git-cola-sequence-editor: move the implementation to a module
[git-cola.git] / setup.cfg
1 [bdist_rpm]
2 release = 1
3 requires = python
4 build_requires = python
5 doc_files = 
6         COPYING
7         COPYRIGHT
9         share/doc/git-cola/
11 [upload_sphinx]
12 upload-dir = share/doc/git-cola/_build/html
14 [build_sphinx]
15 all_files = 1
16 build-dir = share/doc/git-cola/_build
17 source-dir = share/doc/git-cola/
19 [options]
20 packages =
21         cola
22         cola.models
23         cola.widgets
24 include_package_data = true
25 python_requires = >=2.7
26 install_requires =
27         importlib_metadata; python_version<"3.8"
28 setup_requires = setuptools_scm[toml] >= 3.4.1
30 [options.extras_require]
31 testing =
32         # upstream
33         pytest >= 3.5, !=3.7.3
34         pytest-checkdocs >= 1.2.3
35         pytest-flake8
36         pytest-black-multipy
37         pytest-cov
39         # local
40         PyQt5; python_version>='3.0'
41         PySide2; python_version=='2.7'