added Verlet scheme and NxN non-bonded functionality
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11 <td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH=280><br><h2>mdp options</h2><font size=-1><A HREF="../online.html">Main Table of Contents</A></font><br><br></td>
13 Sun 18 Jan 2009</B></td></tr></TABLE>
14 <HR>
16 <!--
24 -->
26 <H3>Table of Contents</H3>
28 <ul>
29 <li><A HREF="#general"><b>General remarks</b></A>
30 <p> </p>
31 <li><A HREF="#pp"><b>preprocessing</b></A> (include, define)
32 <li><A HREF="#run"><b>run control</b></A> (integrator, tinit, dt, nsteps, init-step, comm-mode, nstcomm, comm-grps)
33 <li><A HREF="#ld"><b>langevin dynamics</b></A> (bd-fric, ld-seed)
34 <li><A HREF="#em"><b>energy minimization</b></A> (emtol, emstep, nstcgsteep)
35 <li><a HREF="#xmdrun"><b>shell molecular dynamics</b></a>(emtol,niter,fcstep)
36 <li><a HREF="#tpi"><b>test particle insertion</b></a>(rtpi)
37 <li><A HREF="#out"><b>output control</b></A> (nstxout, nstvout, nstfout, nstlog, nstcalcenergy, nstenergy, nstxtcout, xtc-precision, xtc-grps, energygrps)
38 <li><A HREF="#nl"><b>neighbor searching</b></A> (cutoff-scheme, nstlist, ns-type, pbc, periodic-molecules, verlet-buffer-drift, rlist, rlistlong)
39 <li><A HREF="#el"><b>electrostatics</b></A> (coulombtype, rcoulomb-switch, rcoulomb, epsilon-r, epsilon-rf)
40 <li><A HREF="#vdw"><b>VdW</b></A> (vdwtype, rvdw-switch, rvdw, DispCorr)
41 <li><A HREF="#table"><b>tables</b></A> (table-extension, energygrp-table)
42 <li><A HREF="#ewald"><b>Ewald</b></A> (fourierspacing, fourier-nx, fourier-ny, fourier-nz, pme-order, ewald-rtol, ewald-geometry, epsilon-surface, optimize-fft)
43 <li><A HREF="#tc"><b>Temperature coupling</b></A> (tcoupl, nsttcouple, tc-grps, tau-t, ref-t)
44 <li><A HREF="#pc"><b>Pressure coupling</b></A> (pcoupl, pcoupltype,
45 nstpcouple, tau-p, compressibility, ref-p, refcoord-scaling)
46 <li><A HREF="#sa"><b>simulated annealing</b></A> (annealing, annealing-npoints, annealing-time, annealing-temp)
47 <li><A HREF="#vel"><b>velocity generation</b></A> (gen-vel, gen-temp, gen-seed)
48 <li><A HREF="#bond"><b>bonds</b></A> (constraints, constraint-algorithm, continuation, shake-tol, lincs-order, lincs-iter, lincs-warnangle, morse)
49 <li><A HREF="#egexcl"><b>Energy group exclusions</b></A> (energygrp-excl)
50 <li><A HREF="#walls"><b>Walls</b></A> (nwall, wall-type, wall-r-linpot, wall-atomtype,
51 wall-density, wall-ewald-zfac)
52 <li><A HREF="#pull"><b>COM pulling</b></A> (pull, ...)
53 <li><A HREF="#nmr"><b>NMR refinement</b></A> (disre, disre-weighting, disre-mixed, disre-fc, disre-tau, nstdisreout, orire, orire-fc, orire-tau, orire-fitgrp, nstorireout)
54 <li><A HREF="#free"><b>Free energy calculations</b></A> (free-energy, nstfep, nstdgdl, dhdl-print-energy, init-lambda, delta-lambda, fep-lambdas, coul-lambdas, vdw-lambdas, bonded-lambdas, restraint-lambdas, mass-lambdas, sc-alpha, sc-coul, sc-power, sc-r-power, sc-sigma, couple-moltype, couple-lambda0, couple-lambda1, couple-intramol)
55 <li><A HREF="#expanded"><b>Expanded ensemble simulation</b></A> (lmc-stats, lmc-mc-move, lmc-seed, lmc-gibbsdelta, mc-temperature, nst-transition-matrix,init-lambda-weights,initial-wl-delta,wl-scale,wl-ratio,symmetrized-transition-matrix,lmc-forced-nstart,weight-c-range,mininum-var-min,lmc-weights-equil,weight-equil-wl-delta,weight-equil-number-all-lambda,weight-equil-number-steps,weight-equil-number-samples,weight-equil-count-ratio,simulated-tempering,simulated-tempering-scaling,sim-temp-low,sim-temp-high)
56 <li><A HREF="#neq"><b>Non-equilibrium MD</b></A> (acc-grps, accelerate, freezegrps, freezedim, cos-acceleration, deform)
57 <li><A HREF="#ef"><b>Electric fields</b></A> (E-x, E-xt, E-y, E-yt, E-z, E-zt )
58 <li><A HREF="#qmmm"><b>Mixed quantum/classical dynamics</b></A> (QMMM, QMMM-grps, QMMMscheme, QMmethod, QMbasis, QMcharge, Qmmult, CASorbitals, CASelectrons, SH)
59 <li><A HREF="#gbsa"><b>Implicit solvent</b></A> (implicit-solvent, gb-algorithm, nstgbradii, rgbradii, gb-epsilon-solvent, gb-saltconc, gb-obc-alpha, gb-obc-beta, gb-obc-gamma, gb-dielectric-offset, sa-algorithm, sa-surface-tension)
60 <li><A HREF="#adress"><b>AdResS settings</b></A> (adress, adress_type, adress_const_wf, adress_ex_width, adress_hy_width, adress_ex_forcecap, adress_interface_correction, adress_site, adress_reference_coords, adress_tf_grp_names, adress_cg_grp_names)
61 <li><A HREF="#user"><b>User defined thingies</b></A> (user1-grps, user2-grps, userint1, userint2, userint3, userint4, userreal1, userreal2, userreal3, userreal4)
62 <li><A HREF="#idx"><b>Index</b></A>
63 </ul>
64 </P>
66 <HR>
68 <A NAME="general"><br>
69 <h3>General</h3>
71 <P>
72 Default values are given in parentheses. The first option in
73 the list is always the default option. Units are given in
74 square brackets The difference between a dash and an underscore
75 is ignored. </P>
77 <P>
78 A <a href="mdp.html">sample <TT>.mdp</TT> file</a> is
79 available. This should be appropriate to start a normal
80 simulation. Edit it to suit your specific needs and desires. </P>
82 <A NAME="pp"><br>
83 <hr>
84 <h3>Preprocessing</h3>
86 <dl>
87 <dt><b>include:</b></dt>
88 <dd>directories to include in your topology. Format:
89 <PRE>-I/home/john/mylib -I../otherlib</PRE></dd>
90 <dt><b>define:</b></dt>
91 <dd>defines to pass to the preprocessor, default is no defines. You can use
92 any defines to control options in your customized topology files. Options
93 that are already available by default are:
94 <dd><dl compact>
95 <dt>-DFLEXIBLE</dt>
96 <dd>Will tell <tt>grompp</tt> to include flexible water in stead of rigid water into your
97 topology, this can be useful for normal mode analysis.</dd>
98 <dt>-DPOSRES</dt>
99 <dd>Will tell <tt>grompp</tt> to include posre.itp into your topology, used for
100 <!--Idx-->position restraint<!--EIdx-->s.</dd>
101 </dl>
102 </dl>
104 <A NAME="run"><br>
105 <hr>
106 <h3>Run control</h3>
108 <dl>
109 <dt><b>integrator:</b> (Despite the name, this list includes algorithms that are not actually integrators. <tt>steep</tt> and all entries following it are in this category)</dt>
110 <dd><dl compact>
111 <dt><b>md</b></dt>
112 <dd>A leap-frog algorithm<!--QuietIdx-->leap-frog integrator<!--EQuietIdx-->
113 for integrating Newton's equations of motion.</dd>
114 <dt><b>md-vv</b></dt>
115 <dd>A velocity Verlet algorithm for integrating Newton's equations of motion.
116 For constant NVE simulations started from corresponding points in the same trajectory, the trajectories
117 are analytically, but not binary, identical to the <b>md</b> leap-frog integrator. The the kinetic
118 energy, which is determined from the whole step velocities and is therefore
119 slightly too high. The advantage of this integrator is more accurate,
120 reversible Nose-Hoover and Parrinello-Rahman coupling integration
121 based on Trotter expansion, as well as (slightly too small) full step velocity
122 output. This all comes at the cost off extra computation, especially with
123 constraints and extra communication in parallel. Note that for nearly all
124 production simulations the <b>md</b> integrator is accurate enough.
125 </dd>
126 <dt><b>md-vv-avek</b></dt>
127 <dd>A velocity Verlet algorithm identical to <b>md-vv</b>, except that
128 the kinetic energy is determined as the average of
129 the two half step kinetic energies as in the <b>md</b> integrator, and this thus more accurate.
130 With Nose-Hoover and/or Parrinello-Rahman coupling this comes with
131 a slight increase in computational cost.
132 </dd>
133 <dt><b>sd</b></dt>
134 <dd> An accurate leap-frog stochastic dynamics integrator.
135 Four Gaussian random number are required
136 per integration step per degree of freedom. With constraints,
137 coordinates needs to be constrained twice per integration step.
138 Depending on the computational cost of the force calculation,
139 this can take a significant part of the simulation time.
140 The temperature for one or more groups of atoms
141 (<b><A HREF="#tc">tc-grps</A></b>)
142 is set with <b><A HREF="#tc">ref-t</A></b> [K],
143 the inverse friction constant for each group is set with
144 <b><A HREF="#tc">tau-t</A></b> [ps].
145 The parameter <b><A HREF="#tc">tcoupl</A></b> is ignored.
146 The random generator is initialized with <b><A HREF="#ld">ld-seed</A></b>.
147 When used as a thermostat, an appropriate value for <b>tau-t</b> is 2 ps,
148 since this results in a friction that is lower than the internal friction
149 of water, while it is high enough to remove excess heat
150 (unless <b>cut-off</b> or <b>reaction-field</b> electrostatics is used).
151 NOTE: temperature deviations decay twice as fast as with
152 a Berendsen thermostat with the same <b>tau-t</b>.</dd>
153 <dt><b>sd1</b></dt>
154 <dd> An efficient leap-frog stochastic dynamics integrator.
155 This integrator is equivalent to <b>sd</b>, except that it requires
156 only one Gaussian random number and one constraint step and is therefore
157 significantly faster. Without constraints the accuracy is the same as <b>sd</b>.
158 With constraints the accuracy is significantly reduced, so then <b>sd</b>
159 will often be preferred.</dd>
160 <dt><b>bd</b></dt>
161 <dd>An Euler integrator for Brownian or position Langevin dynamics, the
162 velocity is the force divided by a friction coefficient
163 (<b><A HREF="#ld">bd-fric</A></b> [amu ps<sup>-1</sup>])
164 plus random thermal noise (<b><A HREF="#tc">ref-t</A></b>).
165 When <b><A HREF="#ld">bd-fric</A></b><tt>=0</tt>, the friction coefficient for each
166 particle is calculated as mass/<b><A HREF="#tc">tau-t</A></b>, as for the
167 integrator <tt>sd</tt>.
168 The random generator is initialized with <b><A HREF="#ld">ld-seed</A></b>.</dd>
170 <dt><b>steep</b></dt>
171 <dd>A <!--Idx-->steepest descent<!--EIdx--> algorithm for energy
172 minimization. The maximum step size is <b><A HREF="#em">emstep</A></b>
173 [nm], the tolerance is <b><A HREF="#em">emtol</A></b> [kJ
174 mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>].</dd>
175 <dt><b>cg</b></dt>
176 <dd>A <!--Idx-->conjugate gradient<!--EIdx--> algorithm for energy
177 minimization, the tolerance is <b>emtol</b> [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup>
178 nm<sup>-1</sup>]. CG is more efficient when a steepest descent step
179 is done every once in a while, this is determined by
180 <b><A HREF="#em">nstcgsteep</A></b>.
181 For a minimization prior to a normal mode analysis, which requires
182 a very high accuracy, GROMACS should be compiled in double precision.</dd>
183 <dt><b>l-bfgs</b></dt>
184 <dd>A <!--Idx-->quasi-Newtonian<!--EIdx--> algorithm for energy minimization
185 according to the low-memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno approach.
186 In practice this seems to converge faster than Conjugate Gradients, but due
187 to the correction steps necessary it is not (yet) parallelized.
188 </dd>
189 <dt><b>nm</b></dt>
190 <dd>Normal mode analysis<!--QuietIdx-->normal-mode analysis<!--EQuietIdx--> is performed
191 on the structure in the <tt>tpr</tt> file. GROMACS should be
192 compiled in double precision.</dd>
193 <dt><b>tpi</b></dt>
194 <dd> Test particle insertion. The last molecule in the topology
195 is the test particle. A trajectory should be provided with
196 the <tt>-rerun</tt> option of <tt>mdrun</tt>. This trajectory
197 should not contain the molecule to be inserted. Insertions
198 are performed <b>nsteps</b> times in each frame at random locations
199 and with random orientiations of the molecule. When <b>nstlist</b>
200 is larger than one, <b>nstlist</b> insertions are performed
201 in a sphere with radius <b><A HREF="#tpi">rtpi</A></b>
202 around a the same random location using the same neighborlist
203 (and the same long-range energy when <b>rvdw</b> or <b>rcoulomb</b>&gt;<b>rlist</b>,
204 which is only allowed for single-atom molecules).
205 Since neighborlist construction is expensive, one can perform several
206 extra insertions with the same list almost for free.
207 The random seed is set with <b><A HREF="#ld">ld-seed</A></b>.
208 The temperature for the Boltzmann weighting is set with
209 <b><A HREF="#tc">ref-t</A></b>, this should match the temperature
210 of the simulation of the original trajectory.
211 Dispersion correction is implemented correctly for tpi.
212 All relevant quantities are written to the file specified with
213 the <tt>-tpi</tt> option of <tt>mdrun</tt>.
214 The distribution of insertion energies is written to the file specified with
215 the <tt>-tpid</tt> option of <tt>mdrun</tt>.
216 No trajectory or energy file is written.
217 Parallel tpi gives identical results to single node tpi.
218 For charged molecules, using PME with a fine grid is most accurate
219 and also efficient, since the potential in the system only needs
220 to be calculated once per frame.
221 </dd>
222 <dt><b>tpic</b></dt>
223 <dd> Test particle insertion into a predefined cavity location.
