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[git/jnareb-git.git] / lib / perl5 / 5.6.1 / ExtUtils /
1 package ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
3 use 5.005_64;
4 use strict qw[ subs refs ];
5 # no strict 'vars'; # until filehandles are exempted
7 use Carp;
8 use Exporter;
10 @ISA = 'Exporter';
11 @EXPORT = '&Mksymlists';
12 $VERSION = substr q$Revision: 1.17 $, 10;
14 sub Mksymlists {
15 my(%spec) = @_;
16 my($osname) = $^O;
18 croak("Insufficient information specified to Mksymlists")
19 unless ( $spec{NAME} or
20 ($spec{FILE} and ($spec{DL_FUNCS} or $spec{FUNCLIST})) );
22 $spec{DL_VARS} = [] unless $spec{DL_VARS};
23 ($spec{FILE} = $spec{NAME}) =~ s/.*::// unless $spec{FILE};
24 $spec{FUNCLIST} = [] unless $spec{FUNCLIST};
25 $spec{DL_FUNCS} = { $spec{NAME} => [] }
26 unless ( ($spec{DL_FUNCS} and keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) or
27 @{$spec{FUNCLIST}});
28 if (defined $spec{DL_FUNCS}) {
29 my($package);
30 foreach $package (keys %{$spec{DL_FUNCS}}) {
31 my($packprefix,$sym,$bootseen);
32 ($packprefix = $package) =~ s/\W/_/g;
33 foreach $sym (@{$spec{DL_FUNCS}->{$package}}) {
34 if ($sym =~ /^boot_/) {
35 push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},$sym);
36 $bootseen++;
38 else { push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"XS_${packprefix}_$sym"); }
40 push(@{$spec{FUNCLIST}},"boot_$packprefix") unless $bootseen;
44 # We'll need this if we ever add any OS which uses mod2fname
45 # not as pseudo-builtin.
46 # require DynaLoader;
47 if (defined &DynaLoader::mod2fname and not $spec{DLBASE}) {
48 $spec{DLBASE} = DynaLoader::mod2fname([ split(/::/,$spec{NAME}) ]);
51 if ($osname eq 'aix') { _write_aix(\%spec); }
52 elsif ($osname eq 'MacOS'){ _write_aix(\%spec) }
53 elsif ($osname eq 'VMS') { _write_vms(\%spec) }
54 elsif ($osname eq 'os2') { _write_os2(\%spec) }
55 elsif ($osname eq 'MSWin32') { _write_win32(\%spec) }
56 else { croak("Don't know how to create linker option file for $osname\n"); }
60 sub _write_aix {
61 my($data) = @_;
63 rename "$data->{FILE}.exp", "$data->{FILE}.exp_old";
65 open(EXP,">$data->{FILE}.exp")
66 or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.exp: $!\n");
67 print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
68 print EXP join("\n",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
69 close EXP;
73 sub _write_os2 {
74 my($data) = @_;
75 require Config;
76 my $threaded = ($Config::Config{archname} =~ /-thread/ ? " threaded" : "");
78 if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
79 ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
80 $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
82 my $distname = $data->{DISTNAME} || $data->{NAME};
83 $distname = "Distribution $distname";
84 my $comment = "Perl (v$Config::Config{version}$threaded) module $data->{NAME}";
85 if ($data->{INSTALLDIRS} and $data->{INSTALLDIRS} eq 'perl') {
86 $distname = '';
87 $comment = "Core $comment";
89 rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
91 open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
92 or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
94 print DEF "DESCRIPTION '\@#$distname:$data->{VERSION}#\@ $comment'\n";
97 print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
98 print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, "\n") if @{$data->{DL_VARS}};
99 print DEF join("\n ",@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}, "\n") if @{$data->{FUNCLIST}};
100 if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
101 print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
102 my ($name, $exp);
103 while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
104 print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
107 close DEF;
110 sub _write_win32 {
111 my($data) = @_;
113 require Config;
114 if (not $data->{DLBASE}) {
115 ($data->{DLBASE} = $data->{NAME}) =~ s/.*:://;
116 $data->{DLBASE} = substr($data->{DLBASE},0,7) . '_';
118 rename "$data->{FILE}.def", "$data->{FILE}_def.old";
120 open(DEF,">$data->{FILE}.def")
121 or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.def: $!\n");
122 # put library name in quotes (it could be a keyword, like 'Alias')
123 if ($Config::Config{'cc'} !~ /^gcc/i) {
124 print DEF "LIBRARY \"$data->{DLBASE}\"\n";
126 print DEF "EXPORTS\n ";
127 my @syms;
128 # Export public symbols both with and without underscores to
129 # ensure compatibility between DLLs from different compilers
130 # NOTE: DynaLoader itself only uses the names without underscores,
131 # so this is only to cover the case when the extension DLL may be
132 # linked to directly from C. GSAR 97-07-10
133 if ($Config::Config{'cc'} =~ /^bcc/i) {
134 for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
135 push @syms, "_$_", "$_ = _$_";
138 else {
139 for (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}, @{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
140 push @syms, "$_", "_$_ = $_";
143 print DEF join("\n ",@syms, "\n") if @syms;
144 if (%{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
145 print DEF "IMPORTS\n";
146 my ($name, $exp);
147 while (($name, $exp)= each %{$data->{IMPORTS}}) {
148 print DEF " $name=$exp\n";
151 close DEF;
155 sub _write_vms {
156 my($data) = @_;
158 require Config; # a reminder for once we do $^O
