sqt-filter: implement --mark, --reset-marks; plus bug fixes
[greylag.git] / sqt_filter.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env greylag-python
3 """
4 Filter a set of sqt files according to FPR and other criteria, optionally
5 rewriting them with the validation marks set to 'N' for filtered-out spectra.
7 """
9 from __future__ import with_statement
11 __copyright__ = '''
12 greylag, Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Stowers Institute for Medical Research
14 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
15 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
16 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
17 (at your option) any later version.
19 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
20 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
22 GNU General Public License for more details.
24 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
25 with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
26 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
27 '''
29 __version__ = "0.0"
32 from collections import defaultdict
33 import fileinput
34 import optparse
35 from pprint import pprint
36 import sys
39 def warn(s):
40 print >> sys.stderr, 'warning:', s
41 def error(s):
42 sys.exit('error: ' + s)
43 def fileerror(s, *args):
44 error(s + (", at line %s of file '%s'"
45 % (fileinput.filelineno(), fileinput.filename())),
46 *args)
48 def inplace_warning():
49 warn("!!!\nan error occurred while modifying .sqt files in-place--it may"
50 " be necessary to recover some or all of the .sqt files from the"
51 " corresponding .sqt.bak files.\n!!!")
54 def reset_marks(options, sqt_fns):
55 """Rewrite all evaluation marks to 'U', in-place."""
57 try:
58 for line in fileinput.input(sqt_fns, inplace=1, backup='.bak'):
59 if line.startswith("M\t"):
60 fs = line.split("\t")
61 if len(fs) >= 11:
62 fs[10] = 'U' + fs[10][1:]
63 line = '\t'.join(fs)
64 sys.stdout.write(line)
65 except:
66 inplace_warning()
67 raise
70 def mark(options, thresholds, sp_scores, sqt_fns):
71 """Rewrite evaluation marks to 'N', in-place, for spectra not meeting
72 score and delta thresholds."""
74 spectrum_no = -1
75 mark_spectrum = False
77 try:
78 for line in fileinput.input(sqt_fns, inplace=1, backup='.bak'):
79 if line.startswith("S\t"):
80 spectrum_no += 1
81 charge, score, delta = sp_scores[spectrum_no]
82 mark_spectrum = (charge in thresholds
83 and score != None
84 and (score < thresholds[charge][0]
85 or delta < thresholds[charge][1]))
86 elif line.startswith("M\t") and mark_spectrum:
87 fs = line.split("\t")
88 if len(fs) >= 11:
89 fs[10] = 'N' + fs[10][1:]
90 line = '\t'.join(fs)
91 sys.stdout.write(line)
92 except:
93 inplace_warning()
94 raise
97 def read_sqt_info(decoy_prefix, sqt_fns):
98 """Return a pair, the first a dict mapping each charge to a list of
99 (score, delta, state), where state is 'real' or 'decoy', for all the
100 spectra in sqt_fns, and the second a list of all (score, delta).
103 # charge -> [ (score, delta, state), ... ]
104 # where state is either 'real' or 'decoy'
105 z_scores = defaultdict(list)
107 # [ (charge, score, delta), ... ]
108 sp_scores = []
110 current_charge = None
111 current_score = None
112 current_delta = 0
113 current_state = set()
115 for line in fileinput.input(sqt_fns):
116 fs = line.split('\t')
117 if fs[0] == 'S':
118 if current_score != None and len(current_state) == 1:
119 z_scores[current_charge].append((current_score, current_delta,
120 current_state.pop()))
121 if current_charge != None:
122 sp_scores.append((current_charge, current_score, current_delta))
123 current_charge = int(fs[3])
124 current_score = None
125 current_delta = 0
126 current_state = set()
127 elif fs[0] == 'M':
128 delta, score = float(fs[4]), float(fs[5])
129 if delta == 0:
130 current_score = score
131 elif current_delta == 0:
132 current_delta = delta
133 elif fs[0] == 'L':
134 if current_delta == 0:
135 if fs[1].startswith(decoy_prefix):
136 current_state.add('decoy')
137 else:
138 current_state.add('real')
139 # handle final spectrum, as above
140 if current_score != None and len(current_state) == 1:
141 z_scores[current_charge].append((current_score, current_delta,
142 current_state.pop()))
143 if current_charge != None:
144 sp_scores.append((current_charge, current_score, current_delta))
146 return (z_scores, sp_scores)
149 def specificity(positives, negatives):
150 return (float(positives - negatives)
151 / (positives + negatives))
154 def calculate_inner_threshold(specificity_goal, charge, spinfo):
155 spinfo = sorted(spinfo, key=lambda x: x[0])
157 real_count = sum(1 for x in spinfo if x[-1] == 'real')
158 decoy_count = len(spinfo) - real_count
160 if real_count == 0:
161 return (None, real_count, decoy_count) # give up
163 current_threshold = -1e100 # allow all spectra
164 for n, sp in enumerate(spinfo):
165 specificity_est = specificity(real_count, decoy_count)
166 if specificity_est >= specificity_goal:
167 break
168 if sp[-1] == 'real':
169 real_count -= 1
170 else:
171 decoy_count -= 1
172 # set threshold just high enough to exclude this spectrum
173 current_threshold = sp[0] + 1e-6
174 else:
175 current_threshold = spinfo[-1][0] + 1e-6 # couldn't meet goal
177 return (current_threshold, real_count, decoy_count)
180 def calculate_combined_thresholds(options, z_scores):
181 """Find best score/delta thresholds for each charge."""