224 The procedure is the same as for <b>tpi</b>, except that one coordinate
225 extra is read from the trajectory, which is used as the insertion location.
226 The molecule to be inserted should be centered at 0,0,0. Gromacs does
227 not do this for you, since for different situations a different
228 way of centering might be optimal.
229 Also <b><A HREF="#tpi">rtpi</A></b> sets the radius for the sphere
230 around this location. Neighbor searching is done only once per frame,
231 <b>nstlist</b> is not used.
232 Parallel tpic gives identical results to single node tpic.
233 </dl>
235 <dt><b>tinit: (0) [ps]</b></dt>
236 <dd>starting time for your run (only makes sense for integrators <tt>md</tt>,
237 <tt>sd</tt> and <tt>bd</tt>)</dd>
238 <dt><b>dt: (0.001) [ps]</b></dt></dd>
239 <dd>time step for integration (only makes sense for integrators <tt>md</tt>,
240 <tt>sd</tt> and <tt>bd</tt>)</dd>
241 <dt><b>nsteps: (0)</b></dt>
242 <dd>maximum number of steps to integrate or minimize, -1 is no maximum</dd>
243 <dt><b>init-step: (0)</b></dt>
244 <dd>The starting step.
245 The time at an step i in a run is calculated as: t = <tt>tinit</tt> + <tt>dt</tt>*(<tt>init-step</tt> + i).
246 The free-energy lambda is calculated as: lambda = <tt>init-lambda</tt> + <tt>delta-lambda</tt>*(<tt>init-step</tt> + i).
247 Also non-equilibrium MD parameters can depend on the step number.
248 Thus for exact restarts or redoing part of a run it might be necessary to
249 set <tt>init-step</tt> to the step number of the restart frame.
250 <tt>tpbconv</tt> does this automatically.
251 </dd>
252 <dt><b>comm-mode:</b></dt>
253 <dd><dl compact>
254 <dt><b>Linear</b></dt>
255 <dd>Remove center of mass translation</dd>
256 <dt><b>Angular</b></dt>
257 <dd>Remove center of mass translation and rotation around the center of mass
258 </dd>
259 <dt><b>None</b></dt>
260 <dd>No restriction on the center of mass motion
261 </dl></dd>
262 <dt><b>nstcomm: (100) [steps]</b></dt>
263 <dd>frequency for center of mass motion removal</dd>
264 <dt><b>comm-grps:</b></dt>
265 <dd>group(s) for center of mass motion removal, default is the whole system</dd>
266 </dl>
268 <A NAME="ld"><br>
269 <hr>
270 <h3><!--Idx-->Langevin dynamics<!--EIdx--></h3>
272 <dl>
273 <dt><b>bd-fric: (0) [amu ps<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
274 <dd>Brownian dynamics friction coefficient.
275 When <b>bd-fric</b><tt>=0</tt>, the friction coefficient for each
276 particle is calculated as mass/<b><A HREF="#tc">tau-t</A></b>.</dd>
277 <dt><b>ld-seed: (1993) [integer]</b></dt>
278 <dd>used to initialize random generator for thermal noise
279 for stochastic and Brownian dynamics.
280 When <b>ld-seed</b> is set to -1, the seed is calculated from the process ID.
281 When running BD or SD on multiple processors, each processor uses a seed equal
282 to <b>ld-seed</b> plus the processor number.</dd>
283 </dl>
285 <A NAME="em"><br>
286 <hr>
287 <h3>Energy minimization<!--QuietIdx-->energy minimization<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
288 <dl>
289 <dt><b>emtol: (10.0) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
290 <dd>the minimization is converged when the maximum force is smaller than
291 this value</dd>
292 <dt><b>emstep: (0.01) [nm]</b></dt>
293 <dd>initial step-size</dd>
294 <dt><b>nstcgsteep: (1000) [steps]</b></dt>
295 <dd>frequency of performing 1 steepest descent step while doing
296 conjugate gradient energy minimization.</dd>
297 <dt><b>nbfgscorr: (10)</b></dt>
298 <dd>Number of correction steps to use for L-BFGS minimization. A higher
299 number is (at least theoretically) more accurate, but slower.</dd>
300 </dl>
302 <A NAME="xmdrun"><br>
303 <hr>
304 <h3>Shell Molecular Dynamics<!--QuietIdx-->shell molecular dynamics<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
305 When shells or
306 flexible constraints are present in the system the positions of the shells
307 and the lengths of the flexible constraints are optimized at
308 every time step until either the RMS force on the shells and constraints
309 is less than emtol, or a maximum number of iterations (niter) has been reached
310 <dl>
311 <dt><b>emtol: (10.0) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
312 <dd>the minimization is converged when the maximum force is smaller than
313 this value. For shell MD this value should be 1.0 at most, but since the
314 variable is used for energy minimization as well the default is 10.0.</dd>
315 <dt><b>niter: (20)</b></dt>
316 <dd>maximum number of iterations for optimizing the shell positions
317 and the flexible constraints.</dd>
318 <dt><b>fcstep: (0) [ps<sup>2</sup>]</b></dt>
319 <dd>the step size for optimizing the flexible constraints.
320 Should be chosen as mu/(d<sup>2</sup>V/dq<sup>2</sup>)
321 where mu is the reduced mass of two particles in a flexible constraint
322 and d<sup>2</sup>V/dq<sup>2</sup> is the second derivative of the potential
323 in the constraint direction. Hopefully this number does not differ too
324 much between the flexible constraints, as the number of iterations
325 and thus the runtime is very sensitive to <tt>fcstep</tt>.
326 Try several values!</dd>
327 </dl>
329 <A NAME="tpi"><br>
330 <hr>
331 <h3>Test particle insertion</h3>
332 <dl>
333 <dt><b>rtpi: (0.05) [nm]</b></dt>
334 <dd>the test particle insertion radius see integrators
335 <b><a href="#run">tpi</a></b> and <b><a href="#run">tpic</a></b></dd>
336 </dl>
338 <A NAME="out"><br>
339 <hr>
340 <h3>Output control</h3>
341 <dl>
342 <dt><b>nstxout: (0) [steps]</b></dt>
343 <dd>frequency to write coordinates to output
344 <!--Idx-->trajectory file<!--EIdx-->, the last coordinates are always written</dd>
345 <dt><b>nstvout: (0) [steps]</b></dt>
346 <dd>frequency to write velocities to output trajectory,
347 the last velocities are always written</dd>
348 <dt><b>nstfout: (0) [steps]</b></dt>
349 <dd>frequency to write forces to output trajectory.</dd>
350 <dt><b>nstlog: (1000) [steps]</b></dt>
351 <dd>frequency to write energies to <!--Idx-->log file<!--EIdx-->,
352 the last energies are always written</dd>
353 <dt><b>nstcalcenergy: (100)</b></dt>
354 <dd>frequency for calculating the energies, 0 is never.
355 This option is only relevant with dynamics.
356 With a twin-range cut-off setup <b>nstcalcenergy</b> should be equal to
357 or a multiple of <b>nstlist</b>.
358 This option affects the performance in parallel simulations,
359 because calculating energies requires global communication between all
360 processes which can become a bottleneck at high parallelization.
361 </dd>
362 <dt><b>nstenergy: (1000) [steps]</b></dt>
363 <dd>frequency to write energies to energy file,
364 the last energies are always written,
365 should be a multiple of <b>nstcalcenergy</b>.
366 Note that the exact sums and fluctuations over all MD steps
367 modulo <b>nstcalcenergy</b> are stored in the energy file,
368 so <tt>g_energy</tt> can report exact
369 energy averages and fluctuations also when <b>nstenergy</b><tt>&gt;1</tt></dd>
370 <dt><b>nstxtcout: (0) [steps]</b></dt>
371 <dd>frequency to write coordinates to xtc trajectory</dd>
372 <dt><b>xtc-precision: (1000) [real]</b></dt>
373 <dd>precision to write to xtc trajectory</dd>
374 <dt><b>xtc-grps:</b></dt>
375 <dd>group(s) to write to xtc trajectory, default the whole system is written
376 (if <b>nstxtcout</b> &gt; 0)</dd>
377 <dt><b>energygrps:</b></dt>
378 <dd>group(s) to write to energy file</dd>
379 </dl>
381 <A NAME="nl"><br>
382 <hr>
383 <h3>Neighbor searching<!--QuietIdx-->neighbor searching<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
384 <dl>
385 <dt><b>cutoff-scheme:</b></dt>
386 <dd><dl compact>
387 <dt><b>group</b></dt>
388 <dd>Generate a pair list for groups of atoms. These groups correspond to the
389 charge groups in the topology. This was the only cut-off treatment scheme
390 before version 4.6.
391 There is no explicit buffering of the pair list. This enables efficient force
392 calculations, but energy is only conserved when a buffer is explicitly added.
393 For energy conservation, the <b>Verlet</b> option provides a more convenient
394 and efficient algorithm.</dd>
396 <dt><b>Verlet</b></dt>
397 <dd>Generate a pair list with buffering. The buffer size is automatically set
398 based on <b>verlet-buffer-drift</b>, unless this is set to -1, in which case
399 <b>rlist</b> will be used. This option has an explicit, exact cut-off at
400 <b>rvdw</b>=<b>rcoulomb</b>. Currently only cut-off, reaction-field,
401 PME electrostatics and plain LJ are supported. Some <tt>mdrun</tt> functionality
402 is not yet supported with the <b>Verlet</b> scheme, but <tt>grompp</tt> checks for this.
403 Native GPU acceleration is only supported with <b>Verlet</b>. With GPU-accelerated PME,
404 <tt>mdrun</tt> will automatically tune the CPU/GPU load balance by
405 scaling <b>rcoulomb</b> and the grid spacing. This can be turned off with
406 <tt>-notunepme</tt>.
408 <b>Verlet<\b> is somewhat faster than <b>group</b> when there is no water, or if <b>group</b> would use a pair-list buffer to conserve energy.
409 </dd>
410 </dl></dd>
412 <dt><b>nstlist: (10) [steps]</b></dt>
413 <dd><dl compact>
414 <dt><b>&gt;0</b></dt>
415 <dd>Frequency to update the <!--Idx-->neighbor list<!--EIdx--> (and
416 the long-range forces, when using twin-range cut-offs). When this is 0,
417 the neighbor list is made only once.
418 With energy minimization the neighborlist will be updated for every
419 energy evaluation when <b>nstlist</b><tt>&gt;0</tt>.
420 With non-bonded force calculation on the GPU, a value of 20 or more gives
421 the best performance.</dd>
422 <dt><b>0</b></dt>
423 <dd>The neighbor list is only constructed once and never updated.
424 This is mainly useful for vacuum simulations in which all particles
425 see each other.</dd>
426 <dt><b>-1</b></dt>
427 <dd>Automated update frequency, only supported with <b>cutoff-scheme</b>=<b>group</b>.
428 This can only be used with switched, shifted or user potentials where
429 the cut-off can be smaller than <b>rlist</b>. One then has a buffer
430 of size <b>rlist</b> minus the longest cut-off.
431 The neighbor list is only updated when one or more particles have moved further
432 than half the buffer size from the center of geometry of their charge group
433 as determined at the previous neighbor search.
434 Coordinate scaling due to pressure coupling or the <b>deform</b> option
435 is taken into account.
436 This option guarantees that their are no cut-off artifacts,
437 but for larger systems this can come at a high computational cost,
438 since the neighbor list update frequency will be determined
439 by just one or two particles moving slightly beyond the half buffer length
440 (which does not necessarily imply that the neighbor list is invalid),
441 while 99.99% of the particles are fine.
442 </dd>
443 </dl></dd>
445 <dt><b>ns-type:</b></dt>
446 <dd><dl compact>
447 <dt><b>grid</b></dt>
448 <dd>Make a grid in the box and only check atoms in neighboring grid
449 cells when constructing a new neighbor list every <b>nstlist</b> steps.
450 In large systems grid search is much faster than simple search.</dd>
451 <dt><b>simple</b></dt>
452 <dd>Check every atom in the box when constructing a new neighbor list
453 every <b>nstlist</b> steps.</dd>
454 </dl></dd>
456 <dt><b>pbc:</b></dt>
457 <dd><dl compact>
458 <dt><b>xyz</b></dt>
459 <dd>Use periodic boundary conditions in all directions.</dd>
460 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
461 <dd>Use no periodic boundary conditions, ignore the box.
462 To simulate without cut-offs, set all cut-offs to 0 and <b>nstlist</b><tt>=0</tt>.
463 For best performance without cut-offs, use <b>nstlist</b><tt>=0</tt>,
464 <b>ns-type</b><tt>=simple</tt>
465 and particle decomposition instead of domain decomposition.</dd>
466 <dt><b>xy</b></dt>
467 <dd>Use periodic boundary conditions in x and y directions only.
468 This works only with <b>ns-type</b><tt>=grid</tt> and can be used
469 in combination with <b><a href="#walls">walls</a></b>.
470 Without walls or with only one wall the system size is infinite
471 in the z direction. Therefore pressure coupling or Ewald summation
472 methods can not be used.
473 These disadvantages do not apply when two walls are used.</dd>
474 </dl></dd>
476 <dt><b>periodic-molecules:</b></dt>
477 <dd><dl compact>
478 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
479 <dd>molecules are finite, fast molecular PBC can be used</dd>
480 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
481 <dd>for systems with molecules that couple to themselves through
482 the periodic boundary conditions, this requires a slower PBC algorithm
483 and molecules are not made whole in the output</dd>
484 </dl></dd>
486 <dt><b>verlet-buffer-drift: (0.005) [kJ/mol/ps]</b></dt>
487 <dd>Useful only with <b>cutoff-scheme</b>=<b>Verlet</b>. This sets the target energy drift
488 per particle caused by the Verlet buffer, which indirectly sets <b>rlist</b>.
489 As both <b>nstlist</b> and the Verlet buffer size are fixed
490 (for performance reasons), particle pairs not in the pair list can occasionally
491 get within the cut-off distance during <b>nstlist</b>-1 nsteps. This
492 generates energy drift. In a constant-temperature ensemble, the drift can be
493 estimated for a given cut-off and <b>rlist</b>. The estimate assumes a
494 homogeneous particle distribution, hence the drift might be slightly
495 underestimated for multi-phase systems. For longer pair-list life-time
496 (<b>nstlist</b>-1)*dt the drift is overestimated, because the interactions
497 between particles are ignored. Combined with cancellation of errors,
498 the actual energy drift is usually one to two orders of magnitude smaller.
