run-command: fix return value comment
[git/debian.git] / .github / workflows / l10n.yml
1 name: git-l10n
3 on: [push, pull_request_target]
5 jobs:
6   git-po-helper:
7     if: >-
8       endsWith(github.repository, '/git-po') ||
9       contains(github.head_ref, 'l10n') ||
10       contains(github.ref, 'l10n')
11     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
12     permissions:
13       pull-requests: write
14     steps:
15       - name: Setup base and head objects
16         id: setup-tips
17         run: |
18           if test "${{ github.event_name }}" = "pull_request_target"
19           then
20             base=${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }}
21             head=${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}
22           else
23             base=${{ github.event.before }}
24             head=${{ github.event.after }}
25           fi
26           echo "::set-output name=base::$base"
27           echo "::set-output name=head::$head"
28       - name: Run partial clone
29         run: |
30           git -c init.defaultBranch=master init --bare .
31           git remote add \
32             --mirror=fetch \
33             origin \
34   ${{ github.repository }}
35           # Fetch tips that may be unreachable from github.ref:
36           # - For a forced push, "$base" may be unreachable.
37           # - For a "pull_request_target" event, "$head" may be unreachable.
38           args=
39           for commit in \
40             ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.base }} \
41             ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.head }}
42           do
43             case $commit in
44             *[^0]*)
45               args="$args $commit"
46               ;;
47             *)
48               # Should not fetch ZERO-OID.
49               ;;
50             esac
51           done
52           git -c protocol.version=2 fetch \
53             --progress \
54             --no-tags \
55             --no-write-fetch-head \
56             --filter=blob:none \
57             origin \
58             ${{ github.ref }} \
59             $args
60       - uses: actions/setup-go@v2
61         with:
62           go-version: '>=1.16'
63       - name: Install git-po-helper
64         run: go install
65       - name: Install other dependencies
66         run: |
67           sudo apt-get update -q &&
68           sudo apt-get install -q -y gettext
69       - name: Run git-po-helper
70         id: check-commits
71         run: |
72           exit_code=0
73           git-po-helper check-commits \
74             --github-action-event="${{ github.event_name }}" -- \
75             ${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.base }}..${{ steps.setup-tips.outputs.head }} \
76             >git-po-helper.out 2>&1 || exit_code=$?
77           if test $exit_code -ne 0 || grep -q WARNING git-po-helper.out
78           then
79             # Remove ANSI colors which are proper for console logs but not
80             # proper for PR comment.
81             echo "COMMENT_BODY<<EOF" >>$GITHUB_ENV
82             perl -pe 's/\e\[[0-9;]*m//g; s/\bEOF$//g' git-po-helper.out >>$GITHUB_ENV
83             echo "EOF" >>$GITHUB_ENV
84           fi
85           cat git-po-helper.out
86           exit $exit_code
87       - name: Create comment in pull request for report
88         uses: mshick/add-pr-comment@v1
89         if: >-
90           always() &&
91           github.event_name == 'pull_request_target' &&
92           env.COMMENT_BODY != ''
93         with:
94           repo-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
95           repo-token-user-login: 'github-actions[bot]'
96           message: >
97             ${{ steps.check-commits.outcome == 'failure' && 'Errors and warnings' || 'Warnings' }}
98             found by [git-po-helper]( in workflow
99             [#${{ github.run_number }}](${{ env.GITHUB_SERVER_URL }}/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}):
101             ```
103             ${{ env.COMMENT_BODY }}
105             ```