dev-util/patchelf-liblol: update HOMEPAGE
[gentoo-zh.git] / media-plugins / waylyrics / waylyrics-0.2.13.ebuild
1 # Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
4 # Autogenerated by pycargoebuild 0.13.2
6 EAPI=8
9 addr2line@0.21.0
10 adler@1.0.2
11 ahash@0.7.8
12 aho-corasick@1.1.2
13 ansi_term@0.12.1
14 anyhow@1.0.80
15 arrayvec@0.7.4
16 assert_float_eq@1.1.3
17 async-channel@2.2.0
18 async-trait@0.1.77
19 atty@0.2.14
20 autocfg@1.1.0
21 backtrace@0.3.69
22 base64@0.21.7
23 base64@0.22.0
24 bitflags@1.3.2
25 bitflags@2.4.2
26 bitvec@1.0.1
27 block@0.1.6
28 borsh-derive@1.3.1
29 borsh@1.3.1
30 bumpalo@3.15.2
31 bytecheck@0.6.12
32 bytecheck_derive@0.6.12
33 bytes@1.5.0
34 cairo-rs@0.19.2
35 cairo-sys-rs@0.19.2
36 cc@1.0.86
37 cfg-expr@0.15.7
38 cfg-if@1.0.0
39 cfg_aliases@0.1.1
40 clap@2.34.0
41 concurrent-queue@2.4.0
42 cookie@0.17.0
43 cookie@0.18.0
44 cookie_store@0.20.0
45 core-foundation-sys@0.8.6
46 core-foundation@0.9.4
47 crossbeam-utils@0.8.19
48 darling@0.14.4
49 darling_core@0.14.4
50 darling_macro@0.14.4
51 dbus-codegen@0.9.1
52 dbus-dummy@0.1.0
53 dbus-tree@0.9.2
54 dbus@0.9.7
55 deranged@0.3.11
56 derive_is_enum_variant@0.1.1
57 documented-derive@0.3.0
58 documented@0.3.0
59 encoding_rs@0.8.33
60 enum-kinds@0.5.1
61 equivalent@1.0.1
62 errno@0.3.8
63 event-listener-strategy@0.5.0
64 event-listener@5.1.0
65 fastrand@2.0.1
66 field-offset@0.3.6
67 fnv@1.0.7
68 foreign-types-shared@0.1.1
69 foreign-types@0.3.2
70 form_urlencoded@1.2.1
71 from_variants@1.0.2
72 from_variants_impl@1.0.2
73 funty@2.0.0
74 futures-channel@0.3.30
75 futures-core@0.3.30
76 futures-executor@0.3.30
77 futures-io@0.3.30
78 futures-macro@0.3.30
79 futures-sink@0.3.30
80 futures-task@0.3.30
81 futures-util@0.3.30
82 gdk-pixbuf-sys@0.19.0
83 gdk-pixbuf@0.19.2
84 gdk4-sys@0.8.0
85 gdk4@0.8.0
86 getrandom@0.2.12
87 gettext-rs@0.7.0
88 gettext-sys@0.21.3
89 gimli@0.28.1
90 gio-sys@0.19.0
91 gio@0.19.2
92 glib-macros@0.19.2
93 glib-sys@0.19.0
94 glib@0.19.2
95 gobject-sys@0.19.0
96 graphene-rs@0.19.2
97 graphene-sys@0.19.0
98 gsk4-sys@0.8.0
99 gsk4@0.8.0
100 gtk4-macros@0.8.0
101 gtk4-sys@0.8.0
102 gtk4@0.8.0
103 h2@0.4.3
104 hashbrown@0.12.3
105 hashbrown@0.14.3
106 heck@0.3.3
107 heck@0.4.1
108 hermit-abi@0.1.19
109 hermit-abi@0.3.6
110 hex@0.4.3
111 http-body-util@0.1.1
112 http-body@1.0.0
113 http@1.1.0
114 httparse@1.8.0
115 hyper-tls@0.6.0
116 hyper-util@0.1.3
117 hyper@1.2.0
118 ident_case@1.0.1
119 idna@0.3.0
120 idna@0.5.0
121 indexmap@2.2.3
122 ipnet@2.9.0
123 itoa@1.0.10
124 js-sys@0.3.68
125 ksni-dummy@0.1.0
126 ksni@0.2.1
127 lazy_static@1.4.0
128 libc@0.2.153
129 libdbus-sys@0.2.5
130 libmimalloc-sys@0.1.35
131 linux-raw-sys@0.4.13
132 locale_config@0.3.0
133 lock_api@0.4.11
134 log@0.4.20
135 lrc-nom@0.2.0
136 malloc_buf@0.0.6
137 matchers@0.1.0
138 md5@0.7.0
139 memchr@2.7.1
140 memoffset@0.9.0
141 mimalloc@0.1.39
142 mime@0.3.17
143 minimal-lexical@0.2.1
144 miniz_oxide@0.7.2
145 mio@0.8.11
146 mpris@2.0.1
147 native-tls@0.2.11
