perf: amend the grep tests to test grep.threads
[git.git] / .travis.yml
1 language: c
3 sudo: false
5 cache:
6   directories:
7     - $HOME/travis-cache
9 os:
10   - linux
11   - osx
13 compiler:
14   - clang
15   - gcc
17 addons:
18   apt:
19     packages:
20     - language-pack-is
21     - git-svn
22     - apache2
24 matrix:
25   include:
26     - env: jobname=GETTEXT_POISON
27       os: linux
28       compiler:
29       addons:
30       before_install:
31     - env: jobname=Windows
32       os: linux
33       compiler:
34       addons:
35       before_install:
36       before_script:
37       script:
38         - >
39           test "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" != "git/git" ||
40           ci/ $TRAVIS_BRANCH $(git rev-parse HEAD)
41       after_failure:
42     - env: jobname=Linux32
43       os: linux
44       compiler:
45       services:
46         - docker
47       before_install:
48       before_script:
49       script: ci/
50     - env: jobname=StaticAnalysis
51       os: linux
52       compiler:
53       addons:
54         apt:
55           packages:
56           - coccinelle
57       before_install:
58       before_script:
59       script: ci/
60       after_failure:
61     - env: jobname=Documentation
62       os: linux
63       compiler:
64       addons:
65         apt:
66           packages:
67           - asciidoc
68           - xmlto
69       before_install:
70       before_script:
71       script: ci/
72       after_failure:
74 before_install: ci/
75 before_script: ci/
76 script: ci/
77 after_failure: ci/
79 notifications:
80   email: false