499 Note that the generated buffer size takes into account that
500 the GROMACS pair-list setup leads to a reduction in the drift by
501 a factor 10, compared to a simple particle-pair based list.
502 Without dynamics (energy minimization etc.), the buffer is 5% of the cut-off.
503 For dynamics without temperature coupling or to override the buffer size,
504 use <b>verlet-buffer-drift</b>=-1 and set <b>rlist</b> manually.</dd>
506 <dt><b>rlist: (1) [nm]</b></dt>
507 <dd>Cut-off distance for the short-range neighbor list, should be &ge; 0.
508 With <b>cutoff-scheme</b>=<b>Verlet</b>, this is by default set by the
509 <b>verlet-buffer-drift</b> option and the value of <b>rlist</b> is ignored.</dd>
511 <dt><b>rlistlong: (-1) [nm]</b></dt>
512 <dd>Cut-off distance for the long-range neighbor list.
513 This parameter is only relevant for a twin-range cut-off setup
514 with switched potentials. In that case a buffer region is required to account
515 for the size of charge groups. In all other cases this parameter
516 is automatically set to the longest cut-off distance.</dd>
517 </dl>
520 <A NAME="el"><br>
521 <hr>
522 <h3>Electrostatics<!--QuietIdx-->electrostatics<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
523 <dl>
524 <dt><b>coulombtype:</b></dt>
525 <dd><dl compact>
527 <dt><b>Cut-off</b></dt>
528 <dd>Twin range cut-offs with neighborlist cut-off <b>rlist</b> and
529 Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
530 where <b>rcoulomb</b>&ge;<b>rlist</b>.
532 <dt><b>Ewald</b></dt>
533 <dd>Classical <!--Idx-->Ewald sum<!--EIdx--> electrostatics.
534 The real-space cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b> should be equal to <b>rlist</b>.
535 Use e.g. <b>rlist</b><tt>=0.9</tt>, <b>rcoulomb</b><tt>=0.9</tt>. The highest magnitude of
536 wave vectors used in reciprocal space is controlled by <b>fourierspacing</b>.
537 The relative accuracy of direct/reciprocal space
538 is controlled by <b>ewald-rtol</b>.
539 <br>
540 NOTE: Ewald scales as O(N<sup>3/2</sup>)
541 and is thus extremely slow for large systems. It is included mainly for
542 reference - in most cases PME will perform much better.</dd>
544 <dt><b><!--Idx-->PME<!--EIdx--></b></dt>
545 <dd>Fast smooth Particle-Mesh Ewald (SPME) electrostatics. Direct space is similar
546 to the Ewald sum, while the reciprocal part is performed with
547 FFTs. Grid dimensions are controlled with <b>fourierspacing</b> and the
548 interpolation order with <b>pme-order</b>. With a grid spacing of 0.1
549 nm and cubic interpolation the electrostatic forces have an accuracy
550 of 2-3*10<sup>-4</sup>. Since the error from the vdw-cutoff is larger than this you
551 might try 0.15 nm. When running in parallel the interpolation
552 parallelizes better than the FFT, so try decreasing grid dimensions
553 while increasing interpolation.</dd>
555 <dt><b><!--Idx-->P3M-AD<!--EIdx--></b></dt>
556 <dd>Particle-Particle Particle-Mesh algorithm with analytical derivative
557 for for long range electrostatic interactions. The method and code
558 is identical to SPME, except that the influence function is optimized
559 for the grid. This gives a slight increase in accuracy.</dd>
561 <dt><b>Reaction-Field electrostatics<!--QuietIdx-->reaction-field electrostatics<!--EQuietIdx--></b></dt>
562 <dd>Reaction field with Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
563 where <b>rcoulomb</b> &ge; <b>rlist</b>.
564 The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is <b>epsilon-rf</b>.
565 The dielectric constant can be set to infinity by setting <b>epsilon-rf</b><tt>=0</tt>.</dd>
567 <dt><b>Generalized-Reaction-Field</b></dt>
568 <dd>Generalized reaction field with Coulomb cut-off <b>rcoulomb</b>,
569 where <b>rcoulomb</b> &ge; <b>rlist</b>.
570 The dielectric constant beyond the cut-off is <b>epsilon-rf</b>.
571 The ionic strength is computed from the number of charged
572 (i.e. with non zero charge) <!--Idx-->charge group<!--EIdx-->s.
573 The temperature for the GRF potential is set with
574 <b><A HREF="#tc">ref-t</A></b> [K].</dd>
576 <dt><b>Reaction-Field-zero</b></dt>
577 <dd>In GROMACS, normal reaction-field electrostatics with
578 <b>cutoff-scheme</b><b>=group</b> leads to bad
579 energy conservation. <b>Reaction-Field-zero</b> solves this
580 by making the potential zero beyond the cut-off. It can only
581 be used with an infinite dielectric constant (<b>epsilon-rf=0</b>),
582 because only for that value the force vanishes at the cut-off.
583 <b>rlist</b> should be 0.1 to 0.3 nm larger than <b>rcoulomb</b>
584 to accommodate for the size of charge groups and diffusion
585 between neighbor list updates. This, and the fact that table lookups
586 are used instead of analytical functions make <b>Reaction-Field-zero</b>
587 computationally more expensive than normal reaction-field.</dd>
589 <dt><b>Reaction-Field-nec</b></dt>
590 <dd>The same as <b>Reaction-Field</b>, but implemented as in
591 GROMACS versions before 3.3. No reaction-field correction is applied
592 to excluded atom pairs and self pairs.
593 The 1-4 interactions are calculated using a reaction-field.
594 The missing correction due to the excluded pairs that do not have a 1-4
595 interaction is up to a few percent of the total electrostatic
596 energy and causes a minor difference in the forces and the pressure.</dd>
598 <dt><b>Shift</b></dt>
599 <dd>Analogous to <b>Shift</b> for <b>vdwtype</b>.
600 You might want to use <b>Reaction-Field-zero</b> instead,
601 which has a similar potential shape, but has a physical interpretation
602 and has better energies due to the exclusion correction terms.
603 </dd>
605 <dt><b>Encad-Shift</b></dt>
606 <dd>The Coulomb
607 potential is decreased over the whole range, using the definition
608 from the Encad simulation package.</dd>
610 <dt><b>Switch</b></dt>
611 <dd>Analogous to <b>Switch</b> for <b>vdwtype</b>.
612 Switching the Coulomb potential can lead to serious artifacts,
613 advice: use <b>Reaction-Field-zero</b> instead.</dd>
615 <dt><b>User</b></dt>
616 <dd><a name="usertab"></a><tt>mdrun</tt> will now expect to find a file
617 <tt>table.xvg</tt> with user-defined potential functions for
618 repulsion, dispersion and Coulomb. When pair interactions are present,
619 <tt>mdrun</tt> also expects to find a file <tt>tablep.xvg</tt> for
620 the pair interactions. When the same interactions should be used
621 for non-bonded and pair interactions the user can specify the same
622 file name for both table files.
623 These files should contain 7
624 columns: the <tt>x</tt> value,
625 <tt>f(x)</tt>, <tt>-f'(x)</tt>,
626 <tt>g(x)</tt>, <tt>-g'(x)</tt>,
627 <tt>h(x)</tt>, <tt>-h'(x)</tt>,
628 where <tt>f(x)</tt> is the Coulomb function, <tt>g(x)</tt> the dispersion function
629 and <tt>h(x)</tt> the repulsion function.
630 When <b>vdwtype</b> is not set to <b>User</b> the values
631 for <tt>g</tt>, <tt>-g'</tt>, <tt>h</tt> and <tt>-h'</tt> are ignored.
632 For the non-bonded interactions <tt>x</tt> values should run
633 from 0 to the largest cut-off distance + <b>table-extension</b>
634 and should be uniformly spaced. For the pair interactions the table
635 length in the file will be used.
636 The optimal spacing, which is used for non-user tables,
637 is <tt>0.002</tt> [nm] when you run in single precision
638 or <tt>0.0005</tt> [nm] when you run in double precision.
639 The function value at <tt>x=0</tt> is not important. More information is
640 in the printed manual.</dd>
642 <dt><b>PME-Switch</b></dt>
643 <dd>A combination of PME and a switch function for the direct-space part
644 (see above). <b>rcoulomb</b> is allowed to be smaller than <b>rlist</b>.
645 This is mainly useful constant energy simulations (note that using
646 <b>PME</b> with <b>cutoff-scheme</b>=<b>Verlet</b> will be more efficient).
647 </dd>
649 <dt><b>PME-User</b></dt>
650 <dd>A combination of PME and user tables (see above).
651 <b>rcoulomb</b> is allowed to be smaller than <b>rlist</b>.
652 The PME mesh contribution is subtracted from the user table by <tt>mdrun</tt>.
653 Because of this subtraction the user tables should contain
654 about 10 decimal places.</dd>
656 <dt><b>PME-User-Switch</b></dt>
657 <dd>A combination of PME-User and a switching function (see above).
658 The switching function is applied to final particle-particle interaction,
659 i.e. both to the user supplied function and the PME Mesh correction part.</dd>
661 </dl></dd>
663 <A NAME="el2">
664 <dt><b>rcoulomb-switch: (0) [nm]</b></dt>
665 <dd>where to start switching the Coulomb potential</dd>
667 <dt><b>rcoulomb: (-1) [nm]</b></dt>
668 <dd>distance for the Coulomb <!--Idx-->cut-off<!--EIdx-->, should be &ge; 0</dd>
670 <dt><b>epsilon-r: (1)</b></dt>
671 <dd>The relative <!--Idx-->dielectric constant<!--EIdx-->.
672 A value of 0 means infinity.</dd>
674 <dt><b>epsilon-rf: (0)</b></dt>
675 <dd>The relative dielectric constant of the reaction field.
676 This is only used with reaction-field electrostatics.
677 A value of 0 means infinity.</dd>
678 </dl>
680 <A NAME="vdw">
681 <hr>
682 <h3>VdW</h3>
683 <dl>
684 <dt><b>vdwtype:</b></dt>
685 <dd><dl compact>
686 <dt><b>Cut-off</b></dt>
687 <dd>Twin range cut-offs with neighbor list cut-off <b>rlist</b> and
688 VdW cut-off <b>rvdw</b>,
689 where <b>rvdw</b> <tt>&ge;</tt> <b>rlist</b>.</dd>
690 <dt><b>Shift</b></dt>
691 <dd>The LJ (not Buckingham) potential is decreased over the whole
692 range and the forces decay smoothly to zero between <b>rvdw-switch</b>
693 and <b>rvdw</b>. The neighbor search cut-off <b>rlist</b> should be
694 0.1 to 0.3 nm larger than <b>rvdw</b> to accommodate for the size of
695 charge groups and diffusion between neighbor list
696 updates.</dd>
698 <dt><b>Switch</b></dt>
699 <dd>The LJ (not Buckingham)
700 potential is normal out to <b>rvdw-switch</b>, after which it is switched
701 off to reach zero at <b>rvdw</b>. Both the potential and force functions
702 are continuously smooth, but be aware that all switch functions will give rise
703 to a bulge (increase) in the force (since we are switching the potential).
704 The neighbor search cut-off <b>rlist</b> should be 0.1 to 0.3 nm larger than
705 <b>rvdw</b> to accommodate for the size of charge groups and diffusion
706 between neighbor list updates.</dd>
708 <dt><b>Encad-Shift</b></dt>
709 <dd>The LJ (not Buckingham)
710 potential is decreased over the whole range, using the definition
711 from the Encad simulation package.</dd>
713 <dt><b>User</b></dt>
714 <dd>See <b><a href="#usertab">user</a></b> for <b>coulombtype</b>.
715 The function value at <tt>x=0</tt> is not important. When you want to
716 use LJ correction, make sure that <b>rvdw</b> corresponds to the
717 cut-off in the user-defined function.
718 When <b>coulombtype</b> is not set to <b>User</b> the values
719 for <tt>f</tt> and <tt>-f'</tt> are ignored.</dd>
720 </dl></dd>
722 <dt><b>rvdw-switch: (0) [nm]</b></dt>
723 <dd>where to start switching the LJ potential</dd>
725 <dt><b>rvdw: (-1) [nm]</b></dt>
726 <dd>distance for the LJ or Buckingham <!--Idx-->cut-off<!--EIdx-->, should be &ge; 0</dd>
728 <dt><b>DispCorr:</b></dt>
729 <dd><dl compact></dd>
730 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
731 <dd>don't apply any correction</dd>
732 <dt><b>EnerPres</b></dt>
733 <dd>apply long range <!--Idx-->dispersion correction<!--EIdx-->s for Energy
734 and Pressure</dd>
735 <dt><b>Ener</b></dt>
736 <dd>apply long range dispersion corrections for Energy
737 only</dd>
738 </dl>
739 </dl>
741 <A NAME="table">
742 <hr>
743 <h3>Tables</h3>
744 <dl>
745 <dt><b>table-extension: (1) [nm]</b></dt>
746 <dd>Extension of the non-bonded potential lookup tables beyond the largest cut-off distance.
747 The value should be large enough to account for charge group sizes
748 and the diffusion between neighbor-list updates.
749 Without user defined potential the same table length is used
750 for the lookup tables for the 1-4 interactions,
751 which are always tabulated irrespective of the use of
752 tables for the non-bonded interactions. </dd>
754 <dt><b>energygrp-table:</b></dt>
755 <dd>When user tables are used for electrostatics and/or VdW,
756 here one can give pairs of energy groups for which seperate
757 user tables should be used.
758 The two energy groups will be appended to the table file name,
759 in order of their definition in <b>energygrps</b>, seperated by underscores.
760 For example, if <tt>energygrps = Na Cl Sol</tt>
761 and <tt>energygrp-table = Na Na Na Cl</tt>, <tt>mdrun</tt> will read
762 <tt>table_Na_Na.xvg</tt> and <tt>table_Na_Cl.xvg</tt> in addition
763 to the normal <tt>table.xvg</tt> which will be used for all other
764 energy group pairs.
765 </dd>
766 </dl>
768 <A NAME="ewald">
769 <hr>
770 <h3>Ewald</h3>
771 <dl>
772 <dt><b>fourierspacing: (0.12) [nm]</b></dt>
773 <dd>For ordinary Ewald, the ratio of the box dimensions and the spacing
774 determines a lower bound for the number of wave vectors to use in each
775 (signed) direction. For PME and P3M, that ratio determines a lower bound
776 for the number of Fourier-space grid points that will be used along that
777 axis. In all cases, the number for each direction can be overridden by
778 entering a non-zero value for <b>fourier_n[xyz]</b>.
