3 ; Col 2: Type of angles
4 ; Col 3: Type of proper dihedrals
5 ; Col 4: Type of improper dihedrals
6 ; Col 5: Generate all dihedrals if 1, only heavy atoms of 0.
7 ; Col 6: Number of excluded neighbors for nonbonded interactions
8 ; Col 7: Generate 1,4 interactions between pairs of hydrogens if 1
9 ; Col 8: Remove impropers over the same bond as a proper if it is 1
10 ; bonds angles dihedrals impropers all_dihedrals nrexcl HH14 RemoveDih
13 ; now: water, ions, urea, terminal caps, AA's and terminal AA's
36 [ IB+ ] ; big positive ion
76 [ URE ] ; urea added in by EJS, resp charges by Jim Caldwell
158 ; Next are non-terminal AA's
976 [ ORN ] ; charges taken from amber99.prm of tinker 4.0
1021 [ DAB ] ; sidechain charges fit to maintain heavy atom charge group trend LYS -> ORN -> DAB
1145 [ HYP ] ; S D Mooney, P A Kollman & T E Klein (2002), Biopolymers 64, 63.
1334 ; non-terminal acidic AA's