Make find use the new DataView.
[gmpc.git] / src / browsers / playlist3-find2-browser.c
1 /* Gnome Music Player Client (GMPC)
2 * Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Qball Cow <>
3 * Project homepage:
5 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8 * (at your option) any later version.
10 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13 * GNU General Public License for more details.
15 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
16 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
17 * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
20 #include <gtk/gtk.h>
21 #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
22 #include <stdlib.h>
23 #include <string.h>
24 #include "main.h"
25 #include "misc.h"
26 #include "playlist3.h"
27 #include "playlist3-find2-browser.h"
28 #include "gmpc-mpddata-model.h"
29 #include "gmpc-mpddata-treeview.h"
30 #include "advanced-search.h"
31 #include "playlist3-playlist-editor.h"
33 static void pl3_find2_browser_destroy(void);
34 static void pl3_find2_browser_selected(GtkWidget *);
35 static void pl3_find2_browser_unselected(GtkWidget *);
36 static void pl3_find2_browser_add(GtkWidget * cat_tree);
37 static int pl3_find2_browser_add_go_menu(GtkWidget *);
38 static void pl3_find2_browser_search(void);
39 static int pl3_find2_browser_playlist_key_press(GtkWidget *, GdkEventKey *);
40 static void pl3_find2_browser_connection_changed(MpdObj * mi, int connect, gpointer data);
41 static gboolean pl3_find2_entry_key_press_event(GtkWidget * entry, GdkEventKey * event, gpointer data);
42 static void pl3_find2_browser_status_changed(MpdObj * mi, ChangedStatusType what, void *data);
44 static void pl3_find2_entry_changed(GtkWidget * entry, gpointer data);
45 static void pl3_find2_save_myself(void);
47 /* Playlist window row reference */
48 static GtkTreeRowReference *pl3_find2_ref = NULL;
50 /* internal */
51 static GtkWidget *pl3_find2_curpl = NULL;
52 static GtkListStore *pl3_find2_curpl_model = NULL;
53 static GtkWidget *pl3_find2_tree = NULL;
54 static GmpcMpdDataModel *pl3_find2_store2 = NULL;
55 static GtkWidget *pl3_find2_vbox = NULL;
56 static GtkListStore *pl3_find2_combo_store = NULL;
57 static GtkListStore *pl3_find2_autocomplete = NULL;
59 static GtkWidget *search_combo = NULL;
60 static GtkWidget *search_entry = NULL;
63 static void pl3_find2_fill_combo(gmpcPluginParent * plug)
65 GtkTreeIter iter;
66 int i = 0, max = MPD_TAG_NUM_OF_ITEM_TYPES;
67 gtk_list_store_clear(pl3_find2_combo_store);
69 for (i = 0; i < max; i++)
71 if (plug == NULL || gmpc_plugin_browser_integrate_search_field_supported(plug, i))
73 gtk_list_store_append(pl3_find2_combo_store, &iter);
74 gtk_list_store_set(pl3_find2_combo_store, &iter, 1, mpdTagItemKeys[i], 0, i, -1);
77 if (plug == NULL || gmpc_plugin_browser_integrate_search_field_supported(plug, QUERY_ENTRY))
79 gtk_list_store_append(pl3_find2_combo_store, &iter);
80 gtk_list_store_set(pl3_find2_combo_store, &iter, 1, _("Query"), 0, QUERY_ENTRY, -1);
84 static void pl3_find2_combo_box_field_changed(GtkComboBox * cb, gpointer data)
86 GtkTreeIter iter;
87 if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(cb, &iter))
89 gint selected_type;
90 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store), &iter, 0, &selected_type, -1);
91 if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(data), &iter))
93 gchar *type;
94 gchar *cfield = NULL;
95 gtk_tree_model_get(gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(data)), &iter, 0, &type, -1);
96 if (type)
98 cfield = g_strdup_printf("selected_type_%s", type);
99 g_free(type);
100 cfg_set_single_value_as_int(config, "find2-browser", cfield, selected_type);
101 g_free(cfield);
107 static void playtime_changed(GmpcMpdDataModel * model, gulong playtime)
111 static void pl3_find2_browser_type_plugin_changed(GtkComboBox * box, gpointer user_data)
113 GtkTreeIter iter;
114 GtkTreeModel *model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(box);
115 gmpcPluginParent *plug = NULL;
116 gchar *cfield = NULL;
117 gchar *type = NULL;
118 gint selected_type;
120 /* this should always be active */
121 if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(box, &iter))
123 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(model), &iter, 0, &type, 2, &plug, -1);
124 pl3_find2_fill_combo(plug);