148 nom@7.1.3
149 nu-ansi-term@0.46.0
150 num-conv@0.1.0
151 num-traits@0.2.18
152 num_cpus@1.16.0
153 objc-foundation@0.1.1
154 objc@0.2.7
155 objc_id@0.1.1
156 object@0.32.2
157 once_cell@1.19.0
158 openssl-macros@0.1.1
159 openssl-probe@0.1.5
160 openssl-src@300.2.3+3.2.1
161 openssl-sys@0.9.101
162 openssl@0.10.64
163 overload@0.1.1
164 pango-sys@0.19.0
165 pango@0.19.2
166 parking@2.2.0
167 parking_lot@0.12.1
168 parking_lot_core@0.9.9
169 percent-encoding@2.3.1
170 phf@0.11.2
171 phf_generator@0.11.2
172 phf_macros@0.11.2
173 phf_shared@0.11.2
174 pin-project-internal@1.1.5
175 pin-project-lite@0.2.13
176 pin-project@1.1.5
177 pin-utils@0.1.0
178 pkg-config@0.3.30
179 powerfmt@0.2.0
180 ppv-lite86@0.2.17
181 proc-macro-crate@3.1.0
182 proc-macro-error-attr@1.0.4
183 proc-macro-error@1.0.4
184 proc-macro2@1.0.78
185 psl-types@2.0.11
186 ptr_meta@0.1.4
187 ptr_meta_derive@0.1.4
188 publicsuffix@2.2.3
189 quote@0.3.15
190 quote@1.0.35
191 radium@0.7.0
192 rand@0.8.5
193 rand_chacha@0.3.1
194 rand_core@0.6.4
195 redox_syscall@0.4.1
196 regex-automata@0.1.10
197 regex-automata@0.4.5
198 regex-syntax@0.6.29
199 regex-syntax@0.8.2
200 regex@1.10.3
201 rend@0.4.2
202 reqwest@0.12.0
203 rkyv@0.7.44
204 rkyv_derive@0.7.44
205 rust_decimal@1.34.3
206 rust_decimal_macros@1.34.2
207 rustc-demangle@0.1.23
208 rustc_version@0.4.0
209 rustix@0.38.31
210 rustls-pemfile@1.0.4
211 rustversion@1.0.14
212 ryu@1.0.17
213 schannel@0.1.23
214 scopeguard@1.2.0
215 seahash@4.1.0
216 security-framework-sys@2.9.1
217 security-framework@2.9.2
218 semver@1.0.22
219 serde@1.0.197
220 serde_derive@1.0.197
221 serde_json@1.0.114
222 serde_repr@0.1.18
223 serde_spanned@0.6.5
224 serde_urlencoded@0.7.1
225 sharded-slab@0.1.7
226 signal-hook-registry@1.4.1
227 simdutf8@0.1.4
228 siphasher@0.3.11
229 slab@0.4.9
230 smallvec@1.13.1
231 socket2@0.5.5
232 sorensen@0.2.0
233 strsim@0.10.0
234 strsim@0.8.0
235 strum@0.26.1
236 strum_macros@0.26.1
237 syn@0.11.11
238 syn@1.0.109
239 syn@2.0.50
240 syn_derive@0.1.8
241 sync_wrapper@0.1.2
242 synom@0.11.3
243 system-configuration-sys@0.5.0
244 system-configuration@0.5.1
245 system-deps@6.2.0
246 tap@1.0.1
247 target-lexicon@0.12.14
248 temp-dir@0.1.12
249 tempfile@3.10.0
250 textwrap@0.11.0
251 thiserror-impl@1.0.57
252 thiserror@1.0.57
253 thread_local@1.1.8
254 time-core@0.1.2
255 time-macros@0.2.17
256 time@0.3.34
257 tinyvec@1.6.0
258 tinyvec_macros@0.1.1
259 tokio-macros@2.2.0
260 tokio-native-tls@0.3.1
261 tokio-util@0.7.10
262 tokio@1.36.0
263 toml@0.8.10
264 toml_datetime@0.6.5
265 toml_edit@0.21.1
266 toml_edit@0.22.6
267 tower-layer@0.3.2
268 tower-service@0.3.2
269 tower@0.4.13
270 tracing-attributes@0.1.27
271 tracing-core@0.1.32
272 tracing-journald@0.3.0
273 tracing-log@0.2.0
274 tracing-subscriber@0.3.18
275 tracing@0.1.40
276 try-lock@0.2.5
277 unicode-bidi@0.3.15
278 unicode-ident@1.0.12
279 unicode-normalization@0.1.23
280 unicode-segmentation@1.11.0
281 unicode-width@0.1.11
282 unicode-xid@0.0.4
283 url@2.5.0
