Fixed up Makefiles to pick up any missed files.
[geda-gaf/peter-b.git] / docs / gsch2pcb_tutorial / tutorial-old.html
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <title>gsch2pcb tutorial</title>
5 </head>
6 <body background="./images/paper1.gif">
8 <center><h2>gschem -> gsch2pcb -> PCB</h2></center>
9 <hr width=100% size=2>
11 <blockquote>
12 This is a tutorial on the process of using gsch2pcb as an
13 interface between gschem and PCB.
14 It assumes the gEDA, PCB and gsch2pcb packages
15 are already installed and ready to use. Starting with gEDA 20030901,
16 gsch2pcb version 0.9 is packaged with gEDA, but some of the steps below
17 will require gsch2pcb 1.0. This tutorial is functional and intended to
18 generate results as quickly as possible. It is not a complete reference
19 on gschem or PCB, but it does show with a simple example design
20 all the steps one might need to take.
21 <p>
22 The goal is to use gsch2pcb as the bridge between gschem and PCB so
23 that the schematics can always be in sync with the PCB layout
24 because all element additions or deletions in the layout will
25 automatically be driven by changes in the schematics.
26 </blockquote>
28 <h3> Tutorial Release Notes </h3>
29 <blockquote>
30 <ul>
31 <li>If you have versions less than gschem 20030525 or PCB 1.99 these
32 tutorial examples may not work as expected.
33 </li>
34 <li>If you have gEDA version 20030901 installed such that you are
35 using its included gsch2pcb 0.9 and you are getting an error:
36 <blockquote><pre>
37 ERROR: Unbound variable: open-output-pipe
38 </pre></blockquote>
39 then the problem is syntax in <i>gnet-gsch2pcb.scm</i> that worked
40 in guile 1.4 but does not work in guile 1.6. You'll need to upgrade to
41 using at least gsch2pcb 1.0.1 to solve this problem.
42 </li>
43 <li>As of about 1/9/2004 CVS PCB versions changed to using a hi
44 resolution output file format which will require using at
45 least gsch2pcb-1.4.
46 </li>
47 <li><h5> Mini Changelog</h5>
48 <ul>
49 <li> 1/10/2004 - corrected my sloppy PCB file elements which had
50 silkscreen lines overlapping solder pads.
51 </li>
52 <li> 12/23/2003 - added comments about new CVS PCB versions which
53 have the m4 and newlib directories default installed under
54 /usr/share or /usr/local/share.
55 </li>
56 </ul>
57 </li>
58 </blockquote>
60 <h3> Terminology </h3>
61 <blockquote>
62 With gschem, you add symbols representing electronic components to a
63 schematic. A symbol is a group of pins, attributes, and lines showing
64 an iconic representation of an electronic component.
65 Pins in symbols are connected to other pins by drawing a net
66 connection between them. Attributes are just named tags attached to
67 symbols to convey some bit of information. For using the schematic with PCB,
68 there are three of these attributes which are relevant and must be
69 specified. Each added symbol should have a <b>footprint, value,</b> and
70 <b>refdes</b> attribute.
71 <p>
72 The schematic <b>footprint</b> attribute value of a symbol is the name of the
73 PCB element to be placed on the layout for that instance of the symbol.
74 A PCB element is a group of pins, pads, and silk layer outlines physically
75 corresponding
76 to electronic components. It is probably a source of confusion for
77 newcomers to PCB that elements are of two different types. There are the
78 original m4 macro generated PCB elements and since PCB version 1.7
79 there are also the
80 newlib style file elements. A file element is a single fixed element
81 in a single file. However, many m4 macro element definitions may exist in a
82 single m4 element file. The macros can be given arguments to provide
83 programmable elements of variable number of pins or spacings.
84 Using these two types will be covered
85 in this tutorial and I will be referring to
86 these distinct element types as
87 <b>m4 elements</b> and <b>file elements</b>.
88 When rou run PCB, the gschem <b>footprint</b> attribute
89 value will appear as the displayed element name when you
90 select <b>description</b> from the <b>Screen</b> menu because gsch2pcb
91 uses this field to keep track of which <b>footprint</b> corresponds
92 to a particular PCB element.
93 <p>
94 The gschem <b>refdes</b> attribute value is the reference designator
95 on the schematic such as Q1, U1, R1, etc. When you run PCB, this
96 refdes will appear as the displayed element name when you select
97 <b>name on PCB</b> from the <b>Screen</b> menu.
98 <p>
99 The gschem <b>value</b> attribute value is the particular component value
100 such as BC546, 7400, 1K, etc. When you run PCB, this
101 <b>value</b> will appear as the displayed element name when you select
102 <b>value</b> from the <b>Screen</b> menu.
103 </blockquote>
106 <h3> Setup </h3>
107 <blockquote>
108 You should have a directory structure in mind for organizing your
109 design projects. The install of gEDA
110 and PCB gives you a set of default gschem symbols and
111 default PCB elements, but you can also provide for creating your own custom
112 libraries of gschem symbols and PCB elements.
113 <ul>
114 <li> Somewhere, probably under your home directory, create your
115 directory structure. Use directory names you like, but
116 this tutorial will reference the directory name structure
117 I use:
118 <blockquote><pre>
119 gaf/
120 gaf/gschem-sym/ Where I put the custom gschem symbols I create.
121 gaf/gschem-sym/transistors/ You can organize your custom symbols into subdirectories.
122 gaf/pcb-elements/ Where I put the custom PCB file elements I create.
123 These can also be organized into subdirectories.
124 gaf/myproject1/
125 gaf/myproject2/
127 </pre></blockquote>
128 With this organization, your custom gschem symbols and PCB elements can
129 be common to all of your projects and is good enough to get you started.
130 However, I'll mention other possibilities which will be revealed
131 below. There can be project specific PCB <b>file element</b>
132 subdirectories or <b>m4 element</b> files. Or, CAD administrators can
133 set up site wide custom PCB <b>file element</b> directories and
134 <b>m4 element</b> files.
136 </li>
138 <li> <b>gschem setup: </b> So gschem will be able to find any custom
139 symbols you will make and put in <b>gaf/gschem-sym</b> create the
140 file <b>~/.gEDA/gschemrc</b> with this content (plus an entry for each
141 additional <b>gschem-sym </b> subdirectory you want):
142 <blockquote><pre>
143 (component-library "${HOME}/gaf/gschem-sym")
144 (component-library "${HOME}/gaf/gschem-sym/transistors")
145 </pre></blockquote>
146 <b>gnetlist setup: </b> gnetlist will also need to find these symbols
147 so duplicate those lines into <b>~/.gEDA/gnetlistrc</b>.
149 If you want a more detailed customization of gschem and gnetlist, you
150 can override other initializations that are setup in the global rc files.
151 In Debian, look at rc files in <b>/etc/gEDA/</b> for settings
152 you can make.
