GRAILS-1019: Allowing expressions to be used with the 'disabled' attribute for g...
[grails.git] / test / persistence / org / codehaus / groovy / grails / orm / hibernate /
1 package org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate;
4 import groovy.lang.*;
5 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.DefaultGrailsApplication;
6 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.DomainClassArtefactHandler;
7 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication;
8 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsDomainClass;
9 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.spring.GrailsRuntimeConfigurator;
10 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.orm.hibernate.metaclass.FindByPersistentMethod;
11 import;
12 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.PluginMetaManager;
13 import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.DefaultPluginMetaManager;
14 import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerInvocationException;
15 import org.hibernate.SessionFactory;
16 import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
17 import;
18 import org.springframework.mock.web.MockServletContext;
19 import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SessionHolder;
20 import org.springframework.test.AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests;
21 import;
22 import org.springframework.validation.Errors;
23 import;
25 import java.util.*;
27 public class PersistentMethodTests extends AbstractDependencyInjectionSpringContextTests {
29 protected GrailsApplication grailsApplication = null;
30 private GroovyClassLoader cl = new GroovyClassLoader();
31 private SessionFactory sessionFactory;
32 private org.hibernate.classic.Session hibSession;
35 /**
36 * @param grailsApplication The grailsApplication to set.
38 public void setGrailsApplication(GrailsApplication grailsApplication) {
39 this.grailsApplication = grailsApplication;
43 protected void onTearDown() throws Exception
45 grailsApplication = null;
46 cl = null;
47 sessionFactory = null;
48 hibSession = null;
49 super.onTearDown();
52 protected void onSetUp() throws Exception {
53 cl.parseClass("dataSource {\n" +
54 "\t\t\tdbCreate = \"create-drop\" // one of 'create', 'create-drop','update'\n" +
55 "\t\t\turl = \"jdbc:hsqldb:mem:devDB\" \n" +
56 "\tpooled = false\n" +
57 "\tdriverClassName = \"org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver\"\n" +
58 "\tusername = \"sa\"\n" +
59 "\tpassword = \"\"\n" +
60 "}", "DataSource");
61 Class groovyClass = cl.parseClass("public class PersistentMethodTests {\n" +
62 "\t Long id \n" +
63 "\t Long version \n" +
64 "\t\n" +
65 "\t String firstName \n" +
66 "\t String lastName \n" +
67 "\t Integer age\n" +
68 "\t boolean active = true\n" +
69 "\t\n" +
70 "\tstatic constraints = {\n" +
71 "\t\tfirstName(size:4..15)\n" +
72 "\t\tlastName(nullable:false)\n" +
73 "\t\tage(nullable:true)\n" +
74 "\t}\n" +
75 "}");
77 Class descendentClass = cl.parseClass(
78 "public class PersistentMethodTestsDescendent extends PersistentMethodTests {\n" +
79 " String gender\n" +
80 " static constraints = {\n" +
81 " gender(blank:false)\n" +
82 " }\n" +
83 "}"
86 ExpandoMetaClass.enableGlobally();
88 grailsApplication = new DefaultGrailsApplication(new Class[]{groovyClass, descendentClass},cl);
91 MockApplicationContext parent = new MockApplicationContext();
92 parent.registerMockBean(GrailsApplication.APPLICATION_ID, grailsApplication);
93 parent.registerMockBean("messageSource", new StaticMessageSource());
94 parent.registerMockBean(PluginMetaManager.BEAN_ID, new DefaultPluginMetaManager(new Resource[0]));
95 GrailsRuntimeConfigurator configurator = new GrailsRuntimeConfigurator(grailsApplication,parent);
96 ApplicationContext appCtx = configurator.configure( new MockServletContext( ));
97 this.sessionFactory = (SessionFactory)appCtx.getBean("sessionFactory");
101 if(!TransactionSynchronizationManager.hasResource(this.sessionFactory)) {
102 this.hibSession = this.sessionFactory.openSession();
103 TransactionSynchronizationManager.bindResource(this.sessionFactory, new SessionHolder(hibSession));
106 super.onSetUp();
109 protected String[] getConfigLocations() {
110 return new String[] { "org/codehaus/groovy/grails/orm/hibernate/grails-persistent-method-tests.xml" };
113 public void testMethodSignatures() {
115 FindByPersistentMethod findBy = new FindByPersistentMethod( grailsApplication,null,new GroovyClassLoader());
116 assertTrue(findBy.isMethodMatch("findByFirstName"));
117 assertTrue(findBy.isMethodMatch("findByFirstNameAndLastName"));
118 assertFalse(findBy.isMethodMatch("rubbish"));
122 public void testSavePersistentMethod() {
123 // init spring config
126 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
127 "PersistentMethodTests");
129 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
130 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
131 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
132 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
134 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
136 // test ident method to retrieve value of id
137 Object id = obj.invokeMethod("ident", null);
138 assertNotNull(id);
139 assertTrue(id instanceof Long);
142 public void testValidatePersistentMethod() {
143 // init spring config
146 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
147 "PersistentMethodTests");
149 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
150 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
151 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fr" );
152 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
154 obj.invokeMethod("validate", null);
