.gnumeric: For clipboards, send also result values.
[gnumeric.git] / doc / pt / gnumeric.sgml
1 <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//GNOME//DTD DocBook PNG Variant V1.0//EN"[
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7 <book id="index">
8 <title>The Gnumeric Manual</title>
9 <bookinfo>
10 <releaseinfo>This is release 1.0 of the Gnumeric Manual</releaseinfo>
12 <copyright>
13 <year>1998-2001, 2002</year>
14 <holder>Miguel de Icaza, Jody Goldberg, Thomas Canty,
15 Jukka-Pekka Iivonen, Andreas J. Guelzow, Wayne Schuller,
16 Adrian Custer, Kevin Breit, Aaron Weber,
17 Alexander Kirillov.</holder>
18 </copyright>
19 </bookinfo>
20 <chapter id="function-reference">
21 <title>Gnumeric Function Reference</title>
22 &functions;
23 </chapter>
24 </book>
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