t7001: use '>' rather than 'touch'
[git/debian.git] / git-gui / lib / choose_repository.tcl
1 # git-gui Git repository chooser
2 # Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
4 class choose_repository {
6 field top
7 field w
8 field w_body ; # Widget holding the center content
9 field w_next ; # Next button
10 field w_quit ; # Quit button
11 field o_cons ; # Console object (if active)
13 # Status mega-widget instance during _do_clone2 (used by _copy_files and
14 # _link_files). Widget is destroyed before _do_clone2 calls
15 # _do_clone_checkout
16 field o_status
18 # Operation displayed by status mega-widget during _do_clone_checkout =>
19 # _readtree_wait => _postcheckout_wait => _do_clone_submodules =>
20 # _do_validate_submodule_cloning. The status mega-widget is a different
21 # instance than that stored in $o_status in earlier operations.
22 field o_status_op
24 field w_types ; # List of type buttons in clone
25 field w_recentlist ; # Listbox containing recent repositories
26 field w_localpath ; # Entry widget bound to local_path
28 field done 0 ; # Finished picking the repository?
29 field local_path {} ; # Where this repository is locally
30 field origin_url {} ; # Where we are cloning from
31 field origin_name origin ; # What we shall call 'origin'
32 field clone_type hardlink ; # Type of clone to construct
33 field recursive true ; # Recursive cloning flag
34 field readtree_err ; # Error output from read-tree (if any)
35 field sorted_recent ; # recent repositories (sorted)
37 constructor pick {} {
38 global M1T M1B use_ttk NS
40 if {[set maxrecent [get_config gui.maxrecentrepo]] eq {}} {
41 set maxrecent 10
44 make_dialog top w
45 wm title $top [mc "Git Gui"]
47 if {$top eq {.}} {
48 menu $w.mbar -tearoff 0
49 $top configure -menu $w.mbar
51 set m_repo $w.mbar.repository
52 $w.mbar add cascade \
53 -label [mc Repository] \
54 -menu $m_repo
55 menu $m_repo
57 if {[is_MacOSX]} {
58 $w.mbar add cascade -label Apple -menu .mbar.apple
59 menu $w.mbar.apple
60 $w.mbar.apple add command \
61 -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
62 -command do_about
63 $w.mbar.apple add command \
64 -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
65 -command do_ssh_key
66 } else {
67 $w.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu $w.mbar.help
68 menu $w.mbar.help
69 $w.mbar.help add command \
70 -label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
71 -command do_about
72 $w.mbar.help add command \
73 -label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
74 -command do_ssh_key
77 wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
78 bind $top <$M1B-q> exit
79 bind $top <$M1B-Q> exit
80 bind $top <Key-Escape> exit
81 } else {
82 wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
83 bind $top <Key-Escape> [list destroy $top]
84 set m_repo {}
87 pack [git_logo $w.git_logo] -side left -fill y -padx 10 -pady 10
89 set w_body $w.body
90 set opts $w_body.options
91 ${NS}::frame $w_body
92 text $opts \
93 -cursor $::cursor_ptr \
94 -relief flat \
95 -background [get_bg_color $w_body] \
96 -wrap none \
97 -spacing1 5 \
98 -width 50 \
99 -height 3
100 pack $opts -anchor w -fill x
102 $opts tag conf link_new -foreground blue -underline 1
103 $opts tag bind link_new <1> [cb _next new]
104 $opts insert end [mc "Create New Repository"] link_new
105 $opts insert end "\n"
106 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
107 $m_repo add command \
108 -command [cb _next new] \
109 -accelerator $M1T-N \
110 -label [mc "New..."]
111 bind $top <$M1B-n> [cb _next new]
112 bind $top <$M1B-N> [cb _next new]
115 $opts tag conf link_clone -foreground blue -underline 1
116 $opts tag bind link_clone <1> [cb _next clone]
117 $opts insert end [mc "Clone Existing Repository"] link_clone
118 $opts insert end "\n"
119 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
120 if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
121 set key L
122 } else {
123 set key C
125 $m_repo add command \
126 -command [cb _next clone] \
127 -accelerator $M1T-$key \
128 -label [mc "Clone..."]