156 Errors errors = (Errors)obj.getProperty("errors");
157 assertNotNull(errors);
158 assertTrue(errors.hasErrors());
161 public void testValidateMethodWithFieldList() {
162 // init spring config
165 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
166 "PersistentMethodTests");
168 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
169 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
170 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fr" );
171 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
173 Object result = obj.invokeMethod("validate", Arrays.asList(new Object[]{"age"}));
174 assertEquals(Boolean.TRUE, result);
176 result = obj.invokeMethod("validate", Arrays.asList(new Object[]{"firstName"}));
177 assertEquals(Boolean.FALSE, result);
180 public void testValidatePersistentMethodOnDerivedClass() {
181 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
182 "PersistentMethodTestsDescendent");
184 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
185 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
186 obj.setProperty( "gender", "female" );
188 obj.invokeMethod("validate", null);
190 Errors errors = (Errors)obj.getProperty("errors");
191 assertNotNull(errors);
192 assertTrue(errors.hasErrors());
194 // Check that nullable constraints on superclass are throwing errors
195 obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
196 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
197 obj.setProperty( "gender", "female" );
198 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "Marc" );
200 obj.invokeMethod("validate", null);
202 errors = (Errors)obj.getProperty("errors");
204 System.out.println("errors = " + errors);
206 assertNotNull(errors);
207 assertTrue(errors.hasErrors());
208 assertEquals(1, errors.getFieldErrorCount("lastName"));
211 public void testFindPersistentMethods() {
212 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
213 "PersistentMethodTests");
215 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
216 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
217 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
218 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
219 obj.setProperty( "age", new Integer(45));
221 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
223 // test query without a method
224 try {
225 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] {} );
226 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
228 catch(Exception e) {
229 //expected
232 // test invalid query
233 try {
234 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] {"from AnotherClass"} );
235 fail("Should have thrown grails query exception");
237 catch(GroovyRuntimeException gqe) {
238 //expected
241 // test find with HQL query
242 List params = new ArrayList();
243 params.add("fre%");
244 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like ?", params });
245 assertNotNull(returnValue);
247 // test find with HQL query
248 params.clear();
249 params.add("bre%");
250 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like ?", params });
251 assertNull(returnValue);
253 // test find with HQL query and array of params
254 Object[] paramsArray = new Object[] {"fre%"};
255 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like ?", paramsArray });
256 assertNotNull(returnValue);
258 // test with a GString argument
259 Binding b = new Binding();
260 b.setVariable("test","fre%");
261 b.setVariable("test1", "flint%");
262 GString gs = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"$test\"");
263 GString gs1 = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"$test1\"");
264 params.clear();
266 params.add(gs);
267 params.add(gs1);
268 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like ? and lastName like ?", params });
269 assertNotNull(returnValue);
271 // test named params with GString parameters
272 Map namedArgs = new HashMap();
273 namedArgs.put("name", gs);
274 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like :name", namedArgs });
275 assertNotNull(returnValue);
277 // test with a GString query
278 b.setVariable("className","PersistentMethodTests");
279 gs = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"from ${className} where firstName like ? and lastName like ?\"");
281 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { gs, params });
282 assertNotNull(returnValue);
284 // test find with query and named params
285 namedArgs.clear();
286 namedArgs.put( "name", "fred" );
287 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs });
288 assertNotNull(returnValue);
290 // test find with query and named list params
291 namedArgs.clear();
292 List namesList = new ArrayList();
293 namesList.add("fred");
294 namesList.add("anothername");
295 namedArgs.put( "namesList", namesList );
296 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
297 assertNotNull(returnValue);
299 // test find with query and named array params
300 namedArgs.clear();
301 namedArgs.put( "namesList", new Object[] {"fred","anothername"} );
302 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
303 assertNotNull(returnValue);
305 // test query with wrong named parameter
306 try {
307 namedArgs.clear();
308 namedArgs.put(new Long(1), "fred");
309 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs});
310 // new Long(1) is not valid name for named param, so exception should be thrown
311 fail("Should have thrown grails query exception");
313 catch(GroovyRuntimeException gqe) {
314 //expected
317 // test find by example
318 GroovyObject example = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
319 example.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
320 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { example });
