widgets.remote: retain focus when showing remote messages
[git-cola.git] / cola / widgets / filelist.py
1 from qtpy import QtWidgets
2 from qtpy.QtCore import Signal
3 from qtpy.QtCore import QSize
5 from .. import cmds
6 from .. import hotkeys
7 from .. import qtutils
8 from ..i18n import N_
9 from .standard import TreeWidget
12 # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors
13 class FileWidget(TreeWidget):
14 files_selected = Signal(object)
15 difftool_selected = Signal(object)
16 histories_selected = Signal(object)
17 grab_file = Signal(object)
19 def __init__(self, context, parent):
20 TreeWidget.__init__(self, parent)
21 self.context = context
23 labels = [N_('Filename'), N_('Additions'), N_('Deletions')]
24 self.setHeaderLabels(labels)
26 self.show_history_action = qtutils.add_action(
27 self, N_('Show History'), self.show_history, hotkeys.HISTORY
30 self.launch_difftool_action = qtutils.add_action(
31 self, N_('Launch Diff Tool'), self.show_diff
34 self.launch_editor_action = qtutils.add_action(
35 self, N_('Launch Editor'), self.edit_paths, hotkeys.EDIT
38 self.grab_file_action = qtutils.add_action(
39 self, N_('Grab File...'), self._grab_file
42 # pylint: disable=no-member
43 self.itemSelectionChanged.connect(self.selection_changed)
45 def selection_changed(self):
46 items = self.selected_items()
47 self.files_selected.emit([i.path for i in items])
49 def commits_selected(self, commits):
50 if not commits:
51 self.clear()
52 return
54 git = self.context.git
55 paths = []
57 if len(commits) > 1:
58 # Get a list of changed files for a commit range.
59 start = commits[0].oid + '~'
60 end = commits[-1].oid
61 status, out, _ = git.diff(start, end, z=True, numstat=True, no_renames=True)
62 if status == 0:
63 paths = [f for f in out.rstrip('\0').split('\0') if f]
64 else:
65 # Get the list of changed files in a single commit.
66 commit = commits[0]
67 oid = commit.oid
68 status, out, _ = git.show(
69 oid, z=True, numstat=True, oneline=True, no_renames=True
71 if status == 0:
72 paths = [f for f in out.rstrip('\0').split('\0') if f]
73 if paths:
74 paths = paths[1:] # Skip over the summary on the first line.
76 self.list_files(paths)
78 def list_files(self, files_log):
79 self.clear()
80 if not files_log:
81 return
82 files = []
83 for filename in files_log:
84 item = FileTreeWidgetItem(filename)
85 files.append(item)
86 self.insertTopLevelItems(0, files)
88 def adjust_columns(self, size, old_size):
89 if size.isValid() and old_size.isValid():
90 width = self.columnWidth(0) + size.width() - old_size.width()
91 self.setColumnWidth(0, width)
92 else:
93 width = self.width()
94 two_thirds = (width * 2) // 3
95 one_sixth = width // 6
96 self.setColumnWidth(0, two_thirds)
97 self.setColumnWidth(1, one_sixth)
98 self.setColumnWidth(2, one_sixth)
100 def show(self):
101 self.adjust_columns(QSize(), QSize())
103 def resizeEvent(self, event):
104 self.adjust_columns(event.size(), event.oldSize())
106 def contextMenuEvent(self, event):
107 menu = qtutils.create_menu(N_('Actions'), self)
108 menu.addAction(self.grab_file_action)
109 menu.addAction(self.show_history_action)
110 menu.addAction(self.launch_difftool_action)
111 menu.addAction(self.launch_editor_action)
112 menu.exec_(self.mapToGlobal(event.pos()))
114 def show_diff(self):
115 self.difftool_selected.emit(self.selected_paths())
117 def _grab_file(self):
118 for path in self.selected_paths():
119 self.grab_file.emit(path)
121 def selected_paths(self):
122 return [i.path for i in self.selected_items()]
124 def edit_paths(self):
125 cmds.do(cmds.Edit, self.context, self.selected_paths())
127 def show_history(self):
128 items = self.selected_items()
129 paths = [i.path for i in items]
130 self.histories_selected.emit(paths)
133 class FileTreeWidgetItem(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem):
134 def __init__(self, file_log, parent=None):
135 QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem.__init__(self, parent)
136 texts = file_log.split('\t')
137 self.path = path = texts[2]
138 self.setText(0, path)
139 self.setText(1, texts[0])
140 self.setText(2, texts[1])