129 bind $top <$M1B-[string tolower $key]> [cb _next clone]
130 bind $top <$M1B-[string toupper $key]> [cb _next clone]
133 $opts tag conf link_open -foreground blue -underline 1
134 $opts tag bind link_open <1> [cb _next open]
135 $opts insert end [mc "Open Existing Repository"] link_open
136 $opts insert end "\n"
137 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
138 $m_repo add command \
139 -command [cb _next open] \
140 -accelerator $M1T-O \
141 -label [mc "Open..."]
142 bind $top <$M1B-o> [cb _next open]
143 bind $top <$M1B-O> [cb _next open]
146 $opts conf -state disabled
148 set sorted_recent [_get_recentrepos]
149 if {[llength $sorted_recent] > 0} {
150 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
151 $m_repo add separator
152 $m_repo add command \
153 -state disabled \
154 -label [mc "Recent Repositories"]
157 if {[set lenrecent [llength $sorted_recent]] < $maxrecent} {
158 set lenrecent $maxrecent
161 ${NS}::label $w_body.space
162 ${NS}::label $w_body.recentlabel \
163 -anchor w \
164 -text [mc "Open Recent Repository:"]
165 set w_recentlist $w_body.recentlist
166 text $w_recentlist \
167 -cursor $::cursor_ptr \
168 -relief flat \
169 -background [get_bg_color $w_body.recentlabel] \
170 -wrap none \
171 -width 50 \
172 -height $lenrecent
173 $w_recentlist tag conf link \
174 -foreground blue \
175 -underline 1
176 set home $::env(HOME)
177 if {[is_Cygwin]} {
178 set home [exec cygpath --windows --absolute $home]
180 set home "[file normalize $home]/"
181 set hlen [string length $home]
182 foreach p $sorted_recent {
183 set path $p
184 if {[string equal -length $hlen $home $p]} {
185 set p "~/[string range $p $hlen end]"
187 regsub -all "\n" $p "\\n" p
188 $w_recentlist insert end $p link
189 $w_recentlist insert end "\n"
191 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
192 $m_repo add command \
193 -command [cb _open_recent_path $path] \
194 -label " $p"
197 $w_recentlist conf -state disabled
198 $w_recentlist tag bind link <1> [cb _open_recent %x,%y]
199 pack $w_body.space -anchor w -fill x
200 pack $w_body.recentlabel -anchor w -fill x
201 pack $w_recentlist -anchor w -fill x
203 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
205 ${NS}::frame $w.buttons
206 set w_next $w.buttons.next
207 set w_quit $w.buttons.quit
208 ${NS}::button $w_quit \
209 -text [mc "Quit"] \
210 -command exit
211 pack $w_quit -side right -padx 5
212 pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
214 if {$m_repo ne {}} {
215 $m_repo add separator
216 $m_repo add command \
217 -label [mc Quit] \
218 -command exit \
219 -accelerator $M1T-Q
222 bind $top <Return> [cb _invoke_next]
223 bind $top <Visibility> "
224 [cb _center]
225 grab $top
226 focus $top
227 bind $top <Visibility> {}
229 wm deiconify $top
230 tkwait variable @done
232 grab release $top
233 if {$top eq {.}} {
234 eval destroy [winfo children $top]
238 method _center {} {
239 set nx [winfo reqwidth $top]
240 set ny [winfo reqheight $top]
241 set rx [expr {([winfo screenwidth $top] - $nx) / 3}]
242 set ry [expr {([winfo screenheight $top] - $ny) / 3}]
243 wm geometry $top [format {+%d+%d} $rx $ry]
246 method _invoke_next {} {
247 if {[winfo exists $w_next]} {
248 uplevel #0 [$w_next cget -command]
252 proc _get_recentrepos {} {
253 set recent [list]
254 foreach p [lsort -unique [get_config gui.recentrepo]] {
255 if {[_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
256 lappend recent $p
257 } else {
258 _unset_recentrepo $p
261 return $recent
264 proc _unset_recentrepo {p} {
265 regsub -all -- {([()\[\]{}\.^$+*?\\])} $p {\\\1} p
266 catch {git config --global --unset-all gui.recentrepo "^$p\$"}
267 load_config 1
270 proc _append_recentrepos {path} {
271 set path [file normalize $path]
272 set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
274 if {[lindex $recent end] eq $path} {
275 return
278 set i [lsearch $recent $path]
279 if {$i >= 0} {
280 _unset_recentrepo $path
283 git config --global --add gui.recentrepo $path
284 load_config 1
285 set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
287 if {[set maxrecent [get_config gui.maxrecentrepo]] eq {}} {
288 set maxrecent 10
291 while {[llength $recent] > $maxrecent} {
292 _unset_recentrepo [lindex $recent 0]
