git-gui: Remove unused commit_list from blame viewer
[git-gui.git] / lib / blame.tcl
1 # git-gui blame viewer
2 # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
4 class blame {
8 field commit ; # input commit to blame
9 field path ; # input filename to view in $commit
10 field history {}; # viewer history: {commit path}
12 field w ; # top window in this viewer
13 field w_back ; # our back button
14 field w_path ; # label showing the current file path
15 field w_line ; # text column: all line numbers
16 field w_cgrp ; # text column: abbreviated commit SHA-1s
17 field w_file ; # text column: actual file data
18 field w_cmit ; # pane showing commit message
19 field status ; # text variable bound to status bar
20 field old_height ; # last known height of $w.file_pane
22 field current_fd {} ; # background process running
23 field highlight_line -1 ; # current line selected
24 field highlight_commit {} ; # sha1 of commit selected
26 field total_lines 0 ; # total length of file
27 field blame_lines 0 ; # number of lines computed
28 field commit_count 0 ; # number of commits loaded
29 field order ; # array commit -> receipt order
30 field header ; # array commit,key -> header field
31 field line_commit ; # array line -> sha1 commit
32 field line_file ; # array line -> file name
34 field r_commit ; # commit currently being parsed
35 field r_orig_line ; # original line number
36 field r_final_line ; # final line number
37 field r_line_count ; # lines in this region
39 field tooltip_wm {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open
40 field tooltip_timer {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
41 field tooltip_commit {} ; # Commit in tooltip
42 field tooltip_text {} ; # Text in current tooltip
44 variable active_color #c0edc5
45 variable group_colors {
46 #d6d6d6
47 #e1e1e1
48 #ececec
51 constructor new {i_commit i_path} {
52 variable active_color
53 global cursor_ptr
55 set commit $i_commit
56 set path $i_path
58 make_toplevel top w
59 wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): File Viewer"
61 frame $w.header -background orange
62 label $w.header.commit_l \
63 -text {Commit:} \
64 -background orange \
65 -anchor w \
66 -justify left
67 set w_back $w.header.commit_b
68 label $w_back \
69 -image ::blame::img_back_arrow \
70 -borderwidth 0 \
71 -relief flat \
72 -state disabled \
73 -background orange \
74 -activebackground orange
75 bind $w_back <Button-1> "
76 if {\[$w_back cget -state\] eq {normal}} {
77 [cb _history_menu]
80 label $w.header.commit \
81 -textvariable @commit \
82 -background orange \
83 -anchor w \
84 -justify left
85 label $w.header.path_l \
86 -text {File:} \
87 -background orange \
88 -anchor w \
89 -justify left
90 set w_path $w.header.path
91 label $w_path \
92 -background orange \
93 -anchor w \
94 -justify left
95 pack $w.header.commit_l -side left
96 pack $w_back -side left
97 pack $w.header.commit -side left
98 pack $w_path -fill x -side right
99 pack $w.header.path_l -side right
101 panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical
102 frame $w.file_pane.out
103 frame $
104 $w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.out \
105 -sticky nsew \
106 -minsize 100 \
107 -height 100 \
108 -width 100
109 $w.file_pane add $ \
110 -sticky nsew \
111 -minsize 25 \
112 -height 25 \
113 -width 100
115 set w_line $w.file_pane.out.linenumber_t
116 text $w_line \
117 -takefocus 0 \
118 -highlightthickness 0 \
119 -padx 0 -pady 0 \
120 -background white -borderwidth 0 \
121 -state disabled \
122 -wrap none \
123 -height 40 \
124 -width 6 \