127 cfield = g_strdup_printf("selected_type_%s", type);
128 selected_type = cfg_get_single_value_as_int_with_default(config, "find2-browser", cfield, 0);
129 g_free(cfield);
130 g_free(type);
131 /* Loop through the field until the match is found */
132 for (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store), &iter);
133 gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(pl3_find2_combo_store, &iter);
134 gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store), &iter))
136 gint sel_type;
137 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store), &iter, 0, &sel_type, -1);
138 if (sel_type == selected_type)
140 gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo), &iter);
141 return;
144 /* default, if nothing is found. */
145 gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo), 0);
148 static void pl3_find2_browser_clear_search_entry(GtkEntry * entry, GtkEntryIconPosition icon_pos, GdkEvent * event,
149 gpointer user_data)
151 if (icon_pos == GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY)
153 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");
158 * Construct the browser
160 static void pl3_find2_browser_init(void)
162 GtkWidget *button;
163 GtkWidget *pl3_find2_sw = NULL;
164 GtkWidget *hbox = NULL;
165 GtkCellRenderer *renderer;
166 GtkEntryCompletion *entrcomp;
167 int i;
168 /* autocomplete later on */
169 pl3_find2_autocomplete = gtk_list_store_new(1, G_TYPE_STRING);
171 pl3_find2_store2 = gmpc_mpddata_model_new();
172 gmpc_mpddata_model_disable_image(GMPC_MPDDATA_MODEL(pl3_find2_store2));
173 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(pl3_find2_store2), "playtime_changed", G_CALLBACK(playtime_changed), NULL);
175 pl3_find2_combo_store = gtk_list_store_new(2, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_STRING);
176 /** Fill the view */
177 pl3_find2_fill_combo(NULL);
179 /* Column */
180 /* set up the tree */
181 pl3_find2_tree = (GtkWidget *)gmpc_data_view_new("find2-browser",FALSE);
182 /* setup signals */
183 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(pl3_find2_tree), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_playlist_key_press),
184 NULL);
186 /* set up the scrolled window */
187 pl3_find2_sw = gtk_scrolled_window_new(NULL, NULL);
188 gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(pl3_find2_sw), GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC, GTK_POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
189 gtk_scrolled_window_set_shadow_type(GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW(pl3_find2_sw), GTK_SHADOW_ETCHED_IN);
190 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(pl3_find2_sw), pl3_find2_tree);
192 /* set initial state */
194 pl3_find2_vbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_VERTICAL, 6);
195 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(pl3_find2_vbox), pl3_find2_sw, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
197 /** Add a default item */
198 hbox = gtk_box_new(GTK_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 6);
200 /* search in playlist */
201 pl3_find2_curpl_model = gtk_list_store_new(3, G_TYPE_STRING, G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE_POINTER);
202 pl3_find2_curpl = gtk_combo_box_new_with_model(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_curpl_model));
203 renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
204 gtk_cell_layout_pack_start(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(pl3_find2_curpl), renderer, TRUE);
205 gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(pl3_find2_curpl), renderer, "text", 0, NULL);
207 for (i = 0; i < num_plugins; i++)
209 if (gmpc_plugin_get_enabled(plugins[i]))
211 if (gmpc_plugin_is_browser(plugins[i]))
213 if (gmpc_plugin_browser_has_integrate_search(plugins[i]))
215 GtkTreeIter titer;
216 gtk_list_store_append(GTK_LIST_STORE(pl3_find2_curpl_model), &titer);
217 gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(pl3_find2_curpl_model), &titer,
218 0, gmpc_plugin_get_name(plugins[i]), 1, 0, 2, plugins[i], -1);
224 gtk_combo_box_set_active(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), 0);
225 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(pl3_find2_curpl), "changed", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_type_plugin_changed), NULL);
