcoul            = qq*rinv44       
598             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
599             fscal            = (vcoul)*rinvsq  
601 C          Calculate temporary vectorial force
602             tx               = fscal*dx44      
603             ty               = fscal*dy44      
604             tz               = fscal*dz44      
606 C          Increment i atom force
607             fix4             = fix4 + tx       
608             fiy4             = fiy4 + ty       
609             fiz4             = fiz4 + tz       
611 C          Decrement j atom force
612             faction(j3+9)    = fjx4 - tx       
613             faction(j3+10)   = fjy4 - ty       
614             faction(j3+11)   = fjz4 - tz       
616 C          Inner loop uses 276 flops/iteration
617           end do
620 C        Add i forces to mem and shifted force list
621           faction(ii3+0)   = faction(ii3+0) + fix1
622           faction(ii3+1)   = faction(ii3+1) + fiy1
623           faction(ii3+2)   = faction(ii3+2) + fiz1
624           faction(ii3+3)   = faction(ii3+3) + fix2
625           faction(ii3+4)   = faction(ii3+4) + fiy2
626           faction(ii3+5)   = faction(ii3+5) + fiz2
627           faction(ii3+6)   = faction(ii3+6) + fix3
628           faction(ii3+7)   = faction(ii3+7) + fiy3
629           faction(ii3+8)   = faction(ii3+8) + fiz3
630           faction(ii3+9)   = faction(ii3+9) + fix4
631           faction(ii3+10)  = faction(ii3+10) + fiy4
632           faction(ii3+11)  = faction(ii3+11) + fiz4
633           fshift(is3)      = fshift(is3)+fix1+fix2+fix3+fix4
634           fshift(is3+1)    = fshift(is3+1)+fiy1+fiy2+fiy3+fiy4
635           fshift(is3+2)    = fshift(is3+2)+fiz1+fiz2+fiz3+fiz4
637 C        Add potential energies to the group for this list
638           ggid             = gid(n)+1        
639           Vc(ggid)         = Vc(ggid) + vctot
640           Vvdw(ggid)       = Vvdw(ggid) + Vvdwtot
642 C        Increment number of inner iterations
643           ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0
645 C        Outer loop uses 38 flops/iteration
646         end do
649 C      Increment number of outer iterations
650         nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0
651       if( goto 10
653 C    Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers
654       outeriter        = nouter          
655       inneriter        = ninner          
656       return
657       end
665 C Gromacs nonbonded kernel pwr6kernel114nf
666 C Coulomb interaction:     Normal Coulomb
667 C VdW interaction:         Lennard-Jones
668 C water optimization:      pairs of TIP4P interactions
669 C Calculate forces:        no
671       subroutine pwr6kernel114nf(
672      &                          nri,
673      &                          iinr,
674      &                          jindex,
675      &                          jjnr,
676      &                          shift,
677      &                          shiftvec,
678      &                          fshift,
679      &                          gid,
680      &                          pos,
681      &                          faction,
682      &                          charge,
683      &                          facel,
684      &                          krf,
685      &                          crf,
686      &                          Vc,
687      &                          type,
688      &                          ntype,
689      &                          vdwparam,
690      &                          Vvdw,
691      &                          tabscale,
692      &                          VFtab,
693      &                          invsqrta,
694      &                          dvda,
695      &                          gbtabscale,
696      &                          GBtab,
697      &                          nthreads,
698      &                          count,
699      &                          mtx,
700      &                          outeriter,
701      &                          inneriter,
702      &                          work)
703       implicit      none
704       integer*4     nri,iinr(*),jindex(*),jjnr(*),shift(*)
705       gmxreal       shiftvec(*),fshift(*),pos(*),faction(*)
706       integer*4     gid(*),type(*),ntype
707       gmxreal       charge(*),facel,krf,crf,Vc(*),vdwparam(*)
708       gmxreal       Vvdw(*),tabscale,VFtab(*)
709       gmxreal       invsqrta(*),dvda(*),gbtabscale,GBtab(*)
710       integer*4     nthreads,count,mtx,outeriter,inneriter
711       gmxreal       work(*)
713       integer*4     n,ii,is3,ii3,k,nj0,nj1,jnr,j3,ggid
714       integer*4     nn0,nn1,nouter,ninner
715       gmxreal       shX,shY,shZ
716       gmxreal       rinvsq
