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[gentoo-soor-overlay.git] / eclass / qt4.eclass
1 # Copyright 2005 Gentoo Foundation
2 # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
3 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/eclass/qt4.eclass,v 1.38 2008/03/06 01:23:13 ingmar Exp $
5 # @ECLASS: qt4.eclass
7 # Caleb Tennis <>
8 # @BLURB: Eclass for Qt4 packages
10 # This eclass contains various functions that may be useful
11 # when dealing with packages using Qt4 libraries.
13 # 08.16.06 - Renamed qt_min_* to qt4_min_* to avoid conflicts with the qt3 eclass.
14 # - Caleb Tennis <>
16 inherit eutils multilib toolchain-funcs versionator
18 QTPKG="x11-libs/qt-"
19 QT4MAJORVERSIONS="4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.0"
20 QT4VERSIONS="4.4.1_pre20080411 4.4.0_rc1 4.4.0_beta1 4.3.4 4.3.3 4.3.2-r1 4.3.2 4.3.1-r1 4.3.1 4.3.0-r2 4.3.0-r1 4.3.0 4.3.0_rc1 4.3.0_beta1 4.2.3-r1 4.2.3 4.2.2 4.2.1 4.2.0-r2 4.2.0-r1 4.2.0 4.1.4-r2 4.1.4-r1 4.1.4 4.1.3 4.1.2 4.1.1 4.1.0 4.0.1 4.0.0"
22 # @FUNCTION: qt4_min_version
23 # @USAGE: [minimum version]
25 # This function should be called in package DEPENDs whenever it depends on qt4.
26 # Simple example - in your depend, do something like this:
27 # DEPEND="$(qt4_min_version 4.2)"
28 # if the package can be build with qt-4.2 or higher.
30 # For builds that use an EAPI with support for SLOT dependencies, this will
31 # return a SLOT dependency, rather than a list of versions.
32 qt4_min_version() {
33 case ${EAPI:-0} in
34 # EAPIs without SLOT dependencies
35 0) echo "|| ("
36 qt4_min_version_list "$@"
37 echo ")"
39 # EAPIS with SLOT dependencies.
40 *) echo ">=${QTPKG}${1}:4"
42 esac
45 qt4_min_version_list() {
46 local MINVER="$1"
47 local VERSIONS=""
49 case "${MINVER}" in
50 4|4.0|4.0.0) VERSIONS="=${QTPKG}4*";;
51 4.1|4.1.0|4.2|4.2.0|4.3|4.3.0|4.4|4.4.0)
52 for x in ${QT4MAJORVERSIONS}; do
53 if $(version_is_at_least "${MINVER}" "${x}"); then
56 done
58 4*)
59 for x in ${QT4VERSIONS}; do
60 if $(version_is_at_least "${MINVER}" "${x}"); then
63 done
65 *) VERSIONS="=${QTPKG}4*";;
66 esac
68 echo "${VERSIONS}"
71 # @FUNCTION: qt4_pkg_setup
73 # Caleb Tennis <>
74 # Przemyslaw Maciag <>
76 # Default pkg_setup function for packages that depends on qt4. If you have to
77 # create ebuilds own pkg_setup in your ebuild, call qt4_pkg_setup in it.
78 # This function uses two global vars from ebuild:
79 # - QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK - contains use flags that need to be turned on for
80 # =x11-libs/qt-4*
81 # - QT4_OPTIONAL_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK - qt4 flags that provides some
82 # functionality, but can alternatively be disabled in ${CATEGORY}/${PN}
83 # (so qt4 don't have to be recompiled)
85 # flags to watch for for Qt4.4:
86 # zlib png | opengl dbus qt3support | sqlite3 ssl
87 qt4_pkg_setup() {
89 QT4_BEST_VERSION="$(best_version =x11-libs/qt-4*)"
90 QT4_MINOR_VERSION="$(get_version_component_range 2 ${QT4_BEST_VERSION/*qt-/})"
92 local requiredflags=""
93 for x in ${QT4_BUILT_WITH_USE_CHECK}; do
94 if [[ "${QT4_MINOR_VERSION}" -ge 4 ]]; then
95 # The use flags are different in 4.4 and above, and it's a split package, so this is used to catch
96 # the various use flag combos specified in the ebuilds to make sure we don't error out.
98 if [[ ${x} == zlib || ${x} == png ]]; then
99 # Qt 4.4+ is built with zlib and png by default, so the use flags aren't needed
100 continue;
101 elif [[ ${x} == opengl || ${x} == dbus || ${x} == qt3support ]]; then
102 # Make sure the qt-${x} package has been already installed
104 if ! has_version x11-libs/qt-${x}; then
105 eerror "You must first install the x11-libs/qt-${x} package."