153 For example, I like the light gschem background, so I also put in
154 my <b>~/.gEDA/gschemrc</b> the line:
155 <blockquote><pre>
156 (load (string-append gedadatarc "/gschem-lightbg")) ; light background
157 </pre></blockquote>
158 </li>
159 <li> <b>PCB setup: </b> A PCB distribution usually is set up so that
160 PCB will automatically look in a <b>packages</b> subdirectory of the
161 working directory. So, to make PCB find all the custom elements I
162 put in <b>gaf/pcb-elements</b> I make a link in each of my project
163 directories. Note that this link is actually not required when using
164 gsch2pcb because, as described below, you may alternatively
165 specify the <b>pcb-elements</b> directory in a
166 <b>project</b> file. But if you do want to make the link,
167 in directory <b>gaf/myproject1</b> enter the command:
168 <blockquote><pre>
169 ln -s ../pcb-elements packages
170 </pre></blockquote>
171 </li>
172 <li> <b> gsch2pcb setup: </b> In each of your project directories, create
173 a gsch2pcb project file which can be named anything that does not
174 end in <i>.sch</i>.
175 A poject file will be created in the example below.
176 </li>
177 </ul>
178 This is all the setup you need beyond the initial install of the
179 gschem, gsch2pcb, and PCB packages.
180 </blockquote>
182 <a name="SIMPLE_EXAMPLE">
183 <h3> Simple Example </h3>
184 <blockquote>
185 Let's generate a trivial design from schematics to PCB layout
186 almost as quickly as possible and then we can use it as a base for
187 doing some more advanced stuff. I'll complicate it just a bit by
188 making it a two schematic design.
190 Assuming you setup the directory structure described
191 above, go to the <b>gaf/myproject1</b> directory and create
192 a file named <b>project</b> with this content:
193 <blockquote><pre>
194 schematics one.sch two.sch
195 output-name board
196 </pre></blockquote>
197 <h4> Create schematic: one.sch</h4>
198 <blockquote>
199 If you are using gschem for the first time, try stepping through
200 this simple
201 <a href="gschem-warmup.html" name="gschem-warmup.html">gschem warmup. </a>
202 <br>
203 Run <b>gschem one.sch</b> and create this schematic (the second opamp
204 is redundant, but this is just a tutorial):
206 <table border=1>
207 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
208 <td>
209 <img src="images/one-sch-1.png" alt="images/one-sch-1.png"
210 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>one.sch</center>
211 </td>
212 <td>
213 <ul>
214 <li> Add component <b>title-B.sym</b> from the <b>titleblock</b>
215 library. Hit keys <b>ve</b> to zoom to the titleblock extents.
216 Lock the titleblock with the menu <b>Edit->Lock</b>.
217 <li> Add components:<br>
218 From the <b>analog</b> library three <b>resistor-1.sym</b> and
219 two <b>dual-opamp-1.sym</b>.<br>
220 From the <b>io</b> library one <b>output-2.sym</b>.<br>
221 From the <b>power</b> library one <b>gnd-1.sym</b>
222 two <b>vcc-1.sym</b> and two <b>vee-1.sym</b>
223 </li>
224 <li> Move components with the middle mouse button and rotate
225 selected components by hitting keys <b>er</b> until everything
226 is placed nicely. Rotate the bottom opamp and mirror it with
227 the <b>ei</b> keys.
228 </li>
229 <li> Use the <b>n</b> key and the mouse to draw net connections.
230 </li>
231 </ul>
232 </td>
233 </tr>
234 </table>
236 Edit the attributes of the components on the schematic.
238 <table border=1>
239 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
240 <td>
241 <img src="images/one-sch-2.png" alt="images/one-sch-2.png"
242 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>one.sch</center>
243 </td>
244 <td>
245 For each component, select it and bring up its attributes
246 window by hitting keys <b>ee</b>. Do not edit the <b>refdes</b>
247 attribute here, but do make these edits:
248 <ul>
249 <li> For resistors and the opamps, add visible <b>value</b>
250 attributes and assign appropriate values to them (10K, TL072).
251 Move these newly visible attributes to nice locations with the
252 middle mouse button. Zoom in and repeat clicking the middle mouse
253 button if it is difficult to select them.
255 </li>
256 <li> For the resistors, add a <b>footprint</b> attribute and
257 give it the value <b>R025</b> which is the PCB <i>m4 element</i>
258 for a 1/4 watt resistor. Make this attribute invisible.
259 </li>
260 <li> For the opamps, edit the already existing <b>footprint</b>
261 attribute to be <b>DIL 8 300</b>. Yes, include those spaces
262 because <b>DIL</b> is a <b>m4 element</b> that takes two args.
263 We're telling it to make a dual in line package with 8 pins in a
264 300 mil package.
265 Edit the <b>slot</b> attribute of
266 the second opamp to be <b>2</b>. Its I/O pin numbers should
267 change from (1,2,3) to (5,6,7).
268 </li>
269 <li> For the output module port, edit its <b>net</b> attribute
270 to be <b>vmixer:1</b> and make it invisible. Edit its <b>value</b>
271 attribute to be <b>Vmixer</b>.
272 </li>
273 </ul>
274 </td>
275 </tr>
276 </table>
278 It may have occurred to you that this editing will be painful for a
279 schematic with a large number of components that don't have reasonable
280 initial attribute values. At least for the footprints,
281 there are a couple of things that could help. You can create your own
282 library symbols having an initial <b>footprint</b> (and even <b>value</b>)
283 attribute default that covers most of your uses. Or, when you add your
284 first component, edit it to have a good footprint default and then copy it
285 (select it and hit the <b>ec</b> keys) for all
286 remaining components instead of adding them from the library.<br>
287 Anyway, we're done for now with <b>one.sch</b>, so save it with
288 the menu <b>File->Save Page</b> and quit gschem.
289 </blockquote>
290 <h4> Create schematic: two.sch</h4>
291 <blockquote>
292 This will be really trivial and stupid since we're doing it only to
293 demonstrate multiple schematic capability. Run <b>gschem two.sch:</b>
295 </blockquote>
296 <table border=1>
297 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
298 <td>
299 <img src="images/two-sch-1.png" alt="images/two-sch-1.png"
300 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>two.sch</center>
301 </td>
302 <td>
303 <ul>
304 <li> Add component <b>title-B.sym</b> as you did in one.sch.
305 <li> Add components:<br>
306 From the <b>io</b> library one <b>input-2.sym</b>.<br>
307 From the <b>analog</b> library one <b>resistor-1.sym</b>.<br>
308 From the <b>transistor</b> library one <b>2N3904-1.sym</b>.<br>
309 From the <b>power</b> library one <b>gnd-1.sym</b>,
310 one <b>vcc-1.sym</b> and one <b>vee-1.sym</b>.<br>
311 From the <b>connector</b> library one <b>BNC-1.sym</b>
312 </li>
313 <li> Move components and draw nets as before.