779 For optimizing the relative load of the particle-particle interactions
780 and the mesh part of PME, it is useful to know that
781 the accuracy of the electrostatics remains nearly constant
782 when the Coulomb cut-off and the PME grid spacing are scaled
783 by the same factor.</dd>
785 <dt><b>fourier-nx (0) ; fourier-ny (0) ; fourier-nz: (0)</b></dt>
786 <dd>Highest magnitude of wave vectors in reciprocal space when using Ewald.</dd>
787 <dd>Grid size when using PME or P3M. These values override
788 <b>fourierspacing</b> per direction. The best choice is powers of
789 2, 3, 5 and 7. Avoid large primes.</dd>
791 <dt><b>pme-order (4)</b></dt>
792 <dd>Interpolation order for PME. 4 equals cubic interpolation. You might try
793 6/8/10 when running in parallel and simultaneously decrease grid dimension.</dd>
795 <dt><b>ewald-rtol (1e-5)</b></dt>
796 <dd>The relative strength of the Ewald-shifted direct potential at
797 <b>rcoulomb</b> is given by <b>ewald-rtol</b>.
798 Decreasing this will give a more accurate direct sum,
799 but then you need more wave vectors for the reciprocal sum.</dd>
801 <dt><b>ewald-geometry: (3d)</b></dt>
802 <dd><dl compact>
803 <dt><b>3d</b></dt>
804 <dd>The Ewald sum is performed in all three dimensions.</dd>
805 <dt><b>3dc</b></dt>
806 <dd>The reciprocal sum is still performed in 3D,
807 but a force and potential correction applied in the <tt>z</tt>
808 dimension to produce a pseudo-2D summation.
809 If your system has a slab geometry in the <tt>x-y</tt> plane you can
810 try to increase the <tt>z</tt>-dimension of the box (a box height of 3 times
811 the slab height is usually ok)
812 and use this option.</dd>
813 </dl></dd>
815 <dt><b>epsilon-surface: (0)</b></dt>
816 <dd>This controls the dipole correction to the Ewald summation in 3D. The
817 default value of zero means it is turned off. Turn it on by setting it to the value
818 of the relative permittivity of the imaginary surface around your infinite system. Be
819 careful - you shouldn't use this if you have free mobile charges in your system.
820 This value does not affect the slab 3DC variant of the long range corrections.</dd>
823 <dt><b>optimize-fft:</b></dt>
824 <dd><dl compact>
825 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
826 <dd>Don't calculate the optimal FFT plan for the grid at startup.</dd>
827 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
828 <dd>Calculate the optimal FFT plan for the grid at startup. This saves a
829 few percent for long simulations, but takes a couple of minutes
830 at start.</dd>
831 </dl></dd>
833 </dl>
835 <A NAME="tc"><br>
836 <hr>
837 <h3>Temperature coupling<!--QuietIdx-->temperature coupling<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
839 <dl>
840 <dt><b>tcoupl:</b></dt>
841 <dd><dl compact>
842 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
843 <dd>No temperature coupling.</dd>
844 <dt><b>berendsen</b></dt>
845 <dd>Temperature coupling with a Berendsen-thermostat to a bath with
846 temperature <b>ref-t</b> [K], with time constant <b>tau-t</b> [ps].
847 Several groups can be coupled separately, these are specified in the
848 <b>tc-grps</b> field separated by spaces.</dd>
849 <dt><b>nose-hoover</b></dt>
850 <dd>Temperature coupling using a Nose-Hoover extended
851 ensemble. The reference temperature and coupling groups are selected
852 as above, but in this case <b>tau-t</b> [ps] controls the period
853 of the temperature fluctuations at equilibrium, which is slightly
854 different from a relaxation time.
855 For NVT simulations the conserved energy quantity is written
856 to energy and log file.</dd>
857 <dt><b>v-rescale</b></dt>
858 <dd>Temperature coupling using velocity rescaling with a stochastic term
859 (JCP 126, 014101).
860 This thermostat is similar to Berendsen coupling, with the same scaling
861 using <b>tau-t</b>, but the stochastic term ensures that a proper
862 canonical ensemble is generated. The random seed is set with
863 <b><A HREF="#ld">ld-seed</A></b>.
864 This thermostat works correctly even for <b>tau-t</b><tt>=0</tt>.
865 For NVT simulations the conserved energy quantity is written
866 to the energy and log file.</dd>
867 </dl>
868 <dt><b>nsttcouple: (-1)</b></dt>
869 <dd>The frequency for coupling the temperature.
870 The default value of -1 sets <b>nsttcouple</b> equal to <b>nstlist</b>,
871 unless <b>nstlist</b>&le;0, then a value of 10 is used.
872 For velocity Verlet integrators <b>nsttcouple</b> is set to 1.</dd>
873 </dd>
874 <dt><b>nh-chain-length (10)</b></dt>
875 <dd>the number of chained Nose-Hoover thermostats for velocity Verlet integrators, the leap-frog <b>md</b> integrator only supports 1. Data for the NH chain variables is not printed to the .edr, but can be using the <tt>GMX_NOSEHOOVER_CHAINS</tt> environment variable</dd>
876 <dt><b>tc-grps:</b></dt>
877 <dd>groups to couple separately to temperature bath</dd>
878 <dt><b>tau-t: [ps]</b></dt>
879 <dd>time constant for coupling (one for each group in <b>tc-grps</b>),
880 -1 means no temperature coupling</dd>
881 <dt><b>ref-t: [K]</b></dt>
882 <dd>reference temperature for coupling (one for each group in <b>tc-grps</b>)</dd>
883 </dl>
885 <A NAME="pc"><br>
886 <hr>
887 <h3>Pressure coupling<!--QuietIdx-->pressure coupling<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
889 <dl>
890 <dt><b>pcoupl:</b></dt>
891 <dd><dl compact>
892 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
893 <dd>No pressure coupling. This means a fixed box size.</dd>
894 <dt><b>berendsen</b></dt>
895 <dd>Exponential relaxation pressure coupling with time constant
896 <b>tau-p</b> [ps]. The box is scaled every timestep. It has been
897 argued that this does not yield a correct thermodynamic ensemble,
898 but it is the most efficient way to scale a box at the beginning
899 of a run.</dd>
900 <dt><b>Parrinello-Rahman</b></dt>
901 <dd>Extended-ensemble pressure coupling where the box vectors are
902 subject to an equation of motion. The equation of motion for the atoms
903 is coupled to this. No instantaneous scaling takes place. As for
904 Nose-Hoover temperature coupling the time constant <b>tau-p</b> [ps]
905 is the period of pressure fluctuations at equilibrium. This is
906 probably a better method when you want to apply pressure scaling
907 during data collection, but beware that you can get very large
908 oscillations if you are starting from a different pressure. For
909 simulations where the exact fluctation of the NPT ensemble are
910 important, or if the pressure coupling time is very short it may not
911 be appropriate, as the previous time step pressure is used in some
912 steps of the GROMACS implementation for the current time step pressure.</dd>
913 </dl></dd>
914 <dt><b>MTTK</b></dt>
915 <dd>Martyna-Tuckerman-Tobias-Klein implementation, only useable with <b>md-vv</b>
916 or <b>md-vv-avek</b>, very similar to Parrinello-Rahman.
917 As for Nose-Hoover temperature coupling the time constant <b>tau-p</b>
918 [ps] is the period of pressure fluctuations at equilibrium. This is
919 probably a better method when you want to apply pressure scaling
920 during data collection, but beware that you can get very large
921 oscillations if you are starting from a different pressure. Currently only supports isotropic scaling.</dd>
922 </dl></dd>
924 <dl>
925 <dt><b>pcoupltype:</b></dt>
926 <dd><dl compact>
927 <dt><b>isotropic</b></dt>
928 <dd>Isotropic pressure coupling with time constant <b>tau-p</b> [ps].
929 The compressibility and reference pressure are set with
930 <b>compressibility</b> [bar<sup>-1</sup>] and <b>ref-p</b> [bar], one
931 value is needed.</dd>
932 <dt><b>semiisotropic</b></dt>
933 <dd>Pressure coupling which is isotropic in the <tt>x</tt> and <tt>y</tt> direction,
934 but different in the <tt>z</tt> direction.
935 This can be useful for membrane simulations.
936 2 values are needed for <tt>x/y</tt> and <tt>z</tt> directions respectively.</dd>
937 <dt><b>anisotropic</b></dt>
938 <dd>Idem, but 6 values are needed for <tt>xx</tt>, <tt>yy</tt>, <tt>zz</tt>, <tt>xy/yx</tt>, <tt>xz/zx</tt> and <tt>yz/zy</tt>
939 components, respectively.
940 When the off-diagonal compressibilities are set to zero,
941 a rectangular box will stay rectangular.
942 Beware that anisotropic scaling can lead to extreme deformation
943 of the simulation box.</dd>
944 <dt><b>surface-tension</b></dt>
945 <dd>Surface tension coupling for surfaces parallel to the xy-plane.
946 Uses normal pressure coupling for the <tt>z</tt>-direction, while the surface tension
947 is coupled to the <tt>x/y</tt> dimensions of the box.
948 The first <b>ref-p</b> value is the reference surface tension times
949 the number of surfaces [bar nm],
950 the second value is the reference <tt>z</tt>-pressure [bar].
951 The two <b>compressibility</b> [bar<sup>-1</sup>] values are the compressibility
952 in the <tt>x/y</tt> and <tt>z</tt> direction respectively.
953 The value for the <tt>z</tt>-compressibility should be reasonably accurate since it
954 influences the convergence of the surface-tension, it can also be set to zero
955 to have a box with constant height.</dd>
956 </dl></dd>
958 <dt><b>nstpcouple: (-1)</b></dt>
959 <dd>The frequency for coupling the pressure.
960 The default value of -1 sets <b>nstpcouple</b> equal to <b>nstlist</b>,
961 unless <b>nstlist</b> &le;0, then a value of 10 is used.
962 For velocity Verlet integrators <b>nstpcouple</b> is set to 1.</dd>
963 </dd>
965 <dt><b>tau-p: (1) [ps]</b></dt>
966 <dd>time constant for coupling</dd>
967 <dt><b>compressibility: [bar<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
968 <dd>compressibility (NOTE: this is now really in bar<sup>-1</sup>)
969 For water at 1 atm and 300 K the compressibility is 4.5e-5 [bar<sup>-1</sup>].</dd>
970 <dt><b>ref-p: [bar]</b></dt>
971 <dd>reference pressure for coupling</dd>
972 <dt><b>refcoord-scaling:</b></dt>
973 <dd><dl compact>
974 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
975 <dd>The reference coordinates for position restraints are not modified.
976 Note that with this option the virial and pressure will depend on the absolute
977 positions of the reference coordinates.</dd>
978 <dt><b>all</b></dt>
979 <dd>The reference coordinates are scaled with the scaling matrix of the pressure coupling.</dd>
980 <dt><b>com</b></dt>
981 <dd>Scale the center of mass of the reference coordinates with the scaling matrix of the pressure coupling. The vectors of each reference coordinate to the center of mass are not scaled. Only one COM is used, even when there are multiple molecules with position restraints. For calculating the COM of the reference coordinates in the starting configuration, periodic boundary conditions are not taken into account.
982 </dl></dd>
983 </dd>
984 </dl>
986 <A NAME="sa"><br>
987 <hr>
988 <h3>Simulated annealing<!--QuietIdx-->simulated annealing<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
990 Simulated annealing is controlled separately for each temperature group in GROMACS. The reference temperature is a piecewise linear function, but you can use an arbitrary number of points for each group, and choose either a single sequence or a periodic behaviour for each group. The actual annealing is performed by dynamically changing the reference temperature used in the thermostat algorithm selected, so remember that the system will usually not instantaneously reach the reference temperature!
991 <dl>
992 <dt><b>annealing:</b></dt>
993 <dd>Type of annealing for each temperature group</dd>
994 <dd><dl compact></dd>
995 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
996 <dd>No simulated annealing - just couple to reference temperature value.</dd>
997 <dt><b>single</b></dt>
998 <dd>A single sequence of annealing points. If your simulation is longer than the time of the last point, the temperature will be coupled to this constant value after the annealing sequence has reached the last time point.</dd>
999 <dt><b>periodic</b></dt>
1000 <dd>The annealing will start over at the first reference point once the last reference time is reached. This is repeated until the simulation ends.
1001 </dd>
1002 </dl>
1004 <dt><b>annealing-npoints:</b></dt>
1005 <dd>A list with the number of annealing reference/control points used for
1006 each temperature group. Use 0 for groups that are not annealed. The number of entries should equal the number of temperature groups.</dd>
1008 <dt><b>annealing-time:</b></dt>
1009 <dd>List of times at the annealing reference/control points for each group. If you are using periodic annealing, the times will be used modulo the last value, i.e. if the values are 0, 5, 10, and 15, the coupling will restart at the 0ps value after 15ps, 30ps, 45ps, etc. The number of entries should equal the sum of the numbers given in <tt>annealing-npoints</tt>.</dd>
1011 <dt><b>annealing-temp:</b></dt>
1012 <dd>List of temperatures at the annealing reference/control points for each group. The number of entries should equal the sum of the numbers given in <tt>annealing-npoints</tt>.</dd>
1013 <br>
1014 Confused? OK, let's use an example. Assume you have two temperature groups, set the group selections to <tt>annealing = single periodic</tt>, the number of points of each group to <tt>annealing-npoints = 3 4</tt>, the times to <tt>annealing-time = 0 3 6 0 2 4 6</tt> and finally temperatures to <tt>annealing-temp = 298 280 270 298 320 320 298</tt>.
1015 The first group will be coupled to 298K at 0ps, but the reference temperature will drop linearly to reach 280K at 3ps, and then linearly between 280K and 270K from 3ps to 6ps. After this is stays constant, at 270K. The second group is coupled to 298K at 0ps, it increases linearly to 320K at 2ps, where it stays constant until 4ps. Between 4ps and 6ps it decreases to 298K, and then it starts over with the same pattern again, i.e. rising linearly from 298K to 320K between 6ps and 8ps. Check the summary printed by <tt>grompp</tt> if you are unsure!
1016 </dl>
1018 <A NAME="vel"><br>
1019 <hr>
1020 <h3>Velocity generation</h3>
1022 <dl>
1023 <dt><b>gen-vel:</b></dt>
1024 <dd><dl compact>
1025 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1026 <dd> Do not generate velocities. The velocities are set to zero
1027 when there are no velocities in the input structure file.</dd>
1028 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1029 <dd>Generate velocities in <tt>grompp</tt> according to a Maxwell distribution at
1030 temperature <b>gen-temp</b> [K], with random seed <b>gen-seed</b>.
