Fixed a bug in the pdb-writing code.
[gromacs.git] / src / mdlib / fshake.f
3 C This source code is part of
4 C
5 C G R O M A C S
6 C
7 C GROningen MAchine for Chemical Simulations
8 C
11 C Copyright (c) 1991-2001
12 C BIOSON Research Institute, Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
13 C University of Groningen, The Netherlands
15 C This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
16 C modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
17 C as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
18 C of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
20 C If you want to redistribute modifications, please consider that
21 C scientific software is very special. Version control is crucial -
22 C bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to consider code for
23 C inclusion in the official distribution, but derived work must not
24 C be called official GROMACS. Details are found in the README & COPYING
25 C files - if they are missing, get the official version at
27 C To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
28 C the papers on the package - you can find them in the top README file.
30 C Do check out , or mail us at .
32 C And Hey:
33 C GROup of MAchos and Cynical Suckers
36 c Note that this file comes in two flavours -
37 c fshake.f for single precision and fshaked.f
38 c for double precision. The only difference is
39 c the size of the real variables.
40 c This is an unfortunate, but necessary setup
41 c since not all f77 compilers (e.g. g77) have
42 c switches to change the real size, and neither
43 c do all f77 compilers support preprocessing.
44 c Thus, if you edit one of the files, make sure
45 c to change to other similarly!
47 subroutine fshake(iatom,ncon,nit,maxnit,
48 $ dist2,xp,rij,m2,omega,invmass,tt,lagr,error)
50 implicit none
52 integer*4 iatom(*)
53 integer*4 ncon,nit,maxnit
54 integer*4 error
55 real*4 dist2(*),xp(*),rij(*),m2(*),invmass(*),tt(*),lagr(*)
56 real*4 omega
58 integer*4 ll,i,j,i3,j3,l3,nconv,iconv
59 integer*4 ix,iy,iz,jx,jy,jz
60 real*4 toler,rpij2,rrpr,tx,ty,tz,diff,acor,im,jm
61 real*4 xh,yh,zh,rijx,rijy,rijz
62 real*4 mytol
64 parameter(mytol=1e-6)
66 error=0
67 do nit=1,maxnit
68 nconv=0
69 do ll=1,ncon
70 l3 = 3*(ll-1)
71 rijx = rij(l3+1)
72 rijy = rij(l3+2)
73 rijz = rij(l3+3)
74 i = iatom(l3+2)
75 j = iatom(l3+3)
76 i3 = 3*i
77 j3 = 3*j
78 ix = i3+1
79 iy = i3+2
80 iz = i3+3
81 jx = j3+1
82 jy = j3+2
83 jz = j3+3
85 tx = xp(ix)-xp(jx)
86 ty = xp(iy)-xp(jy)
87 tz = xp(iz)-xp(jz)
88 rpij2 = tx*tx+ty*ty+tz*tz
90 toler = dist2(ll)
91 diff = toler-rpij2
92 iconv = abs(diff)*tt(ll)
94 if (iconv .ne. 0) then
95 nconv = nconv + iconv
96 rrpr = rijx*tx+rijy*ty+rijz*tz
98 if (rrpr .lt. mytol*toler) then
99 error = ll
100 else
101 acor = omega*diff*m2(ll)/rrpr
102 lagr(ll) = lagr(ll) + acor
103 xh = rijx*acor
104 yh = rijy*acor
105 zh = rijz*acor
106 im = invmass(i+1)
107 jm = invmass(j+1)
108 if ((im .ne. 0) .and. (jm .ne. 0)) then
109 xp(ix) = xp(ix) + xh*im
110 xp(iy) = xp(iy) + yh*im
111 xp(iz) = xp(iz) + zh*im
112 xp(jx) = xp(jx) - xh*jm
113 xp(jy) = xp(jy) - yh*jm
114 xp(jz) = xp(jz) - zh*jm
115 else
116 if ((im .eq. 0) .and. (jm .ne. 0)) then
117 xp(ix) = xp(ix) + xh*jm
118 xp(iy) = xp(iy) + yh*jm
119 xp(iz) = xp(iz) + zh*jm
120 else if ((jm .eq. 0) .and. (im .ne. 0)) then
121 xp(jx) = xp(jx) - xh*im
122 xp(jy) = xp(jy) - yh*im
123 xp(jz) = xp(jz) - zh*im
124 else
125 error = ll
126 endif
127 endif
128 end if
129 end if
130 end do
132 if (nconv .eq. 0) goto 10
133 if (error .ne. 0) goto 10
134 end do
136 10 return