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35 <h1>Git - CVS Crash Course</h1>
37 <p>Welcome to the Git version control system! Here we will briefly
38 introduce to Git usage based on your current CVS knowledge. You will
39 need the latest Git and Cogito packages installed; Cogito is a user
40 interface for Git which extends it for easier use, while you can still
41 use directly Git for more advanced operations. There is also
42 <a href="">a
43 more technical CVS to Git migration HOWTO</a> in the Git documentation
44 which uses Git commands only, but covers only some specific differences.</p>
46 <ul>
47 <li><a href="#read">How to Read Me</a></li>
48 <li><a href="#know">Things You Should Know</a></li>
49 <li><a href="#own">Your Very Own</a></li>
50 <li><a href="#branch">Tagging and Branching</a></li>
51 <li><a href="#remote">Going Remote</a></li>
52 </ul>
54 <div align="center"><table class="relnotes" style="border: 1px">
55 <tr><td>
56 <p style="margin: 0em 0.4em">If you are just after tracking someone else's project,
57 this is to get you started quickly:</p>
58 <p/>
59 <div align="center">
60 <table class="ccmd" style="margin:0em"><tr><td class="g">cg clone <em>url</em><br />cg update</td><td>cvs&nbsp;-d<em>root</em>&nbsp;checkout&nbsp;<em>module</em><br />cvs update -dP</td></tr></table>
61 </div>
62 </td></tr>
63 </table></div>
66 <hr />
68 <h2 id="read">How to Read Me</h2>
70 <p>In those small tables, at the left we always list the Cogito/Git commands
71 for the task, while at the right the corresponding CVS commands you would use
72 for the job are listed. If you are in hurry, just skimming over them should
73 give you a good idea about the Cogito usage basics.</p>
75 <p>Before running any command the first time, it's recommended that you
76 at least quickly skim through its manual page. Many of the commands have
77 very useful and interesting features (that we won't list here) and sometimes
78 there are some extra notes you might want to know. There's a quick usage
79 help available for the Cogito commands if you pass them the <code>--help</code>
80 switch.</p>
83 <h2 id="know">Things You Should Know</h2>
85 <p>There is couple of important concepts it is good to know when
86 starting with Git. If you are in hurry though, you can skip this
87 section and only get back to it when you get seriously confused;
88 it should be possible to pick up with just using your intuition.</p>
90 <p>With CVS, for each project there is a single repository at some
91 detached central place where all the history is and which you checkout
92 and commit into. Git works differently, each copy of the project tree
93 (we call that the <em>working copy</em>) carries its own repository
94 around (in the <code>.git</code> subdirectory in the project tree root).
95 You can alos have a so-called <em>bare repository</em> which is not
96 attached to a working copy; that is useful especially when you want
97 to publish your repository. We will get to that.</p>
99 <p>CVS has the repositories partitioned to <em>modules</em>;
100 there is no such thing in Git, you just create several separate
101 repositories.</p>
103 <p>CVS identifies revisions with the RCS ids - few numbers delimited
104 with dots. That is impractical in distributed systems like Git. Git
105 identifies revisions with SHA1 ids, which are long 128bit numbers
106 written in hex. It may look scary at first, but in practice it is
107 not a big hurdle - you can refer to the latest revision by <code>HEAD</code>
108 and its parent as <code>HEAD^</code> (you can go on adding carrets),
109 cut'n'paste helps a lot and you can write only the few leading digits
110 of a revision - as long as it is unique, Git will guess the rest.
111 (You can do even more advanced stuff with revision specifiers, see the
112 <a href="">git-rev-parse manpage</a> for details.)</p>
114 <p>Each commit has an <em>author</em> and a <em>committer</em> fields,
115 which record who and when <em>created</em> the change and who <em>committed</em> it
116 (Git is designed to work well with patches coming by mail - in that case,
117 the author and the committer will be different). Git will try to guess
118 your realname and email, but especially with email it is likely to get it wrong.