314 </li>
315 <li> Edit component attributes:<br>
316 Input module port: edit <b>net</b> attribute to be invisible
317 and have value <b>vmixer:1</b>
318 so this net will be connected
319 to the <b>vmixer</b> in one.sch.
320 Make the <b>value</b> attribute be <b>Vmixer</b>.<br>
321 Resistor: give it invisible <b>footprint</b> attribute
322 <b>R025</b>
323 and a visible <b>value</b> attribute 10K.<br>
324 Transistor: add <b>value</b> attribute <b>2N3904</b> and
325 invisible <b>footprint</b> attribute <b>TO92</b>.<br>
326 BNC connector: add invisible <b>footprint</b> attribute
327 <b>CONNECTOR 2 1</b>.
328 which is a <b>m4 element</b> that takes arguments
329 and we're telling it to make a connector with 2 rows and 1 column.
330 We put a BNC connector on the schematic, but I'm pretending
331 we'll just jumper wires from this pc board header to a panel
332 mounted connector.
333 </li>
334 </ul>
335 </td>
336 </tr>
337 </table>
338 <blockquote>
340 Unfortunately, the 2N3904 symbol we added has the text "2N3904" as an
341 integral part of its symbol. So when we add the <b>value</b> attribute
342 (which we want so the PCB layout will show appropriate values), there are
343 two "2N3904" designations visible on our schematic unless we would
344 make the <b>value</b>
345 attribute invisible. This is not good and for this example
346 we have to live with it, but note that in most cases it's not a good
347 idea to hardwire information into symbols like this.
348 Also the default <b>device</b> attribute
349 is wrong and should be <b>NPN_TRANSISTOR</b> but it won't affect
350 this tutorial. This is just to inform you that currently there
351 are some symbols in gschem that carry over outdated
352 attribute usage from older versions of gschem. If you get into
353 running spice on schematics, then your symbols will need to have
354 proper <b>device</b> attributes.
356 Now we are done with the schematics except for assigning <b>refdes</b>
357 attributes and we can use the command <b>refdes_renum</b> to do this
358 for both schematics at once. So, save <b>two.sch</b>, quit gschem and run:
359 <blockquote><pre>
360 $ refdes_renum --pgskip one.sch two.sch
361 </pre></blockquote>
362 and run gschem on the schematics again to see how the components
363 have been given a <b>refdes</b> attribute. The <i>--pgksip</i> option
364 makes numbering begin at 101 for one.sch and at 201 for two.sch.
365 But you should know that
366 running <b>refdes_renum</b> is really only useful for an initial
367 numbering. If you later edit your schematics and add or delete
368 components, there is no guarantee when rerunning <b>refdes_renum</b>
369 that components will keep an
370 existing <b>refdes</b> value. If in the meantime you've generated
371 a pc board using gsch2pcb, this reference designator number mixup
372 will put your schematics out of sync with your PCB layout. So,
373 after you initially run <b>refdes_renum</b> and start a PCB
374 layout, to be safe you will
375 need to manually add (unique) <b>refdes</b> attributes for any
376 schematic components you might add. Also note that <b>refdes_renum</b> may
377 number your resistors differently than it did for my examples here
378 depending on the order in which resistors were added. Keep that in
379 mind when comparing your eventual PCB layout to what you see in the
380 images below.
381 </blockquote>
382 <h4> Generate PCB Files from Schematics</h4>
383 <blockquote>
384 We have to fix one thing in <b>one.sch</b> before we can proceed.
385 Run <b>gschem one.sch</b> and notice that <b>refdes_renum</b> has
386 given our opamps <b>refdes</b> values of <b>U101</b> and <b>U102</b>
387 and did not know we really want to be using two opamps out of a single
388 TL072 package. That's why we edited the <b>slot</b> attribute of the
389 second opamp. We have to go back and fix this by editing the
390 <b>refdes</b> attribute of the second opamp to be <b>U101</b> so
391 both opamps will have the same <b>refdes</b>
392 and there will be only one TL072 package on our pc board.
394 Now, since we have already set up a gsch2pcb <b>project</b> file,
395 all we need to do to create an initial set of PCB files is to run
396 gsch2pcb:
397 <blockquote><pre>
398 ~/gaf/myproject1$ gsch2pcb project
399 0 file elements and 7 m4 elements added to board.pcb.
400 </pre></blockquote>
401 Since the project file specifed <b>board</b> as the output-name,
402 the PCB files created are named <b>board.pcb</b> and <b></b>.
404 If you get output from gsch2pcb like:
405 <i>2 unknown elements added to board.pcb.</i>, then run with the -v
406 flag: <b>gsch2pcb -v project</b> and the gsch2pcb output will tell
407 you which schematic components don't have a known <b>footprint</b>. Either
408 you forgot to add the attribute, the
409 attribute value is wrong,
410 or the PCB element for it is missing from your installation. But if
411 gsch2pcb can't find any elements and all 7 are unknown, then probably
412 gsch2pcb can't find your PCB m4 install directory. In this case,
413 look at the first part of the
414 <a href="tutorial.html#CUSTOM_M4"> Custom M4 Elements </a> section.
415 </blockquote>
417 <h4> Layout PCB Files</h4>
418 <blockquote>
419 When you run PCB on a <b>.pcb</b> file for the first time as in Step 1
420 below, you should set up various intial values. I usually set a
421 25 mil grid spacing with <b>Screen->25 mil</b> for the bulk of my
422 layout work and then change grid spacing to smaller values as needed
423 for tight layout situations. You should also set the default line
424 and via sizes you
425 want for Signal, Power, Fat, and Skinny drawing in the
426 <b>Sizes->adjust...</b> menu. Then select the routing style you want
427 to use from the <b>Sizes</b> menu. You can set your
428 board size now or wait until later with <b>Edit->change board size</b>.
429 And it may be useful to you to set <b>Screen->display grid</b>.
431 </blockquote>
432 <table cellspacing=10>
433 <tr>
434 <td>
435 <table border=1>
436 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
437 <td>
438 <img src="images/board-1.png" alt="images/board-1.png"
439 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 1</center>
440 </td>
441 <td>
442 Run <b>pcb board.pcb</b>
444 You'll see grouped into a big pile the PCB elements for all
445 the schematic component footprints.
446 </td>
447 </tr></table>
448 </td>
449 <td>
450 <table border=1>
451 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
453 <td>
454 <img src="images/board-2.png" alt="images/board-2.png"
455 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 2</center>
456 </td>
457 <td>
458 Use the middle mouse button to grab and move elements one
459 at a time until you have separated all the elements.