1031 This is only meaningful with integrator <b><A HREF="#run">md</A></b>.</dd>
1032 </dl></dd>
1033 <dt><b>gen-temp: (300) [K]</b></dt>
1034 <dd>temperature for Maxwell distribution</dd>
1035 <dt><b>gen-seed: (173529) [integer]</b></dt>
1036 <dd>used to initialize random generator for random velocities,
1037 when <b>gen-seed</b> is set to -1, the seed is calculated from
1038 the process ID number.
1039 </dl>
1041 <A NAME="bond"><br>
1042 <hr>
1043 <h3>Bonds</h3>
1045 <dl>
1046 <dt><b>constraints<!--QuietIdx-->constraint algorithms<!--QuietEIdx-->:</b></dt>
1047 <dd><dl compact>
1048 <dt><b>none</b></dt>
1049 <dd>No constraints except for those defined explicitly in the topology,
1050 i.e. bonds are represented by a harmonic (or other) potential
1051 or a Morse potential (depending on the setting of <b>morse</b>)
1052 and angles by a harmonic (or other) potential.
1053 <dt><b>h-bonds</b></dt>
1054 <dd>Convert the bonds with H-atoms to constraints.</dd>
1055 <dt><b>all-bonds</b></dt>
1056 <dd>Convert all bonds to constraints.</dd>
1057 <dt><b>h-angles</b></dt>
1058 <dd>Convert all bonds and additionally the angles that involve H-atoms
1059 to bond-constraints.</dd>
1060 <dt><b>all-angles</b></dt>
1061 <dd>Convert all bonds and angles to bond-constraints.</dd>
1062 </dl>
1064 <dt><b>constraint-algorithm:</b></dt>
1065 <dd><dl compact>
1066 <dt><b><!--Idx-->LINCS<!--EIdx--></b></dt>
1067 <dd>LINear Constraint Solver.
1068 With domain decomposition the parallel version P-LINCS is used.
1069 The accuracy in set with
1070 <b>lincs-order</b>, which sets the number of matrices in the expansion
1071 for the matrix inversion.
1072 After the matrix inversion correction the algorithm does
1073 an iterative correction to compensate for lengthening due to rotation.
1074 The number of such iterations can be controlled with
1075 <b>lincs-iter</b>. The root mean square relative constraint deviation
1076 is printed to the log file every <b>nstlog</b> steps.
1077 If a bond rotates more than <b>lincs-warnangle</b> [degrees] in one step,
1078 a warning will be printed both to the log file and to <TT>stderr</TT>.
1079 LINCS should not be used with coupled angle constraints.
1080 </dd>
1081 <dt><b><!--Idx-->SHAKE<!--EIdx--></b></dt>
1082 <dd>SHAKE is slightly slower and less stable than LINCS, but does work with
1083 angle constraints.
1084 The relative tolerance is set with <b>shake-tol</b>, 0.0001 is a good value
1085 for ``normal'' MD. SHAKE does not support constraints between atoms
1086 on different nodes, thus it can not be used with domain decompositon
1087 when inter charge-group constraints are present.
1088 SHAKE can not be used with energy minimization.
1089 </dd>
1090 </dl></dd>
1091 <dt><b>continuation:</b></dt>
1092 <dd>This option was formerly known as <tt>unconstrained-start</tt>.</dd>
1093 <dd><dl compact>
1094 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1095 <dd>apply constraints to the start configuration and reset shells</dd>
1096 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1097 <dd>do not apply constraints to the start configuration
1098 and do not reset shells, useful for exact coninuation and reruns</dd>
1099 </dl></dd>
1101 <A NAME="bond2">
1102 <dt><b>shake-tol: (0.0001)</b></dt>
1103 <dd>relative tolerance for SHAKE</dd>
1104 <dt><b>lincs-order: (4)</b></dt>
1105 <dd>Highest order in the expansion of the constraint coupling matrix.
1106 When constraints form triangles, an additional expansion of the same
1107 order is applied on top of the normal expansion only for the couplings
1108 within such triangles.
1109 For ``normal'' MD simulations an order of 4 usually suffices, 6 is
1110 needed for large time-steps with virtual sites or BD.
1111 For accurate energy minimization an order of 8 or more might be required.
1112 With domain decomposition, the cell size is limited by the distance
1113 spanned by <b>lincs-order</b>+1 constraints. When one wants to scale
1114 further than this limit, one can decrease <b>lincs-order</b> and increase
1115 <b>lincs-iter</b>, since the accuracy does not deteriorate
1116 when (1+<b>lincs-iter</b>)*<b>lincs-order</b> remains constant.</dd>
1117 <dt><b>lincs-iter: (1)</b></dt>
1118 <dd>Number of iterations to correct for rotational lengthening in LINCS.
1119 For normal runs a single step is sufficient, but for NVE
1120 runs where you want to conserve energy accurately or for accurate
1121 energy minimization you might want to increase it to 2.
1122 <dt><b>lincs-warnangle: </b>(30) [degrees]</dt>
1123 <dd>maximum angle that a bond can rotate before LINCS will complain</dd>
1125 <dt><b>morse:</b></dt>
1126 <dd><dl compact>
1127 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1128 <dd>bonds are represented by a harmonic potential</dd>
1129 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1130 <dd>bonds are represented by a Morse potential</dd>
1131 </dl></dd>
1132 </dl>
1134 <A NAME="egexcl"><br>
1135 <hr>
1136 <h3>Energy group <!--Idx-->exclusions<!--EIdx--></h3>
1137 <dl>
1138 <dt><b>energygrp-excl: </b></dt>
1139 <dd>Pairs of energy groups for which all non-bonded interactions are
1140 excluded. An example: if you have two energy groups <tt>Protein</tt>
1141 and <tt>SOL</tt>, specifying
1142 <br>
1143 <tt>energygrp-excl&nbsp;=&nbsp;Protein&nbsp;Protein&nbsp;&nbsp;SOL&nbsp;SOL</tt>
1144 <br>
1145 would give only the non-bonded interactions between the protein and the
1146 solvent. This is especially useful for speeding up energy calculations with
1147 <tt>mdrun -rerun</tt> and for excluding interactions within frozen groups.</dd>
1148 </dl>
1150 <A NAME="walls"><br>
1151 <hr>
1152 <h3>Walls<!--QuietIdx-->walls<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
1153 <dl>
1154 <dt><b>nwall: 0</b></dt>
1155 <dd>When set to <b>1</b> there is a wall at <tt>z=0</tt>, when set to <b>2</b>
1156 there is also a wall at <tt>z=z-box</tt>. Walls can only be used with <b>pbc=xy</b>.
1157 When set to <b>2</b> pressure coupling and Ewald summation can be used
1158 (it is usually best to use semiisotropic pressure coupling with
1159 the <tt>x/y</tt> compressibility set to 0, as otherwise the surface area will change).
1160 Walls interact wit the rest of the system through an optional <tt>wall-atomtype</tt>.
1161 Energy groups <tt>wall0</tt> and <tt>wall1</tt> (for <b>nwall=2</b>) are
1162 added automatically to monitor the interaction of energy groups
1163 with each wall.
1164 The <A HREF="#run">center of mass motion removal</A> will be turned
1165 off in the <tt>z</tt>-direction.</dd>
1166 <dt><b>wall-atomtype:</b></dt>
1167 <dd>the atom type name in the force field for each wall.
1168 By (for example) defining a special wall atom type in the topology with its
1169 own combination rules, this allows for independent tuning of the interaction
1170 of each atomtype with the walls.</dd>
1171 <dt><b>wall-type:</b></dt>
1172 <dd><dl compact>
1173 <dt><b>9-3</b></dt>
1174 <dd>LJ integrated over the volume behind the wall: 9-3 potential</dd>
1175 <dt><b>10-4</b></dt>
1176 <dd>LJ integrated over the wall surface: 10-4 potential</dd>
1177 <dt><b>12-6</b></dt>
1178 <dd>direct LJ potential with the z distance from the wall</dd>
1179 <dt><b>table</b></dt><dd>user defined potentials indexed with the z distance from the wall, the tables are read analogously to
1180 the <b><A HREF="#table">energygrp-table</A></b> option,
1181 where the first name is for a ``normal'' energy group and the second name
1182 is <tt>wall0</tt> or <tt>wall1</tt>,
1183 only the dispersion and repulsion columns are used</dd>
1184 </dl></dd>
1185 <dt><b>wall-r-linpot: -1 (nm)</b></dt>
1186 <dd>Below this distance from the wall the potential is continued
1187 linearly and thus the force is constant. Setting this option to
1188 a postive value is especially useful for equilibration when some atoms
1189 are beyond a wall.
1190 When the value is &le;0 (&lt;0 for <b>wall-type=table</b>),
1191 a fatal error is generated when atoms are beyond a wall.
1192 </dd>
1193 <dt><b>wall-density: [nm<sup>-3</sup>/nm<sup>-2</sup>]</b></dt>
1194 <dd>the number density of the atoms for each wall for wall types
1195 <b>9-3</b> and <b>10-4</b>
1196 <dt><b>wall-ewald-zfac: 3</b></dt>
1197 <dd>The scaling factor for the third box vector for Ewald summation only,
1198 the minimum is 2.
1199 Ewald summation can only be used with <b>nwall=2</b>, where one
1200 should use <b><A HREF="#ewald">ewald-geometry</A><tt>=3dc</tt></b>.
1201 The empty layer in the box serves to decrease the unphysical Coulomb
1202 interaction between periodic images.
1203 </dl>
1205 <A NAME="pull"><br>
1206 <hr>
1207 <h3>COM <!--Idx-->pulling<!--EIdx--></h3>
1208 <dl>
1209 <dt><b>pull:</b></dt>
1210 <dd><dl compact>
1211 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1212 <dd>No center of mass pulling.
1213 All the following pull options will be ignored
1214 (and if present in the <tt>.mdp</tt> file, they unfortunately generate warnings)</dd>
1215 <dt><b>umbrella</b></dt>
1216 <dd>Center of mass pulling using an umbrella potential
1217 between the reference group and one or more groups.</dd>
1218 <dt><b>constraint</b></dt>
1219 <dd>Center of mass pulling using a constraint
1220 between the reference group and one or more groups.
1221 The setup is identical to the option <b>umbrella</b>, except for the fact
1222 that a rigid constraint is applied instead of a harmonic potential.</dd>
1223 <dt><b>constant-force</b></dt>
1224 <dd>Center of mass pulling using a linear potential and therefore
1225 a constant force. For this option there is no reference position
1226 and therefore the parameters <b>pull-init</b> and <b>pull-rate</b>
1227 are not used.</dd>
1228 </dl></dd>
1229 <dt><b>pull-geometry:</b></dt>
1230 <dd><dl compact>
1231 <dt><b>distance</b></dt>
1232 <dd>Pull along the vector connecting the two groups.
1233 Components can be selected with <b>pull-dim</b>.</dd>
1234 <dt><b>direction</b></dt>
1235 <dd>Pull in the direction of <b>pull-vec</b>.</dd>
1236 <dt><b>direction-periodic</b></dt>
1237 <dd>As <b>direction</b>, but allows the distance to be larger than
1238 half the box size. With this geometry the box should not be dynamic
1239 (e.g. no pressure scaling) in the pull dimensions and the pull force
1240 is not added to virial.</dd>
1241 <dt><b>cylinder</b></dt>
1242 <dd>Designed for pulling with respect to a layer where the reference COM
1243 is given by a local cylindrical part of the reference group.
1244 The pulling is in the direction of <b>pull-vec</b>.
1245 From the reference group a cylinder is selected around the axis going
1246 through the pull group with direction <b>pull-vec</b> using two radii.
1247 The radius <b>pull-r1</b> gives the radius within which all
1248 the relative weights are one, between <b>pull-r1</b> and
1249 <b>pull-r0</b> the weights are switched to zero. Mass weighting is also used.
1250 Note that the radii should be smaller than half the box size.
1251 For tilted cylinders they should be even smaller than half the box size
1252 since the distance of an atom in the reference group
1253 from the COM of the pull group has both a radial and an axial component.
1254 <dt><b>position</b></dt>
1255 <dd>Pull to the position of the reference group plus
1256 <b>pull-init</b> + time*<b>pull-rate</b>*<b>pull-vec</b>.</dd>
1257 </dl></dd>
1258 <dt><b>pull-dim: (Y Y Y)</b></dt>
1259 <dd>the distance components to be used with geometry <b>distance</b>
1260 and <b>position</b>, and also sets which components are printed
1261 to the output files</dd>
1262 <dt><b>pull-r1: (1) [nm]</b></dt>
1263 <dd>the inner radius of the cylinder for geometry <b>cylinder</b></dd>
1264 <dt><b>pull-r0: (1) [nm]</b></dt>
1265 <dd>the outer radius of the cylinder for geometry <b>cylinder</b></dd>
1266 <dt><b>pull-constr-tol: (1e-6)</b></dt>
1267 <dd>the relative constraint tolerance for constraint pulling</dd>
1268 <dt><b>pull-start:</b></dt>
1269 <dd><dl compact>
1270 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1271 <dd>do not modify <b>pull-init</b>
1272 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1273 <dd>add the COM distance of the starting conformation to <b>pull-init</b></dd>
1274 </dl>
1275 <dt><b>pull-nstxout: (10)</b></dt>
1276 <dd>frequency for writing out the COMs of all the pull group</dd>
1277 <dt><b>pull-nstfout: (1)</b></dt>
1278 <dd>frequency for writing out the force of all the pulled group</dd>
1279 <dt><b>pull-ngroups: (1)</b></dt>
1280 <dd>The number of pull groups, not including the reference group.
1281 If there is only one group, there is no difference in treatment
1282 of the reference and pulled group (except with the cylinder geometry).
1283 Below only the pull options for the reference group (ending on 0)
1284 and the first group (ending on 1) are given,
1285 further groups work analogously, but with the number 1 replaced
1286 by the group number.</dd>
1287 <dt><b>pull-group0: </b></dt>
1288 <dd>The name of the reference group. When this is empty an absolute reference
1289 of (0,0,0) is used. With an absolute reference the system is no longer
1290 translation invariant and one should think about what to do with
1291 the <A HREF="#run">center of mass motion</A>.</dd>
1292 <dt><b>pull-weights0: </b></dt>
1293 <dd>see <b>pull-weights1</b></dd>
1294 <dt><b>pull-pbcatom0: (0)</b></dt>
1295 <dd>see <b>pull-pbcatom1</b></dd>
1296 <dt><b>pull-group1: </b></dt>
1297 <dd>The name of the pull group.</dd>
1298 <dt><b>pull-weights1: </b></dt>
1299 <dd>Optional relative weights which are multiplied with the masses of the atoms
1300 to give the total weight for the COM. The number should be 0, meaning all 1,
1301 or the number of atoms in the pull group.</dd>
1302 <dt><b>pull-pbcatom1: (0)</b></dt>
1303 <dd>The reference atom for the treatment of periodic boundary conditions
1304 inside the group
1305 (this has no effect on the treatment of the pbc between groups).