125 -font font_diff
126 $w_line tag conf linenumber -justify right -rmargin 5
128 set w_cgrp $w.file_pane.out.commit_t
129 text $w_cgrp \
130 -takefocus 0 \
131 -highlightthickness 0 \
132 -padx 0 -pady 0 \
133 -background white -borderwidth 0 \
134 -state disabled \
135 -wrap none \
136 -height 40 \
137 -width 4 \
138 -font font_diff
139 $w_cgrp tag conf curr_commit
140 $w_cgrp tag conf prior_commit \
141 -foreground blue \
142 -underline 1
143 $w_cgrp tag bind prior_commit \
144 <Button-1> \
145 "[cb _load_commit @%x,%y];break"
147 set w_file $w.file_pane.out.file_t
148 text $w_file \
149 -takefocus 0 \
150 -highlightthickness 0 \
151 -padx 0 -pady 0 \
152 -background white -borderwidth 0 \
153 -state disabled \
154 -wrap none \
155 -height 40 \
156 -width 80 \
157 -xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.out.sbx set] \
158 -font font_diff
160 scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sbx \
161 -orient h \
162 -command [list $w_file xview]
163 scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sby \
164 -orient v \
165 -command [list scrollbar2many [list \
166 $w_line \
167 $w_cgrp \
168 $w_file \
169 ] yview]
170 grid \
171 $w_cgrp \
172 $w_line \
173 $w_file \
174 $w.file_pane.out.sby \
175 -sticky nsew
176 grid conf $w.file_pane.out.sbx -column 2 -sticky we
177 grid columnconfigure $w.file_pane.out 2 -weight 1
178 grid rowconfigure $w.file_pane.out 0 -weight 1
180 set w_cmit $
181 text $w_cmit \
182 -background white -borderwidth 0 \
183 -state disabled \
184 -wrap none \
185 -height 10 \
186 -width 80 \
187 -xscrollcommand [list $ set] \
188 -yscrollcommand [list $ set] \
189 -font font_diff
190 $w_cmit tag conf header_key \
191 -tabs {3c} \
192 -background $active_color \
193 -font font_uibold
194 $w_cmit tag conf header_val \
195 -background $active_color \
196 -font font_ui
197 $w_cmit tag raise sel
198 scrollbar $ \
199 -orient h \
200 -command [list $w_cmit xview]
201 scrollbar $ \
202 -orient v \
203 -command [list $w_cmit yview]
204 pack $ -side right -fill y
205 pack $ -side bottom -fill x
206 pack $w_cmit -expand 1 -fill both
208 frame $w.status \
209 -borderwidth 1 \
210 -relief sunken
211 label $w.status.l \
212 -textvariable @status \
213 -anchor w \
214 -justify left
215 pack $w.status.l -side left
217 menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
218 $w.ctxm add command \
219 -label "Copy Commit" \
220 -command [cb _copycommit]
222 foreach i [list \
223 $w_cgrp \
224 $w_line \
225 $w_file] {
226 $i conf -cursor $cursor_ptr
227 $i conf -yscrollcommand \
228 [list many2scrollbar [list \
229 $w_cgrp \
230 $w_line \
231 $w_file \
232 ] yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]
233 bind $i <Button-1> "
234 [cb _hide_tooltip]
235 [cb _click $i @%x,%y]
236 focus $i
238 bind $i <Any-Motion> [cb _show_tooltip $i @%x,%y]
239 bind $i <Any-Enter> [cb _hide_tooltip]
240 bind $i <Any-Leave> [cb _hide_tooltip]
241 bind_button3 $i "
242 [cb _hide_tooltip]
243 set cursorX %x
244 set cursorY %y
245 set cursorW %W
246 tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y
250 foreach i [list \
251 $w_cgrp \
252 $w_line \
253 $w_file \
254 $w_cmit] {
255 bind $i <Key-Up> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
256 bind $i <Key-Down> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
257 bind $i <Key-Left> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
258 bind $i <Key-Right> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
259 bind $i <Key-k> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