460 </td>
461 </tr></table>
462 </td>
463 </tr>
465 <tr>
466 <td>
467 <table border=1>
468 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
469 <td>
470 <img src="images/board-3.png" alt="images/board-3.png"
471 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 3</center>
472 </td>
473 <td>
474 <ul>
475 <li><b>File->load netlist file</b> and select <b></b>
476 </li>
477 <li><b>Connects->optimize rats-nest</b>
478 </li>
479 <li>As you move elements around in later steps,
480 it will clean up the lines to re-do the optimize rats-nest.
481 </li>
482 </ul>
483 </tr></table>
484 </td>
485 <td>
486 <table border=1>
487 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
489 <td>
490 <img src="images/board-4.png" alt="images/board-4.png"
491 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 4</center>
492 </td>
493 <td>
494 Select the <b>ROT</b> tool and move elements with the
495 middle mouse button and rotate them with the left mouse
496 button until the rats-nest lines look minimized. Hit the
497 <b>f</b> key with the mouse on a pin to highlight
498 particular routes to help visualize the routes. <b>Shift f</b>
499 to unhighlight.
500 </td>
501 </tr></table>
502 </td>
503 </tr>
504 </table>
506 <blockquote>
507 Note: you can use the PCB auto placement feature instead of
508 manually placing the components as described above. To do this
509 you would load the netlist, select the components you want to be
510 autoplaced (if this is the first PCB run, just <b>Select->select all
511 objects</b>) then do <b>Select->auto place selected elements</b>.
512 Then you can manually tune the PCB generated placements.
514 At this point you can start routing traces between pins connected
515 by rats nest lines. On the left PCB toolbar,
516 select the <b>LINE</b> tool, select the layer you want to draw on
517 (solder, component, etc), and start drawing lines by selecting
518 endpoints with the left
519 mouse button. Again, it can help to use the <b>f</b> key to highlight
520 routes that need to be connected.
521 If you want to stop the current trace so you can start
522 drawing a new trace somewhere else, finish the current trace with
523 a middle mouse click. Or you can play with auto routing here.
525 A very useful operation with the <b>SEL</b>
526 tool is to select multiple objects and then cut or copy them to a
527 buffer with the menu <b>Buffer->cut selection to buffer</b> (or copy).
528 You can immediately paste the buffer contents or abort the current
529 paste by selecting another tool. The buffer contents can be pasted
530 any time later with <b>Buffer->paste buffer to layout</b>. With
531 this you can move layout
532 areas around or step and repeat common trace patterns. To
533 select multiple objects with the <b>SEL</b> tool, click and drag
534 to select rectangular regions, and SHIFT click to toggle additional
535 selections to the currently selected set.
537 When you've finished routing the traces (PCB will congratulate you if all
538 traces are routed when you optimze the rats nest) the board can look
539 something like this. For this view I've selected <b>Screen->value</b>.
541 <center><table border=1>
542 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
543 <td>
544 <img src="images/board-5.png" alt="images/board-5.png"
545 border="0" align="top">
546 </td>
547 </tr>
548 </table></center>
550 You will want more information on using PCB and there is a set
551 of html docs in the PCB source tarball. I don't know of a link to
552 put here, but you can get the latest tarball from the
553 <a href=""
554 name="1.99 development">PCB 1.99 development </a> site.
555 Or the docs may be installed somewhere on your system.
556 The Debian package has them installed in <b>/usr/share/doc/pcb/html/</b>.
557 </blockquote>
560 <h3>Modifying Schematics</h3>
561 <blockquote>
562 The process of transfering schematic modifications to your PCB layout is
563 made very simple by using gsch2pcb. After the first <b>board.pcb</b>
564 was created when you initially ran gsch2pcb,
565 each time you run gschem on
566 your schematics and make changes, run <b>gsch2pcb project</b>. Then run
567 <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and do whatever is necessary based on the work
568 gsch2pcb has done. Each time gsch2pcb is run, this will happen:
569 <ul>
570 <li> gsch2pcb always generates a new <b></b>. If the net
571 was changed, load the new netlist file when you run pcb.
572 <li> If you added components (with a footprint attribute) to a schematic
573 gsch2pcb will generate a <b></b> containing all the
574 new PCB elements corresponding to the footprints.
575 You then run <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and load the <b></b>
576 with new elements into
577 the existing layout with <b>File->load layout data to paste-buffer</b>.
578 Place the new elements, load the new netlist, and route new traces.<br>
579 </li>
580 <li> If you deleted components from a schematic, gsch2pcb will delete
581 the corresponding PCB elements from <b>board.pcb</b>. You only
582 need to run <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and clean up dangling traces from
583 around the deleted elements.
584 </li>
585 <li> If you change an existing component's <b>footprint</b>, gsch2pcb
586 will delete the corresponding old element from <b>board.pcb</b>
587 and add the new element to <b></b>.
588 </li>
589 <li> If you changed schematic component <b>value</b> attributes, the
590 value changes will be forward annotated to <b>board.pcb</b> in place.
591 </li>
592 </ul>
593 So by using gsch2pcb, all PCB element changes are driven by the
594 schematics and you should never need to manually add or delete elements
595 for schematic components.
597 However, you will need to manually add PCB
598 elements that are not part of the schematics such as pc board mounting
599 holes. For these manually added PCB elements, make sure you never give
600 them a <b>name on PCB</b> name because that is reserved for schematic
601 component <b>refdes</b> attributes and gsch2pcb will want to delete
602 elements which have a non-empty <b>name on PCB</b> and don't match
603 any schematic component <b>refdes</b>.
605 Now, so far we've only used <b>m4 elements</b> in our layout so let's
606 modify a schematic to use a <b>file element</b>. But first, it would
607 help to know about the default elements PCB provides. Depending
608 on the location of your PCB install there will be a directory
609 <b>/usr/local/share/pcb/newlib, /usr/share/pcb/newlib</b>, or possibly
610 something else (depending on the <i>prefix</i> specified when PCB
611 was installed). PCB versions before 20031113 used <b>pcb_lib</b> instead
612 of <b>newlib</b> in the locations
613 <b>/usr/local/pcb_lib, </b> or <b>/usr/lib/pcb_lib,</b>.
614 Once you find your <b>newlib</b> directory,
615 look at the file names in each subdirectory. Each file name
616 is a name which may be used as a <b>footprint</b> attribute
617 for a schematic component. For example, there is the file
618 <b>xxx/newlib/2_pin_thru-hole_packages/0.125W_Carbon_Resistor</b>
619 so if we wanted 1/8 watt resistors on our layout, we could
620 use <b>0.125W_Carbon_Resistor</b> as the resistor <b>footprint</b>
621 attribute instead of <b>R025</b>. Try changing, say resistor R101 to
622 use <b>0.125W_Carbon_Resistor</b> in <b>one.sch</b> and
623 then run <b>gsch2pcb project</b>. If gsch2pcb does not find
624 this element, then you need to add your <b>newlib</b>
625 directory to your <b>project</b> file with a line like:
626 <blockquote><pre>
627 elements-dir /usr/lib/newlib
628 </pre></blockquote>
629 If gsch2pcb does find it, you will get:
630 <blockquote><pre>
631 ~/gaf/myproject1$ gsch2pcb project
632 board.pcb is backed up as board.pcb.bak1.