293 set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
297 method _open_recent {xy} {
298 set id [lindex [split [$w_recentlist index @$xy] .] 0]
299 set local_path [lindex $sorted_recent [expr {$id - 1}]]
300 _do_open2 $this
303 method _open_recent_path {p} {
304 set local_path $p
305 _do_open2 $this
308 method _next {action} {
309 global NS
310 destroy $w_body
311 if {![winfo exists $w_next]} {
312 ${NS}::button $w_next -default active
313 set pos -before
314 if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { set pos -after }
315 pack $w_next -side right -padx 5 $pos $w_quit
317 _do_$action $this
320 method _write_local_path {args} {
321 if {$local_path eq {}} {
322 $w_next conf -state disabled
323 } else {
324 $w_next conf -state normal
328 method _git_init {} {
329 if {[catch {file mkdir $local_path} err]} {
330 error_popup [strcat \
331 [mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
332 "\n\n$err"]
333 return 0
336 if {[catch {cd $local_path} err]} {
337 error_popup [strcat \
338 [mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
339 "\n\n$err"]
340 return 0
343 if {[catch {git init} err]} {
344 error_popup [strcat \
345 [mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
346 "\n\n$err"]
347 return 0
350 _append_recentrepos [pwd]
351 set ::_gitdir .git
352 set ::_prefix {}
353 return 1
356 proc _is_git {path {outdir_var ""}} {
357 if {$outdir_var ne ""} {
358 upvar 1 $outdir_var outdir
360 if {[catch {set outdir [git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir $path]}]} {
361 return 0
363 return 1
366 proc _objdir {path} {
367 set objdir [file join $path .git objects]
368 if {[file isdirectory $objdir]} {
369 return $objdir
372 set objdir [file join $path objects]
373 if {[file isdirectory $objdir]} {
374 return $objdir
377 if {[is_Cygwin]} {
378 set objdir [file join $path .git objects.lnk]
379 if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
380 return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
383 set objdir [file join $path objects.lnk]
384 if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
385 return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
389 return {}
392 ######################################################################
394 ## Create New Repository
396 method _do_new {} {
397 global use_ttk NS
398 $w_next conf \
399 -state disabled \
400 -command [cb _do_new2] \
401 -text [mc "Create"]
403 ${NS}::frame $w_body
404 ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
405 -font font_uibold -anchor center \
406 -text [mc "Create New Repository"]
407 pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
408 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
410 ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
411 ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
412 ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
413 -textvariable @local_path \
414 -width 50
415 ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
416 -text [mc "Browse"] \
417 -command [cb _new_local_path]
418 set w_localpath $w_body.where.t
420 grid $w_body.where.l $w_body.where.t $w_body.where.b -sticky ew
421 pack $w_body.where -fill x
423 grid columnconfigure $w_body.where 1 -weight 1
425 trace add variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]
426 bind $w_body.h <Destroy> [list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]]
427 update
428 focus $w_body.where.t
431 method _new_local_path {} {
432 if {$local_path ne {}} {
433 set p [file dirname $local_path]
434 } else {
435 set p [pwd]
438 set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
439 -initialdir $p \
440 -parent $top \
441 -title [mc "Git Repository"] \
442 -mustexist false]
443 if {$p eq {}} return
445 set p [file normalize $p]
446 if {![_new_ok $p]} {
447 return
449 set local_path $p
450 $w_localpath icursor end
453 method _do_new2 {} {
454 if {![_new_ok $local_path]} {
455 return
457 if {![_git_init $this]} {
458 return
460 set done 1
463 proc _new_ok {p} {
464 if {[file isdirectory $p]} {
465 if {[_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
466 error_popup [mc "Directory %s already exists." $p]
467 return 0
469 } elseif {[file exists $p]} {
470 error_popup [mc "File %s already exists." $p]
