YouTube integration.
[gpodder.git] / src / gpodder /
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3 # gPodder - A media aggregator and podcast client
4 # Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Thomas Perl and the gPodder Team
6 # gPodder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9 # (at your option) any later version.
11 # gPodder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program. If not, see <>.
22 # -- Download client using DownloadStatusManager
23 # Thomas Perl <> 2007-09-15
25 # Based on (2005-10-29)
28 from gpodder.liblogger import log
29 from gpodder.libgpodder import gl
30 from gpodder import util
31 from gpodder import services
32 from gpodder import resolver
33 import gpodder
35 import threading
36 import urllib
37 import shutil
38 import os.path
39 import os
40 import time
42 from xml.sax import saxutils
44 class DownloadCancelledException(Exception): pass
46 class gPodderDownloadHTTPError(Exception):
47 def __init__(self, url, error_code, error_message):
48 self.url = url
49 self.error_code = error_code
50 self.error_message = error_message
52 class DownloadURLOpener(urllib.FancyURLopener):
53 version = gpodder.user_agent
55 def __init__( self, channel):
56 if gl.config.proxy_use_environment:
57 proxies = None
58 else:
59 proxies = {}
60 if gl.config.http_proxy:
61 proxies['http'] = gl.config.http_proxy
62 if gl.config.ftp_proxy:
63 proxies['ftp'] = gl.config.ftp_proxy
65 = channel
66 urllib.FancyURLopener.__init__( self, proxies)
68 def http_error_default(self, url, fp, errcode, errmsg, headers):
69 """
70 FancyURLopener by default does not raise an exception when
71 there is some unknown HTTP error code. We want to override
72 this and provide a function to log the error and raise an
73 exception, so we don't download the HTTP error page here.
74 """
75 # The following two lines are copied from urllib.URLopener's
76 # implementation of http_error_default
77 void =
78 fp.close()
79 raise gPodderDownloadHTTPError(url, errcode, errmsg)
81 def prompt_user_passwd( self, host, realm):
82 if or
83 log( 'Authenticating as "%s" to "%s" for realm "%s".',, host, realm, sender = self)
84 return (, )
86 return ( None, None )
89 class DownloadThread(threading.Thread):
92 def __init__( self, channel, episode, notification = None):
93 threading.Thread.__init__( self)
94 self.setDaemon( True)
96 = channel
97 self.episode = episode
99 self.notification = notification
101 self.url = self.episode.url
102 self.filename = self.episode.local_filename()
103 self.tempname = os.path.join( os.path.dirname( self.filename), '.tmp-' + os.path.basename( self.filename))
105 # Make an educated guess about the total file size
106 self.total_size = self.episode.length
108 self.cancelled = False
109 self.start_time = 0.0
110 self.speed = _('Queued')
111 self.speed_value = 0
112 self.progress = 0.0
113 self.downloader = DownloadURLOpener(
114 self.last_update = 0.0
116 # Keep a copy of these global variables for comparison later
117 self.limit_rate_value = gl.config.limit_rate_value
118 self.limit_rate = gl.config.limit_rate
119 self.start_blocks = 0
121 def cancel( self):
122 self.cancelled = True
124 def status_updated( self, count, blockSize, totalSize):
125 if totalSize:
126 # We see a different "total size" while downloading,
127 # so correct the total size variable in the thread
128 if totalSize != self.total_size and totalSize > 0:
129 log('Correcting file size for %s from %d to %d while downloading.', self.url, self.total_size, totalSize, sender=self)
130 self.total_size = totalSize
131 elif totalSize < 0:
132 # The current download has a negative value, so assume
133 # the total size given from the feed is correct
134 totalSize = self.total_size
135 self.progress = 100.0*float(count*blockSize)/float(totalSize)
136 else:
137 self.progress = 100.0
139 # Sanity checks for "progress" in valid range (0..100)
140 if self.progress < 0.0:
141 log('Warning: Progress is lower than 0 (count=%d, blockSize=%d, totalSize=%d)', count, blockSize, totalSize, sender=self)
142 self.progress = 0.0
143 elif self.progress > 100.0:
144 log('Warning: Progress is more than 100 (count=%d, blockSize=%d, totalSize=%d)', count, blockSize, totalSize, sender=self)
145 self.progress = 100.0
147 self.calculate_speed( count, blockSize)
148 if self.last_update < time.time() - (1.0 / self.MAX_UPDATES_PER_SEC):
149 services.download_status_manager.update_status( self.download_id, speed = self.speed, progress = self.progress)
150 self.last_update = time.time()
152 if self.cancelled:
153 util.delete_file( self.tempname)
154 raise DownloadCancelledException()
156 def calculate_speed( self, count, blockSize):
157 if count % 5 == 0:
158 now = time.time()
159 if self.start_time > 0:
161 # Has rate limiting been enabled or disabled?
162 if self.limit_rate != gl.config.limit_rate:
163 # If it has been enabled then reset base time and block count
164 if gl.config.limit_rate:
165 self.start_time = now
166 self.start_blocks = count
167 self.limit_rate = gl.config.limit_rate
169 # Has the rate been changed and are we currently limiting?
170 if self.limit_rate_value != gl.config.limit_rate_value and self.limit_rate:
171 self.start_time = now
172 self.start_blocks = count
173 self.limit_rate_value = gl.config.limit_rate_value
175 passed = now - self.start_time
176 if passed > 0:
177 speed = ((count-self.start_blocks)*blockSize)/passed
178 else:
179 speed = 0
180 else:
181 self.start_time = now
182 self.start_blocks = count
183 passed = now - self.start_time
184 speed = count*blockSize
186 self.speed = '%s/s' % gl.format_filesize(speed)
187 self.speed_value = speed
189 if gl.config.limit_rate and speed > gl.config.limit_rate_value:
190 # calculate the time that should have passed to reach
191 # the desired download rate and wait if necessary
192 should_have_passed = float((count-self.start_blocks)*blockSize)/(gl.config.limit_rate_value*1024.0)
193 if should_have_passed > passed:
194 # sleep a maximum of 10 seconds to not cause time-outs
195 delay = min( 10.0, float(should_have_passed-passed))
196 time.sleep( delay)
198 def run( self):
199 self.download_id = services.download_status_manager.reserve_download_id()
200 services.download_status_manager.register_download_id( self.download_id, self)
202 # Initial status update
203 services.download_status_manager.update_status( self.download_id, episode = self.episode.title, url = self.episode.url, speed = self.speed, progress = self.progress)
205 acquired = services.download_status_manager.s_acquire()
206 try:
207 try:
208 if self.cancelled:
209 return
211 util.delete_file( self.tempname)
212 (unused, headers) = self.downloader.retrieve( resolver.get_real_download_url(self.url), self.tempname, reporthook = self.status_updated)
214 if 'content-type' in headers and headers['content-type'] != self.episode.mimetype:
215 log('Correcting mime type: %s => %s', self.episode.mimetype, headers['content-type'])
216 self.episode.mimetype = headers['content-type']
217 # File names are constructed with regard to the mime type.
218 self.filename = self.episode.local_filename()
220 shutil.move( self.tempname, self.filename)
221 # Get the _real_ filesize once we actually have the file
222 self.episode.length = os.path.getsize(self.filename)
223 self.episode)
224 services.download_status_manager.download_completed(self.download_id)
226 # If a user command has been defined, execute the command setting some environment variables
227 if len(gl.config.cmd_download_complete) > 0:
228 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_URL"]=self.episode.url or ''
229 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_TITLE"]=self.episode.title or ''
230 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_FILENAME"]=self.filename or ''
231 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_PUBDATE"]=str(int(self.episode.pubDate))
232 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_LINK"] or ''
233 os.environ["GPODDER_EPISODE_DESC"]=self.episode.description or ''
234 threading.Thread(target=gl.ext_command_thread, args=(self.notification,gl.config.cmd_download_complete)).start()
236 finally:
237 services.download_status_manager.remove_download_id( self.download_id)
238 services.download_status_manager.s_release( acquired)
239 except DownloadCancelledException:
240 log('Download has been cancelled: %s', self.episode.title, traceback=None, sender=self)
241 except IOError, ioe:
242 if self.notification is not None:
243 title = ioe.strerror
244 message = _('An error happened while trying to download <b>%s</b>.') % ( saxutils.escape( self.episode.title), )
245 self.notification( message, title)
246 log( 'Error "%s" while downloading "%s": %s', ioe.strerror, self.episode.title, ioe.filename, sender = self)
247 except gPodderDownloadHTTPError, gdhe:
248 if self.notification is not None:
249 title = gdhe.error_message
250 message = _('An error (HTTP %d) happened while trying to download <b>%s</b>.') % ( gdhe.error_code, saxutils.escape( self.episode.title), )
251 self.notification( message, title)
252 log( 'HTTP error %s while downloading "%s": %s', gdhe.error_code, self.episode.title, gdhe.error_message, sender=self)
253 except:
254 log( 'Error while downloading "%s".', self.episode.title, sender = self, traceback = True)