Merge --license into --version
[grake.git] / bin / grake
1 #!/usr/bin/perl
2 # -*- coding: ascii -*-
4 # grake
5 # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Toni Gundogdu <>
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
21 use warnings;
22 use strict;
23 use v5.10;
25 use version 0.77 (); our $VERSION = version->declare("0.1.0");
27 binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
28 binmode STDERR, ":utf8";
30 use Getopt::ArgvFile(home => 1, startupFilename => [qw(.grakerc)]);
31 use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling);
33 my %config;
35 exit main();
37 sub init
39 GetOptions(
40 \%config,
41 'interactive|i',
42 'title|t',
43 'json',
44 'csv',
45 'proxy=s',
46 'no_proxy|no-proxy',
47 'quiet|q',
48 'version' => \&version,
49 'help' => \&print_help,
50 ) or exit 1;
52 $config{title} ||= $config{json};
53 $config{title} ||= $config{csv};
56 sub version
58 eval "require Umph::Prompt";
59 my $p = $@ ? "" : ", Umph::Prompt version $Umph::Prompt::VERSION";
60 say "grake version $VERSION$p
61 Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Toni Gundogdu
62 This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
64 exit 0;
67 sub print_help
69 require Pod::Usage;
70 Pod::Usage::pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 1);
73 my @ids;
74 my @links;
76 sub main
78 init();
80 print_help() unless scalar @ARGV;
82 print STDERR "Checking ..." unless $config{quiet};
84 require LWP;
86 my $a = new LWP::UserAgent;
88 $a->env_proxy; #
90 $a->proxy('http', $config{proxy}) if $config{proxy};
91 $a->no_proxy('') if $config{no_proxy};
93 # Match: /watch?v=, /v/, /embed/
94 # (At least) Hulu uses the same "/embed/" which is why we no longer
95 # use the "(?>[-_\w]{11})".
97 my $q = qr{[?/](?:embed|v)[=/]((?>[-_\w]+))};
99 require URI::Escape;
101 foreach (@ARGV)
103 my $r = $a->get($_);
105 unless ($r->is_success)
107 printf STDERR "\nerror: $_: %s\n", $r->status_line;
108 next;
111 my $d = URI::Escape::uri_unescape($r->content);
112 @ids = weed(uniq2((@ids, $d =~ /$q/g)));
114 print STDERR "." unless $config{quiet};
117 unless (scalar @ids)
119 print STDERR "error: nothing found.\n";
120 return 0;
122 else {print STDERR "done.\n" unless $config{quiet};}
124 if ($config{title})
126 print STDERR ":: Getting video title ..." unless $config{quiet};
129 foreach my $id (@ids)
131 my %tmp = (
132 id => $id,
133 url => "$id",
134 gvi => "$id"
135 . "&el=detailpage&ps=default&eurl=&gl=US&hl=en",
136 title => undef,
137 selected => 1
140 $tmp{title} = get_title($a, \%tmp) if $config{title};
142 push @links, \%tmp;
145 if ($config{title})
147 print STDERR "done.\n" unless $config{quiet};
150 prompt() if $config{interactive};
152 if ($config{json}) {print qq/{\n "video": [\n/;}
154 my $i = 0;
156 foreach (@links)
158 if ($_->{selected} or not $config{interactive})
160 ++$i;
162 my $t = $_->{title} || "";
163 $t =~ s/"/\\"/g;
165 if ($config{json})
167 print ",\n" if $i > 1;
169 print " {\n"
170 . qq/ "title": "$t",\n/
171 . qq/ "url": "$_->{url}"\n/ . " }",
175 elsif ($config{csv}) {print qq/"$t","$_->{url}"\n/;}
177 else {print "$_->{url}\n";}
181 if ($config{json}) {print "\n ]\n}\n";}
183 return 0;
186 sub get_title
188 my ($a, $video) = @_;
190 my $r = $a->get($$video{gvi});
192 unless ($r->is_success)
194 printf STDERR "\nerror: $$video{url}: %s\n", $r->status_line;
195 return;
198 require CGI;
199 my $q = CGI->new($r->content);
201 my $title;
203 if ($q->param('reason'))
205 printf STDERR "\nerror: %s: %s (errorcode: %d)\n",
206 $$video{url}, trim($q->param("reason")),
207 $q->param("errorcode");
209 else
211 require Encode;
212 $title = trim(Encode::decode_utf8($q->param('title')));
213 print STDERR "." unless $config{quiet};
216 $title;
219 sub trim
221 my $s = shift;
222 $s =~ s{^[\s]+}//;
223 $s =~ s{\s+$}//;
224 $s =~ s{\s\s+}/ /g;
228 sub weed
230 my @r = ();
231 foreach (@_)
233 push @r, $_ if length $_ == 11;
238 sub uniq2
239 { #
240 my %seen = ();
241 my @r = ();
242 foreach my $a (@_)
244 unless ($seen{$a})
246 push @r, $a;
247 $seen{$a} = 1;
253 my $done = 0;
255 sub prompt
257 my %cmds = (
258 'h' => \&help,
259 'q' => \&quit,
260 'l' => \&list,
261 'a' => \&select_all,
262 'n' => \&select_none,
263 'i' => \&invert_selection,
264 'd' => \&dump,
267 print STDERR
268 "Enter prompt. Type \"help\" to get a list of commands.\n";
269 list();
271 my $p = "(grake) ";
273 while (not $done)
275 print STDERR $p;
277 my $ln = <STDIN>;
279 next unless $ln;
280 chomp $ln;
282 if ($ln =~ /(\d+)/) {toggle_caption($1);}
284 else
286 next unless $ln =~ /(\w)/;
287 $cmds{$1}() if defined $cmds{$1};
293 sub help
295 print STDERR "Commands:
296 help .. this
297 list .. display found links (> indicates selected for download)
298 all .. select all
299 none .. select none
300 invert .. invert selection
301 (number) .. toggle caption
302 dump .. dump selected links and exit
303 quit .. quit without dumping links\n"
304 . qq/Command name abbreviations are allowed, e.g. "h" instead of "help"\n/;
307 sub quit {exit 0;}
309 sub list
311 my $i = 0;
312 foreach (@links)
314 printf STDERR "%2s%02d: %s\n", $_->{selected}
315 ? ">"
316 : "",
317 ++$i,
318 $_->{title} || $_->{url};
322 sub select_all
324 $_->{selected} = 1 foreach @links;
325 list();
328 sub select_none
330 $_->{selected} = 0 foreach @links;
331 list();
334 sub invert_selection
336 $_->{selected} = not $_->{selected} foreach @links;
337 list();
340 sub dump {$done = 1;}
342 sub toggle_caption
344 my $i = (shift) - 1;
345 if ($i >= 0 && exists $links[$i])
347 $links[$i]->{selected} = not $links[$i]->{selected};
348 list();
350 else {print STDERR "error: out of range\n";}
353 __END__
355 =head1 SYNOPSIS
357 grake [-q] [-i] [-t] [--csv | --json] [--proxy E<lt>addrE<gt> | --no-proxy]
358 [<url>...]
360 =head1 OPTIONS
362 --help Print help and exit
363 --version Print version and exit
364 -q, --quiet Be quiet
365 -i, --interactive Run in interactive mode
366 -t, --title Get title for video link
367 --json Print details in json, implies -t
368 --csv Print details in csv, implies -t
369 --proxy arg (=http_proxy) Use proxy for HTTP connections
370 --no-proxy Disable use of HTTP proxy
372 =cut
374 # vim: set ts=4 sw=4 tw=72 expandtab: