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[gpiv.git] / doc / C / vorstra.html
1 <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Manpage of </TITLE>
3 Name: <B>VORSTRA</B><BR>
4 Section: User Commands (1)
5 <HR>
7 <A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
8 <H2>NAME</H2>
10 vorstra - Calculates the differential quantities vorticity, shear
11 strain and normal strain from PIV data.
12 <A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
13 <H2>SYNOPSIS</H2>
15 <P>
16 <B>vorstra</B>
17 [<B>-d int</B>] [<B>-f </B><I>filename</I>] [<B>-h</B>] [<B>-n</B> | <B>-o</B> | <B>-s</B>]
18 [<B>-p</B>] [<B>-g</B> | <B>--g</B>] [<B>-gui</B> | <B>--gui</B>] [<B>-v</B>] &lt; <I>stdin</I> &gt; <I>stdoutfR
19 <P>
20 </I>
21 <P>
22 <A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
25 <P>
26 <I>vorstra</I> calculates the differential
27 quantities like vorticity, shear strain and normal strain from PIV
28 data. You can choose from several differential schemes: central
29 differentiation, least squares, Richardson
30 extrapolation and circulation method. Circulation method allows only
31 to calculate vorticity, but no strain. The output can be generated
32 as ASCII data containing four columns or as GNUPlot Data format that
33 allows to view/print the data as contour plots.
34 <P>
35 The parameters and options to be used for <I>vorstra</I> are
36 subsequently searched in <I>vorstra.par</I> at local directory, at
37 <I>~/.gpivrc</I> or at <I>/etc/gpivrc</I>. Except for the number of
38 input data, each parameter is described by the program key (Vos) and
39 the parameter name, separated by a dot (.), followed by its
40 value. Some of the parameters are optional. The parameters may be
41 defined in arbitrary order. Blank lines and comment (starting with a
42 pound sign (#) at the first column) may be included in the parameter
43 files. The parameters may be overruled by the command line options,
44 as explained below.
45 <P>
46 <A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
47 <H2>Options </H2>
50 <DT><B>-d </B><I>N</I><DD>
51 Differential type to be used: central difference
52 (<I>N</I>=0), least squares (<I>N</I>=1), Richardson interpolation
53 (<I>N</I>=2), circulation method (<I>N</I>=3)
54 <DT><B>-f </B><I>filename</I> <DD>
55 Overrides stdin and stdout with <I>filename</I>. The <I>filename</I> has
56 to be given without its <B>.piv</B> extension. The output will be
57 written to <I>filename</I><B>.vor</B>.
58 <DT><B>-h</B><DD>
59 On-line help
60 <DT><B>-n</B><DD>
61 Calculate normal strain of the PIV data.
62 <DT><B>-o</B> <DD>
63 Calculate vorticity of the PIV data.
64 <DT><B>-p</B><DD>
65 Print parameters, command line options and eventually used input and
66 output filenames to stdout. The output may be used as parameters of
67 <B>vorstra</B> for future use by re-directing stdout to
68 <B>vorstra.par</B>.
69 <DT><B>-s</B><DD>
70 Calculate shear strain of the PIV data.
71 <DT><B>-g</B><DD>
72 Show contour plot of the output with gnuplot.
73 <DT><B>--g</B><DD>
74 Suppresses to show contour plot of the output with gnuplot.
75 <DT><B>-gui</B><DD>
76 Setting(s) specific for gpiv graphical user interface; will show the
77 contourplot during 10 seconds.
78 <DT><B>--gui</B><DD>
79 Suppresses settngs specific for gpiv graphical user interface
80 <DT><B>-v</B><DD>
81 Print version information on standard output, then exit successfully.
82 <P>
83 </DL>
84 <A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>
85 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
87 batch-gp, dav2piv, err_vec, manipiv, hilo, rr, scale, s-avg, t-avg, peaklck,
88 piv2vec, vorstra
89 <P>
90 <A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>
91 <H2>NOTES</H2>
93 The program has been tested and validated for manual generated PIV
94 data.
95 <P>
96 <A NAME="lbAH">&nbsp;</A>
97 <H2>AUTHOR</H2>
99 Gerber Van der Graaf
101 <A NAME="lbAI">&nbsp;</A>
102 <H2>BUGS</H2>
104 Stdin and stdout do not work.
106 <HR>
107 <A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Table of Contents</H2>
108 <OL>
109 <LI><A HREF="#lbAB">Name</A>
110 <LI><A HREF="#lbAC">Synopsis</A>
111 <LI><A HREF="#lbAD">Description</A>
112 <LI><A HREF="#lbAE">Options </A>
113 <LI><A HREF="#lbAF">See also</A>
114 <LI><A HREF="#lbAG">Notes</A>
115 <LI><A HREF="#lbAH">Author</A>
116 <LI><A HREF="#lbAI">Bugs</A>
117 </OL>
118 </BODY>
119 </HTML>