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28 <h1><a name="glossary_of_geda_and_eda_terms" id="glossary_of_geda_and_eda_terms">Glossary of gEDA (and EDA) terms</a></h1>
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31 <p>
32 The design of electronics involves a host of specific terms. Some words have a meaning that only vaguely resembles the use in everyday life. This glossary aims to be a dictionary of terms specific to the gEDA suite, as well as to the larger world of CAD for electronics. Unfortunately there is no universal naming scheme for concepts in the area of electronic design. The glossary will give hints on how things are called in other design suites.
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36 <span class="hilited">(Wiki-authors: Please insert new terms according to the alphabet)</span>
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39 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>annular ring</strong>: The annular ring, sometimes also called <strong>annulus</strong>, is a diameter of copper that needs to be placed arround metalized holes like pads and vias. The minimum size of the annular ring is specified by the pcb-fab. A common requirements is 16 mil larger than the hole.</div>
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41 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>design flow</strong>: The order or stages through which you take your design as you progress from initial concept, through schematic capture, attribute attachment, netlisting, and layout. One typically uses different tools to accomplish different tasks during the design process. The gEDA Suite uses entirely separate programs for different stages of the flow; each tool in the suite reads the output file produced by the previous tool, and writes a file to be read by the next tool in the flow. The gEDA design flow for designing a PCB is illustrated <a href="" class="urlextern" title="" rel="nofollow">here</a>. Note that the design flow for different tasks might look different. For example, if your goal is to simulate your circuit, you will use a different flow than that shown in the link above. Finally, other – usually simpler – PCB design tools use a monolithic approach in which one single program (albeit with different edit modes) is used for the entire design. Which approach is better usually is a matter of personal religion.</div>
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43 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>footprint</strong>: The pattern of metal and silkscreen which defines where you place a component on a PCB. Footprints are the placed by the user onto the PC board during the “placement” phase of PCB layout (using e.g. the open-source tool PCB). A footprint is also sometimes called called a “decal” (PADS), or a “land-pattern”.</div>
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45 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>net</strong>: A net is the representation of a wire, or electrical connection in your schematic diagram. It is basically a line connecting two symbol pins. The term “net” is also sometimes used loosely to talk about an electical connection (via a wire or PCB trace) in a real circuit. Some schematic capture tools call a net a “wire”.</div>
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47 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>netlist</strong>: A netlist is an text file representation of your circuit which emphasizes the connections between the different circuit elements, perhaps independently of the physical packages constituting the actual components in the circuit.</div>
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49 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>pad</strong>: A pad is the patch of copper to which a SMD-component is to be soldered. Although pads are usually square, they can also be rounded.</div>
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51 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>pin</strong>: A pin is a hole in the printed circuit that allows to connect a wired component. In many cases the hole is clad with copper by the pcb-fab.</div>
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53 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>pcb</strong>: In the context of gEDA this acronym has two distict meanings:</div>
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55 <li class="level2"><div class="li"> An abbreviation of “printed circuit board”. This is the actual hardware that is used to connect electronic components. It is also sometimes called a “printed wiring board” (PWB), although this usage may be dying out.</div>
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57 <li class="level2"><div class="li"> A powerfull, open-source tool used to design the layout of a printed circuit board. The output of the gaf tools can be used as an input to pcb.(<a href="" class="urlextern" title="" rel="nofollow">homepage of pcb</a>)</div>
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61 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>rats nest</strong>: The lines drawn on the pcb working area that hint which pads still need need to be connected with tracks. Unlike the actual tracks the rats nest are straight lines. If multiple pads are involved in a net, pcb tries to draw rats nests with the shortest possible length.</div>
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63 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>refdes</strong>: Short for “reference designator”. The unique designator (or name) of a component. The gEDA tools rely on the refdefs to organize the components internally. Therefore, for successful creation of a printed circuit board every component has to be linked with a refdes. Usually, the refdes consists of a few upper case letters and a digit. Examples: R1, R2, U115, CONN3. (Protel: “Designator”)</div>
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65 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>slot</strong>: Some components contain multiple, identical devices inside a signal package. The IOs for each component are mapped to different pin sets on the package. A classic example is the TTL 7400 quad nand gate. Gschem (like other schematic capture packages) handles this type of component by allowing you to draw four separate nand gate symbols, and then selecting which <strong>slot</strong> each symbol should have by attaching a slot attribute to the symbol. In the example of the 7400 quad nand, you would select <strong><code>slot=1</code></strong> for the first appearance of the symbol, slot=2 for the second appearance, and so on. Note that in gschem you need to attach power nets to a slotted component only <strong>once</strong>. (Other schematic capture programs like Orcad require you to attach common nets – like power nets – on each instantiation of the slotted symbol.)</div>
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67 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>symbol</strong>: A symbol is the representation of a particular component in your schematic diagram. The classic examples are squiggley lines for resistors (in US usage anyway), or a triangle for an op-amp. Using a schematic capture program (e.g. gschem) you place symbols on your board, and then wire them up to create a representation of your circuit.</div>
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69 <li class="level1"><div class="li"> <strong>via</strong>: A via is a metalized hole that is meant to electrically connect different layers of the pcb. Usually, vias are as small as possible to save valuable real estate on the pcb.</div>
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