321 assertNotNull(returnValue);
323 // test find by wrong example
324 example = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
325 example.setProperty( "firstName", "someone" );
326 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { example });
327 assertNull(returnValue);
329 // test query with wrong argument type
330 try {
331 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "find", new Object[] { new Date()});
332 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
334 catch(Exception e) {
335 //expected
339 public void testFindByPersistentMethods() {
340 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
341 "PersistentMethodTests");
343 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
344 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
345 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
346 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
347 obj.setProperty( "age", new Integer(45));
349 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
351 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
352 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
353 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
354 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
355 obj2.setProperty( "age", new Integer(42));
356 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
358 GroovyObject obj3 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
359 obj3.setProperty( "id", new Long(3) );
360 obj3.setProperty( "firstName", "dino" );
361 obj3.setProperty( "lastName", "dinosaur" );
362 obj3.setProperty( "age", new Integer(12));
363 obj3.invokeMethod("save", null);
365 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByFirstName", new Object[] { "fred", new Integer(10) });
366 assertNotNull(returnValue);
367 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
369 List returnList = (List)returnValue;
370 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
372 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByFirstNameAndLastName", new Object[] { "fred", "flintstone" });
373 assertNotNull(returnValue);
374 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
376 returnList = (List)returnValue;
377 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
379 /*returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findByFirstNameOrLastName", new Object[] { "fred", "flintstone" });
380 assertNotNull(returnValue);
381 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
383 returnList = (List)returnValue;
384 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());*/
386 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByFirstNameNotEqual", new Object[] { "fred" });
387 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
388 obj = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(0);
389 obj2 = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(1);
390 assertFalse("fred".equals( obj.getProperty("firstName")));
391 assertFalse("fred".equals( obj2.getProperty("firstName")));
393 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeLessThan", new Object[] { new Integer(20) });
394 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
395 obj = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(0);
396 assertEquals("dino", obj.getProperty("firstName"));
398 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeLessThanEquals", new Object[] { new Integer(12) });
399 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
401 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeGreaterThan", new Object[] { new Integer(20) });
402 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
404 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeGreaterThanEquals", new Object[] { new Integer(42) });
405 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
407 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeGreaterThanAndLastName", new Object[] { new Integer(20), "flintstone" });
408 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
410 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByLastNameLike", new Object[] { "flint%" });
411 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
413 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByLastNameIlike", new Object[] { "FLINT%" });
414 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
416 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeBetween", new Object[] { new Integer(10), new Integer(43) });
417 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
419 // test primitives
420 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByActive", new Object[] { Boolean.TRUE });
421 assertEquals(3, returnList.size());
423 Map queryMap = new HashMap();
424 queryMap.put("firstName", "wilma");
425 queryMap.put("lastName", "flintstone");
426 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findWhere", new Object[] { queryMap });
427 assertNotNull(returnValue);
429 queryMap = new HashMap();
430 queryMap.put("lastName", "flintstone");
431 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllWhere", new Object[] { queryMap });
432 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
434 // now lets test several automatic type conversions
435 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllById", new Object[] { "1" });
436 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
438 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllById", new Object[] { new Integer("1") });
439 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
441 // and case when automatic conversion cannot be applied
442 try {
443 returnList = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllById", new Object[] { "1.1" });
444 } catch(MissingMethodException iae) {
445 // great!
