Add a script to clean up after Tcl/Tk installation
[git/jnareb-git.git] / mingw / lib / tk8.5 / demos / mclist.tcl
1 # mclist.tcl --
3 # This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing a Ttk
4 # tree widget configured as a multi-column listbox.
6 # RCS: @(#) $Id: mclist.tcl,v 1.3 2007/12/13 15:27:07 dgp Exp $
8 if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
9 error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
12 package require Tk
13 package require Ttk
15 set w .mclist
16 catch {destroy $w}
17 toplevel $w
18 wm title $w "Multi-Column List"
19 wm iconname $w "mclist"
20 positionWindow $w
22 ## Explanatory text
23 ttk::label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 4i -justify left -anchor n -padding {10 2 10 6} -text "Ttk is the new Tk themed widget set. One of the widgets it includes is a tree widget, which can be configured to display multiple columns of informational data without displaying the tree itself. This is a simple way to build a listbox that has multiple columns. Clicking on the heading for a column will sort the data by that column. You can also change the width of the columns by dragging the boundary between them."
24 pack $w.msg -fill x
26 ## See Code / Dismiss
27 pack [addSeeDismiss $w.seeDismiss $w] -side bottom -fill x
29 ttk::frame $w.container
30 ttk::treeview $w.tree -columns {country capital currency} -show headings \
31 -yscroll "$w.vsb set" -xscroll "$w.hsb set"
32 if {[tk windowingsystem] ne "aqua"} {
33 ttk::scrollbar $w.vsb -orient vertical -command "$w.tree yview"
34 ttk::scrollbar $w.hsb -orient horizontal -command "$w.tree xview"
35 } else {
36 scrollbar $w.vsb -orient vertical -command "$w.tree yview"
37 scrollbar $w.hsb -orient horizontal -command "$w.tree xview"
39 pack $w.container -fill both -expand 1
40 grid $w.tree $w.vsb -in $w.container -sticky nsew
41 grid $w.hsb -in $w.container -sticky nsew
42 grid column $w.container 0 -weight 1
43 grid row $w.container 0 -weight 1
45 ## The data we're going to insert
46 set data {
47 Argentina {Buenos Aires} ARS
48 Australia Canberra AUD
49 Brazil Brazilia BRL
50 Canada Ottawa CAD
51 China Beijing CNY
52 France Paris EUR
53 Germany Berlin EUR
54 India {New Delhi} INR
55 Italy Rome EUR
56 Japan Tokyo JPY
57 Mexico {Mexico City} MXN
58 Russia Moscow RUB
59 {South Africa} Pretoria ZAR
60 {United Kingdom} London GBP
61 {United States} {Washington, D.C.} USD
64 ## Code to insert the data nicely
65 set font [ttk::style lookup [$w.tree cget -style] -font]
66 foreach col {country capital currency} name {Country Capital Currency} {
67 $w.tree heading $col -command [list SortBy $w.tree $col 0] -text $name
68 $w.tree column $col -width [font measure $font $name]
70 foreach {country capital currency} $data {
71 $w.tree insert {} end -values [list $country $capital $currency]
72 foreach col {country capital currency} {
73 set len [font measure $font "[set $col] "]
74 if {[$w.tree column $col -width] < $len} {
75 $w.tree column $col -width $len
80 ## Code to do the sorting of the tree contents when clicked on
81 proc SortBy {tree col direction} {
82 # Build something we can sort
83 set data {}
84 foreach row [$tree children {}] {
85 lappend data [list [$tree set $row $col] $row]
88 set dir [expr {$direction ? "-decreasing" : "-increasing"}]
89 set r -1
91 # Now reshuffle the rows into the sorted order
92 foreach info [lsort -dictionary -index 0 $dir $data] {
93 $tree move [lindex $info 1] {} [incr r]
96 # Switch the heading so that it will sort in the opposite direction
97 $tree heading $col -command [list SortBy $tree $col [expr {!$direction}]]