119 You can check it using <code class="g">git-var -l</code>; see
120 <a href="">cg-commit manpage</a>
121 on various ways of overriding it.</p>
123 <p>The Cogito commands are in the form <code>cg command</code>,
124 the Git commands take the form of <code>git command</code>.
125 In both cases, you can interchangeably use the <code>cg-command</code>
126 and <code>git-command</code> form as well.</p>
128 <p>Cogito can produce colourful output with some commands; since
129 some people hate colors way more than the rest likes them, by default
130 the colors are turned off. If you would like to have colors in your
131 output, create <code>~/.cgrc</code> and put this inside:
132 <pre>
133 cg-diff -c
134 cg-help -c
135 cg-log -c
136 </pre>
137 The format and purpose is the same as of the <code>~/.cvsrc</code>
138 file; you can add other commands and switches there later if you wish
139 (my tip is <code>-f</code> for <code>cg-log</code>).</p>
141 <p>Also, you may find it convenient to watch your repository using
142 the <code class="g">gitk</code> repository as you go.</p>
145 <h2 id="own">Your Very Own</h2>
147 <p>For the first introduction, let's make your project tracked by Git
148 and see how we get around to do daily development in it. Let's
149 <code>cd</code> to the directory with your project and initialize
150 a brand new Git repository with it:</p>
152 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg init</td>
153 <td>cvs -d<em>repo</em> init<br/>cvs import <em>FOO BAR</em></td></tr></table>
155 <p>As we already mentioned, there are no modules; due to superior
156 branching support in Git. There is no vendor branch in Git either
157 (we will cover how to do vendor tracking in Git at a later time in
158 the <a href="stgit.html">StGit Crash Course</a>). Thus there
159 is no need for two separate commands and <code>cg init</code>
160 will both initialize the repository and create the initial import.
161 </p>
163 <p>Now your tree is officially tracked by Git. You can explore the
164 <code class="g">.git</code> subdirectory a bit if you want, or don't if you
165 don't care. Do some random changes to your tree now - poke into few
166 files or such. Let's check what we've done:</p>
168 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg diff</td><td>cvs diff -u | less</td></tr></table>
170 <p>That's it. This is one of the more powerful commands; just like
171 with CVS, you can pass <code>-r</code>s, limit the diff to specific
172 directories or files and so on. Git embeds special information in
173 the diffs about adds, removals and mode changes:</p>
175 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg patch</td><td>patch -p0</td></tr></table>
177 <p>That will apply the patch while telling Git about and performing
178 those "meta-changes".</p>
180 <p>There is a more conscise changes representation available:</p>
182 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg status</td><td>(cvs update)</td></tr></table>
184 <p><code>cg status</code> will not update your working copy, though,
185 only show the conscise changes summary as well as list any files
186 that you haven't either ignored or told Git about. In addition,
187 it will also show some cryptic line at the top (with "<code>master</code>"
188 inside) - ignore it for now, we'll learn more about it later.</p>
190 <p>While we are at the status command, over time plenty of the
191 "? lines" will get in there, denoting files not tracked by Git.
192 Wait a moment if you want to add them, run <code class="g">cg clean</code>
193 if you want to get rid all of them, or add them to the <code class="g">.gitignore</code>
194 file if you want to keep them around untracked (works the same as <code>.cvsignore</code>).
196 <p>Another thing <code>cvs update</code> would do is restoring
197 files you've accidentally removed. The command for that in Cogito
198 is <code class="g">cg restore</code>; you can restore everything, just
199 specified files, force it to overwrite missing files.
