1 # 2.8.2 Regular Expression General Requirement
4 7¦9¦A#*::¦A:A#:qA::qA#::qA##::q¦
5 1¦5¦A#*::¦A##::A#::qA::qA#:q¦
6 # BRE Special Characters
14 7¦11¦X\*Y\*8¦Y*8X*8X*Y*8¦
35 -1¦-1¦^*5<*9¦5<9*5<*9¦
39 1¦6¦A\(**9\)=¦A***9=79¦
45 ### GA113(2) GNU regex implements GA113(1)
47 ##-1¦-1¦\(^*ab\)¦^*ab¦
69 2¦6¦A\([34]$[34]\)B¦XA4$3BY¦
70 # Periods in BREs
78 # RE Bracket Expression
95 16¦16¦[^a-zA-Z0-9]¦pqrstVWXYZ23579#¦
105 9¦9¦[^]]\{1,\}¦]]]]]]]]X¦
106 -1¦-1¦[^]]\{1,\}¦]]]]]]]]¦
109 2¦8¦[a-z]*[[.].]][A-Z]*¦Abcd]DEFg¦
115 3¦3¦[][.-.]-0]¦ab0-]¦
119 -2¦-2¦[[.ab.][.CD.][.EF.]]¦yZabCDEFQ9¦
126 #W the expected result for [[:alnum:]]* is 2-7 which is wrong
127 0¦0¦[[:alnum:]]*¦ aB28gH¦
128 2¦7¦[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]*¦ aB28gH¦
129 #W the expected result for [^[:alnum:]]* is 2-5 which is wrong
130 0¦0¦[^[:alnum:]]*¦2 ,
131 2¦5¦[^[:alnum:]][^[:alnum:]]*¦2 ,
132 #W the expected result for [[:alpha:]]* is 2-5 which is wrong
133 0¦0¦[[:alpha:]]*¦ aBgH2¦
134 2¦5¦[[:alpha:]][[:alpha:]]*¦ aBgH2¦
135 1¦6¦[^[:alpha:]]*¦2 8,
136 1¦2¦[[:blank:]]*¦
137 1¦8¦[^[:blank:]]*¦aB28gH,
\x7f ¦
138 1¦2¦[[:cntrl:]]*¦
\x7f ¦
139 1¦8¦[^[:cntrl:]]*¦aB2 8gh,¦
140 #W the expected result for [[:digit:]]* is 2-3 which is wrong
141 0¦0¦[[:digit:]]*¦a28¦
142 2¦3¦[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*¦a28¦
143 1¦8¦[^[:digit:]]*¦aB gH,
144 1¦7¦[[:graph:]]*¦aB28gH, ¦
145 1¦3¦[^[:graph:]]*¦
146 1¦2¦[[:lower:]]*¦agB¦
147 1¦8¦[^[:lower:]]*¦B2 8H,
148 1¦8¦[[:print:]]*¦aB2 8gH, ¦
149 1¦2¦[^[:print:]]*¦
\x7f ¦
150 #W the expected result for [[:punct:]]* is 2-2 which is wrong
151 0¦0¦[[:punct:]]*¦a,2¦
152 2¦3¦[[:punct:]][[:punct:]]*¦a,,2¦
153 1¦9¦[^[:punct:]]*¦aB2 8gH
154 1¦3¦[[:space:]]*¦
155 #W the expected result for [^[:space:]]* is 2-9 which is wrong
156 0¦0¦[^[:space:]]*¦ aB28gH,
\x7f ¦
157 2¦9¦[^[:space:]][^[:space:]]*¦ aB28gH,
\x7f ¦
158 #W the expected result for [[:upper:]]* is 2-3 which is wrong
159 0¦0¦[[:upper:]]*¦aBH2¦
160 2¦3¦[[:upper:]][[:upper:]]*¦aBH2¦
161 1¦8¦[^[:upper:]]*¦a2 8g,
162 #W the expected result for [[:xdigit:]]* is 2-5 which is wrong
163 0¦0¦[[:xdigit:]]*¦gaB28h¦
164 2¦5¦[[:xdigit:]][[:xdigit:]]*¦gaB28h¦
165 #W the expected result for [^[:xdigit:]]* is 2-7 which is wrong
166 2¦7¦[^[:xdigit:]][^[:xdigit:]]*¦a gH,
178 3¦3¦[][.-.]-0]¦ab0-]¦
180 2¦6¦bc[d-w]xy¦abchxyz¦
183 -1¦-1¦[a-ce-f]¦dBCCdE¦
184 2¦4¦b[n-zA-M]Y¦absY9Z¦
185 2¦4¦b[n-zA-M]Y¦abGY9Z¦
196 2¦4¦a[^ac-]c¦5abcde-¦
200 4¦6¦X[^---]Y¦X-YXaYXbY¦
201 # BREs Matching Multiple Characters
205 -1¦-1¦[a-c][e-f]¦abcdef¦
206 3¦4¦[a-c][e-f]¦acbedf¦
207 4¦8¦abc*XYZ¦890abXYZ#*¦
208 4¦9¦abc*XYZ¦890abcXYZ#*¦
209 4¦15¦abc*XYZ¦890abcccccccXYZ#*¦
210 -1¦-1¦abc*XYZ¦890abc*XYZ#*¦
214 1¦10¦\(a\(b\(c\(d\(e\(f\(g\)h\(i\(j\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\)¦abcdefghijk¦
215 3¦8¦43\(2\(6\)*0\)AB¦654320ABCD¦
216 3¦9¦43\(2\(7\)*0\)AB¦6543270ABCD¦
217 3¦12¦43\(2\(7\)*0\)AB¦6543277770ABCD¦
219 1¦10¦\(a\(b\(c\(d\(e\(f\(g\)h\(i\(j\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\)¦abcdefghijk¦
220 -1¦-1¦\(a\(b\(c\(d\(e\(f\(g\)h\(i\(k\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\)¦abcdefghijk¦
224 1¦6¦a\(.*b\)¦ababbbc¦
226 1¦20¦a\(.*b\)c¦axcaxbbbcsxbbbbbbbbc¦
228 1¦7¦\(a\(b\(c\(d\(e\)\)\)\)\)\4¦abcdededede¦
229 #W POSIX does not really specify whether a\(b\)*c\1 matches acb.
230 #W back references are supposed to expand to the last match, but what
231 #W if there never was a match as in this case?
232 -1¦-1¦a\(b\)*c\1¦acb¦
233 1¦11¦\(a\(b\(c\(d\(e\(f\(g\)h\(i\(j\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\)\9¦abcdefghijjk¦
235 #W These two tests have the same problem as the test in GA135. No match
236 #W of a subexpression, why should the back reference be usable?
237 #W 1 2 a\(b\)*c\1 acb
238 #W 4 7 a\(b\(c\(d\(f\)*\)\)\)\4¦xYzabcdePQRST
239 -1¦-1¦a\(b\)*c\1¦acb¦
240 -1¦-1¦a\(b\(c\(d\(f\)*\)\)\)\4¦xYzabcdePQRST¦
242 -2¦-2¦\(a\(b\)\)\3¦foo¦
243 -2¦-2¦\(a\(b\)\)\(a\(b\)\)\5¦foo¦
246 1¦10¦a.*b¦abababvbabc¦
247 2¦5¦b*c¦abbbcdeabbbbbbcde¦
248 2¦5¦bbb*c¦abbbcdeabbbbbbcde¦
249 1¦5¦a\(b\)*c\1¦abbcbbb¦
250 -1¦-1¦a\(b\)*c\1¦abbdbd¦
251 0¦0¦\([a-c]*\)\1¦abcacdef¦
252 1¦6¦\([a-c]*\)\1¦abcabcabcd¦
257 1¦7¦\([a-c]*\)\{0,\}¦aabcaab¦
258 1¦2¦\(a\)\1\{1,2\}¦aabc¦
259 1¦3¦\(a\)\1\{1,2\}¦aaaabc¦
260 #W the expression \(\(a\)\1\)\{1,2\} is ill-formed, using \2
261 1¦4¦\(\(a\)\2\)\{1,2\}¦aaaabc¦
266 1¦64¦a\{64\}¦aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa¦
268 1¦7¦\([a-c]*\)\{0,\}¦aabcaab¦
269 #W the expected result for \([a-c]*\)\{2,\} is failure which isn't correct
270 1¦3¦\([a-c]*\)\{2,\}¦abcdefg¦
271 1¦3¦\([a-c]*\)\{1,\}¦abcdefg¦
272 -1¦-1¦a\{64,\}¦aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa¦
276 0¦0¦\([a-c]*\)\{0,0\}¦foo¦
277 1¦63¦a\{1,63\}¦aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa¦
278 # BRE Precedence
280 #W There are numerous bugs in the original version.
281 2¦19¦\^\[[[.].]]\\(\\1\\)\*\\{1,2\\}\$¦a^[]\(\1\)*\{1,2\}$b¦
282 1¦6¦[[=*=]][[=\=]][[=]=]][[===]][[...]][[:punct:]]¦*\]=.;¦
283 1¦6¦[$\(*\)^]*¦$\()*^¦
286 #W the expected result for \(*\)*\1* is 2-2 which isn't correct
287 0¦0¦\(*\)*\1*¦a*b*11¦
288 2¦3¦\(*\)*\1*b¦a*b*11¦
289 #W the expected result for \(a\(b\{1,2\}\)\{1,2\}\) is 1-5 which isn't correct
290 1¦3¦\(a\(b\{1,2\}\)\{1,2\}\)¦abbab¦
291 1¦5¦\(a\(b\{1,2\}\)\)\{1,2\}¦abbab¦
292 1¦1¦^\(^\(^a$\)$\)$¦a¦
296 # BRE Expression Anchoring
300 -1¦-1¦^[a-zA-Z]¦99Nine¦
301 1¦4¦^[a-zA-Z]*¦Nine99¦
304 -1¦-1¦\(^a\)\1¦^a^abc¦
308 -1¦-1¦\(^def\)¦abcdef¦
309 ### GA145(2) GNU regex implements GA145(1)
310 ##-1¦-1¦\(^a\)\1¦aabc¦
311 ##1¦4¦\(^a\)\1¦^a^abc¦
318 #W the expected result for [a-z]*$ is failure which isn't correct
319 10¦9¦[a-z]*$¦99ZZxyz99¦
329 -1¦-1¦\(abc$\)¦abcdef¦
330 ### GA147(2) GNU regex implements GA147(1)
331 ##-1¦-1¦\(a$\)\1¦bcaa¦
332 ##2¦5¦\(a$\)\1¦ba$a$¦
340 1¦9¦^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$¦2aA3bB9zZ¦
341 -1¦-1¦^[a-z0-9]*$¦2aA3b#B9zZ¦