260 bind $i <Key-j> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
261 bind $i <Key-h> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
262 bind $i <Key-l> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
263 bind $i <Control-Key-b> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 pages};break}
264 bind $i <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 pages};break}
267 bind $w_cmit <Button-1> [list focus $w_cmit]
268 bind $top <Visibility> [list focus $top]
269 bind $w_file <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
271 grid configure $w.header -sticky ew
272 grid configure $w.file_pane -sticky nsew
273 grid configure $w.status -sticky ew
274 grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
275 grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 0
276 grid rowconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
277 grid rowconfigure $top 2 -weight 0
279 set req_w [winfo reqwidth $top]
280 set req_h [winfo reqheight $top]
281 if {$req_w < 600} {set req_w 600}
282 if {$req_h < 400} {set req_h 400}
283 set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
284 wm geometry $top $g
285 update
287 set old_height [winfo height $w.file_pane]
288 $w.file_pane sash place 0 \
289 [lindex [$w.file_pane sash coord 0] 0] \
290 [expr {int($old_height * 0.70)}]
291 bind $w.file_pane <Configure> \
292 "if {{$w.file_pane} eq {%W}} {[cb _resize %h]}"
294 _load $this
297 method _load {} {
298 _hide_tooltip $this
300 if {$total_lines != 0 || $current_fd ne {}} {
301 if {$current_fd ne {}} {
302 catch {close $current_fd}
303 set current_fd {}
306 set highlight_line -1
307 set highlight_commit {}
308 set total_lines 0
309 set blame_lines 0
310 set commit_count 0
311 array unset order
312 array unset line_commit
313 array unset line_file
315 $w_cgrp conf -state normal
316 $w_line conf -state normal
317 $w_file conf -state normal
319 $w_cgrp delete 0.0 end
320 $w_line delete 0.0 end
321 $w_file delete 0.0 end
323 $w_cgrp conf -state disabled
324 $w_line conf -state disabled
325 $w_file conf -state disabled
328 if {[winfo exists $w.status.c]} {
329 $w.status.c coords bar 0 0 0 20
330 } else {
331 canvas $w.status.c \
332 -width 100 \
333 -height [expr {int([winfo reqheight $w.status.l] * 0.6)}] \
334 -borderwidth 1 \
335 -relief groove \
336 -highlightt 0
337 $w.status.c create rectangle 0 0 0 20 -tags bar -fill navy
338 pack $w.status.c -side right
341 if {$history eq {}} {
342 $w_back conf -state disabled
343 } else {
344 $w_back conf -state normal
346 lappend history [list $commit $path]
348 set status "Loading $commit:[escape_path $path]..."
349 $w_path conf -text [escape_path $path]
350 if {$commit eq {}} {
351 set fd [open $path r]
352 } else {
353 set cmd [list git cat-file blob "$commit:$path"]
354 set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
356 fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
357 fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_file $fd]
358 set current_fd $fd
361 method _history_menu {} {
362 set m $w.backmenu
363 if {[winfo exists $m]} {
364 $m delete 0 end
365 } else {
366 menu $m -tearoff 0
369 for {set i [expr {[llength $history] - 2}]
370 } {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
371 set e [lindex $history $i]
372 set c [lindex $e 0]
373 set f [lindex $e 1]
375 if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $c]} {
376 set t [string range $c 0 8]...
377 } else {
378 set t $c
380 if {![catch {set summary $header($c,summary)}]} {
381 append t " $summary"
382 if {[string length $t] > 70} {
383 set t [string range $t 0 66]...