201 <p>So, just like in CVS, you need to tell Git when you add or
202 remove any files. Additionaly, you can tell it when you <em>move</em>
203 files around:</p>
205 <table class="ccmd"><tr>
206 <td class="g">cg add <em>file</em><br />cg rm <em>file</em><br />cg mv <em>file</em></td>
207 <td>cvs add <em>file</em><br />cvs remove</td></tr></table>
209 <p>Cogito is more promising than CVS here; especially, you can
210 remove files that are yet present in the working directory
211 (<code>cg rm</code> can remove them for you if you pass it
212 the <code>-f</code> switch) - saves a lot of annoyance when
213 removing files matching to a wildcard. You can also recursively
214 add/remove whole directories and so on; Cogito's cool!</p>
216 <p>So, it's about time we committed our changes. Big surprise
217 about the command:</p>
219 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg commit</td><td>cvs commit</td></tr></table>
221 <p>As with CVS, you can limit the commit only to specified files
222 and so on. Few words on the commit message: it is <em>customary</em>
223 to have a short commit summary as the first line of the message,
224 because various tools listing commits frequently show only the
225 first line of the message You can specify the commit message
226 using the <code>-m</code> parameter as you are used, but there're
227 two differences - the text gets autoformatted to paragraphs and
228 you can pass several <code>-m</code> arguments and they will create
229 separate paragraphs in the commit message:</p>
231 <pre>
232 cg commit -m"Short one-line description" -m"And here can come \
233 your longer description of the commit, and it gets split out \
234 and reflown to wrapped paragraphs just right."
235 </pre>
237 <p>If you don't pass any <code>-m</code> parameter or pass
238 the <code>-e</code> parameter, your favorite <code>$EDITOR</code>
239 will get run and you can compose your commit message there,
240 just as with CVS. In addition, the list of files to be committed
241 is shown and you can actually delete lines with the files you don't
242 want to commit and they won't be. You can also adjust the authorship
243 information in the editor.</p>
245 <p>And as a bonus, if you pass it the <code>-p</code> parameter
246 it will show the whole patch being committed in the editor
247 so that you can do a quick last-time review. And you can manually
248 modify the patch and your changes will get propagated to the
249 commit (and your working tree).</p>
251 <p>By the way, if you screwed up committing, there's not much you
252 can do with CVS, except using some enigmatic <code>cvs admin</code>
253 subcommands. Git does better - you can amend your latest commit
254 (re-edit the metadata as well as update the tree) using
255 <code class="g">cg commit --amend</code>, or toss your latest
256 commit away completely using <code class="g">cg admin-uncommit</code>.</p>
258 <p>Now that we have committed some stuff, you might want to review
259 your history:</p>
261 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg log<br />cg seek <em>rev</em><br />git blame <em>file</em></td><td>cvs log<br />cvs checkout -r <em>tag</em><br />cvs annotate <em>file</em></td></tr></table>
263 <p>The log command works quite similar in CVS and Git; again,
264 <code>cg log</code> is quite powerful, please look through
265 its options to see some of stuff it can do.</p>
267 <p>To move your tree to some older revision, use the seek command
268 (and pass it no arguments to go back to your latest revision_.
269 Note that this is only for "temporary excursions" - if you want to
270 just reset your history and make a given commit your new head, think
271 again and if you are sure, <code class="g">cg switch -f -r <em>newrev</em> master</code>
272 (this will be perhaps made simpler in the future, we will review
273 the switch command in more detail in the future).</p>
275 <p>Git now has an annotation command akin to CVS', but there are
276 big chances that you probably want to something different! Usually,
277 when using annotate you are looking for origin of some piece of
278 code, and the so-called <em>pickaxe</em> of Git is much more comfortable
279 tool for that job (<a href="">detailed discussion</a>;
280 you may want to use <code>cg log -S <em>string</em></code> instead
281 of <code>git log -S<em>string</em></code>, tho').</p>
284 <h2 id="branch">Tagging and branching</h2>
286 <p>CVS can mark certain checkpoints in history with tags. Git
287 obviously can do that to, but not only are Git tags <em>much</em>
288 faster to make (and actually reliable), but quite more powerful.
289 The Git tag can have an arbitrary description attached (the first
290 line is special as in the commit case), some people actually store
291 the whole release announcements in the tag descriptions. The identity
292 of the person who tagged is stored (again following the same rules
293 as identity of the committer). You usually tag commits but if you
294 want, you can tag files (or trees, but that's a bit lowlevel) as well.