717       gmxreal       qq,vcoul,vctot
718       integer*4     tj
719       gmxreal       rinvsix
720       gmxreal       Vvdw6,Vvdwtot
721       gmxreal       Vvdw12
722       gmxreal       ix1,iy1,iz1
723       gmxreal       ix2,iy2,iz2
724       gmxreal       ix3,iy3,iz3
725       gmxreal       ix4,iy4,iz4
726       gmxreal       jx1,jy1,jz1
727       gmxreal       jx2,jy2,jz2
728       gmxreal       jx3,jy3,jz3
729       gmxreal       jx4,jy4,jz4
730       gmxreal       dx11,dy11,dz11,rsq11
731       gmxreal       dx22,dy22,dz22,rsq22,rinv22
732       gmxreal       dx23,dy23,dz23,rsq23,rinv23
733       gmxreal       dx24,dy24,dz24,rsq24,rinv24
734       gmxreal       dx32,dy32,dz32,rsq32,rinv32
735       gmxreal       dx33,dy33,dz33,rsq33,rinv33
736       gmxreal       dx34,dy34,dz34,rsq34,rinv34
737       gmxreal       dx42,dy42,dz42,rsq42,rinv42
738       gmxreal       dx43,dy43,dz43,rsq43,rinv43
739       gmxreal       dx44,dy44,dz44,rsq44,rinv44
740       gmxreal       qH,qM,qqMM,qqMH,qqHH
741       gmxreal       c6,c12
744 C    Initialize water data
745       ii               = iinr(1)+1       
746       qH               = charge(ii+1)    
747       qM               = charge(ii+3)    
748       qqMM             = facel*qM*qM     
749       qqMH             = facel*qM*qH     
750       qqHH             = facel*qH*qH     
751       tj               = 2*(ntype+1)*type(ii)+1
752       c6               = vdwparam(tj)    
753       c12              = vdwparam(tj+1)  
756 C    Reset outer and inner iteration counters
757       nouter           = 0               
758       ninner           = 0               
760 C    Loop over thread workunits
761    10 call pwr6kernelsync(mtx,count,nri,nthreads,nn0,nn1)
762         if( nn1=nri
764 C      Start outer loop over neighborlists
766         do n=nn0+1,nn1
768 C        Load shift vector for this list
769           is3              = 3*shift(n)+1    
770           shX              = shiftvec(is3)   
771           shY              = shiftvec(is3+1) 
772           shZ              = shiftvec(is3+2) 
774 C        Load limits for loop over neighbors
775           nj0              = jindex(n)+1     
776           nj1              = jindex(n+1)     
778 C        Get outer coordinate index
779           ii               = iinr(n)+1       
780           ii3              = 3*ii-2          
782 C        Load i atom data, add shift vector
783           ix1              = shX + pos(ii3+0)
784           iy1              = shY + pos(ii3+1)
785           iz1              = shZ + pos(ii3+2)
786           ix2              = shX + pos(ii3+3)
787           iy2              = shY + pos(ii3+4)
788           iz2              = shZ + pos(ii3+5)
789           ix3              = shX + pos(ii3+6)
790           iy3              = shY + pos(ii3+7)
791           iz3              = shZ + pos(ii3+8)
792           ix4              = shX + pos(ii3+9)
793           iy4              = shY + pos(ii3+10)
794           iz4              = shZ + pos(ii3+11)
796 C        Zero the potential energy for this list
797           vctot            = 0               
798           Vvdwtot          = 0               
800 C        Clear i atom forces
802           do k=nj0,nj1
804 C          Get j neighbor index, and coordinate index
805             jnr              = jjnr(k)+1       
806             j3               = 3*jnr-2         
808 C          load j atom coordinates
809             jx1              = pos(j3+0)       
810             jy1              = pos(j3+1)       
811             jz1              = pos(j3+2)       
812             jx2              = pos(j3+3)       
813             jy2              = pos(j3+4)       
814             jz2              = pos(j3+5)       
815             jx3              = pos(j3+6)       
816             jy3              = pos(j3+7)       
817             jz3              = pos(j3+8)       
818             jx4              = pos(j3+9)       
819             jy4              = pos(j3+10)      
820             jz4              = pos(j3+11)      
822 C          Calculate distance
823             dx11             = ix1 - jx1       
824             dy11             = iy1 - jy1       
825             dz11             = iz1 - jz1       
826             rsq11            = dx11*dx11+dy11*dy11+dz11*dz11
827             dx22             = ix2 - jx2       
828             dy22             = iy2 - jy2       
829             dz22             = iz2 - jz2       
830             rsq22            = dx22*dx22+dy22*dy22+dz22*dz22
831             dx23             = ix2 - jx3       
832             dy23             = iy2 - jy3       
833             dz23             = iz2 - jz3       
834             rsq23            = dx23*dx23+dy23*dy23+dz23*dz23