387 $m add command -label $t -command [cb _goback $i $c $f]
389 set X [winfo rootx $w_back]
390 set Y [expr {[winfo rooty $w_back] + [winfo height $w_back]}]
391 tk_popup $m $X $Y
394 method _goback {i c f} {
395 set history [lrange $history 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
396 set commit $c
397 set path $f
398 _load $this
401 method _read_file {fd} {
402 if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
403 catch {close $fd}
404 return
407 $w_cgrp conf -state normal
408 $w_line conf -state normal
409 $w_file conf -state normal
410 while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
411 regsub "\r\$" $line {} line
412 incr total_lines
414 if {$total_lines > 1} {
415 $w_cgrp insert end "\n"
416 $w_line insert end "\n"
417 $w_file insert end "\n"
420 $w_line insert end "$total_lines" linenumber
421 $w_file insert end "$line"
424 set ln_wc [expr {[string length $total_lines] + 2}]
425 if {[$w_line cget -width] < $ln_wc} {
426 $w_line conf -width $ln_wc
429 $w_cgrp conf -state disabled
430 $w_line conf -state disabled
431 $w_file conf -state disabled
433 if {[eof $fd]} {
434 close $fd
436 _status $this
437 set cmd {nice git blame -M -C --incremental}
438 if {$commit eq {}} {
439 lappend cmd --contents $path
440 } else {
441 lappend cmd $commit
443 lappend cmd -- $path
444 set fd [open "| $cmd" r]
445 fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding binary
446 fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_blame $fd]
447 set current_fd $fd
449 } ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
451 method _read_blame {fd} {
452 variable group_colors
454 if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
455 catch {close $fd}
456 return
459 $w_cgrp conf -state normal
460 while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
461 if {[regexp {^([a-z0-9]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$} $line line \
462 cmit original_line final_line line_count]} {
463 set r_commit $cmit
464 set r_orig_line $original_line
465 set r_final_line $final_line
466 set r_line_count $line_count
468 if {[catch {set g $order($cmit)}]} {
469 set bg [lindex $group_colors 0]
470 set group_colors [lrange $group_colors 1 end]
471 lappend group_colors $bg
473 $w_cgrp tag conf g$cmit -background $bg
474 $w_line tag conf g$cmit -background $bg
475 $w_file tag conf g$cmit -background $bg
477 set order($cmit) $commit_count
478 incr commit_count
480 } elseif {[string match {filename *} $line]} {
481 set file [string range $line 9 end]
482 set n $r_line_count
483 set lno $r_final_line
484 set cmit $r_commit
486 if {[regexp {^0{40}$} $cmit]} {
487 set commit_abbr work
488 set commit_type curr_commit
489 } elseif {$cmit eq $commit} {
490 set commit_abbr this
491 set commit_type curr_commit
492 } else {
493 set commit_type prior_commit
494 set commit_abbr [string range $cmit 0 4]
497 set author_abbr {}
498 set a_name {}
499 catch {set a_name $header($cmit,author)}
500 while {$a_name ne {}} {
501 if {![regexp {^([[:upper:]])} $a_name _a]} break
502 append author_abbr $_a
503 unset _a
504 if {![regsub \
505 {^[[:upper:]][^\s]*\s+} \
506 $a_name {} a_name ]} break
508 if {$author_abbr eq {}} {
509 set author_abbr { |}
510 } else {
511 set author_abbr [string range $author_abbr 0 3]
512 while {[string length $author_abbr] < 4} {
513 set author_abbr " $author_abbr"
516 unset a_name
518 set first_lno $lno
519 while {
520 ![catch {set ncmit $line_commit([expr {$first_lno - 1}])}]
521 && ![catch {set nfile $line_file([expr {$first_lno - 1}])}]
522 && $ncmit eq $cmit
523 && $nfile eq $file
525 incr first_lno -1
528 while {$n > 0} {
529 set lno_e "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
530 if {![catch {set g g$line_commit($lno)}]} {
531 $w_cgrp tag remove g$g $lno.0 $lno_e
532 $w_line tag remove g$g $lno.0 $lno_e
533 $w_file tag remove g$g $lno.0 $lno_e
535 $w_cgrp tag remove a$g $lno.0 $lno_e
536 $w_line tag remove a$g $lno.0 $lno_e
537 $w_file tag remove a$g $lno.0 $lno_e
540 set line_commit($lno) $cmit
541 set line_file($lno) $file
543 $w_cgrp delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
544 if {$lno == $first_lno} {
545 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
546 } elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
547 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 $author_abbr
548 } else {
549 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 { |}
552 $w_cgrp tag add g$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