447 catch(InvokerInvocationException iie) {
448 // great!
452 // and the wrong number of arguments!
453 try {
454 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAllByAgeBetween", new Object[] { new Integer(10) });
455 fail("Should have thrown an exception for invalid argument count");
457 catch(MissingMethodException mme) {
458 //great!
460 catch(InvokerInvocationException iie) {
461 // great!
466 public void testGetPersistentMethod() {
467 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
468 "PersistentMethodTests");
470 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
471 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
472 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
473 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
475 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
477 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
478 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
479 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
480 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
482 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
484 // get wilma by id
485 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "get", new Object[] { new Long(2) });
486 assertNotNull(returnValue);
487 assertEquals(returnValue.getClass(),domainClass.getClazz());
490 public void testGetAllPersistentMethod() {
491 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
492 "PersistentMethodTests");
494 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
495 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
496 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
497 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
499 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
501 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
502 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
503 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
504 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
506 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
508 GroovyObject obj3 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
509 obj3.setProperty( "id", new Long(3) );
510 obj3.setProperty( "firstName", "john" );
511 obj3.setProperty( "lastName", "smith" );
513 obj3.invokeMethod("save", null);
515 // get wilma and fred by ids passed as method arguments
516 List args = new ArrayList();
517 args.add(new Long(2));
518 args.add(new Long(1));
520 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "getAll", new Object[] { args });
521 assertNotNull(returnValue);
522 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
523 List returnList = (List)returnValue;
524 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
525 GroovyObject result = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(0);
526 GroovyObject result1 = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(1);
527 assertEquals(new Long(2), result.getProperty("id"));
528 assertEquals(new Long(1), result1.getProperty("id"));
530 // get john and fred by ids passed in list
531 List param = new ArrayList();
532 param.add( new Long(3) );
533 param.add( new Long(1) );
534 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "getAll", new Object[] { param });
535 assertNotNull(returnValue);
536 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
537 returnList = (List)returnValue;
538 assertEquals(2, returnList.size());
539 result = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(0);
540 result1 = (GroovyObject)returnList.get(1);
541 assertEquals(new Long(3), result.getProperty("id"));
542 assertEquals(new Long(1), result1.getProperty("id"));
544 // when called without arguments should return a list of all objects
545 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "getAll", new Object[] {});
546 assertNotNull(returnValue);
547 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
548 returnList = (List)returnValue;
549 assertEquals(3, returnList.size());
551 args = new ArrayList();
552 args.add(new Long(5));
553 args.add(new Long(2));
554 args.add(new Long(7));
555 args.add(new Long(1));
556 // if there are no object with specified id - should return null on corresponding places
557 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "getAll", new Object[] {args});
558 assertNotNull(returnValue);
559 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
560 returnList = (List)returnValue;
561 assertEquals(4, returnList.size());
562 assertNull(returnList.get(0));
563 assertNull(returnList.get(2));
566 public void testDiscardMethod() {
567 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
568 "PersistentMethodTests");
570 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
571 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
572 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
573 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
575 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
577 assertTrue(hibSession.contains(obj));
578 obj.invokeMethod("discard", null);
579 assertFalse(hibSession.contains(obj));
582 public void testFindAllPersistentMethod() {
583 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
584 "PersistentMethodTests");
586 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
587 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
588 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
589 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
591 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
593 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
594 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
595 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