183 specificity_goal = 1 - options.fpr
185 # Rather than search every possible value of delta, we're only going to
186 # "sample" at this granularity. This cuts search time dramatically (and
187 # making it O(n) instead of O(n**2). Extra precision wouldn't really be
188 # useful in any case.
191 # charge -> (score, delta, passing_reals, passing_decoys)
192 thresholds = {}
194 for charge, spinfo in z_scores.iteritems():
195 spinfo0 = sorted(spinfo, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
197 last_value = None
199 while spinfo0:
200 this_value = spinfo0[-1][1] # current delta
201 if (last_value == None
202 or abs(this_value - last_value) >= SEARCH_GRANULARITY):
204 # "inner" is score
205 r = calculate_inner_threshold(specificity_goal, charge,
206 spinfo0)
207 if r[0] != None:
208 if options.debug:
209 print '#', charge, r[0], this_value, r[1], r[2]
210 if (charge not in thresholds
211 or r[1] > thresholds[charge][2]):
212 thresholds[charge] = (r[0], this_value, r[1], r[2])
214 last_value = this_value
215 spinfo0.pop()
217 if options.verbose and charge in thresholds:
218 print ("%+d: score %s, delta %s -> %s real ids (fdr %.4f)"
219 % (charge, thresholds[charge][0], thresholds[charge][1],
220 thresholds[charge][2],
221 1 - specificity(thresholds[charge][2],
222 thresholds[charge][3])))
224 return thresholds
227 def main(args=sys.argv[1:]):
228 parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=
229 "usage: %prog [options] <sqt-file>...",
230 description=__doc__, version=__version__)
231 pa = parser.add_option
232 pa("--decoy-prefix", dest="decoy_prefix", default="SHUFFLED_",
233 help='prefix given to locus name of decoy (e.g., shuffled) database'
234 ' sequences [default="SHUFFLED_"]', metavar="PREFIX")
235 pa("--fpr", dest="fpr", type="float", default="0.02",
236 help="false positive rate [default=0.02]", metavar="PROPORTION")
237 pa("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose",
238 help="be verbose")
239 pa("--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
240 help="show debug output")
241 pa("-m", "--mark", action="store_true", dest="mark",
242 help="rewrite the input files, changing some validation marks to 'N',"
243 " according to filtering")
244 pa("--reset-marks", action="store_true", dest="reset_marks",
245 help="rewrite the input files, changing all validation marks to 'U'")
246 pa("--copyright", action="store_true", dest="copyright",
247 help="print copyright and exit")
248 (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args=args)
250 if options.copyright:
251 print __copyright__
252 sys.exit(0)
254 if len(args) < 1:
255 parser.print_help()
256 sys.exit(1)
258 if not (0.0 <= options.fpr <= 1.0):
259 error("--fpr must be within range [0.0, 1.0]")
260 if options.mark and options.reset_marks:
261 error("only one of --mark and --reset-marks may be specified")
263 if options.reset_marks:
264 reset_marks(options, args)
265 return
267 z_scores, spectrum_scores = read_sqt_info(options.decoy_prefix, args)
269 thresholds = calculate_combined_thresholds(options, z_scores)
271 if options.debug:
272 pprint(thresholds)
274 if options.mark:
275 mark(options, thresholds, spectrum_scores, args)
278 if __name__ == '__main__':
279 main()