553 $w_line tag add g$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
554 $w_file tag add g$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
556 $w_cgrp tag add a$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
557 $w_line tag add a$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
558 $w_file tag add a$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
560 if {$highlight_line == -1} {
561 if {[lindex [$w_file yview] 0] == 0} {
562 $w_file see $lno.0
563 _showcommit $this $lno
565 } elseif {$highlight_line == $lno} {
566 _showcommit $this $lno
569 incr n -1
570 incr lno
571 incr blame_lines
574 while {
575 ![catch {set ncmit $line_commit($lno)}]
576 && ![catch {set nfile $line_file($lno)}]
577 && $ncmit eq $cmit
578 && $nfile eq $file
580 $w_cgrp delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
582 if {$lno == $first_lno} {
583 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
584 } elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
585 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 $author_abbr
586 } else {
587 $w_cgrp insert $lno.0 { |}
589 incr lno
592 } elseif {[regexp {^([a-z-]+) (.*)$} $line line key data]} {
593 set header($r_commit,$key) $data
596 $w_cgrp conf -state disabled
598 if {[eof $fd]} {
599 close $fd
600 set current_fd {}
601 set status {Annotation complete.}
602 destroy $w.status.c
603 } else {
604 _status $this
606 } ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
608 method _status {} {
609 set have $blame_lines
610 set total $total_lines
611 set pdone 0
612 if {$total} {set pdone [expr {100 * $have / $total}]}
614 set status [format \
615 "Loading annotations... %i of %i lines annotated (%2i%%)" \
616 $have $total $pdone]
617 $w.status.c coords bar 0 0 $pdone 20
620 method _click {cur_w pos} {
621 set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
622 if {$lno eq {}} return
623 _showcommit $this $lno
626 method _load_commit {pos} {
627 set lno [lindex [split [$w_cgrp index $pos] .] 0]
628 if {[catch {set cmit $line_commit($lno)}]} return
629 if {[catch {set file $line_file($lno) }]} return
631 set commit $cmit
632 set path $file
633 _load $this
636 method _showcommit {lno} {
637 global repo_config
638 variable active_color
640 if {$highlight_commit ne {}} {
641 set cmit $highlight_commit
642 $w_cgrp tag conf a$cmit -background {}
643 $w_line tag conf a$cmit -background {}
644 $w_file tag conf a$cmit -background {}
647 $w_cmit conf -state normal
648 $w_cmit delete 0.0 end
649 if {[catch {set cmit $line_commit($lno)}]} {
650 set cmit {}
651 $w_cmit insert end "Loading annotation..."
652 } else {
653 $w_cgrp tag conf a$cmit -background $active_color
654 $w_line tag conf a$cmit -background $active_color
655 $w_file tag conf a$cmit -background $active_color
657 set author_name {}
658 set author_email {}
659 set author_time {}
660 catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
661 catch {set author_email $header($cmit,author-mail)}
662 catch {set author_time [clock format \
663 $header($cmit,author-time) \
664 -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}
667 set committer_name {}
668 set committer_email {}
669 set committer_time {}
670 catch {set committer_name $header($cmit,committer)}
671 catch {set committer_email $header($cmit,committer-mail)}
672 catch {set committer_time [clock format \
673 $header($cmit,committer-time) \
674 -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}
677 if {[catch {set msg $header($cmit,message)}]} {
678 set msg {}
679 catch {
680 set fd [open "| git cat-file commit $cmit" r]
681 fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
682 if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
683 set enc utf-8
685 while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
686 if {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
687 set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
690 set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc [read $fd]]
691 set msg [string trim $msg]
692 close $fd
694 set author_name [encoding convertfrom $enc $author_name]
695 set committer_name [encoding convertfrom $enc $committer_name]
697 set header($cmit,author) $author_name
698 set header($cmit,committer) $committer_name
700 set header($cmit,message) $msg
703 $w_cmit insert end "commit $cmit\n" header_key
704 $w_cmit insert end "Author:\t" header_key
705 $w_cmit insert end "$author_name $author_email" header_val
706 $w_cmit insert end "$author_time\n" header_val
