Maemo 5: Fix window and button layout (Maemo bug 11499)
[gpodder.git] / src / gpodder / gtkui /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client
4 # Copyright (c) 2005-2010 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
6 # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 # -- Download management in GUIs (2009-08-24)
23 # Based on code from (thp, 2007-08-24)
26 import gpodder
28 from gpodder import util
29 from gpodder import download
31 import gtk
33 import collections
35 _ = gpodder.gettext
38 class DownloadStatusModel(gtk.ListStore):
39 # Symbolic names for our columns, so we know what we're up to
44 def __init__(self):
45 gtk.ListStore.__init__(self, object, str, str, int, str, str)
47 # Set up stock icon IDs for tasks
48 self._status_ids = collections.defaultdict(lambda: None)
49 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.DOWNLOADING] = gtk.STOCK_GO_DOWN
50 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.DONE] = gtk.STOCK_APPLY
51 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.FAILED] = gtk.STOCK_STOP
52 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.CANCELLED] = gtk.STOCK_CANCEL
53 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.PAUSED] = gtk.STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE
55 ICON = lambda x: x
57 if gpodder.ui.fremantle:
58 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.DOWNLOADING] = ICON('email_inbox')
59 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.FAILED] = ICON('general_stop')
60 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.PAUSED] = ICON('camera_video_pause')
61 self._status_ids[download.DownloadTask.DONE] = ICON('general_tickmark_checked')
63 def _format_message(self, episode, message, podcast):
64 return '%s\n<small>%s - %s</small>' % (episode, message, podcast)
66 def request_update(self, iter, task=None):
67 if task is None:
68 # Ongoing update request from UI - get task from model
69 task = self.get_value(iter, self.C_TASK)
70 else:
71 # Initial update request - update non-changing fields
72 self.set(iter,
73 self.C_TASK, task,
74 self.C_URL, task.url)
76 if task.status == task.FAILED:
77 status_message = '%s: %s' % (\
78 task.STATUS_MESSAGE[task.status], \
79 task.error_message)
80 elif task.status == task.DOWNLOADING:
81 status_message = '%s (%.0f%%, %s/s)' % (\
82 task.STATUS_MESSAGE[task.status], \
83 task.progress*100, \
84 util.format_filesize(task.speed))
85 else:
86 status_message = task.STATUS_MESSAGE[task.status]
88 if task.progress > 0 and task.progress < 1:
89 current = util.format_filesize(task.progress*task.total_size, digits=1)
90 total = util.format_filesize(task.total_size, digits=1)
92 # Remove unit from current if same as in total
93 # (does: "12 MiB / 24 MiB" => "12 / 24 MiB")
94 current = current.split()
95 if current[-1] == total.split()[-1]:
96 current.pop()
97 current = ' '.join(current)
99 progress_message = ' / '.join((current, total))
100 elif task.total_size > 0:
101 progress_message = util.format_filesize(task.total_size, \
102 digits=1)
103 else:
104 progress_message = ('unknown size')
106 self.set(iter,
107 self.C_NAME, self._format_message(task.markup_name, \
108 status_message, task.markup_podcast_name),
109 self.C_PROGRESS, 100.*task.progress, \
110 self.C_PROGRESS_TEXT, progress_message, \
111 self.C_ICON_NAME, self._status_ids[task.status])
113 def __add_new_task(self, task):
114 iter = self.append()
115 self.request_update(iter, task)
117 def register_task(self, task):
118 util.idle_add(self.__add_new_task, task)
120 def tell_all_tasks_to_quit(self):
121 for row in self:
122 task = row[DownloadStatusModel.C_TASK]
123 if task is not None:
124 # Pause currently-running (and queued) downloads
125 if task.status in (task.QUEUED, task.DOWNLOADING):
126 task.status = task.PAUSED
128 # Delete cancelled and failed downloads
129 if task.status in (task.CANCELLED, task.FAILED):
130 task.removed_from_list()
132 def are_downloads_in_progress(self):
134 Returns True if there are any downloads in the
135 QUEUED or DOWNLOADING status, False otherwise.
137 for row in self:
138 task = row[DownloadStatusModel.C_TASK]
139 if task is not None and \
140 task.status in (task.DOWNLOADING, \
141 task.QUEUED):
142 return True
144 return False
146 def cancel_by_url(self, url):
147 for row in self:
148 task = row[DownloadStatusModel.C_TASK]
149 if task is not None and task.url == url and \
150 task.status in (task.DOWNLOADING, \
151 task.QUEUED):
152 task.status = task.CANCELLED
153 return True
155 return False
158 class DownloadTaskMonitor(object):
159 """A helper class that abstracts download events"""
160 def __init__(self, episode, on_can_resume, on_can_pause, on_finished):
161 self.episode = episode
162 self._status = None
163 self._on_can_resume = on_can_resume
164 self._on_can_pause = on_can_pause
165 self._on_finished = on_finished
167 def task_updated(self, task):
168 if self.episode.url == task.episode.url and self._status != task.status:
169 if task.status in (task.DONE, task.FAILED, task.CANCELLED):
170 self._on_finished()
171 elif task.status == task.PAUSED:
172 self._on_can_resume()
173 elif task.status in (task.QUEUED, task.DOWNLOADING):
174 self._on_can_pause()
175 self._status = task.status