4 Debian and RPM users can download freshly built binaries here:
6 http://cola.tuxfamily.org/releases/
8 If you downloaded a tarball add /path/to/cola/bin to your $PATH.
15 apt-get install python
18 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/intro
19 apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools
24 pyinotify (enables inotify support on Linux -- highly recommended)
25 http://pyinotify.sourceforge.net/
26 apt-get install python-pyinotify
28 simplejson (enables bookmarks)
29 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson
30 apt-get install python-simplejson
35 Normally you can just do "make install" to install git-cola
36 in your $HOME directory ($HOME/bin, $HOME/lib, etc).
37 If you want to do a global install you can do
39 # make prefix=/usr install
41 You can also run git-cola without installing it.
42 It is designed to run directly out of the source tree
43 This is the best way to run git-cola when you're
52 Some systems have pyuic4 scripts that are missing the shebang line.
53 If your version of $(which pyuic4) looks like:
55 exec python /path/to/pyuic4.py ...
57 Then simply add this line to the top of the file:
61 That will fix the build by making pyuic4 a proper shell script.
66 An older version of pyuic4 generated code that could not be
67 run by PyQt4. This problem has been fixed in the latest
68 versions of PyQt4 (4.4.x), but you might encounter it if
69 you are not running the latest version of PyQt4.
71 If you try to run git-cola and see error messages
72 about "setSortingEnabled(..)" then your pyuic4/PyQt4
73 version is affected. There's a simple workaround, though:
74 remove the line of code listed in the traceback and
75 everything should work fine.
80 To build cola on windows you'll need to add the following
81 shell script to a directory in your path and name it 'pyuic4':
83 #+-------------------------------------------------------------
86 /c/Python25/python.exe \
87 /c/Python25/Lib/site-packages/PyQt4/uic/pyuic.py "$@"
89 #+-------------------------------------------------------------
94 1) Install the native Python2.5 and PyQt4 installers (in that order):
96 http://python.org/download/
97 http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/download.php
101 http://git.or.cz/gitwiki/WindowsInstall
103 4) Install the GnuWin32 'file' command:
105 http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/file.htm
107 Add the installed directory (default: c:\GnuWin32\bin) to your path.
109 5) Install simplejson
111 http://pypi.python.org/pypi/simplejson
115 http://cola.tuxfamily.org/releases/
117 7) Install cola (from a Git Bash):
119 cd /c/Python25/Lib/site-packages
120 tar xvfz /path/to/cola-*-win32.tar.gz
123 8) Create an executable in your path for bash, cmd.exe, or both:
125 echo '/c/Python25/python.exe /c/Python25/Lib/site-packages/cola/bin/git-cola' >> /usr/bin/cola
126 echo 'c:\\Python25\\python.exe c:\\Python25\\Lib\\site-packages\\cola\\bin\\git-cola' > /c/Windows/System32/cola.bat
128 This assumes the you have Python/PyQt4 installed in C:/Python25.
129 If this is not the case simply edit the commands accordingly.
131 voila, cola on Windows.
134 NOTE: Windows is not the developer's primary platform.
135 Patches are greatly appreciated.