1306 This option is only important when the diameter of the pull group
1307 is larger than half the shortest box vector.
1308 For determining the COM, all atoms in the group are put at their periodic image
1309 which is closest to <b>pull-pbcatom1</b>.
1310 A value of 0 means that the middle atom (number wise) is used.
1311 This parameter is not used with geometry <b>cylinder</b>.
1312 A value of -1 turns on cosine weighting, which is useful for a group
1313 of molecules in a periodic system, e.g. a water slab (see Engin et al.
1314 J. Chem. Phys. B 2010).</dd>
1315 <dt><b>pull-vec1: (0.0 0.0 0.0)</b></dt>
1316 <dd>The pull direction. <tt>grompp</tt> normalizes the vector.</dd>
1317 <dt><b>pull-init1: (0.0) / (0.0 0.0 0.0) [nm]</b></dt>
1318 <dd>The reference distance at t=0. This is a single value,
1319 except for geometry <b>position</b> which uses a vector.</dd>
1320 <dt><b>pull-rate1: (0) [nm/ps]</b></dt>
1321 <dd>The rate of change of the reference position.</dd>
1322 <dt><b>pull-k1: (0) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>] / [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
1323 <dd>The force constant. For umbrella pulling this is the harmonic force
1324 constant in [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>]. For constant force pulling
1325 this is the force constant of the linear potential, and thus minus (!)
1326 the constant force in [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>].</dd>
1327 <dt><b>pull-kB1: (pull-k1) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>] / [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
1328 <dd>As <b>pull-k1</b>, but for state B. This is only used when
1329 <A HREF="#free"><b>free-energy</b></A> is turned on.
1330 The force constant is then (1 - lambda)*<b>pull-k1</b> + lambda*<b>pull-kB1</b>.
1331 </dl>
1333 <A NAME="nmr"><br>
1334 <hr>
1335 <h3><!--Idx-->NMR refinement<!--EIdx--></h3>
1336 <dl>
1337 <dt><b>disre:</b></dt>
1338 <dd><dl compact>
1339 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1340 <dd>ignore <!--Idx-->distance restraint<!--EIdx--> information in topology file</dd>
1341 <dt><b>simple</b></dt>
1342 <dd>simple (per-molecule) distance restraints.
1343 <dt><b>ensemble</b></dt>
1344 <dd>distance restraints over an ensemble of molecules in one
1345 simulation box. Normally, one would perform ensemble averaging over
1346 multiple subsystems, each in a separate box, using <tt>mdrun -multi</tt>;s
1347 upply <tt>topol0.tpr</tt>, <tt>topol1.tpr</tt>, ... with different
1348 coordinates and/or velocities.
1349 The environment variable <tt>GMX_DISRE_ENSEMBLE_SIZE</tt> sets the number
1350 of systems within each ensemble (usually equal to the <tt>mdrun -multi</tt> value).</dd>
1351 </dd>
1352 </dl></dd>
1353 <dt><b>disre-weighting:</b></dt>
1354 <dd><dl compact>
1355 <dt><b>equal</b> (default)</dt>
1356 <dd>divide the restraint force equally over all atom pairs in the restraint</dd>
1357 <dt><b>conservative</b></dt>
1358 <dd>the forces are the derivative of the restraint potential,
1359 this results in an r<sup>-7</sup> weighting of the atom pairs.
1360 The forces are conservative when <tt>disre-tau</tt> is zero.</dd>
1361 </dl></dd>
1362 <dt><b>disre-mixed:</b></dt>
1363 <dd><dl compact>
1364 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1365 <dd>the violation used in the calculation of the restraint force is the
1366 time-averaged violation </dd>
1367 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1368 <dd>the violation used in the calculation of the restraint force is the
1369 square root of the product of the time-averaged violation and the instantaneous violation</dd>
1370 </dl></dd>
1372 <dt><b>disre-fc: (1000) [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>]</b></dt>
1373 <dd>force constant for distance restraints, which is multiplied by a
1374 (possibly) different factor for each restraint given in the <tt>fac</tt>
1375 column of the interaction in the topology file.</dd>
1377 <dt><b>disre-tau: (0) [ps]</b></dt>
1378 <dd>time constant for distance restraints running average. A value of zero turns off time averaging.</dd>
1380 <dt><b>nstdisreout: (100) [steps]</b></dt>
1381 <dd>period between steps when the running time-averaged and instantaneous distances
1382 of all atom pairs involved in restraints are written to the energy file
1383 (can make the energy file very large)</dd>
1385 <A NAME="nmr2">
1386 <dt><b>orire:</b></dt>
1387 <dd><dl compact>
1388 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1389 <dd>ignore <!--Idx-->orientation restraint<!--EIdx--> information in topology file</dd>
1390 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1391 <dd>use orientation restraints, ensemble averaging can be performed
1392 with <tt>mdrun -multi</tt></dd>
1393 </dl>
1394 <dt><b>orire-fc: (0) [kJ mol]</b></dt>
1395 <dd>force constant for orientation restraints, which is multiplied by a
1396 (possibly) different weight factor for each restraint, can be set to zero to
1397 obtain the orientations from a free simulation</dd>
1398 <dt><b>orire-tau: (0) [ps]</b></dt>
1399 <dd>time constant for orientation restraints running average. A value of zero turns off time averaging.</dd>
1400 <dt><b>orire-fitgrp: </b></dt>
1401 <dd>fit group for orientation restraining. This group of atoms is used
1402 to determine the rotation <b>R</b> of the system with respect to the
1403 reference orientation. The reference orientation is the starting
1404 conformation of the first subsystem. For a protein, backbone is a reasonable
1405 choice</dd>
1406 <dt><b>nstorireout: (100) [steps]</b></dt>
1407 <dd>period between steps when the running time-averaged and instantaneous orientations
1408 for all restraints, and the molecular order tensor are written to the energy file
1409 (can make the energy file very large)</dd>
1410 </dl>
1412 <A NAME="free"><br>
1413 <hr>
1414 <h3>Free energy calculations<!--QuietIdx-->free energy calculations<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
1416 <dl>
1417 <dt><b>free-energy:</b></dt>
1418 <dd><dl compact>
1419 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1420 <dd>Only use topology A.</dd>
1421 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1422 <dd>Interpolate between topology A (lambda=0) to topology B (lambda=1)
1423 and write the derivative of the Hamiltonian with respect to lambda (as specified with <b>dhdl-derivatives</b>), or the Hamiltonian differences with respect to other lambda values (as specified with <b>foreign-lambda</b>) to
1424 the energy file and/or to <tt>dhdl.xvg</tt>, where they can be processed by, for example <tt>g_bar</tt>.
1425 The potentials, bond-lengths and angles are interpolated linearly as
1426 described in the manual. When <b>sc-alpha</b> is larger than zero, soft-core
1427 potentials are used for the LJ and Coulomb interactions.</dd>
1428 </dl></dd>
1429 <dt><b>init-lambda: (0)</b></dt>
1430 <dd>starting value for lambda (float). Generally, this should only be used with slow growth. In other cases, <b>init-lambda-state</b> should be specified instead.</dd>
1431 <dt><b>init-lambda-state: (0)</b></dt>
1432 <dd>starting value for the lambda state (integer). Specified which columm of the lambda vector should be used.</dd>
1433 <dt><b>delta-lambda: (0)</b></dt>
1434 <dd>increment per time step for lambda</dd>
1435 <dt><b>coul-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1436 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1437 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1438 Only the electrostatic interactions are controlled with this component of the lambda vector.</dd>
1439 <dt><b>vdw-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1440 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1441 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1442 Only the van der Waals interactions are controlled with this component of the lambda vector.</dd>
1443 <dt><b>bonded-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1444 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1445 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1446 Only the bonded interactions are controlled with this component of the lambda vector.</dd>
1447 <dt><b>restraint-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1448 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1449 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1450 Only the restraint interactions are controlled with this component of the lambda vector.</dd>
1451 <dt><b>mass-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1452 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1453 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1454 Only the particle masses are controlled with this component of the lambda vector.</dd>
1455 <dt><b>temperature-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1456 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1457 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1458 Only the temperatures controlled with this component of the lambda vector.
1459 Note that these lambdas should not be used for replica exchange, only for simulated tempering.</dd>
1460 <dt><b>fep-lambdas: ()</b></dt>
1461 <dd>Zero, one or more lambda values for which Delta H values will
1462 be determined and written to dhdl.xvg every <b>nstdhdl</b> steps.
1463 Free energy differences between different lambda values can then
1464 be determined with <tt>g_bar</tt>. <b>fep-lambdas</b> is different from the other -lambdas keywords because
1465 all components of the lambda vector that are not specified will use <b>fep-lambdas</b>.</dd>
1466 <dt><b>dhdl-derivatives: (yes)</b></dt>
1467 <dd>If yes (the default), the derivatives of the Hamiltonian with respect to lambda at each <b>nstdhdl</b> step are written out. These values are needed for interpolation of linear energy differences with <tt>g_bar</tt> (although the same can also be achieved with the right <b>foreign lambda</b> setting, that may not be as flexible), or with thermodynamic integration</dd>
1468 <dt><b>sc-alpha: (0)</b></dt>
1469 <dd>the soft-core parameter, a value of 0 results in linear interpolation of
1470 the LJ and Coulomb interactions</dd>
1471 <dt><b>sc-r-power: (6)</b></dt>
1472 <dd>the power of the radial term in the soft-core equation. Possible values are 6 and 48. 6 is more standard, and is the default. When 48 is used, then sc-alpha should generally be much lower (between 0.001 and 0.003).</dd>
1473 <dt><b>sc-coul: (no)</b></dt>
1474 <dd>Whether to apply the soft core free energy interations to the Columbic interaction. Default is no, as it is generally
1475 more efficient to turn of the Coulomic interactions linearly before turning off electrostatic interactions.</dd>
1476 <dt><b>sc-power: (0)</b></dt>
1477 <dd>the power for lambda in the soft-core function,
1478 only the values 1 and 2 are supported</dd>
1479 <dt><b>sc-sigma: (0.3) [nm]</b></dt>
1480 <dd>the soft-core sigma for particles which have a C6 or C12 parameter equal
1481 to zero or a sigma smaller than <b>sc-sigma</b></dd>
1482 <dt><b>couple-moltype:</b></dt>
1483 <dd>Here one can supply a molecule type (as defined in the topology)
1484 for calculating solvation or coupling free energies.
1485 There is a special option <b>system</b> that couples all molecule types
1486 in the system. This can be useful for equilibrating a system
1487 starting from (nearly) random coordinates.
1488 <b>free-energy</b> has to be turned on.
1489 The Van der Waals interactions and/or charges in this molecule type can be
1490 turned on or off between lambda=0 and lambda=1, depending on the settings
1491 of <b>couple-lambda0</b> and <b>couple-lambda1</b>. If you want to decouple
1492 one of several copies of a molecule, you need to copy and rename
1493 the molecule definition in the topology.</dd>
1494 <dt><b>couple-lambda0:</b></dt>
1495 <dd><dl compact>
1496 <dt><b>vdw-q</b></dt>
1497 <dd>all interactions are on at lambda=0
1498 <dt><b>vdw</b></dt>
1499 <dd>the charges are zero (no Coulomb interactions) at lambda=0
1500 <dt><b>q</b></dt>
1501 <dd>the Van der Waals interactions are turned at lambda=0; soft-core interactions will be required to avoid singularities
1502 <dt><b>none</b></dt>
1503 <dd>the Van der Waals interactions are turned off and the charges are zero at lambda=0; soft-core interactions will be required to avoid singularities
1504 </dl>
1505 <dt><b>couple-lambda1:</b></dt>
1506 <dd> analogous to <b>couple-lambda1</b>, but for lambda=1
1507 <dt><b>couple-intramol:</b></dt>
1508 <dd><dl compact>
1509 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1510 <dd>All intra-molecular non-bonded interactions for moleculetype <b>couple-moltype</b> are replaced by exclusions and explicit pair interactions. In this manner the decoupled state of the molecule corresponds to the proper vacuum state without periodicity effects.
1511 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1512 <dd>The intra-molecular Van der Waals and Coulomb interactions are also turned on/off. This can be useful for partitioning free-energies of relatively large molecules, where the intra-molecular non-bonded interactions might lead to kinetically trapped vacuum conformations. The 1-4 pair interactions are not turned off.
1513 </dl>
1514 <dt><b>nstdhdl: (10)</b></dt>
1515 <dd>the frequency for writing dH/dlambda and possibly Delta H to dhdl.xvg,
1516 0 means no ouput, should be a multiple of <b>nstcalcenergy</b>and <b>nstfep</b></dd>
1517 <dt><b>nstfep: (10)</b></dt>
1518 <dd>the frequency at which energies at other values of lambda are calculated. If not specified, set to be the same as <b>nstdhdl</b>. Should be a multiple of <b>nstcalcenergy</b>. If replica exchange is chosen, then -replex must also be a multiple of <b>nstfep</b></dd>
1519 <dt><b>separate-dhdl-file: (yes)</b></dt>
1520 <dd><dl compact>
1521 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1522 <dd>the free energy values that are calculated (as specified with the <b>foreign-lambda</b> and <b>dhdl-derivatives</b> settings) are written out to a separate file, with the default name <tt>dhdl.xvg</tt>. This file can be used directly with <tt>g_bar</tt>.</dd>
1523 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1524 <dd>The free energy values are written out to the energy output file (<tt>ener.edr</tt>, in accumulated blocks at every <b>nstenergy</b> steps), where they can be extracted with <tt>g_energy</tt> or used directly with <tt>g_bar</tt>.</dd>
1525 </dl>
1526 <dt><b>dh-hist-size: (0)</b></dt>
1527 <dd>If nonzero, specifies the size of the histogram into which the Delta H values (specified with <b>foreign-lambda</b>) and the derivative dH/dl values are binned, and written to ener.edr. This can be used to save disk space while calculating free energy differences. One histogram gets written for each <b>foreign lambda</b> and two for the dH/dl, at every <b>nstenergy</b> step. Be aware that incorrect histogram settings (too small size or too wide bins) can introduce errors. Do not use histograms unless you're certain you need it.</dd>
1528 <dt><b>dh-hist-spacing (0.1)</b></dt>
1529 <dd>Specifies the bin width of the histograms, in energy units. Used in conjunction with <b>dh-hist-size</b>. This size limits the accuracy with which free energies can be calculated. Do not use histograms unless you're certain you need it.</dd>
1530 </dl>
1531 <A NAME="expanded"><br>
1532 <hr>
1533 <h3><!--Idx-->Expanded Ensemble calculations<!--EIdx--></h3>
1535 <dl>
1536 <dt><b>nstexpanded</b></dt> <dd>The frequency to peform expanded ensemble
1537 simulations. Must be a multiple of <b>nstfep</b>.</dd>
1538 <dt><b>lmc-stats:</b></dt>
1539 <dd><dl compact>
1540 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1541 <dd>No Monte Carlo in state space</dd>
1542 <dt><b>metropolis-transition</b></dt>
1543 <dd> Uses the Metropolis weights to update the expanded ensemble weight of the state.