106 die "Install x11-libs/qt-${x}"
108 elif [[ ${x} == ssl ]]; then
109 if ! has_version x11-libs/qt-core || ! built_with_use x11-libs/qt-core ssl; then
110 eerror "You must first install the x11-libs/qt-core package with the ssl flag enabled."
111 die "Install x11-libs/qt-core with USE=\"ssl\""
113 elif [[ ${x} == sqlite3 ]]; then
114 if ! has_version x11-libs/qt-sql || ! built_with_use x11-libs/qt-sql sqlite; then
115 eerror "You must first install the x11-libs/qt-sql package with the sqlite flag enabled."
116 die "Install x11-libs/qt-sql with USE=\"sqlite\""
119 elif ! built_with_use =x11-libs/qt-4* ${x}; then
120 requiredflags="${requiredflags} ${x}"
122 done
124 local optionalflags=""
126 if use ${x} && ! built_with_use =x11-libs/qt-4* ${x}; then
127 optionalflags="${optionalflags} ${x}"
129 done
131 local diemessage=""
132 if [[ ${requiredflags} != "" ]]; then
133 eerror
134 eerror "(1) In order to compile ${CATEGORY}/${PN} first you need to build"
135 eerror "=x11-libs/qt-4* with USE=\"${requiredflags}\" flag(s)"
136 eerror
137 diemessage="(1) recompile qt4 with \"${requiredflags}\" USE flag(s) ; "
139 if [[ ${optionalflags} != "" ]]; then
140 eerror
141 eerror "(2) You are trying to compile ${CATEGORY}/${PN} package with"
142 eerror "USE=\"${optionalflags}\""
143 eerror "while qt4 is built without this particular flag(s): it will"
144 eerror "not work."
145 eerror
146 eerror "Possible solutions to this problem are:"
147 eerror "a) install package ${CATEGORY}/${PN} without \"${optionalflags}\" USE flag(s)"
148 eerror "b) re-emerge qt4 with \"${optionalflags}\" USE flag(s)"
149 eerror
150 diemessage="${diemessage}(2) recompile qt4 with \"${optionalflags}\" USE flag(s) or disable them for ${PN} package\n"
153 [[ ${diemessage} != "" ]] && die "can't emerge ${CATEGORY}/${PN}: ${diemessage}"
156 # @FUNCTION: eqmake4
157 # @USAGE: [.pro file] [additional parameters to qmake]
159 # Przemyslaw Maciag <>
160 # Davide Pesavento <>
162 # Runs qmake on the specified .pro file (defaults to
163 # ${PN}.pro if eqmake4 was called with no argument).
164 # Additional parameters are passed unmodified to qmake.
165 eqmake4() {
166 local LOGFILE="${T}/qmake-$$.out"
167 local projprofile="${1}"
168 [[ -z ${projprofile} ]] && projprofile="${PN}.pro"
169 shift 1
171 ebegin "Processing qmake ${projprofile}"
173 # file exists?
174 if [[ ! -f ${projprofile} ]]; then
175 echo
176 eerror "Project .pro file \"${projprofile}\" does not exists"
177 eerror "qmake cannot handle non-existing .pro files"
178 echo
179 eerror "This shouldn't happen - please send a bug report to"
180 echo
181 die "Project file not found in ${PN} sources"
184 echo >> ${LOGFILE}
185 echo "****** qmake ${projprofile} ******" >> ${LOGFILE}
186 echo >> ${LOGFILE}
188 # as a workaround for broken qmake, put everything into file
189 if has debug ${IUSE} && use debug; then
190 echo -e "\nCONFIG -= release\nCONFIG += no_fixpath debug" >> ${projprofile}
191 else
192 echo -e "\nCONFIG -= debug\nCONFIG += no_fixpath release" >> ${projprofile}
195 /usr/bin/qmake ${projprofile} \
196 QTDIR=/usr/$(get_libdir) \
197 QMAKE=/usr/bin/qmake \
198 QMAKE_CC=$(tc-getCC) \
199 QMAKE_CXX=$(tc-getCXX) \
200 QMAKE_LINK=$(tc-getCXX) \
208 "${@}" >> ${LOGFILE} 2>&1
210 local result=$?
211 eend ${result}
213 # was qmake successful?
214 if [[ ${result} -ne 0 ]]; then
215 echo
216 eerror "Running qmake on \"${projprofile}\" has failed"
217 echo
218 eerror "This shouldn't happen - please send a bug report to"
219 echo
220 die "qmake failed on ${projprofile}"
223 return ${result}
226 EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup