i686: Remove bzero optimizations
[glibc.git] / conform / conformtest.py
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
2 # Check header contents against the given standard.
3 # Copyright (C) 2018-2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
4 # This file is part of the GNU C Library.
6 # The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7 # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
8 # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
9 # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 # The GNU C Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 # License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
18 # <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 import argparse
21 import fnmatch
22 import os.path
23 import re
24 import subprocess
25 import sys
26 import tempfile
28 import glibcconform
31 class CompileSubTest(object):
32 """A compilation subtest."""
34 def __init__(self, name, text):
35 """Initialize a CompileSubTest object."""
36 self.run_early = False
37 self.name = name
38 self.text = text
40 def run(self, header_tests):
41 """Run a compilation subtest."""
42 header_tests.compile_test(self.name, self.text)
45 class ExecuteSubTest(object):
46 """An execution subtest."""
48 def __init__(self, name, text):
49 """Initialize an ExecuteSubTest object."""
50 self.run_early = False
51 self.name = name
52 self.text = text
54 def run(self, header_tests):
55 """Run an execution subtest."""
56 header_tests.execute_test(self.name, self.text)
59 class ElementTest(object):
60 """Test for an element of a structure or union type."""
62 def __init__(self, dummy, type_name, member_type, member_name, *rest):
63 """Initialize an ElementTest object."""
64 self.type_name = type_name
65 self.member_type = member_type
66 self.member_name = member_name
67 self.rest = ' '.join(rest)
68 self.allow_name = self.member_name
70 def gen_subtests(self):
71 """Generate subtests for an ElementTest."""
72 text = ('%(type_name)s a_%(num)d;\n'
73 '%(type_name)s b_%(num)d;\n'
74 'extern void xyzzy_%(num)d '
75 '(__typeof__ (&b_%(num)d.%(member_name)s), '
76 '__typeof__ (&a_%(num)d.%(member_name)s), unsigned);\n'
77 'void foobarbaz_%(num)d (void) {\n'
78 'xyzzy_%(num)d (&a_%(num)d.%(member_name)s, '
79 '&b_%(num)d.%(member_name)s, '
80 'sizeof (a_%(num)d.%(member_name)s));\n'
81 '}\n'
82 % vars(self))
83 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
84 'Availability of member %s' % self.member_name,
85 text))
86 text = ('%(type_name)s a2_%(num)d;\n'
87 'extern %(member_type)s b2_%(num)d%(rest)s;\n'
88 'extern __typeof__ (a2_%(num)d.%(member_name)s) b2_%(num)d;\n'
89 % vars(self))
90 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
91 'Type of member %s' % self.member_name,
92 text))
95 class ConstantTest(object):
96 """Test for a macro or constant."""
98 def __init__(self, symbol_type, symbol, extra1=None, extra2=None,
99 extra3=None):
100 """Initialize a ConstantTest object."""
101 self.symbol_type = symbol_type
102 self.symbol = symbol
103 # A comparison operation may be specified without a type.
104 if extra2 is not None and extra3 is None:
105 self.c_type = None
106 self.op = extra1
107 self.value = extra2
108 else:
109 self.c_type = extra1
110 self.op = extra2
111 self.value = extra3
112 self.allow_name = self.symbol
114 def gen_subtests(self):
115 """Generate subtests for a ConstantTest."""
116 if 'macro' in self.symbol_type:
117 text = ('#ifndef %(symbol)s\n'
118 '# error "Macro %(symbol)s not defined"\n'
119 '#endif\n'
120 % vars(self))
121 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
122 'Availability of macro %s' % self.symbol,
123 text))
124 if 'constant' in self.symbol_type:
125 text = ('__typeof__ (%(symbol)s) a_%(num)d = %(symbol)s;\n'
126 % vars(self))
127 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
128 'Availability of constant %s' % self.symbol,
129 text))
130 if self.symbol_type == 'macro-int-constant':
131 sym_bits_def_neg = ''.join(
132 '# if %s & (1LL << %d)\n'
133 '# define conformtest_%d_bit_%d 0LL\n'
134 '# else\n'
135 '# define conformtest_%d_bit_%d (1LL << %d)\n'
136 '# endif\n'
137 % (self.symbol, i, self.num, i, self.num, i, i)
138 for i in range(63))
139 sym_bits_or_neg = '|'.join('conformtest_%d_bit_%d' % (self.num, i)
140 for i in range(63))
141 sym_bits_def_pos = ''.join(
142 '# if %s & (1ULL << %d)\n'
143 '# define conformtest_%d_bit_%d (1ULL << %d)\n'
144 '# else\n'
145 '# define conformtest_%d_bit_%d 0ULL\n'
146 '# endif\n'
147 % (self.symbol, i, self.num, i, i, self.num, i)
148 for i in range(64))
149 sym_bits_or_pos = '|'.join('conformtest_%d_bit_%d' % (self.num, i)
150 for i in range(64))
151 text = ('#if %s < 0\n'
152 '# define conformtest_%d_negative 1\n'
153 '%s'
154 '# define conformtest_%d_value ~(%s)\n'
155 '#else\n'
156 '# define conformtest_%d_negative 0\n'
157 '%s'
158 '# define conformtest_%d_value (%s)\n'
159 '#endif\n'
160 '_Static_assert (((%s < 0) == conformtest_%d_negative) '
161 '&& (%s == conformtest_%d_value), '
162 '"value match inside and outside #if");\n'
163 % (self.symbol, self.num, sym_bits_def_neg, self.num,
164 sym_bits_or_neg, self.num, sym_bits_def_pos, self.num,
165 sym_bits_or_pos, self.symbol, self.num, self.symbol,
166 self.num))
167 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
168 '#if usability of symbol %s'% self.symbol,
169 text))
170 if self.c_type is not None:
171 if self.c_type.startswith('promoted:'):
172 c_type = self.c_type[len('promoted:'):]
173 text = ('__typeof__ ((%s) 0 + (%s) 0) a2_%d;\n'
174 % (c_type, c_type, self.num))
175 else:
176 text = '__typeof__ ((%s) 0) a2_%d;\n' % (self.c_type, self.num)
177 text += 'extern __typeof__ (%s) a2_%d;\n' % (self.symbol, self.num)
178 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
179 'Type of symbol %s' % self.symbol,
180 text))
181 if self.op is not None:
182 text = ('_Static_assert (%(symbol)s %(op)s %(value)s, '
183 '"value constraint");\n'
184 % vars(self))
185 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
186 'Value of symbol %s' % self.symbol,
187 text))
190 class SymbolTest(object):
191 """Test for a symbol (not a compile-time constant)."""
193 def __init__(self, dummy, symbol, value=None):
194 """Initialize a SymbolTest object."""
195 self.symbol = symbol
196 self.value = value
197 self.allow_name = self.symbol
199 def gen_subtests(self):
200 """Generate subtests for a SymbolTest."""
201 text = ('void foobarbaz_%(num)d (void) {\n'
202 '__typeof__ (%(symbol)s) a_%(num)d = %(symbol)s;\n'
203 '}\n'
204 % vars(self))
205 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
206 'Availability of symbol %s' % self.symbol,
207 text))
208 if self.value is not None:
209 text = ('int main (void) { return %(symbol)s != %(symbol)s; }\n'
210 % vars(self))
211 self.subtests.append(ExecuteSubTest(
212 'Value of symbol %s' % self.symbol,
213 text))
216 class TypeTest(object):
217 """Test for a type name."""
219 def __init__(self, dummy, type_name):
220 """Initialize a TypeTest object."""
221 self.type_name = type_name
222 if type_name.startswith('struct '):
223 self.allow_name = type_name[len('struct '):]
224 self.maybe_opaque = False
225 elif type_name.startswith('union '):
226 self.allow_name = type_name[len('union '):]
227 self.maybe_opaque = False
228 else:
229 self.allow_name = type_name
230 self.maybe_opaque = True
232 def gen_subtests(self):
233 """Generate subtests for a TypeTest."""
234 text = ('%s %sa_%d;\n'
235 % (self.type_name, '*' if self.maybe_opaque else '', self.num))
236 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
237 'Availability of type %s' % self.type_name,
238 text))
241 class TagTest(object):
242 """Test for a tag name."""
244 def __init__(self, dummy, type_name):
245 """Initialize a TagTest object."""
246 self.type_name = type_name
247 if type_name.startswith('struct '):
248 self.allow_name = type_name[len('struct '):]
249 elif type_name.startswith('union '):
250 self.allow_name = type_name[len('union '):]
251 else:
252 raise ValueError('unexpected kind of tag: %s' % type_name)
254 def gen_subtests(self):
255 """Generate subtests for a TagTest."""
