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[gromacs.git] / docs / manual / implement.tex
2 % This file is part of the GROMACS molecular simulation package.
4 % Copyright (c) 2013,2014,2015, by the GROMACS development team, led by
5 % Mark Abraham, David van der Spoel, Berk Hess, and Erik Lindahl,
6 % and including many others, as listed in the AUTHORS file in the
7 % top-level source directory and at
9 % GROMACS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 % modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
11 % as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
12 % of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14 % GROMACS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 % Lesser General Public License for more details.
19 % You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20 % License along with GROMACS; if not, see
21 %, or write to the Free Software Foundation,
22 % Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
24 % If you want to redistribute modifications to GROMACS, please
25 % consider that scientific software is very special. Version
26 % control is crucial - bugs must be traceable. We will be happy to
27 % consider code for inclusion in the official distribution, but
28 % derived work must not be called official GROMACS. Details are found
29 % in the README & COPYING files - if they are missing, get the
30 % official version at
32 % To help us fund GROMACS development, we humbly ask that you cite
33 % the research papers on the package. Check out
35 \chapter{Some implementation details}
36 In this chapter we will present some implementation details. This is
37 far from complete, but we deemed it necessary to clarify some things
38 that would otherwise be hard to understand.
40 \section{Single Sum Virial in {\gromacs}}
41 \label{sec:virial}
42 The \normindex{virial} $\Xi$ can be written in full tensor form as:
43 \beq
44 \Xi~=~-\half~\sum_{i < j}^N~\rvij\otimes\Fvij
45 \eeq
46 where $\otimes$ denotes the {\em direct product} of two vectors.\footnote
47 {$({\bf u}\otimes{\bf v})^{\ab}~=~{\bf u}_{\al}{\bf v}_{\be}$} When this is
48 computed in the inner loop of an MD program 9 multiplications and 9
49 additions are needed.\footnote{The calculation of
50 Lennard-Jones and Coulomb forces is about 50 floating point operations.}
52 Here it is shown how it is possible to extract the virial calculation
53 from the inner loop~\cite{Bekker93b}.
55 \subsection{Virial}
56 In a system with periodic boundary conditions\index{periodic boundary
57 conditions}, the
58 periodicity must be taken into account for the virial:
59 \beq
60 \Xi~=~-\half~\sum_{i < j}^{N}~\rnij\otimes\Fvij
61 \eeq
62 where $\rnij$ denotes the distance vector of the
63 {\em nearest image} of atom $i$ from atom $j$. In this definition we add
64 a {\em shift vector} $\delta_i$ to the position vector $\rvi$
65 of atom $i$. The difference vector $\rnij$ is thus equal to:
66 \beq
67 \rnij~=~\rvi+\delta_i-\rvj
68 \eeq
69 or in shorthand:
70 \beq
71 \rnij~=~\rni-\rvj
72 \eeq
73 In a triclinic system, there are 27 possible images of $i$; when a truncated
74 octahedron is used, there are 15 possible images.
76 \subsection{Virial from non-bonded forces}
77 Here the derivation for the single sum virial in the {\em non-bonded force}
78 routine is given. $i \neq j$ in all formulae below.
79 \newcommand{\di}{\delta_{i}}
80 \newcommand{\qrt}{\frac{1}{4}}
81 \bea
82 \Xi
83 &~=~&-\half~\sum_{i < j}^{N}~\rnij\otimes\Fvij \\
84 &~=~&-\qrt\sum_{i=1}^N~\sum_{j=1}^N ~(\rvi+\di-\rvj)\otimes\Fvij \\
85 &~=~&-\qrt\sum_{i=1}^N~\sum_{j=1}^N ~(\rvi+\di)\otimes\Fvij-\rvj\otimes\Fvij \\
86 &~=~&-\qrt\left(\sum_{i=1}^N~\sum_{j=1}^N ~(\rvi+\di)\otimes\Fvij~-~\sum_{i=1}^N~\sum_{j=1}^N ~\rvj\otimes\Fvij\right) \\
87 &~=~&-\qrt\left(\sum_{i=1}^N~(\rvi+\di)\otimes\sum_{j=1}^N~\Fvij~-~\sum_{j=1}^N ~\rvj\otimes\sum_{i=1}^N~\Fvij\right) \\
88 &~=~&-\qrt\left(\sum_{i=1}^N~(\rvi+\di)\otimes\Fvi~+~\sum_{j=1}^N ~\rvj\otimes\Fvj\right) \\
89 &~=~&-\qrt\left(2~\sum_{i=1}^N~\rvi\otimes\Fvi+\sum_{i=1}^N~\di\otimes\Fvi\right)
90 \eea
91 In these formulae we introduced:
92 \bea
93 \Fvi&~=~&\sum_{j=1}^N~\Fvij \\
94 \Fvj&~=~&\sum_{i=1}^N~\Fvji
95 \eea
96 which is the total force on $i$ with respect to $j$. Because we use Newton's Third Law:
97 \beq
98 \Fvij~=~-\Fvji
99 \eeq
100 we must, in the implementation, double the term containing the shift $\delta_i$.
102 \subsection{The intra-molecular shift (mol-shift)}
103 For the bonded forces and SHAKE it is possible to make a {\em mol-shift}
104 list, in which the periodicity is stored. We simple have an array {\tt mshift}
105 in which for each atom an index in the {\tt shiftvec} array is stored.
