app-office/lyx: LyX's PCH only slow compliation down - disable them
[gentoo-soor-overlay.git] / app-office / lyx / lyx-9999.ebuild
1 # Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3 # $Header: $
5 EAPI="1"
7 inherit autotools subversion eutils flag-o-matic font toolchain-funcs
9 FONT_P="latex-xft-fonts-0.1"
11 DESCRIPTION="WYSIWYM frontend for LaTeX, DocBook, etc."
13 ESVN_REPO_URI="svn://"
14 SRC_URI="${FONT_P}.tar.gz
15 linguas_he? (
21 SLOT="0"
23 IUSE="cups debug latex monolithic nls linguas_he"
24 RESTRICT="test"
26 RDEPEND="|| (
28 x11-libs/qt-core:4
29 x11-libs/qt-gui:4
31 =x11-libs/qt-4.3*
32 =x11-libs/qt-4.2*
34 x11-libs/libXrandr
35 x11-libs/libXcursor
36 x11-libs/libXrender
37 x11-libs/libXfixes
38 x11-libs/libXext
39 x11-libs/libSM
40 x11-libs/libICE
41 x11-libs/libX11
42 x11-libs/libXau
43 x11-libs/libXdmcp
44 media-gfx/imagemagick
45 media-libs/libpng
46 media-libs/fontconfig
47 media-libs/freetype
48 dev-libs/libxml2
49 dev-libs/boost
50 >=sys-devel/gcc-4.1
51 app-text/aiksaurus
52 app-text/sgmltools-lite
53 virtual/aspell-dict
54 virtual/python
55 cups? ( virtual/lpr )
56 latex? (
57 virtual/latex-base
58 virtual/ghostscript
59 app-text/noweb
60 dev-tex/dvipost
61 dev-tex/chktex
62 || (
63 dev-tex/latex2html
64 dev-tex/tth
65 dev-tex/hevea
66 dev-tex/tex4ht
69 linguas_he? ( dev-tex/ivritex )"
72 x11-proto/xproto
73 nls? ( sys-devel/gettext )"
75 S="${WORKDIR}"/${P}
77 pkg_setup() {
78 if use monolithic; then
79 ewarn ":WARNING:"
80 ewarn "Bulding LyX with USE=monolithic needs 512Mb of RAM or more"
81 ewarn "for each make job (-j). Don't come crying to me if you run"
82 ewarn "out of ram."
86 src_unpack() {
87 unpack ${A}
88 subversion_fetch || die "Fetch with SVN failed kthnx."
89 cd "${S}"
90 epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-1.5.0-gentoo.patch || die
92 # trunk needs to regen with autotools
93 # lets use gentoo tools instead of the lyx script,
94 # which calls aclocal, autoheader, automake, autoconf
95 rm -rf "${S}"/autom4te.cache
96 eaclocal
97 eautoheader
98 eautomake
99 eautoconf
102 src_compile() {
103 append-flags "$(test-flags -fno-stack-protector -fno-stack-protector-all)"
104 replace-flags "-Os" "-O2"
105 tc-export CXX
107 unset LINGUAS
109 if use monolithic; then
110 monolithic="--enable-monolithic-client"
111 monolithic="${monolithic} --enable-monolithic-insets"
112 monolithic="${monolithic} --enable-monolithic-mathed"
113 monolithic="${monolithic} --enable-monolithic-core"
114 monolithic="${monolithic} --enable-monolithic-tex2lyx"
115 monolithic="${monolithic} --enable-monolithic-frontend-qt4"
118 if use debug; then
119 build_type="--enable-build-type=development"
120 else
121 build_type="--enable-build-type=release"
124 econf ${monolithic} \
125 $(use_enable nls) \
126 $(use_enable debug) \
127 ${build_type} \
128 --disable-pch --with-aspell --without-included-boost || die "econf failed"
129 emake || die "emake failed"
132 src_install() {
133 local mylinguas="${LINGUAS}"
135 unset LINGUAS
136 emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "emake install failed"
138 LINGUAS="${mylinguas}"
142 if use linguas_he ; then
143 insinto /usr/share/lyx/bind
144 doins "${DISTDIR}"/hebrew.bind
145 dodoc "${DISTDIR}"/preferences
148 domenu "${FILESDIR}"/lyx.desktop
150 cd "${WORKDIR}"/${FONT_P}
151 emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "Font installation failed"
153 font_src_install
155 if use latex ; then
156 dosym ../../../lyx/tex /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/lyx
160 pkg_postinst() {
161 font_pkg_postinst
163 if use latex ; then
164 texhash
167 if use linguas_he ; then
168 elog
169 elog "How to use Hebrew in LyX:"
170 elog "bunzip2 /usr/share/doc/${PF}/preferences.bz2 into ~/.lyx/preferences"
171 elog "or, read"
172 elog "for instructions on using lyx's own preferences dialog to equal effect."
173 elog
176 elog
177 elog "There are known issues in the case of 1.4->1.5 config files transition."
178 elog "In case your File->Export list is incomplete try reconfiguring or even"
179 elog "remove the old configuration files in ~/.lyx ."
180 elog
183 pkg_postrm() {
184 if use latex ; then
185 texhash