1544 Min{1,exp(-(beta_new u_new - beta_old u_old)}</dd>
1545 <dt><b>barker-transition</b></dt>
1546 <dd> Uses the Barker transition critera to update the expanded ensemble weight of the state.</dd>
1547 <dt><b>wang-landau</b></dt>
1548 <dd>Uses the Wang-Landau algorithm (in state space) to update the expanded ensemble weights.</dd>
1549 <dt><b>min-variance</b></dt>
1550 <dd>Uses the minimum variance updating method of Escobedo et al to update the expanded ensemble weights. Weights
1551 will not be the free energies, but will rather emphasize states that need more sampling to give even uncertainty.
1552 </dl>
1553 <dt><b>lmc-mc-move:</b></dt>
1554 <dd><dl compact>
1555 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1556 <dd>No Monte Carlo in state space is performed.</dd>
1557 <dt><b>metropolis-transition</b></dt>
1558 <dd> Randomly chooses a new state up or down, then uses the Metropolis critera to decide whether to accept or reject:
1559 Min{1,exp(-(beta_new u_new - beta_old u_old)}</dd>
1560 <dt><b>barker-transition</b></dt>
1561 <dd> Randomly chooses a new state up or down, then uses the Barker transition critera to decide whether to accept or reject: exp(-beta_new u_new)/[exp(-beta_new u_new)+exp(-beta_old u_old)] </dd>
1562 <dt><b>gibbs</b></dt>
1563 <dd> Uses the conditional weights of the state given the coordinate (exp(-beta_i u_i) / sum_k exp(beta_i u_i) to
1564 decide which state to move to.</dd>
1565 <dt><b>metropolized-gibbs</b></dt>
1566 <dd>
1567 <dd> Uses the conditional weights of the state given the coordinate (exp(-beta_i u_i) / sum_k exp(beta_i u_i) to
1568 decide which state to move to, EXCLUDING the current state, then uses a rejection step to ensure detailed
1569 balance. Always more efficient that Gibbs, though marginally so in many situations.</dd>
1570 </dl>
1572 <dt><b>lmc-seed:</b></dt>
1573 <dd> random seed to use for Monte Carlo moves in state space. If not specified, <b>ld-seed</b> is used instead. </dd>
1574 <dt><b>mc-temperature:</b></dt>
1575 <dd> Temperature used for acceptance/rejection for Monte Carlo moves. If not specified, the temperature of the
1576 simulation specified in the first group of <b>ref_t</b> is used.</dd>
1578 <dt><b>wl-scale: (0.8)</b></dt>
1579 <dt><b>wl-ratio: (0.8)</b></dt>
1580 <dt><b>init-wl-delta: (1.0) </b></dt>
1581 <dt><b>wl-oneovert: (no) </b></dt>
1582 <dt><b>lmc-repeats: (1)</b></dt>
1583 <dt><b>lmc-gibbsdelta: (-1) </b></dt>
1584 <dt><b>lmc-forced-nstart: (0) </b></dt>
1585 <dt><b>nst-transition-matrix: (-1)</b></dt>
1586 <dd>Frequency of outputting the expanded ensemble transition matrix. A negative number means it will only be printed at the end of the simulation.<dd>
1587 <dt><b>symmetrized-transition-matrix: (no) </b></dt>
1588 <dd>Whether to symmetrize the empirical transition matrix</dd>
1589 <dt><b>mininum-var-min</b></dt>
1590 <dt><b>weight-c-range</b></dt>
1592 <dt><b>simulated-tempering: (no)</b></dt>
1593 <dt><b>simulated-tempering-scaling: ()</b></dt>
1594 <dt><b>sim-temp-low: (300):</b></dt>
1595 <dd>Low temperature for simulated tempering</dd>
1596 <dt><b>sim-temp-high: (300):</b></dt>
1597 <dd>High temperature for simulated tempering</dd>
1598 </dl>
1600 <A NAME="neq"><br>
1601 <hr>
1602 <h3>Non-equilibrium MD<!--QuietIdx-->non-equilibrium MD<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
1604 <dl>
1605 <dt><b>acc-grps: </b></dt>
1606 <dd>groups for constant acceleration (e.g.: <tt>Protein Sol</tt>)
1607 all atoms in groups Protein and Sol will experience constant acceleration
1608 as specified in the <b>accelerate</b> line</dd>
1609 <dt><b>accelerate: (0) [nm ps<sup>-2</sup>]</b></dt>
1610 <dd>acceleration for <b>acc-grps</b>; x, y and z for each group
1611 (e.g. <tt>0.1 0.0 0.0 -0.1 0.0 0.0</tt> means that first group has constant
1612 acceleration of 0.1 nm ps<sup>-2</sup> in X direction, second group the
1613 opposite).</dd>
1614 <dt><b>freezegrps: </b></dt>
1615 <dd>Groups that are to be frozen (i.e. their X, Y, and/or Z position will
1616 not be updated; e.g. <tt>Lipid SOL</tt>). <b>freezedim</b> specifies for
1617 which dimension the freezing applies.
1618 To avoid spurious contibrutions to the virial and pressure due to large
1619 forces between completely frozen atoms you need to use
1620 <A HREF="#egexcl">energy group exclusions</A>, this also saves computing time.
1621 Note that coordinates of frozen atoms are not scaled by pressure-coupling
1622 algorithms.</dd>
1623 <dt><b>freezedim: </b></dt>
1624 <dd>dimensions for which groups in <b>freezegrps</b> should be frozen,
1625 specify <tt>Y</tt> or <tt>N</tt> for X, Y and Z and for each group
1626 (e.g. <tt>Y Y N N N N</tt> means that particles in the first group
1627 can move only in Z direction. The particles in the second group can
1628 move in any direction).</dd>
1629 <dt><b>cos-acceleration: (0) [nm ps<sup>-2</sup>]</b></dt>
1630 <dd>the amplitude of the acceleration profile for calculating the
1631 <!--Idx-->viscosity<!--EIdx-->.
1632 The acceleration is in the X-direction and the magnitude is
1633 <b>cos-acceleration</b> cos(2 pi z/boxheight).
1634 Two terms are added to the energy file:
1635 the amplitude of the velocity profile and 1/viscosity.</dd>
1636 <dt><b><!--Idx-->deform<!--EIdx-->: (0 0 0 0 0 0) [nm ps<sup>-1</sup>]</b></dt>
1637 <dd>The velocities of deformation for the box elements:
1638 a(x) b(y) c(z) b(x) c(x) c(y). Each step the box elements
1639 for which <b>deform</b> is non-zero are calculated as:
1640 box(ts)+(t-ts)*deform, off-diagonal elements are corrected
1641 for periodicity. The coordinates are transformed accordingly.
1642 Frozen degrees of freedom are (purposely) also transformed.
1643 The time ts is set to t at the first step and at steps at which
1644 x and v are written to trajectory to ensure exact restarts.
1645 Deformation can be used together with semiisotropic or anisotropic
1646 pressure coupling when the appropriate compressibilities are set to zero.
1647 The diagonal elements can be used to <!--Idx-->strain<!--EIdx--> a solid.
1648 The off-diagonal elements can be used to <!--Idx-->shear<!--EIdx--> a solid
1649 or a liquid.</dd>
1650 </dl>
1652 <A NAME="ef"><br>
1653 <hr>
1654 <h3>Electric fields<!--QuietIdx-->electric field<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
1656 <dl>
1657 <dt><b>E-x ; E-y ; E-z:</b></dt>
1658 <dd>If you want to use an electric field in a direction, enter 3 numbers
1659 after the appropriate <b>E-*</b>, the first number: the number of cosines,
1660 only 1 is implemented (with frequency 0) so enter 1,
1661 the second number: the strength of the electric field in
1662 <b>V nm<sup>-1</sup></b>,
1663 the third number: the phase of the cosine, you can enter any number here
1664 since a cosine of frequency zero has no phase.</dd>
1665 <dt><b>E-xt; E-yt; E-zt: </b></dt>
1666 <dd>not implemented yet</dd>
1667 </dl>
1668 <br>
1670 <hr>
1671 <A NAME="qmmm"><br>
1672 <h3>Mixed quantum/classical molecular dynamics<!--QuietIdx>QM/MM<!--EQuietIdx--></h3>
1674 <dl>
1675 <dt><b>QMMM:</b></dt>
1676 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1677 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1678 <dd>No QM/MM.</dd>
1679 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1680 <dd>Do a QM/MM simulation. Several groups can be described at
1681 different QM levels separately. These are specified in
1682 the <b>QMMM-grps</b> field separated by spaces. The level of <i>ab
1683 initio</i> theory at which the groups are described is specified
1684 by <b>QMmethod</b> and <b>QMbasis</b> Fields. Describing the
1685 groups at different levels of theory is only possible with the ONIOM
1686 QM/MM scheme, specified by <b>QMMMscheme</b>.</dd>
1687 </dl></dd>
1689 <dt><b>QMMM-grps:</b></dt>
1690 <dd>groups to be descibed at the QM level</dd>
1692 <dt><b>QMMMscheme:</b></dt>
1693 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1694 <dt><b>normal</b></dt>
1695 <dd>normal QM/MM. There can only be one <b>QMMM-grps</b> that is modelled
1696 at the <b>QMmethod</b> and <b>QMbasis</b> level of <i>ab initio</i>
1697 theory. The rest of the system is described at the MM level. The QM
1698 and MM subsystems interact as follows: MM point charges are included
1699 in the QM one-electron hamiltonian and all Lennard-Jones interactions
1700 are described at the MM level.</dd>
1701 <dt><b>ONIOM</b></dt>
1702 <dd>The interaction between the subsystem is described using the ONIOM
1703 method by Morokuma and co-workers. There can be more than one <b>QMMM-grps</b> each modeled at a different level of QM theory
1704 (<b>QMmethod</b> and <b>QMbasis</b>).
1705 </dd></dl></dd>
1707 <dt><b>QMmethod: (RHF)</b></dt>
1708 <dd>Method used to compute the energy and gradients on the QM
1709 atoms. Available methods are AM1, PM3, RHF, UHF, DFT, B3LYP, MP2,
1710 CASSCF, and MMVB. For CASSCF, the number of electrons and orbitals
1711 included in the active space is specified by <b>CASelectrons</b>
1712 and <b>CASorbitals</b>. </dd>
1714 <dt><b>QMbasis: (STO-3G)</b></dt>
1715 <dd>Basis set used to expand the electronic wavefuntion. Only Gaussian
1716 basis sets are currently available, <i>i.e.</i> STO-3G, 3-21G, 3-21G*,
1717 3-21+G*, 6-21G, 6-31G, 6-31G*, 6-31+G*, and 6-311G.</dd>
1719 <dt><b>QMcharge: (0) [integer]</b></dt>
1720 <dd>The total charge in <tt>e</tt> of the <b>QMMM-grps</b>. In case
1721 there are more than one <b>QMMM-grps</b>, the total charge of each
1722 ONIOM layer needs to be specified separately.</dd>
1724 <dt><b>QMmult: (1) [integer]</b></dt>
1725 <dd>The multiplicity of the <b>QMMM-grps</b>. In case there are more
1726 than one <b>QMMM-grps</b>, the multiplicity of each ONIOM layer needs
1727 to be specified separately.</dd>
1729 <dt><b>CASorbitals: (0) [integer]</b></dt>
1730 <dd>The number of orbitals to be included in the active space when
1731 doing a CASSCF computation.</dd>
1733 <dt><b>CASelectrons: (0) [integer]</b></dt>
1734 <dd>The number of electrons to be included in the active space when
1735 doing a CASSCF computation.</dd>
1737 <dt><b>SH:</b></dt>
1738 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1739 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1740 <dd>No surface hopping. The system is always in the electronic
1741 ground-state.</dd>
1742 <dt><b>yes</b></dt>
1743 <dd>Do a QM/MM MD simulation on the excited state-potential energy
1744 surface and enforce a <i>diabatic</i> hop to the ground-state when the
1745 system hits the conical intersection hyperline in the course the
1746 simulation. This option only works in combination with the CASSCF
1747 method.</dd>
1748 </dl>
1749 </dl>
1751 <A NAME="gbsa"><br>
1752 <hr>
1753 <h3>Implicit solvent</h3>
1755 <dl>
1756 <dt><b>implicit-solvent:</b></dt>
1757 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1758 <dt><b>no</b></dt>
1759 <dd>No implicit solvent</dd>
1760 <dt><b>GBSA</b></dt>
1761 <dd>Do a simulation with implicit solvent using the Generalized Born formalism.
1762 Three different methods for calculating the Born radii are available, Still, HCT and
1763 OBC. These are specified with the <b>gb-algorithm</b> field. The non-polar solvation
1764 is specified with the <b>sa-algorithm</b> field.</dd>
1765 </dl>
1767 <dt><b>gb-algorithm:</b></dt>
1768 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1769 <dt><b>Still</b></dt>
1770 <dd>Use the Still method to calculate the Born radii</dd>
1771 <dt><b>HCT</b></dt>
1772 <dd>Use the Hawkins-Cramer-Truhlar method to calculate the Born radii</dd>
1773 <dt><b>OBC</b></dt>
1774 <dd>Use the Onufriev-Bashford-Case method to calculate the Born radii</dd>
1775 </dl>
1777 <dt><b>nstgbradii: (1) [steps]</b></dt>
1778 <dd>Frequency to (re)-calculate the Born radii. For most practial purposes,
1779 setting a value larger than 1 violates energy conservation and leads to
1780 unstable trajectories.</dd>
1782 <dt><b>rgbradii: (1.0) [nm]</b></dt>
1783 <dd>Cut-off for the calculation of the Born radii. Currently must be equal to rlist</dd>
1785 <dt><b>gb-epsilon-solvent: (80)</b></dt>
1786 <dd>Dielectric constant for the implicit solvent</dd>
1788 <dt><b>gb-saltconc: (0) [M]</b></dt>
1789 <dd>Salt concentration for implicit solvent models, currently not used</dd>
1791 <dt><b>gb-obc-alpha (1); gb-obc-beta (0.8); gb-obc-gamma (4.85);</b></dt>
1792 <dd>Scale factors for the OBC model. Default values are OBC(II).