107 The algorithm to generate such a list can be derived from graph theory,
108 considering each particle in a molecule as a bead in a graph, the bonds
109 as edges.
110 \begin{enumerate}
111 \item[1] Represent the bonds and atoms as bidirectional graph
112 \item[2] Make all atoms white
113 \item[3] Make one of the white atoms black (atom $i$) and put it in the
114 central box
115 \item[4] Make all of the neighbors of $i$ that are currently
116 white, gray
117 \item[5] Pick one of the gray atoms (atom $j$), give it the
118 correct periodicity with respect to any of
119 its black neighbors
120 and make it black
121 \item[6] Make all of the neighbors of $j$ that are currently
122 white, gray
123 \item[7] If any gray atom remains, go to [5]
124 \item[8] If any white atom remains, go to [3]
125 \end{enumerate}
126 Using this algorithm we can
127 \begin{itemize}
128 \item optimize the bonded force calculation as well as SHAKE
129 \item calculate the virial from the bonded forces
130 in the single sum method again
131 \end{itemize}
133 Find a representation of the bonds as a bidirectional graph.
135 \subsection{Virial from Covalent Bonds}
136 Since the covalent bond force gives a contribution to the virial, we have:
137 \bea
138 b &~=~& \|\rnij\| \\
139 V_b &~=~& \half k_b(b-b_0)^2 \\
140 \Fvi &~=~& -\nabla V_b \\
141 &~=~& k_b(b-b_0)\frac{\rnij}{b} \\
142 \Fvj &~=~& -\Fvi
143 \eea
144 The virial contribution from the bonds then is:
145 \bea
146 \Xi_b &~=~& -\half(\rni\otimes\Fvi~+~\rvj\otimes\Fvj) \\
147 &~=~& -\half\rnij\otimes\Fvi
148 \eea
150 \subsection{Virial from SHAKE}
151 An important contribution to the virial comes from shake. Satisfying
152 the constraints a force {\bf G} that is exerted on the particles ``shaken.'' If this
153 force does not come out of the algorithm (as in standard SHAKE) it can be
154 calculated afterward (when using {\em leap-frog}) by:
155 \bea
156 \Delta\rvi&~=~&\rvi(t+\Dt)-
157 [\rvi(t)+{\bf v}_i(t-\frac{\Dt}{2})\Dt+\frac{\Fvi}{m_i}\Dt^2] \\
158 {\bf G}_i&~=~&\frac{m_i\Delta\rvi}{\Dt^2}
159 \eea
160 This does not help us in the general case. Only when no periodicity
161 is needed (like in rigid water) this can be used, otherwise
162 we must add the virial calculation in the inner loop of SHAKE.
164 When it {\em is} applicable the virial can be calculated in the single sum way:
165 \beq
166 \Xi~=~-\half\sum_i^{N_c}~\rvi\otimes\Fvi
167 \eeq
168 where $N_c$ is the number of constrained atoms.
170 %Another method is the Non-Iterative shake as proposed (and implemented)
171 %by Yoneya. In this algorithm the Lagrangian multipliers are solved in a
172 %matrix equation, and given these multipliers it is easy to get the periodicity
173 %in the virial afterwards.
175 %More...
178 \section{Optimizations}
179 Here we describe some of the algorithmic optimizations used
180 in {\gromacs}, apart from parallelism.
182 \subsection{Inner Loops for Water}
183 \label{sec:waterloops}
184 {\gromacs} uses special inner loops to calculate non-bonded
185 interactions for water molecules with other atoms, and yet
186 another set of loops for interactions between pairs of
187 water molecules. There highly optimized loops for two types of water models.
188 For three site models similar to
189 SPC~\cite{Berendsen81}, {\ie}:
190 \begin{enumerate}
191 \item There are three atoms in the molecule.
192 \item The whole molecule is a single charge group.
193 \item The first atom has Lennard-Jones (\secref{lj}) and
194 Coulomb (\secref{coul}) interactions.
195 \item Atoms two and three have only Coulomb interactions,
196 and equal charges.
197 \end{enumerate}
198 These loops also works for the SPC/E~\cite{Berendsen87} and
199 TIP3P~\cite{Jorgensen83} water models.
200 And for four site water models similar to TIP4P~\cite{Jorgensen83}:
201 \begin{enumerate}
202 \item There are four atoms in the molecule.
203 \item The whole molecule is a single charge group.
204 \item The first atom has only Lennard-Jones (\secref{lj}) interactions.
205 \item Atoms two and three have only Coulomb (\secref{coul}) interactions,
206 and equal charges.
207 \item Atom four has only Coulomb interactions.
208 \end{enumerate}
210 The benefit of these implementations is that there are more floating-point
211 operations in a single loop, which implies that some compilers
212 can schedule the code better. However, it turns out that even
213 some of the most advanced compilers have problems with scheduling,
214 implying that manual tweaking is necessary to get optimum
215 \normindex{performance}.
216 This may include common-sub-expression elimination, or moving
217 code around.
219 % LocalWords: Virial virial triclinic intra mol mshift shiftvec sqrt SPC lj yf
220 % LocalWords: coul