596 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
598 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
600 // test invalid query
601 try {
602 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] {"from AnotherClass"} );
603 fail("Should have thrown grails query exception");
605 catch(GroovyRuntimeException gqe) {
606 //expected
609 // test find with a query
610 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests" });
611 assertNotNull(returnValue);
612 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
613 List listResult = (List)returnValue;
614 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
616 // test without a query (should return all instances)
617 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] {} );
618 assertNotNull(returnValue);
619 assertEquals(ArrayList.class, returnValue.getClass());
620 listResult = (List)returnValue;
621 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
624 // test find with query and args
625 List args = new ArrayList();
626 args.add( "wilma" );
627 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = ?", args });
628 assertNotNull(returnValue);
629 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
630 listResult = (List)returnValue;
631 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
633 // test find with query and array argument
634 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = ?", new Object[] {"wilma"} });
635 assertNotNull(returnValue);
636 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
637 listResult = (List)returnValue;
638 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
640 // test find with query and named params
641 Map namedArgs = new HashMap();
642 namedArgs.put( "name", "wilma" );
643 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs });
644 assertNotNull(returnValue);
645 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
646 listResult = (List)returnValue;
647 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
649 // test with a GString argument
650 Binding b = new Binding();
651 b.setVariable("test","fre%");
652 b.setVariable("test1", "flint%");
653 GString gs = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"$test\"");
654 GString gs1 = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"$test1\"");
655 args.clear();
656 args.add(gs);
657 args.add(gs1);
658 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like ? and lastName like ?", args });
659 assertNotNull(returnValue);
660 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
661 listResult = (List)returnValue;
662 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
664 // GStrings in named params
665 namedArgs.clear();
666 namedArgs.put("firstName", gs);
667 namedArgs.put("lastName", gs1);
668 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests where firstName like :firstName and lastName like :lastName", namedArgs });
669 assertNotNull(returnValue);
670 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
671 listResult = (List)returnValue;
672 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
674 // test with a GString query
675 b.setVariable("className","PersistentMethodTests");
676 gs = (GString)new GroovyShell(b).evaluate("\"from ${className} where firstName like ? and lastName like ?\"");
677 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { gs, args });
678 assertNotNull(returnValue);
681 // test find with query and named list params
682 namedArgs.clear();
683 List namesList = new ArrayList();
684 namesList.add("wilma");
685 namesList.add("fred");
686 namedArgs.put( "namesList", namesList );
687 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
688 assertNotNull(returnValue);
689 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
690 listResult = (List)returnValue;
691 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
693 // test find with query and named array params
694 namedArgs.clear();
695 namedArgs.put( "namesList", new Object[] {"wilma","fred"} );
696 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
697 assertNotNull(returnValue);
698 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
699 listResult = (List)returnValue;
700 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
702 // test find with max result
703 namedArgs.clear();
704 namedArgs.put( "namesList", new Object[] {"wilma","fred"} );
705 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs, new Integer(1) });
706 assertNotNull(returnValue);
707 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
708 listResult = (List)returnValue;
709 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
711 // test find with max result without params
712 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p", new Integer(1) });
713 assertNotNull(returnValue);
714 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
715 listResult = (List)returnValue;
716 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
718 // test with max result in Map
719 Map resultsMap = new HashMap();
720 resultsMap.put("max", new Integer(1));
721 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs, resultsMap });
722 assertNotNull(returnValue);
723 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
724 listResult = (List)returnValue;
725 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
726 // test with 'max' param in named parameter map - for backward compatibility
727 namedArgs.put("max", new Integer(1));
728 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
729 assertNotNull(returnValue);
730 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
731 listResult = (List)returnValue;
732 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
734 // test find with offset