1793 Values for OBC(I) are 0.8, 0 and 2.91 respectively</dd>
1795 <dt><b>gb-dielectric-offset: (0.009) [nm]</b></dt>
1796 <dd>Distance for the di-electric offset when calculating the Born radii. This is
1797 the offset between the center of each atom the center of the polarization energy
1798 for the corresponding atom</dd>
1800 <dt><b>sa-algorithm</b></dt>
1801 <dd><dl compact="compact">
1802 <dt><b>Ace-approximation</b></dt>
1803 <dd>Use an Ace-type approximation (default)</dd>
1804 <dt><b>None</b></dt>
1805 <dd>No non-polar solvation calculation done. For GBSA only the polar part gets
1806 calculated</dd>
1807 </dl>
1809 <dt><b>sa-surface-tension: [kJ mol<sup>-1</sup> nm<sup>-2</sup>]</b></dt>
1810 <dd>Default value for surface tension with SA algorithms. The default value is -1;
1811 Note that if this default value is not changed
1812 it will be overridden by <tt>grompp</tt> using values that are specific for the choice
1813 of radii algorithm (0.0049 kcal/mol/Angstrom<sup>2</sup> for Still, 0.0054 kcal/mol/Angstrom<sup>2</sup>
1814 for HCT/OBC)
1816 Setting it to 0 will while using an sa-algorithm other than None means
1817 no non-polar calculations are done.
1818 </dd>
1819 </dl>
1821 <A NAME="adress"><br>
1822 <hr>
1823 <h3>Adaptive Resolution Simulation</h3>
1825 <dl>
1826 <dt><b>adress: (no)</b></dt>
1827 <dd>Decide whether the AdResS feature is turned on.</dd>
1828 <dt><b>adress-type: (Off)</b></dt>
1829 <dd><dl compact>
1830 <dt><b>Off</b></dt>
1831 <dd>Do an AdResS simulation with weight equal 1, which is equivalent to an explicit (normal) MD simulation. The difference to disabled AdResS is that the AdResS variables are still read-in and hence are defined.</dd>
1832 <dt><b>Constant</b></dt>
1833 <dd>Do an AdResS simulation with a constant weight, <b>adress-const-wf</b> defines the value of the weight</dd>
1834 <dt><b>XSplit</b></dt>
1835 <dd>Do an AdResS simulation with simulation box split in x-direction, so basically the weight is only a function of the x coordinate and all distances are measured using the x coordinate only.</dd>
1836 <dt><b>Sphere</b></dt>
1837 <dd>Do an AdResS simulation with spherical explicit zone.</dd>
1838 </dl></dd>
1839 <dt><b>adress-const-wf: (1)</b></dt>
1840 <dd>Provides the weight for a constant weight simulation (<b>adress-type</b>=Constant)</dd>
1841 <dt><b>adress-ex-width: (0)</b></dt>
1842 <dd>Width of the explicit zone, measured from <b>adress-reference-coords</b>.</dd>
1843 <dt><b>adress-hy-width: (0)</b></dt>
1844 <dd>Width of the hybrid zone.</dd>
1845 <dt><b>adress-reference-coords: (0,0,0)</b></dt>
1846 <dd>Position of the center of the explicit zone. Periodic boundary conditions apply for measuring the distance from it.</dd>
1847 <dt><b>adress-cg-grp-names</b></dt>
1848 <dd>The names of the coarse-grained energy groups. All other energy groups are considered explicit and their interactions will be automatically excluded with the coarse-grained groups.</dd>
1849 <dt><b>adress-site: (COM)</b>The mapping point from which the weight is calculated.</dt>
1850 <dd><dl compact>
1851 <dt><b>COM</b></dt>
1852 <dd>The weight is calculated from the center of mass of each charge group.</dd>
1853 <dt><b>COG</b></dt>
1854 <dd>The weight is calculated from the center of geometry of each charge group.</dd>
1855 <dt><b>Atom</b></dt>
1856 <dd>The weight is calculated from the position of 1st atom of each charge group.</dd>
1857 <dt><b>AtomPerAtom</b></dt>
1858 <dd>The weight is calculated from the position of each individual atom.</dd>
1859 </dl></dd>
1860 <dt><b>adress-interface-correction: (Off)</b></dt>
1861 <dd><dl compact>
1862 <dt><b>Off</b></dt>
1863 <dd>Do not a apply any interface correction.</dd>
1864 <dt><b>thermoforce</b></dt>
1865 <dd>Apply thermodynamic force interface correction. The table can be specified using the <tt>-tabletf</tt> option of <tt>mdrun</tt>. The table should contain the potential and force (acting on molecules) as function of the distance from <b>adress-reference-coords</b>.</dd>
1866 </dl></dd>
1867 <dt><b>adress-tf-grp-names</b></dt>
1868 <dd>The names of the energy groups to which the <b>thermoforce</b> is applied if enabled in <b>adress-interface-correction</b>. If no group is given the default table is applied.</dd>
1869 <dt><b>adress-ex-forcecap: (0)</b></dt>
1870 <dd>Cap the force in the hybrid region, useful for big molecules. 0 disables force capping.</dd>
1871 </dl>
1873 <A NAME="user"><br>
1874 <hr>
1875 <h3>User defined thingies</h3>
1877 <dl>
1878 <dt><b>user1-grps; user2-grps: </b></dt>
1879 <dt><b>userint1 (0); userint2 (0); userint3 (0); userint4 (0)</b></dt>
1880 <dt><b>userreal1 (0); userreal2 (0); userreal3 (0); userreal4 (0)</b></dt>
1881 <dd>These you can use if you modify code. You can pass integers and
1882 reals to your subroutine. Check the inputrec definition in
1883 <tt>src/include/types/inputrec.h</tt></dd>
1885 </dl>
1887 <A NAME="idx"><br>
1888 <hr>
1889 <h3>Index</h3>
1893 <multicol cols=4>
1894 <A HREF="#neq">acc-grps</A><br>
1895 <A HREF="#neq">accelerate</A><br>
1896 <A HREF="#sa">annealing</A><br>
1897 <A HREF="#sa">annealing-npoints</A><br>
1898 <A HREF="#sa">annealing-time</A><br>
1899 <A HREF="#sa">annealing-temp</A><br>
1900 <A HREF="#ld">bd-fric</A><br>
1901 <A HREF="#vdw">bDispCorr</A><br>
1902 <A HREF="#run">comm-mode</A><br>
1903 <A HREF="#run">comm-grps</A><br>
1904 <A HREF="#pc">compressibility</A><br>
1905 <A HREF="#bond">constraint-algorithm</A><br>
1906 <A HREF="#bond">constraints</A><br>
1907 <A HREF="#neq">cos-acceleration</A><br>
1908 <A HREF="#el">coulombtype</A><br>
1909 <A HREF="#free">couple-intramol</A><br>
1910 <A HREF="#free">couple-lambda0</A><br>
1911 <A HREF="#free">couple-lambda1</A><br>
1912 <A HREF="#free">couple-moltype</A><br>
1913 <A HREF="#nl">cutoff-scheme</A><br>
1914 <A HREF="#pp">define</A><br>
1915 <A HREF="#neq">deform</A><br>
1916 <A HREF="#free">delta-lambda</A><br>
1917 <A HREF="#nmr">disre</A><br>
1918 <A HREF="#nmr">disre-weighting</A><br>
1919 <A HREF="#nmr">disre-mixed</A><br>
1920 <A HREF="#nmr">disre-fc</A><br>
1921 <A HREF="#nmr">disre-tau</A><br>
1922 <A HREF="#run">dt</A><br>
1923 <A HREF="#em">emstep</A><br>
1924 <A HREF="#em">emtol</A><br>
1925 <A HREF="#egexcl">energygrp-excl</A><br>
1926 <A HREF="#table">energygrp-table</A><br>
1927 <A HREF="#out">energygrps</A><br>
1928 <A HREF="#el2">epsilon-r</A><br>
1929 <A HREF="#el2">epsilon-rf</A><br>
1930 <A HREF="#ewald">ewald-rtol</A><br>
1931 <A HREF="#ewald">ewald-geometry</A><br>
1932 <A HREF="#ewald">epsilon-surface</A><br>
1933 <A HREF="#ef">E-x</A><br>
1934 <A HREF="#ef">E-xt</A><br>
1935 <A HREF="#ef">E-y</A><br>
1936 <A HREF="#ef">E-yt</A><br>
1937 <A HREF="#ef">E-z</A><br>
1938 <A HREF="#ef">E-zt </A><br>
1939 <A HREF="#xmdrun">fcstep</A><br>
1940 <A HREF="#ewald">fourier-nx</A><br>
1941 <A HREF="#ewald">fourier-ny</A><br>
1942 <A HREF="#ewald">fourier-nz</A><br>
1943 <A HREF="#ewald">fourierspacing</A><br>
1944 <A HREF="#free">free-energy</A><br>
1945 <A HREF="#neq">freezedim </A><br>
1946 <A HREF="#neq">freezegrps</A><br>
1947 <A HREF="#vel">gen-seed</A><br>
1948 <A HREF="#vel">gen-temp</A><br>
1949 <A HREF="#vel">gen-vel</A><br>
1950 <A HREF="#pp">include</A><br>
1951 <A HREF="#free">init-lambda</A><br>
1952 <A HREF="#run">init-step</A><br>
1953 <A HREF="#run">integrator</A><br>
1954 <A HREF="#ld">ld-seed</A><br>
1955 <A HREF="#bond2">lincs-iter</A><br>
1956 <A HREF="#bond2">lincs-order</A><br>
1957 <A HREF="#bond2">lincs-warnangle</A><br>
1958 <A HREF="#bond2">morse</A><br>
1959 <A HREF="#em">nbfgscorr</A><br>
1960 <A HREF="#xmdrun">niter</A><br>
1961 <A HREF="#tc">nh-chain-length</A><br>
1962 <A HREF="#em">nstcgsteep</A><br>
1963 <A HREF="#out">nstcalcenergy</A><br>
1964 <A HREF="#run">nstcomm</A><br>
1965 <A HREF="#nmr">nstdisreout</A><br>
1966 <A HREF="#out">nstenergy</A><br>
1967 <A HREF="#run">nsteps</A><br>
1968 <A HREF="#out">nstfout</A><br>
1969 <A HREF="#nl">nstlist</A><br>
1970 <A HREF="#out">nstlog</A><br>
1971 <A HREF="#pc">nstpcouple</A><br>
1972 <A HREF="#tc">nsttcouple</A><br>
1973 <A HREF="#out">nstvout</A><br>
1974 <A HREF="#out">nstxout</A><br>
1975 <A HREF="#out">nstxtcout</A><br>
1976 <A HREF="#nl">ns-type</A><br>
1977 <A HREF="#wall">nwall</A><br>
1978 <A HREF="#ewald">optimize-fft</A><br>
1979 <A HREF="#nmr2">orire</A><br>
1980 <A HREF="#nmr2">orire-fc</A><br>
1981 <A HREF="#nmr2">orire-tau</A><br>
1982 <A HREF="#nmr2">orire-fitgrp</A><br>
1983 <A HREF="#nmr2">nstorireout</A><br>
1984 <A HREF="#nl">pbc</A><br>
1985 <A HREF="#pc">pcoupl</A><br>
1986 <A HREF="#pc">pcoupltype</A><br>
1987 <A HREF="#nl">periodic-molecules</A><br>
1988 <A HREF="#ewald">pme-order</A><br>
1989 <A HREF="#pull">pull</A><br>
1990 <A HREF="#pc">refcoord-scaling</A><br>
1991 <A HREF="#pc">ref-p</A><br>
1992 <A HREF="#tc">ref-t</A><br>
1993 <A HREF="#el2">rcoulomb-switch</A><br>
1994 <A HREF="#el2">rcoulomb</A><br>
1995 <A HREF="#nl">rlist</A><br>
1996 <A HREF="#nl">rlistlong</A><br>
1997 <A HREF="#tpi">rtpi</A><br>
1998 <A HREF="#vdw">rvdw-switch</A><br>
1999 <A HREF="#vdw">rvdw</A><br>
2000 <A HREF="#free">sc-alpha</A><br>
2001 <A HREF="#free">sc-power</A><br>
2002 <A HREF="#free">sc-sigma</A><br>
2003 <A HREF="#bond2">shake-tol</A><br>
2004 <A HREF="#table">table-extension</A><br>
2005 <A HREF="#pc">tau-p</A><br>
2006 <A HREF="#tc">tau-t</A><br>
2007 <A HREF="#tc">tc-grps</A><br>
2008 <A HREF="#tc">tcoupl</A><br>
2009 <A HREF="#run">tinit</A><br>
2010 <A HREF="#bond">continuation</A><br>
2011 <A HREF="#user">user1-grps</A><br>
2012 <A HREF="#user">user2-grps</A><br>
2013 <A HREF="#user">userint1</A><br>
2014 <A HREF="#user">userint2</A><br>
2015 <A HREF="#user">userint3</A><br>
2016 <A HREF="#user">userint4</A><br>
2017 <A HREF="#user">userreal1</A><br>
2018 <A HREF="#user">userreal2</A><br>
2019 <A HREF="#user">userreal3</A><br>
2020 <A HREF="#user">userreal4</A><br>
2021 <A HREF="#el">vdwtype</A><br>
2022 <A HREF="#nl">verlet-buffer-drift</A><br>
2023 <A HREF="#out">xtc-grps</A><br>
2024 <A HREF="#out">xtc-precision</A><br>
2025 <A HREF="#sa">zero-temp-time</A><br>
2026 <A HREF="#walls">wall-atomtype</A><br>
2027 <A HREF="#walls">wall-density</A><br>
2028 <A HREF="#walls">wall-ewald-zfac</A><br>
2029 <A HREF="#walls">wall-r-linpot</A><br>
2030 <A HREF="#walls">wall-type</A><br>
2031 </multicol>
2033 <hr>
2034 <div ALIGN=RIGHT>
2035 <font size="-1"><a href=""></a></font><br>
2037 </div>
2038 </BODY>
2039 </HTML>