633 1 elements deleted from board.pcb.
634 1 file elements and 0 m4 elements added to
635 </pre></blockquote>
636 Now you need to run <b>pcb board.pcb</b>. You will see that the
637 element for resistor R101 is gone and that you will get the
638 new element by loading <b></b> with
639 <b>File->load layout data to paste-buffer</b>.
643 </blockquote>
645 <h3>Custom gschem Symbols</h3>
646 <blockquote>
647 A common way to generate a custom symbol is to start with an
648 existing symbol and modify it. One thing I don't like about
649 the <b>dual-opamp-1.sym</b> we used is that the power pins are
650 repeated on each symbol. While some will prefer this, I
651 think it makes a page full of opamps
652 look a little cluttered and it presents a good opportunity to
653 learn about <b>net</b> attributes in this tutorial.
654 It's possible with gschem for symbols to
655 have <b>net</b> attributes which can assign pins to a particular
656 net. Instead of hooking up each opamp pin 8 to Vcc and pin 4 to
657 to Vee on the schematic, we can have that happen automatically and
658 eliminate the pins on the schematic. To do this, just copy the
659 original symbol to our custom gschem symbol directory, giving it
660 a new name, and edit it. Do these
661 steps (however, your gEDA symbol install directory may be something
662 different like <b>/usr/local/share/gEDA/sym/</b>):
663 <blockquote><pre>
664 cd /usr/share/gEDA/sym/analog/
665 cp dual-opamp-1.sym ~/gaf/gschem-sym/opamp-dual.sym
666 cd ~/gaf/gschem-sym
667 gschem opamp-dual.sym
668 </pre></blockquote>
670 </blockquote>
671 <table cellspacing=10>
672 <tr>
673 <td>
674 <table border=1>
675 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
676 <td>
677 <img src="images/gschem-sym-1.png" alt="images/gschem-sym-1.png"
678 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 1</center>
679 </td>
680 <td>
681 <ul>
682 <li>Hit keys <b>en</b> to make attributes visible.
683 </li>
684 <li>Hit keys <b>ve</b> to view extents.
685 </li>
686 <li>Left mouse click on pin 8 to select it.
687 </li>
688 </ul>
690 </td>
691 </tr></table>
692 </td>
693 <td>
694 <table border=1>
695 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
696 <td>
697 <img src="images/gschem-sym-2.png" alt="images/gschem-sym-2.png"
698 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 2</center>
699 </td>
700 <td>
701 <ul>
702 <li>Hit <b>Delete</b> key to delete pin 8.
703 </li>
704 <li>Similarly select and delete pin 4.
705 </li>
706 <li>Double click to select and edit the <b>slotdef</b>
707 lines. Edit them by removing the pins 4 and 8.
708 </ul>
710 </td>
711 </tr></table>
712 </td>
713 </tr>
715 <tr>
716 <td>
717 <table border=1>
718 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
719 <td>
720 <img src="images/gschem-sym-3.png" alt="images/gschem-sym-3.png"
721 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 3</center>
722 </td>
723 <td>
724 From the menu <b>Add->Attribute</b>
725 <ul>
726 <li>Add a <b>net</b> attribute with value <b>Vcc:8</b>
727 Select <b>Show Name & Value</b> and make it invisible.
728 </li>
729 <li>Add a <b>net</b> attribute with value <b>Vee:4</b>
730 Make it <b>Show Name & Value</b> and invisible.
731 </li>
732 <li>Make the <b>device</b> attribute be just <b>OPAMP</b>.
733 </li>
734 </ul>
735 Clean up by moving these new attributes as shown.<br>
736 Change the footprint default if you wish.
737 </tr></table>
738 </td>
739 </tr>
740 </table>
742 <blockquote>
743 When all the edits are done, it's very important when editing
744 symbols to do a <b>Edit->Symbol Translate</b> to zero before saving.
745 Do that and then save the symbol with <b>File->Save Page</b>
746 I made the <b>footprint</b> default be <b>DIP8</b> because I have
747 that as a custom element.
749 Run <b>gschem one.sch</b>. Select and delete with the <b>Delete</b>
750 key both opamps. Also delete the <b>Vcc</b> and <b>Vee</b> symbols that
751 were connected to them. Bring up the Add Components window
752 and from the <b>gschem-sym</b> library which should now have your
753 new custom symbol, place two of the <b>opamp-dual.sym</b>
754 Move them to the right place on the schematic and don't forget to
755 mirror and rotate the bottom opamp as before. Edit the attributes
756 of each opamp giving them the same attributes they had, that
757 is make the <b>footprint</b> be <b>DIL 8 300</b>, add a <b>value</b>
758 attribute of <b>TL072</b>, and make the <b>refdes</b> of both
759 opamps be <b>U101</b>. Make the <b>slot</b> of the second opamp
760 be <b>2</b>. If you don't make the attributes the same as they were
761 before, gsch2pcb will think it is a different component and delete the
762 existing <b>DIL</b> package from the layout. If you did everything
763 right, running gsch2pcb should give:
764 <blockquote><pre>
765 ~/gaf/myproject1$ gsch2pcb project
766 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vcc]
767 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vee]
768 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vcc]
769 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vee]
770 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vcc]
771 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vee]
772 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vcc]
773 Found a cpinlist head with a netname! [Vee]
774 No elements to add so not creating
775 </pre></blockquote>
776 Where the gEDA gnetlist program seems a bit excited about finding the new
777 Vcc and Vee <b>net</b> attributes we just added, and a new netlist
778 was generated. Now I think the schematic looks
779 cleaner:
781 <center><table border=1>
782 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
783 <td>
784 <img src="images/one-sch-3.png" alt="images/one-sch-3.png"
785 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>one.sch</center>
786 </td>
787 </tr>
788 </table></center>
790 And if you run <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and load the new netlist and then
791 optimize the rats nest, PCB should tell you the board is complete
792 which means connecting the opamp power pins via the <b>net</b>
793 attribute has worked.
795 For complete details on making symbols, read through the
796 Symbol Creation Document on the
797 <a href=""
798 name="gEDA Documentation"> gEDA Documentation </a> page.<br>
799 </blockquote>
804 <h3>Custom <i>file elements</i></h3>
805 <blockquote>
806 You can create custom <b>file elements</b>
807 in the middle of running PCB on any layout or you can run PCB
808 just for making the element. As a demonstration, lets make a
809 custom element for a 1N4004 diode. There are axial packages
810 provided by PCB, but we want to be sure the drill size will be
811 right for this 1 amp
812 diode with slightly fatter leads. It needs about a 42 mil (#58) drill.
