dag: Use a QWidget instead of QDialog as the base class
[git-cola.git] / cola / utils.py
1 # Copyright (c) 2008 David Aguilar
2 """This module provides miscellaneous utility functions."""
4 import errno
5 import mimetypes
6 import os
7 import platform
8 import random
9 import re
10 import shlex
11 import subprocess
12 import sys
13 import time
15 from cola import git
16 from cola import core
17 from cola import resources
18 from cola.compat import hashlib
19 from cola.decorators import memoize
21 random.seed(hash(time.time()))
25 'text': 'script.png',
26 'image': 'image.png',
27 'python': 'script.png',
28 'ruby': 'script.png',
29 'shell': 'script.png',
30 'perl': 'script.png',
31 'octet': 'binary.png',
35 '.java': 'script.png',
36 '.groovy': 'script.png',
37 '.cpp': 'script.png',
38 '.c': 'script.png',
39 '.h': 'script.png',
40 '.cxx': 'script.png',
44 def add_parents(path_entry_set):
45 """Iterate over each item in the set and add its parent directories."""
46 for path in list(path_entry_set):
47 while '//' in path:
48 path = path.replace('//', '/')
49 if path not in path_entry_set:
50 path_entry_set.add(path)
51 if '/' in path:
52 parent_dir = dirname(path)
53 while parent_dir and parent_dir not in path_entry_set:
54 path_entry_set.add(parent_dir)
55 parent_dir = dirname(parent_dir)
56 return path_entry_set
59 def run_cmd(command):
60 """
61 Run arguments as a command and return output.
63 >>> run_cmd(["echo", "hello", "world"])
64 'hello world'
66 """
67 return git.Git.execute(command)
70 def ident_file_type(filename):
71 """Returns an icon based on the contents of filename."""
72 if os.path.exists(filename):
73 filemimetype = mimetypes.guess_type(filename)
74 if filemimetype[0] != None:
75 for filetype, iconname in KNOWN_FILE_MIME_TYPES.iteritems():
76 if filetype in filemimetype[0].lower():
77 return iconname
78 filename = filename.lower()
79 for fileext, iconname in KNOWN_FILE_EXTENSION.iteritems():
80 if filename.endswith(fileext):
81 return iconname
82 return 'generic.png'
83 else:
84 return 'removed.png'
85 # Fallback for modified files of an unknown type
86 return 'generic.png'
89 def file_icon(filename):
90 """
91 Returns the full path to an icon file corresponding to
92 filename"s contents.
93 """
94 return resources.icon(ident_file_type(filename))
97 def fork(args):
98 """Launch a command in the background."""
99 encoded_args = [core.encode(arg) for arg in args]
100 return subprocess.Popen(encoded_args).pid
103 def sublist(a,b):
104 """Subtracts list b from list a and returns the resulting list."""
105 # conceptually, c = a - b
106 c = []
107 for item in a:
108 if item not in b:
109 c.append(item)
110 return c
113 __grep_cache = {}
114 def grep(pattern, items, squash=True):
115 """Greps a list for items that match a pattern and return a list of
116 matching items. If only one item matches, return just that item.
118 isdict = type(items) is dict
119 if pattern in __grep_cache:
120 regex = __grep_cache[pattern]
121 else:
122 regex = __grep_cache[pattern] = re.compile(pattern)
123 matched = []
124 matchdict = {}
125 for item in items:
126 match = regex.match(item)
127 if not match:
128 continue
129 groups = match.groups()
130 if not groups:
131 subitems = match.group(0)
132 else:
133 if len(groups) == 1:
134 subitems = groups[0]
135 else:
136 subitems = list(groups)
137 if isdict:
138 matchdict[item] = items[item]
139 else:
140 matched.append(subitems)
142 if isdict:
143 return matchdict
144 else:
145 if squash and len(matched) == 1:
146 return matched[0]
147 else:
148 return matched
151 def basename(path):
153 An os.path.basename() implementation that always uses '/'
155 Avoid os.path.basename because git's output always
156 uses '/' regardless of platform.
159 return path.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
162 def dirname(path):
164 An os.path.dirname() implementation that always uses '/'
166 Avoid os.path.dirname because git's output always
167 uses '/' regardless of platform.
170 while '//' in path:
171 path = path.replace('//', '/')
172 path_dirname = path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
173 if path_dirname == path:
174 return ''
175 return path.rsplit('/', 1)[0]
178 def slurp(path):
179 """Slurps a filepath into a string."""
180 fh = open(core.encode(path))
181 slushy = core.read_nointr(fh)
182 fh.close()
183 return core.decode(slushy)
186 def write(path, contents):
187 """Writes a raw string to a file."""
188 fh = open(core.encode(path), 'wb')
189 core.write_nointr(fh, core.encode(contents))
190 fh.close()
193 def strip_prefix(prefix, string):
194 """Return string, without the prefix. Blow up if string doesn't
195 start with prefix."""
196 assert string.startswith(prefix)
197 return string[len(prefix):]
199 def sanitize(s):
200 """Removes shell metacharacters from a string."""
