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8 <P>
9 <A NAME="gpiv.html"> <H1>2 GPIV</H1></A>
11 <A NAME="1"><H2>2.1 Starting up</H2></A>
13 By invoking "gpiv" the GPIV console will be launched that consists a
14 menu bar, a toolbar, process toggle-buttons, a tabulator and a data
15 buffer list (<a href="#fig1">Figure 2.1</A>). At the bottom of the
16 console you can find an application bar that displays information of the
17 highlighted item as well as a progress bar that displays the progress
18 of the running process.
19 <br>
20 GPIV reads its default program parameters from ~/.gnome/gpiv following
21 the GNOME conventions. These parameters can be defined by command line
22 keys for the current session (invoke "gpiv --help" for information
23 about the options) or in the settings->preferences from the console
24 menu's. The variables that are used for interrogation, validation and
25 post-processing are read from ~/.gpivrc or from the system-wide
26 available gpivrc (mostly /etc/gpivrc under Unix/Linux) respectively.
27 <br>
30 <P>
31 <P>
32 <IMG SRC = "figures/gpiv-fig2.png"><br>
33 <A NAME="fig1" id="gpiv-fig2">Figure 2.1 GPIV console with image inormation
34 tabulator</A>
35 <P>
37 <A NAME="2"><H2>2.2 Menu and toolbar</H2></A>
39 The menu bar consists general tasks for GPIV, like file-handling,
40 preferences and help menus. Underlined characters represent the ALT
41 short-hand key for launching the menus.
42 <P>
43 The "File" menu contains the menus "open", "save", "save as" for
44 reading and storing data and "exit" for closing the application.
45 <P>
46 The settings menu contains the menus "gpiv buttons" and "tabulator" to
47 (un)display these parts of the console and "preferences" for defining
48 all GPIV settings. Closing the "preferences" menu
49 with "OK" stores the settings for future sessions. "Apply" only
50 affects the current session. "Cancel" undisplays the preferences menu
51 without action.
52 <P>
53 The "help" menu contains "show tooltips" for obtaining additional
54 help. Tooltips are small windows that pop up when an item is
55 highlighted and contain more extended information about the item than
56 can be displayed at the application bar. The "manual" menu shows this
57 document. "about" gives short info about the application.
58 <P>
60 The toolbar is a quick way for opening/saving images and data,
61 executing/stopping processes that are enabled by the process toggle
62 buttons below of the toolbar and for exiting the program.
66 <A NAME="3"><H2>2.3 Process toggle-buttons</H2></A>
68 The process toggle-buttons may be switched on in order to define a
69 chain of processes that include interrogation, validation and
70 post-processing. The settings of the processes are defined in the
71 tabulator below. The chain is invoked by the "Execute" button on the
72 toolbar and, eventually, interrupted by the "Stop" button.
75 <A NAME="4"><H2>2.4 Data buffer list and display window</H2></A>
77 The data buffer list contains a number and the base name of the image
78 (without its extesion). A single buffer may be selected by pointing to
79 it and left mouse clicking. Several buffers may be selected by
80 clicking the first and last buffer while holding the "Shift" key. An
81 execution of a process will than be performed on every selected
82 buffer.
83 <P>
85 For each buffer a display window is launched that contains the
86 image (not visible in this version of GPIV), squared frames that
87 represent the interrogation areas of the first and the second image
88 (in different colors), vectors representing PIV estimators and derived
89 scalars that are obtained from the PIV estimators by post
90 processing. The interrogation areas are highlighted when the pointer
91 is moving over them. At the bottom of the diplay window an application
92 bar shows the position of the pointer, centre point of the highlighted
93 inetrrogation area and, eventually, values of the PIV estimators and
94 its derived quantities. The same information is diplayed in the
95 application bar of the GPIV console as well. When clicking the right
96 mouse button when it points at the display window, a menu pops for
97 in-and outzooming the window, (un)displaying features and choosing
98 vector lenght.
102 <A NAME="5"><H2>2.5 Tabulator</H2></A>
104 The tabulator contains image header data, image evaluation, validation
105 and post-processing parameter settings and buttons to invoke the
106 individual processes.
108 <A NAME="5.1"><H3>2.5.1 Image info</H3></A>
110 The most left tabulator 'Image Info' (<a href="#fig1">Figure 2.1</A>)
111 shows information of the image. The image dimensions are defined in
112 gpiv_gtk.h and can not be changed during execution of GPIV. In case
113 different dimensions will have to be researched, its definition has to
114 be changed and gpiv will have to be recompiled. Time scaling, spatial
115 scaling, the positions of row #0 and column #0 (related to a typical
116 location in the experiment) are the same as in the Post processing
117 tabulator. These parameters are used for scaling and positioning the
118 PIV data. The image header items "Project", "Creation date", "Place",
119 and "Comment" are optional.