295 And the tag can be cryptographically PGP signed to verify the identity
296 (by Git's nature of working, that signature also confirms the validity
297 of the associated revision, its ihstory and tree). So, let's do it:</p>
299 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg tag <em>name</em></td><td>cvs tag <em>name</em></td></tr></table>
301 <p>To list tags in CVS, you run <code>cvs log</code> on some random
302 file; kinda weird if you think about it, isn't it? In Git, you can
303 find out using <code class="g">cg tag-ls</code> and show details
304 (author, description, PGP signature verification, ...) using
305 <code class="g">cg tag-show</code>.</p>
307 <p>Like CVS, Git can do branches, but Git's branches are again
308 much faster and cheaper; in fact, Git encourages you to branch often
309 and use branches extensively during regular development (with so-called
310 <em>topic branches</em> dedicated to development of a particular feature).
311 In CVS, you create a branch tag; in Git, there is a special command for
312 working with branches (although funnily enough, there is certain architectural
313 similarity between branchs/tags relation in CVS and Git).</p>
315 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg switch -r HEAD <em>branch</em><br />cg switch <em>branch</em></td><td>cvs tag -b <em>branch</em><br />cvs checkout -r <em>branch</em>name</td></tr></table>
317 <p>The first command creates a branch, the second command switches
318 your tree to a certain branch. You can pass other <code>-r</code>
319 argument to switch than HEAD to base your new branch on a different
320 revision than the latest one.</p>
322 <p>You can list your branches conveniently using the aforementioned
323 <code>cg-status</code> command - the cryptic listing at the top is just
324 the listing of branches. The current one is denoted by an "arrow".</p>
326 <p>Git supports merging between branches much better than CVS - history
327 of both branches is preserved over the merges and repeated merges
328 of the same branches are supported out-of-the-box. Make sure you are on
329 one of the to-be-merged branches and merge the other one now:</p>
331 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg merge <em>branch</em></td><td>cvs update -j <em>branch</em></td></tr></table>
333 <p>If changes were made on only one of the branches since the last merge,
334 they are simply replayed on your other branch (so-called <em>fast-forward merge</em>).
335 If changes were made on both branches, they are merged intelligently
336 (so-called <em>three-way merge</em>): if any changes conflicted, <code>cg merge</code>
337 will report them and let you resolve them, updating the rest of the tree
338 already to the result state; you can <code>cg commit</code> when you resolve
339 the conflicts. If no changes conflicted, <code>cg commit</code> is invoked
340 automatically, letting you edit the commit message (or you can do
341 <code class="g">cg merge -n <em>branch</em></code> to review the merge
342 result and then do the commit yourself).</p>
344 <p>Sometimes, you <em>do</em> want to throw away the history of one of the
345 branches, e.g. when you did a fine-tracked development of a topic and
346 now want to squash it to a single conceptual change commit - just pass
347 merge the <code class="g">--squash</code> switch. Also, sometimes you may want to
348 join together two unrelated branches (coming from different projects;
349 hold on, we'll get to that in a minute): <code class="g">-j</code> will take care
350 of that.</p>
352 <p>Aside of merging, sometimes you want to just pick one commit from
353 a different branch. We have already mentioned the command <code>cg patch</code>.
354 It can apply patches, but also autocommit them and extract them from given
355 commits. <code class="g">cg patch -C <em>rev</em></code> combines both
356 functionality and will <em>cherry pick</em> a given commit to your branch.</p>
359 <h2 id="remote">Going Remote</h2>
361 <p>So far, we have neglected that Git is a <em>distributed</em> version
362 control system. It is time for us to set the record straight - let's grab
363 some stuff from remote sites.</p>
365 <p>If you are working on someone else's project, you usually want to <em>clone</em>
366 its repository instead of starting your own. We've already mentioned that at the top
367 of this document:</p>
369 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg clone <em>url</em></td><td>cvs&nbsp;-d<em>root</em>&nbsp;checkout&nbsp;<em>module</em></td></tr></table>
371 <p>Now you have got your <code>master</code> branch as when initializing
372 a new repository, but in addition you got an <code>origin</code> remote
373 branch. <em>Remote branch</em>, you ask? Well, so far we have worked
374 only with local branches. Remote branches are a mirror image of branches
375 in remote repositories and you don't ever switch to them directly or write
376 to them. Let me repeat - you never mess with remote branches. If you want
377 to switch to a remote branch, you need to create a corresponding local
378 branch which will "track" the remote branch. In clone's default setup,
379 the master local branch tracks the origin remote branch, which represents
380 the remote repository.</p>
382 <p>You can add more remote branches, to a cloned repository as well as just
383 an initialized one, using <code class="g">cg branch-add <em>branch</em> <em>url</em></code>.