471 return 0
473 return 1
476 ######################################################################
478 ## Clone Existing Repository
480 method _do_clone {} {
481 global use_ttk NS
482 $w_next conf \
483 -state disabled \
484 -command [cb _do_clone2] \
485 -text [mc "Clone"]
487 ${NS}::frame $w_body
488 ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
489 -font font_uibold -anchor center \
490 -text [mc "Clone Existing Repository"]
491 pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
492 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
494 set args $w_body.args
495 ${NS}::frame $w_body.args
496 pack $args -fill both
498 ${NS}::label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
499 ${NS}::entry $args.origin_t \
500 -textvariable @origin_url \
501 -width 50
502 ${NS}::button $args.origin_b \
503 -text [mc "Browse"] \
504 -command [cb _open_origin]
505 grid $args.origin_l $args.origin_t $args.origin_b -sticky ew
507 ${NS}::label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
508 ${NS}::entry $args.where_t \
509 -textvariable @local_path \
510 -width 50
511 ${NS}::button $args.where_b \
512 -text [mc "Browse"] \
513 -command [cb _new_local_path]
514 grid $args.where_l $args.where_t $args.where_b -sticky ew
515 set w_localpath $args.where_t
517 ${NS}::label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
518 ${NS}::frame $args.type_f
519 set w_types [list]
520 lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
521 -state disabled \
522 -text [mc "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"] \
523 -variable @clone_type \
524 -value hardlink]
525 lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
526 -state disabled \
527 -text [mc "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"] \
528 -variable @clone_type \
529 -value full]
530 lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
531 -state disabled \
532 -text [mc "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"] \
533 -variable @clone_type \
534 -value shared]
535 foreach r $w_types {
536 pack $r -anchor w
538 ${NS}::checkbutton $args.type_f.recursive \
539 -text [mc "Recursively clone submodules too"] \
540 -variable @recursive \
541 -onvalue true -offvalue false
542 pack $args.type_f.recursive -anchor w
543 grid $args.type_l $args.type_f -sticky new
545 grid columnconfigure $args 1 -weight 1
547 trace add variable @local_path write [cb _update_clone]
548 trace add variable @origin_url write [cb _update_clone]
549 bind $w_body.h <Destroy> "
550 [list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _update_clone]]
551 [list trace remove variable @origin_url write [cb _update_clone]]
553 update
554 focus $args.origin_t
557 method _open_origin {} {
558 if {$origin_url ne {} && [file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
559 set p $origin_url
560 } else {
561 set p [pwd]
564 set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
565 -initialdir $p \
566 -parent $top \
567 -title [mc "Git Repository"] \
568 -mustexist true]
569 if {$p eq {}} return
571 set p [file normalize $p]
572 if {![_is_git [file join $p .git]] && ![_is_git $p]} {
573 error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $p]]
574 return
576 set origin_url $p
579 method _update_clone {args} {
580 if {$local_path ne {} && $origin_url ne {}} {
581 $w_next conf -state normal
582 } else {
583 $w_next conf -state disabled
586 if {$origin_url ne {} &&
587 ( [_is_git [file join $origin_url .git]]
588 || [_is_git $origin_url])} {
589 set e normal
590 if {[[lindex $w_types 0] cget -state] eq {disabled}} {
591 set clone_type hardlink
593 } else {
594 set e disabled
595 set clone_type full
598 foreach r $w_types {
599 $r conf -state $e
603 method _do_clone2 {} {
604 if {[file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
605 set origin_url [file normalize $origin_url]
608 if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} && ![file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
609 error_popup [mc "Standard only available for local repository."]
610 return
612 if {$clone_type eq {shared} && ![file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
613 error_popup [mc "Shared only available for local repository."]