256 # If the tag is not declared, these function prototypes have
257 # incompatible types.
258 text = ('void foo_%(num)d (%(type_name)s *);\n'
259 'void foo_%(num)d (%(type_name)s *);\n'
260 % vars(self))
261 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
262 'Availability of tag %s' % self.type_name,
263 text))
266 class FunctionTest(object):
267 """Test for a function."""
269 def __init__(self, dummy, return_type, function_name, *args):
270 """Initialize a FunctionTest object."""
271 self.function_name_full = function_name
272 self.args = ' '.join(args)
273 if function_name.startswith('(*'):
274 # Function returning a pointer to function.
275 self.return_type = '%s (*' % return_type
276 self.function_name = function_name[len('(*'):]
277 else:
278 self.return_type = return_type
279 self.function_name = function_name
280 self.allow_name = self.function_name
282 def gen_subtests(self):
283 """Generate subtests for a FunctionTest."""
284 text = ('%(return_type)s (*foobarbaz_%(num)d) %(args)s '
285 '= %(function_name)s;\n'
286 % vars(self))
287 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
288 'Availability of function %s' % self.function_name,
289 text))
290 text = ('extern %(return_type)s (*foobarbaz2_%(num)d) %(args)s;\n'
291 'extern __typeof__ (&%(function_name)s) foobarbaz2_%(num)d;\n'
292 % vars(self))
293 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
294 'Type of function %s' % self.function_name,
295 text))
298 class VariableTest(object):
299 """Test for a variable."""
301 def __init__(self, dummy, var_type, var_name, *rest):
302 """Initialize a VariableTest object."""
303 self.var_type = var_type
304 self.var_name = var_name
305 self.rest = ' '.join(rest)
306 self.allow_name = var_name
308 def gen_subtests(self):
309 """Generate subtests for a VariableTest."""
310 text = ('typedef %(var_type)s xyzzy_%(num)d%(rest)s;\n'
311 'xyzzy_%(num)d *foobarbaz_%(num)d = &%(var_name)s;\n'
312 % vars(self))
313 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
314 'Availability of variable %s' % self.var_name,
315 text))
316 text = ('extern %(var_type)s %(var_name)s%(rest)s;\n'
317 % vars(self))
318 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
319 'Type of variable %s' % self.var_name,
320 text))
323 class MacroFunctionTest(object):
324 """Test for a possibly macro-only function."""
326 def __init__(self, dummy, return_type, function_name, *args):
327 """Initialize a MacroFunctionTest object."""
328 self.return_type = return_type
329 self.function_name = function_name
330 self.args = ' '.join(args)
331 self.allow_name = function_name
333 def gen_subtests(self):
334 """Generate subtests for a MacroFunctionTest."""
335 text = ('#ifndef %(function_name)s\n'
336 '%(return_type)s (*foobarbaz_%(num)d) %(args)s '
337 '= %(function_name)s;\n'
338 '#endif\n'
339 % vars(self))
340 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
341 'Availability of macro %s' % self.function_name,
342 text))
343 text = ('#ifndef %(function_name)s\n'
344 'extern %(return_type)s (*foobarbaz2_%(num)d) %(args)s;\n'
345 'extern __typeof__ (&%(function_name)s) foobarbaz2_%(num)d;\n'
346 '#endif\n'
347 % vars(self))
348 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
349 'Type of macro %s' % self.function_name,
350 text))
353 class MacroStrTest(object):
354 """Test for a string-valued macro."""
356 def __init__(self, dummy, macro_name, value):
357 """Initialize a MacroStrTest object."""
358 self.macro_name = macro_name
359 self.value = value
360 self.allow_name = macro_name
362 def gen_subtests(self):
363 """Generate subtests for a MacroStrTest."""
364 text = ('#ifndef %(macro_name)s\n'
365 '# error "Macro %(macro_name)s not defined"\n'
366 '#endif\n'
367 % vars(self))
368 self.subtests.append(CompileSubTest(
369 'Availability of macro %s' % self.macro_name,
370 text))
371 # We can't include <string.h> here.
372 text = ('extern int (strcmp)(const char *, const char *);\n'
373 'int main (void) { return (strcmp) (%(macro_name)s, '
374 '%(value)s) != 0; }\n'
375 % vars(self))
376 self.subtests.append(ExecuteSubTest(
377 'Value of macro %s' % self.macro_name,
378 text))
381 class HeaderTests(object):
382 """The set of tests run for a header."""
