Removed energyhistory code from typedefs to a separate file.
[gromacs.git] / .gitattributes
1 # Generic rules
2 *.c     filter=uncrustify gmx-doxygen
3 *.cpp   filter=uncrustify gmx-doxygen
4 *.cu    filter=uncrustify
5 *.h     filter=uncrustify gmx-doxygen
6 *.cuh   filter=uncrustify
7 CMakeLists.txt  filter=copyright
8 *.cmake         filter=copyright
9 *.cmakein       filter=copyright
10 *.py            filter=copyright
11 *.l             filter=includesort
12 *.y             filter=includesort
13 *.pre           filter=includesort
14 *.tex           filter=copyright
15 *.bm            filter=copyright
16 # Exceptions: extra files to include
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18 admin/git-pre-commit                    filter=copyright
19 # Exceptions: files to exclude
20 *.pc.cmakein                            !filter
21 cmake/CheckC*CompilerFlag.cmake         !filter
22 cmake/FindBLAS.cmake                    !filter
23 cmake/FindLAPACK.cmake                  !filter
24 cmake/ThreadMPI.cmake                   !filter
25 cmake/Platform/BluegeneQ*.cmake         !filter
26 cmake/*.c                               -filter -gmx-doxygen
27 cmake/*.cpp                             -filter -gmx-doxygen
28 cmake/*.c.cmakein                       !filter
29 docs/doxygen/Doxyfile-*.cmakein         !filter
30 docs/doxygen/*.cpp                      !filter
31 docs/doxygen/examples/*.cpp             filter=uncrustify_only
32 docs/doxygen/examples/*.c               filter=uncrustify_only
33 docs/manual/UseLATEX.cmake              !filter
34 scripts/GMXRC.*                         !filter
35 scripts/              !filter
36 src/contrib/*                           -filter -gmx-doxygen
37 src/gromacs/gmxlib/nonbonded/preprocessor/ !filter
38 src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_blas/*    !filter
39 src/gromacs/linearalgebra/gmx_lapack/*  !filter
40 src/gromacs/selection/parser.cpp        -filter -gmx-doxygen
41 src/gromacs/selection/parser.h          -filter -gmx-doxygen
42 src/gromacs/selection/scanner.cpp       -filter -gmx-doxygen
43 src/gromacs/selection/scanner_flex.h    -filter
44 nb_kernel_Elec*                         filter=copyright -gmx-doxygen
45 nb_kernel*pre                           filter=copyright
46 *.eps                                   binary
47 *.jpg                                   binary
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49 *.png                                   binary
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51 *.ogl                                   binary
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56 *.tng                                   binary
57 *.xtc                                   binary
58 *.edr                                   binary
59 *.cpt                                   binary