201 for c in """ \t!@#$%^&*()\\;,<>"'[]{}~|""":
202 s = s.replace(c, '_')
203 return s
206 def shell_split(s):
207 """Split string apart into utf-8 encoded words using shell syntax"""
208 try:
209 return shlex.split(core.encode(s))
210 except ValueError:
211 return [s]
214 def shell_usplit(s):
215 """Returns a unicode list instead of encoded strings"""
216 return [core.decode(arg) for arg in shell_split(s)]
219 def tmp_dir():
220 # Allow TMPDIR/TMP with a fallback to /tmp
221 return os.environ.get('TMP', os.environ.get('TMPDIR', '/tmp'))
224 def tmp_file_pattern():
225 return os.path.join(tmp_dir(), 'git-cola-%s-.*' % os.getpid())
228 def tmp_filename(prefix):
229 randstr = ''.join([chr(random.randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))) for i in range(7)])
230 prefix = prefix.replace('/', '-').replace('\\', '-')
231 basename = 'git-cola-%s-%s-%s' % (os.getpid(), randstr, prefix)
232 return os.path.join(tmp_dir(), basename)
235 def is_linux():
236 """Is this a linux machine?"""
237 while True:
238 try:
239 return platform.system() == 'Linux'
240 except IOError, e:
241 if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
242 continue
243 raise e
245 def is_debian():
246 """Is it debian?"""
247 return os.path.exists('/usr/bin/apt-get')
250 def is_darwin():
251 """Return True on OSX."""
252 while True:
253 try:
254 p = platform.platform()
255 break
256 except IOError, e:
257 if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
258 continue
259 raise e
260 p = p.lower()
261 return 'macintosh' in p or 'darwin' in p
264 @memoize
265 def is_win32():
266 """Return True on win32"""
267 return os.name in ('nt', 'dos')
270 def win32_set_binary(fd):
271 try:
272 import msvcrt
273 except ImportError:
274 return
275 # When run without console, pipes may expose invalid
276 # fileno(), usually set to -1.
277 if hasattr(fd, 'fileno') and fd.fileno() >= 0:
278 msvcrt.setmode(fd.fileno(), os.O_BINARY)
281 def posix_set_binary(fd):
282 """POSIX file descriptors are always binary"""
283 pass
286 if is_win32():
287 set_binary = win32_set_binary
288 else:
289 set_binary = posix_set_binary
292 def checksum(path):
293 """Return a cheap md5 hexdigest for a path."""
294 md5 = hashlib.new('md5')
295 md5.update(slurp(path))
296 return md5.hexdigest()
299 def error(msg, *args):
300 """Print an error message to stderr."""
301 print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR:", msg % args
304 def warn(msg, *args):
305 """Print a warning message to stderr."""
306 print >> sys.stderr, "warning:", msg % args
309 def die(msg, *args):
310 """Print as error message to stderr and exit the program."""
311 error(msg, *args)
312 sys.exit(1)
315 class ProgressIndicator(object):
317 """Simple progress indicator.
319 Displayed as a spinning character by default, but can be customized
320 by passing custom messages that overrides the spinning character.
324 States = ("|", "/", "-", "\\")
326 def __init__(self, prefix="", f=sys.stdout):
327 """Create a new ProgressIndicator, bound to the given file object."""
328 self.n = 0 # Simple progress counter
329 self.f = f # Progress is written to this file object
330 self.prev_len = 0 # Length of previous msg (to be overwritten)
331 self.prefix = prefix # Prefix prepended to each progress message
332 self.prefix_lens = [] # Stack of prefix string lengths
334 def pushprefix(self, prefix):
335 """Append the given prefix onto the prefix stack."""
336 self.prefix_lens.append(len(self.prefix))
337 self.prefix += prefix
339 def popprefix(self):
340 """Remove the last prefix from the prefix stack."""
341 prev_len = self.prefix_lens.pop()
342 self.prefix = self.prefix[:prev_len]
344 def __call__(self, msg = None, lf=False):
345 """Indicate progress, possibly with a custom message."""
346 if msg is None:
347 msg = self.States[self.n % len(self.States)]
348 msg = self.prefix + msg
349 print >> self.f, "\r%-*s" % (self.prev_len, msg),
350 self.prev_len = len(msg.expandtabs())
351 if lf:
352 print >> self.f
353 self.prev_len = 0
354 self.n += 1
356 def finish (self, msg="done", noprefix=False):
357 """Finalize progress indication with the given message."""
358 if noprefix:
359 self.prefix = ""
360 self(msg, True)
363 def start_command(args, cwd=None, shell=False, add_env=None,
364 stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
365 stderr=subprocess.PIPE):
366 """Start the given command, and return a subprocess object.
368 This provides a simpler interface to the subprocess module.
371 env = None
372 if add_env is not None:
373 env = os.environ.copy()
374 env.update(add_env)
375 return subprocess.Popen(args, bufsize=1, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout,
376 stderr=stderr, cwd=cwd, shell=shell,
377 env=env, universal_newlines=True)
380 def run_command(args, cwd=None, shell=False, add_env=None,
381 flag_error=True):
382 """Run the given command to completion, and return its results.
384 This provides a simpler interface to the subprocess module.
386 The results are formatted as a 3-tuple: (exit_code, output, errors)
388 If flag_error is enabled, Error messages will be produced if the
389 subprocess terminated with a non-zero exit code and/or stderr
390 output.
392 The other arguments are passed on to start_command().
395 process = start_command(args, cwd, shell, add_env)
396 (output, errors) = process.communicate()
397 exit_code = process.returncode
398 if flag_error and errors:
399 error("'%s' returned errors:\n---\n%s---", " ".join(args), errors)
400 if flag_error and exit_code:
401 error("'%s' returned exit code %i", " ".join(args), exit_code)
402 return (exit_code, output, errors)