cmds: improve support for "git worktree" repositories when ignoring files
[git-cola.git] / setup.cfg
1 [metadata]
2 name = git-cola
3 long_description = Git Cola is a powerful Git GUI with a slick and intuitive user interface.
4 url =
5 platform = any
7 [upload_sphinx]
8 upload-dir = docs/_build/html
10 [build_sphinx]
11 all_files = 1
12 build-dir = docs/_build
13 source-dir = docs/
15 [options]
16 packages =
17         cola
18         cola.bin
19         cola.i18n
20         cola.i18n.glossary
21         cola.icons
22         cola.icons.dark
23         cola.models
24         cola.widgets
25 include_package_data = true
26 install_requires =
27         importlib_metadata; python_version<"3.8"
28         polib >= 1.0.0
29         qtpy >= 1.1.0
30 zip_safe = false
32 [options.package_data]
33 cola =
34         bin/*
35         i18n/*
36         icons/*.svg
37         icons/dark/*.svg
39 [options.data_files]
40 share/applications =
41         share/applications/git-cola.desktop
42         share/applications/git-cola-folder-handler.desktop
43         share/applications/git-dag.desktop
44 share/doc/git-cola =
45         docs/hotkeys.html
46         docs/hotkeys_de.html
47         docs/hotkeys_zh_CN.html
48         docs/hotkeys_zh_TW.html
49 share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps =
50         cola/icons/git-cola.svg
51 share/metainfo =
52         share/metainfo/git-cola.appdata.xml
53         share/metainfo/git-dag.appdata.xml
55 [options.extras_require]
56 testing =
57         # upstream
58         pytest >= 6
59         pytest-checkdocs >= 2.4
60         pytest-cov
61         pytest-enabler >= 2.2
62         pytest-ruff >= 0.2.1
64         # local
66 docs =
67         # upstream
68         furo
69         sphinx
70         rst.linker >= 1.9
72         # local
73         sphinx_rtd_theme
75 # "extras" are optional packages that enable additional features when present.
76 extras =
77         # Enables the "Send to Trash" feature.
78         send2trash
79         # Enables macOS-specific appearance themes.
80         pyobjc; sys_platform == 'darwin'
82 # Developer tools.
83 dev =
84         cercis
86 # Build and packaging tools.
87 build =
88         build
89         pynsist
90         twine
91         wheel
93 # Extra packages when installing for specific platforms or Qt versions.
94 pyqt5 =
95         PyQt5
97 pyqt6 =
98         PyQt6