614 return
617 if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} || $clone_type eq {shared}} {
618 set objdir [_objdir $origin_url]
619 if {$objdir eq {}} {
620 error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
621 return
625 set giturl $origin_url
626 if {[is_Cygwin] && [file isdirectory $giturl]} {
627 set giturl [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $giturl]
628 if {$clone_type eq {shared}} {
629 set objdir [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $objdir]
633 if {[file exists $local_path]} {
634 error_popup [mc "Location %s already exists." $local_path]
635 return
638 if {![_git_init $this]} return
639 set local_path [pwd]
641 if {[catch {
642 git config remote.$origin_name.url $giturl
643 git config remote.$origin_name.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$origin_name/*
644 } err]} {
645 error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to configure origin"] "\n\n$err"]
646 return
649 destroy $w_body $w_next
651 switch -exact -- $clone_type {
652 hardlink {
653 set o_status [status_bar::two_line $w_body]
654 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
656 set status_op [$o_status start \
657 [mc "Counting objects"] \
658 [mc "buckets"]]
659 update
661 if {[file exists [file join $objdir info alternates]]} {
662 set pwd [pwd]
663 if {[catch {
664 file mkdir [gitdir objects info]
665 set f_in [open [file join $objdir info alternates] r]
666 set f_cp [open [gitdir objects info alternates] w]
667 fconfigure $f_in -translation binary -encoding binary
668 fconfigure $f_cp -translation binary -encoding binary
669 cd $objdir
670 while {[gets $f_in line] >= 0} {
671 if {[is_Cygwin]} {
672 puts $f_cp [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $line]
673 } else {
674 puts $f_cp [file normalize $line]
677 close $f_in
678 close $f_cp
679 cd $pwd
680 } err]} {
681 catch {cd $pwd}
682 _clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s" $err]
683 $status_op stop
684 return
688 set tolink [list]
689 set buckets [glob \
690 -tails \
691 -nocomplain \
692 -directory [file join $objdir] ??]
693 set bcnt [expr {[llength $buckets] + 2}]
694 set bcur 1
695 $status_op update $bcur $bcnt
696 update
698 file mkdir [file join .git objects pack]
699 foreach i [glob -tails -nocomplain \
700 -directory [file join $objdir pack] *] {
701 lappend tolink [file join pack $i]
703 $status_op update [incr bcur] $bcnt
704 update
706 foreach i $buckets {
707 file mkdir [file join .git objects $i]
708 foreach j [glob -tails -nocomplain \
709 -directory [file join $objdir $i] *] {
710 lappend tolink [file join $i $j]
712 $status_op update [incr bcur] $bcnt
713 update
715 $status_op stop
717 if {$tolink eq {}} {
718 info_popup [strcat \
719 [mc "Nothing to clone from %s." $origin_url] \
720 "\n" \
721 [mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
723 destroy $w_body
724 set done 1
725 return
728 set i [lindex $tolink 0]
729 if {[catch {
730 file link -hard \
731 [file join .git objects $i] \
732 [file join $objdir $i]
733 } err]} {
734 info_popup [mc "Hardlinks are unavailable. Falling back to copying."]
735 set i [_copy_files $this $objdir $tolink]
736 } else {
737 set i [_link_files $this $objdir [lrange $tolink 1 end]]
739 if {!$i} return
741 destroy $w_body
743 set o_status {}
745 full {
746 set o_cons [console::embed \
747 $w_body \
748 [mc "Cloning from %s" $origin_url]]
749 pack $w_body -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
750 $o_cons exec \
751 [list git fetch --no-tags -k $origin_name] \
752 [cb _do_clone_tags]
754 shared {
755 set fd [open [gitdir objects info alternates] w]
756 fconfigure $fd -translation binary
757 puts $fd $objdir
758 close $fd
762 if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} || $clone_type eq {shared}} {
763 if {![_clone_refs $this]} return
764 set pwd [pwd]
765 if {[catch {
766 cd $origin_url
767 set HEAD [git rev-parse --verify HEAD^0]
768 } err]} {
769 _clone_failed $this [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
770 return 0
772 cd $pwd
773 _do_clone_checkout $this $HEAD
777 method _copy_files {objdir tocopy} {
778 set status_op [$o_status start \
779 [mc "Copying objects"] \
780 [mc "KiB"]]
781 set tot 0
782 set cmp 0
783 foreach p $tocopy {
784 incr tot [file size [file join $objdir $p]]