835             dx24             = ix2 - jx4       
836             dy24             = iy2 - jy4       
837             dz24             = iz2 - jz4       
838             rsq24            = dx24*dx24+dy24*dy24+dz24*dz24
839             dx32             = ix3 - jx2       
840             dy32             = iy3 - jy2       
841             dz32             = iz3 - jz2       
842             rsq32            = dx32*dx32+dy32*dy32+dz32*dz32
843             dx33             = ix3 - jx3       
844             dy33             = iy3 - jy3       
845             dz33             = iz3 - jz3       
846             rsq33            = dx33*dx33+dy33*dy33+dz33*dz33
847             dx34             = ix3 - jx4       
848             dy34             = iy3 - jy4       
849             dz34             = iz3 - jz4       
850             rsq34            = dx34*dx34+dy34*dy34+dz34*dz34
851             dx42             = ix4 - jx2       
852             dy42             = iy4 - jy2       
853             dz42             = iz4 - jz2       
854             rsq42            = dx42*dx42+dy42*dy42+dz42*dz42
855             dx43             = ix4 - jx3       
856             dy43             = iy4 - jy3       
857             dz43             = iz4 - jz3       
858             rsq43            = dx43*dx43+dy43*dy43+dz43*dz43
859             dx44             = ix4 - jx4       
860             dy44             = iy4 - jy4       
861             dz44             = iz4 - jz4       
862             rsq44            = dx44*dx44+dy44*dy44+dz44*dz44
864 C          Calculate 1/r and 1/r2
865             rinvsq           = 1.0/rsq11       
867 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
868 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
869             rinv22           = frsqrtes(rsq22) 
870 #else
871             rinv22           = frsqrte(dble(rsq22)) 
872 #endif
873             rinv22           = (0.5*rinv22*(3.0-((rsq22*rinv22)
874      &  *rinv22)))
875 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
876             rinv22           = (0.5*rinv22*(3.0-((rsq22*rinv22)
877      &  *rinv22)))
878 #endif
880 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
881 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
882             rinv23           = frsqrtes(rsq23) 
883 #else
884             rinv23           = frsqrte(dble(rsq23)) 
885 #endif
886             rinv23           = (0.5*rinv23*(3.0-((rsq23*rinv23)
887      &  *rinv23)))
888 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
889             rinv23           = (0.5*rinv23*(3.0-((rsq23*rinv23)
890      &  *rinv23)))
891 #endif
893 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
894 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
895             rinv24           = frsqrtes(rsq24) 
896 #else
897             rinv24           = frsqrte(dble(rsq24)) 
898 #endif
899             rinv24           = (0.5*rinv24*(3.0-((rsq24*rinv24)
900      &  *rinv24)))
901 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
902             rinv24           = (0.5*rinv24*(3.0-((rsq24*rinv24)
903      &  *rinv24)))
904 #endif
906 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
907 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
908             rinv32           = frsqrtes(rsq32) 
909 #else
910             rinv32           = frsqrte(dble(rsq32)) 
911 #endif
912             rinv32           = (0.5*rinv32*(3.0-((rsq32*rinv32)
913      &  *rinv32)))
914 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
915             rinv32           = (0.5*rinv32*(3.0-((rsq32*rinv32)
916      &  *rinv32)))
917 #endif
919 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
920 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
921             rinv33           = frsqrtes(rsq33) 
922 #else
923             rinv33           = frsqrte(dble(rsq33)) 
924 #endif
925             rinv33           = (0.5*rinv33*(3.0-((rsq33*rinv33)
926      &  *rinv33)))
927 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
928             rinv33           = (0.5*rinv33*(3.0-((rsq33*rinv33)
929      &  *rinv33)))
930 #endif
932 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
933 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
934             rinv34           = frsqrtes(rsq34) 
935 #else
936             rinv34           = frsqrte(dble(rsq34)) 
937 #endif
938             rinv34           = (0.5*rinv34*(3.0-((rsq34*rinv34)
939      &  *rinv34)))
940 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
941             rinv34           = (0.5*rinv34*(3.0-((rsq34*rinv34)
942      &  *rinv34)))
943 #endif
945 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
946 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
