Add a script to clean up after Tcl/Tk installation
[git/jnareb-git.git] / mingw / lib / tk8.5 / demos / anilabel.tcl
1 # anilabel.tcl --
3 # This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing
4 # several animated label widgets.
6 # RCS: @(#) $Id: anilabel.tcl,v 1.2 2004/12/21 11:56:35 dkf Exp $
8 if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
9 error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
12 package require Tk
14 set w .anilabel
15 catch {destroy $w}
16 toplevel $w
17 wm title $w "Animated Label Demonstration"
18 wm iconname $w "anilabel"
19 positionWindow $w
21 label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 4i -justify left -text "Four animated labels are displayed below; each of the labels on the left is animated by making the text message inside it appear to scroll, and the label on the right is animated by animating the image that it displays."
22 pack $w.msg -side top
24 ## See Code / Dismiss buttons
25 set btns [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w]
26 pack $btns -side bottom -fill x
28 # Ensure that this this is an array
29 array set animationCallbacks {}
31 ## This callback is the core of how to do animation in Tcl/Tk; all
32 ## animations work in basically the same way, with a procedure that
33 ## uses the [after] command to reschedule itself at some point in the
34 ## future. Of course, the details of how to update the state will vary
35 ## according to what is being animated.
36 proc RotateLabelText {w interval} {
37 global animationCallbacks
39 # Schedule the calling of this procedure again in the future
40 set animationCallbacks($w) [after $interval RotateLabelText $w $interval]
42 # We do marquee-like scrolling text by chopping characters off the
43 # front of the text and sticking them on the end.
44 set text [$w cget -text]
45 set newText [string range $text 1 end][string index $text 0]
46 $w configure -text $newText
49 ## A helper procedure to start the animation happening.
50 proc animateLabelText {w text interval} {
51 global animationCallbacks
53 # Install the text into the widget
54 $w configure -text $text
56 # Schedule the start of the animation loop
57 set animationCallbacks($w) [after $interval RotateLabelText $w $interval]
59 # Make sure that the animation stops and is cleaned up after itself
60 # when the animated label is destroyed. Note that at this point we
61 # cannot manipulate the widget itself, as that has already died.
62 bind $w <Destroy> {
63 after cancel $animationCallbacks(%W)
64 unset animationCallbacks(%W)
68 ## Next, a similar pair of procedures to animate a GIF loaded into a
69 ## photo image.
70 proc SelectNextImageFrame {w interval} {
71 global animationCallbacks
72 set animationCallbacks($w) \
73 [after $interval SelectNextImageFrame $w $interval]
74 set image [$w cget -image]
76 # The easy way to animate a GIF!
77 set idx -1
78 scan [$image cget -format] "GIF -index %d" idx
79 if {[catch {
80 # Note that we get an error if the index is out of range
81 $image configure -format "GIF -index [incr idx]"
82 }]} then {
83 $image configure -format "GIF -index 0"
86 proc animateLabelImage {w imageData interval} {
87 global animationCallbacks
89 # Create a multi-frame GIF from base-64-encoded data
90 set image [image create photo -format GIF -data $imageData]
92 # Install the image into the widget
93 $w configure -image $image
95 # Schedule the start of the animation loop
96 set animationCallbacks($w) \
97 [after $interval SelectNextImageFrame $w $interval]
99 # Make sure that the animation stops and is cleaned up after itself
100 # when the animated label is destroyed. Note that at this point we
101 # cannot manipulate the widget itself, as that has already died.
102 # Also note that this script is in double-quotes; this is always OK
103 # because image names are chosen automatically to be simple words.
104 bind $w <Destroy> "
105 after cancel \$animationCallbacks(%W)
106 unset animationCallbacks(%W)
107 rename $image {}
111 # Make some widgets to contain the animations
112 labelframe $w.left -text "Scrolling Texts"
113 labelframe $w.right -text "GIF Image"
114 pack $w.left $w.right -side left -padx 10 -pady 10 -expand yes
116 # This method of scrolling text looks far better with a fixed-width font
117 label $w.left.l1 -bd 4 -relief ridge -font fixedFont
118 label $w.left.l2 -bd 4 -relief groove -font fixedFont
119 label $w.left.l3 -bd 4 -relief flat -font fixedFont -width 18
120 pack $w.left.l1 $w.left.l2 $w.left.l3 -side top -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 10 -anchor w
121 # Don't need to do very much with this label except turn off the border
122 label $w.right.l -bd 0
123 pack $w.right.l -side top -expand yes -padx 10 -pady 10
125 # This is a base-64-encoded animated GIF file.
126 set tclPoweredData {
127 R0lGODlhKgBAAPQAAP//////zP//AP/MzP/Mmf/MAP+Zmf+ZZv+ZAMz//8zM
128 zMyZmcyZZsxmZsxmAMwzAJnMzJmZzJmZmZlmmZlmZplmM5kzM2aZzGZmzGZm
131 dF03bx7YcuHIDkGBR7SZeIyhTID4FZ+4Es8nQyCe2EeUNJ0peY2s9mi7PhAM
132 ngEAMGRbUpvzSxskLh1J+Hkg134OdDIDEB+GHxtYMEQMTjMGEYeGFoomezaC
133 DZGSHFmLXTQKkh8eNQVpZ2afmDQGHaOYSoEyhhcklzVmMpuHnaZmDqiGJbg0
134 qFqvh6UNAwB7VA+OwydEjgujkgrPNhbTI8dFvNgEYcHcHx0lB1kX2IYeA2G6
135 NN0YfkXJ2BsAMuAzHB9cZMk3qoEbRzUACsRCUBK5JxsC3iMiKd8GN088SIyT
136 0RAFSROyeEg38caDiB/+JEgqxsODrZJ1BkT0oHKSmI0ceQxo94HDpg0qsuDk
137 UmRAMgu8OgwQ+uIJgUMVeGXA+IQkzEeHGvD8cIGlDXsLiRjQ+EHroQhea7xY
139 Ysgxor5+Xfgq0qByYUpiXmwuoredB2aYH4gWWda0B7SeNENpEJHC1ghi+pS4
140 AJpIAwWvKPBi+8YEht5EriEqpFfMlhEdkBNpx0HUhwypx5T4IB1MBg/Ws2sn
141 wV3MSQOkzI8fUd48Aw3dOZto71x85hHtHijYv18Gf/3GqCdDCXHNoICBobSo
142 IqBqJLyCoH8JPrLgdh88CKCFD0CGmAiGYPgffwceZh6FC2ohIIklnkhehTNY
143 4CIHHGzgwYw01ujBBhvAqKOLLq5AAk9kuSPkkKO40NB+h1gnypJIIvkBf09a
144 N5QIRz5p5ZJXJpmlIVhOGQA2TmIJZZhKKmmll2BqyWSXWUrZpQtpatlmk1c2
149 r+vGaTmac63v/GP9HM7GQyx+jsgkkoRUHJ3Qx0cK/VQVTKtWwbVKn9suNunc
153 oCB+z/MJX2o+I2miKimiawgAIfkEBQoAAAAsFwA3AAcABQAABRGgIHzfY47j
154 Q4qk+aHl+pZmCAAh+QQFCgAAACwbADcABwAFAAAFEaAgfs/zCV9qPiNJouo7
158 # Finally, set up the text scrolling animation
159 animateLabelText $w.left.l1 "* Slow Animation *" 300
160 animateLabelText $w.left.l2 "* Fast Animation *" 80
161 animateLabelText $w.left.l3 "This is a longer scrolling text in a widget that will not show the whole message at once. " 150
162 animateLabelImage $w.right.l $tclPoweredData 100