814 Run <b>pcb</b> and the first thing to do is go to the <b>Sizes</b>
815 menu and select <b>adjust "Signal" sizes</b>. Set the via hole
816 to 42 and the via size to 70 or larger as you like. Then make
817 sure you use this via
818 size by selecting <b>Sizes->use "Signal" routing style</b>. Select
819 <b>Screen->25 mil</b> and <b>Screen->display grid</b>.
820 Zoom in a couple of steps, then make the element:
822 </blockquote>
823 <table cellspacing=10>
824 <tr>
825 <td>
826 <table border=1>
827 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
828 <td>
829 <img src="images/pcb-el-1.png" alt="images/pcb-el-1.png"
830 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 1</center>
831 </td>
832 <td>
833 <ul>
834 <li>Select the <b>VIA</b> tool and place two vias 400 mils
835 apart.</li>
836 <li>With the mouse on the left via, hit the <b>n</b>
837 key and give the via the name <b>1</b>. Give the
838 right via the name <b>2</b>
839 </li>
840 <li> Pin 1 will be the cathode and this must agree with the
841 pin numbers in your diode gschem symbol.
842 </li>
843 </ul>
845 </td>
846 </tr></table>
847 </td>
848 <td>
849 <table border=1>
850 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
851 <td>
852 <img src="images/pcb-el-2.png" alt="images/pcb-el-2.png"
853 border="0" align="top"><br> <center>Step 2</center>
854 </td>
855 <td>
856 <ul>
857 <li>Select the <b>Silk</b> layer and the <b>LINE</b> tool.
858 </li>
859 <li>Draw the component outline as shown with line width set
860 to 10 mils and the grid setting set to 10 mils.
861 </li>
862 <li>Draw the left fat cathode indicator with three lines after
863 setting the line width to 20 mils.
864 </li>
865 <li> Don't let silk layer lines overlap solder pads. </li>
866 </ul>
868 </td>
869 </tr></table>
870 </td>
871 </tr>
872 </table>
873 <blockquote>
875 Select the vias and the outline just drawn using the <b>SEL</b> tool
876 and finish making the element:
877 <ul>
878 <li><b>Buffer->cut selection to buffer</b> and move the cursor
879 to the center of the left via and click.
880 </li>
881 <li><b>Buffer->convert buffer to element</b>
882 </li>
883 <li><b>Buffer->save buffer elements to file</b> and navigate to
884 <b>~/gaf/pcb-elements</b> and save the element as
885 <b>D400-1A</b> since it's a package for a 1A diode with
886 400 mil spaced pins. Or give it any descriptive name you like.
887 </ul>
888 <b>Note:</b> if you save the element with a name which is the same
889 as a <b>m4 element</b>, gsch2pcb will preferentially use the m4
890 element unless you give gsch2pcb the --use-files (or -f) option.
891 You may put <b>use-files</b> in a project file if you want to always
892 give priority to using <b>file elements</b>. The m4 element names appear
893 to use upper case, so you could also avoid the problem by using
894 lower case in your file element names. Also, the only way I know to make
895 the pin 1 of the symbol square is to edit the D400-1A file manually and
896 change the square flag in the Pin "1" line. For example, change the
897 line:
898 <blockquote><pre>
899 Pin(0 0 70 20 70 42 "" "1" 0x00000001)
901 Pin(0 0 70 20 70 42 "" "1" 0x00000101)
902 </pre></blockquote>
904 You can now use <b>D400-1A</b> in a gschem schematic symbol
905 <b>footprint</b> attribute and gsch2pcb will find it provided
906 you have made the <b>packages</b> link described in the <b>Setup</b>
907 section. If you have not made that link, you can still tell gsch2pcb
908 about the elements directory with a line in a project file:
909 <blockquote><pre>
910 elements-dir ~/gaf/pcb-elements
911 </pre></blockquote>
913 Possibly you've noticed, but there are some things not right about the
914 <b>myproject1</b> example. For one thing, silk layer lines are
915 overlapping solder pads on some of the elements, and for another,
916 the transistor is backwards on the layout!
917 You otherwise shouldn't have a problem like this when working
918 with gschem and PCB, but transistor pin numbering can be confusing.
919 If you will be using transistors in your designs, here's a description
920 of my approach to
921 making sure my gschem transistor symbol pin numbering is
922 coordinated with PCB element pin numbers:
923 <a href="transistor-guide.html" name="transistor-guide.html">
924 transistor guide.</a>
926 From the transistor guide, you can see that the problem here is that
927 the <b>TO92</b> element has its pins numbered
928 in the less common (3,2,1) configuration while the <b>2N3904-1.sym</b>
929 is like a npn-ebc symbol which needs a (1,2,3) numbering. You can
930 see the 2N3904 pin numbers in gschem by hitting the <b>en</b> keys
931 (and don't be confused by the <b>pinseq</b> attribute that nearly
932 covers up the <b>pinnumber</b>). And in PCB, you can see the <b>TO92</b>
933 pin numbers by hitting the <b>d</b> key with the mouse over
934 the element. To be sure you are seeing pin numbers and not pin
935 names, select <b>Screen->pinout shows number</b>.
937 I have libraries with transistor symbols and elements that you might
938 find useful, so as a convenience you can get your custom
939 libraries initially populated by installing my
940 <a href="gsch2pcb-libs-20040110.tar.gz"
941 name="gsch2pcb-libs-20040110.tar.gz"> gschem/PCB libraries </a>.
942 Untar them under ~/gaf to mirror the setup of our example
943 and there will also be a
944 <b>~/gaf/pcb-elements.Readme</b> which documents the PCB elements.
945 <blockquote>
946 <i>Note: as of 1/10/2004 I've corrected the tarball pcb elements
947 to not overlap solder pads with silk layer lines.</i>
948 </blockquote>
949 If you untar them somewhere else,
950 you will need to make sure that gschem knows about them with
951 gschemrc/gnetlistrc <b>component-library</b> lines and that
952 gsch2pcb can find them with <b>elements-dir</b> lines in a
953 project file.
955 If you install them, you can fix Q201 in <b>two.sch</b>
956 by changing its footprint to <b>TO-92</b> which is my custom
957 element with (1,2,3) pin numbering.
958 Then run <b>gsch2pcb project</b>
959 and then <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and load the new element for
960 the transistor. In the next images, <b>two.sch</b> is showing
961 the <b>footprint</b> attribute visible to emphasize it, and it also
962 shows a new symbol for the 2N3904 which I created from my
963 custom <b>npn-ebc.sym</b> as described in my transistor guide.