735 namedArgs.clear();
736 namedArgs.put( "namesList", new Object[] {"wilma","fred"} );
737 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs, new Integer(2), new Integer(1) });
738 assertNotNull(returnValue);
739 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
740 listResult = (List)returnValue;
741 // max results = 2 and offset = 1 => 1 of 2 result expected
742 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
744 // test find with offset without params
745 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p", new Integer(2), new Integer(1) });
746 assertNotNull(returnValue);
747 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
748 listResult = (List)returnValue;
749 // max results = 2 and offset = 1 => 1 of 2 result expected
750 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
752 // test with offset in Map
753 resultsMap = new HashMap();
754 resultsMap.put("offset", new Integer(1));
755 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs, resultsMap });
756 assertNotNull(returnValue);
757 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
758 listResult = (List)returnValue;
759 // max results not specified and offset = 1 => 1 of 2 result expected
760 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
762 // test with 'offset' param in named parameter map - for backward compatibility
763 namedArgs.put("offset", new Integer(1));
764 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList)", namedArgs });
765 assertNotNull(returnValue);
766 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
767 listResult = (List)returnValue;
768 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
770 // test query with wrong named parameter
771 try {
772 namedArgs.clear();
773 namedArgs.put(new Long(1), "wilma");
774 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { "from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs});
775 // new Long(1) is not valid name for named param, so exception should be thrown
776 fail("Should have thrown grails query exception");
778 catch(GroovyRuntimeException gqe) {
779 //expected
782 // test find by example
783 GroovyObject example = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
784 example.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
785 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { example });
786 assertNotNull(returnValue);
787 assertEquals(ArrayList.class,returnValue.getClass());
788 listResult = (List)returnValue;
789 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
791 // test query with wrong argument type
792 try {
793 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "findAll", new Object[] { new Date()});
794 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
796 catch(Exception e) {
797 //expected
801 public void testListPersistentMethods() {
802 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
803 "PersistentMethodTests");
805 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
806 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
807 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
808 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
810 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
812 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
813 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
814 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
815 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
817 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
819 GroovyObject obj3 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
820 obj3.setProperty( "id", new Long(3) );
821 obj3.setProperty( "firstName", "dino" );
822 obj3.setProperty( "lastName", "dinosaur" );
824 obj3.invokeMethod("save", null);
826 // test plain list
827 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,"list", null);
828 assertNotNull(returnValue);
829 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
831 List returnList = (List)returnValue;
832 assertEquals(3, returnList.size());
833 // test list with max value
834 Map argsMap = new HashMap();
835 argsMap.put("max",new Integer(1));
836 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,"list", new Object[]{ argsMap });
837 assertNotNull(returnValue);
838 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
840 returnList = (List)returnValue;
841 assertEquals(1, returnList.size());
843 // test list with order by desc
844 argsMap = new HashMap();
845 argsMap.put("order", "desc");
846 argsMap.put("sort", "firstName");
848 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,
849 "listOrderByFirstName", new Object[] { argsMap });
850 assertNotNull(returnValue);
851 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
853 returnList = (List) returnValue;
854 obj = (GroovyObject) returnList.get(0);
855 obj2 = (GroovyObject) returnList.get(1);
857 assertEquals("wilma", obj.getProperty("firstName"));
858 assertEquals("fred", obj2.getProperty("firstName"));
864 public void testExecuteQueryMethod() {
865 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
866 "PersistentMethodTests");
868 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
869 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
870 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
871 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
872 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
874 obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
875 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
876 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
877 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
878 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