159 require ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
161 my($isvax) = $Config::Config{'archname'} =~ /VAX/i;
162 my($set) = new ExtUtils::XSSymSet;
163 my($sym);
165 rename "$data->{FILE}.opt", "$data->{FILE}.opt_old";
167 open(OPT,">$data->{FILE}.opt")
168 or croak("Can't create $data->{FILE}.opt: $!\n");
170 # Options file declaring universal symbols
171 # Used when linking shareable image for dynamic extension,
172 # or when linking PerlShr into which we've added this package
173 # as a static extension
174 # We don't do anything to preserve order, so we won't relax
175 # the GSMATCH criteria for a dynamic extension
177 print OPT "case_sensitive=yes\n"
178 if $Config::Config{d_vms_case_sensitive_symbols};
179 foreach $sym (@{$data->{FUNCLIST}}) {
180 my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
181 if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
182 else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=PROCEDURE)\n"; }
184 foreach $sym (@{$data->{DL_VARS}}) {
185 my $safe = $set->addsym($sym);
187 if ($isvax) { print OPT "UNIVERSAL=$safe\n" }
188 else { print OPT "SYMBOL_VECTOR=($safe=DATA)\n"; }
190 close OPT;
196 __END__
198 =head1 NAME
200 ExtUtils::Mksymlists - write linker options files for dynamic extension
202 =head1 SYNOPSIS
204 use ExtUtils::Mksymlists;
205 Mksymlists({ NAME => $name ,
206 DL_VARS => [ $var1, $var2, $var3 ],
207 DL_FUNCS => { $pkg1 => [ $func1, $func2 ],
208 $pkg2 => [ $func3 ] });
210 =head1 DESCRIPTION
212 C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists> produces files used by the linker under some OSs
213 during the creation of shared libraries for dynamic extensions. It is
214 normally called from a MakeMaker-generated Makefile when the extension
215 is built. The linker option file is generated by calling the function
216 C<Mksymlists>, which is exported by default from C<ExtUtils::Mksymlists>.
217 It takes one argument, a list of key-value pairs, in which the following
218 keys are recognized:
220 =over
222 =item DLBASE
224 This item specifies the name by which the linker knows the
225 extension, which may be different from the name of the
226 extension itself (for instance, some linkers add an '_' to the
227 name of the extension). If it is not specified, it is derived
228 from the NAME attribute. It is presently used only by OS2 and Win32.
230 =item DL_FUNCS
232 This is identical to the DL_FUNCS attribute available via MakeMaker,
233 from which it is usually taken. Its value is a reference to an
234 associative array, in which each key is the name of a package, and
235 each value is an a reference to an array of function names which
236 should be exported by the extension. For instance, one might say
237 C<DL_FUNCS =E<gt> { Homer::Iliad =E<gt> [ qw(trojans greeks) ],
238 Homer::Odyssey =E<gt> [ qw(travellers family suitors) ] }>. The
239 function names should be identical to those in the XSUB code;
240 C<Mksymlists> will alter the names written to the linker option
241 file to match the changes made by F<xsubpp>. In addition, if
242 none of the functions in a list begin with the string B<boot_>,
243 C<Mksymlists> will add a bootstrap function for that package,
244 just as xsubpp does. (If a B<boot_E<lt>pkgE<gt>> function is
245 present in the list, it is passed through unchanged.) If
246 DL_FUNCS is not specified, it defaults to the bootstrap
247 function for the extension specified in NAME.
249 =item DL_VARS
251 This is identical to the DL_VARS attribute available via MakeMaker,
252 and, like DL_FUNCS, it is usually specified via MakeMaker. Its
253 value is a reference to an array of variable names which should
254 be exported by the extension.
256 =item FILE
258 This key can be used to specify the name of the linker option file
259 (minus the OS-specific extension), if for some reason you do not
260 want to use the default value, which is the last word of the NAME
261 attribute (I<e.g.> for C<Tk::Canvas>, FILE defaults to C<Canvas>).
263 =item FUNCLIST
265 This provides an alternate means to specify function names to be
266 exported from the extension. Its value is a reference to an
267 array of function names to be exported by the extension. These
268 names are passed through unaltered to the linker options file.
269 Specifying a value for the FUNCLIST attribute suppresses automatic
270 generation of the bootstrap function for the package. To still create
271 the bootstrap name you have to specify the package name in the
272 DL_FUNCS hash:
274 Mksymlists({ NAME => $name ,
275 FUNCLIST => [ $func1, $func2 ],
276 DL_FUNCS => { $pkg => [] } });
279 =item IMPORTS
281 This attribute is used to specify names to be imported into the
282 extension. It is currently only used by OS/2 and Win32.
284 =item NAME
286 This gives the name of the extension (I<e.g.> C<Tk::Canvas>) for which
287 the linker option file will be produced.
289 =back
291 When calling C<Mksymlists>, one should always specify the NAME
292 attribute. In most cases, this is all that's necessary. In
293 the case of unusual extensions, however, the other attributes
294 can be used to provide additional information to the linker.
296 =head1 AUTHOR
298 Charles Bailey I<E<lt>bailey@newman.upenn.eduE<gt>>
300 =head1 REVISION
302 Last revised 14-Feb-1996, for Perl 5.002.