964 In the updated board.pcb layout,
965 if you compare the outline appearance of the transistor to the original
966 layout you see that the orientation is now correct and that silk layer
967 lines don't overlap the solder pads.
968 I also changed the <b>footprint</b> attribute for
969 resistors R102 and R103 in <b>one.sch</b> to my custom
970 1/8 watt <b>R0w8</b> and 1/4 watt <b>R0w4</b> elements to
971 illustrate the differences in style you can have with
972 custom elements. You can also see the R101 style after its
973 footprint was changed to <b>0.125W_Carbon_Resistor</b> as suggested
974 above. As you evaluate the differences in these styles, I'll mention
975 that for my custom elements I wanted to maximize room to display
976 value and refdes text (the 0.125W... element body could be a little
977 larger) and I wanted the solder pad diameter a little larger
978 so it will be more forgiving of board fabrication technique.
979 Also, the resistor pin spacing for my <b>R0w4</b> is slightly less
980 than in <b>R025</b> to improve component density.
982 </blockquote>
983 <center><table cellspacing=30>
984 <tr>
985 <td>
986 <table border=1>
987 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
988 <td>
989 <img src="images/two-sch-2.png" alt="images/two-sch-2.png"
990 border="0" align="top"><br><center> two.sch</center>
991 </ul>
992 </td>
993 </tr></table>
994 </td>
995 <td>
996 <table border=1>
997 <tr bgcolor=#b0b0a8>
998 <td>
999 <img src="images/board-6.png" alt="images/board-6.png"
1000 border="0" align="top"><br>
1001 </td>
1002 </tr></table>
1003 </td>
1004 </tr>
1005 </table></center>
1006 <blockquote>
1007 </blockquote>
1009 <a name="CUSTOM_M4">
1010 <h3>Custom <i>m4 elements</i> (Requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)</h3>
1011 <blockquote>
1012 First, some words about how to find out about
1013 the default <b>m4 elements</b>
1014 available in PCB. I think there is some documention forthcoming
1015 in the PCB project, but at this point I don't know of anything
1016 to refer you to
1017 and you can't just look at filenames as you can for
1018 the <b>file elements</b>. Not only that, but many of these elements
1019 require arguments and you need to determine what they are.
1020 So for now all I can say is that the best
1021 way to find out what's available is to read the m4 element files and
1022 for this you need to know where the PCB
1023 m4 files install location is. As of PCB 20031113 this install
1024 directory will most likely be <b>/usr/share/pcb/m4</b> or
1025 <b>/usr/local/share/pcb/m4</b>, while on earlier PCB versions it could be
1026 <b>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/pcb/m4</b> (run <i>gsch2pcb --help</i> or
1027 <i>gsch2pcb -v project</i> to see which of these directories gsch2pcb
1028 is using). But if your install is somewhere else you will
1029 have to track it down. By the way, if the m4 directory <i>is</i> somewhere
1030 different from the above three, then gsch2pcb won't be finding your
1031 <b>m4 elements</b> in the above examples and you will need to add
1032 the correct m4 directory to your <b>project</b> file with a line like:
1033 <blockquote><pre>
1034 m4-pcbdir /path/to/pcb/m4
1035 </pre></blockquote>
1037 Just read the <b>.inc</b> files in the m4 install directory. For
1038 example, in the <b></b> file you will find the <b>R025</b> element
1039 we've used and it starts out with:
1040 <blockquote><pre>
1041 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1042 # the definition of a resistor (0.25W) package
1043 # $1: canonical name
1044 # $2: name on PCB
1045 # $3: value
1046 define(`PKG_R025',
1047 `Element(0x00 "$1" "$2" "$3" 120 30 0 100 0x00)
1050 </pre></blockquote>
1051 The information you can extract from this is that a m4 <b>PKG_</b> macro
1052 named <b>R025</b> is being defined and it takes 3 arguments. Now, all PCB
1053 <b>m4 element</b> macros take at least three
1054 arguments and these are automatically
1055 filled in by gsch2pcb with the gschem attributes <b>footprint</b> for
1056 <b>canonical name</b>, <b>refdes</b> for <b>name on PCB</b>, and
1057 <b>value</b> for <b>value</b>. The "canonical name" used in these
1058 m4 files is just an older way of referring to the current PCB usage of
1059 <b>description</b> as mentioned above in the <b>Terminology</b> section.
1060 Since these args are automatically filled in, you don't need to specify
1061 any additional args to <b>R025</b> when you use it as a gschem
1062 <b>footprint</b>. But now look at the very next m4 element define
1063 in <b></b>:
1064 <blockquote><pre>
1065 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1066 # the definition of a SIL package without a common pin
1067 # $1: canonical name
1068 # $2: name on PCB
1069 # $3: value
1070 # $4: number of pins
1071 define(`PKG_SIL',
1072 `define(`MAXY', `eval(`$4' * 100 -50)')
1073 Element(0x00 "$1" "$2" "$3" 160 10 3 100 0x00)
1076 </pre></blockquote>
1077 From this you can determine there is a <b>SIL</b> package you can use
1078 as a <b>footprint</b>. It has 4 arguments, but only the first three are
1079 handled automatically so there is one argument you must give when using it.
1080 You get a flash of insight and realize this is a "Single In Line" package!
1081 So, instead of the <b>CONNECTOR 2 1</b> element specifying 1 column we used
1082 in our example above, you might think we could have used <b>SIL 2</b>.
1083 But you would be wrong! Because if you read the macro body you will see
1084 that if the argument is <b>2</b> the second forloop can't handle it.
1085 In fact, it will only work for arguments >= 4. If you ever run gsch2pcb
1086 and it appears stuck in an infinite loop, a m4 macro argument problem
1087 is likely the cause. As you look through <b></b> here's a summary
1088 of what you will find as possible elements you can use:
1089 <blockquote><pre>
1090 Package Args you need to supply
1091 SD 1 number of pins of a ZIP package
1092 MULTIWATT15 0
1093 R025 0
1094 SIL 1 number of pins (we know now must be >= 4)
1095 CSIL 1 number of pins
1096 QFP132 0
1097 LED 1 diameter of LED
1098 DIODE_LAY 1 pin separation
1099 AXIAL_LAY 1 pin separation
1100 CRYSTAL 1 package width
1101 OSC 0
1102 ISA8 0
1103 OVEN_OSC 0
1105 SMD_BASE 2 length and width of surface mount device
1106 SMD_CHIP 1 package length
1108 </pre></blockquote>
1109 And so on for the other <b>.inc</b> files...
1112 The reality is that the m4 setup is less user friendly (you can't create
1113 the elements graphically) and more complicated (you need to understand
1114 m4 macros) than the simple
1115 <b>file element</b> approach. So for most of your custom elements I
1116 suggest you are better off staying with <b>file elements</b>. However,
1117 with the m4 macro method a single element
1118 definition that takes arguments gives you a programmable
1119 element which can be very useful for large pin count packages.
