Update tk to version 8.5.11
[git/jnareb-git.git] / mingw / lib / tk8.5 / demos / hscale.tcl
1 # hscale.tcl --
3 # This demonstration script shows an example with a horizontal scale.
5 if {![info exists widgetDemo]} {
6 error "This script should be run from the \"widget\" demo."
9 package require Tk
11 set w .hscale
12 catch {destroy $w}
13 toplevel $w
14 wm title $w "Horizontal Scale Demonstration"
15 wm iconname $w "hscale"
16 positionWindow $w
18 label $w.msg -font $font -wraplength 3.5i -justify left -text "An arrow and a horizontal scale are displayed below. If you click or drag mouse button 1 in the scale, you can change the length of the arrow."
19 pack $w.msg -side top -padx .5c
21 ## See Code / Dismiss buttons
22 set btns [addSeeDismiss $w.buttons $w]
23 pack $btns -side bottom -fill x
25 frame $w.frame -borderwidth 10
26 pack $w.frame -side top -fill x
28 canvas $w.frame.canvas -width 50 -height 50 -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0
29 $w.frame.canvas create polygon 0 0 1 1 2 2 -fill DeepSkyBlue3 -tags poly
30 $w.frame.canvas create line 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 -fill black -tags line
31 scale $w.frame.scale -orient horizontal -length 284 -from 0 -to 250 \
32 -command "setWidth $w.frame.canvas" -tickinterval 50
33 pack $w.frame.canvas -side top -expand yes -anchor s -fill x -padx 15
34 pack $w.frame.scale -side bottom -expand yes -anchor n
35 $w.frame.scale set 75
37 proc setWidth {w width} {
38 incr width 21
39 set x2 [expr {$width - 30}]
40 if {$x2 < 21} {
41 set x2 21
43 $w coords poly 20 15 20 35 $x2 35 $x2 45 $width 25 $x2 5 $x2 15 20 15
44 $w coords line 20 15 20 35 $x2 35 $x2 45 $width 25 $x2 5 $x2 15 20 15