122 <A NAME="5.2"><H3>2.5.2 Evaluation</H3></A>
124 The 'Evaluation' tab (<a href="#fig2">Figure 2.2</A>) shows all the
125 settings for interrogation a image (pair).
126 <P>
128 <IMG SRC = "figures/gpiv-fig3.png"><br>
129 <A NAME="fig2" id="gpiv-fig3">Figure 2.2 GPIV console with Evaluation
130 tabulator</A>
134 - The upper-left corner of the image represents pixel # (0,0). The
135 starting point (first col/row) and the end-point (last col/row) of the
136 image to be interrogated may be defined in the entry-fields as well as
137 a global pre-shift in horizontal (pre-shift col) and vertical
138 (pre-shift row). The first column and row, as defined in the entrys will
139 always be included in the interrogations. The last column/row of the image
140 to be analysed depends on Interrogation Area sizes and shifts, but
141 will never exceed the last column/row as defined in the
142 entry-fields.
145 - The size of the interrogation area and the shift of adjacent area's,
146 expressed in image pixels, are defined by entrys (for arbitrary
147 dimensions) or or by radio-buttons (for power of 2 dimensions)
148 'Int. Size 1', 'Int. Size 2' and 'Shift'. As the size of the second
149 interrogation area has to be equal or larger than the first one, some
150 of the settings in the entries and of the radio buttons may be disabled
151 for manipulations.
154 - "Mouse select":
157 "None" disables mouse activitiy within the viewer window.
160 Enabling "Area", entering a viewer window, pressing the right mouse
161 button and moving the mouse creates a rectanglar frame that defines the area
162 to be interrogated. This is an alternative for using the entries "first/last
163 col/row". The entry values will be updated automatically.
166 Enabling "Single int.", entering a viewer window and clicking the right mouse button
167 invokes a new interrogation at the highlighted interrogation area. Already existing
168 estimators will be conserved.
171 Enabling "Single point", entering a viewer window and clicking the right mouse
172 button invokes a new interrogation at an arbitrary point.
173 Already existing estimators will be thrown away!
176 Enabling "Drag int." and entering a viewer window causes to displace
177 (drag) the highlighted interrogation area. An adjacent interrogation
178 area is highlighted and dragged in case the pointer is closer to its
179 centre point. Clicking the right mouse button invokes an interrogation
180 at the centre point of the (displaced) interrogation area. Already
181 existing estimators will be conserved.
184 With "Vert. line" a vertical line in the image may be defined at which
185 a single column of interogation areas are to be drawn. Interrogation
186 of the line has to be performed by clicking the "piv" button at the
187 bottom of the "Evaluation" tabulator or by enabling the "piv" process
188 button and pressing the "Execute" button on the toolbar.
190 With "Hor. line" a horizontal line in the image may be defined at which a
191 single row of interogation areas are to be drawn.Interrogation
192 of the line has to be performed by clicking the "piv" button at the
193 bottom of the "Evaluation" tabulator or by enabling the "piv" process
194 button and pressing the "Execute" button on the toolbar.
197 - "Interpolation scheme": interpolation scheme for estimating the correlation
198 peak at sub-pixel level.
201 - Peak #: normally the highest correlation peak is used (or the
202 second highest in case of auto-correlation, which is done automatically
203 if auto-correlation has been enabled). An erroneous velocity
204 vector, though, might be caused by a high noise peak in the correlation
205 function that overwhelmes the 'true' particle displacemnt peak. Searching
206 the second or third highest peak may result in a correct estimation.
209 - Interrogation with: a linear weight kernel in order to correct for
210 biasing effects that is generated by the estimation of the correlation
211 function. In case zero offset is enabled, i.e. a second interrogation
212 is performed with a pre-shift of the local estimator, the new
213 correlation peak is found between -1 and +1 pixels. In that case
214 kernel weighting will over-correct and, therefore, is disabled. If
215 zero-offsetting is enabled, the 'classic' forward interrogation scheme
216 is choosen or a central differential scheme may be used.
217 Interrogation following the central differential scheme is done by
218 displacing the interrogation area of the first image with half the
219 magnitude of the pre-shift value in negative direction and displacing
220 the interrogation area of the second image in positive direction (of
221 identic magnitude).