1120 It is particularly nice for IC packages with variable widths
1121 and number of pins, so a good example
1122 of using a custom <b>m4 element</b> would be to copy and modify to
1123 our taste the existing
1124 m4 macro for IC packages (the <b>DIL</b> macro) into a m4 file gsch2pcb
1125 will search. The destination m4 file can be any of these:
1126 <ul>
1127 <li><b></b> in our <b>myproject1</b> directory and the custom
1128 element will be local to this project.
1129 </li>
1130 <li><b>~/.pcb/</b> and the element will be known to all of
1131 our projects.
1132 </li>
1133 <li><b>/path/to/anyfile</b> if this path is made known to gsch2pcb
1134 by adding a line to a project file like:
1135 <blockquote><pre>
1136 m4-file /path/to/anyfile
1137 </pre></blockquote>
1138 Depending on whether you want the file known only to this
1139 project, to all of your projects, or to all projects of all
1140 users, this line may be added to any of the project files:
1141 <blockquote><pre>
1142 ~/gaf/myproject1/project
1143 ~/.gsch2pcb
1144 /usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb
1145 /etc/gsch2pcb
1146 </pre></blockquote>
1147 </li>
1148 </ul>
1150 For this tutorial, I'll use the first <b></b> way, so copy over
1151 the existing macro file:
1152 <blockquote><pre>
1153 cd /usr/local/share/pcb/m4 (or /usr/share/pcb/m4 or /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/pcb/m4)
1154 cp ~/gaf/myproject1/
1155 cd ~/gaf/myproject1
1156 </pre></blockquote>
1158 Now, edit the <b></b> file you just copied and cut everything
1159 out except for the PKG_DIL macro. Change the name of
1160 the package to something like PKG_DILFAT because the change we'll make
1161 will be to make larger diameter pins. Actually, we could leave the name
1162 alone and our new definition would override the old one, but for now
1163 let's go with the new name. Change the pin diameter from <b>60</b>
1164 to <b>70</b> on the <b>PIN</b> lines.
1165 When done, this should
1166 be the entire contents of the new <b></b> file:
1167 <blockquote><pre>
1168 # -------------------------------------------------------------------
1169 # the definition of a dual-inline package N and similar types
1170 # $1: canonical name
1171 # $2: name on PCB
1172 # $3: value
1173 # $4: number of pins
1174 # $5: package size (300, 600, 900 + 100 for socket space)
1176 define(`PKG_DILFAT',
1177 `define(`MAXY', `eval(`$4' / 2 * 100)')
1178 define(`MAXX', `eval(`$5' + 100)')
1179 define(`CENTERX', `eval(MAXX / 2)')
1180 Element(0x00 "$1" "$2" "$3" eval(CENTERX + 20) 100 3 100 0x00)
1182 forloop(`i', 1, eval($4 / 2),
1183 `PIN(50, eval(i * 100 -50), 70, 28, i)
1185 forloop(`i', 1, eval($4 / 2),
1186 `PIN(eval(MAXX -50), eval(MAXY - i * 100 +50), 70, 28, eval(i + $4/2))
1188 ElementLine(0 0 0 MAXY 10)
1189 ElementLine(0 MAXY MAXX MAXY 10)
1190 ElementLine(MAXX MAXY MAXX 0 10)
1191 ElementLine(0 0 eval(CENTERX - 50) 0 10)
1192 ElementLine(eval(CENTERX + 50) 0 MAXX 0 10)
1193 ElementArc(CENTERX 0 50 50 0 180 10)
1194 Mark(50 50)
1196 </pre></blockquote>
1198 Run <b>gschem one.sch</b> and edit the <b>footprint</b> attribute of
1199 the opamps to be <b>DILFAT 8 300</b>.
1200 Then run <b>gsch2pcb project</b>
1201 and gsch2pcb will remove the <b>DIL</b> element from <b>board.pcb</b>
1202 and add into <b></b> a new <b>DILFAT</b> element from your
1203 custom m4 file <b></b>. Run <b>pcb board.pcb</b> and
1204 load the <b></b> into
1205 your layout. Move the new element with its fatter pins to the location
1206 left vacant by the removal of the old element.
1207 </blockquote>
1209 <h3>Multi-user Setup (requires gsch2pcb >= 1.0)</h3>
1210 <blockquote>
1211 The above examples are oriented towards a single user with projects and
1212 custom gschem and PCB libraries under his home directory. Here's a
1213 way to set up for multiple users who need to share resources:
1214 <ul>
1215 <li> Put site wide custom PCB <b>file elements</b> under, for example,
1216 <b>/usr/local/share/pcb/pcb-elements</b>. Make this directory
1217 searched by gsch2pcb for all users by putting a line into
1218 <b>/etc/gsch2pcb</b> or <b>/usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb</b>:
1219 <pre>
1220 elements-dir /usr/local/share/pcb/pcb-elements
1221 </pre>
1222 If there are any site wide custom PCB <b>m4 element</b> files,
1223 for example, <b>/usr/local/share/pcb/</b>, add another
1224 line into <b>/etc/gsch2pcb</b> or <b>/usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb</b>:
1225 <pre>
1226 m4-file /usr/local/share/pcb/
1227 </pre>
1228 </li>
1229 <li> If the default PCB m4 install is not
1230 <b>/usr/local/share/pcb/m4, /usr/share/pcb/m4,</b> or
1231 <b>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/pcb/m4</b>, then make the install location
1232 known to all users of gsch2pcb by putting into
1233 <b>/etc/gsch2pcb</b> or <b>/usr/local/etc/gsch2pcb</b> the line:
1234 <pre>
1235 m4-pcbdir /path/to/pcb/m4
1236 </pre>
1237 If the m4 program is gm4 instead of m4, add to the gsch2pcb file:
1238 <pre>
1239 m4-command gm4
1240 </pre>
1241 </li>
1242 <li> If there are site wide custom gschem symbols under some
1243 directory, you will have to edit the system gschemrc and gnetlistrc
1244 files and add <b>component-library</b> lines for them.
1245 </li>
1246 </ul>
1247 With the above, users will have access to site wide libraries
1248 and only need to put in a design <b>project</b> file
1249 lines for <b>schematics</b> and <b>output-name</b>. But they
1250 also are free to have their own additional user and/or project
1251 specific symbol and element libraries.
1252 </blockquote>
1254 <h3>PC Board Fabrication</h3>
1255 <blockquote>
1256 Someday I may add some notes here on how I make pc boards.
1257 </blockquote>
1259 <hr>
1260 <address>
1261 <p align=center>
1262 <a href=""
1263 name="">gsch2pcb Home</a>
1264 <br>
1265 Bill Wilson <A HREF=""></A>
1266 <br>
1267 </p>
1268 </address>
1271 </body>
1272 </html>