284 uuid@1.7.0
285 valuable@0.1.0
286 vcpkg@0.2.15
287 vec_map@0.8.2
288 version-compare@0.1.1
289 version_check@0.9.4
290 want@0.3.1
291 wasi@0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
292 wasm-bindgen-backend@0.2.91
293 wasm-bindgen-futures@0.4.41
294 wasm-bindgen-macro-support@0.2.91
295 wasm-bindgen-macro@0.2.91
296 wasm-bindgen-shared@0.2.91
297 wasm-bindgen@0.2.91
298 web-sys@0.3.68
299 winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
300 winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu@0.4.0
301 winapi@0.3.9
302 windows-sys@0.48.0
303 windows-sys@0.52.0
304 windows-targets@0.48.5
305 windows-targets@0.52.0
306 windows_aarch64_gnullvm@0.48.5
307 windows_aarch64_gnullvm@0.52.0
308 windows_aarch64_msvc@0.48.5
309 windows_aarch64_msvc@0.52.0
310 windows_i686_gnu@0.48.5
311 windows_i686_gnu@0.52.0
312 windows_i686_msvc@0.48.5
313 windows_i686_msvc@0.52.0
314 windows_x86_64_gnu@0.48.5
315 windows_x86_64_gnu@0.52.0
316 windows_x86_64_gnullvm@0.48.5
317 windows_x86_64_gnullvm@0.52.0
318 windows_x86_64_msvc@0.48.5
319 windows_x86_64_msvc@0.52.0
320 winnow@0.5.40
321 winnow@0.6.2
322 winreg@0.50.0
323 wyz@0.5.1
324 xdg@2.5.2
325 xml-rs@0.8.19
328 declare -A GIT_CRATES=(
329 [ncmapi]=';590f280458e1826df0af0f0f624c2222448a7dee;ncmapi-rs-%commit%'
330 [qqmusic-rs]=';22e66ba62e63d97c6dffb45400655404e6f06b93;qqmusic-rs-%commit%'
333 PLOCALES="zh_CN"
334 inherit cargo desktop gnome2-utils plocale xdg
336 DESCRIPTION="Simple On Screen lyrics Display for linux/unix"
342 if [[ "${PV}" == *9999* ]]; then
343 inherit git-r3
345 else
346 SRC_URI="
347${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz
350 KEYWORDS="~amd64"
354 # Dependent crate licenses
355 LICENSE+="
356 Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions BSD GPL-3+ MIT
357 Unicode-DFS-2016 Unlicense
359 SLOT="0"
361 DEPEND="
362 dev-libs/glib:2
363 gui-libs/gtk:4
364 dev-libs/openssl:=
365 sys-apps/dbus
366 sys-devel/gettext
367 x11-libs/cairo
371 app-misc/jq
372 dev-libs/mimalloc
373 >=virtual/rust-1.73:*
376 src_compile() {
377 export WAYLYRICS_THEME_PRESETS_DIR="/usr/share/${PN}/themes"
378 cargo_src_compile --all-targets --all-features
381 src_install() {
382 cargo_src_install
384 doicon -s scalable "${S}/res/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/io.poly000.waylyrics.svg"
385 domenu "${S}/io.poly000.waylyrics.desktop"
387 insinto "/usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas"
388 doins "io.poly000.waylyrics.gschema.xml"
390 insinto "/usr/share/${PN}"
391 doins -r themes
393 cd "${S}/locales" || die
394 install_locale() {
395 if [[ -f ${1}/LC_MESSAGES/waylyrics.po ]]; then
396 local file=${1}/LC_MESSAGES/waylyrics.po
397 msgfmt "${file}" -o "${file%.po}.mo" || die
398 insinto /usr/share/locale/${1}/LC_MESSAGES
399 doins "${file%.po}.mo"
402 plocale_for_each_locale install_locale
405 pkg_postinst() {
406 gnome2_schemas_update
407 xdg_pkg_postinst
410 pkg_postrm() {
411 gnome2_schemas_update
412 xdg_pkg_postrm