786 foreach p $tocopy {
787 if {[catch {
788 set f_in [open [file join $objdir $p] r]
789 set f_cp [open [file join .git objects $p] w]
790 fconfigure $f_in -translation binary -encoding binary
791 fconfigure $f_cp -translation binary -encoding binary
793 while {![eof $f_in]} {
794 incr cmp [fcopy $f_in $f_cp -size 16384]
795 $status_op update \
796 [expr {$cmp / 1024}] \
797 [expr {$tot / 1024}]
798 update
801 close $f_in
802 close $f_cp
803 } err]} {
804 _clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to copy object: %s" $err]
805 $status_op stop
806 return 0
809 $status_op stop
810 return 1
813 method _link_files {objdir tolink} {
814 set total [llength $tolink]
815 set status_op [$o_status start \
816 [mc "Linking objects"] \
817 [mc "objects"]]
818 for {set i 0} {$i < $total} {} {
819 set p [lindex $tolink $i]
820 if {[catch {
821 file link -hard \
822 [file join .git objects $p] \
823 [file join $objdir $p]
824 } err]} {
825 _clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to hardlink object: %s" $err]
826 $status_op stop
827 return 0
830 incr i
831 if {$i % 5 == 0} {
832 $status_op update $i $total
833 update
836 $status_op stop
837 return 1
840 method _clone_refs {} {
841 set pwd [pwd]
842 if {[catch {cd $origin_url} err]} {
843 error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
844 return 0
846 set fd_in [git_read for-each-ref \
847 --tcl \
848 {--format=list %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname)}]
849 cd $pwd
851 set fd [open [gitdir packed-refs] w]
852 fconfigure $fd -translation binary
853 puts $fd "# pack-refs with: peeled"
854 while {[gets $fd_in line] >= 0} {
855 set line [eval $line]
856 set refn [lindex $line 0]
857 set robj [lindex $line 1]
858 set tobj [lindex $line 2]
860 if {[regsub ^refs/heads/ $refn \
861 "refs/remotes/$origin_name/" refn]} {
862 puts $fd "$robj $refn"
863 } elseif {[string match refs/tags/* $refn]} {
864 puts $fd "$robj $refn"
865 if {$tobj ne {}} {
866 puts $fd "^$tobj"
870 close $fd_in
871 close $fd
872 return 1
875 method _do_clone_tags {ok} {
876 if {$ok} {
877 $o_cons exec \
878 [list git fetch --tags -k $origin_name] \
879 [cb _do_clone_HEAD]
880 } else {
881 $o_cons done $ok
882 _clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot fetch branches and objects. See console output for details."]
886 method _do_clone_HEAD {ok} {
887 if {$ok} {
888 $o_cons exec \
889 [list git fetch $origin_name HEAD] \
890 [cb _do_clone_full_end]
891 } else {
892 $o_cons done $ok
893 _clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot fetch tags. See console output for details."]
897 method _do_clone_full_end {ok} {
898 $o_cons done $ok
900 if {$ok} {
901 destroy $w_body
903 set HEAD {}
904 if {[file exists [gitdir FETCH_HEAD]]} {
905 set fd [open [gitdir FETCH_HEAD] r]
906 while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
907 if {[regexp "^(.{40})\t\t" $line line HEAD]} {
908 break
911 close $fd
914 catch {git pack-refs}
915 _do_clone_checkout $this $HEAD
916 } else {
917 _clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot determine HEAD. See console output for details."]
921 method _clone_failed {{why {}}} {
922 if {[catch {file delete -force $local_path} err]} {
923 set why [strcat \
924 $why \
925 "\n\n" \
926 [mc "Unable to cleanup %s" $local_path] \
927 "\n\n" \
928 $err]
930 if {$why ne {}} {
931 update
932 error_popup [strcat [mc "Clone failed."] "\n" $why]
936 method _do_clone_checkout {HEAD} {
937 if {$HEAD eq {}} {
938 info_popup [strcat \
939 [mc "No default branch obtained."] \
940 "\n" \
941 [mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
943 set done 1
944 return
946 if {[catch {
947 git update-ref HEAD $HEAD^0
948 } err]} {
949 info_popup [strcat \
950 [mc "Cannot resolve %s as a commit." $HEAD^0] \
951 "\n $err" \
952 "\n" \
953 [mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
955 set done 1
956 return
959 set status [status_bar::two_line $w_body]
960 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
962 # We start the status operation here.
964 # This function calls _readtree_wait as a callback.
966 # _readtree_wait in turn either calls _do_clone_submodules directly,
967 # or calls _postcheckout_wait as a callback which then calls
968 # _do_clone_submodules.