880 MetaClass domain = obj.getMetaClass();
882 // test query without a method
883 try {
884 domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] {} );
885 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
887 catch(Exception e) {
888 //expected
891 // test query with too many params
892 try {
893 domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "query", "param", new HashMap(), "4" } );
894 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
896 catch(Exception e) {
897 //expected
900 // test query with wrong third param type (must be Map)
901 try {
902 domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "query", "param", "wrong third param" } );
903 fail("Should have thrown an exception");
905 catch(Exception e) {
906 //expected
909 // test find with a query
910 Object returnValue = domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p" });
911 assertNotNull( returnValue );
912 assertEquals( ArrayList.class, returnValue.getClass() );
913 List listResult = (List)returnValue;
914 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
916 // test find with a query and paginate params
917 Map paginateParams = new HashMap();
918 paginateParams.put( "max", new Integer(1) );
919 listResult = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p order by p.firstName", paginateParams });
920 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
921 assertEquals("fred", ((GroovyObject)listResult.get(0)).getProperty("firstName"));
922 paginateParams.put( "offset", new Integer(1) );
923 listResult = (List)obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p order by p.firstName", paginateParams });
924 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
925 assertEquals("wilma", ((GroovyObject)listResult.get(0)).getProperty("firstName"));
927 // test find with query and args
928 List args = new ArrayList();
929 args.add( "wilma" );
930 listResult = (List) domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = ?", args });
931 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
933 // test find with query and arg
934 listResult = (List)domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = ?", "wilma" });
935 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
937 // test find with query and named params
938 Map namedArgs = new HashMap();
939 namedArgs.put( "name", "wilma" );
940 listResult = (List)domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs });
941 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
943 // test find with query and named list params
944 namedArgs.clear();
945 List namesList = new ArrayList();
946 namesList.add("wilma");
947 namesList.add("fred");
948 namedArgs.put( "namesList", namesList );
949 listResult = (List)domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList) order by p.firstName", namedArgs });
950 assertEquals(2, listResult.size());
951 // test find with a query and named list params and paginate params
952 paginateParams.clear();
953 paginateParams.put( "max", new Integer(1) );
954 listResult = (List)domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList) order by p.firstName", namedArgs, paginateParams });
955 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
956 assertEquals("fred", ((GroovyObject)listResult.get(0)).getProperty("firstName"));
957 paginateParams.put( "offset", new Integer(1) );
958 listResult = (List)domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName in (:namesList) order by p.firstName", namedArgs, paginateParams });
959 assertEquals(1, listResult.size());
960 assertEquals("wilma", ((GroovyObject)listResult.get(0)).getProperty("firstName"));
962 // test query with wrong named parameter
963 try {
964 namedArgs.clear();
965 namedArgs.put(new Long(1), "wilma");
966 domain.invokeStaticMethod(obj, "executeQuery", new Object[] { "select distinct p from PersistentMethodTests as p where p.firstName = :name", namedArgs});
967 // new Long(1) is not valid name for named param, so exception should be thrown
968 fail("Should have thrown grails query exception");
970 catch(GroovyRuntimeException gqe) {
971 //expected
975 public void testDMLOperation() throws Exception {
976 GrailsDomainClass domainClass = (GrailsDomainClass) this.grailsApplication.getArtefact(DomainClassArtefactHandler.TYPE,
977 "PersistentMethodTests");
979 GroovyObject obj = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
980 obj.setProperty( "id", new Long(1) );
981 obj.setProperty( "firstName", "fred" );
982 obj.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
984 obj.invokeMethod("save", null);
986 GroovyObject obj2 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
987 obj2.setProperty( "id", new Long(2) );
988 obj2.setProperty( "firstName", "wilma" );
989 obj2.setProperty( "lastName", "flintstone" );
991 obj2.invokeMethod("save", null);
993 GroovyObject obj3 = (GroovyObject)domainClass.newInstance();
994 obj3.setProperty( "id", new Long(3) );
995 obj3.setProperty( "firstName", "dino" );
996 obj3.setProperty( "lastName", "dinosaur" );
998 obj3.invokeMethod("save", null);
1000 Object returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,"list", null);
1001 assertNotNull(returnValue);
1002 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
1004 List returnList = (List)returnValue;
1005 assertEquals(3, returnList.size());
1007 obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,"executeUpdate", new Object[]{"delete PersistentMethodTests"});
1009 returnValue = obj.getMetaClass().invokeStaticMethod(obj,"list", null);
1010 assertNotNull(returnValue);
1011 assertTrue(returnValue instanceof List);
1013 returnList = (List)returnValue;
1014 assertEquals(0, returnList.size());