224 - "Correlation"; in case recordings have been
225 performed on separate image frames ("Auto") or on one single frame ("Cross").
228 - "Interrogation areas and correlation": displays interrogation areas and
229 correlation function, together with the estimated displacement vector
230 by enabling the "Display" button. Though, this uption
231 is unstable, yet.
234 - At the bottom of the "Evaluation" tabulator the "piv" button may be
235 invoked to interrogation the image. The function of this button is
236 similar to the command line program <A href="rr.html"> rr </A> of
237 gpivtools.
240 <A NAME="5.3"><H3>2.5.3 Validation </H3></A>
243 <IMG SRC = "figures/gpiv-fig4.png"><br>
244 <A NAME="fig3" id="gpiv-fig4">Figure 2.3 GPIV console with Validation
245 tabulator</A>
249 - "Disable data": to put PIV data into (in)active state for further processing.
250 At inactive state the vector color will be displayed red.
252 activate "Enable/Disable point" to put in active/inactive state by pointing
253 and clicking a single PIV estimator.
255 activate "Enable/Disable area" to put in active/inactive state a rectangular
256 area containing PIV data. The starting corner of the area (upper-left) to be
257 disables is defined by pressing the right mouse button. The opposite corner
258 is defined by moving the mouse with pressed button and realxing the button at
259 the location of the opposite corner. A rectangular frame is drawn during the
260 operation.
263 -"peak lock" displays a histogram of sub-pixel estimators of the PIV
264 dataset. This button is similar to the command line program <A
265 href="peaklck.html"> peaklck </A> of gpivtools.
268 "residu statistics" displays the (log) inverse histogram of median residus. The
269 critical residu value for accepting/rejecting outliers is determined by the
270 slope of the straight line. The critical value is calculated and displayed in
271 the "Threshold" entry. This button is similar to the command line program <A
272 href="errvec.html"> errvec </A> of gpivtools.
275 Activating the "validate on velocity gradient" button puts all vectors
276 into red color if they exceed the critical value of the velocity
277 gradient over an interrogation area. The critical value is defined in
278 libgpiv/include/gpiv/valid.h: GRADIENT_THRESHOLD and is set to 2
279 pixels, i.e. identic to the optimum particle image diameter. This
280 quantity is choosen in order to prevent a too wide, or even a
281 splitting up of the highest correlation peak.
284 "Outliers" defines the parameters for testing and substituting on
285 erroneous vectors. The type of residus may be choosen between "Snr"
286 or "Median". The "Data yield" has to be filled in manually and should
287 be obtained from the mean number of particles within an interrogation
288 area. The critical threshold may be filled in manually or may be
289 obtained by invoking "residu statistics" button. Outliers are
290 substituted by the local mean value of surrounding vectors, by the
291 median value of surrounding vectors or by interrogating the area with
292 a next highes correlation peak. Finally, the validation on outliers is
293 performed by pressing the "validate on outliers" button. This button
294 is similar to the command line program <A href="errvec.html"> errvec
295 </A> of gpivtools, too.
299 <A NAME="5.4"><H3>2.5.4 Post processing </H3></A>
301 The "Post processing" tab (<a href="#fig4">Figure 2.4</A>) contains
302 tools to apply modifications on PIV estimators and to calculate
303 derived quantities from the PIV estimators.
306 spatial scaling is calculated by measuring the number of pixels per
307 mm. For the moment, this measuring has to be performed with different
308 image visualization tools. The time scale represents the time between
309 two succesive image recordings (mostly the separation time between two
310 laser flashes). The location of the image within an experiment is
311 defined by the position of column and row #0, related to a marker
312 point in the experiment. Enabling the "Apply" button will display the
313 scaled data in the application bars of the buffer window and of the
314 console, including their positions in the experiment. This will not
315 affect the original data set itself, yet. The conversion of the data
316 is performed during storage execution. So, disabling the "Apply"
317 button will display the original (unscaled) estimators and their
318 position in the image, expressed in pixels. This button is similar to
319 the command line program <A href="scale.html"> scale </A> of the
320 gpivtools distribution.
323 Vorticity, shear and normal strain may be derived from the PIV
324 estimators with different numerical schemes; Central differential
325 scheme, Least squares, Richardson and the Circulation method (only for
326 the calculation of vorticity). This button is similar to the command
327 line program <A href="vorstra.html"> vorstra </A> of the gpivtools
328 distribution.
331 <IMG SRC = "figures/gpiv-fig5.png"><br>
332 <A NAME="fig4" id="gpiv-fig5">Figure 2.4 GPIV console with Post processing
333 tabulator</A>
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