384 def __init__(self, header, standard, cc, flags, ldflags, libs,
385 run_program_prefix, cross, xfail):
386 """Initialize a HeaderTests object."""
387 self.header = header
388 self.standard = standard
389 self.cc = cc
390 self.flags = flags
391 self.ldflags = ldflags
392 self.libs = libs
393 self.run_program_prefix = run_program_prefix
394 self.cross = cross
395 self.xfail_str = xfail
396 self.cflags_namespace = ('%s -fno-builtin %s -D_ISOMAC'
397 % (flags, glibcconform.CFLAGS[standard]))
398 # When compiling the conformance test programs, use of
399 # __attribute__ in headers is disabled because of attributes
400 # that affect the types of functions as seen by typeof.
401 self.cflags = "%s '-D__attribute__(x)='" % self.cflags_namespace
402 self.tests = []
403 self.allow = set()
404 self.allow_fnmatch = set()
405 self.headers_handled = set()
406 self.num_tests = 0
407 self.total = 0
408 self.skipped = 0
409 self.errors = 0
410 self.xerrors = 0
412 def add_allow(self, name, pattern_ok):
413 """Add an identifier as an allowed token for this header.
415 If pattern_ok, fnmatch patterns are OK as well as
416 identifiers.
419 if re.fullmatch(r'[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*', name):
420 self.allow.add(name)
421 elif pattern_ok:
422 self.allow_fnmatch.add(name)
423 else:
424 raise ValueError('bad identifier: %s' % name)
426 def check_token(self, bad_tokens, token):
427 """Check whether an identifier token is allowed, and record it in
428 bad_tokens if not.
431 if token.startswith('_'):
432 return
433 if token in glibcconform.KEYWORDS[self.standard]:
434 return
435 if token in self.allow:
436 return
437 for pattern in self.allow_fnmatch:
438 if fnmatch.fnmatch(token, pattern):
439 return
440 bad_tokens.add(token)
442 def handle_test_line(self, line, allow):
443 """Handle a single line in the test data.
445 If allow is true, the header is one specified in allow-header
446 and so tests are marked as allowed for namespace purposes but
447 otherwise ignored.
450 orig_line = line
451 xfail = False
452 if line.startswith('xfail-'):
453 xfail = True
454 line = line[len('xfail-'):]
455 else:
456 match = re.match(r'xfail\[(.*?)\]-(.*)', line)
457 if match:
458 xfail_cond = match.group(1)
459 line = match.group(2)
460 # "xfail[cond]-" or "xfail[cond1|cond2|...]-" means a
461 # failure of the test is allowed if any of the listed
462 # conditions are in the --xfail command-line option
463 # argument.
464 if self.xfail_str and re.search(r'\b(%s)\b' % xfail_cond,
465 self.xfail_str):
466 xfail = True
467 optional = False
468 if line.startswith('optional-'):
469 optional = True
470 line = line[len('optional-'):]
471 # Tokens in test data are space-separated, except for {...}
472 # tokens that may contain spaces.
473 tokens = []
474 while line:
475 match = re.match(r'\{(.*?)\}(.*)', line)
476 if match:
477 tokens.append(match.group(1))
478 line = match.group(2)
479 else:
480 match = re.match(r'([^ ]*)(.*)', line)
481 tokens.append(match.group(1))
482 line = match.group(2)
483 line = line.strip()
484 if tokens[0] == 'allow-header':
485 if len(tokens) != 2 or xfail or optional:
486 raise ValueError('bad allow-header line: %s' % orig_line)
487 if tokens[1] not in self.headers_handled:
488 self.load_tests(tokens[1], True)
489 return
490 if tokens[0] == 'allow':
491 if len(tokens) != 2 or xfail or optional:
492 raise ValueError('bad allow line: %s' % orig_line)
493 self.add_allow(tokens[1], True)
494 return
495 test_classes = {'element': ElementTest,
496 'macro': ConstantTest,
497 'constant': ConstantTest,
498 'macro-constant': ConstantTest,
499 'macro-int-constant': ConstantTest,
500 'symbol': SymbolTest,
501 'type': TypeTest,
502 'tag': TagTest,
503 'function': FunctionTest,
504 'variable': VariableTest,
505 'macro-function': MacroFunctionTest,
506 'macro-str': MacroStrTest}
507 test = test_classes[tokens[0]](*tokens)
508 test.xfail = xfail
509 test.optional = optional
510 test.num = self.num_tests
511 test.subtests = []
512 self.num_tests += 1
513 self.add_allow(test.allow_name, False)
514 if not allow:
515 test.gen_subtests()
516 self.tests.append(test)
518 def load_tests(self, header, allow):
519 """Load tests of a header.
521 If allow is true, the header is one specified in allow-header
522 and so tests are marked as allowed for namespace purposes but
523 otherwise ignored.
526 self.headers_handled.add(header)
527 header_s = header.replace('/', '_')
528 temp_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'header-data-%s' % header_s)
529 cmd = ('%s -E -D%s -std=c99 -x c data/%s-data > %s'
530 % (self.cc, self.standard, header, temp_file))
531 subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
532 with open(temp_file, 'r') as tests:
533 for line in tests:
534 line = line.strip()
535 if line == '' or line.startswith('#'):
536 continue
537 self.handle_test_line(line, allow)
539 def note_error(self, name, xfail):
540 """Note a failing test."""
541 if xfail:
542 print('XFAIL: %s' % name)
543 self.xerrors += 1
544 else:
545 print('FAIL: %s' % name)
546 self.errors += 1
547 sys.stdout.flush()
549 def note_skip(self, name):
550 """Note a skipped test."""
551 print('SKIP: %s' % name)
552 self.skipped += 1
553 sys.stdout.flush()
555 def compile_test(self, name, text):
556 """Run a compilation test; return True if it passes."""
557 self.total += 1
558 if self.group_ignore:
559 return False
560 optional = self.group_optional
561 self.group_optional = False
562 if self.group_skip:
563 self.note_skip(name)
564 return False
565 c_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.c')
566 o_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.o')
567 with open(c_file, 'w') as c_file_out:
568 c_file_out.write('#include <%s>\n%s' % (self.header, text))
569 cmd = ('%s %s -c %s -o %s' % (self.cc, self.cflags, c_file, o_file))
570 try:
571 subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
572 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
573 if optional:
574 print('MISSING: %s' % name)
575 sys.stdout.flush()
576 self.group_ignore = True
577 else:
578 self.note_error(name, self.group_xfail)
579 self.group_skip = True
580 return False
581 print('PASS: %s' % name)
582 sys.stdout.flush()
583 return True
585 def execute_test(self, name, text):
586 """Run an execution test."""
587 self.total += 1
588 if self.group_ignore:
589 return False
590 if self.group_skip:
591 self.note_skip(name)
592 return
593 c_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test.c')
594 exe_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'test')
595 with open(c_file, 'w') as c_file_out:
596 c_file_out.write('#include <%s>\n%s' % (self.header, text))
597 cmd = ('%s %s %s %s %s -o %s' % (self.cc, self.cflags, self.ldflags,
598 c_file, self.libs, exe_file))
599 try:
600 subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
601 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
602 self.note_error(name, self.group_xfail)
603 return
604 if self.cross:
605 self.note_skip(name)
606 return
607 try:
608 subprocess.check_call('%s %s' % (self.run_program_prefix,
609 exe_file),
610 shell=True)
611 except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
612 self.note_error(name, self.group_xfail)
613 return
614 print('PASS: %s' % name)
615 sys.stdout.flush()
617 def check_namespace(self, name):
618 """Check the namespace of a header."""
619 c_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'namespace.c')
620 out_file = os.path.join(self.temp_dir, 'namespace-out')
621 with open(c_file, 'w') as c_file_out:
622 c_file_out.write('#include <%s>\n' % self.header)
623 cmd = ('%s %s -E %s -P -Wp,-dN > %s'
624 % (self.cc, self.cflags_namespace, c_file, out_file))
625 subprocess.check_call(cmd, shell=True)
626 bad_tokens = set()
627 with open(out_file, 'r') as content:
628 for line in content:
629 line = line.strip()
630 if not line:
631 continue
632 if re.match(r'# [1-9]', line):
633 continue
634 if line.startswith('#pragma GCC '):
635 # No GCC pragma uses macro expansion, so no
636 # namespace issues arise from such pragmas. (Some
637 # pragmas not in the GCC namespace do macro-expand
638 # their arguments and so could be affected by
639 # macros defined by user code including the
640 # header.)
641 continue
642 match = re.match(r'#define (.*)', line)
643 if match:
644 self.check_token(bad_tokens, match.group(1))
645 continue
646 match = re.match(r'#undef (.*)', line)
647 if match:
648 bad_tokens.discard(match.group(1))
649 continue
650 # Tokenize the line and check identifiers found. The
651 # handling of strings and character constants does not
652 # allow for escaped quotes, and hex floats may be
653 # wrongly split into tokens including identifiers, but
654 # this is sufficient in practice.
655 line = re.sub(r'(?:\bL)?(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')', '', line)
656 line = line.strip()
657 for token in re.split(r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]+', line):
658 if re.match(r'[A-Za-z_]', token):
659 self.check_token(bad_tokens, token)
660 if bad_tokens:
661 for token in sorted(bad_tokens):
662 print(' Namespace violation: "%s"' % token)
663 self.note_error(name, False)
664 else:
665 print('PASS: %s' % name)
666 sys.stdout.flush()
668 def run(self):
669 """Load and run tests of a header."""
670 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as self.temp_dir:
671 self.load_tests(self.header, False)
672 self.group_optional = False
673 self.group_xfail = False
674 self.group_ignore = False
675 self.group_skip = False
676 available = self.compile_test('Availability of <%s>' % self.header,
678 if available:
679 # As an optimization, try running all non-optional,
680 # non-XFAILed compilation tests in a single execution
681 # of the compiler.
682 combined_list = []
683 for test in self.tests:
684 if not test.optional and not test.xfail:
685 for subtest in test.subtests:
686 if isinstance(subtest, CompileSubTest):
687 combined_list.append(subtest.text)
688 subtest.run_early = True
689 combined_ok = self.compile_test('Combined <%s> test'
690 % self.header,
691 '\n'.join(combined_list))
692 # Now run the other tests, or all tests if the
693 # combined test failed.
694 for test in self.tests:
695 # A test may run more than one subtest. If the
696 # initial subtest for an optional symbol fails,
697 # others are not run at all; if the initial
698 # subtest for an optional symbol succeeds, others
699 # are run and are not considered optional; if the
700 # initial subtest for a required symbol fails,
701 # others are skipped.
702 self.group_optional = test.optional
703 self.group_xfail = test.xfail
704 self.group_ignore = False
705 self.group_skip = False
706 for subtest in test.subtests:
707 if combined_ok and subtest.run_early:
708 self.total += 1
709 print('PASSCOMBINED: %s' % subtest.name)
710 sys.stdout.flush()
711 else:
712 subtest.run(self)
713 namespace_name = 'Namespace of <%s>' % self.header
714 if available:
715 self.check_namespace(namespace_name)
716 else:
717 self.note_skip(namespace_name)
718 print('-' * 76)
719 print(' Total number of tests : %4d' % self.total)
720 print(' Number of failed tests : %4d' % self.errors)
721 print(' Number of xfailed tests : %4d' % self.xerrors)
722 print(' Number of skipped tests : %4d' % self.skipped)
723 sys.exit(1 if self.errors else 0)
726 def main():
727 """The main entry point."""
728 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check header contents.')
729 parser.add_argument('--header', metavar='HEADER',
730 help='name of header')
731 parser.add_argument('--standard', metavar='STD',
732 help='standard to use when processing header')
733 parser.add_argument('--cc', metavar='CC',
734 help='C compiler to use')
735 parser.add_argument('--flags', metavar='CFLAGS',
736 help='Compiler flags to use with CC')
737 parser.add_argument('--ldflags', metavar='LDFLAGS',
738 help='Compiler arguments for linking before inputs')
739 parser.add_argument('--libs', metavar='LIBS',
740 help='Compiler arguments for linking after inputs')
741 parser.add_argument('--run-program-prefix', metavar='RUN-PROGRAM-PREFIX',
742 help='Wrapper for running newly built program')
743 parser.add_argument('--cross', action='store_true',
744 help='Do not run compiled test programs')
745 parser.add_argument('--xfail', metavar='COND',
746 help='Name of condition for XFAILs')
747 args = parser.parse_args()
748 tests = HeaderTests(args.header, args.standard, args.cc, args.flags,
749 args.ldflags, args.libs, args.run_program_prefix,
750 args.cross, args.xfail)
751 tests.run()
754 if __name__ == '__main__':
755 main()