384 <code class="g">cg branch-ls</code> lists all the branches.</p>
386 <p>Now, how to get any new changes from a remote repository to your
387 local branch? You fetch them: <code class="g">cg fetch <em>branch</em></code>.
388 At this point they are in your local branch and you can examine them using
389 <code>cg log -r <em>branch</em></code> (<code>cg log -r HEAD..<em>branch</em></code>
390 to see just the changes you don't have in your branch), diff them, and obviously, merge them - just do
391 <code>cg merge <em>branch</em></code>. Note that if you don't specify a branch
392 for fetch or merge, it will conveniently default to origin.</p>
394 <p>Since you frequently just fetch + merge, there is a command to automate that:</p>
396 <table class="ccmd"><tr><td class="g">cg update <em>branch</em></td><td>cvs update -dP</td></tr></table>
398 <p>Again, it will default to origin if no branch was specified. It is recommended
399 to use update instead of fetch + merge since it does the first thing even if
400 the remote branch' history got altered (which is also a reason why altering
401 history is discouraged at the moment you publish it).</p>
403 <p>So we can get updates from the remote side (<em>pull</em> changes).
404 Can we do the opposite as well? <em>Push</em> our changes? Yes!
405 We do <code class="g">cg push <em>branch</em></code> which will push
406 our current branch to the given remote branch - note that this works
407 generally only over SSH (or HTTP but with special webserver setup).
408 It is highly recommended to setup a SSH key and an SSH agent mechanism
409 so that you don't have to type in a password all the time.</p>
411 <p>One important thing is that you should push only to remote branches
412 that are not currently checked out on the other side (for the same
413 reasons you never switch to a remote branch locally)! Otherwise the
414 working copy at the remote branch will get out of date and confusion
415 will ensue. The best way to avoid that is to push only to remote
416 repositories with no working copy at all - so called <em>bare</em>
417 repositories which are commonly used for public access or developers'
418 meeting point - just for exchange of history where a checked out copy
419 would be a waste of space anyway. You can create such a repository
420 using <code class="g">cg admin-setuprepo <em>path</em></code> - you
421 can add additional options to make it shared for a UNIX group of users.</p>
423 <p>Git can work with the same workflow as CVS, with a group of developers
424 using a single repository for exchange of their work - the only change
425 is that their changes aren't submitted automatically but they have
426 to push (however, you can setup a post-commit hook that will push for you
427 every time you commit; that loses the flexibility to fix up a screwed
428 commit, though). The developers have to have either an entry in htaccess
429 (for HTTP DAV) or a UNIX account (for SSH) - you can restrict their
430 shell account only to Git pushing/fetching by using the
431 <code class="g">git-shell</code> login shell.</p>
433 <p>You can also exchange patches by mail. Git has very good support
434 for patches incoming by mail. You can apply them by feeding mailboxes
435 with patch mails to <code class="g">cg patch -m</code>. If you
436 want to <em>send</em> patches (or a third-party changes to an upstream
437 repository with no commit access in general), it is best to use
438 the <strong>StGIT</strong> tool - see
439 the <a href="stgit.html">StGIT Crash Course</a>).</p>
441 <p>If you have any question or problem which is not obvious from
442 the documentation, please contact us at the <strong>Git mailing list</strong>
443 at <a href=""></a>.
444 We hope you enjoy using Git and Cogito!</p>
448 <hr />
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