10 void psktool_version(void);
14 helpnode "PSKtool help\nUsage : psktool [options]"
17 option (u,username) STR "username" { $username = $1 } "specify username."
20 option (p, passwd) STR "FILE" { $passwd = $1 } "specify a password file."
23 option (n, netconf-hint) STR "HINT" { $netconf_hint = $1 } "derive key from Netconf password, using HINT as the psk_identity_hint."
26 option (s, keysize) INT "SIZE" { $key_size = $1 } "specify the key size in bytes."
28 option (v, version) { psktool_version(); exit(0); } "prints the program's version number"
29 option (h, help) { gaa_help(); exit(0); } "shows this help text"
31 init { $username=NULL; $passwd=NULL; $key_size = 0; $netconf_hint = NULL; }