227 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), pl3_find2_curpl, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
229 /* What tag field */
230 search_combo = gtk_combo_box_new();
232 renderer = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new();
233 gtk_cell_layout_pack_start(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(search_combo), renderer, TRUE);
234 gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes(GTK_CELL_LAYOUT(search_combo), renderer, "text", 1, NULL);
235 gtk_combo_box_set_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo), GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store));
237 /* Update the tag combo to the right field */
238 pl3_find2_browser_type_plugin_changed(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), NULL);
240 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), search_combo, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
241 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(search_combo), "changed", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_combo_box_field_changed), pl3_find2_curpl);
245 search_entry = gtk_entry_new();
246 gtk_entry_set_icon_from_stock(GTK_ENTRY(search_entry), GTK_ENTRY_ICON_SECONDARY, GTK_STOCK_CLEAR);
247 g_signal_connect(GTK_ENTRY(search_entry), "icon-press", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_clear_search_entry), NULL);
250 entrcomp = gtk_entry_completion_new();
251 gtk_entry_completion_set_text_column(entrcomp, 0);
252 gtk_entry_completion_set_inline_completion(entrcomp, TRUE);
253 gtk_entry_completion_set_model(GTK_ENTRY_COMPLETION(entrcomp), GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_autocomplete));
254 gtk_entry_completion_set_popup_completion(GTK_ENTRY_COMPLETION(entrcomp), TRUE);
255 gtk_entry_set_completion(GTK_ENTRY(search_entry), entrcomp);
257 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(search_entry), "activate", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_search), NULL);
258 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(search_entry), "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_entry_key_press_event), NULL);
259 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(search_entry), "changed", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_entry_changed), NULL);
260 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), search_entry, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
262 /* find button */
263 button = gtk_button_new_from_stock(GTK_STOCK_FIND);
264 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_search), NULL);
265 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox), button, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
267 gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(pl3_find2_vbox), hbox, FALSE, TRUE, 0);
269 gtk_widget_show_all(pl3_find2_vbox);
270 g_object_ref_sink(G_OBJECT(pl3_find2_vbox));
273 static void pl3_find2_browser_selected(GtkWidget * container)
275 if (pl3_find2_tree == NULL)
277 pl3_find2_browser_init();
279 gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(container), pl3_find2_vbox);
280 gtk_widget_grab_focus(pl3_find2_tree);
281 gtk_widget_show(pl3_find2_vbox);
284 static void pl3_find2_browser_unselected(GtkWidget * container)
286 gtk_container_remove(GTK_CONTAINER(container), pl3_find2_vbox);
289 /*****************************************************************
290 * Find Browser
292 static void pl3_find2_browser_add(GtkWidget * cat_tree)
294 GtkTreePath *path = NULL;
295 GtkTreeIter iter;
296 gint pos = cfg_get_single_value_as_int_with_default(config, "find2-browser", "position", 4);
297 playlist3_insert_browser(&iter, PL3_CAT_BROWSER_LIBRARY+pos%PL3_CAT_BROWSER_LIBRARY);
298 gtk_list_store_set(GTK_LIST_STORE(pl3_tree), &iter,
299 PL3_CAT_TYPE,,
300 PL3_CAT_TITLE, _("Search"),
302 -1);
304 if (pl3_find2_ref)
306 gtk_tree_row_reference_free(pl3_find2_ref);
307 pl3_find2_ref = NULL;
310 path = gtk_tree_model_get_path(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playlist3_get_category_tree_store()), &iter);
311 if (path)
313 pl3_find2_ref = gtk_tree_row_reference_new(GTK_TREE_MODEL(playlist3_get_category_tree_store()), path);
314 gtk_tree_path_free(path);
319 * Search
321 static void pl3_find2_browser_search(void)
323 GtkTreeIter iter, cc_iter;
324 if (pl3_find2_vbox == NULL)
325 return;
327 gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(pl3_find2_tree), NULL);
328 if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), &iter))
330 int type;
331 int num_field;
332 gmpcPluginParent *plug = NULL;
333 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_curpl_model), &iter, 1, &type, 2, &plug, -1);
335 if (gtk_combo_box_get_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo), &cc_iter))
337 GError *error = NULL;
338 MpdData *data_t = NULL;
339 const gchar *real_name = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(search_entry));
340 gchar *name = g_strstrip(g_strdup(real_name));
341 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_combo_store), &cc_iter, 0, &num_field, -1);
342 if (plug)
343 data_t = gmpc_plugin_browser_integrate_search(plug, num_field, name, &error);
344 if (error)
346 gchar *mes =
347 g_markup_printf_escaped("<b>%s</b> %s: %s", gmpc_plugin_get_name(plug), _("Search failed"),
348 error->message);
349 playlist3_show_error_message(mes, ERROR_WARNING);
350 g_free(mes);
351 g_error_free(error);
352 error = NULL;
354 gmpc_mpddata_model_set_mpd_data(pl3_find2_store2, data_t);
355 /* update autocompletion */
356 if (data_t)
358 int found2 = 0;
359 for (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_autocomplete), &iter);
360 gtk_list_store_iter_is_valid(pl3_find2_autocomplete, &iter) && !found2;
361 gtk_tree_model_iter_next(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_autocomplete), &iter))
363 gchar *entry;
364 gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_autocomplete), &iter, 0, &entry, -1);
365 if (strcmp(entry, name) == 0)
367 found2 = TRUE;
369 g_free(entry);
371 if (!found2)
373 gtk_list_store_insert_with_values(pl3_find2_autocomplete, &iter, -1, 0, name, -1);
376 g_free(name);
379 gtk_tree_view_set_model(GTK_TREE_VIEW(pl3_find2_tree), GTK_TREE_MODEL(pl3_find2_store2));
383 static int pl3_find2_browser_playlist_key_press(GtkWidget * tree, GdkEventKey * event)
385 /* Make ctrl-f focus the search entry */
386 if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_f && event->state & GDK_CONTROL_MASK)
388 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(search_entry));
389 return TRUE;
391 else if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_slash)
393 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(search_entry));
394 return TRUE;
396 else
398 return pl3_window_key_press_event(tree, event);
400 return FALSE;
405 static void pl3_find2_browser_activate(void)
407 GtkTreeSelection *selec = gtk_tree_view_get_selection(GTK_TREE_VIEW(gtk_builder_get_object(pl3_xml, "cat_tree")));
409 GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(pl3_find2_ref);
410 if (path)
412 gtk_tree_selection_select_path(selec, path);
413 gtk_tree_path_free(path);
415 gtk_widget_grab_focus(GTK_WIDGET(search_entry));
418 static int pl3_find2_browser_add_go_menu(GtkWidget * menu)
420 GtkWidget *item = NULL;
422 item = gtk_image_menu_item_new_with_label(_("Search"));
423 gtk_image_menu_item_set_image(GTK_IMAGE_MENU_ITEM(item),
424 gtk_image_new_from_icon_name("gtk-find", GTK_ICON_SIZE_MENU));
425 gtk_menu_shell_append(GTK_MENU_SHELL(menu), item);
426 gtk_widget_add_accelerator(GTK_WIDGET(item),
427 "activate", gtk_menu_get_accel_group(GTK_MENU(menu)), GDK_KEY_F3, 0, GTK_ACCEL_VISIBLE);
428 g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "activate", G_CALLBACK(pl3_find2_browser_activate), NULL);
430 return 1;
433 static void pl3_find2_browser_connection_changed(MpdObj * mi, int connect, gpointer data)
435 /* Clear the list */
436 if (connect)
438 if (pl3_find2_curpl)
439 pl3_find2_browser_type_plugin_changed(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), NULL);
440 pl3_find2_browser_search();
444 void pl3_find2_select_plugin_id(int id)
446 GtkTreeIter iter;
447 GtkTreeModel *model;
448 pl3_find2_browser_activate();
449 model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl));
450 if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter))
452 int found = 1;
455 gmpcPluginParent *plug;
456 gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 2, &plug, -1);
457 if (plug != NULL && gmpc_plugin_get_id(plug) == id)
459 gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), &iter);
460 found = 0;
462 } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter) && found);
464 gtk_widget_grab_focus(search_entry);
467 static guint entry_timeout = 0;
469 static gboolean do_entry_changed_search(GtkEntry * entry)
471 pl3_find2_browser_search();
472 entry_timeout = 0;
473 return FALSE;
476 static void pl3_find2_entry_changed(GtkWidget * entry, gpointer data)
478 if (entry_timeout > 0)
480 g_source_remove(entry_timeout);
481 entry_timeout = 0;
483 if (cfg_get_single_value_as_int_with_default(config, "general", "search-as-you-type", 0) == 1)
485 entry_timeout = g_timeout_add(250, (GSourceFunc) do_entry_changed_search, entry);
489 static gboolean pl3_find2_entry_key_press_event(GtkWidget * entry, GdkEventKey * event, gpointer data)
491 if (event->keyval == GDK_KEY_Escape)
492 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(entry), "");
494 return FALSE;
497 static void pl3_find2_browser_destroy(void)
499 if (pl3_find2_ref)
501 GtkTreeIter iter;
502 GtkTreePath *path;
503 path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(pl3_find2_ref);
504 if (path)
506 if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter(GTK_TREE_MODEL(gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(pl3_find2_ref)), &iter, path))
508 gtk_list_store_remove(GTK_LIST_STORE(gtk_tree_row_reference_get_model(pl3_find2_ref)), &iter);
510 gtk_tree_path_free(path);
512 gtk_tree_row_reference_free(pl3_find2_ref);
513 pl3_find2_ref = NULL;
515 if (pl3_find2_vbox)
517 gtk_widget_destroy(pl3_find2_vbox);
518 pl3_find2_vbox = NULL;
520 if (pl3_find2_store2)
522 g_object_unref(pl3_find2_store2);
523 pl3_find2_store2 = NULL;
527 static void pl3_find2_browser_status_changed(MpdObj * mi, ChangedStatusType what, void *data)
529 if (what & MPD_CST_DATABASE)
531 pl3_find2_browser_search();
533 if (what & MPD_CST_PERMISSION)
535 if (pl3_find2_curpl)
536 pl3_find2_browser_type_plugin_changed(GTK_COMBO_BOX(pl3_find2_curpl), NULL);
540 static void pl3_find2_save_myself(void)
542 if (pl3_find2_ref)
544 GtkTreePath *path = gtk_tree_row_reference_get_path(pl3_find2_ref);
545 if (path)
547 gint *indices = gtk_tree_path_get_indices(path);
548 cfg_set_single_value_as_int(config, "find2-browser", "position", indices[0]);
549 gtk_tree_path_free(path);
554 /* Easy command integration */
556 void pl3_find2_do_search_any(const char *param)
558 GtkTreeIter iter;
559 GtkTreeModel *model;
560 model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo));
561 if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter))
563 int found = 1;
566 int field;
567 gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &field, -1);
568 if (field == QUERY_ENTRY)
570 gtk_combo_box_set_active_iter(GTK_COMBO_BOX(search_combo), &iter);
571 found = 0;
573 } while (gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter) && found);
575 gtk_entry_set_text(GTK_ENTRY(search_entry), param);
576 gtk_widget_activate(search_entry);
579 static void pl3_find2_plugin_init(void)
581 gmpc_easy_command_add_entry(gmpc_easy_command,
582 _("switch search"), "",
583 _("Switch to the search browser"),
584 (GmpcEasyCommandCallback *) pl3_find2_browser_activate, NULL);
588 static int pl3_find2_get_enabled(void)
590 return cfg_get_single_value_as_int_with_default(config, "find2-browser", "enable", TRUE);
594 static void pl3_find2_set_enabled(int enabled)
596 cfg_set_single_value_as_int(config, "find2-browser", "enable", enabled);
597 if (enabled && !pl3_find2_ref)
599 GtkTreeView *tree = playlist3_get_category_tree_view();
600 pl3_find2_browser_add((GtkWidget *) tree);
601 } else if (!enabled && pl3_find2_ref)
603 pl3_find2_browser_destroy();
607 * Plugin structure
609 gmpcPlBrowserPlugin find2_browser_gbp = {
610 .add = pl3_find2_browser_add,
611 .selected = pl3_find2_browser_selected,
612 .unselected = pl3_find2_browser_unselected,
613 .add_go_menu = pl3_find2_browser_add_go_menu,
616 gmpcPlugin find2_browser_plug = {
617 .name = N_("Search Browser"),
618 .version = {1, 1, 1},
620 .init = pl3_find2_plugin_init,
621 .destroy = pl3_find2_browser_destroy,
622 .browser = &find2_browser_gbp,
623 .mpd_status_changed = pl3_find2_browser_status_changed,
624 .mpd_connection_changed = pl3_find2_browser_connection_changed,
625 .save_yourself = pl3_find2_save_myself,
626 .get_enabled = pl3_find2_get_enabled,
627 .set_enabled = pl3_find2_set_enabled,