970 # _do_clone_submodules calls _do_validate_submodule_cloning.
972 # _do_validate_submodule_cloning stops the status operation.
974 # There are no other calls into this chain from other code.
976 set o_status_op [$status start \
977 [mc "Creating working directory"] \
978 [mc "files"]]
980 set readtree_err {}
981 set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree \
982 -m \
983 -u \
984 -v \
985 HEAD \
986 HEAD \
988 fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
989 fileevent $fd readable [cb _readtree_wait $fd]
992 method _readtree_wait {fd} {
993 set buf [read $fd]
994 $o_status_op update_meter $buf
995 append readtree_err $buf
997 fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
998 if {![eof $fd]} {
999 fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
1000 return
1003 if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
1004 set err $readtree_err
1005 regsub {^fatal: } $err {} err
1006 error_popup [strcat \
1007 [mc "Initial file checkout failed."] \
1008 "\n\n$err"]
1009 return
1012 # -- Run the post-checkout hook.
1014 set fd_ph [githook_read post-checkout [string repeat 0 40] \
1015 [git rev-parse HEAD] 1]
1016 if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
1017 global pch_error
1018 set pch_error {}
1019 fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
1020 fileevent $fd_ph readable [cb _postcheckout_wait $fd_ph]
1021 } else {
1022 _do_clone_submodules $this
1026 method _postcheckout_wait {fd_ph} {
1027 global pch_error
1029 append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
1030 fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
1031 if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
1032 if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
1033 hook_failed_popup post-checkout $pch_error 0
1035 unset pch_error
1036 _do_clone_submodules $this
1037 return
1039 fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
1042 method _do_clone_submodules {} {
1043 if {$recursive eq {true}} {
1044 $o_status_op stop
1045 set o_status_op {}
1047 destroy $w_body
1049 set o_cons [console::embed \
1050 $w_body \
1051 [mc "Cloning submodules"]]
1052 pack $w_body -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
1053 $o_cons exec \
1054 [list git submodule update --init --recursive] \
1055 [cb _do_validate_submodule_cloning]
1056 } else {
1057 set done 1
1061 method _do_validate_submodule_cloning {ok} {
1062 if {$ok} {
1063 $o_cons done $ok
1064 set done 1
1065 } else {
1066 _clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot clone submodules."]
1070 ######################################################################
1072 ## Open Existing Repository
1074 method _do_open {} {
1075 global NS
1076 $w_next conf \
1077 -state disabled \
1078 -command [cb _do_open2] \
1079 -text [mc "Open"]
1081 ${NS}::frame $w_body
1082 ${NS}::label $w_body.h \
1083 -font font_uibold -anchor center \
1084 -text [mc "Open Existing Repository"]
1085 pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
1086 pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
1088 ${NS}::frame $w_body.where
1089 ${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
1090 ${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
1091 -textvariable @local_path \
1092 -width 50
1093 ${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
1094 -text [mc "Browse"] \
1095 -command [cb _open_local_path]
1097 grid $w_body.where.l $w_body.where.t $w_body.where.b -sticky ew
1098 pack $w_body.where -fill x
1100 grid columnconfigure $w_body.where 1 -weight 1
1102 trace add variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]
1103 bind $w_body.h <Destroy> [list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]]
1104 update
1105 focus $w_body.where.t
1108 method _open_local_path {} {
1109 if {$local_path ne {}} {
1110 set p $local_path
1111 } else {
1112 set p [pwd]
1115 set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
1116 -initialdir $p \
1117 -parent $top \
1118 -title [mc "Git Repository"] \
1119 -mustexist true]
1120 if {$p eq {}} return
1122 set p [file normalize $p]
1123 if {![_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
1124 error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $p]]
1125 return
1127 set local_path $p
1130 method _do_open2 {} {
1131 if {![_is_git [file join $local_path .git] actualgit]} {
1132 error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $local_path]]
1133 return
1136 if {[catch {cd $local_path} err]} {
1137 error_popup [strcat \
1138 [mc "Failed to open repository %s:" $local_path] \
1139 "\n\n$err"]
1140 return
1143 _append_recentrepos [pwd]
1144 set ::_gitdir $actualgit
1145 set ::_prefix {}
1146 set done 1