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[gpiv.git] / doc / C / t-avg.html
1 <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Manpage of </TITLE>
3 Name: <B>t-avg</B><BR>
4 Section: User Commands (1)
5 <HR>
7 <A NAME="lbAB">&nbsp;</A>
8 <H2>NAME</H2>
10 t-avg - Calculates time-averaged mean and variances of PIV data.
11 <A NAME="lbAC">&nbsp;</A>
12 <H2>SYNOPSIS</H2>
14 <P>
15 <B>t-avg</B>
16 [<B>-dn</B> | <B>--dir_name </B><I>dir base-name</I>]
17 [<B>-fd</B> | <B>--first_dir </B><I>N</I>]
18 [<B>-ld</B> | <B>--last_dir </B><I>N</I>]
19 [<B>-fn</B> | <B>--file_name </B><I>file base-name</I>]
20 [<B>-ff</B> | <B>--first_file </B><I>N</I>]
21 [<B>-lf</B> | <B>--last_file </B><I>N</I>]
22 [<B>-hf</B> | <B>--help</B>]
23 [<B>-p</B> | <B>--print</B>]
24 [<B>-v</B> | <B>--version</B>]
25 <P>
27 <P>
28 <A NAME="lbAD">&nbsp;</A>
31 <P>
32 <B>t-avg</B> calculates mean and variances of a <B>set</B> of piv data
33 resulting into time-avaraged values. If no parameters are defined at
34 the command line, standard parameters will be used that are defined in
35 the script.
36 <P>
37 <A NAME="lbAE">&nbsp;</A>
38 <H2>Options </H2>
41 <DT><B>-dn [--dir_name] </B><I>dir base-name</I><DD>
42 The <I>dir base-name</I> represents the directory name without its last number. It is supposed that the last number in the directory name is a counter.
43 <DT><B>-fd [--first_dir] </B><DD>
44 Defines the counter <I>N</I> of the first directory number at which the analyses starts.
45 <DT><B>-ld [--last_dir] </B><DD>
46 Last directory number <I>N</I> at which the analyses ends.
47 <DT><B>-fn [--file_name] </B><I>file base-name</I><DD>
48 The <I>filename</I> has to be given without its <B>.piv</B>
49 extension. The <I>file base-name</I> represents the file name without
50 its last number, before the extension. It is supposed that the last
51 number in the file name is a counter. The output will be written to
52 <I>dir base-name/file base-name</I><B>.mpiv</B> and
53 <I>dirname/filename</I><B>.spiv</B> at
54 which mean values and variances are written respectively.
55 <DT><B>-ff [--first_file] </B><DD>
56 Defines the counter <I>N</I>of first file number at which the analyses starts.
57 <DT><B>-lf [--last_file] </B><DD>
58 Last file number <I>N</I> at which the analyses ends.
59 <DT><B>-h [--help] </B><DD>
60 On-line help.
61 <DT><B>-p [--print] </B><DD>
62 Prints parameters, command line options and input and output filenames
63 to stdout. The output may be used as parameters of <B>t-avg</B> for
64 future use by re-directing stdout to <I>t-avg.par</I>.
65 <DT><B>-v [--version] </B><DD>
66 Prints version information on standard output, then exits successfully.
67 <DT><DD>
68 </DL>
69 <A NAME="lbAF">&nbsp;</A>
70 <H2>SEE ALSO</H2>
72 batch-gp, dav2piv, err_vec, manipiv, hilo, rr, scale, s-avg, t-avg, peaklck,
73 piv2vec,vorstra
74 <P>
75 <A NAME="lbAG">&nbsp;</A>
76 <H2>NOTES</H2>
78 <P>
79 <A NAME="lbAH">&nbsp;</A>
80 <H2>AUTHOR</H2>
82 Gerber Van der Graaf
83 <P>
84 <A NAME="lbAI">&nbsp;</A>
85 <H2>BUGS</H2>
87 The program has been tested for PIV data. So far, no bugs have been
88 found.
89 <P>
91 <HR>
92 <A NAME="index">&nbsp;</A><H2>Table of Contents</H2>
93 <OL>
94 <LI><A HREF="#lbAB">Name</A>
95 <LI><A HREF="#lbAC">Synopsis</A>
96 <LI><A HREF="#lbAD">Description</A>
97 <LI><A HREF="#lbAE">Options </A>
98 <LI><A HREF="#lbAF">See also</A>
99 <LI><A HREF="#lbAG">Notes</A>
100 <LI><A HREF="#lbAH">Author</A>
101 <LI><A HREF="#lbAI">Bugs</A>
102 </OL>
103 </BODY>
104 </HTML>