708 $w_cmit insert end "Committer:\t" header_key
709 $w_cmit insert end "$committer_name $committer_email" header_val
710 $w_cmit insert end "$committer_time\n" header_val
712 if {$line_file($lno) ne $path} {
713 $w_cmit insert end "Original File:\t" header_key
714 $w_cmit insert end "[escape_path $line_file($lno)]\n" header_val
717 $w_cmit insert end "\n$msg"
719 $w_cmit conf -state disabled
721 set highlight_line $lno
722 set highlight_commit $cmit
724 if {$highlight_commit eq $tooltip_commit} {
725 _hide_tooltip $this
729 method _copycommit {} {
730 set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
731 set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
732 if {![catch {set commit $line_commit($lno)}]} {
733 clipboard clear
734 clipboard append \
735 -format STRING \
736 -type STRING \
737 -- $commit
741 method _show_tooltip {cur_w pos} {
742 set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
743 if {[catch {set cmit $line_commit($lno)}]} {
744 _hide_tooltip $this
745 return
748 if {$cmit eq $highlight_commit} {
749 _hide_tooltip $this
750 return
753 if {$cmit eq $tooltip_commit} {
754 _position_tooltip $this
755 } elseif {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
756 _open_tooltip $this $cur_w
757 } elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} {
758 set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip $cur_w]]
762 method _open_tooltip {cur_w} {
763 set tooltip_timer {}
764 set pos_x [winfo pointerx $cur_w]
765 set pos_y [winfo pointery $cur_w]
766 if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $cur_w} {
767 _hide_tooltip $this
768 return
771 set pos @[join [list \
772 [expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $cur_w]}] \
773 [expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $cur_w]}]] ,]
774 set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
775 set cmit $line_commit($lno)
777 set author_name {}
778 set author_email {}
779 set author_time {}
780 catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
781 catch {set author_email $header($cmit,author-mail)}
782 catch {set author_time [clock format \
783 $header($cmit,author-time) \
784 -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}
787 set committer_name {}
788 set committer_email {}
789 set committer_time {}
790 catch {set committer_name $header($cmit,committer)}
791 catch {set committer_email $header($cmit,committer-mail)}
792 catch {set committer_time [clock format \
793 $header($cmit,committer-time) \
794 -format {%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}
797 set summary {}
798 catch {set summary $header($cmit,summary)}
800 set tooltip_commit $cmit
801 set tooltip_text "commit $cmit
802 $author_name $author_email $author_time
803 $summary"
805 set file $line_file($lno)
806 if {$file ne $path} {
807 append tooltip_text "
809 Original File: $file"
812 if {$tooltip_wm ne "$cur_w.tooltip"} {
813 _hide_tooltip $this
815 set tooltip_wm [toplevel $cur_w.tooltip -borderwidth 1]
816 wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1
817 wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $cur_w]
818 pack [label $tooltip_wm.label \
819 -background lightyellow \
820 -foreground black \
821 -textvariable @tooltip_text \
822 -justify left]
824 _position_tooltip $this
827 method _position_tooltip {} {
828 set req_w [winfo reqwidth $tooltip_wm.label]
829 set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_wm.label]
830 set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] + 5}]
831 set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}]
833 set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
834 if {$pos_x >= 0} {append g +}
835 append g $pos_x
836 if {$pos_y >= 0} {append g +}
837 append g $pos_y
839 wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
840 raise $tooltip_wm
843 method _hide_tooltip {} {
844 if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
845 destroy $tooltip_wm
846 set tooltip_wm {}
847 set tooltip_commit {}
849 if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} {
850 after cancel $tooltip_timer
851 set tooltip_timer {}
855 method _resize {new_height} {
856 set diff [expr {$new_height - $old_height}]
857 if {$diff == 0} return
859 set my [expr {[winfo height $w.file_pane] - 25}]
860 set o [$w.file_pane sash coord 0]
861 set ox [lindex $o 0]
862 set oy [expr {[lindex $o 1] + $diff}]
863 if {$oy < 0} {set oy 0}
864 if {$oy > $my} {set oy $my}
865 $w.file_pane sash place 0 $ox $oy
867 set old_height $new_height