947             rinv42           = frsqrtes(rsq42) 
948 #else
949             rinv42           = frsqrte(dble(rsq42)) 
950 #endif
951             rinv42           = (0.5*rinv42*(3.0-((rsq42*rinv42)
952      &  *rinv42)))
953 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
954             rinv42           = (0.5*rinv42*(3.0-((rsq42*rinv42)
955      &  *rinv42)))
956 #endif
958 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
959 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
960             rinv43           = frsqrtes(rsq43) 
961 #else
962             rinv43           = frsqrte(dble(rsq43)) 
963 #endif
964             rinv43           = (0.5*rinv43*(3.0-((rsq43*rinv43)
965      &  *rinv43)))
966 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
967             rinv43           = (0.5*rinv43*(3.0-((rsq43*rinv43)
968      &  *rinv43)))
969 #endif
971 C          PowerPC intrinsics 1/sqrt lookup table
972 #ifndef GMX_BLUEGENE
973             rinv44           = frsqrtes(rsq44) 
974 #else
975             rinv44           = frsqrte(dble(rsq44)) 
976 #endif
977             rinv44           = (0.5*rinv44*(3.0-((rsq44*rinv44)
978      &  *rinv44)))
979 #ifdef GMX_DOUBLE
980             rinv44           = (0.5*rinv44*(3.0-((rsq44*rinv44)
981      &  *rinv44)))
982 #endif
984 C          Load parameters for j atom
986 C          Lennard-Jones interaction
987             rinvsix          = rinvsq*rinvsq*rinvsq
988             Vvdw6            = c6*rinvsix      
989             Vvdw12           = c12*rinvsix*rinvsix
990             Vvdwtot          = Vvdwtot+Vvdw12-Vvdw6
992 C          Load parameters for j atom
993             qq               = qqHH            
995 C          Coulomb interaction
996             vcoul            = qq*rinv22       
997             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
999 C          Load parameters for j atom
1000             qq               = qqHH            
1002 C          Coulomb interaction
1003             vcoul            = qq*rinv23       
1004             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1006 C          Load parameters for j atom
1007             qq               = qqMH            
1009 C          Coulomb interaction
1010             vcoul            = qq*rinv24       
1011             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1013 C          Load parameters for j atom
1014             qq               = qqHH            
1016 C          Coulomb interaction
1017             vcoul            = qq*rinv32       
1018             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1020 C          Load parameters for j atom
1021             qq               = qqHH            
1023 C          Coulomb interaction
1024             vcoul            = qq*rinv33       
1025             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1027 C          Load parameters for j atom
1028             qq               = qqMH            
1030 C          Coulomb interaction
1031             vcoul            = qq*rinv34       
1032             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1034 C          Load parameters for j atom
1035             qq               = qqMH            
1037 C          Coulomb interaction
1038             vcoul            = qq*rinv42       
1039             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1041 C          Load parameters for j atom
1042             qq               = qqMH            
1044 C          Coulomb interaction
1045             vcoul            = qq*rinv43       
1046             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1048 C          Load parameters for j atom
1049             qq               = qqMM            
1051 C          Coulomb interaction
1052             vcoul            = qq*rinv44       
1053             vctot            = vctot+vcoul     
1055 C          Inner loop uses 163 flops/iteration
1056           end do
1059 C        Add i forces to mem and shifted force list
1061 C        Add potential energies to the group for this list
1062           ggid             = gid(n)+1        
1063           Vc(ggid)         = Vc(ggid) + vctot
1064           Vvdw(ggid)       = Vvdw(ggid) + Vvdwtot
1066 C        Increment number of inner iterations
1067           ninner           = ninner + nj1 - nj0
1069 C        Outer loop uses 14 flops/iteration
1070         end do
1073 C      Increment number of outer iterations
1074         nouter           = nouter + nn1 - nn0
1075       if( goto 10
1077 C    Write outer/inner iteration count to pointers
1078       outeriter        = nouter          
1079       inneriter        = ninner          
1080       return
1081       end